#i only have one way to ventilate and that's to open my patio door
dp1nk · 1 year
aleks, zelda and the dying braincells
i didn't think i would be here to type this. no seriously. things have escalated to a very disturbing level since i started humorously chronicling my efforts to get neighbors evicted for fucking with my air.
once in a while, one must put their head into the space of someone who knows what they're doing wrong and can't take the inevitable consequences. what would you do if you were knowingly turning an innocent single lesbian's upstairs apartment into a literal gas chamber, then were being threatened with a court case that would make it difficult for you to rent apartments for a few years?
you'd probably be pissed right? you'd throw away all your fucks and blow your apartment up even more, right? of course. i'm not stupid, i expected that, and expected to hear yelling and arguing between my neighbor and her stay-at-home boyfriend, who hasn't had the balls to confront me about this and sends her to do it.
what i didn't expect was to be having some wine last night, eating my pesto, and suddenly having an overpowering smell of bleach in my flat at 10 pm. and it smelled like pure chlorine, to the point that i couldn't get it out of my flat fast enough, and it made me dizzy and gave me the worst feeling of being on the verge of a panic attack.
and for almost the entire night, those two were arguing *loud*. so i left my noisemaker up (at a volume that isn't meant to annoy them), but lena and i spent some time bonding by chatting on our phone, because high stress makes us dissociate to the point that we get really scrambled and it's how we maintain composure. (it's one of the features of our disorder but it works, and it's why i go from i to we sometimes - it's a sign i'm under so much stress that my crewmates are more active, because our jobs are to keep these experiences from our host's consciousness - and it works, but we've been switching non stop because of this situation like a trainer with fainted pokemon. just some context.)
and we chatted with another friend aware of our did on discord til 5 am as usual, because this tobacco smoke reliably floods our flat and makes it very difficult to get to sleep. and we're incredibly worried about zelda, but trying to stay in the corners of rooms like roaches trying to avoid fumigation chemicals.
around 3 am there was an explosion that shook the whole building so hard, i thought it was going to come down. i thought the neighbors had started physically fighting and were throwing each other and i was ready to dial for the police... but when there was no noise to come, i decided it must have been a gas heater malfunctioning. they don't really make explosive noises; more like a big dull POOF sound, but they can easily and suddenly decimate a building - and there's tornadoes around here right now. if that was enough to shake the entire building how it did, a hurricane or tornado will not have trouble knocking it over.
but i digress. lena suddenly realized that it didn't seem to make sense that they would clean their flat at such an hour with such strong chlorine, then start randomly arguing. she assumed they literally murdered someone and used it to clean the scene. but it was gone and we spent a good while coming up with reasons why this was happening last night - to us, and just in general.
but, in the end, we decided we might be acting paranoid and that it couldn't be possible that it was some kind of deliberate attempt to gas us dead. how? why? they know they won't get away with it. we just want to believe we're dealing with responsible, working-class neighbors who happen to be huge, potentially homophobic assholes. (but i refuse to believe it! it can't be over our flag, it truly just can't!)
and so we decided to ignore it, went to sleep. woke up in 6 hours, adding 2 more to our really big sleep debt again. i'm unfathomably tired; hurricane week is here for me, and i'm at the end of my wits with this, but i can't let it go now.
(and even if i wanted to, i have no way to move and nowhere to go, and if i did that they'd just get away with continuing to terrorize someone else who moves in, so i think the better option is patiently hoping that this property manager is moving as quickly as she can knowing how i can sue the owners of the complex of so much money at this point. and it could very well come to that because a lawyer would be one of the only things i can afford right now .)
if my post is rambly this time around, it's because i'm so dissociated and fried from this new chlorine-like smell. it actually resembles ammonia too, and i genuinely assumed that because it seemed to accompany or follow the tobacco smoke, they were just trying to cover their tracks.
then, as i was sobbing helplessly in bed from the stress... lena grabbed our phone out of nowhere and asked it, in her cute little accent, "HEY GOOGLE... what's meth smoke smell like?"
...........guess what it fucking smells like. i had no idea it smells like cleaning chemicals. did you?
now you do. you're welcome.
putting all the clues together, it all suddenly makes so much sense; denying the smoke came from them, the smell last night (wednesday being their day off from work) resembling cleaning chemicals, their incredibly loud, violent arguing, making us dizzy, causing us to panic, making it hard to sleep...
they haven't been cleaning. they've been cooking and smoking meth all this time.
god... jesus... the bear from the regency square mall... help me and see me through this, and don't let me or my cat come out of it with complications. because i am at a loss of what i can do now, knowing i've done everything in my power and all i can do is wait and hope.
okay i gotta throw up now. i sure hope this doesn't get worse though.
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tmntgirlie · 4 years
Saviors in a Half Shell Turtles x Fem!Reader Hinted Leo x Fem!Reader
!TW! Attempted Suicide !TW!
"All in a night's work, huh, guys?" Leonardo boasted. He would never tire from leaping rooftop to rooftop in that city. The adrenaline rush, the confidence boost- he ached for more.
"So much for the most powerful gang in the city! Looked like they were about to wet themselves," Raphael snickered, leaping one step ahead of his elder. "I'd wet myself if I were up against us, too, as a human."
Longing to blend in was a thing of the past. With all the good they did for the city, the four brothers learned that they preferred to be thankless heroes. April made sure they were barely even a shadow, no echoes of who they were or where they came from. Those that did see them were... Let's just say they would never wish to speak of them. They knew the consequences.
After all, four over six foot tall ninjas? You definitely don't want to be on their bad side.
It was seven years since their first experience topside. Seven years since they finally met the woman that saved them. Seven years silently fighting, growing closer with each mission, each victory.
To be honest, Leo wasn't sure if Mikey was happier with each new personal best or when he got to pick up takeout on the street corner. He treated both instances as the same.
“Scanner’s starting to slow down for the night, should we call it? There’s this Thai food place we could order from, I hear they’re really good!” Donatello said, easily taking up the rear of his brothers. He barely focused on the obstacles in front of him, instead looking directly into the screen of his glasses.
He swore he wouldn’t actually go blind using them all the time.
“Go ahead, then, what are you waiting for-?” Leonardo began to shout.
He stopped.
One by one, his brothers ran into his shell at full force, almost knocking him to his knees. “Watch it!” he whisper-yelled, shaking his head.
“Leo, what’s with the-”
“Shh!” He gestured to the nearest edge of the rooftop.
Like most rooftops in New York City, it wasn’t completely flat. It had air conditioning units, ventilation systems, some even boasted botanical gardens if they residents were daring enough. This one was rather plain, with only a small door leading to a stairway down, a few patio chairs, and a two foot deep lipped edge. Two feet of presumably concrete was all that stood between the rooftop and the city beneath.
No, this didn’t seem right. What was this girl doing standing on that ledge?
“Do you think she’s meditating? Should we leave her alone?” Michelangelo whispered to his brothers.
Donnie gave him a firm nudge. “No, people don’t just- just meditate on the edge of a high platform like this.”
“Is she looking at the stars?”
“No, she’s looking down, Mikey. Stupid.”
Leonardo felt his breath hitch as he realized what they were about to witness.
Crime fighting was one thing. It was becoming almost second nature to the mutant turtle family. As easy as breathing, essentially.
“Uh, Miss? Are you okay?” Leonardo called out after a brief moment of silence between his brothers.
“You guys should leave. You shouldn’t be up here.” Something about her voice didn’t sit right with Leo.
He quickly ushered his brothers into the shadow of the rooftop doorway. Even if she turned around, she wouldn’t see them. She couldn’t see them.
“Are you okay? You’re awful close to that ledge,” Leonardo said, choosing his words as carefully as he could.
“You should leave,” she repeated. The woman didn’t move, still looking towards the ground. It was such a long way down.
What on Earth was she thinking?
“What’s your name?” he asked, holding up a quick hand to his brothers. He didn’t want anything said that might set her off. She was so close to that ledge. One step and…
“My name?” the woman said, speaking quieter now. “Why would you care what my name is? What’s yours?”
“My name is Leonardo. I’d like to know your name.”
None of his training prepared him for something like this. What could possibly be on her mind for her to be this close to falling? All on her own accord.
The woman leaned back on her heels, taking in a deep breath. “Y/N.”
“Y/N? That’s a lovely name.”
“Thanks,” she said through grinding teeth.
Leonardo took quick breaths in and out. Think, Leo, Think.
He felt his heart jump out of his shell as she shifted her weight back on her toes, leaning more into the thin air. “Wait!” he yelled on impulse.
“You should leave,” Y/N said again, shaking her head, her hair shifting back and forth against her neck. “I don’t want company right now.”
“I can’t leave. I swore to myself and my family to protect the citizens of this city. That means you, even if it’s against yourself.” Leonardo felt like he heard the words he said out loud before he heard them in his mind. He hoped to all that was good that he could get this woman out of this situation.
“Leo, we should…” Raphael whispered, though at the look of his elder, he stopped his train of thought. No.
The woman on the edge forced a laugh. “Don’t you have Thai food to get or something?”
“Do you want some?”
“I don’t think I’ll need any, actually.”
That wasn’t the answer Leo had expected. He took a small step forward, on the edge of the shadow and the light from the moon. “What do you want?”
Y/N began to shift back on her heels, exhaling. Ten seconds went by, but it felt like an eternity. Leo was ready to jump forward. “What does anybody want? Really?”
This was a type of low Leonardo never thought he would witness. How was it possible that someone would be so close to the edge, quite literally, and just not seem to care one way or the other? How could that be possible?
“You know, I never really thought I’d make it this far,” she said suddenly. “In life, this far… This close. I never thought I’d make it.”
Leo took the smallest of steps forward as he could, light barely reaching his forehead. “What do you mean?”
“Here I am, in the Big Apple, making my way through life. I’m successful, I have a good credit score, I have my own place. Why does it feel like I still have nothing?”
Shit. What was he supposed to say to that?
“Don’t you have family?”
She scoffed. “Hardly. Dad’s dead, mother’s a narcissistic sociopath, and sister is a hotshot accountant in the Midwest. Words I never thought I’d say about her.”
“Do you know how hard it is to keep friends when you feel like a prisoner inside your own head?”
Leonardo sucked in a breath. “Look, I’m not going to let you do this. If you jump, you lose.”
“What could I possibly have to lose?”
“Don’t you want there to be a chance that it will get better?”
“Wanting that chance has got me this far. I’d say ‘chances’ are pretty slim.”
Leonardo growled, shaking his head. When he opened his mouth to speak, he saw the tip of her shoe begin to slip. “No, wait-!” He had never felt his heart beat so fast in his life. Did he fail?
Before he could think, he felt his body run to the edge of the rooftop faster than he thought he could ever go. Leonardo reached out his arm to grab hers. “Y/N!”
He couldn’t fail. Failure wasn’t an option.
Leo had barely blinked when he saw red in his peripheral. As he grabbed one arm, he felt his brother beside him, holding onto the woman’s other arm just as tightly, her legs dangling beneath her.
The woman shut her eyes tightly. “I told you to leave! Why can’t you leave me be? I’m a nobody! You don’t even know me!”
“We don’t have to know you to care, miss,” Leonardo said quietly. “We care about all citizens. Well, most of them. And you don’t seem like one of the bad ones.”
Y/N opened her eyes and looked up at her two… Rescuers? Unwelcomed heroes? “You- You- What-”
“I thought you said to stay in the shadows, Leonardo,” Donatello whisper-shouted across the rooftop, keeping as far from them as possible. He didn’t want to think about what was going through Mikey’s head right then. It couldn’t be good.
“You- What-” Y/N stammered as the two mutant turtles pulled her from the rooftop’s edge. They sat her down gently against the pavement, away from the edge. The brothers exchanged glances with one another, only barely looking back to the two that completed the foursome. It was silently agreed that this was necessary.
“Who are you?” Y/N finally said, closing her eyes tightly just to open them again.
“Now, that’s a loaded question,” Raphael said with a small snicker as his brother elbowed him. He held nothing back. “Hey!”
“Right now, we are just strangers that care about your safety,” Leonardo told her, finally able to look this woman in the eyes. They were blue, like his, and almost a perfect match. “Do you think you’ll be okay?”
Y/N sucked in another breath. “I don’t know- Hey! What do you think you’re doing?”
It took less than a second for Raph to fling the woman over his shoulder like a ragdoll. He shrugged sheepishly at his elder brother, who glared daggers. “Looks like we’re getting Thai for five tonight, boys.”
“Hey! This is kidnapping!”
“What are your other options? We send you to a mental institution? I don’t think so,” Donatello scoffed as he stepped out from the shadows. “Mental health facilities are not at all satisfactory in this country.”
“Think of this as ‘suicide watch’, miss. It’s for your own good,” Leonardo said. “We’re not gonna hurt ya. We want to help.”
For the second time that night, Y/N seemed to just give in. Her body lost its tension against the strange being holding her. She gave up. What else could really go wrong now? Suicide watch, huh?
“I’ll tell the Master we’re having company,” Donatello told his brothers.
Master? Who were these ‘rescuers’, anyway?
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Kitty Love Zine Collaboration
We’re finally able to share our pieces! This was a very special zine for me, because it was the Marichat side of the lovesquare that gave me recognition as a writer in the Miraculous Ladybug fandom. Being part of this project was basically a dream come true. So huge thank you to the @kittylovezine team for allowing me to be part of this wonderful zine.
Also, huge shoutout to @corgi-likes-chat, who made the gorgeous art that goes along with my story (check it out here) and also made stickers. And to @128andfalling for being a wonderful beta and helping me make the story come out at its best.
There’s also leftovers being sold right now, so hurry up and check here, before they run out.
A Breath of You
Any other day, Marinette would be transformed helping Chat Noir fight whatever akuma Hawkmoth sent. Unfortunately, the one day she decided to leave Tikki with Master Fu while she delivered new designs to Jagged Stone was the one day an akuma attacked Le Grand Paris.
Triton, as the aqua-controlling villain called himself, trapped Marinette and Chat Noir in the kitchen of the hotel and started to flood the room with water. 
“Don’t worry. I’ll get us outta here,” Chat Noir assured as the water reached their waists.
He started beating the ice that was holding the doors to the dinning room shut. Because controlling water was not enough, Marinette thought miserably, hoping the water now soaking her shirt would not suddenly change state.
After several wacks with his staff, Chat Noir had barely dented the thick ice.
“It’s working!”
“Is there any way to go faster?”
The boy turned to look at her with a confused frown, only to realize the water was already reaching Marinette’s chest. By instinct, he lifted her atop the nearby counter, the water now at her calves.
“Stand there while I break that.”
“What about when it reaches your head?” Marinette asked worriedly.
“I’m a superhero, remember?” With a wink, he went back to the doors and continued his labor.
“You’re not invincible, Chat,” she shot back.
But the boy didn’t respond, focusing instead on the task at hand. Only minutes had passed before the water was once again reaching Marinette’s waist and Chat Noir struggled to keep himself afloat.
“Just use Cataclysm!”
“I can’t!”
Instead of responding, Chat Noir took a deep breath and swam towards Marinette. He climbed the counter and placed his hands on her shoulders.
“Marinette, can you swim?”
“Why are you ask—”
“Can you swim?!”
“I-I… well, y-yeah, but why are you asking?!”
Chat Noir bit his lip. “There’s more water leaking out from the other side. If I use Cataclysm, it could drown you. I could never forgive myself if something awful happened to you.”
“But what about you?” Marinette clutched his elbows.
“I can handle it,” he assured. She wasn’t convinced.
He didn’t give her time to argue, instead swimming back to the frozen doors. The minutes passed. The water rose. Chat Noir now had to take breaks to surface for air. As for Marinette, the liquid soaked her shoulders.
With newfound concern, she called to Chat Noir.
“Almost there. I promise,” he insisted, swimming back to her.
“And what’s gonna happen once those doors burst open? Which is going to happen.”
“Not if I can help it,” he declared. The water touched Marinette’s chin, and Chat Noir placed his hand under it. “Just hold on a little longer. ”
“Please be careful,” Marinette insisted.
Chat Noir gave her an adoring grin before diving underwater. It wasn’t long before Marinette had to start swimming to keep herself afloat. She could have sworn the kitchen was filling up faster than before. And worse: Chat Noir had been under for too long.
Marinette inhaled deeply and submerged herself in the water. To her relief, the boy was still working on the doors. She could see water coming through cracks in the ice, although much quicker than she expected. Furthermore, Chat Noir didn’t seem to notice the cracks expand as more water rushed in.
Before she could warn him, the doors blew open and flew off their hinges. A large chunk of ice and wood hit Chat Noir’s forehead, knocking him unconscious.
Marinette tried to scream his name, but instead swallowed a mouthful of water. She searched frantically until her eyes landed on the staff sinking to the floor.
Pushing her feet against the wall, she dove down, reaching for the staff to use as a respirator.
After several lung-filling breaths, she took hold of Chat Noir and scanned the kitchen for another exit. It was clear going back the way they came was too dangerous. More so, Chat Noir probably didn’t have long before his unconsciousness became permanent.
Her gaze zeroed in on the large ventilation system above the stoves. Was it big enough to fit both of them? And how would she uncover the large metallic tube to swim to the outside? Would the water even lead them outside?
That was a risk she had to take. Letting go of Chat Noir, she took a deep breath and braced the baton against the wall. Pressing the button, Marinette extended it fast and long enough to hit the exhaust hood, breaking it from its place and uncovering the vents. Marinette grabbed the boy around his chest and started paddling as hard as she could, using the baton as a respirator again. While the vents fit both of them, it was still difficult to move in an area not meant for swimming.
She pushed upward although her muscles started protesting. There was no way she was letting this be their downfall, even if she currently didn’t have the power of Ladybug. Or even her kwami, for that matter. 
The fan was finally in sight. Following her instincts, Marinette extended the baton once again to break through it. The whole thing momentarily flew before landing with a heavy thud. As soon as her head broke through the water, she grabbed onto the edge, pulling herself up as best as she could while towing a second body along.
She heaved and grunted as she dragged Chat Noir out of the water and finally into oxygen filled air.
“Chat Noir?” Marinette called, but he didn’t respond. “Chat Noir?!”
She tried tapping his cheeks, but there was no reaction. Marinette placed her ear to his chest, yet his faint heartbeat only seemed to slow.
“Okay, okay,” she tried calming herself. “Think back, how many compressions was it? Wait, should I give air first since he’s not breathing? No, remember the instructions.”
Marinette threw her weight into each compression as she counted to thirty. Blocking all thoughts on the implication of her next move, she tilted Chat Noir’s head. Lifting his chin, she pinched his nose and placed her lips on his. She watched for his chest to rise with the first breath, and then gave him the second one.
