#i probably missed some points but what part of mr. sloan is perfect do you not understand
feisty-mary · 7 years
Reasons Why Marrying William Sloan Is the Best Decision of Your Life (Part 2)
Wow, Part 1 made me realize that there are more people who romanced Mr. Sloan than I originally thought! I just have to say, congratulations on your good taste in men. ;)
To those who have expressed interest in replaying the books to choose this sexy businessman, DO IT! YOU WON’T REGRET IT. Mr. Sloan is a total sweetheart who will sweep you off your feet and raise your expectations of partners so high it’s practically a crime.
- From this point on I’ll refer to the businessman as Mr. Sloan, as he is more familiarly known.
- Read Part 1 before proceeding with this part. They both cover the first book, and most points are interconnected.
4.      Book 1, Chapter 3. During their date in Venice, Mr. Sloan takes MC to Ristorante Oliviero for the best Italian food in the city. Without asking MC, he orders for her.
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MC readily calls him out on it. “excuse u?? I can speak for myself and vote and own land and open a checking account? why are you bossing me around like I wanna choke on your dick??? oh wait”
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Mr. Sloan is unfazed, although he tells MC to trust him in this particular instance. We let it go begrudgingly, although to be fair, the food he orders turns out to be amazing. 
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You have to admit, this kind of behavior on your first date raises a lot of red flags. Who wants to be in a relationship with a guy who decides for you without your permission? 
To make sense of this, we fast forward to Book 1, Chapter 11, where something similar happens. Here Mr. Sloan returns to the cruise ship for his second date with MC. Honestly at this point I’m not even complaining because he flies back to her as soon as he can just to take her to Paris for a date?? 
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Admittedly, he surprises her under the assumption that MC will readily agree/has nothing planned for the rest of the day herself. (Although, to be fair, surprises do have a way of ruining your own plans. That’s kind of the point!)
Here we’re given the option to tell him that he can’t expect us to leave for the Paris trip at a moment’s notice. A good option, too, since we’re trying to be as lowkey thirsty as possible we get to remind him that respect for each other’s time is kind of a thing. Besides, if you’re going to start a relationship with someone you might as well establish a list of acceptable and unacceptable bullshit between the two of you early on, right?
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When MC calls him out, his reaction is surprising; he looks positively contrite. The panels above show him acknowledging his mistake, his tone completely different from when we first call him out in Book 1, Chapter 3. What’s more, he inadvertently reveals that he’s been listening to MC, after all, particularly about that advice to “let loose”. We don’t see him dance until Book 1, Chapter 18 (refer to reason 3 in Part 1), but it is clear even at this point how he’s making an attempt to match MC’s adventurousness and spend more time with her.
Just to put that in perspective, it’s useful to remember that he’s a CEO. In that particular line of work there is very little room for anything messes with plans, blueprints, and established timelines. That he is willing to make time for MC despite his busy schedule (because those meetings were probably scheduled months in advance and rescheduling them would be hell) says something about how much he must really consider being with her as his priority.
What I really want to underscore is how these separate chapters show us Mr. Sloan’s learning curve when it comes to romancing MC - and it’s clear he learns pretty darn fast. I had misgivings about his reaction to us calling him out on his take-charge attitude in Book 1, Chapter 3 but I like how it seems to have been deliberately written that way so we can see how he learns from it several chapters later.
He gets even better at it by the time we reach Book 2, Chapter 16, the night when he proposes to MC for the second time. He surprises her when he shows up at Nomade, and what do you know, this time he directly asks if she has plans for the evening before inviting her to Casablanca.
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Did you see that? Yes, that’s character development.
5.      Because Mr. Sloan is simply the best kind of life partner anyone can possibly ask for. Book 1 Chapter 18 reveals a lot about what we can expect from him as MC’s husband. As I’ve pointed out in reason 1 of Part 1, one of the things I really like about him is his foresight and how it always comes into play even in his relationship with MC, consistent with his work as an investor. He’s always thinking long term.
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One of the ways the conversation with Mr. Sloan in this chapter is so distinctively him is that he doesn’t talk much about feelings anymore. That’s not to say he doesn’t reiterate them, because he does, at least in the beginning. But they don’t take up most of the things that’s said between him and MC.
What do they talk about, though? Well, they talk about important questions in relationships, like where they will live in the future and what MC thinks of having kids (in fact, this surprises MC herself, as shown in the panels below). Perhaps not everyone will agree with me on this, but the way I see it is that this man is already absolutely certain of what he feels for MC. As far as he’s concerned, the dating phase is done, which is why he’s already set that aside and moved on to the next one: planning their future together. Whatever MC’s misgivings might be, it’s clear at this point that Mr. Sloan has given their relationship some pretty serious consideration.
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It’s also worth noting that when MC asks him what he thinks their future will look like, he tells her that she can tell him what she wants and he will just make them come true. 
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In Book 2, Chapter 8, he even goes as far as asking her, “hypothetically speaking”, where his next vacation house should be located. 
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Going back to reason 4 above makes it easier to see how Mr. Sloan’s character develops - he changes from someone who will make MC’s dietary choices for her to someone who looks at her as a partner with whom he can plan a future life together. It’s these small things, these subtle changes in his words and actions that tell us he’s been paying attention and learning from his interaction with MC. That perhaps their time together has actually changed him, and as cliche as it sounds, maybe even changed him for the better. 
6.      Mr. Sloan owns a winery. That’s literally it; who the hell turns down someone who owns a goddamn winery? Oh, and by the way? He names a bottle of wine after MC.
