#i paid to bring my bike but i might bail on that
icteridcorvid · 6 months
my roommate said she overheard me filming my video essay and she thought it was good lol. I rage quit editing it out of sleep deprivation last week but maybe I'll finish it when I'm at my parents house with nothing to do
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mayra-quijotescx · 4 months
Made it to and from the gallery on public transportation today, proving to myself It Can Be Done and I am a Strong and Independent Possum Who Need Not Get In A Car.
And I am satisfied with the knowledge that I can do this and it's only (i know, i know) like 2.5-3 hours out of that day.
but good lord.
(whining under the readmore)
Every step of the journey felt like a goddamn song by Muse from the aughts with how unsubtly and copiously it beat me around the ears with how profoundly shitty our society is.
first of all, we have a 7-mile trip taking an hour and 15 minutes each way in a major city. Even in other parts of the US, that's rightly regarded as absurd. Local Route is once every 30 minutes and mandatory to reach Trolley, on which I spent most of my journey, and from Trolley I had a fifteen-minute walk through one of the most desolate neighborhoods within the Loop to reach Gallery.
METRO has a $1.25 fare expectation of riders (having a Q Card helps because then you can stretch that fare across multiple buses instead of having to dump change at every bus you get on.) It also wastes an exorbitant amount of its budget (probably more than it gets from the fares itself, though I can't prove it) on hiring fare inspectors, whose sole purpose is to swan about on our laughably tiny trolley network harassing anyone who looks poor to make sure they paid before getting on the trolley, and to write them $75 tickets if they didn't. (I carry an extra Q Card in case this happens in front of me, and have had to intervene in such a way three times in the last year. And I don't go outside much.) Coming and going, there were three hanging about in each trolley car I was in, so I felt like I had to be vigilant the whole time.
By the time I reached [Trolley drop off point] on the towards-gallery part of the trip, I was glad for the 15-minute walk ahead of me because it meant I could clear my mind from what was a very loud trip... until the walk took me from the bail bondsman mini-district into the area directly around Gallery, which is getting flipped up into a dumping ground for new real estate investment properties despite having no nearby grocery stores, no immediate-vicinity bus routes, one food place (costly brunch joint that may or may not be a side hustle of Close Proximity Bail Bond Office #2), and downright fuckall else. There's a hastily-kludged bike line if that sweetens the deal, which I walked in for the final stretch due to the sidewalklessness of it all.
There are a couple of other gallery/studios embedded amid the runaway construction of Generic Luxury Apartment Block No One Can Afford #8953-8957, and one mostly built Generic Luxury Apartment Block No One Can Afford, lazily named "The Artist" after the class of people least likely to be able to make rent there. Lest one accuse it of being a mere unoriginal clone of 50 other similar giant boxes found in the turbogentrified Greater Heights/Montrose area, there's a small piece of genuine vintage railroad track installed out front between the sidewalk and the pothole-studded road. The piece of track leads to nowhere and connects nothing. It's too obvious to write a poem about.
I would be hopeful that all this runaway development would at least bring more people to the vicinity of Gallery and the nearby studios, but again, these look like additions to the investment/tax dodge portfolio for some rich jackoff who's like as not to have never set foot in Houston, not places that real people are going to be able to live in.
Anyway, I'm home safe, and was at least able to immediately launch myself into the shower after sweating buckets from 30 minutes of walking around in 75F weather in February, which I won't dwell on because I might get fully seized by a climate doom spiral if I do : )
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ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
Jij Verliest - Chapter Seven: Clip 5&6
master list
note: I’m sorry, I’ve given up on actually making the texts. Also I didn’t italicize the texts because everytime I do, Tumblr doesn’t always get them all for whatever reason.
Maandag 11:52
Chat: Broerrrs + Luc
13 July, 11:52
Jens: ROBBE. IJZERMANS. What part of ‘text us about it’ did you not understand?
Robbe: Lucas. You could’ve warned me at least.
Lucas: Sorry.
Aaron: What happened to ‘Chill Jens’?
Moyo: Caps lock must’ve been on. 
Jens: Caps lock was on. Didn’t feel like changing it though. It served a purpose.
Moyo: What’s going on?
Aaron: Yeah, what do VDS know that we don’t?
Lucas: Um, do you want me to tell them?
Robbe: I can’t have one blissful Monday afternoon, can I?
Aaron: Of course not, it’s Monday.
Lucas: Robbe had a *visitor* this weekend. Someone who showed up on Friday night. And didn’t leave until this morning 👀 Should my sources be correct… 
Robbe: Zoë or Milan?
Lucas: My sources are confidential.
Moyo: Please tell me it was Sander.
Robbe: Yes, it was Sander.