Still unconscious.
Marinette continued CPR. Thirty compressions; two breaths. Nothing.
“Please, don’t do this to me!” she yelled as she repeated the cycle. “I can’t do this without you. I need my partner. My friend. My…”
She didn’t finish, instead pressing her lips against his again.
Water filled her mouth as Chat Noir coughed out the liquid in his lungs. Turning on his side, he propped himself up on an elbow, coughing aggressively.
Marinette slapped a hand to her mouth, relief washing over her. The feeling was so overwhelming tears streamed down her cheeks. As the adrenaline started to fade, only one thought remained: Chat Noir almost died.
He almost died in her arms, and she would have been powerless to do anything about it. He almost left her life forever, and she would had never gotten the chance to tell him how she truly felt about him.
Wait. How did she feel about him?
She didn’t remember feeling so scared to lose him until that moment. Not that she ever thought about it before. But now? His absence would mean no more late afternoon visits to her balcony. No more Eiffel Tower meetups. No more ill-timed jokes at which she could roll her eyes. No more roses left on her patio chair while she was out.
No more of the boy who somehow stole her heart.
“Marinette?” His soothing—although currently hoarse—voice spoke. “Why are you crying? What happened?”
The girl hugged herself, more tears rolling down her face. He opened his mouth to ask again, but Marinette didn’t let him speak, rather throwing her arms around his neck.
“You almost died!” she sobbed. “Why are you worried about me? What is it with you and worrying about other people first before yourself? You can’t just ask me why I’m crying when you almost died!”
Despite Chat Noir’s surprise, he softly returned the embrace.
“Marinette, I’m oka—”
“No!” she protested, pulling back enough to look at his face. “This is not okay. I am not okay. You are not okay. I almost lost you, and I don’t know what I would’ve done if that happened.”
Chat Noir blinked, processing what she had just said. As Marinette reflected on her own words, a feeling of embarrassment crept up. She was about to withdraw, when the superhero tenderly rested his forehead against hers.
“I’m sorry you had to rescue me,” he whispered.
Marinette’s heart thudded loudly in her ears. He was so close she could barely think straight. Not to mention how tempting it was to close the gap between them.
“J-just... try not to do it again.”
Chat Noir hummed in agreement, yet didn’t move. The pair sat quietly, afraid if they went their separate ways, they would never see each other again.
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avaantares · 4 years
My New Ventilated Social-Distancing Movie Theatre
(or, how I bought a 2020-proof social life for less than $100)
So the USA is (still) a hot mess in terms of pandemic response. Because both my father and I are at increased risk for complications from COVID-19, and my sister and I have to work together in person to run our workshops, my entire family has been in a state of self-quarantine for six months straight (with no end in sight). But it’s hard being in constant isolation, so the four households that comprise my local family have been doing weekly outdoor gatherings -- with plenty of hand sanitizer and safely-spaced tables -- so we can see each other and socialize at a distance. However, that’s only feasible when the weather cooperates.
I’ve also really missed watching movies with friends, which prior to the pandemic had been a regular activity. I have a 70-year-old tripod screen I inherited from my grandfather and a projector I use for running panels at conventions, so we’ve watched occasional DVDs outdoors, but we could only do that on evenings without wind (which could tear the brittle screen) or rain (which would damage the projector), and we have to be careful not to have the sound too loud because it might disturb the neighbors.
A couple weeks ago, when our city delayed reopening again due to rising COVID-19 case numbers, I decided to convert half of my garage into an outdoor movie theatre. It turned out pretty well, and it only cost about what I would spend on movie tickets in an average year (and since I’m not going to any movies in 2020, it’s pretty much a wash). I’m sharing the details in case it gives anyone else ideas for making a health-conscious social hangout!
Obviously YMMV, and in areas with higher case numbers (hi, FL & AZ), this still might be too much contact. Be safe and follow official recommendations to prevent viral spread, folks!
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The Space
Before I settled on the garage, I considered building a movie space under a tent canopy (nixed because they’re almost impossible to anchor through Midwest storm winds) or carport kit (too expensive and high-maintenance for me), so there are definitely other options depending on where you live, your typical weather, and what space you have available!
My garage has an unusual layout that allows for better-than-average ventilation. When it was first built, it was a 2 1/2-car garage with the doors facing the street and windows on the side. About 40 years later, the owners decided to move the driveway to the other side of the house, so they built a second garage attached to the drive-door side and knocked out an end wall to put in a new overhead door. This means that by square footage, the garage could hold four cars, but the way the drive doors are situated, it’s a divided two-car garage with a bunch of extra space at the far end. The two sides are connected by one of the original overhead doors, which means that three of the four walls have openings that allow for air movement. (More on that below.)
Normally there’s a car in each side of the garage, but I decided I was willing to park outside all summer for the sake of having a social life. Over the course of a week, I emptied and thoroughly cleaned the half of the garage that has the windows.
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Air Flow
Constant fresh air flow is critical to flushing aerosolized particles that can spread the virus, so in order to make a safe indoor space, I had to simulate outdoor air movement. I opened all three overhead doors and both windows, then placed several fans to draw air through the building: One in each window, one along the side wall, and a box fan in the connecting door between the two sides of the garage to pull more air in from the outside. To make sure air was actually moving through the building and not just circulating within it, I turned on all the fans while I was sweeping the (very dusty) floor and walls, and adjusted the fan angles until the dust blew straight out the overhead door, rather hanging in the air or gathering in the corners. (Experts recommend that to prevent virus transmission, indoor spaces should have 100% air turnover every 10 minutes; obviously I have no way of testing that in a garage, but there is a constant light breeze through the building and stuff seems to be blowing out, so I feel pretty good about it.)
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Projection Setup
I already had the projector and DVD player (I took the one out of my living room, since I usually just watch DVDs on my game console anyway), but I wanted a larger wall-mounted screen, since my grandfather’s 1950s screen was designed for showing vacation slides in a living room, not wide-screen films. Hanging fabric screens are very cheap, but I opted for a 120″ retractable screen so it would stay clean in the dusty garage. I also have an old set of monitor speakers that provide nice stereo sound.
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The beauty of setting up in a garage is that it’s basically outdoors, so you can use lawn furniture or bean bags or old chairs you pulled out of someone’s trash (I do this regularly; it’s how I got my entire patio set). Measuring out at least 6 feet between each table and staggering their positions so nobody was directly downwind of another table, I set up all the card tables and folding tables I owned, and put a pair of chairs by each one so that couples from the same household could share a table but not be in close contact with any other groups. I put my largest folding table (which was also salvaged from the trash -- seriously, it’s the best way to get stuff!) against the wall right by the open door to serve as a snack table, so it’s on the opposite wall from the seating and nobody would be breathing on the food. I covered all the tables with decorative heavy-duty vinyl tablecloths (mostly for sanitation purposes, because those tables have been sitting out in my garage and I know I’ve had raccoons and opossums out there -- not to mention the colony of bats that lives in the loft off the back of the garage).
This setup can seat up to eight people, and even provides a place for serving food. (I put pump bottles of hand sanitizer on each table and on the food table, and people wear face masks when they’re loading up their plates, so there’s minimal contamination risk there.)
Total Cost
My out-of-pocket cost for this whole project was only about $83, though that’s because I already had a lot of stuff lying around. Here’s a more complete breakdown:
Fans: I already owned the box fan ($25 new) and a couple other fans that I’d picked up super cheap at garage sales ($5 or so), because my house is old and the HVAC is not very efficient. The only new fan I bought for this project was a refurbished air circulator from Amazon ($14), because I needed a small but high-velocity fan to fit in a window.
Projection setup: The only new thing I bought was the screen, which was $65 including shipping (though non-retractable fabric screens start around $10-15, so if you’re on a budget you can get one very cheap). I bought the projector used on eBay about eight years ago. I think I paid around $40 for it then, but prices have come down since; I’ve seen discount projectors for as low as $20. The DVD player is a cheapo region free model, which I got a decade ago for maybe $30. The speakers were secondhand; I’ve also used an old set of external PC speakers ($10 from Goodwill) when running video off my laptop, and they worked well enough in the indoor space.
Seating: Almost all the outdoor furniture I own came from other people’s trash, so I didn’t pay anything for it! Any kind of seating or tables will work, though. I did invest about $4 for new tablecloths, which I got on seasonal clearance.
Bonus Perks
I’ve discovered that the garage walls block a LOT of light and sound unless you’re standing directly outside the drive doors, so we can watch movies for half the night or stay up late chatting and we aren’t disturbing the neighbors! We couldn’t run movies out on the patio late at night because the sound would carry to neighboring houses.
Also, when we’re watching a film in the evening, we get to watch my bats fly through the garage on their way to and from dinner! (Which might be an annoyance to the bats if we were out there all the time, but we try to keep our volume low and we’re only out there about once a week, so I don’t think we’re disturbing them too much.) Bats are protected in my state, as some of the native species are critically endangered, and we try to encourage nesting as they’re essential to pest insect control. I love watching them fly around!
The setup also works well for video games. A local friend and I had been playing online, late at night because it was the only time we could get enough bandwidth to maintain connection (the ISP in my area is not super reliable), but now we can sit on opposite sides of the garage and play local co-op with no lag:
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So, in summary, my “movie theatre” is by no means a luxurious setup, but it was cheap :) and it’s a great way for my small pandemic social bubble to get together and chat, have a movie night, or play games without risking being in a closed room together.
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randomoranges · 4 years
ok so i’ve had this idea for ages. it was og meant as a pre-amnesia/post-amnesia thing. you know the type. but, if you squint real hard it could just me some rando au where they meet when they’re in uni and grow old and happy together.
find yourself a weirdo if that’s your thing :) 
Sushi for Two
 Message from Étienne (Roommate)
Questions: 1. Do you like sushi? 2. Are you coming home tonight?
 Edward is locked up in some study cubicle, nose deep in a myriad of textbooks, trying to get a head start on his never-ending pile of homework and assignments, when the message comes in. He thinks of ignoring it, but to be honest, he’s been on the same problem for the past thirty minutes, he’s been at it for the past three hours and he really should take a break. Therefore, he puts his mechanical pencil down and picks up his phone to see the message.
 Message de Édouard Answers: 1. Yes? 2. Yes??
 Étienne beams from his roost on the kitchen counter upon getting the answer. He keeps swinging his legs as he taps out an answer for his roommate and then steals another sushi piece from the half-empty plastic container on the counter beside him.
 Message from Étienne (Roommate)
Excellent! I may or may not have ordered too much and figured I could share. However, if you want any, you better get home soon, or I might just finish it off by myself. (There really is a lot.) (Please save me from myself.) (Why the fuck is sushi so goddamn good?)
 Edward can’t help but chuckle. His roommate is – odd at times, but he always means well. Étienne’s good for a laugh and to be honest, he likes hanging out with him.
 His stomach growls at the idea of free food and he figures he might as well head home. He can get another hour or so done after supper. He ran out of snacks anyways.
 Edward packs his bags and then heads out, letting the cold winter air wake him up some from the stuffy study cubicle he had been in.
 Edward makes it home in less than thirty minutes and lets his bag fall to the ground before removing his boots, jacket, scarf, tuque, and mittens. Of course, there’s already jazz music playing and he’s not even surprised. He’s come to associate the music with Étienne and more often than not, Edward has come home to hear it playing from some speaker, be it the one from the living room, or from Étienne’s computer in his room. It’s even gotten to the point where Edward can recognise some tunes and he’s even asked for the name of at least two songs that he actually really enjoyed. (Étienne had looked ecstatic. He’d even let him borrow the album.) (Edward hadn’t had the heart to tell him that he hadn’t liked the other tracks on it.)
 Étienne lowers the music once he sees him and waves him over to the prized container of sushi.
 “Were you expecting people over?” Edward says when he sees the multiple plastic boxes of sushi littering the counter. There are at least five and two are empty, while a third one has a decent dent in it.
 “I was really hungry and I just ordered all my favourites,” He sounds apologetic and half-guilty, like a child scolded trying to make their case for their actions. Edward laughs, amused by Étienne’s antics, and rolls his eyes. This must have cost a small fortune, but he supposes that’s not his problem.
 “That’s the worst way to order food.” He admonishes gently.
 “Do you want free sushi or not?”
 Edward mimes zipping his mouth shut and Étienne nods, pleased, and then hands over a container and motions for Edward to join him on the counter.
 Edward isn’t convinced by the idea and gives his roommate a questionable look, “You know we have perfectly good chairs and a very sturdy table. I’m sure it can hold your mountain of sushi.”
 “Shut up, Murphy; this is the only way to eat take-out sushi.” There’s a teasing grin to Étienne’s retort and Edward rolls his eyes and hops up onto the counter. Étienne seems tremendously pleased and Edward figures there’s at least that.
 “Lemme guess, you want me to eat with my hands like a heathen?”
 Étienne scoffs and nudges the chopsticks out of Edward’s reach. Edward sighs, rolls his eyes, and then picks out a sushi piece, before popping it into his mouth. He likes the variety of textures and flavours, even if he has no idea what’s in it. It’s good, is what matters, and it hits the spot.
 They eat this way for a while, tranquil, sitting on the kitchen counter, Étienne’s legs still swinging wildly, and Edward comes to agree with the fact that perhaps this is the best way to eat sushi after all.
 “You know,” Edward starts to say when they start picking at another box, “I always liked to eat the leftover sushi on the day after. When it’s a little bit hard. Is that weird?” He says it softly, as if confessing to some deep, shameful secret, but Étienne gasps and looks excited by the shared secret.
 “Me too! My sister said I was weird! I sometimes got extra just so I could have hard day old sushi!”
 A laugh bubbles out of Edward’s chest that takes hold of Étienne and they both laugh at this shared absurdity.
 “I once ordered sushi specifically to eat it the day after,” Edward ads.
 “That’s brilliant! Why didn’t I ever think of that?!”
 For as much as Étienne is a bit of an oddball, he’s also relatable to a fault at times and Edward has found a kindred spirit in him in the few months he’s been in the city.
 “There’s a place back home that’s really good. Like – really, really good. I go there every time I go back home. If ever, for some absurd reason, you’re in town, I’ll take you to it.” He knows he sounds a little hesitant and shy, but the idea of someone like Étienne coming out west to Alberta for any reason whatsoever always sounds odd to him. Étienne seems as though he’d fit best in some bohemian city and not someplace like Edmonton. Still, he can’t help but imagine, if only for a moment, what it would be like to have his friend over, but he rids his mind of such thoughts before they get the best of him.
 “Absolutely! You better! Plus you need to take me to your Butter Dish Palace and Talus Valley.”
 Edward near chokes laughing and has to hold himself from falling off the counter, “Oh my God – it’s – it’s the Butterdome and the Talus Dome. Then there’s the River Valley. They’re just silly landmarks though... well – ok the River Valley is legit, but –”
 Étienne cuts him off before he can go off, “Listen, you’ve shown me photos, you’ve mentioned them forty thousand times, I’ve brought you to the silly landmarks of this city – it’s only fair! I want to see these places with my own eyes! And then you can take me to sushi. It’s the way it’s gotta go, Murphy. I keep bringing you to bagels and other food.”
 Edward wants to argue the point, but Étienne is right. In any event, he highly doubts Étienne will actually ever come out to visit him. Still – Étienne is an unpredictable fellow, he might just surprise him.
 “All right, all right – hand over the other container now.”
 Message de Eddy
1. Do you want sushi?
2. Do you plan on coming home at some point?
 Étienne looks away from his easel when he hears his phone chime. He puts down his paintbrush and stretches, before walking over to the worktable where he’s abandoned his phone. It’s been one of those days where he’s locked himself up in the studio and lost all sense of time. He’s been working on a new painting of his – something for his latest series and figured he’d use the day to get a head start. He’s been at it for hours now and his stomach growls in hunger at the idea of sushi. He knows he could use a break. It feels as though his head has been swimming in turpentine, so maybe a change of air is good.
 Message from Teddy <3
1. Always.
2. Only if you’re there as well <3
 Edward grins to himself when he gets the message from his spot on the kitchen counter. He taps out an answer on his phone and tries to rein himself in from stealing yet another piece of sushi from the already open plastic container. He could eat the rest and pretend there weren’t as many containers, but he knows better.
 Message de Eddy
Perfect. I may or may not have a large amount of sushi and I figured I could be nice and share, instead of stuffing my face in it, since you’ve been ignoring me for the past several days. Therefore, if you want any, you better get your butt here. Or I will finish these off by myself. You know I can. (Please, don’t let me do that again. It’s not worth it.)
 Étienne laughs; his partner is a gift, honestly. Edward is always good for a laugh and always knows when and how to pull him out from his intense work periods when he somehow or other manages to neglect all basic needs such as food and sleep. It’s as if he has a sixth sense for these things.
 Étienne rinses off his paintbrush and tidies up a bit. He figures he might as well take a break and call it a day. He can drive Edward crazy and work on some more coloured sketches instead, just to get a rise out of him.
 He shuts the lights and then heads out, letting the change of light and air wake him up some from the smell of paint and turpentine he had been in. (Ventilation only went so far at times, even if it hadn’t been that bad and the patio doors had been open.)
 Étienne makes it home in less than three minutes and lets himself fall to the bench by the door before removing his shoes and slipping on his slippers. Of course, there’s already jazz music playing and he’s not even surprised. Edward is a giant softy and likes to set up these things for him. He’s come to associate a nice night in with the playlist of jazz music Edward has collected over the years and more often than not, Étienne has been surprised by the rather large collection Edward has garnered with time. It’s even gotten to the point where sometimes, Edward will surprise him with news about a jazz band that he used to follow once upon a time, as if Edward has kept up with them over these long years. (There have been times when Edward has informed him about bands that he no longer cares about.) (Étienne hadn’t had the heart to tell him that he didn’t follow them anymore. Edward had looked ecstatic. Étienne didn’t want to ruin that.)
 Edward hops off the kitchen counter and comes to greet him instead, before helping him over back to the counter.
 “I didn’t know we were having people over,” Étienne says as he accepts a hand from Edward to get onto the counter. There are at least six containers of sushi and one has at least a piece missing from it.
 “I just ordered our favourites and I figured you’d appreciate lunch tomorrow.” He doesn’t sound apologetic and neither does he sound guilty. Instead, he’s defiant, daring Étienne to call him out on his brilliant plan. Étienne rolls his eyes, amused, and fond by Edward’s antics. This must have cost a small fortune, but he supposes that’s not his problem.
 He shakes his head for good measure and Edward gently shoves at his shoulder.
 “Do you want free sushi or not?”