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7.      Because he knows his priorities, and it’s MC above anything else. In Book 2, Chapter 9, Rashad, Mr. Sloan’s very own best friend, warns MC that there’s a very big price to pay in being in a relationship with a CEO. 
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As hostile as Rashad delivers his warning, he makes a very valid point. Book 2, Chapter 9 perfectly underscores this when MC asks Mr. Sloan to go back to bed with her but he sadly turns her down, telling her he has to prepare for another business trip.
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Before the chapter draws to a close, MC considers this silently, wondering if Rashad is right for warning her after all.
Surprisingly enough, in Book 2, Chapter 17, we see Mr. Sloan bite the bullet and very openly discuss Rashad’s thoughts on his relationship with MC. 
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I admit I did not see this coming; I thought it would be one of the things they’d conveniently overlook to give some sort of disadvantage to a potential relationship with Mr. Sloan. I mean, at least give the other suitors a fighting chance, Mr. Sloan?? lmao~
True to his nature as a businessman who most likely considers all angles of a particular negotiation before proceeding, Mr. Sloan talks to MC about his work-life balance and asks her what she thinks of it. 
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We try to be subtle about it, but suddenly Mr. Sloan says these magic words: “Consider it gone.”
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Even MC does a double-take. Because… well, he can’t do that! He can’t just set aside his businesses for MC! Excuse me?? That’s like… totally sweet and romantic I cannot believe?????
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I swear I didn’t cry. Maybe.
8.      Because his proposals are so on point! Mr. Sloan proposed twice to my MC Alyanna because I’ve been loyal to him since the first book hahaha. Let me just spend some time on these proposals because they’re both beautiful and so well-thought-out.
Book 1, Chapter 19. First proposal.
I didn’t realize this until I was almost done with this list, but all the points I’ve listed up until now are mentioned and/or alluded to in his marriage proposal. I don’t want to gloat (who am I kidding, I totally do), but I can say with 100% confidence that our businessman’s first marriage proposal is the best of them all. 
For example, he gather’s MC’s family members to witness the whole thing. One of the key themes in Rules of Engagement is family, and the first book does a good job at letting us see the strong bond between the four siblings. This being said, I thought it was very smart and thoughtful of Mr. Sloan to call them to witness what is arguably one of the most significant moments in MC’s life. It appears he knows what’s important to MC and he considers them important to him, too.
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He also talks about how being with her has changed him, particularly about him dancing, as I’ve discussed in Part 1. In the left panel below, he mentions how MC makes him laugh, but also that she calls him out, unlike other people who appear to be intimidated by “Mr. Sloan from magazines”. I found this to be a nice touch; it gives the feeling that we’ve gone full circle and the time spent with him really helped build up their relationship.
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The (intended?) symbolism is a nice, touch, too - Mr. Sloan proposes in the same place where he first met MC. If we go back to Book 1, Chapter 2, his very own words on the night they meet is “I’m not proposing that we get engaged. I just want to take you out for a romantic night. No strings attached.” Funny how he comes to propose many chapters later, at the very same restaurant and to the very same woman whom he once said those words to.
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This is equal parts adorable and amusing.
In the left panel above, Mr. Sloan recalls the unfortunate (but absolutely hilarious) mix-up during his date with MC in Paris. It’s funny because you can tell he’s been thinking about that little mishap since it happened, and yes, his thoughts all along must have been, “Holy shit that was very embarrassing I swear I will never do that in my life.”
And yet here he is, several weeks (?) later, proposing in front of MC’s family and friends and possibly other people from the cruise. And you know what? He does it anyway. He braves his embarrassment and his discomfort anyway, because he’s decided that it’s okay, because it makes him the happiest, too.
It’s also interesting how he says, “Now, I’d like to put myself out here on a limb for once.” If we want to be very technical about it, “putting someone out on a limb” means “being in a dangerous position” or “doing something risky”. Well, okay, you say. Proposing is inherently risky, isn’t it, because there’s always a chance you’ll get turned down? Mr. Sloan is just acknowledging that fact.
Except, you have to remember he’s a businessman. Taking risks is literally what he does for a living. And if his wealth is any indication, he’s a very successful risk-taker. I actually interpret this as a very subtle way of him telling us how compared to closing business deals, he considers proposing to MC as probably one of the riskiest things he has ever done in his life hahaha.
Book 2, Chapter 17. Second proposal.
I was kidding; of course both of Mr. Sloan’s proposals to MC are better than the others! ;) If anything, his proposal in the Sahara is even better than his first one, because not only does he mention the moments they share together, he also mentions the times they don’t - and how even those form part of the reasons why he wants to spend the rest of his life with MC.
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The four panels above show just how much MC has changed him, and I adore it.
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But, of course, just to be fair to Mr. Sloan, we tell him this isn’t necessary. My MC isn’t here to impose anything on him, so she tells him he doesn’t have to change for her. He gives what is arguably the best response, as shown in the panels below.
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Thank you, Mr. Sloan, for wanting to be that person who will dance with me in my lame black dress in a piazza in Venice. *wipes tears*
The rest of his proposal is absolutely magic, just like how he sees MC in his life.
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I told myself I would let the panels above speak for themselves but ohmygod can we just acknowledge how much punch they pack because you can definitely tell that Mr. Sloan is speaking from the heart. This is exactly their love story. It’s a simple tale of two people finding someone whom they can dance in a piazza with, whom they constantly think about even when they’re far apart, and whom they’ll willingly make sacrifices for, because they put them as priority above all others.
It’s not all that complicated, but then again whoever said the best love stories need to be? ;)
9.     This isn’t exactly a reason but I just wanted to add that Mr. Sloan planned the second proposal for weeks! Planning is his thing, okay, he’s good at that and he has plenty of money to show for it lmao. Here’s his hella cute reaction when we point this out (MC: “You’ve been planning this for weeks?”).