Moyo: Thank god. Wait, are you being serious?
Jens: Yes! And *someone* forgot to tell us.
Robbe: I’m sorry, I was busy.
Aaron: Yeah, we know what you were doing all weekend.
Robbe: Cuddling and watching Harry Potter?
Moyo: You’re boring.
Robbe: Haha 🖕🏻 Sander didn’t think so. Also, who else would it be, Moyo?
Moyo: Worst case scenario? Thomas. Best case scenario? A random one nightstand.
Jens: Thomas? As if.
Moyo: That’s why it was the worst-case scenario.
Lucas: If it was Thomas, none of us would be able to stop Jens. And I’m thankful it’s not because I’m sick of his face. And my boyfriend isn’t in jail.
Aaron: Seconded.
Moyo: Third.
Jens: You guys know I almost always agree with Lucas. But I am also sick of Thomas’s face. And I would need bail money. 
Robbe: Yes, I know. I have a rotten ex-boyfriend. Luckily, I have a new one that’s ten times better.
Jens: Yes. Did he explain why he was distant?
Robbe: Yes, he did and I forgive him. I would’ve forgiven him anyway, but he did explain. And we’re together now.
Jens: Good. That’s all that matters.
Robbe: So, since we all know what *I* was doing this weekend: how were all of your weekends?
Lucas: the Netherlands was fun. Got to see Isa and the girls again. Plus, Mom kept trying to force-feed Jens. She told him he was too skinny.
Jens: She said the same thing to you. Why are you singling me out?
Aaron: Amber and I went out to lunch with her mom on Sunday.
Moyo: My girlfriend’s roommates were out on Saturday night. So we ended up cooking together. The first try was a bit of a disaster, but we managed to make something good the second time.
Robbe: That’s great. I’m glad everyone had fun.
Lucas: When are we going to meet this mystery girl, Moyo? You seem smitten.
Jens: Yeah, you do. And you call me whipped. You should see you.
Robbe: But you are whipped.
Jens: I’m not denying it. But he’s also whipped.
Lucas: You are.
Moyo: When are we going to meet Sander? As your friends, he’s just as important as you are.
Robbe: I don’t know. Probably about the same time that you introduce us to Noor.
Jens: Wait, Noor is your mystery girl?
Moyo: Aaron!
Aaron: I DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING. I haven’t even told Amber!
Jens: Wait, Aaron knew about this and not me? I’m offended, bro.
Lucas: I’d like to know how Robbe knew. Because if Aaron didn’t tell Amber, he didn’t tell Robbe.
Robbe: My source is confidential.
Moyo: Robbe, I hate you.
Robbe: Don’t hate me. She’s a great girl. Plus, it’s not like you two are sly. At our movie night, you two were far more comfortable than you should’ve been.
Moyo: Yeah, you’re right.
Jens: I feel like my entire world has changed. 
Dinsdag 17:45
When Robbe had stepped into the tattoo parlor a little before 17:00, Alicia had leapt over the edge of the counter and bounced across the empty lobby. She had tackled him, nearly causing both of them to crash onto the floor, and her electric blue ponytail smacked him in the face. Robbe recoiled slightly from the accidental slap before sinking into her embrace. Once she pulled away, she bounced on her feet, looking like she might explode from excitement. 
“I’m so happy to see you here again!” she said, grinning. “I was starting to worry that I would have to deal with grumpy Sander for the rest of my life.” Robbe chuckled and Alicia smiled proudly. “But I’m glad to see that you two have made up—you did make up, right? He has just seemed happier today and yesterday and I’m assuming it’s because of you.”
Robbe laughed. “Yes, we did.”
Alicia bounced again, still grinning. “That’s great! His shift is over in a few minutes…” She trailed off, eyeing him suspiciously. “But I have a feeling that you already knew that.” While Alicia continued to eye him with playful suspicion, Robbe shrugged and grinned. “Sorry, my mom always tells me that I seem strange to people who don’t know me. It’s just I’ve heard so much about you from Sander and he’s practically family so I’m pretty protective of—”
“No, it’s okay, I understand—”
As if on cue, Sander stepped out of the hallway. Even after a long day of work, his bleach-blond hair was still immaculate and pristine. Today, he was wearing another black shirt but this one had Emilie’s Tattoo Parlor printed across his chest. He looked tired, but Robbe wasn’t surprised. He had worked the early shift. 
Stopping at the desk, he placed down a binder and adjusted the strap of his bag a little higher on his shoulder. Glancing up, his eyes caught Robbe talking with Alicia. As soon as he spotted them, he grinned brightly over at them, all tiredness fading from his face, and said, “Alicia, leave my boyfriend alone.” His tone was light and teasing as he crossed the room. Sander wrapped Robbe in a hug before moving towards the parlor door. “I only have him for an hour before he has to go to work.” 