 Étienne answers by reaching over for one of the containers and offers first pick to Edward as a peace offering. Edward nods, pleased, and takes a piece he’d been eyeing since the container had arrived. He then motions for Étienne to join him.
 There are no chopsticks and there is no need for much conversation. There’s a perfectly good set of chairs and a very sturdy table they could use, but the kitchen counter makes it all the better, especially when they’re sitting at it. They’re tranquil, pleased in each other’s company and the whole setting helps enhance the flavours of the now very familiar sushi. It’s good, still, and it hits the spot.
 Étienne still swings his legs out of habit and Edward stills it with his foot for a moment, before leaning in close. Étienne stops and lets him have the moment for the time being. Even after all these years, this is still the best way to eat sushi, in his humble opinion.
 “You know,” Étienne starts to say when they start picking at another box, “Forget lunch; I’d rather have these for breakfast with you tomorrow morning.”
 Edward looks at him for a moment and then grins, soft and pleased, “There’s just something about leftover sushi on the day after.” He adds. Étienne nods and steals the next piece, before Edward can get to it.
 “Weirdo,” Étienne says, mouth full, grin wide.
 “Your weirdo.” Edward corrects.
 Étienne smiles at him, soft and sweet, and oh so very pleased. “My weirdo,” He agrees.
 “We make a good pair of weirdoes.” Edward says after a lapsed moment of silence, once they’ve slowed down on the intake of sushi.
 Étienne leans his head on his shoulder as an answer and they fall quiet once again in the knowledge of the statement. They remain seated on their kitchen counter, sushi boxes littering the place for a while longer, before they’ll get stacked away in the refrigerator, and then eaten the following morning at that strange but delicious consistency they both like. They’ll sit beside the Butterdome butter dish Edward had brought back from Edmonton that one winter and will remain hidden behind the refrigerator door filled with magnets of all the strange but wonderful landmarks of both Montréal, Edmonton and all the other wonderful and sometimes strange cities they’d visited over the years.
 It doesn’t matter what Étienne’s sister thinks, but when they’ll next head over to Edmonton for a visit, Edward knows Étienne will find another magnet to add of his favourite “Talus Valley.” They’ll stop by Kyoto, the place Edward had mentioned ages ago, like they always do when they visit together, and they’ll order too much sushi, like they always do. They’ll say they need to try other places – Étienne will go so far as to find all the worst rated places they could go to, but in the end they’ll stick to their tried and tested. There’s just something comforting in the knowledge of familiarity that they’ve both come to love with time.
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architectnews · 3 years
Tommy Rand's self-build house features a CNC-cut spiral staircase
Danish architect and developer Tommy Rand has built a house for himself and his family in Denmark, featuring a spiral staircase made from 630 pieces of CNC-cut plywood.
Located on the outskirts of Aarhus, the two-storey house was designed with minimalism in mind. It comprises five rectilinear blocks of different sizes and proportions, arranged together in a cluster.
A spiral staircase is the centrepiece of the house
One of the most distinctive features of the house is the way it contrasts two main colours: the grey of both cast concrete and Norwegian slate, which form the walls and floors, and the golden brown of wooden elements dotted through the interior.
The spiral staircase is the best example of this; its curved sculptural form offers a striking contrast to the bare concrete walls that surround it.
The staircase is made from 630 pieces of CNC-cut plywood, assembled by hand
This contrast draws attention to the intricacy of the design – all 630 pieces of computer-cut plywood were pieced together and glued on site, by hand, for ultimate precision.
"It is very beautiful from all angles," said Rand. "It is like a snail house, which opens up more and more as you go up to the first floor."
The warm-toned wood contrasts with the concrete walls and stone floor
The house acts as a business showcase for Rand, who runs the property development company Markholt & Rand. But that wasn't the reason he decided to embark on the project.
In 2018, he was involved in a motorcycle accident that left him a wheelchair for four months, followed by a long period of rehabilitation. This near-death experience prompted Rand to realise his life-long dream, to design and build a house of his own.
Rand designed the self-build house while recovering from a motorcycle accident
Rand spent much of his recovery period developing his self-build design. He was inspired by a memory of an old house he had seen, which stood apart from its neighbours on a picturesque site.
"I could only sit up for one hour at a time due to the injuries from the accident, which gave me some good thinking time," he told Dezeen. "So all the details of the house are carefully considered."
"My vision was to create something new and modern, which did not look like other houses," he explained.
The kitchen and dining space occupies one of five volumes on the ground floor
One of the most important aspects of the design was to maintain a consistent style throughout the building, with attention to detail in every feature.
Not only did Rand design the building, he also designed most of the furnishings, which were custom made in oak by a local cabinet maker.
A sliding pocket door allows the kitchen and lounge to be connected or separate
These details match with oak-framed windows and doors. There are also oak slats covering ceilings throughout the house, concealing lighting, ventilation and audio fixtures.
"I love the combination of concrete and wood," said Rand. "It gives the house a rawness and softness at the same time."
The master bedroom is located on the first floor
The layout is defined by the volumes of the building. On the ground floor, the five boxes accommodate a living room, a kitchen and dining space, the stairwell, a garage, and a suite containing two children's bedrooms, an office and a bathroom.
Only two of the boxes continue upstairs. The spiral staircase provides access to the master bedroom and en-suite, located directly above the kitchen. There's also a roof terrace, located above the living room.
Like the ground-floor patio, the roof terrace is oriented for evening sun
Many spaces have been designed so that interior and exterior match. For instance, the slate flooring continues out onto the patio.
Both the ground floor terrace and the roof are west-facing, so that Rand and his family can enjoy the evening sun.
"The most important lesson I learned during this process was not to compromise on design and materials," Rand concludes. "I did not, and it is a great satisfaction every day when I am in the house."
Other recent Danish houses on Dezeen include a reinterpretation of Danish barn as cedar-clad home by Christoffersen Welling Architects and a tranquil home for head of Danish furniture brand Fredericia.
Photography is by Mia Mortensen.
The post Tommy Rand's self-build house features a CNC-cut spiral staircase appeared first on Dezeen.
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beautyslave17 · 4 years
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How The Residential Property Improvement And Also Repair Services In London Work.
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Beginning Your Project.
Tiny Orangery Conservatories As Well As Glass Conservatories.
Let The Sunlight In! Every Little Thing You Wanted To Know Regarding Sunrooms
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The average orangery costs upwards of £22,000. However, before you swoon at the price, they can be as cheap as £10,000. Even though that may still be double the average conservatory, it's worth noting your typical orangery provides more functionality and home value than a lean-to or Victorian conservatory extension.
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How much does it cost to convert a screened in porch to a sunroom?
Depending on how much sun exposure the room gets, you may want tinted windows to protect your furnishings or Low-E glass to retain heat during the winter. McCormick says it can cost between $300 and $400 per linear foot to convert a porch into a sunroom.
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Three Simple Ways to Keep Your Conservatory Warm This Winter 1. Create Heat. The addition of a small electric heater can make a difference in smaller conservatories, but you will need an electrical socket. 2. Prevent Heat from Escaping. 3. Install Appropriate Flooring. 4. Consider Underfloor Heating. 5. Ventilate Your Conservatory. 6. Find Your Nearest Ultra Installer.
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How to Keep Your Three-Season Sunroom Warm During the Winter 1. Add a Thick Rug or Carpet. Most people elect to install hardwood or low-maintenance tile to their three-season room to make it feel more like an outdoor patio space. 2. Use an Electric Heater. 3. Hang Insulated Drapes. 4. Open the Door.
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arplis · 4 years
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Camping Accessories Wedge
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Shelter We will print your custom graphics on shelters, sidewalls, flags, banners, . is our commitment to provide superior products with exceptional value, period! The E-Z UP Recreational Screen Room is a lightweight one-piece wrap around enclosure. One-Piece Mesh Mid-Zip Sidewall 40 L x 7 H (12.2 m x 2.1 m) . Contact us today and let our expert designers help you create amazing . With 8 vibrant colors and upgraded stylizing, the Pyramid
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shelter takes portable shade to. King Canopys 10 x 20 Bug Screen Room for Explorer Pop-up Canopy . tent Screen House Sun Shade Shelter with Fully Enclosed Mesh Side Wall (6x6x6,. This is exceptional quality compared to many pop up tents and has the fire rated . Impact Canopies 1010 Mesh Wall Sidewalls for Pop Up Canopy Screen. Shop Wayfair for all the best Pop-up Canopies. . Plus, the included mesh screen sidewalls make it easy for you to zip up the sides and help keep out Its unique and robust design makes it a wonderful carport and outdoor structure, with the.
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VIVOHOME Outdoor Easy Pop Up Canopy Tent. Enjoy the happy time under a nice shade. Keep the weather and bugs out the next time you travel outdoors,. An ideal beach tent, the pop-up screen room offers excellent protection from the elements. The fully-opened room has mesh sides and a fabric top to provide a. Walmart 10 by 10 Pop Up Tent 67 Lovely Photos Of Walmart 10 by 10 Pop Up . with screen 10 x 10 ft pop up canopy tent instant shelter canopy with sidewall. Remarkable Pop Up Screen Canopy and Unique 15 Best Garden Gazebo . Great Pop Up Screen Canopy for Fresh Clam 9294 3 Pack Screen Hub Wind. Spacious Coleman Pop Up Canopy With Screen Walls . Camping and the outdoors in general are wonderful but everyone other than your strange entomologist. Shop Wayfair for all the best Pop-up Screened Canopies. . The canopy kit is a great choice for sporting events, picnics, parties, craft fairs, farmers markets,. Outdoor Portable Multi-Use Pop Up Tent with Carry Bag is a great way to A long extended floor space and screen vents from every side for optimal ventilation. Gear up for the great outdoors with tents and shelters from Canadian Tire. . home away from home with dome and pop-up tents, screen houses and shelters.
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Buy VIVOHOME Outdoor Easy Pop Up Canopy Screen Party Tent with Mesh Side Walls Beige 10 x 10 ft: Canopies . Quictent Ez Pop up Canopy with Netting Screen House Tent Mesh Side Wall-3 Colors 4 Sizes It can be very annoying. Outsunny Easy Pop Up Canopy Tent with Mesh Side Walls, 10-Feet x 10-Feet, Tan . Gazebo, Quick-Up Instant Outdoor Patio Canopy with Mesh Screen Sides. [BUG FREE NETTING]The Pop up Canopy with netting cover four sides. . Peaktop Easy Pop Up Canopy Tent with Netting Screen House Mesh Side Walls 6.66.6 . The pink color was fun because it stood out and could easily identify our Shop Wayfair for the best pop up screen tent with floor. Enjoy Free . This pop-up canopy combines 4 sided mosquito netting to keep bugs out. . This tent will be the biggest hit at your childs next sleepover with its fun circus tent design. Shop Wayfair for the best pop up canopy with mesh walls. . NOTE: Canopy frame and cover not included mesh screen walls only. . Photo Booth 8 Ft. W x 8 Ft. D Steel Pop-Up Canopy quickly turns any party into a fun interactive selfie show. The Ball Pit Pop-Up Play Tent with Carrying Bag is a bundle of fun. . 2 Large side screen windows (with hook & loop fastener closure) allow more fresh air to. Plus, the included mesh screen sidewalls make it easy for you to zip up the sides and help keep out . This pop-up canopy combines 4 sided mosquito netting to keep bugs out. . Race out today to make this sheltered part of your outdoor fun! Unique full enclosure with four full screen walls one wall has full zipped entry, mesh ceiling and pvc floor that attaches to any 10 by 10 Easy up pop up tent frame. 10x10 Pop Up Canopy Tent Mesh Sidewalls Screen Room Mosquito Net Sidewalls. . Wilson & Fisher 11 x 11 Pop Up Canopy with Netting .
[BUG FREE NETTING]The Pop up Canopy with netting cover four sides. The screen net protects you bothering from bugs as well as provides enough air flow,. Buy Quik Shade Screen Kit for WE100/C100/SX100 Canopies: Canopies Amazon.com . Coleman Instant Pop-Up Canopy Tent and Sun Shelter, 13 x 13 Feet. [BUG FREE NETTING]The Pop up Canopy with netting cover four sides. The screen net protects you bothering from bugs as well as provides enough air flow,. Clam Outdoors started the Ice Fishing Revolution
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when Dave Genz built the first Fish Trap ice shelter over 30 years ago. 13 Products Login. Hinterland 2 Person 208cm x 145cm Pop Up Tent. . Up Tent. This lightweight gazebo is easy to assemble and has a shade coverage of . 13 Products archaikomely pop up gazebo with netting. Jan 26 . Quictent 88 Easy Pop up Canopy Screen House Tent with Netting Mesh Side Walls . Quictent.
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Coleman Steel Creek Fast Pitch Dome Tent with Screen Room, 6-Person . When the weather got better, I took a ride along the pop-up city to see plenty of tents flattened by the storm and it had The porch is nice for rainy camping or storage Amazon.com : Ozark Trail 12-Person Instant Cabin Tent with Screen Room . Instant, pop up tent . The windows come down nicely and it really airs out. Large 10 Person Family Cabin Tent w/Front Porch, Room Divider and Rear Door. Ozark Trail 12-Person Cabin Tent With Screen Porch and 2 Entrances Quictent 1010 Ez Pop up Canopy with Netting Screen House Instant Gazebo Party. Jump to Ozark Trail 10 person tent with screen porch Ozark Trail 10 person tent with screen porch. . but some need a bit more time, like the Northwest Territory 10 tent which needs at least two people to set it up. . Have a nice day. Wenzel Smartshade 10 x 10 Tailgating Picnic Pop Up Screen House Canopy Tent 14 Person Tent Spring Lodge Cabin Screened Porch Family Camping. Buy Ozark Trail 9 Person 2 Room Instant Cabin Tent with Screen Room at . My family loves this tent with the spacious room, easy of setting up, and the screen porch. I took the time to waterproof a good sunning day before just to ensure no . One of the poles was bent inward, so we werent able to pop up one of the sides. Shop Wayfair for the best pop up screen tent with floor. Enjoy Free Shipping on . The top provides good ventilation which is great for big parties. Along with the. Whatever your camping style, create the perfect home away from home with dome and pop-up tents, screen houses and shelters. Gazelle 5-Sided Pop-up Portable Gazebo Screen Tent, 4 Person 115 Outdoor Screen House Tent Camping Garden Patio Screen House Tent foot X 12 foot. Find this Pin and I was so jealous of other campers nice, cool, shaded camps. Get some fresh air and spend a night in nature with tents from Academy. Browse camping . Puppy Pop-Up Play Tent Quick View Display product reviews for Magellan Outdoors 14 ft x 12 ft Deluxe Screen House Its very roomy inside, pretty easy to set up. Its very . The major seller for us is the screened in porch.
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Buy Lightspeed Outdoors Quick Canopy Instant Pop Up Shade Tent: Canopies . Quictent Ez Pop up Canopy with Netting Screen House Tent Mesh Side Wall-3. Buy VIVOHOME Outdoor Easy Pop Up Canopy Screen Party Tent with Mesh Side Walls Beige 10 x 10 ft: Canopies Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible. Unlike other pop up tents on the market; this one has a full enclosure to both give extra privacy and keep the bugs out. It uses a simple, and proven design that. Quick Set 9281 Escape Shelter, 140 x 140 Portable Popup Gazebo Durable Tent Bug and Rain Protection Easy Setup (6-8 Person), Forest, 12 x 12, Green. Our selection of pop-up canopy tents includes quick-and-breezy sun shelters, screened models to keep the bugs out, and walled units with rain flaps to prevent. Shop for the best gear Talk with the outdoor experts Find a great trail Book a . me included are tempted to save weight and bulk by skimping on the shelter. MT=mountaineering/high altitude, SU-summer/screen, TS=three-season;. If you get the foreleg under, the hind leg tends to pop up, and so on. . commands which then appeared on a large yellow luminous screen in all the A Marine Corps lieutenant from an E4 squadron told me hed been living in a tent for the five . with twisting narrow valleys cut by little streams, and a thick forest canopy. So now you have the best maps for outdoor and in-vehicle GPS no extra maps to . wolverines depend on deep snowpack for both shelter (a den for giving birth in satellite photography, navigational aids and XM weather on a single screen. Rodents wont be tempted until they become more comfortable with the. . ever-narrower swaths of would-be trendsetters, the Tunnels circus tent remains big enough . Bats has stories to tell and dreams of spinning them on the big screen. . is to go out to a secluded place where there might be temptation to touch. . But on this moonlit Saturday night, standing on the outdoor esplanade of the.
Do not wash. Do not bleach. Do not tumble dry. Do not iron. Do not dry clean. Product dimensions. Length: 86 5/8 Width: 51 1/8 Height: 43 1/4 Weight: 2.87. . your patio or outdoor space, including umbrellas, canopies, wind and sun shields, and more! . SLTT privacy screen, outdoor, black, brown stained Our gazebos give a wider area of shade, and the KARLS even features curtains to. Line your balcony, terrace, or patio with this screen to block out breezes, make shade for your children, and act as a buffer against downpours. An added benefit. Jun 6, 2018- Love this IKEA dyning canopy and outdoor area! . Outdoor Living Today 12 x 12 Breeze Pergola with Retractable Canopy Outdoor Living Today. Materials: DIGNITET, SYRLIG, DYNING I was trying to figure out a way to . IKEA sun shade to cover basement ceiling rafters? DIY Privacy Screen for $100 Pull-back curtains; Wood; I feel these members are visually heavier than we. ABCCANOPY Industrial Grade Weights Bag Leg Weights for Pop up Canopy Tent 4pcs-Pack . CROWN SHADES Patented 10ft x 10ft Outdoor Pop up Portable Shade Roadie THE OVERNIGHTER SUV Window Tent with Screen and. Ikea Gazebo Replacement Canopy GardenWinds Description. . 10 x 10 Pop-Up Replacement Canopy 600-Denier Model: [LCM900W] $99.99 IKEA Ammero. I was going to buy a small $25 pop-up changing tent and keep everything else . For our third year, my whole group just shared a big 1212 easy-up instead of sleeping in tents. . They sell them at IKEA for pretty cheap. . Ez-Up with tarps on three sides and a screen on the fourth Put down kids lego mat. 14X20 White blue Shade Net Mesh Screen Garden Patio RV Nursery . Commercial Pop Up canopy shelter Custom Printed Gazebo with Custom . Find great deals on Ikea KARLSO Hanging Umbrella (Beige).for great deals with . Must be completed with 4 concrete blocks or similar (size 1212 min., total weight min.