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Dear @ god just please let me marry him already??
Also hey isn’t it funny that Mr. Sloan proposed to us in the Sahara? ahahahaha was our thirst that obvious?????
Okay, that’s it, folks! This took a while but I hope you enjoyed this because I did! Thanks for reading and please don’t hesitate to shoot me a holler if you wanna squeal about Mr. Sloan! ;)
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diaryofabeautyfiend · 3 years
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This is two parts because I got carried away. I wrote this on my phone and proof read as much as I could.
Warnings: cheating, male masturbation, m/f sex, minor spoilers for “Defending Jacob”.
Plain Gold Ring
“Plain gold ring on his finger he wore
It was where everyone could see
He belonged to someone, but not me
On his hand was a plain gold ring”
-Nina Simone
When the Barbers moved to your building every old bitty in the place was buzzing with excitement. You had loosely followed Jacob Barber’s case as it played out on the evening news. The whole thing was bizarrely too neat and tidy for your liking. You tried to stay out of idle gossip as much as possible. But, when you heard Andy Barber was interviewing for a senior position at your firm, you had questions.
Andy was brought in to interview for a position that you were also interested in. You requested a meeting with your boss and you went in guns blazing. Your poor boss was not ready for all the excitement.
“Am I still being considered for junior partner?”
“Y/n, calm down.” When he saw you winding yourself up, he popped an antacid an a few ibuprofen.
“Calm down? Calm down he says. I’ve been with this firm since I clerked for you in Law school, Stan. I’m the best fit for this role and you know it.”
“I know you are, kid. I’ve been out voted.”
It’s common knowledge that the partners don’t want too many women gunning for their jobs. They already have one token female partner. They didn’t feel the need to add another. You were infuriated. You stomped back to your office and slammed the door.
All of the work you put in. All of the late nights. You don’t have time to even date. And all for what? You had to calm down now because you were starting to cry out of sheer frustration. You took a deep breath and started going through your to do list. With a relatively light schedule you decided to leave for the day. You mumbled something to your assistant about a doctors appointment and headed for the elevator.
You saw some of the senior partners headed your way shaking hands with Andy. You pressed the elevator button furiously trying to avoid them. Could you make it down seventeen flights of stairs in your stilettos? The elevator dinged and you jumped on just as Robert called your name.
As soon as you put your car in gear, your assistant called. You sent her to voicemail. She called again. Declined. Finally she texted call me back ASAP. Emergency. Fuck.
“Caitlan I said I had an appointment. What’s the emergency?”
“Sorry. Mr. Cramer insisted I call. He’s standing by my desk” she whispered. “They want you to have lunch with them today. Maybe it’s about the job.”
“Did you see guy shaking hands with them? That’s the new junior partner. They are asking me to lunch to reject me. Fuck! Where?” You rested your head against the steering wheel.
“Commander’s at 1:00.”
“Fine.” you groaned.
You went home to freshen up and send out your updated resume. You made sure to include “Willing to relocate” at the end to broaden your prospects. You had a friend in Chicago who worked for a very high profile firm. They were always looking for new blood. You shot her a text to let her know you were looking then emailed your resume. The prospect of starting over completely made you nauseous. You would have to go through the ranks and probably waist another five years to get exactly where you were right now.
When you arrived at the restaurant the maître d brought you to the table where Stan, several other senior partners and Andy were waiting. Andy stood up to pull out your chair.
“Gentleman. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Sit down, Y/N. We wanted to introduce you to Andrew Barber.”
“Andy. Please call me Andy. It’s very nice to meet you, Y/N. These guys haven’t stopped talking about you all morning.”
“All good things I hope.” The men laughed and ordered a round of martinis. Good thing you ate a big lunch at home. No one likes a sloppy drunk girl.
“Yes. Well, Y/N, as you may not know Andy has accepted the junior partner position. We would love if you brought him up to speed on anything you’re working on and show him the ropes.”
You were seething. “Of course Mr. Cramer. Happy to.”
“Oh. Good. Let’s order huh? I’m starving.”
You were silent for the rest of lunch ordering two more martinis very dry and a salad. Dressing on the side of course. The men spoke loudly and never even tried to include you in the conversation. You excused yourself to use the restroom. Andy, ever the gentleman, stood up at the same time.
You didn’t go back. Not that it would have mattered. You ordered an Uber and checked your email. You didn’t notice Andy at the valet stand.
“I’m headed back to the office. Need a ride?” he called to you.
“No. I’m good. Thanks though.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind.” He watched you pace back and forth reading a message almost out loud.
You didn’t look up from your phone. “Shit.” You scowled looking at the screen. You dialed Caitlan’s extension. “Caitlan, Sloan Treadaway’s deposition was moved to today. I need it pushed to Monday.”
“Oh. I’m sorry. I figured you would be coming back so I told them it was ok to push it up. I can call them back.”
“No. Don’t bother. I’m on my way back.”
“Looks like you can use a ride after all.” Andy was grinning from ear to ear.
He held the door and rushed around to the other side. You pulled a small bag out of your purse. You freshened your hair, popped some breath mints, lotioned and spritzed away the smell of booze. Andy thought this must be commonplace for you. It’s not easy trying to run with the guys. He could walk into this deposition piss drunk and most people wouldn’t care. You had to be perfect. He always hated that aspect of working in a big firm like this.
“Sorry. I’ll pay to have your car cleaned.” It smelled like you now. Expensive perfume and minty breath. Sweet but not sickly so. He inhaled letting his nostrils flair breathing you in. “Don’t want your wife to be pissed.”