“Oh right,” Alicia said, smacking her head like she forgot. She grinned at Robbe, waving goodbye at the two of them. “Have a good dinner!” 
“Tell Britt hi!” 
Leaving the tattoo parlor, Robbe collected his bike before following Sander down a well-tuned series of turns to their destination. With one arm around Sander’s waist and the other steering his bike, Robbe felt like he was right where he was meant to. Robbe didn’t know where they were going—just to some restaurant that Robbe had to try—but he followed Sander’s gentle tugs and guidance with ease. Once they arrived at the hole-in-the-wall restaurant, Robbe locked his bike up and let Sander drag him inside. 
Robbe didn’t know what he had been expecting from the small restaurant, but it was one of the best pizzas that he’d ever had. As soon as they walked in, the cashier recognized Sander and proceeded to tease him about taking too long to bring his boyfriend around. When the cashier brought them their pizzas, moving before Sander could get up to get them, they were hot to the touch and fresh from the oven. 
As they ate their food, Sander would reach out to feed Robbe a bite of his or brush a hand on his thigh beneath the table. Every time Sander did something, paid attention to him, his heart grew three sizes. Even so early into their relationship, he felt so cared for. Robbe tried to do the same. He would reach out to hold his knee or hold Sander’s hand beneath the table. And Sander never shied away from Robbe’s touch. In fact, he seemed to blossom with it. 
As they left the restaurant, hand in hand and laughing, the cashier tried to say it was on the house for their favorite customer and his boyfriend. Robbe blushed profusely at their comment and Sander merely chuckled, thanking them. As soon as the cook called the cashier’s name, Sander quickly dropped the money to cover the order (and more) into the tip jar before dragging Robbe from the restaurant. 
Even though it wasn’t that long of a ride, Sander insisted on driving Robbe back to the flatshare. Their only trouble was getting Robbe’s bike in the car, but they managed to make it work by tilting it a little. The ride itself was short and relaxing. Sander drove with one hand on the wheel and the other was wrapped gently with Robbe’s hand. As he weaved through the traffic, Sander talked in vivid detail about a tattoo that he did earlier this afternoon as Robbe listened intently. 
As they pulled into a stop outside the building, Robbe got curious. “Hey, Sander.”
“Yeah?” Sander asked. 
“What were you thinking about, that night at the bar?” Robbe asked. 
It had been a question on Robbe’s mind for a while. His thoughts of the night were abundantly clear—okay, maybe slightly buzzed—that the random stranger with an armful of tattoos who sat down next to him and offered him a smoke and gave him an impromptu therapy session was hot. As he nursed his hangover the next morning, Robbe had briefly entertained the thought of meeting him again but Robbe had thought it was an impossible feat. Seeing Sander walk in that bar less than a week later… it had felt like a sign.
One that Robbe had been simultaneously curious and terrified of. 
When Sander was quiet, simply staring at the steering wheel with a small smile on his face, Robbe added, “I’m sure that it must’ve been one hell of a crappy impression.” 
Sander glanced up at him with a small look of disbelief and a scoff. “What makes you think that?” Sander teased. 
Robbe turned in his seat, facing Sander with a mischievous smile on his face. He placed their joined hands in his lap, running his finger over the back of his hand. “I don’t know, but if I saw a guy sitting quite dramatically on the floor—I think that was your wording,” Robbe said and Sander laughed, “and lamenting his ex-boyfriend, it wouldn’t have been the best first impression I’ve ever made.”
“I don’t know,” Sander said. He put the car in park before turning to Robbe, who was waiting impatiently beside him. Sander tugged their joined hands back into his lap before turning Robbe’s over so the palm was facing upward. Sander trailed a finger along the lines of his palm, leaving Robbe squirming in his seat. “I think you made quite the first impression.”
This time, it was Robbe’s turn to scoff. He leaned against the leather of the car, relishing in the feeling of Sander’s doodles on his palm. “You know as well as I do, I could’ve done a lot better than bitching about my ex with someone—”
“No,” Sander said, interrupting him lightly. His voice was quiet like he was having a private conversation with himself and Robbe watched on, biting down on his lip. “That wasn’t the time I meant.” 
Robbe’s eyebrows pulled tight, staring at him in confusion. “What do you mean?”
Sander’s eyes darted up to meet Robbe. He could see the panicked expression in his eyes, like he didn’t expect Robbe to hear his secret confession. Quickly, his expression shifted to nervous. A small lopsided grin formed on his lips as he tilted his head to the side. Sander’s hand fidgeted around his and Robbe twisted his hand around to grasp at Sander’s fingers. 