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Impact Canopy 033150001-VC 1010 Room, Walls Only Mesh Screen Zippered Party Tent Pop Up Canopy, 1020 Canopy Sun EZ Up Canopy Tent Instant Folding . Maybe a good idea to leave it partially unzipped when you go to sleep! Amazon.com: Eurmax Premium 1020 Ez Pop up Tent Screen Room Commercial Canopy Portable Gazebo with 4 Removable Screen Mesh Walls and Roller. Shop our selection of Pop-Up Tents in the Sports & Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. . Everbilt Canopy-Pop Up Tent Weight Plates (4-Piece). Shop for 1020 ft. EZ Pop UP Wedding Party Tent Folding Gazebo Canopy Heavy Duty/ Carry Case. . Similar Items. 10x20Canopy Party Wedding Tent Heavy Duty Gazebo Pavilion Cater Event Outdoor . For your protection, all orders are screened for security purposes. Take the stress out of funding your dreams. Results 1 60 of 1135 1020 ft. EZ Pop UP Wedding Party Tent Folding Gazebo Canopy Heavy Duty/ Carry . CORE 11 Person Cabin Tent with Screen Room. Results 1 24 of 24 Coleman Canopies & Shelters provide protection from the suns dangerous rays. Choose from a variety of styles shade tents, dome. EZ Up Canopies & Easy Up Style Canopies E-Z Up Canopies . Screen Houses. See all 16 Products . Pop Up Canopies with Sides. See all 26 Products. Wenzel Smartshade Screen Walls: Wenzel Smartshade canopy turns into a screenhouse using . 10 X 20 Canopy Valance Top Cover: >Take off of your total Purchase. . Largest selection of All Weather-Shield EZ up Canopy Garage & Tent Garage . ES100
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S Ez Up Tent, Canopy Cover, Dream Studio, Craft Business,. Outdoor 10 X 20 Gazebo POP UP Party tent patio Wedding Canopy BBQ w/sidewalls. Diy Party . 10x10 Pop Up Canopy Tent Mesh Sidewalls Screen Room Mosquito Net Sidewalls Rv Canopy Chair Dreams canopy baby hula hoop.
The Rain on your Tent, without the Damp Shirt . sometimes, the real comfort can be as simple as having shelter for the night, especially when it starts to rain! The tent MUST be staked down or it will not even stay standing up. Takes about 6 pumps each on the two inflatable poles to fully inflate. . Outsunny Compact Portable Pop-Up Tent/Camping Cot with Air Mattress and Sleeping Bag. Buy products related to freestanding tent products and see what customers say about . I dont think I needed to do that, but there were no problems with the tent. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1983 Vinyl release of Without Shelter on Discogs. Jump to Shelters A tent is a shelter consisting of sheets of fabric or other material draped over, . tent is also a modified dome tent, often with a projecting awning high enough to sit under, but sometimes with no closable doorway. Yello UV Protection Beach Upf Outdoor Shelter Tent, Green, 2.1 M 1.5m which isnt long enough for the majority of adults to sleep in without twisting round. BFULL Huge Tent XXL for 1-4 Persons Pop Up Tent, Automatic Beach Tent . Pop Up Beach Tent UV Protection Portable Waterproof Sun Shelter for Outdoor Of course popping up is easy but I had no difficulty putting this away without . when it was delivered in our garden. and this in amazing! the tent is easy to put up,. Tentsile Tree Tents incredible portable treehouses combining the versatility of hammocks & the comfort & security of tents. Take adventure to the next level.
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/minimalist-pop-up-canopy-with-screen
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Reliable Home Renovation Services and Cost Waverly Nebraska| LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES
More information is at: http://www.handymanlincolne.com/best-home-renovation-waverly-nebraska.html
 Youtube: https://youtu.be/sYl4af1H-W0
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 Looking for Home Renovation Cleaning Services in Waverly Nebraska? LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES offers Excellent and trustworthy local Home Renovation Cleaning Services. Look no further for your premier Waverly Nebraska remodel contractors than Statewide Renovation Contractors. We understand that every home is different and will work with you to create the unique solutions that you require. Whether it is a window replacement job or a comprehensive home renovation, no project is too big or too small for us. Cost of Home Renovation services Waverly Nebraska? Call us Today.
Your home is your pride and joy. However, after years of living, it could be in dire need of our reputable Waverly Nebraska  home remodelers. LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES offers a wide range of home Renovation services that ensure you get the best renovation for your home. Our experts proudly provide superior service and top-quality Renovation products that can scale to fit the needs of any budget. For more than 20 years, we been offering Renovation services of the highest caliber to homeowners in and around Waverly Nebraska, and we aim to continue doing so for many more years to come.
Make Your Home Shine with Waverly Nebraska Home Renovation Services
Whether it’s a top-notch bathroom upgrade or kitchen Renovation services to modernize you home, we can help you realize your visions for your Waverly Nebraska Home. The craftsmanship and dedication of our LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES contractors do speaks for itself and we stand behind it fully with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Whether you need siding and new windows or are yearning for a sunroom, we can provide home improvements that increase your home’s value, style, and energy-efficiency, including industry-leading solutions from Sunrise Windows®, Provia Doors®, and eShield® radiant barrier insulation. Learn more about the Waverly Nebraska Renovation services that we offer:
Waverly Nebraska Kitchen     Remodel/Renovation: The     kitchen has long been considered the heart and soul of the household.     Ensure yours is beautiful and up-to-date.
Waverly Nebraska Bathroom     Remodel/Renovation: Transform     your bathroom into a getaway from the hectic rush of life with the help of     our expert remodelers.
Waverly Nebraska Replacement     Siding: Is your     current siding old and unsightly? We offer a wide variety of affordable     and beautiful siding options to fit your home.
Waverly Nebraska Vinyl Siding: The vinyl siding we offer is of     the highest quality and offers thermal efficiency to help save you money     on your energy bills.
Waverly Nebraska Sunrooms: A sunroom is a great way to add     usable space and additional functionality to any home in Omaha Nebraska.
Waverly Nebraska Patios: Whether it is creating a new     patio or fashioning a cover for your existing one, our remodelers in Waverly Nebraska can do it all!
Waverly Nebraska Screened     Enclosures: Protect     your home and family from weather and insects with the help of our     high-quality screened-in rooms and decks.
Waverly Nebraska Custom Window     Styles: New     windows can completely transform the way your home looks. From picture     windows to bay windows, we can create your custom fit.
Waverly Nebraska Replacement     Windows: Not many Waverly Nebraska home improvement     companies can create replacement windows as beautifully and energy     efficient as ours!
 Whether you live in an old or new home or you want to create that perfect game room inside your house, LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES is the ideal home renovation in Waverly Nebraska with tracking results and many years of experience.
When it is time for your home renovation, don’t be unprepared for the many challenges and unexpected costs they may face. Not just are we qualified, but we offer affordable home renovation services and only apply the best materials and products you can find.
At LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES, we understand the issues that homeowners face when trying to renovate their homes. Our team has over 25 years of experience renovating homes including kitchen Renovation and bathroom Renovation.
Got questions about our Home renovation services? Contact us now LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES
Here are some common projects we complete:
·         Kitchen Renovation
·         Bathroom Renovation
·         Basement Finishing
·         Mudroom Renovation
·         Whole Home Renovation
·         1st Floor Renovations
·         Attic Renovation
·         Room Additions
Whatever the project, we will make sure the final result of your home renovation will leave you a space that you will proud to show your family and friends.  We have completed renovation projects in every aspects. That’s why you can rely on LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES to provide full service design build home Renovation that rewards you with excellent design and sensible functionality.  So contact us to discuss your home renovation project at LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES.
Overview of services
Note: The comprehensive A to Z list of services is can be found lower down on this page, right after the next section
·         AC = Air Conditioning, HVAC Heating Repair, Service & Installation
·         Appliance Service, Repair and Installation
·         Refrigeration: Refrigerator, freezer, cooler, chiller, commercial and residential
·         General Home repair, maintenance, Renovation
·         Home improvement
·         Handyman Services
·         Plumber services
·         Hot water heaters
·         Water leaks
·         Drain repair
·         Sump-Pump Service
·         Toilet problems: Leaks, clogged drain, overflowing,
·         Electrical repairs and installation services
·         Doors, windows and locks
·         Security and alarms
·         Emergency lock service
·         Handyman services
·         Full range of home Renovation: Kitchens, bedrooms, garage, sun-rooms, bathrooms
·         Cabinets & Kitchen counter-tops
·         Renovation, concrete, driveways, brick and stone walls
·         Window replacement
·         Flooring
·         Doors
·         Roofing
·         Swimming-pool
·         Garage door opener
·         Appliances
·         Major appliances service; Home appliances service, commercial appliances repairs
·         Gas and Electric appliance repair and installation
·         Refrigerators, freezers, wine coolers
·         Kitchen appliance service
·         Range, Stove, Ovens, cook-top, grill
·         Laundry appliances repair, service and installation
·         Washer and dryers: Laundry equipment brands
·         Coin operated washer dryer
·         Commercial laundry machines
·         Domestic (US brands) and imported appliances
·         Home electric appliance service,
·         Built-in appliance service
·         Under-the-counter appliances
·         Designer appliances
·         High-end brands (Top of the line appliances)
·         Affordable appliances, Generic brands and low cost brands
·         Residential (home) appliance service
·         Commercial appliance repair service and installation: All brands
·         Cooking appliances
·         Wall oven repair
·         Counter top stove
·         Gas ranges
·         (Glass) cook-top
·         Dishwashers
·         Heating and Cooling
·         Heating appliances
·         Electric heating
·         Gas heating
·         Oil heating
·         Electric heater
·         Water heater
·         Furnace
·         Boiler
·         Solar water heater
·         Geo-thermal heating and cooling
·         Climate-control
·         Central-air conditioning
·         HVAC: Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning
·         Heat-pump
·         Window air conditioning
·         Split system
·         Hot Water Heaters
·         Residential refrigeration: Refrigerator + Freezer repair service and installation
·         Commercial refrigeration service
·         “Walk in” refrigeration boxes
·         Deli refrigerated cases
·         Display cases
·         Beverage cooler
·         “Low-boy” refrigerator
·         Chiller
·         Freezer walk-in service
·         Commercial ice-maker service
·         Beverage & wine coolers
Some renovation projects are simply too big for a homeowner to tackle with a sledgehammer and a few household tools. If you plan on demolishing walls around appliances or removing cabinets and flooring, or if you're uncertain about the location of your wiring and plumbing, you'll probably need to call in a professional. Hiring a contractor can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars, depending on the scope of the job.
Average Cost of a Home Remodeling
Knowing the home renovation Waverly Nebraska costs is recommended before starting a home renovation project. While looking at national averages can give a general idea, such numbers usually do not include factors which may affect the final price, such as local labor hourly rates, material costs and any local permits required for the Waverly Nebraska home renovation project.
As our numbers show in 2019 average cost that homeowners paid for house remodel in Waverly Nebraska is between $9,373.00 and $74,984.00.
What is remodeling a house?
“Remodeling” is often broadly used to describe any kind of change to an existing house. Technically, it's more accurate to say that remodel means to change the character of a house or a portion of a house. Replacing old windows with new ones is a renovation project.
What's the difference between renovation and remodeling?
Both remodeling and renovating mean to make improvements on an existing building or home. However, they refer to two slightly different types of construction. Renovation means “restore to a good state of repair.”Remodel means “to change the structure or form of something.”
Should I sell my home 2019?
But if you're weighing your options to sell, considering selling this year or maybe the year after, don't play the waiting game. Here are four reasons to sell your house in 2019: New buyers are still entering the market.Selling now will be better than waiting till 2020.
What salary do you need to buy a million dollar house?
So, if you are heeding our wise advice to limit your mortgage to 20-25% of your gross income, you can theoretically afford the house with an annual income of $182,00 to $228,000. But that's just principal and interest on the loan.
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 Omaha Lincoln NE Council Bluffs IA
Monday to Sunday 7:00 am – 11:00 pm
WEB: www.handymanlincolne.com
·         Handyman Services
·         Painting
·         Drywall Repair
·         Doors and Windows Repair Replacement
·         House Renovation
·         Bathroom Remodeling
·         Kitchen Remodeling
·         Sink Installation
·         Cabinet Installation
·         Air Conditioner Installation
·         Flat Screen / Tv Mount Installment
·         Furniture and Custom Shelves Assembly
·         Bathroom and Kitchen Redesign
·         Cleaning Services Indoor or Outdoor
·         Concrete / Masonry
·         Junk Removal
·         Furniture Removal and Hauling
Lincoln Nebraska Metro Area: Bennet NE, Firth NE, Hallam NE, Hickman NE, Lancaster County, Lincoln Nebraska, Malcolm NE, Milford NE, Panama NE, Seward County, Seward NE, Staplehurst NE, Utica NE, Walton NE, WAVERLY NE, Lincoln NE | Omaha NE | Lancaster County NE | Seward County NE | Milford NE | 68501, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68524, 68526, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588.
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bentonpena · 5 years
What it's like to get high and eat nachos at America's first cannabis cafe
What it's like to get high and eat nachos at America's first cannabis cafe http://bit.ly/2M5wGpW
Aesthetically speaking, Lowell Cafe is like any other West Hollywood restaurant: the nachos are vegan, the outdoor patio is lined with live plant walls, and the dappled sunlight sets customers up for a perfect boomerang of them ripping a bong.
Stylized as Lowell Farms: A Cannabis Cafe but also referred to as Lowell Cafe, the restaurant is the first of its kind in the United States. Part dispensary and part eatery, guests choose from an extensive menu of pre-rolled joints, ounces of flower, vape pods, and dabs. Customers can also snack on a variety of dishes designed to compliment the inevitable munchies. It's almost like visiting a gastropub, but instead of splitting fries and sipping whatever beer's on tap, you can smoke whatever flower is in season.
 "You’re entering the world of post-cannabis prohibition," the press release for the cafe promised. 
When I arrived at the cafe on Tuesday afternoon, the line of walk-in hopefuls was already wrapped around the block. 
All guests, regardless of whether or not they consume cannabis products on-site, must be over 21 years old. At the door, a bouncer with a tablet scanned my ID, which was added to an internal database used for cannabis purchases. After being seated, a Flower Host stopped by to give us the rundown. Instead of checking my ID when I later ordered weed, the host checked her tablet for proof of age. 
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Image: FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP / Getty Images
Because regulated cannabis is a legislative nightmare, Lowell Cafe is actually two different businesses. Under California's current laws, cannabis lounges like Lowell Cafe aren't allowed to sell food or beverages, so the front patio facing the street is a basic, run-of-the-mill eatery that serves food but can't sell weed. The interior and enclosed back patio are 420-friendly areas where patrons can order food from the restaurant, buy cannabis products, and consume it. The restaurant, which serves food, beverages, and as soon as it secures its license, wine, is a separate entity from the dispensary. 
Basically, as West Hollywood's community and legislative affairs manager John Leonard told Eater LA, there are "two separate businesses on two separate premises."
"Patrons in the cannabis consumption area are allowed to order food from the adjacent restaurant," he continued. "And the food from the adjacent restaurant is delivered to the consumption area."
That whole set-up made ordering both weed and food pretty confusing. Guests order from two separate servers, one for food and one for weed. Likened to a sommelier, the Flower Host — the person serving weed — explains the various products, suggests food and flower pairings, and shows you how to use the paraphernalia available to rent. 
This is where the confusion comes in — since there was one server for food and a separate one for weed, figuring out who was staffing each overlapping section in the hectic restaurant seemed like a guessing game. 
Choosing weed can also be a ride. Lowell Cafe's cannabis selection is packaged in an intimidating leather-bound menu similar to wine menus at fancy restaurants. The cafe is a fully stocked dispensary, and its selection includes pre-roll packs ranging from six to 14 joints per package, edibles with up to 100 milligrams of THC, and an eighth of flower. And like buying alcohol in bars or restaurants, expect a steep up-charge; eighths will cost you $55 to $65. Patrons can also bring their own weed for a "toke-age" fee of $20, like a corkage fee in a traditional restaurant. 
For the most part, buying a pricey bottle of wine or an elaborate cocktail is justifiable because the party is likely to finish it before leaving. Only the strongest of stoners can finish off an eighth of weed or 14 whole joints in the recommended one and a half hours sitting at Lowell Cafe. Thanks to municipal regulations, guests can't take the leftover weed home with them, which can lead to some absurd speed hits in an effort to finish products, and will inevitably lead to wasted weed or upset guests. 
Granted, it didn't seem like the Flower Hosts stopped anyone from sneaking unfinished weed into pockets as diners paid their bills before leaving. 
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I told our first Flower Host that I tended to stay away from THC-intense indica strains because of my tendency to cry in public when I consume them. The Flower Hosts' familiarity with cannabis varies. The first one I spoke to recommended whatever pre-roll had the highest amount of THC, but another, a former weed farmer who goes by Circa Suicide, told me that first time visitors should try to stick with low doses in case they get anxious. 
My friend Rebecca and I ended up splitting a pre-roll sativa joint called Kushberry Cheesecake, a 21.88 percent THC joint that cost $20. (A similarly fruity sativa pre-roll with a similar THC content, for reference, goes for about $10 through marijuana delivery services. Many dispensaries in Los Angeles will also toss in a pre-roll for free with the purchase of an eighth.) The menu described it as "Invigorating, Active" and it yielded the kind of high that makes the world more visually interesting while still letting you think clearly. It's also the kind of body high that motivates you to demolish a plate of vegan nachos at an alarming, but almost admirable pace. 
I was worried that once I started smoking, I'd be overwhelmed by the cafe. I've visited Amsterdam's coffeeshops before, and while most of my experiences were lovely, I have felt suffocated by the smoky air, dim lighting, and crowded spaces. I can get pretty paranoid when I smoke weed that contains just THC and no CBD, but I felt at peace lazily passing off that joint. At times, the tightly packed tables were a touch claustrophobic and a particularly lengthy cover of Fleetwood Mac's Dreams felt like it was four decibels too loud, but the "Invigorating, Active" part of this high never felt overbearing. The air inside wasn't excessively smoky, either, thanks to the cafe's ventilation system. 
"I would bring my parents here, I would bring my partners here," Circa Suicide said as I snacked on what may have been the best burger I've eaten in L.A. (That might have been the weed deciding that, though.) "I would even bring my coworkers here. It's a really nice, neutral vibe."
Circa Suicide added that since not everyone does well getting high in such an overstimulating environment, she recommends not smoking at all if you're anxious about being anxious. If you do decide to partake, take it slow. 