“Lori? Don’t worry about her. She’ll understand.”
“How is she doing with her job search?”
“Doing ok. Thanks for asking. She’s interviewed with a few places.”
“She worked for a non profit right?” When he looked at you quizzically, you quickly explained yourself. “I hear things. Anyway. I know the director of a non profit organization that might be a great fit for her. I’ll pass along her information.”
“Thank you, Y/N. I really appreciate it. Stan told me you were the front runner for this position. I know how hard it is for women in this industry. I want to say how sorry I am…”
“Let me stop you there. First of all, don’t be sorry. You’re high profile and a damn good litigator. They would be stupid not to offer you the moon. You’re over qualified for this job. You didn’t come here gunning for me. I’ll be fine. Besides, a few of these old bags have one foot in the grave. It won’t be long for me.”
Andy smiled at you but still kind of felt like shit at the way the firm treated you. When you pulled into the garage you offered a quick thanks and rushed into the building to prepare.
Andy stayed behind for a bit. He spent a few precious moments breathing in your scent, letting it linger and wash over him. He hoped his clothes would smell a little like you. Stan said you were a “fire cracker”. Andy always hated that analogy. He knew by the way the group of men talked about you that he would like you. Your quick banter in the car confirmed it. Throughout the rest of the day you would invade his thoughts. He and Lori were still married but their relationship was long over. You had excited him more in a couple of hours than she had in years. When he got home he didn’t eat dinner or speak to anyone. He went right to his room where he replayed your exchange over and over. The ghost of your perfume lingered on his shirt. Both of your scents mixed together gave him a raging hard on. He kept your shirt over his face while he fisted his cock.
The next morning you decided to face the day with a fresher attitude. Sometime yesterday you heard from your friend. She was thrilled that you reached out to her. She has been trying to get you out there for a while. Knowing that you had a solid backup plan was giving your hair volume and clearing your skin.
You thought you were early but Andy was already in your office waiting for you.
“Morning, Mr. Barber.” God he loved how you said that.
He scoffed, “Andy. Please. I brought you a coffee. I hope it’s ok. I got your order from Caitlan. I thought we’d order in lunch today. We have a lot of ground to cover. You should probably let your family know you’ll be missing dinner.”
“I don’t think my dead ficus will worry too much.” Your tone was dry.
“I apologize for the assumption.”
“Not necessary. Though my mother and my therapist would both be pleased to know that I look like someone who could have a family.”
You were funny. You seemed to say whatever thought popped into your head. You had one hell of a poker face though. He didn’t know if you were trying to be funny or if this was just you. When you didn’t look up from your computer screen he didn’t laugh.
As the day wore on you warmed up to him a little. You filled him in on the three big cases you were working on. You were actually going to trial on a very important case soon. He insisted you rehearse your opening statement a hundred times.
During the third run through Andy’s phone was blowing up. He finally turned it off and told you to keep going. He watched you pace around the room and coached you on your stance. “Stand with authority not arrogance.” He chided. He showed you himself then, asked if he could touch your shoulders. “Round them out like this. Good. Back straight. See?” he pointed to your reflection in the window, “It’s not menacing or arrogant. But you look like you’re in charge. You look perfect.” Hell. Was he flirting with you? By the time you looked at the clock it was 9:30.
“Fuck is that the time?” he said with a boisterous yawn.
“Shit. We should pick this up tomorrow.”
“Let’s go get a drink. I’m buying.”
You quirked your eyebrow, “I’m sure your wife and kiddo are dying to see you.”
He stacked some folders neatly on your desk and looked up at you through his lashes, “I’ll be sure to tell my therapist that I look like a guy who has a happy marriage and a good relationship with his kid.”
Your cheeks heated. The way he was looking at you made you sad but it also warmed your insides. “I’m sorry.” you mumbled.
“Don’t worry about it. We said we would stay together until Jacob went away to school. He pretends to ignore the fact that we have separate bedrooms. We put on happy faces everyday. We’re a typical American family.”
You laughed at his admission. His whole story was so fucked up. You wanted to know everything about him. “You know, I think I will let you buy me a drink.”
“Good girl.” he said in a low voice that went strait to your core. The whole way to the car you repeated a mantra in your head reminding you not to get involved with a married man. It didn’t matter how unhappy they were. But you wanted him. Every time he touched you, your insides would quake.
The bar was packed with regulars from the DA’s office and other firms. You introduced Andy around. The guy was a legitimate pro. He was so smooth working the room. The whole time he kept finding small ways to touch you. The brush of his fingers on your arm his breath against your ear when he asked if wanted another drink. Your heart nearly stopped. You stuck with him for a while until your feet couldn’t stand anymore. Every time he caught your eye from across the room he winked at you.
For the first time in a long time Andy was enjoying himself. Your friends were fun and not at all stuffy like he thought this crowd would be. You were adorable. Your laugh was cute. The way you brushed against him on purpose was cute. You were openly flirting with him the more you drank. He had a massive crush on you. What grown man has a crush these days. He thought maybe if he fucked you and got it out of his system he’d get over it.
Your friend Liz sat down at your table trying to talk to you for a solid minute before you noticed. “Sorry. I was distracted. What were you saying?” She threw her head back laughing at you.
“I said you two would make a gorgeous couple.”
“Stop. He’s married.”
“That doesn’t matter. Married is married.”
“So that’s a no. He’s been eye fucking you all night. Shoot your shot, darling. We get so few in this life.” The light hit his wedding ring just right making you feel horrible for even entertaining the thought. Do not get involved. You kept chanting it in your head over and over until Andy slid in the booth next to you. He leaned over so he could talk over the din of the crowd.