“Sander,” Robbe said. “What is it?” 
“Um,” Sander said, biting down on his lip. “Last August, I went to the bar with my roommates after a long day at work. While I was waiting for them to show up, I spotted this beautiful man standing at the bar talking with the owner like he did it every day.” 
Sander’s eyes raised, catching his brown ones in an instant, and Robbe was certain his heart stopped in his chest. Him, Robbe realized. Sander had seen him before. 
“Before I could work up the nerve to talk to him, to get the name of this beautiful man who turned my world upside down in an instant, his boyfriend showed up and whisked him away from me. I thought that was the end of it—that I missed my chance until…” Sander trailed off. 
Robbe felt his stomach flip, nervous and excited. Bringing Sander’s hand to his mouth, Robbe placed a kiss against his knuckles. Sander followed him with a heavy gaze in his eyes and the corners of his lips quirked up nervously. “Until?” Robbe asked, his lips brushing against Sander’s knuckles. 
“Until…” Sander continued. Robbe scooted closer to him—or as much as he could in the small confine of the car. He was practically leaning over the console, trying to get as close to Sander as he could. Sander glanced at Robbe nervously. “Until last month. It had been a rough few months, but I was starting to come out of it. It was my first time out of the apartment other than for work for a month and I looked over and saw the beautiful man in the bar again.”
Robbe giggled. 
“As soon as I saw him, I knew that he was the one. My mother used to tell me that there was no such thing as a coincidence,” Sander said, reaching up to wipe a thumb across Robbe’s flushed cheeks. “She used to go on and on about how ‘what is meant for you won’t pass you by’—”
“Is that what the quote on your side is?” Robbe asked, quietly. Sander paused, staring at him. “I saw it on Saturday but your arm was covering most of it.” 
Sander grinned. “Yes, it is. Now, back to the story—” 
Robbe mumbled out a quiet ‘sorry’ and Sander gave him a stern look. 
“When I saw that beautiful man for the second time, I knew that the universe was trying to give me a sign and I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity. When I saw him head outside to get some air, I followed. But I only managed to learn his name before the universe ripped him away from me again.” He let out a heavy sigh and slumped his shoulders. “But, lucky for me, I managed to find him again, not even a week later, and I knew that I couldn’t let him get away from me again.” 
“Wow,” Robbe said, breathless. Sander looked up at him with nervous eyes, staring at Robbe intensely. He let out a breath, reaching up to take Sander’s face in his hands. “You really saw me that long ago?”
“Yes,” Sander whispered. “Since the moment I saw you, I’ve wanted you, Robbe IJzermans… even before I knew what your name was.” His eyes scanned Robbe’s face. “Are you mad?” 
Staring at Sander for a few seconds, Robbe hastily undid the seatbelt around him. He could see the worried look on Sander’s face, like Robbe was going to climb out and never look back, but Robbe simply climbed on the seat. His knees dug into the leather as Robbe leaned across the center to press a deep kiss against Sander’s lips. He clung to the strands of Sander’s icy blond hair, holding on for dear life, as Sander let out a grunt. 
Since the beginning, Sander had always seen him. Whether it was last month outside the bar or last year inside the bar, Sander had seen him. He had seen Robbe in the comfort of his bed, in the disarray of a friendly gathering, desperate in a tattoo parlor, and so many moments in between. Robbe wanted Sander to see him in all of his moments and moods, just like he wanted to see all of Sander’s faces and facades. He wanted all of Sander, everything he could get them. 
Sander’s words from last Friday came rushing back: Robbe IJzermans, since the moment that I first saw you, I have wanted you. 
“So you’re not mad?” Sander asked, breaking their kiss. 
Robbe shook his head, practically panting against Sander’s mouth. “No, I’m not mad.”
“Good,” Sander said, quietly. “I was worried you might be.” 
“I’m not. I promise.” 
Robbe moved to kiss Sander again. Robbe wanted to kiss him a little harder. Robbe wanted to pour every single emotion bursting out of his chest into the kiss for Sander—for Sander to taste—at the same intensity Robbe was experiencing from him. But, at the last second, Sander pulled away a mischievous smile on his lips and Robbe couldn’t help the whine. “What were you thinking the night that you first saw me outside the bar?”
Robbe chuckled. “I could only think of one thing—” Pausing, Robbe leaned forward. His knees were strained from this position, but he didn’t care. Stopping a hair away from connecting their lips fully, Sander glanced up at Robbe with a mischievous look in his eye as Robbe grinned. “—Fuuucccckkk, he’s so hot.”
Sander laughed but his laugh was muffled by Robbe’s lips pressing against his. 
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Offer Me A Rest, Western-- Practically.