"Take one hit, put it out, give it ten minutes," she said, explaining how first-time smokers should try it out in a public setting like Lowell Cafe. "You can always go back in for one more. If you're feeling weird, we're here to bring water and talk to you." 
At times, the Flower Hosts seemed more like well-meaning parental units checking on an after school hang than typical budtenders. When the couple next to Rebecca and I fell into a couch lock, punctuated by bursts of giggles, a Flower Host stopped by and offered them bottled water. When I put out the last of the joint in the Lowell Farms-branded ashtray, a food server asked if I wanted any other munchies-quelling snacks off the menu. Circa Suicide recommended pairing the ice cream sundae with a Banana OG pre-roll before leaving to teach a first-time smoker how to roll a joint. 
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Image: Frederic J. BROWN / AFP / getty images
Overall, the first public American cannabis cafe didn't exceed high expectations, but that's more the fault of regulatory confusion than poor planning. On one hand, Lowell Cafe is just a public place to smoke weed. On the other, it's also pioneering the way American culture approaches consuming cannabis in public. Considering the exhaustive list of limitations Lowell Cafe had to work with — separating businesses, a ban on serving cannabis-infused food, and state laws forbidding the sale of alcohol and cannabis on the same premise — Lowell Cafe managed to pull off an impressive blend of bar culture and weed. 
But regulating weed like alcohol also holds back the cannabis industry. Laws that work for alcohol, like not allowing patrons to bring home extra product, don't make sense when applied to weed. That, though, is in the hands of municipal governments to reform. 
Lowell Cafe's social impact is complicated as well. Paying for overpriced weed and taking the afternoon off to get baked is an immense privilege. As L.A. Taco noted earlier this year, greater Los Angeles' booming marijuana industry is promising, but it leaves convicted felons with non-violent drug charges behind. People of color have been, and still are disproportionately incarcerated for it. Part of the application process to secure a spot as one of eight approved cannabis consumption lounges involved taking "social equity" into account, which includes prison reform and minority inclusion. In its FAQ, Lowell Cafe says it gives "special employment consideration" to recently pardoned, non-violent cannabis offenders. But like L.A. Taco says, "being given priority to work minimum wage or low paying jobs at the bottom of a billion-dollar business feels like too-little-too-late." 
I left Lowell Cafe satiated by delicious food and gently toasted, not quite baked enough to want to take a walk. Over 750 people visited during its opening day, according to a Lowell Cafe spokesperson. While it wasn't revolutionary, smoking on a lively outdoor patio certainly beat the "prohibition"-era experience of hotboxing a friend's grandpa's car and messily ordering pizza. And it's paving the way for the not only West Hollywood's cannabis consumption lounges, but the many sure to pop up as legalized states figure out how to regulate it.
Lowell Cafe sits at the awkward crossroad of legalized weed and clumsy regulation — the marijuana industry is moving forward, but the government can't keep up. At least the food is good while the rest of us wait. 
Tech via Mashable! http://bit.ly/2nGI2sr October 3, 2019 at 10:42AM
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babylon-bitch · 7 years
Just Friends (part 20)
Harper p.o.v When I left the other day, I didn't to straight home, I went to our place to write a song and just work on some music. I haven't done it in a while so it was nice to get all my thoughts out. I finished writing a song, it just needs some finishing touches. I love my little studio I've created up there. Right now, Erika and I are hanging out, talking about videos and stuff. Whilst I was away, she learnt how to edit videos. She's actually quite good at it. "So, I met the cutest dog on my way over. I want a dog but my parents don't want one." Erika get distracted. "I can't wait to pick Bess up later, I've missed him." I tell her. "Aww, I've missed him too. All the times he scratched me." "Shut up, he is the cutest. Even if I am allergic to them." "Since when were you allergic?" She questions. "Since Godfrey. It only triggers me if I stick my face in it, which I don't do, that often." I answer. "I only sneeze and my eyes get irritated." I explain. "So like hay fever?" Erika simplifies it. "Pretty much." Erika starts writing down some stuff and I look down at my phone to see I have a text from Luke. Hey x Hallo :) x What you doing? X Hanging out with Erika, just thinking of video ideas and just YouTube stuff, you? X With the boys, supposed to be practicing, but we all know that never happens. :/ x Boys will be boys... Is Erika at your house or are you at her house? We're at my house, I think she's leaving soon though. "We've got an email from our management, saying that we're going to be interviewing the boys." Erika tells me. "What? Why?" I chuckle. "Well it's for their tour that their going on." She replies. "Oh, when?" I ask. "Next week. Do you think they know we're friends with them?" "Thats probably the reason they've asked us." I tell her. "Oh. Remeber when we interviewed one direction?" She laughs. "Yeah, they followed us back on Twitter, we should've DMed them." I think back to the day. "I don't know why they did. We should've." She says. "Don't tell the boys about it though. They will be so confused." I laugh at the thought. "Well, I should get going now." Erika tells me. "Okay, well I'll see you later or something." I say and hug her. "Bye." She smiles as I close the door. My phone starts ringing so I race up the stairs and it takes me a while before I find it under the mass of pillows on my bed. "Hey Luke." "So you answer my calls but not my texts?" He chuckles. "Sorry, I was talking to Erika about emails and stuff." I explain. "Well all the boys have left now." "Erika just left too, you wanna do something together?" I question. "Stop your dirty mind Hemmings." "Umm, sure." He answers. "Okay, you come over." "See you in a minute." He says and hangs up. "Well bye to you too." I say to myself. Walking down the stairs, and waiting by the door. Seconds later, he is knocking at the door. "Hey." I smile. "Hi." He smiles back and pecks my lips. Closing the door behind him and following him into the lounge. "So what have you been up to?" He questions. "Umm, doing emails, writing down video ideas, and chatting with Erika." I tell him. "What are you up to later?" He questions. "Umm, we're picking Bess up later, that's about it I think." I shrug. "You?" "Literally nothing." He says. "Exciting." I mutter. "It's like half twelve now, so you do you wanna go get lunch?" Luke suggests. "Just the two of us?" I question. "Yeah, like a date." "Sure." I smile. We get up and I put on some converse. Luke comes up to me and wraps his arms around my waist, nuzzeling his face in my neck. "Yes?" I chuckle. "I just love you." He grins and looks up at me. "I love you too." I repeat and kiss him. Luke stands up properly and deepens the kiss. I tangle my fingers into his hair, and he cups my face with his hands. The taste I've been craving coming back. The feeling of his cold lip ring against my lips makes Luke's kisses unique. He whines as I pull back and I laugh. Pecking his lips gently, I walk over to the door. "Fuck you." He laughs and walks out the door. Mum and dad are out at the moment so I lock the door behind me. "Hold this a minute." Luke tells me and I put my hand out. Luke intertwines our fingers and smugly smiles down at me. "That was smooth as fuck." I laugh. "Where do you want to go?" He asks. "Um, that place where we saw that baby stick a straw up her nose." "Cool description." *** Luke and I've eaten we're walking home now. I get a call from Alec. Staring down at it, I debate weather to answer it. "Hello?" I answer. "Hey babe, I'm sorry for our fight. I gave you some space to cool down, are you ready to see me now?" He stupidly asks. "What the fuck! We are over, I told you that." I spit. "Babe, don't be like this, I love you." He begs. "Don't babe me, you treated me like shit, don't talk to me again." "Alright, I'll just let you know, that I cheated on you, a couple of times." He tells me. "Fuck you." I mutter and hang up. "What's going on?" Luke asked confused. "Oh, it was just Alec. He thought we were just on a break, and wanted to get back together. He also told me that he cheated on me a couple of times." I choke out. "Hey, hey, hey, don't cry over him." He tells me and brings me into a hug. "That guy is a dick, forget him." He says. I wipe the few tears that fell away. "Thanks." I smile. "Anyway, you got me now." He chuckles. A while later, Luke and I are at my house. We're both laying down on the sofa, Luke's legs spread apart with me laying between them. "You're cute." He chuckles and twirls some of my hair around his fingers. "You too." I smile and peck his lips. Luke connects our lips again, lips moving in synchronization. He cups my jaw with slender fingers. I part my lips and Luke slides his tongue in. Luke's hands slides down my body and rest them on the small of my back/the top of my ass. Luke groans as I nibble on his lip ring. After a while, we pull apart breathless. I get up and head to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. "It's so fucking hot." I groan and put the cold water bottle to my forehead. "Ah." I smile in content. "How can you be in jeans in this weather?" I ask Luke as walks into the kitchen. "I'm magic." He says as he looks through the fridge. "There's nothing good in there." I tell him. "Yeah I can see that." I open the backdoor and walk out onto the patio. "Coming?" I turn around to Luke. "Sure." He shrugs. I unzip the trampoline and step on it. I jump on it a couple of times before laying down. It is perfectly shaded, by the huge tree hanging over it, and great ventilation coming through. Luke joins me and lays down next to me. "It's nice and cool here." Luke points out the obvious. I hum in agreement as I close my eyes, just taking everything in. Breathing in the fresh air, listening to the birds, with one of my favourite people in the whole world, how aesthetically pleasing. I open my eyes and pull my phone out of my pocket, and putting Twixster by Make Out Monday on. "Take a selfie with me, I need to post something, I haven't posted anything in a week, and people are mad at me for that." Luke says. "Wait, let me take one too, but at the same time, just to confuse people." I chuckle. "Fuck, the Sun!" I groan. "I've got really sweaty hands." Luke tells me. "Why do I need to know this?" Luke takes the picture, then goes to take another, but drops the phone on his face. I burst out laughing. "Ah fuck." He laughs. I drop my phone and continue laughing. I pick my phone up again, still laughing a bit. "Oh shit, I've been recording." Watching back the video, you see Luke drop it on his face, and us laughing, then me dropping my phone, and then you can hear us laughing. "I've got to post this." I grin. A while later, I feel water being dropped on me. Opening my eyes, I see Erika, Ashton, Calum, and Michael snickering. Calum being the one who dropping water on us. "Stop." I whine, making Luke wake up. "Fuck off." He groans. Luke and I must have fallen asleep. We're pretty much spooning. "I'm so wet." "Shut up Michael." I warn him. "You said it not me." Michael laughs. "What are you losers doing?" Luke questions as he wraps his arm around my waist. "I'll ask you the same thing." Ashton snickers. "I'm all jetlagged, so we took a nap." I explain. Luke nuzzles his face into my neck and kisses it gently. Luke lets go of me and rolls away. I stretch and roll onto my stomach, letting out a loud groan as I do. Around 10 minutes later of groans, stretching, and rolling over, we get up. We're all sitting in my lounge. I'm eating cereal, but not like an ordinary person, just straight out of the box. I drop a cheerio down my bralette, going into my boobs. Doing what any normal person would do, I fish it out and eat it. "Did you just eat that?" Michael asks while laughing. "Yep." I smugly smile. "Ew." He makes a disgusted face. "What, it's still fine. Once it does down there, it doesn't just rot or something. When you squeeze a boob, it doesn't drop off does it?" I reason with him. "Who said I've even touched a boob?" Michael questions. "The song superhero was so about you loosing you v-card." I smirk. "Shut up." I smile at him and carry on eating some cereal. Boob chats I hear a noise by the door and check the time. It should be my parents with Bess. Getting up and walking towards the door I open it and see my parent walking up towards the door. My mum holding Bess. Walking towards my mum and taking Bess from her. "Hi mum." I smile. "Hello." She greets. Walking back into the house with Bess in hand. "Oh hey guys." My dad says to everyone. They all say 'hi' back. Sitting back down next to Luke, with the black cat on my lap. He's grown a lot since we got him, like he's almost full size. Bess crawls onto Luke's lap and he gently strokes him. "Yeah well fuck you too." I say to the cat. "Ha, he loves me more." Luke teases. I flip him off and go on my phone. "So I haven't heard about Alec in a while." Someone says. Luke puts his arm around me and strokes my arm a little. I bite my nails not taking my eyes off of my phone. "Um, w-we broke up." I sigh and look up. They all look as if they didn't expect that. "What why?" Calum furrows his eyebrows. "We had an argument over Skype when I was in Dubai." I bitterly chuckle. "About absolutely nothing. It was almost as if he only came on to have an argument." "Oh." Erika says "He also cheated on me a couple of times." I shrug. "He always was a dick anyway." Ashton mumbles. "Agreed." I sigh. *** For the past hour, we've been talking and messing around. I'm on my laptop going through files, tidying up a bit. I find the bloopers for the video I filmed with Delilah and Laura. Playing it I watch for a while and I start laughing. "What's so funny?" Ashton questions. "The outtakes of the video I made with Laura and Delilah." Unplugging my earphones I start playing it. "Oh my God, you guys are so English." Michael laughs. "What the fuck?" I question. "It's just so English, I don't know." Michael says. "I'm so sorry I act like the people who are from my country." I sass back. "I like Delilah." Calum tells me. "Me too." I agree. Getting up and walking towards the kitchen. I take a bottle of water out out of the fridge, and quietly singing Baby Come On by +44. Looking through the cupboards for some food that my parents recently stocked up. Deciding to make a sandwich. Humming the tune to the song I'm working on, I slice my sandwich and walk back into the lounge. "Nice singing." Erika winks and I roll my eyes. "I swear you eat like all day everyday. If you were dying, you'd have a sandwich in hand." Michael tells me. "I'm a girl that likes to eat." I shrug and take a bite. "And you never put the weight on, if I ate like you did I'd be fat." Erika adds. "Who said you aren't already." I joke. "You bitch." Luke laughs. "School soon." Calum warns. "Shhh, we don't speak about the devil until the day we go a back." Erika silences Calum. "Hey Harper, where were you at lunch time?" Michael smirks. "Luke and I went out for lunch." I truthfully answer. "What! Why didn't you invite us?" Ashton questions. "Because," Luke drags out "We wanted to spend some time together, we haven't done that in a while." Luke answers. "You went to Dubai together." Calum points out. I look over at Luke and smirk at him, he winks at me and cheekily smiles. I think back on the whole kissing shenanigans. "Please, explain to us." Michael smirks and shows me a picture of Luke and I kissing earlier on today. "It's photoshoped, clearly." I quickly say. "Please, can we not talk about this? We're nothing but friends, and that's all we will be." Luke lies. "Oh really?" Michael raises an eyebrow. "Yes, how many times do we need to state this? We are not going out, we never will, I don't like Luke that way." I claim. Fuck, even though it's not true, it still hurts to hear him say those words. Its a while later, and it's just Luke and I. "You know I didn't mean what I said earlier." Luke tells me. "Yeah of course, me either." I smile. "Why are we hiding this though? I'm okay with it, but why?" Luke questions. "I don't know, I guess it just became a thing." I shrug. "How long will we hide it?" "Whenever the times right." I answer. "What do you want to do?" "Of course I want to be able to kiss you or call you mine at any given time, but I'm just worried what they'll say." He says. "Luke are you kidding? They're like our number one shippers." I chuckle. "I don't know, I just want to kiss and cuddle, preferably with you." He whines. "Well I can do both of those."
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
Readers And Tweeters Stay At Home And Stay In Touch With KHN
Letters to the Editor is a periodic feature. We welcome all comments and will publish a selection. We edit for length and clarity and require full names.
A Time For Comfort
Thank you for your thoughtful piece on palliative care, “Shortfall Of Comfort Care Signals Undue Suffering For Coronavirus Patients” (March 26). The new stimulus package passed by Congress should make it easier to access palliative care via telemedicine during this crisis. The new provisions expand Medicare’s ability to provide telemedicine and expand grant funding for evidence-based telehealth networks and technologies. These provisions will help those in underserved communities access palliative care and all telehealth services.
We must ensure that terminally ill people are not forced into a hospital setting where they are made more vulnerable to contracting the coronavirus, dying more quickly or in pain; that’s why these provisions are so crucial during this time. Terminally ill people need access to end-of-life care options to minimize their suffering, including hospice and palliative care, and telemedicine provides a clear path forward for doctors and patients to achieve this goal.
― Dr. David R. Grube, national medical director for Compassion and Choices, Corvallis, Oregon
WE still have patients in need when are not corona virus victims. we need to remember them. Shortfall Of Comfort Care Signals Undue Suffering For Coronavirus Patients https://t.co/UPQvwykE7z via @khnews
— Julie Fairman (@fairmanjulie) March 27, 2020
— Julie Fairman, Philadelphia
How Long Has The Coronavirus Been Around — Really?
One of the last things my brother did before being diagnosed with “bronchitis” on Aug. 3, 2019, was fly on a plane from San Diego to New York City. By Aug. 20, he was admitted to the ICU at Stony Brook University Hospital. On Aug. 21, a shocked doctor told us my brother had an ejection fraction (EF) of just 10% and his heart was catastrophically failing. Later that night, he went into cardiac arrest. He was on an ECMO machine until Sept. 6, 2019, dying at 43 years old.
They said he had myocarditis from an unknown viral infection. The infectious disease specialists ran so many tests and found nothing concrete. What are the chances?
It is important for anyone who survives this virus to have a heart and lung scan done, later. Will there be any implementation of that? I just don’t see how you can survive this and not have any long-term damage. And I am always going to wonder what really killed my brother seven months ago.
― Trini Olsen, Patchogue, Long Island, New York
Sensational — And Not In A Good Way
The April 6 story on possible heart damage associated with the coronavirus was shocking and is beneath what I expect from Kaiser Health News (“Mysterious Heart Damage, Not Just Lung Troubles, Befalling COVID-19 Patients”).
First of all, the exploding-heart illustration was overly graphic. At a time when many are emphasizing how delicately and honestly we should be sharing information, it shocked me to see. Totally out of line. It takes a fair story and frames it as alarmist. This set me, the reader, off on a bad note.
Then, the first two authorities interviewed did not seem to have a direct connection to the story. Were they involved in assessing the cardiac impact of COVID-19? The story fields a set of generalities, with quotes from willing, go-to cardiologists, as flavor and spice, before getting to actual source information: 1) the Dr. Shaobo Shi / China JAMA article, and 2) Dr. Sahil Parikh, who seems to actually be involved. His view, and his role in examining cardiac health dimensions of coronavirus, were obvious.
Overall, I think the alarming, unrelated heart cartoon sets a misleading spin, and that it was a challenge until late in the article to determine who was the source of the heart dimension of the story.
— Paul Rowan, Houston
Stop The Madness
Instead of lambasting doctors, how about a story on who is sitting at home collecting health care dollars: health maintenance CEOs, hospital administrators, health insurance execs (“Why Hoarding Of Hydroxychloroquine Needs To Stop,” March 25)? They do so from the comfort of their safe homes while pontificating on ways to generate more income, limit costs, tell health care providers how to do their jobs while failing to provide a safe environment for them to work. Doctors have every right to do what is necessary to protect themselves and their families — especially when no one seems to care about their lives but is concerned only with the care they provide.