“Hey, you. Wanna get out of here?”
“You don’t need to bring me home, Andy. I can catch an Uber.” That was such a ridiculous statement since you lived in the same building.
“That’s not what I asked. I said do you wanna get out of here?” His eyes were fixed on your mouth. A salacious grin splayed across his lips just knowing you’d give in.
“Andy. I….” You stuttered over your words. Your brain stopped working when you felt his warm breath on the shell of your ear. “Let’s get out of here.” Your breath hitched in your chest when he touched the small of your back. He payed his tab and lead you out of the bar.
You held hands in the car. His thumb rhythmically traced patterns on your knuckles. Every touch sent bolts of arousal to your aching cunt. It felt electric. You were ready to crawl into his lap by the time you made it into the garage. He parked in his spot and followed behind you to the elevator. You lived two floors below him. You glanced back at Lori’s sensible suv next to his car and felt embarrassed. He caught you looking and stopped you in your tracks. He took your chin in between his thumb and index finger forcing you to look at him.
“I understand if you don’t want to invite me in. I’m asking a lot of you. But I really like you, Y/N. You are funny and intimidatingly smart. And, fuck me, you are fucking stunning. I can go to work tomorrow like nothing happened. Don’t worry about Lori. Worry about what this means working together. Can you handle this?”
Your brain was no longer working and deferred to your pussy for any and all further decisions. You had not had even mediocre sex in six months. You just knew Andy was going to blow your mind. All day you have been working together so well. You challenged each other and he encouraged you when you faltered. Would this change the dynamic at work? Absolutely. Could you handle it? You’re damn right you could.
“I can handle it.”
“Good girl.” You all but sprinted to the elevator. He wouldn’t touch you until you actually got inside of your apartment and closed the door. When you did, he pushed against you and covered your lips with his.
You tasted the golden flavor of beer on his tongue as it probed your mouth. He unbuttoned your blouse and pushed it over your shoulders letting it hit the floor. He kissed his way down the column of your neck to the swell of your breasts. You panted underneath him raking your nails through his hair.
“God you smell incredible. At any point if you don’t want this….”
“Andy, shut up and fuck me.” He growled low in his throat before he picked you up and carried you to your bedroom. You could see how hard he was through his impeccably tailored slacks. You unzipped his fly and took the whole throbbing appendage in your mouth.
“Fuck, baby yes.” he hissed. You relaxed your throat muscles and swallowed him deeper. “You look so pretty with my cock in your mouth.” He moaned your name over and over soaking your panties. “Stop, honey. Let me see that pretty pussy.”
He eased you down onto the bed and undressed you painfully slow. It had been so long since he was intimate with someone, he wanted to take his time. He started with your feet removing your heels and massaging your insteps. His hands ran up the length of your legs to your skirt. He took off your panties first letting the skirt material pool around your waist. “So wet for me. So beautiful.” He slipped two fingers in between your folds hitting everywhere but your clit. He built up a tortuous rhythm that had you begging for relief. He smiled down at you watching completely fall apart. When he dipped his fingers inside of you, you were done. Your orgasm spilled out in one glorious cry. Before you could catch your breath he pulled off your skirt and unhooked your bra. His cock was weeping at the sight of you. A large hand held the back of your neck holding your head in place so you could look at him. Your eyes locked as he buried himself inside of you. There were no more words as he moved inside of you. Only breathless moans and sighs would escape your lips. He increased his pace and your orgasm started building again.
“Fuck. Andy, I’m….fuck!”
“I’m with you, honey. Come with me.” His words were your undoing. You latched your whole body onto him. He held you tight whispering praises in your ear. He kissed you slow and deep easing you back down to Earth. “You ok?”
“I think so.” You both laughed at the sight of yourselves. Sweat glistening off of your skin, lips puffy and kiss swollen. He eased off of you and rubbed your thighs to relax you. You thought he would get dressed and rush out but he crawled under the covers instead.
“Can I stay for a while?” Big arms pulled you down to his chest. He stroked your back softly to help you drift off to sleep.
“I’d like it if you did.” He pressed a kiss onto the top of your head and let his eyes flutter closed.
When dawn found you a few hours later, you were still tangled with each other. You jolted awake panicking because Andy was still in your bed. “Andy, wake up. You stayed all night.”
“I know. What time is it?”
“Then we have time. Go back to sleep.”
“But Lori…”
“I told you not to worry about her. Get back on this pillow and let me hold you. Please.” The poor guy was so touch starved you guessed. Andy Barber was not a man who did well being single. He loved being in love. He longed for a connection. For passion. He knew those things would sometimes fizzle out of a marriage. But, with you, he couldn’t see that. Your fire matched his fire and Lori was the wet blanket that always snuffed him out.
He supposed that wasn’t really fair. Two people were in their marriage. He worked long hours and spent very little time doing anything but being an ADA and being a dad. He didn’t give the same dedication to being Lori’s partner. The stress of this past year pushed them further apart. He felt obligated to be with her. It was his idea to stay together for Jacob’s sake. He regretted pushing for it.
He pulled you close to his body and wrapped an arm around your waist. He nuzzled your hair and fell back to sleep. You did too.
