#i pick javi
skyshipper · 9 months
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romcomxb · 2 months
is it weird to love a random bunch of pilots sm?
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nicolethered · 1 year
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Treating myself to a Prospect rewatch
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redfurrycat · 10 months
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[Coyote, Hangman and Rooster in their office at Top Gun.]
Jake: Bradshaw!
Bradley: Hangman. What do you want?
Jake: What did the male magnet say to another magnet?
Bradley, already annoyed at being interrupting in his report: What?
Jake: From your backside, I thought you were repulsive. However, after seeing you from the front, I find you rather attractive.
Jake: *winking*
Bradley, offended: Are you saying my ass is ugly?!
(He leaves the office, grumbling.)
Coyote, shaking his head: Dude.
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lottieurl · 1 year
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ohsomightypeaches · 10 months
They have arrived 😭🙌 @fuckyeahpaperco @fuckyeahdindjarin and they're beautiful.
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skylandart · 2 years
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To ten million fireflies I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes I got misty eyes as they said, "Farewell"
Somehow I hadn’t drawn the DinoHenge yet~
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disregardcanon · 1 year
you know how in amc iwtv louis thinks lestat killed his brother but never brings it up until after they've been broken up for a while and louis and claudia are setting up conditions for letting lestat back into their lives? and how louis didn't bring it up because he couldn't bear to think about how his husband probably killed his beloved brother?
yeah, that's nattravis going into season 2
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theharddeck · 1 year
y’all help I’m spiraling thinking about fall with the daggers I have two fics I neeeed need need to finish and instead I want to write something fluffy (who am I) about going apple picking and baking pie
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sharkneto · 1 year
catching up on yellowjackets and my god this episode has everything. ritual sacrifice. elijah wood, charming and insane. jeff being jeff. shauna being shauna. callie has a gun.
this show jfc
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skyland2703 · 1 year
What Javelia fics do you recommend? A variety of wholesome and naughty 😉
Now this is a topic I have ✨expertise✨ in. But sure as heck I’m gonna include ANGST, FLOOF, SMUT AND a shit ton of hurt/comfort!!
Do I start this list with my own fic? Heck yes because this one’s literally an epic; angst filled, fluffy, and whatnot~
One of the best series I’ve seen with them, is a “all the hints Dino Fury dropped about Javelia” sort of thing,
And my personal favorite from this series is Fever Dreamers but I’d 100% recommend checking out the entire series.
Another one that absolutely owns my heart is this
Do I like sickfics? Yes. And here’s some of the best best BEST:
Somewhat twin to this, though much darker, by the same author, we have the 'High Ground' situation, just as heartwrenching </3333 (the hurt/comfort is HUGE here!!!)
Another couple of twin fics that do not pop up in the Javi/Amelia Tag because they’re in the Javi & Amelia tag, but I think fit the bill here are these: I ADORE these two fics, the littlest details just tug at the heart strings 💖
This one’s a canon fix it AND I LOVE IT TO DEATH AAAAAIIIIIII
Wattpad is Notorious for having bad FanFiction, but there’s a good collection of Javelia on there, and this would be my #1 pick if you had to go on there. Still incomplete, but aiiiiiiiiii Q_Q
They have SO MUCH hurt/comfort fics it’s making me go :3 here’s another one that’s set in cosmic + SOULMATE AU
And tumblr won't let me add proper links anymore, so here we have these PURE FLOOF fics, fluff fluffy floofy floof:
Night Go Slow enjoying the breeze Blanket Nights The Squishmallows (Plushie fic) Black Ink//Pink Sheets (Love Letters) Shut Down the City Lights What Am I, If Not Yours? (Wedding Fic) JavElia's One Shots (Oneshots collection :3 FLOOFIEST SHEET)
And some more hurt/comfort ANGST
A Toxic Relationship Is Never A Good Relationship Dwelling In My Past  Truth Behind the Lies Afterlife  draggle tailed guttersnipes Can't Promise Not to Cry I Need You to Stay  Silent Broken Hearts  And what do you make of THAT 
And smut, lastly, smut, smut, smut
a rolling stone gathers no moss  there's gold in the water see if we can hold on a little longer  And this series with hhhhh 8-9 more smut fics???? Aaaiiiii pick yours~
Final observation: I am not capable of giving an unbiased opinion—they have. way. wayyyy too much Hurt/Comfort fics Q_Q I LOVE MY BABIES I LOVE HOW MUCH EVERYONE LOVES BREAKING THEM DOWN SO THEY CAN PICK EACH OTHER UUUPPPPPPP—
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cevans-is-classic · 1 year
You know what?
I relate to Javi G.
I, too, would let my sibling be the one to run the "family business" while I invite my favorite movie star to come and listen to the movie idea I have.
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Help me choose what to work on next!
I’m finishing up the One Word Weekend requests (have two more to post tonight and then I think 2-3 left)
But then after that, I’m heading back to one of the things I’m currently working on or have been working on recently.
This is where I need your help.
Note: Magnetic is not on this list because I am currently on a re-read of it to get me back into that mindset for the future.
If there’s something else you want to see, let me know in the comments!
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
erika!! so, listen, i have no idea who javier pena is, but in my head, you're like this 🤞🏽 and din ofc but also, izuku!! u r both the nicest people ever!! soft touches, dancing under the rain!! very happy and lots of laughter!! i refrained very hard from saying go*o <3
Ru listen I literally would give you the entire batch of brownies my mom is going to make later today for a work party tomorrow and I’d steal them for you and even then that wouldn’t be ENOUGH TO GIFT YOU!!!
For you to pick my two absolute fav Pedro boys???
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My Javi is on the left and dear Din of course is chilling on the right but I am HONORED that you even thought of these grumpy sweethearts so I am an emotional MESS RN 🥹😭🥺😫
As two water signs me and him would probably just be sobbing the entire time and you know what that’s fair and how most water sign friendships/relationships are LOL but your description is so sweet and endearing and I want to live in those words forever wow 🩷
I am holding you so dearly in my heart Ru THANK YOUUU ILY 😫
also who’s that goj* guy you mention don’t know him 🤡
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hangmanssunnies · 1 year
Javy Machado is husband shaped.
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Thinking about how Leo has like literally all his life had to play the cards he was dealt. He only starts rising through the ranks due to a chance encounter with Rytlock who saw something interesting enough in him to take notice and start favoring him directly. He only joins the pact because Bangar placed him there for the ulterior motive of having a Tribune who wasn't a loose canon in a growing order, receiving their intel whole keeping an eye on them. He is Chosen by Aurene to be her champion, he is given a more prominent position as a reliable person because the commander faked her death and they looked to him to fill in the void even if he didn't want to, he was the obvious second choice. When I start thinking about how quieter moments It becomes more obvious why hes so uncertain, hesitant, or defensive about things in regards to stuff like raising Aurene, being in a relationship, or otherwise existing outside of the context he was put in. Sieran's death fucked him up severely Because he was given/made the choice to join the priory, he took that path all on his own and it ended with someone so new to life and the world dying.
He's such a cog in the war machine that can't stop turning and doesn't know how to do anything but turn but daydreams about a fantasy where he has a normal life and hopes desperately if he tries hard enough and if he plays these cards well enough he can force the wheel to turn the way he wants it to. It's quite literally the only option that exists in his mind, but it also kinda explains why he clings so hard for his love of necromancy and spirit communication because those are the other smaller parts of his life he chose for himself and actively does for the enjoyment of it.
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