Health care providers should not have to work in unsafe conditions. Physicians are at risk due to hospitals, administrators and health insurance companies not caring about anything except the money that flows into their pockets based on health providers’ work. Stop the madness! This is the main reason doctors are “hoarding” meds. Tell the whole story, not just the part that makes physicians look bad.
— Dr. Patricia Perry, Burbank, California
they need to stop hoarding yes but .ake enough for all Americans in case they get the covid-19 🦠 they need to make an over abundance for 🦠,Lupis and Arthritis..if its saving lives please give it to the people that have 🦠and stop people from dying 😭😷https://t.co/l7knYZWxkF
— Lisa Skinner Escalante (@Lisa_skinnypig) March 28, 2020
— Lisa Skinner Escalante, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Meals On Wheels Keeps On Rolling
Thank you for your article regarding Meals on Wheels (“Inside Meals On Wheels’ Struggle To Keep Older Americans Fed During A Pandemic,” April 7). We are so proud of our kitchen staff, office staff, drivers and volunteers who come out of the safety of home to ensure that our 1,300 (and increasing) meal recipients receive meals and wellness checks. Thank you to Meals on Wheels programs across America, in every state, doing the same, serving healthy nutrition and caring face to face contact with our frail elderly neighbors. We honor the front-line health care staff in hospitals and emergency services who deserve the utmost recognition. We hope our role as Meals on Wheels providers is protecting many who might otherwise be among the vulnerable.
― Joseph Tornello, Staten Island, New York
By God there had better be a reckoning. Instead of all hands on deck & step lively, it was all hands below, do nothing, and shut up. || What Takes So Long? A Behind-The-Scenes Look At The Steps Involved In COVID-19 Testing https://t.co/aE6ipIoXL7 via @khnews
— James Conner (@jrcflatheadmemo) March 30, 2020
— James Conner, Kalispell, Montana
To Stay On The Safe Side Wearing Masks …
Your article “To Curb Coronavirus, What’s Behind The Wearing Of A Mask? (April 7) missed several points that should be made about trying to protect oneself from the COVID-19 virus with masks or gloves.
Using masks incorrectly can actually increase the risk of contracting the virus. People who are not used to wearing masks constantly touch and reset the mask. Therefore, if the mask really did catch any virus particles that were headed toward their mouth, the contamination will immediately spread to their hands, glasses, face, etc.
People must know that if they have no choice but to leave the house, they must use a disposable mask, or better yet something reusable that covers your mouth and nose (e.g. bandana, scarf, homemade cloth mask, etc.). They should not touch it while they are using it, and must wash their hands before and after touching it, adjusting it or removing it. Upon returning home, the used mask or accessory must be immediately discarded or washed/disinfected.
It is also important that people recognize that wearing a pair of gloves all day long does not decrease the risk of getting infected, much less the risk of spreading the virus; it increases it. Gloves give a false, unwarranted and dangerous sense of security. It makes people careless, so they touch surfaces all day long without taking care or cleaning themselves and the surfaces.
COVID-19 is non-irritating to the hands and does not penetrate the body through the skin of the hands! Therefore, it makes more sense, for most people, to do away with the gloves, stay alert and paranoid, and frequently wash hands and surfaces. Unless they are a health professional or first responder, or someone who cleans using harsh chemicals, wearing a pair of gloves all day (without changing them repeatedly), doesn’t make sense. It is as inappropriate as putting on gloves to pick up dog poop in the backyard, and then continuing to use the same gloves to arrange the patio furniture, open and close doors and, after returning indoors, clean and cook.
If people have to go out, they should avoid touching people and surfaces with their hands and must wash your hands frequently and repeatedly. Laypeople should leave gloves to the health care providers who need to wear them and change them thousands of times a day, before and after each patient interaction, to avoid spreading the virus.
― Dr. John M. Pagán, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
Free Flow Of Ventilator News
Thanks for your article on nursing home surpluses of coronavirus ventilators (“Nursing Homes Have Thousands Of Ventilators That Hospitals Desperately Need,” April 7). As you know, ventilators are one of the keys to solving COVID-19, and everything related to ventilators is in extreme flux ― where they are and where they are needed, who is working with whom to scale up production, what protocols are needed to use them effectively, what experimental devices are in the pipeline, how staffing and meds are scaling, whether ventilators can be shared, whether BiPAP/CPAP machines can be upgraded, etc.
To help folks keep up, my company has posted a collated news page at http://CoronavirusVentilator.com. This is a public service; we have no other motive in doing this and receive no compensation. If the page is of use to you, please consider linking to it or publicizing it in whatever way is appropriate.
— Joel Lown, Knoxville, Tennessee
Rapid testing is crucial in the early stages of an outbreak such a #coronavirus because it allows #healthcare workers and families to identify and focus on treating those infected and isolate them as quickly as possible https://t.co/BOigLRb609 via @khnews
— Lindsay Resnick (@ResnickLR) March 23, 2020
— Lindsay Resnick, Chicago
On ACA’s 10th Anniversary, Let Us Eat Cake?
I just browsed through your coverage on the 10th anniversary of the ACA (“Listen: The Hard-Knock Health Law Turns 10 Amid Pandemic,” March 23), and I cannot disagree more with what that health bill has done to our health care system. Thousands of pages of legalese and pork fat that could only be passed by nuclear option, and no, it is not popular, though you will say it is because you only poll a certain demographic.
Go poll a group of patients who use the services of non-government-funded clinics that operate on donations only. Talk to my patients who were sold on the ACA then couldn’t afford it. They were promised health insurance but forgotten after the election. They are the working poor. Those who have two to three jobs to make ends meet, living paycheck to paycheck, but cannot get Medicaid because they make too much yet too little to afford the ACA and cannot qualify for subsidies. I love my free clinic with minimal staff — the Greenville Free Medical Clinic — and almost overflowing with volunteers. Our patients know they are getting the best care available — sometimes quicker than any staff member or volunteer could. We treat them with the dignity they deserve, and not like pawns on a chessboard.
The ACA was a farce to purposefully destroy the health care system in America, not fix it. It was a wrecking ball aimed at the base of it in order to allow for a socialistic model to be built from the rubble. Unfortunately for those who passed the bill, they learned it was not as popular as they wanted, and have subsequently been attacked since Day One. I am not putting in here empirical evidence because if you have eyes and a decent brain you can see what has been happening. I will let you think on the “22 million” that are now insured, actually underinsured, and the other unaccounted for people who were left out in the cold during one of the largest scams the U.S. government has ever run.
― Frances Watson, RN, BSN, Greenville, South Carolina
Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Your ongoing reporting on affordable insurance hits home. I, too, am caught between a rock and hard place. At 60, I am too young for Medicare yet my family’s AGI is above the threshold set by the feds for any subsidy. Employer-sponsored insurance is not a viable option because I need to be available at home to assist my spouse, who has a progressive degenerative neurological condition, which in my opinion is not only the loving thing to do but the most cost-effective.
I do not want a subsidy in order to pay for an individual health care policy. I simply want an affordable policy as I had before the Affordable Care Act. I also do not want to be forced to pay for a policy that covers things that do not affect me, like pregnancy or birth control. How about a policy priced to reward good health habits, like a healthy diet, exercise, etc.? What has happened to applying common sense to the way people purchase health insurance and the way health care costs are managed so that these costs are in line with most blue-collar workers’ wages? Layers and layers of federal bureaucracy bloat costs, and partisan politics keep the cycle of the dog chasing its tail alive and well.
I, for one, greatly appreciate all at KHN who appear to be on the front lines fighting for those of us who want logical solutions to the high cost of medical insurance policies and health care costs. It is tragic that in the greatest country in the world you have millions of hard-working citizens who go without health insurance and increasing numbers who postpone or forgo medical care because they worry about incurring these outrageous costs.
In my humble opinion, the solution will be that which gives financial incentives for everyday Americans to provide for themselves and their loved ones. Why does this government insist on making it so difficult for hard-working folks to be responsible and take care of themselves and their loved ones?
The poor and disadvantaged will always be among us, and when most Americans are allowed to be prosperous, be charged reasonably for goods and services, and keep more of what they earn, they always show generosity and endless compassion. None of this is complicated, yet it continues to be out of reach because those making the final decisions are too worried about that next election!
― Teresa Killion, Mount Vernon, Washington
Readers And Tweeters Stay At Home And Stay In Touch With KHN published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
0 notes
stephenmccull · 4 years
Readers And Tweeters Stay At Home And Stay In Touch With KHN
Letters to the Editor is a periodic feature. We welcome all comments and will publish a selection. We edit for length and clarity and require full names.
A Time For Comfort
Thank you for your thoughtful piece on palliative care, “Shortfall Of Comfort Care Signals Undue Suffering For Coronavirus Patients” (March 26). The new stimulus package passed by Congress should make it easier to access palliative care via telemedicine during this crisis. The new provisions expand Medicare’s ability to provide telemedicine and expand grant funding for evidence-based telehealth networks and technologies. These provisions will help those in underserved communities access palliative care and all telehealth services.
We must ensure that terminally ill people are not forced into a hospital setting where they are made more vulnerable to contracting the coronavirus, dying more quickly or in pain; that’s why these provisions are so crucial during this time. Terminally ill people need access to end-of-life care options to minimize their suffering, including hospice and palliative care, and telemedicine provides a clear path forward for doctors and patients to achieve this goal.
― Dr. David R. Grube, national medical director for Compassion and Choices, Corvallis, Oregon
WE still have patients in need when are not corona virus victims. we need to remember them. Shortfall Of Comfort Care Signals Undue Suffering For Coronavirus Patients https://t.co/UPQvwykE7z via @khnews
— Julie Fairman (@fairmanjulie) March 27, 2020
— Julie Fairman, Philadelphia
How Long Has The Coronavirus Been Around — Really?
One of the last things my brother did before being diagnosed with “bronchitis” on Aug. 3, 2019, was fly on a plane from San Diego to New York City. By Aug. 20, he was admitted to the ICU at Stony Brook University Hospital. On Aug. 21, a shocked doctor told us my brother had an ejection fraction (EF) of just 10% and his heart was catastrophically failing. Later that night, he went into cardiac arrest. He was on an ECMO machine until Sept. 6, 2019, dying at 43 years old.
They said he had myocarditis from an unknown viral infection. The infectious disease specialists ran so many tests and found nothing concrete. What are the chances?
It is important for anyone who survives this virus to have a heart and lung scan done, later. Will there be any implementation of that? I just don’t see how you can survive this and not have any long-term damage. And I am always going to wonder what really killed my brother seven months ago.
― Trini Olsen, Patchogue, Long Island, New York
Sensational — And Not In A Good Way
The April 6 story on possible heart damage associated with the coronavirus was shocking and is beneath what I expect from Kaiser Health News (“Mysterious Heart Damage, Not Just Lung Troubles, Befalling COVID-19 Patients”).
First of all, the exploding-heart illustration was overly graphic. At a time when many are emphasizing how delicately and honestly we should be sharing information, it shocked me to see. Totally out of line. It takes a fair story and frames it as alarmist. This set me, the reader, off on a bad note.
Then, the first two authorities interviewed did not seem to have a direct connection to the story. Were they involved in assessing the cardiac impact of COVID-19? The story fields a set of generalities, with quotes from willing, go-to cardiologists, as flavor and spice, before getting to actual source information: 1) the Dr. Shaobo Shi / China JAMA article, and 2) Dr. Sahil Parikh, who seems to actually be involved. His view, and his role in examining cardiac health dimensions of coronavirus, were obvious.
Overall, I think the alarming, unrelated heart cartoon sets a misleading spin, and that it was a challenge until late in the article to determine who was the source of the heart dimension of the story.
— Paul Rowan, Houston
Stop The Madness
Instead of lambasting doctors, how about a story on who is sitting at home collecting health care dollars: health maintenance CEOs, hospital administrators, health insurance execs (“Why Hoarding Of Hydroxychloroquine Needs To Stop,” March 25)? They do so from the comfort of their safe homes while pontificating on ways to generate more income, limit costs, tell health care providers how to do their jobs while failing to provide a safe environment for them to work. Doctors have every right to do what is necessary to protect themselves and their families — especially when no one seems to care about their lives but is concerned only with the care they provide.
Health care providers should not have to work in unsafe conditions. Physicians are at risk due to hospitals, administrators and health insurance companies not caring about anything except the money that flows into their pockets based on health providers’ work. Stop the madness! This is the main reason doctors are “hoarding” meds. Tell the whole story, not just the part that makes physicians look bad.
— Dr. Patricia Perry, Burbank, California
they need to stop hoarding yes but .ake enough for all Americans in case they get the covid-19 🦠 they need to make an over abundance for 🦠,Lupis and Arthritis..if its saving lives please give it to the people that have 🦠and stop people from dying 😭😷https://t.co/l7knYZWxkF
— Lisa Skinner Escalante (@Lisa_skinnypig) March 28, 2020
— Lisa Skinner Escalante, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Meals On Wheels Keeps On Rolling
Thank you for your article regarding Meals on Wheels (“Inside Meals On Wheels’ Struggle To Keep Older Americans Fed During A Pandemic,” April 7). We are so proud of our kitchen staff, office staff, drivers and volunteers who come out of the safety of home to ensure that our 1,300 (and increasing) meal recipients receive meals and wellness checks. Thank you to Meals on Wheels programs across America, in every state, doing the same, serving healthy nutrition and caring face to face contact with our frail elderly neighbors. We honor the front-line health care staff in hospitals and emergency services who deserve the utmost recognition. We hope our role as Meals on Wheels providers is protecting many who might otherwise be among the vulnerable.
― Joseph Tornello, Staten Island, New York
By God there had better be a reckoning. Instead of all hands on deck & step lively, it was all hands below, do nothing, and shut up. || What Takes So Long? A Behind-The-Scenes Look At The Steps Involved In COVID-19 Testing https://t.co/aE6ipIoXL7 via @khnews
— James Conner (@jrcflatheadmemo) March 30, 2020
— James Conner, Kalispell, Montana
To Stay On The Safe Side Wearing Masks …
Your article “To Curb Coronavirus, What’s Behind The Wearing Of A Mask? (April 7) missed several points that should be made about trying to protect oneself from the COVID-19 virus with masks or gloves.
Using masks incorrectly can actually increase the risk of contracting the virus. People who are not used to wearing masks constantly touch and reset the mask. Therefore, if the mask really did catch any virus particles that were headed toward their mouth, the contamination will immediately spread to their hands, glasses, face, etc.
People must know that if they have no choice but to leave the house, they must use a disposable mask, or better yet something reusable that covers your mouth and nose (e.g. bandana, scarf, homemade cloth mask, etc.). They should not touch it while they are using it, and must wash their hands before and after touching it, adjusting it or removing it. Upon returning home, the used mask or accessory must be immediately discarded or washed/disinfected.
It is also important that people recognize that wearing a pair of gloves all day long does not decrease the risk of getting infected, much less the risk of spreading the virus; it increases it. Gloves give a false, unwarranted and dangerous sense of security. It makes people careless, so they touch surfaces all day long without taking care or cleaning themselves and the surfaces.
COVID-19 is non-irritating to the hands and does not penetrate the body through the skin of the hands! Therefore, it makes more sense, for most people, to do away with the gloves, stay alert and paranoid, and frequently wash hands and surfaces. Unless they are a health professional or first responder, or someone who cleans using harsh chemicals, wearing a pair of gloves all day (without changing them repeatedly), doesn’t make sense. It is as inappropriate as putting on gloves to pick up dog poop in the backyard, and then continuing to use the same gloves to arrange the patio furniture, open and close doors and, after returning indoors, clean and cook.
If people have to go out, they should avoid touching people and surfaces with their hands and must wash your hands frequently and repeatedly. Laypeople should leave gloves to the health care providers who need to wear them and change them thousands of times a day, before and after each patient interaction, to avoid spreading the virus.
― Dr. John M. Pagán, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
Free Flow Of Ventilator News
Thanks for your article on nursing home surpluses of coronavirus ventilators (“Nursing Homes Have Thousands Of Ventilators That Hospitals Desperately Need,” April 7). As you know, ventilators are one of the keys to solving COVID-19, and everything related to ventilators is in extreme flux ― where they are and where they are needed, who is working with whom to scale up production, what protocols are needed to use them effectively, what experimental devices are in the pipeline, how staffing and meds are scaling, whether ventilators can be shared, whether BiPAP/CPAP machines can be upgraded, etc.
To help folks keep up, my company has posted a collated news page at http://CoronavirusVentilator.com. This is a public service; we have no other motive in doing this and receive no compensation. If the page is of use to you, please consider linking to it or publicizing it in whatever way is appropriate.
— Joel Lown, Knoxville, Tennessee
Rapid testing is crucial in the early stages of an outbreak such a #coronavirus because it allows #healthcare workers and families to identify and focus on treating those infected and isolate them as quickly as possible https://t.co/BOigLRb609 via @khnews
— Lindsay Resnick (@ResnickLR) March 23, 2020
— Lindsay Resnick, Chicago
On ACA’s 10th Anniversary, Let Us Eat Cake?
I just browsed through your coverage on the 10th anniversary of the ACA (“Listen: The Hard-Knock Health Law Turns 10 Amid Pandemic,” March 23), and I cannot disagree more with what that health bill has done to our health care system. Thousands of pages of legalese and pork fat that could only be passed by nuclear option, and no, it is not popular, though you will say it is because you only poll a certain demographic.
Go poll a group of patients who use the services of non-government-funded clinics that operate on donations only. Talk to my patients who were sold on the ACA then couldn’t afford it. They were promised health insurance but forgotten after the election. They are the working poor. Those who have two to three jobs to make ends meet, living paycheck to paycheck, but cannot get Medicaid because they make too much yet too little to afford the ACA and cannot qualify for subsidies. I love my free clinic with minimal staff — the Greenville Free Medical Clinic — and almost overflowing with volunteers. Our patients know they are getting the best care available — sometimes quicker than any staff member or volunteer could. We treat them with the dignity they deserve, and not like pawns on a chessboard.
The ACA was a farce to purposefully destroy the health care system in America, not fix it. It was a wrecking ball aimed at the base of it in order to allow for a socialistic model to be built from the rubble. Unfortunately for those who passed the bill, they learned it was not as popular as they wanted, and have subsequently been attacked since Day One. I am not putting in here empirical evidence because if you have eyes and a decent brain you can see what has been happening. I will let you think on the “22 million” that are now insured, actually underinsured, and the other unaccounted for people who were left out in the cold during one of the largest scams the U.S. government has ever run.