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ofcastora · 4 years
@lavolumnia replied to your post: i wanna read more from this AU
In which I continue the DiVerona Regency AU // Part 1 of me transforming Castora and Vivianne’s baking class into a Regency women’s archery club, inspired by this historical club and these outfits ft. Bridgerton-level historical accuracy
MENTIONED/APPEAR: @lavolumnia, @priam-taravella, Damiano Montague, Cosimo Capulet, Tiberius Capulet, Rafaella Capulet, Juliana Capulet, @ofaguilar, @deadvalentinagallo
Miss Castora Aguilar learned that young ladies should hold their tongue at a young age, but she quickly disregarded the lesson. She was a poorer, scandal-tainted relation; not quite an orphan, but just as good as. If she did not speak for herself, then who would? The world was unkind on a good day, and outright cruel on another, and there is no shame in surviving.
She had been permitted to be sharp-tongued by society because she had titled and/or well-connected friends who would vouch for her, and while she toed the line of what was appropriate or not, the only truly unforgivable thing she had done was be the daughter of a scoundrel. It is, unsurprisingly, difficult to find a match on the marriage mart when your father may or may not have stolen great deals of money from your potential suitor’s fathers, and perhaps something of more value from their mothers.
Alas, the Season practically thrived on such awkward encounters.
It had started out a day like any other – a quiet breakfast with her cousin that became quite rowdy when Miss Valentina Gallo came by to call on Ramona. The two went off on their own “adventure” to “buy some new ribbon,” which meant Castora would discover what they actually did in two weeks time. They used to invite her to their outings, but Castora learned it was better for all them if Castora had other plans during that time.
To achieve that purpose, she had recently taken up with a women’s archery club that practiced every Thursday in Hyde Park: the Hyde Park Amazons, a name that Castora had thought wonderful until she met the club’s captain, Mrs. Silviana, and realized she was more of a meddlesome matron than a ferocious warrior, although were the two not the same? 
It took Castora about five minutes about joining Silviana’s group to realize that she was awful at archery. By all accounts, she should have been good by it. She was an active young woman and her temperament was certainly suited to the activity. In fact, she was the worst.
Well, second-to-worst.
Well, she and Lady Vivianne Sloane were about equally matched. It was quite lucky that their practices were in a rather empty area of the park
The two women had started around the same time; since they were both new and awful, they were often paired up during practice. Castora didn’t dislike Lady Vivianne – she just did not like her very much. During their time with the Hyde Park Amazons, the two had barely exchanged two words, and those words have been teetering on the edge of civility. 
It made perfect sense to Castora. Lady Vivianne, daughter of an Earl, was engaged to Lord Capulet, a Duke who had never gotten along with Lord Montague, Castora’s benefactor. Lord Capulet was also in the unfortunate possession of a reckless nephew who had started a feud with Castora’s oldest friend and the most wretched woman in the whole of England as his ward. He also had a sweet-tempered daughter, who had nothing wrong in Castora’s eyes except to have the misfortune of being engaged to Priam Taravella, whom Castora had strongly disliked and had “accidentally” hit with a pall-mall ball during a game at a garden party. 
She imagined it was the same way for Vivianne. Here she was with a known associate of her husband-to-be’s enemy...and someone who caused bodily harm to her future son-in-law.
It was not personal. It was all personal-adjacent. It was awkward. In fact, if not for her unfortunate connection to Lord Capulet, Castora would have felt rather confident in publicly asserting that she rather liked Lady Vivianne. The older woman was poised, gracious, charming, biting, and powerful. No visible rough edges. 
She was everything Castora would like to be. 
“I cannot imagine why Silviana thinks it’s wise to pair the two of us together with weapons,” Castora had muttered under her breath. She could have sworn the corners of Lady Vivianne’s lips turned up.
They both drew their arrows and released them. Neither hit their the target. “Oh, I do imagine that’s why,” Castora said dryly, “We probably would never be able to hit each other.” In addition, the more time they spent bickering and failing together, the less they would be rolling their eyes at Silviana’s teaching metaphors. 
“Don’t be ridiculous, Miss Aguilar. We are close enough range to one another that anything is possible.”
“Shall we play a game of William Tell to test your theory?”
The two shared a look. Too risky.
Castora took another shot, putting all of her might into her aim. She hit the bottom of the target. “Do you think we will get better one day, Lady Vivianne?” Castora sighed, unable to hide her exasperation.
“We better.” 
-- A few more Thursdays came and went. Castora and Vivianne displayed marginal improvement, and she was beginning to appreciate the other woman’s company. The more time she spent with Vivianne, the less she had to look at the other show-off members of the group.
They understood the virtue of leaving one another to the soul-crushing frustration of slow progress with minimal interruptions. Castora thought it would be nice to have such a companion; she loved Ramona and Valentina, but there was only so much she could take of being number three; Pandora was her dearest friend, but she was married. There was power in a bond that existed only in their silence. 
Prior to their meeting at the archery club, Castora had little idea of who Lady Vivianne was, outside of her association with the Capulet family. She did not know if the universe threw some crumbs of gossip her way because of this or if she simply paid attention to it now, but over the course of the past month or so, Castora had come to learn that Lady Vivianne herself knew something of scandal; perhaps that was why they shared a quiet understanding.
First of all, she was a spinster who managed to nab a duke. Second, there was something about her coming out postponed for a year in favor of a nine-month stay in seclusion at the Sloane’s country estate, her parents sudden death, and something about them not leaving her as much money as expected. And there had been something about a broken engagement many years ago, but Castora had stopped listening by that point. 
Even though there was often some truth to such rumors, Castora would never bring them up to Vivianne’s face, lest she take Castora up on her offer of a game of William Tell. 
At the end of practice one day, Silviana gathered all the ladies and passed around a piece of paper, which Castora instantly recognized as an invitation.