Next to morning meal, lunch is actually an additional significant meal which you should not bypass. Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D. is actually a licensed therapist in S. California because 1978 along with over 30 years adventure in counseling people and also few and author of 13 books in 17 languages, including This Ends With You: Mature as well as From Disorder; The Unofficial Guide to Dating Again; Amount of money, Sexual activity and Kids: Quit Combating Regarding the Three Things That Could Ruin Your Relationship, The Traveler Marriage, and her most up-to-date, Love Styles: Effective ways to Celebrate Your Distinctions. In a planet with improving awareness on psychological wellness and also its own usefulness, I am actually instead shocked that Western could care less regarding attempting to aid the worry fees from the students along with a break. You are going to come to be much more comfortable using this weight transfer approach to carry even more electrical power to your rest stroke. 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Learn all you could approximately connecting effectively after the separate, and also even more essentially, understand what you're heading to mention when that get in touch with acquires made. Workers are allowed to one paid 10-minute rest breather if their job period is between pair of and also 4 hours; one paid 10-minute rest breather and also one overdue 30-minute food rest if their work time period is in between 4 as well as 6 hours; two paid 10-minute rest breaks as well as one unsettled 30-minute food breather if their job time period is between 6 and also eight hours. In addition going on a fast isn't really a rocket science; for hundreds of years, mostly all societies have actually utilized that to help get rid of the body of poisons, offer our digestive body organs the chance to invigorate as well as repair the best possible feature. The chart would certainly after that show which bones appeared to become the most and least probably to crack. Reassessing these delighted quotes is simply the first step on coming to be a true optimist. Meso-break - not unlike my little bit of 2-day hideaway in to the nation, a meso-break might be actually a hassle-free weekend where all electronics are switched off - which aids to give you a little bit even more from a recharge in your electric batteries. I and my enthusiast possessed some problems which brings about our split since after then my lifestyle has never ever coincided i made an effort all approach in order to get him back but they were just rubbish of initiative as well as wild-goose chase. It has a great deal to crack without a lover, oftentimes you'll split 6 to 20 times. Micro-break - that short amount of time like a full, undisturbed lunch hr or even an extended bike experience - that assists to provide a boost of energy to kick-start your mid-day along with an opportunity for originalities to develop. 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0 notes
La Gloria Ch.10
He drops Sammy off at her house and gives her one last kiss. On his way back home Papo's bike stalls and shuts off, on the side of the road Mateo tries to start it up again but has no luck. He forgot to fill up the bike so he had to walk the motorcycle back to his house which was going to be a challenge getting the bike up the hill. But thankfully he still had enough strength to do it. As he passes the baseball park and gas station he gets a weird feeling that someone was following him. He first thought it Frankie's grandmother to heed him another warning but when he looked behind him all he can see in the far distance was the faint glimmer of the closed gas station under the streetlight. He makes a stop by the garage to leave the bike there since on the way the bike got more and more heavy. While inside he checks on the rum, he see's that the jug was half filled and decided to give it a taste test. It had no smell which was a good sign and the taste was as strong as jet fuel which was an even greater sign. He reaches into his pocket to get his fathers flask and finds his razor instead. He remembered that the flask was right by his bedside so that was no good where it was. He finds an empty blue cup sitting on top of a customers car and pours the giant jug into the cup. He fills it a quarter of the way and takes the whole drink back in one simple gulp. Mateo can feel the burn of his rum going down his throat, it felt so liberating that he decided to pour one last cup before heading home. As he closes up shop he can hear the crackling of tires and rocks behind him, then the sound of squeaky brakes and a door closing. He see's a man dressed in khaki uniform and a dark mustache approaching him. Mateo: "Lieutenant Vargas." Lt Raul Vargas: "Mateo Torres, what are you doing here so late?" Mateo: "Shouldn't you be home not bothering me?" Lt. Vargas approaches Mateo and pins him up against the metal garage gate as the chains on the inside make a rattling noise. He puts his forearm up against his throat nearly choking him, but Mateo was able to grab his arm and keep him from choking the life out of him. Lt. Vargas can smell the alcohol on his breath from him trying to grasp air. Lt. Raul Vargas: "What's that? Is that alcohol I smell? I'm gonna have to bring you in Torres." Vargas reaches into his back belt pocket to retrieve his handcuffs and places them around his wrist. At that moment another car pulls up a black Lincoln Continental. Mateo: "Leo?" Lt. Raul Vargas: "Is that Beltran?" Leo exits his car and walks his fat body over to the police cruiser where Mateo is being searched and cuffed. Leo: "What's going on here?" Lt. Raul Vargas: "Well if you must know Beltran this young man has been drinking. He is underage and I need to take him in for being intoxicated." Leo: "You can't." Lt. Raul Vargas: "And why not?" Leo: "Because I gave him the alcohol." Lt. Raul Vargas: "Are you admitting that you gave this young man alcohol?" Leo looks at Mateo, while he looks at him wondering what the hell he's thinking. Leo: "Yes. I gave him a some while I went home for a minute." Vargas looks at Leo and scrunched his nose a few times before un cuffing Mateo and pushing him away from the gate. Vargas takes the same handcuffs and puts them on Leo who kindly puts his hands behind his back. Mateo runs over to him. Mateo: "What are you doing?" Leo: "Saving your life, go find my nephew and tell him what's happened." Vargas opens the back of his squad car and puts Leo inside while reading him his rights, Leo says nothing. Just before he enters the car Vargas goes over to Mateo one last time. Lt. Raul Vargas: "Look. I don't know why your associated with this man but he's dangerous. Your not like this Torres, if I was you I'd stay away." Mateo looks at Vargas as he walks back to his car. Just as the alcohol hits his stomach he starts to feel dizzy, then his mind starts to think about Leo and all the things he's done for him. He was the closest thing to a father that he had, Raul Vargas was no father figure to anyone in La Gloria, but he knew better than to judge the man, but it was hard to respect that same man who wears a khaki uniform and gold badge. He arrives at the house in Leo's car and finds Michael cleaning dishes in the kitchen. Michael: "About time you got--" Mateo: "Leo just got arrested" Michael: "What?" Mateo: "Yeah, just now, right in front of the garage." Frankie pops out of nowhere from behind the refrigerator. Frankie: "Leo got arrested?" Michael: "Yeah dumbass, where'd they take him?" Mateo: "Probably to the police station, he said you would know what to do." Michael: "Yeah I do. I'm gonna need all the money you guys have." Frankie: "I only got $2000." Michael: "That's fine, Mateo how much do you have?" Mateo had over $10,000 saved up. From the time he was working with his father chopping sugar cane til today he saved up every penny he had and stashed it away. Mateo: "I don't have any money, all I have is what I've been saving." Michael: "So? You know my uncles gonna pay you back." Mateo: "I didn't tell him to go to jail in my place that was his fault." Michael: "You gotta be shitting me right. My uncle is a wanted man don't you get that? He risked his freedom so that way you wouldn't end up in jail and now you don't want to bail him out." Michael did have a point. He knew that Leo was a wanted man and if they caught him he might go straight to jail, but at the same time Mateo didn't want to give up his life savings for another life to be free. He was stuck. Michael: "Look I have seven thousand and Frankie has two. We're going out on a limb here to save my uncle, how's it going to look if we bail him out and you didn't contribute not one dime? If you don't do this Mateo it will seem like a stab in the heart to a man who's looked after you since your fathers passed." He did have another point, when he saw Leo getting out in the back of the car for a moment he saw his fathers face, but that could have been the alcohol making him see things. Nonetheless Mateo felt it was the right thing to do and bail out the man who's been more of a father to him than his actual father. Mateo: "Alright. Give me half an hour and I'll give you the money to bail him out." Michael: "No we'll give you the money, Frankie and I gotta go make some collections tonight." Mateo: "Ok." An hour later Mateo is standing in front of his blue and white pick up truck waiting for Leo to come out. He is escorted by one police officer out the building and towards Mateo. He greets him with a warm smile and hug. Leo: "It's great to see you my son. Come, let's get out of here." They enter the truck and leave the police parking lot. On the way back home Mateo for some reason felt bad for Leo, not because he got locked up, but because he wasted nearly all of his life savings to get him out. Leo's bail was $21,000 so Mateo was short 1,000. Luckily Leo had a thousand dollars with him at the time he was arrested but now Mateo was broke. The whole way back home all Leo kept on talking about was how bad the police were and how they treated him unfairly while he was in their custody, but Mateo paid no mind. He was going to use that money to help his aunt Marie with her surgery for that ugly cough she had and now it was all gone. Mateo blamed himself for Leo being locked up, if he'd had gotten locked up maybe he might have been let go for his first offense. Leo: "Did you hear me?" Mateo: "I'm sorry, what happened?" Leo: "Jesus kid pay attention. I said I'm going to pay you back the money by the end of the month when we get our figures in." Mateo: "Is there anyway you can give me half? I need the money for my aunts surgery." Leo: "That old bat, she's still alive? Fuck! I thought she'd be dead by now." Mateo becomes offended by Leo's comment. Leo: "But I might have some money, let me check when we get home." They arrive at the base of Leo's driveway where a line of cars fill up both sides of the street and his driveway. Mateo parks the car at his house and heads for