― Frances Watson, RN, BSN, Greenville, South Carolina
Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Your ongoing reporting on affordable insurance hits home. I, too, am caught between a rock and hard place. At 60, I am too young for Medicare yet my family’s AGI is above the threshold set by the feds for any subsidy. Employer-sponsored insurance is not a viable option because I need to be available at home to assist my spouse, who has a progressive degenerative neurological condition, which in my opinion is not only the loving thing to do but the most cost-effective.
I do not want a subsidy in order to pay for an individual health care policy. I simply want an affordable policy as I had before the Affordable Care Act. I also do not want to be forced to pay for a policy that covers things that do not affect me, like pregnancy or birth control. How about a policy priced to reward good health habits, like a healthy diet, exercise, etc.? What has happened to applying common sense to the way people purchase health insurance and the way health care costs are managed so that these costs are in line with most blue-collar workers’ wages? Layers and layers of federal bureaucracy bloat costs, and partisan politics keep the cycle of the dog chasing its tail alive and well.
I, for one, greatly appreciate all at KHN who appear to be on the front lines fighting for those of us who want logical solutions to the high cost of medical insurance policies and health care costs. It is tragic that in the greatest country in the world you have millions of hard-working citizens who go without health insurance and increasing numbers who postpone or forgo medical care because they worry about incurring these outrageous costs.
In my humble opinion, the solution will be that which gives financial incentives for everyday Americans to provide for themselves and their loved ones. Why does this government insist on making it so difficult for hard-working folks to be responsible and take care of themselves and their loved ones?
The poor and disadvantaged will always be among us, and when most Americans are allowed to be prosperous, be charged reasonably for goods and services, and keep more of what they earn, they always show generosity and endless compassion. None of this is complicated, yet it continues to be out of reach because those making the final decisions are too worried about that next election!
― Teresa Killion, Mount Vernon, Washington
Readers And Tweeters Stay At Home And Stay In Touch With KHN published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
0 notes
dinafbrownil · 4 years
Readers And Tweeters Stay At Home And Stay In Touch With KHN
Letters to the Editor is a periodic feature. We welcome all comments and will publish a selection. We edit for length and clarity and require full names.
A Time For Comfort
Thank you for your thoughtful piece on palliative care, “Shortfall Of Comfort Care Signals Undue Suffering For Coronavirus Patients” (March 26). The new stimulus package passed by Congress should make it easier to access palliative care via telemedicine during this crisis. The new provisions expand Medicare’s ability to provide telemedicine and expand grant funding for evidence-based telehealth networks and technologies. These provisions will help those in underserved communities access palliative care and all telehealth services.
We must ensure that terminally ill people are not forced into a hospital setting where they are made more vulnerable to contracting the coronavirus, dying more quickly or in pain; that’s why these provisions are so crucial during this time. Terminally ill people need access to end-of-life care options to minimize their suffering, including hospice and palliative care, and telemedicine provides a clear path forward for doctors and patients to achieve this goal.
― Dr. David R. Grube, national medical director for Compassion and Choices, Corvallis, Oregon
WE still have patients in need when are not corona virus victims. we need to remember them. Shortfall Of Comfort Care Signals Undue Suffering For Coronavirus Patients https://t.co/UPQvwykE7z via @khnews
— Julie Fairman (@fairmanjulie) March 27, 2020
— Julie Fairman, Philadelphia
How Long Has The Coronavirus Been Around — Really?
One of the last things my brother did before being diagnosed with “bronchitis” on Aug. 3, 2019, was fly on a plane from San Diego to New York City. By Aug. 20, he was admitted to the ICU at Stony Brook University Hospital. On Aug. 21, a shocked doctor told us my brother had an ejection fraction (EF) of just 10% and his heart was catastrophically failing. Later that night, he went into cardiac arrest. He was on an ECMO machine until Sept. 6, 2019, dying at 43 years old.
They said he had myocarditis from an unknown viral infection. The infectious disease specialists ran so many tests and found nothing concrete. What are the chances?
It is important for anyone who survives this virus to have a heart and lung scan done, later. Will there be any implementation of that? I just don’t see how you can survive this and not have any long-term damage. And I am always going to wonder what really killed my brother seven months ago.
― Trini Olsen, Patchogue, Long Island, New York
Sensational — And Not In A Good Way
The April 6 story on possible heart damage associated with the coronavirus was shocking and is beneath what I expect from Kaiser Health News (“Mysterious Heart Damage, Not Just Lung Troubles, Befalling COVID-19 Patients”).
First of all, the exploding-heart illustration was overly graphic. At a time when many are emphasizing how delicately and honestly we should be sharing information, it shocked me to see. Totally out of line. It takes a fair story and frames it as alarmist. This set me, the reader, off on a bad note.
Then, the first two authorities interviewed did not seem to have a direct connection to the story. Were they involved in assessing the cardiac impact of COVID-19? The story fields a set of generalities, with quotes from willing, go-to cardiologists, as flavor and spice, before getting to actual source information: 1) the Dr. Shaobo Shi / China JAMA article, and 2) Dr. Sahil Parikh, who seems to actually be involved. His view, and his role in examining cardiac health dimensions of coronavirus, were obvious.
Overall, I think the alarming, unrelated heart cartoon sets a misleading spin, and that it was a challenge until late in the article to determine who was the source of the heart dimension of the story.
— Paul Rowan, Houston
Stop The Madness
Instead of lambasting doctors, how about a story on who is sitting at home collecting health care dollars: health maintenance CEOs, hospital administrators, health insurance execs (“Why Hoarding Of Hydroxychloroquine Needs To Stop,” March 25)? They do so from the comfort of their safe homes while pontificating on ways to generate more income, limit costs, tell health care providers how to do their jobs while failing to provide a safe environment for them to work. Doctors have every right to do what is necessary to protect themselves and their families — especially when no one seems to care about their lives but is concerned only with the care they provide.
Health care providers should not have to work in unsafe conditions. Physicians are at risk due to hospitals, administrators and health insurance companies not caring about anything except the money that flows into their pockets based on health providers’ work. Stop the madness! This is the main reason doctors are “hoarding” meds. Tell the whole story, not just the part that makes physicians look bad.
— Dr. Patricia Perry, Burbank, California
they need to stop hoarding yes but .ake enough for all Americans in case they get the covid-19 🦠 they need to make an over abundance for 🦠,Lupis and Arthritis..if its saving lives please give it to the people that have 🦠and stop people from dying 😭😷https://t.co/l7knYZWxkF
— Lisa Skinner Escalante (@Lisa_skinnypig) March 28, 2020
— Lisa Skinner Escalante, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Meals On Wheels Keeps On Rolling
Thank you for your article regarding Meals on Wheels (“Inside Meals On Wheels’ Struggle To Keep Older Americans Fed During A Pandemic,” April 7). We are so proud of our kitchen staff, office staff, drivers and volunteers who come out of the safety of home to ensure that our 1,300 (and increasing) meal recipients receive meals and wellness checks. Thank you to Meals on Wheels programs across America, in every state, doing the same, serving healthy nutrition and caring face to face contact with our frail elderly neighbors. We honor the front-line health care staff in hospitals and emergency services who deserve the utmost recognition. We hope our role as Meals on Wheels providers is protecting many who might otherwise be among the vulnerable.
― Joseph Tornello, Staten Island, New York
By God there had better be a reckoning. Instead of all hands on deck & step lively, it was all hands below, do nothing, and shut up. || What Takes So Long? A Behind-The-Scenes Look At The Steps Involved In COVID-19 Testing https://t.co/aE6ipIoXL7 via @khnews
— James Conner (@jrcflatheadmemo) March 30, 2020
— James Conner, Kalispell, Montana
To Stay On The Safe Side Wearing Masks …
Your article “To Curb Coronavirus, What’s Behind The Wearing Of A Mask? (April 7) missed several points that should be made about trying to protect oneself from the COVID-19 virus with masks or gloves.
Using masks incorrectly can actually increase the risk of contracting the virus. People who are not used to wearing masks constantly touch and reset the mask. Therefore, if the mask really did catch any virus particles that were headed toward their mouth, the contamination will immediately spread to their hands, glasses, face, etc.
People must know that if they have no choice but to leave the house, they must use a disposable mask, or better yet something reusable that covers your mouth and nose (e.g. bandana, scarf, homemade cloth mask, etc.). They should not touch it while they are using it, and must wash their hands before and after touching it, adjusting it or removing it. Upon returning home, the used mask or accessory must be immediately discarded or washed/disinfected.
It is also important that people recognize that wearing a pair of gloves all day long does not decrease the risk of getting infected, much less the risk of spreading the virus; it increases it. Gloves give a false, unwarranted and dangerous sense of security. It makes people careless, so they touch surfaces all day long without taking care or cleaning themselves and the surfaces.
COVID-19 is non-irritating to the hands and does not penetrate the body through the skin of the hands! Therefore, it makes more sense, for most people, to do away with the gloves, stay alert and paranoid, and frequently wash hands and surfaces. Unless they are a health professional or first responder, or someone who cleans using harsh chemicals, wearing a pair of gloves all day (without changing them repeatedly), doesn’t make sense. It is as inappropriate as putting on gloves to pick up dog poop in the backyard, and then continuing to use the same gloves to arrange the patio furniture, open and close doors and, after returning indoors, clean and cook.
If people have to go out, they should avoid touching people and surfaces with their hands and must wash your hands frequently and repeatedly. Laypeople should leave gloves to the health care providers who need to wear them and change them thousands of times a day, before and after each patient interaction, to avoid spreading the virus.
― Dr. John M. Pagán, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
Free Flow Of Ventilator News
Thanks for your article on nursing home surpluses of coronavirus ventilators (“Nursing Homes Have Thousands Of Ventilators That Hospitals Desperately Need,” April 7). As you know, ventilators are one of the keys to solving COVID-19, and everything related to ventilators is in extreme flux ― where they are and where they are needed, who is working with whom to scale up production, what protocols are needed to use them effectively, what experimental devices are in the pipeline, how staffing and meds are scaling, whether ventilators can be shared, whether BiPAP/CPAP machines can be upgraded, etc.
To help folks keep up, my company has posted a collated news page at http://CoronavirusVentilator.com. This is a public service; we have no other motive in doing this and receive no compensation. If the page is of use to you, please consider linking to it or publicizing it in whatever way is appropriate.
— Joel Lown, Knoxville, Tennessee
Rapid testing is crucial in the early stages of an outbreak such a #coronavirus because it allows #healthcare workers and families to identify and focus on treating those infected and isolate them as quickly as possible https://t.co/BOigLRb609 via @khnews
— Lindsay Resnick (@ResnickLR) March 23, 2020
— Lindsay Resnick, Chicago
On ACA’s 10th Anniversary, Let Us Eat Cake?
I just browsed through your coverage on the 10th anniversary of the ACA (“Listen: The Hard-Knock Health Law Turns 10 Amid Pandemic,” March 23), and I cannot disagree more with what that health bill has done to our health care system. Thousands of pages of legalese and pork fat that could only be passed by nuclear option, and no, it is not popular, though you will say it is because you only poll a certain demographic.
Go poll a group of patients who use the services of non-government-funded clinics that operate on donations only. Talk to my patients who were sold on the ACA then couldn’t afford it. They were promised health insurance but forgotten after the election. They are the working poor. Those who have two to three jobs to make ends meet, living paycheck to paycheck, but cannot get Medicaid because they make too much yet too little to afford the ACA and cannot qualify for subsidies. I love my free clinic with minimal staff — the Greenville Free Medical Clinic — and almost overflowing with volunteers. Our patients know they are getting the best care available — sometimes quicker than any staff member or volunteer could. We treat them with the dignity they deserve, and not like pawns on a chessboard.
The ACA was a farce to purposefully destroy the health care system in America, not fix it. It was a wrecking ball aimed at the base of it in order to allow for a socialistic model to be built from the rubble. Unfortunately for those who passed the bill, they learned it was not as popular as they wanted, and have subsequently been attacked since Day One. I am not putting in here empirical evidence because if you have eyes and a decent brain you can see what has been happening. I will let you think on the “22 million” that are now insured, actually underinsured, and the other unaccounted for people who were left out in the cold during one of the largest scams the U.S. government has ever run.
― Frances Watson, RN, BSN, Greenville, South Carolina
Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Your ongoing reporting on affordable insurance hits home. I, too, am caught between a rock and hard place. At 60, I am too young for Medicare yet my family’s AGI is above the threshold set by the feds for any subsidy. Employer-sponsored insurance is not a viable option because I need to be available at home to assist my spouse, who has a progressive degenerative neurological condition, which in my opinion is not only the loving thing to do but the most cost-effective.
I do not want a subsidy in order to pay for an individual health care policy. I simply want an affordable policy as I had before the Affordable Care Act. I also do not want to be forced to pay for a policy that covers things that do not affect me, like pregnancy or birth control. How about a policy priced to reward good health habits, like a healthy diet, exercise, etc.? What has happened to applying common sense to the way people purchase health insurance and the way health care costs are managed so that these costs are in line with most blue-collar workers’ wages? Layers and layers of federal bureaucracy bloat costs, and partisan politics keep the cycle of the dog chasing its tail alive and well.
I, for one, greatly appreciate all at KHN who appear to be on the front lines fighting for those of us who want logical solutions to the high cost of medical insurance policies and health care costs. It is tragic that in the greatest country in the world you have millions of hard-working citizens who go without health insurance and increasing numbers who postpone or forgo medical care because they worry about incurring these outrageous costs.
In my humble opinion, the solution will be that which gives financial incentives for everyday Americans to provide for themselves and their loved ones. Why does this government insist on making it so difficult for hard-working folks to be responsible and take care of themselves and their loved ones?
The poor and disadvantaged will always be among us, and when most Americans are allowed to be prosperous, be charged reasonably for goods and services, and keep more of what they earn, they always show generosity and endless compassion. None of this is complicated, yet it continues to be out of reach because those making the final decisions are too worried about that next election!
― Teresa Killion, Mount Vernon, Washington
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/readers-and-tweeters-stay-at-home-and-stay-in-touch-with-khn/
0 notes
arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: On A Budget Temporary Screen Door
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Wood screen doors from Screen Tight offer instant curb appeal for your home and fresh air for your living space. The natural finish doors feature mortise. Shop odl white aluminum retractable screen door (common: 36-in x 80-in; actual: 36-in x 81-in) in the screen doors section of Lowes.com. ODL White Aluminum Retractable Screen Door (Common: 36-in x 80-in; Actual: 36-in . Comfort-Bilt Pet Breeze Brown Aluminum Hinged Pet Door Screen Door. RONA carries Exterior Doors for your Doors and Windows renovation/decorating projects. Find the right Screen Doors to help your home improvement project. RONA carries Screens and Accessories for your Doors and Windows renovation/decorating projects. Find the right stuff to help your home improvement project. Magnetic Screen Door, Mesh Curtain Keeps Mosquitoes Out Full Frame . Instant insect screen best for standard doors, patio doors and sliding glass doors. Please check out our awesome customer review rating, last time I checked it. Jun 6, 2018- lowes craftsman front doors More. . 90 Awesome Front Door Farmhouse Entrance Decor Ideas And Remodel. sbailey628 . Flickr Black Screen. Top 15+ Amazing design ideas of wrought iron doors #WroughironDoor . Iron Passions wrought iron security screen door IP-SD-004 Security Screen Doors,. 2 .. 2555 Found a lower price on an identical item at Lowes? Take a picture and show it . We started sliding the door out onto the cart. The thing about.
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Amazon.com : PetSafe Pet Screen Door Small Dog and Cat Door for Screen Door, . The Large Pet Screen Door features added screws to reinforce the frame, so it stays in place . Use packing tape or something that will hold it temporarily. Pet access flap for screen doors provides instant indoor or outdoor 2-way access . Ideal Pet Doors Screen Guard Pet Door, Extra Large, 10.5 x 15 Flap Size. 16 .. 2560 cat-proof retractable screen door as shown by photo of Lexie the cat looking out . Eventually the screen rips and tears or large holes open up. Bug Off Instant Screen Door works and looks better than ALL other Instant Screens, including Magic . Large and small pets go in and out without assistance. 2 Way Magnet Pet Screen Door Dog Puppy Cat Pet Flap Door Patio Window S M L XL . Patio Pet Door Exterior Interior For Dogs Large Fly Screen Fit Easy. 12 .. 2561 Best for Sliding Glass: Aluminum Patio Panel Door at Amazon . Best for Large Dogs: PetSafe Plastic Pet Door Extra-Large at Amazon. Shop for great deals, price discounts and offers on a wide range of tools and . See and discover other items: pet door, screen door, patio screen, mesh door fly. Temporary doggie door for patios with glass sliding doorsI wish I would . Discount Doors. Retractable Cat Barrier (52 inch wide) Cat Gate, Diy Dog Gate,.
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Shop our selection of Retractable, Screen Doors in the Doors & Windows Department at The . Black Easy to Install Instant Screen Door with Hardware Included. Add natural light and ventilation to your home by with this Andersen LuminAire White Retractable Screen Door. Comes with convenient locking night latch. Shop our selection of Screen Doors in the Doors & Windows Department at The Home Depot. Results 1 38 of 38 Shop for Screen Doors at Lowes.ca. Find the best selection of Screen Doors and get price match if you find a lower price. Products 1 40 of 416 Shop for Screen Doors in Doors and Gates. . Product Image Bug Off Instant Screen Door with Portable and Reversible Bug Off Screen,. 17 .. 2560 Retractable Screen Doors: Instant Cool Air For Your Home.at a Price . Screen doors are the greenest way to cool down your house. . While found at Lowes and Home Depot, they are also available in the As Seen on TV. ODL White Aluminum Retractable Screen Door (Common: 36-in x 80-in; Actual: 36-in . Comfort-Bilt Pet Breeze Brown Aluminum Hinged Pet Door Screen Door. Magic Mesh Instant Magnetic Removable Screen Door creates a hands-free screen door that allows fresh air in and annoying bugs out. Instantly opens and.