The elegant and beauteous assemblace of Ladies Archers established three Summers ago at Hyde Park under the name HYDE PARK AMAZONS courteously invites you to a supper and Ball at the Liston Hall on the 31st of August. To all interested parties, the Amazons will host their annual showcase at a luncheon before the evening’s festivities.
Castora and Vivianne shared a horrified look. 
“Is this not exciting, Lady Vivianne?” Silviana crooned. “You and Miss Aguilar’s first showcase.”
Castora cleared her throat. “Excuse me, Mrs. Silviana, but do all Amazons have to perform at this showcase?”
“But of course, my dear.” She brought her voice down to a whisper so that only Castora and Vivianne could hear. “This is quite an opportunity for you, Miss Castora. This sport quite shows off your figure and there will be plenty of eligible young men in attendance. There always are.”
“Nothing really demonstrates how eligible a bride a girl is like demonstrating your expertise with a weapon.”
“And how many people received this invitation, Mrs. Silviana?” Vivianne asked cooly. Castora could tell by the arch in her brow that she was not pleased by this situation either. 
“Liston Hall is my brother’s estate, so quite a few. Most of the ton is usually in attendance. Usually some family from the neighboring estates come as well. Aubrey Park, Kellnych, Hall, Campden Court, the like. Do not worry Lady Vivianne, I have ensured that Lord Capulet receives an invitation as well.” 
“Did you say Campden Court?” Castora asked. Both Silviana and Vivianne’s heads snapped to her.
“Do you know the family?”
“No, not really.”
Silviana soon left Castora and Vivianne to mingle with the other ladies of the club. As soon as the woman’s meddlesome gaze was no longer upon them, Castora turned to Vivianne. “Will you be attending?”
“I quite think Mrs. Silviana will have my head if I do not.”
“I think I might catch a chill that day and be too sick to attend.”
“In August?” 
“You are right. Mrs. Silviana may be a fool, but she will never believe that.” 
“And mine. I must confess, I do not have any desire to embarrass myself in front of the ton.”  Castora had oft said she would never to marry unless it was for love, and she had vowed that she would never love, but she had no desire to publicly humiliate herself. 
“Nor I.”
Castora picked up an arrow from a nearby quiver. “That leaves us with one option.”
“It does,” Vivianne nodded in agreement.
“We must ––” Castora started, before Vivianne interrupted, fishing her sentence.
“–– Practice.”
The next day, the pair met in Hyde Park. Vivianne handed Castora a bow and arrow.
“How did you manage to procure these in one day?”
Vivianne smiled, “I have my ways.”
“I do believe I am quite glad to know you, Lady Vivianne Sloane.”
“And I, you, Miss Castora Aguilar.” 
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smugsmythe · 8 years
The One With Fervor || Seblaine
Date: March 4th, 2017
Locations: Westerville, Ohio. The Smythe Residence.
Who: Blaine Anderson & Sebastian Smythe
Notes: Blaine and Sebastian prepare for Sloane’s birthday party together but have difficulties finding a moment alone to express their thoughts and feelings. It isn’t until the party is in full swing that they finally say what’s on their mind.
fer·vor /ˈfər-vər/ adjective
1. intense and passionate feeling. “to speak with great fervor.” synonyms: passion, ardor, intensity, zeal, vehemence, emotion, warmth, earnestness, avidity, eagerness, keenness, enthusiasm, excitement, animation, vigor, energy, fire, spirit, zest, fervency "even the smallest of tasks he tackled with fervor" 2. intense heat.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine slept soundly next to Sebastian the entire night, not even waking up once. He felt happy when he woke up the next morning next to the taller man and in Westerville, excited for the day ahead. Sebastian was still asleep when Blaine sat up in the bed; he looked down at the man sleeping peacefully next to him, smiling at him. Their moment from the night before replayed in his mind, thinking of the kiss they shared and how it felt different from any other kiss they’d shared before-- like something between them started to erupt slowly. Blaine could still feel the tension that was still left over, his heart skipping a beat just thinking of the feeling of Sebastian’s lips against his own. He was hoping that it wasn’t only the nostalgia of being back in Westerville and in Sebastian’s house with his family that was making him see things clearer, hoping it was only giving him that push he needed to move on from Kurt officially and tell Sebastian how he was truly feeling.
After leaning over to press a kiss to Sebastian’s temple, Blaine got up out of bed and got ready for the day. A million thoughts swirled through his mind as he got dressed, and it was after fixing his hair, when he was finishing up brushing his teeth that he made his decision. He was going to tell Sebastian how he felt and give the all-clear the moment he woke up. His plan was foiled, however, when he came out of the bathroom and Mr. Smythe was coming down the hallway. The older Smythe smiled brightly at Blaine, greeting him warmly. Blaine hugged him carefully and offered to escort him downstairs for some breakfast or coffee, stopping on the way down to get the small gift he’d brought for the man. He spent a little while in the parlor with the older man, catching up with him and sharing a couple of laughs before Sloane joined them, pulling Blaine away to help her with some party plans. He decided it best to wait and tell Sebastian later at the right moment when they could actually have time to talk, considering it seemed he would be preoccupied by the youngest Smythe for most of the day.
Blaine finished helping Sloane tie up the loose ends of some plans she had for the party later that night then she asked him to help her pick out her outfit for her big birthday bash. As he lay there across her bed, watching her try on the few new dresses she had bought to show him, Blaine chuckled to himself as she was trying her best to pry into his mind for what exactly was going on between him and Sebastian. “C’mon, B. I promise I won’t tell him you told me anything. I just wanna know what’s going on with you and my brother.” He couldn’t help himself, she was a Smythe and it was obviously just in his DNA to trust that family with all of his heart so that’s why he barely hesitated before telling her about the kiss the night before and how it made him feel and his plans to tell Sebastian, causing her to squeal with joy. Sloane expressed her happiness about the news, excited for them. “I am just glad it’s finally happening. You know you have always been considered a part of this family, Blaine. And you know my brother is just head over heels for you-- even when I was eleven I could see that.” She smiled brightly at him.