the front door. Leo stops him just in time before he gets his keys. Leo: "Where you going?" Mateo: "I'm going to bed. I've had a long ass night." Leo: "Bullshit. Come with me I want to show you something cool." He grabs Mateo by the shoulder and leads him to his house. They walk by all the cars parked on his steep driveway and go through a trail that has wood planks laid out across the muddy floor. He can hear the sounds of trash talk and cheering getting louder and louder the more deeper they got into the forest. Leo: "You remember all that noise I was making these past few months? Well, this is what I've been working on." They emerge from the forest to a large gathering of 20-30 men all shouting around a huge cock fighting ring. One rooster had another pinned up by the wall that was dug three feet underground. The place looked like a legitimate cock fighting ring with three rows of high rising seats surrounding the entire ring and one referee monitoring the battle. Leo takes Mateo closer to the ring to get a better look. One of the Jíbaro's there pushed another for spilling his beer while the rest of the people kept shouting for the large white rooster to take out the other that was pinned down. The white rooster who went by the name of "El Jefe de pollo" started pecking the other rooster who was named "Cuco" in the head multiple time before blood started coming out his beak. The sight of blood and the persistent pecking of El Jefe started to make Mateo sick. He never liked the sport of cock fighting even though it was an island and family tradition. When his grandfather wasn't making Pitorro he was raising roosters to fight, but Mateo never found interest in the sport. He wasn't a fighter but at that moment he felt just like Cuco, trying to survive in the bitter world that's rooting for you to fail. El Jefe took out Cuco's eye with his sharp spur and the blood from the brown rooster started to go all over it's face. But Cuco was able to get out from underneath El Jefe and give him one final blow. Cuco flew up into the air and with his last good sharp spur he was able to give one good slice to the top of El Jefe's head to open up a deep wound. El Jefe went down almost immediately and Cuco with all the strength he had left started pecking away at his head before the referee stopped the fight. The entire crowd began to boo at the rooster except for Leo who was laughing really hard. Mateo: "What's so funny?" The referee held up the winning rooster but got pecked in the hand and dropped him. Cuco went back to El Jefe and pecked away more and more just before he gave up and fell right next to him. Leo: "That was my rooster, Cuco. He may seem weak but that chicken has got a lot of heart." The referee holds up the dead chicken as Leo goes down into the pit to collect his earnings which seemed like a lot, but when he counted the money it was only $300 in singles and fives. He walks back with the money and the dead rooster. He gives Mateo both. Leo: "Here's part of the money I owe you unless you want to bet it?" Mateo hands him back the money but keeps Cuco the rooster. Leo: "Throw that shit in the trash before you get sick." Mateo wipes his nose with the same arm that the roosters in. He agrees and watches as Leo secretly talks to another guy who hands him another large stack of bills but this time it was in fifties and hundreds. They smile and walk to their seats to enjoy the rest of the up coming matches. Mateo passes by one of the shack beams and see's a small shovel on a hook with a machete right behind it. He grabs the shovel and walks right past a trash can overflowing with dead roosters from all the matches tonight. He enters the woods not to far from the ring so that way he can still get some light to see where he's digging. He digs a hole and finds another dead rooster but with its head chopped off and maggots eating away underneath his body. Mateo freaks out for a second and throws the rooster back in the hole. He wonders how many other roosters were buried back here. Were they all winners as well, is this where the winners get buried, he did not know. Mateo walks a little further into the woods and see's the faint outline of the trail that lead up to his father's distillar. He digs a hole right next to the trail and says a few more last words. Mateo: "It's a shame. You were brought up to fight and do things that you probably didn't want to do. I feel like you and I are the same, we were born into this world that seemed like fun at first but now it's not. Your win tonight will not be forgotten Cuco, keep fighting." He throws the bloody faced rooster into the ground and covers him with dirt. He pours some of his rum on top of the grave that Leo had given him earlier during the match. He sticks the shovel into the ground next to a tree and walks down the faint trail back towards his house. As he emerges from Yiyo's backyard and up the hill to his house he see's Rosa sitting on cinder block in front of his gate. Rosa: "Hey punk. Where you coming from?" Mateo: "Leo's house." Rosa: "What's he up to now?" Mateo: "He's having a cock fighting match behind his house." Rosa: "Is that where all that blood came from?" Rosa points to his bloody tank top and blue jeans. Mateo: "Yeah, he had me bury his winner. What are you doing here?" Rosa: "I couldn't sleep from all that noise so I'd figure I stop by and see if you were up." Mateo: "Wanna come in?" She nods her head as he opens the gate and walks to the front door. They enter the house as Rosa jumps onto