#i prob wont finish this if its considered unfinished
sourapplesauces · 9 months
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i never finished this but it was still a cool idea
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elliot-orion · 5 years
An Overdue Writing Update 8/9/19
Word Count (today): 8427
Favorite Line: “Do you hate me?” I wonder. “Just curious.” “I hate this you. This awful person you became once Sophie left. I actually really liked the you I saw with her.” Grace sighs. She sounds… sad. “How funny. I’m the same way.”
(the month overdue) Update: So we’ve hit writing well over 5000 today so that means i need to stop writing, which also means i’ve been bored as heck for the past three hours with nothing to do because all i want is to KEEP WRITING DFSGHFKJLGH so i thought i’d pop back to tumblr and catch yall up since i’ve been absent for exactly a month, funnily. Its under a read more because... long...
In this month, I’ve written... 38k words for this rewrite of a story i discontinued years ago because it fucking sucked (obviously, i wrote it when i was 12 for gods sake). Its just hit the Finale where i left it, but i’m intending to leave it there because i dont like the Finale i’ve set up and intend to change it completely in the rewrite ANYWAYS, so who cares right? Since ive been doing rewrites and comparing them to how i do first drafts, i’ve been noticing that my first drafts have shit pacing (i mean obvi it’s a first draft), but that turns into underwriting like fuck, aka ending at 40k-50k words. Sparks Fly T1 was barely over 50k, T3 ended at 62k, and i intend to do a T4 at some point too, where i expect it’ll get even longer. So ive actually been putting less pressure on myself to get pacing and length and whatnot right in the first draft, and really just getting the idea and general plot. Which, okay, i know is what you are SUPPOSED to do in first drafts and this isnt any big revelation, but you need to realize, i haven’t rewritten anything in the past 9 years of writing until Take 3 of sparks fly (T2 didn’t get past 20k words, but im counting it as an attempt). For 9 years of writing novels, i did my best to get draft one PERFECT because i knew i wouldnt redo it, and i think that caused a lot of my unfinished wip actually. Too much pressure. Now that i know i CAN do rewrites if its worth it, its not as big a pressure.
So because of this realization, I finished the rewrite of the old thing, which im considering its first take(idk why i call them Takes, not Drafts? idk its just a thing i do). i’m changing the title, most of the characters are massively changed, the plot is entirely scrapped and redone, like it’s just a new story now with vague inspiration from that old thing at this point. It’s shit, it’s not good, but it’s done (mostly, again didn’t do the end bc it’s being overhauled anyways and i can’t find a way to change the ending that draft has set up without rewriting it all so. shrug. might do it anyways, prob wont). I’m also starting something new in the DHU universe that i cant say anything about, but i think i started it like, two scenes after it probably should start, the pacing is truly terrible, but im having a ball because im not putting any pressure on myself to do those right, i’m just exploring the characters and piecing together the plot. It’ll probably wind up being around 30k, but hopefully its more. So this story is going great, and i’m really happy i figured this out about myself. Finishing rewriting Sparks Fly was honestly the biggest achievement i’ve ever made in writing, and i’m so proud of it, and just. I’m so glad i did it, because it’s just made things so much better for me, simply because i proved i can do it. It might take a few years breathing room, but i can do it. Any just... yea.
So that’s what i’ve been up to this past month basically. The redo of the thing from when i was twelve, and this new project i can’t say anything about yet. Oh, also a shitty fanfic or two. I won’t be coming back to tumblr except very sporadically to make an update or say hi to someone, by the way. It’s been so amazing for my mental health to be off here, and my writing productivity has gotten much better to, and... yea. I have a discord though, so if you want to keep in touch with me, that’ll be the way to go! just shoot me a message and when i see it, i’ll give you my username. ^^
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