The complex I live in does not allow aluminum screen doors & my cat always . It takes up very little space and could be fitted in any small room or apartment. 21 .. 2560 Apr 10, 2018- Need a temporary screen door with easy installation? . Decks photo galleries full of ideas for your home, apartment or office. Nov 4, 2018- I wanted a temporary screen door so I used 2 tension rods and . Balcony Ideas, Terrace Decor, Balcony Decoration, Apartment Balcony Garden . Wall of rails containing pots of fresh herbs and dish drying rack Herb Wall, Wall. Fiberglass; The Instant Screen Door measures 37 wide and 81 tall but can be easily adjusted with a simple pair of scissors, to fit your exact screen needs. Magic Mesh Instant Magnetic Removable Screen Door creates a hands-free screen door that allows fresh air in and annoying bugs out. Instantly opens and. The highest quality magnetic screen door on the market. . Bug Off Instant Screen Door works and looks better than ALL other Instant Screens, including Magic. 25 .. 2558 But putting up a screen or fence inside the balcony glass is not only probably . When every other apartment has a satellite dish fixed to the outside wall, so the . If some of them have clearly already been raided, with locks broken and doors hanging open, you will need to pay for a private . Short-term lets. . the outsides of which were uncleanable, because of the burglar screens bolted onto the frames. . Although the bathroom door was wide enough, I had to . This, my first apartment, was small, dark, roach-infested, hard to get around in, and . I thought they were hoping my independence would be temporary, but I realize.
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Products 1 40 of 416 Buy products such as ODL Brisa White Short Retractable Screen for . Instant Screen Door with Portable and Reversible Bug Off Screen,. Products 41 80 of 418 Shop for Screen Doors in Doors and Gates. Buy products such as Roll Up Bug Screen Door for Single or One Car Garage at Walmart and. Buy Gimars Magnetic Screen Door Cover Full Frame Velcro Reinforced Fixer Magic Heavy Duty Fiberglass Mesh Curtain Fits Door to 34 x 82 MAX, Anti Bug. Products 201 240 of 415 Shop for Screen Doors in Doors and Gates. . CRL 1 Steel Ball Bearing Center Groove Sliding Screen Door Spring Tension Roller. Free Shipping. Buy Bug Off Instant Screen Door at Walmart.com. Buy Magnetic Butterfly Instant Screen Door, Multi at Walmart.com. Free Shipping. Buy Bug Off Instant Screen Door with Portable and Reversible Bug Off Screen, 64 x 80 at Walmart.com. Free Shipping. Buy Bug Off Instant Screen Door with Portable and Reversible Bug Off Screen, 72 x 96 at Walmart.com. Buy French Door Bug Off Screen, 72 x 80 at Walmart.com. . The magnets are not strong, though use of them is not a good designI cannot imagine these pad.
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Nov 4, 2018- I wanted a temporary screen door so I used 2 tension rods and a sheer curtain panel. Its pretty . All of us wants to stay outside for enjoy the nature. Amazon.com : Bug Off Instant Screen, 32-Inch by 80-Inch : Screen Doors . Works better and lasts longer than the cheaper instant screens Weve tested them all . Magnetic Screen Door, Mesh Screen Curtain Full Frame Velcro, Hand Free . It has a tension rod at the top that they pulled out of the doorway a few times but. Instant Screen Door Mosquito Net For Door Amazon.com. . I used the tension rod because I was sick of all the Velcro I had to use with the last one. Loved the. Bug Off Instant Screen Door 30" Width 78" to 80" height. Roll over image to zoom . Add all three to Cart Add all three to List . Tried to adjust it by lowering the tension rod.yep at least an inch opening. That size opening will. Bug Off Instant Screen Door works and looks better than ALL other Instant Screens, including Installs with a sturdy, lightweight adjustable spring tension rod. Snavely Forest Black Easy to Install Instant Screen Door with Hardware improves . Easy to install with included Velcro strips or tension rod; Screen is a charcoal. Buy Magnetic Screen Door with Heavy Duty Magnets and Mesh Curtain by . a hem for a tension curtain rod and put them in both doorways to hang the screens. Everyday Home and Walmart stand behind all their products so that you can. This instant door screen has 2 sleeves at the top for the rod: at 80 height for . Screen attaches near the top of your doorframe with an easy-up tension rod.
Bug Off Instant Screen Door 30 Width 78 to 80 height . Homitt Magnetic Screen Door with Heavy Duty Mesh Curtain and Full Frame Hook&Loop FITS Door. iGotTech Magnetic Screen Door, Full Frame Seal. Fits Door Openings up to 34x82 MAX Amazon.com. CLICK FOR WIKI //onbedroom.website/best-magnetic-screen-doors Please Note: Our choices for this wiki . The highest quality magnetic screen door on the market. . Bug Off Instant Screen Door works and looks better than ALL other Instant Screens, including Magic.
Free next day delivery on eligible orders for Amazon prime members Buy magnetic fly screen door on Amazon.co.uk. DIY Bug Fly Mosquito Insect Door Window Protector Net Mesh Screen Curtain. +. MAGIC MESH MAGNETIC CURTAIN HANDS FREE NET SCREEN FLY. This being said, you shouldnt simply buy the first magnetic screen door you lay eyes . to deal with the nasty pests that might otherwise pass through the door. Home Diamonds Ultra Heavy Duty Fiberglass Magnetic Mesh Screen Door Full Frame . Magnetic Screen Door Fiberglass Mesh Screen Door with Magnets, Fly. Magnetic Screen Door, Mesh Curtain Keeps Mosquitoes Out Full Frame . Walk through fly screen hands free, pet and kid friendly, closes like magic, dog and. Homitt Magnetic Screen Door with Heavy Duty Mesh Curtain and Full Frame . Magnetic Screen Door Fiberglass Mesh Screen Door with Magnets, Fly. Magnetic Screen Door 30, Insect Screen 30 X 80 Fit Doors Size Up to 28W X 79H Max with Full Frame Hook & Loop Fiber Screen for Patio Magnets House. Premium Magnetic Screen Door KEEP BUGS OUT, Let Fresh Air In. Instant Mosquito, Insect and Fly Screen with Magic Magnetic Closure. Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door, is a phrase attributed to.
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Find the highest rated products in our Screen Doors store, and read the most helpful . Velcro & Fiberglass Mesh Not Polyester This Instant Retractable Bug Screen . Fantastic! Very pleased with this product. I bought another brand of the. Aloudy Magnetic Screen Door Fits Doors Up to 36 x 98 MAX, Full Frame Velrco Instant Mesh Curtain, Hands Free Bugs Off Door Screen with Magnets Amazon.com. . Carefully remove the backing tape from the top and stick to the door frame. 6. Remove the backing tape from the Overall, fantastic product. Well made. I wanted a temporary screen door so I used 2 tension rods and a sheer curtain. More information . The First and Best Magnetic Screen Door . I love how these shutters give such a fabulous rustic farmhouse look. How to Make DIY Indoor. INSTANT BUG MESH provides all the Benefits of a Traditional Screen Door, . Apalus Magnetic Screen Door, Super Fine Mesh Fly Curtain, Magnetic Top-to-Bottom Seal Snaps Just purchased 2 of these screen doors they are fantastic. Anpro Magnetic Fly Insect Screen Door Screen Mesh Curtain Fits Door Up To 90 x 210cm (Black) . The lovely bit is the magnets automatically close the gap behind you fantastic. (311) . Instant Bug Mesh Fits Door Openings Up to 34x82 Max (Black) . Easy to install, I tried using the pole at first, the Velcro is much better. The highest quality magnetic screen door on the market. . Bug Off Instant Screen Door works and looks better than ALL other Instant Screens, including Magic. Forth, when closed, it looks better than I had imagined. Thank you . I installed it on my bedroom door to keep the pets out of my bedroom while still allowing airflow. Genius! . But you need to market it from the mountains, IT IS WONDERFUL!! This being said, you shouldnt simply buy the first magnetic screen door you lay eyes on . To give you better insight into what to expect, we put together a list of the ten best magnetic screen door on the market today. . 5Bug Off Instant Screen.
30 .. 2558 If you want to project your computer screen to a TV in Windows 10, the process has changed slightly since Windows 8. 5 .. 2559 Your Windows 10 computer can become a Miracast-compatible receiver and mirror the screen from another computer or a phone. 1 .. 2561 Windows 10 has brought a number of features to the palms of an end user. That being said, you can project what youre seeing on the laptop to. 29 .. 2561 Miracast Windows 10 . Windows 8.1 Windows RT 8.1 . Windows Miracast . Miracast ActiontecScreenBeam Pro Wireless Display Receiver . 29 .. 2561 Microsoft Store apps is the default setting. If you arent developing apps, or using special internal apps issued by your company, keep this. Mirror Beta is an app by Koushik Dutta, the creator of Clockwork Mod . Reflector turns Mac, Windows and Android devices into AirPlay, Google Cast or . Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. . oder das Display aktivieren, werden Sie Bei Android-Tablets Trekstor Primetab P10. A4 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis . in a new window or tab include sellers handling time, origin postal/ZIP code, Display. Assistenzsysteme. Description. No follow-up costs, it is a complete offer . Fernlichtassistent aktivieren VZE aktivieren Start/Stop-Anlage inaktivieren. 10. If you havent gotten the DMX bindings working for Openhab2 here is a workaround. . Lautstrke sowie Schalter fr weiter, zurck und das Aktivieren des Schlaf-Timers. inside my NAS and it is used to display some video feeds from my security cameras. Proof of concept of a MySensors binding for OpenHAB 2.
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/on-a-budget-temporary-screen-door
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Reliable Home Renovation Services and Cost Walton Nebraska| LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES
More information is at: http://www.handymanlincolne.com/best-home-renovation-walton-nebraska.html
Youtube: https://youtu.be/nw1J-ntBw8U
 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1273141022828309/videos/396692174335517/
 Looking for Home Renovation Cleaning Services in Walton Nebraska? LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES offers Excellent and trustworthy local Home Renovation Cleaning Services. Look no further for your premier Walton Nebraska remodel contractors than Statewide Renovation Contractors. We understand that every home is different and will work with you to create the unique solutions that you require. Whether it is a window replacement job or a comprehensive home renovation, no project is too big or too small for us. Cost of Home Renovation services Walton Nebraska? Call us Today.
Your home is your pride and joy. However, after years of living, it could be in dire need of our reputable Walton Nebraska  home remodelers. LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES offers a wide range of home Renovation services that ensure you get the best renovation for your home. Our experts proudly provide superior service and top-quality Renovation products that can scale to fit the needs of any budget. For more than 20 years, we been offering Renovation services of the highest caliber to homeowners in and around Walton Nebraska, and we aim to continue doing so for many more years to come.
Make Your Home Shine with Walton Nebraska Home Renovation Services
Whether it’s a top-notch bathroom upgrade or kitchen Renovation services to modernize you home, we can help you realize your visions for your Walton Nebraska Home. The craftsmanship and dedication of our LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES contractors do speaks for itself and we stand behind it fully with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Whether you need siding and new windows or are yearning for a sunroom, we can provide home improvements that increase your home’s value, style, and energy-efficiency, including industry-leading solutions from Sunrise Windows®, Provia Doors®, and eShield® radiant barrier insulation. Learn more about the Walton Nebraska Renovation services that we offer:
Walton Nebraska Kitchen     Remodel/Renovation: The     kitchen has long been considered the heart and soul of the household.     Ensure yours is beautiful and up-to-date.
Walton Nebraska Bathroom     Remodel/Renovation: Transform     your bathroom into a getaway from the hectic rush of life with the help of     our expert remodelers.
Walton Nebraska Replacement     Siding: Is your     current siding old and unsightly? We offer a wide variety of affordable     and beautiful siding options to fit your home.
Walton Nebraska Vinyl Siding: The vinyl siding we offer is of     the highest quality and offers thermal efficiency to help save you money     on your energy bills.
Walton Nebraska Sunrooms: A sunroom is a great way to add     usable space and additional functionality to any home in Omaha Nebraska.
Walton Nebraska Patios: Whether it is creating a new     patio or fashioning a cover for your existing one, our remodelers in Walton Nebraska can do it all!
Walton Nebraska Screened     Enclosures: Protect     your home and family from weather and insects with the help of our     high-quality screened-in rooms and decks.
Walton Nebraska Custom Window     Styles: New     windows can completely transform the way your home looks. From picture     windows to bay windows, we can create your custom fit.
Walton Nebraska Replacement     Windows: Not many Walton Nebraska home improvement     companies can create replacement windows as beautifully and energy     efficient as ours!
 Whether you live in an old or new home or you want to create that perfect game room inside your house, LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES is the ideal home renovation in Walton Nebraska with tracking results and many years of experience.
When it is time for your home renovation, don’t be unprepared for the many challenges and unexpected costs they may face. Not just are we qualified, but we offer affordable home renovation services and only apply the best materials and products you can find.
At LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES, we understand the issues that homeowners face when trying to renovate their homes. Our team has over 25 years of experience renovating homes including kitchen Renovation and bathroom Renovation.
Got questions about our Home renovation services? Contact us now LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES
Here are some common projects we complete:
·         Kitchen Renovation
·         Bathroom Renovation
·         Basement Finishing
·         Mudroom Renovation
·         Whole Home Renovation
·         1st Floor Renovations
·         Attic Renovation
·         Room Additions
Whatever the project, we will make sure the final result of your home renovation will leave you a space that you will proud to show your family and friends.  We have completed renovation projects in every aspects. That’s why you can rely on LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES to provide full service design build home Renovation that rewards you with excellent design and sensible functionality.  So contact us to discuss your home renovation project at LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES.
Overview of services
Note: The comprehensive A to Z list of services is can be found lower down on this page, right after the next section
·         AC = Air Conditioning, HVAC Heating Repair, Service & Installation
·         Appliance Service, Repair and Installation
·         Refrigeration: Refrigerator, freezer, cooler, chiller, commercial and residential
·         General Home repair, maintenance, Renovation
·         Home improvement
·         Handyman Services
·         Plumber services
·         Hot water heaters
·         Water leaks
·         Drain repair
·         Sump-Pump Service
·         Toilet problems: Leaks, clogged drain, overflowing,
·         Electrical repairs and installation services
·         Doors, windows and locks
·         Security and alarms
·         Emergency lock service
·         Handyman services
·         Full range of home Renovation: Kitchens, bedrooms, garage, sun-rooms, bathrooms
·         Cabinets & Kitchen counter-tops
·         Renovation, concrete, driveways, brick and stone walls
·         Window replacement
·         Flooring
·         Doors
·         Roofing
·         Swimming-pool
·         Garage door opener
·         Appliances
·         Major appliances service; Home appliances service, commercial appliances repairs
·         Gas and Electric appliance repair and installation
·         Refrigerators, freezers, wine coolers
·         Kitchen appliance service
·         Range, Stove, Ovens, cook-top, grill
·         Laundry appliances repair, service and installation
·         Washer and dryers: Laundry equipment brands
·         Coin operated washer dryer
·         Commercial laundry machines
·         Domestic (US brands) and imported appliances
·         Home electric appliance service,
·         Built-in appliance service
·         Under-the-counter appliances
·         Designer appliances
·         High-end brands (Top of the line appliances)
·         Affordable appliances, Generic brands and low cost brands
·         Residential (home) appliance service
·         Commercial appliance repair service and installation: All brands
·         Cooking appliances
·         Wall oven repair
·         Counter top stove
·         Gas ranges
·         (Glass) cook-top
·         Dishwashers
·         Heating and Cooling
·         Heating appliances
·         Electric heating
·         Gas heating
·         Oil heating
·         Electric heater
·         Water heater
·         Furnace
·         Boiler
·         Solar water heater
·         Geo-thermal heating and cooling
·         Climate-control
·         Central-air conditioning
·         HVAC: Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning
·         Heat-pump
·         Window air conditioning
·         Split system
·         Hot Water Heaters
·         Residential refrigeration: Refrigerator + Freezer repair service and installation
·         Commercial refrigeration service
·         “Walk in” refrigeration boxes
·         Deli refrigerated cases
·         Display cases
·         Beverage cooler
·         “Low-boy” refrigerator
·         Chiller
·         Freezer walk-in service
·         Commercial ice-maker service
·         Beverage & wine coolers
Some renovation projects are simply too big for a homeowner to tackle with a sledgehammer and a few household tools. If you plan on demolishing walls around appliances or removing cabinets and flooring, or if you're uncertain about the location of your wiring and plumbing, you'll probably need to call in a professional. Hiring a contractor can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars, depending on the scope of the job.
Average Cost of a Home Remodeling
Knowing the home renovation Walton Nebraska costs is recommended before starting a home renovation project. While looking at national averages can give a general idea, such numbers usually do not include factors which may affect the final price, such as local labor hourly rates, material costs and any local permits required for the Walton Nebraska home renovation project.
As our numbers show in 2019 average cost that homeowners paid for house remodel in Walton Nebraska is between $9,373.00 and $74,984.00.
What is remodeling a house?
“Remodeling” is often broadly used to describe any kind of change to an existing house. Technically, it's more accurate to say that remodel means to change the character of a house or a portion of a house. Replacing old windows with new ones is a renovation project.
What's the difference between renovation and remodeling?
Both remodeling and renovating mean to make improvements on an existing building or home. However, they refer to two slightly different types of construction. Renovation means “restore to a good state of repair.”Remodel means “to change the structure or form of something.”
Should I sell my home 2019?
But if you're weighing your options to sell, considering selling this year or maybe the year after, don't play the waiting game. Here are four reasons to sell your house in 2019: New buyers are still entering the market.Selling now will be better than waiting till 2020.
What salary do you need to buy a million dollar house?
So, if you are heeding our wise advice to limit your mortgage to 20-25% of your gross income, you can theoretically afford the house with an annual income of $182,00 to $228,000. But that's just principal and interest on the loan.
 Lincoln Handyman Services
Best Handyman in Lincoln NE!
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CALL 402-486-3717 MOVING OMAHA, http://www.moversinomaha.com/
 Omaha Lincoln NE Council Bluffs IA
Monday to Sunday 7:00 am – 11:00 pm
WEB: www.handymanlincolne.com
·         Handyman Services
·         Painting
·         Drywall Repair
·         Doors and Windows Repair Replacement
·         House Renovation
·         Bathroom Remodeling
·         Kitchen Remodeling
·         Sink Installation
·         Cabinet Installation
·         Air Conditioner Installation
·         Flat Screen / Tv Mount Installment
·         Furniture and Custom Shelves Assembly
·         Bathroom and Kitchen Redesign
·         Cleaning Services Indoor or Outdoor
·         Concrete / Masonry
·         Junk Removal
·         Furniture Removal and Hauling
Lincoln Nebraska Metro Area: Bennet NE, Firth NE, Hallam NE, Hickman NE, Lancaster County, Lincoln Nebraska, Malcolm NE, Milford NE, Panama NE, Seward County, Seward NE, Staplehurst NE, Utica NE, Walton NE, WAVERLY NE, Lincoln NE | Omaha NE | Lancaster County NE | Seward County NE | Milford NE | 68501, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68524, 68526, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588.
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