the worn out couch. Mateo goes to the kitchen and reaches into the bottom cabinet to get his Pitorro. Rosa on the other hand smells a familiar smell coming from the couch. Rosa: "What's wrong with this couch?" Mateo: "That's not a couch, that's where Frankie sleeps." She immediately gets up from the couch and wipes her body. She can almost feel Frankie's nasty fingers trying to rub all over her which give her the creeps. Mateo: "Want some rum? Beer?" Rosa: "I'm fine thank you." Mateo pours himself a shot. He see's that there's still blood on his fingers so he washes his hands before he gets ice. In the other room Rosa heads over to the shelf where she's looking at all the pictures of Mateo's family next to a stack of records. Mateo takes another shot of the rum and pours half a cup of rum, ice, and cola champagne into the glass. He takes off his dirty sweaty and bloody undershirt and throws it on top of the kitchen table. He walks back out to the living room and see's Rosa crouched down on the floor near his mothers record collection. Rosa sifts through the records and notices Mateo in her peripherals leaning up against the doorway drinking from his favorite blue cup. Rosa: "I see some things never change." Mateo: "What are you talking about?" She looks up and see's that Mateo had taken off his bloody undershirt. She can see the sweat from the late night heat and rum shining off the dim lights from the kitchen and living room. Rosa: "I mean your still drinking from that blue cup, and you kept your mothers records." Mateo: "Oh yeah. I forgot those were there." She turns on the record player and amp that sit above her head. She pulls out Eddie Palmieri Azucar Pa Ti and puts the record on the turntable. She turns up the volume and places the needle on the record. *Solo Pensar en Ti starts playing* Rosa rises from her kneeling position and begins to slowly let the music take her away. Mateo looks on as she slowly dances toward him, he can feel the warm rum hit his stomach and fill his body with more heat. Rosa: "Do you remember this song?" Mateo: "Yeah." Rosa: "Do you remember the steps?" She gets face to face with Mateo while he smiles and takes another sip. Rosa grabs his glass and places it on top of the shelf next to the doorway. He wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her in closer, she giggles and places her arms around the back of his neck. Mateo leads her to the center of the room as the lyrics start. He completely forgot how to slow dance, but thanks to Rosa he was able to follow the rhythm of her body along with the song. Rosa: "There you go, now you got it." He also forgot how Rosa's body felt against his. It was warm and soft, he can feel that around her waist she had put on a few pounds but he knew better than to say that to her. Mateo: "You feel...nice." She places her head onto his shoulders and closes her eyes. She can feel the hard muscles around his neck from all those years of carrying around sugar cane, as well as his rock hard abs and arms that were so closely wrapped around her body that it almost made her quiver. They slowly dance around the room some more, Mateo gently squeezes Rosa as she puts her hands on the back of his head. She opens her eyes and see's a photo of Danny, Chichi, Leo, and Evelyn at her wedding to Samuel. She lets go of Mateo and walks over to the photo. Rosa: "Oh my god, is that Papi?" Mateo glances at the photo and goes back to the shelf to get his cup. Mateo: "I think that was the day Mami and Papi got married." Rosa: "Look how young they were." He stands next to her to look at the picture. Rosa holds back her tears, the memories of seeing her father smiling like that was almost too much for her. But she stayed strong in front of Mateo. Rosa: "Do you miss them?" Mateo: "Everyday." Rosa: "I miss Papi too. Mami doesn't even keep any pictures of him in the house, she has them all in a box." Mateo: "Do you want to take that one?" Rosa: "No, it's ok. I have one photo near my bed of me and him." *The songs ends* Mateo puts his arm around Rosa. He couldn't help but feel that there was something wrong with her. He gives her a kiss on the cheek then tries to rub his face against hers. He can start to feel the rum coming on strongly, the smell of his body against hers made Rosa's temperature rise. Mateo: "Your body's so warm." Rosa can feel her emotions running wild the more closer Mateo got to her. He was never like this around her but even she can feel that he wanted the same thing she wanted, comfort. But for Rosa it was all too much for her, from the family photos all around the living room to Mateo being drunk it reminded her of her father. It took Rosa years to get over his death and just being around things that reminded her of him was just something she wasn't ready for. She gently pushes Mateo back and takes his arm off from around her shoulder. She shakes her head and gives him a pat on his chest. Rosa: "I'm sorry Mateo. I can't." Mateo can see the tears running down her face just before she heads for the door. He tries to stop her but she keeps moving forward leaving him behind in the center of his living room lost. Rosa continued walking up the hill to her house with her arms crossed and crying. She heads straight for her bedroom and cries right into her pillow. Rosa had loved Mateo. And she knew he loved her too, and tonight had proved her right. She just wasn't expecting to have those same feelings come up again after all these years.
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