Blaine felt like he could cry when she said those words to him, feeling a happy warm bubbling up in his chest and spreading through his entire body. “Thank you, Sloane. That...that means so much to me.” The girl patted him on the shoulder before kissing the top of his head. “No need to thank me, Anderson. He’s just common sense.” She crinkled her nose at him. “Now c’mon, I need to pick the perfect dress for tonight.”
Sebastian Smythe:
Unlike Blaine, Sebastian slept in and awoke with no one in bed beside him. Frowning, Sebastian used his super-speed to get dressed in the bedroom and freshen up in the bathroom in a matter of seconds. Poking his head out, he could faintly hear Blaine’s and Sloane’s voices coming from down the hall and figured the two were spending time together. Since Sebastian hadn’t eaten since before the flight the evening before, he was feeling especially voracious-- light-headed, even. His super-speed demanded he consume massive amounts of food to keep his energy and glucose levels adequate. Though his first instincts were to eavesdrop on Blaine and Sloane’s conversation through the door, he knew he needed to eat equivalent to about a horse in calories without raising suspicions. Leaving the house undetected would be no issue thanks to his speed.
Once his issue was taken care of, Sebastian sneaked his way into the house and walked up the steps and down the hall to his sister’s bedroom. “Knock knock,” he announced as he entered through the open doorway, seeing Blaine sitting on the bed. “Hey, you.” He greeted, joining his friend on the bed. Sebastian placed a hand on Blaine’s knee, giving him a meaningful smile. “I missed you this morning.”
Before Blaine had the chance to respond, Sloane came bounding out of her walk-in closet, sporting a pink dress. She stopped in her tracks when she realized what she’d interrupted. “Oh, um, sorry,” she covered her mouth with her hands like she was trying to hide a smile before Sebastian stood up to insist there was nothing to interrupt. “Hey, no, it’s fine,” he chuckled, aware that he probably looked a little flustered. There was obviously still something between he and Blaine that hadn’t been addressed yet. He pointed at Blaine, shooting him one of his signature smirks. “I’ll meet you downstairs for breakfast? I’ll whip something up for everyone.”
Sebastian proceeded to rummage through the kitchen, he and his mom both cooking up a hearty breakfast for five. Eggs, bacon, pancakes with strawberries, and toast along with biscuits filled the Smythe dining table. Soon everyone gathered for breakfast, Sebastian’s father sitting at the head of the table with the ladies on one side and the boys on the other. All throughout the meal, while Mr. Smythe boasted about his daughter’s accomplishments all before turning eighteen, Sebastian and Blaine exchanged glances with one another. It seemed so far that they hadn’t had the chance to themselves-- to enjoy a little privacy. Sebastian noticed that it seemed Sloane kept giving Blaine certain looks as well, though he couldn’t quite figure out the reason.
“You know, Sloane is thinking of moving somewhere closer to you,” Mrs. Smythe mentioned to her son and Blaine. He’d only been half-listening to the conversation so his mother reiterated the fact: “She was accepted into both Harvard and Yale, but I think right now we’re more interested in Yale. Sloane is going into law, just like her father.” She stated the fact proudly, giving her daughter a genuine smile. “I think it would be nice if you kids were able to spend time together without you having to come all the way back to Ohio.”
Sebastian supposed he could understand that thought process though he honestly had no problem with coming to see his family, flying anxiety aside. “Y-yeah, you could totally come up to see me in New York and we could show you around. Blaine knows all the great places to eat.” In the back of Sebastian’s mind, he had a niggling feeling like his mother had an ulterior motive to the two siblings spending time together without their parents… Though he knew it wasn’t the moment nor the day to bring up his somewhat unusual concerns.
The following afternoon was busy as Mrs. Smythe began making assorted dishes for the guests who would arrive later that evening, leaving Sebastian and Blaine to help with that as well as helping with decorating the house. Sloane was relatively popular in her class and many people were expected to arrive. Every family member chipped in to make sure it would be the best eighteenth birthday for the youngest Smythe.
“Do you remember my eighteenth birthday?” Sebastian asked Blaine as the two of them hung streamers in the parlor. Mr. Smythe was sitting at his usual spot in his lounge chair, though he was focused on whatever show was playing on the television. “It was the last one we had together before you left for New York. We had it Halloween-themed; I remember specifically requesting a Halloween party because costume parties are your favorite.” The memory made Sebastian laugh fondly. All of his memories that involved Blaine were typically good memories that he cherished.
Blaine Anderson:
"I think you should try on the pink one next, I think it's going to be the one." Blaine called as he rolled over on his back to stretch. He lifted his head when he heard the door open, his face lighting up when he saw Sebastian coming through the door. "Well good morning, sunshine." He said as he sat up, smiling sweetly at the taller as he sat next to him on the bed. Blaine's heartbeat got a little quicker when he felt Sebastian's hand on his knee, making eye contact with him he sighed softly with a smile. "I'm sorry, I tried to wait for you but you were sleeping so good I couldn't bother you." Blaine placed his hand on Sebastian's, rubbing it slowly. He bit his lip gently, feeling that tension building again as it made the air thicker. He glanced down to hide his grin. "I was-" He stopped when Sloane came walking out of her closet.
Blaine shook his head gently, clearing his throat. "Yeah, no, you-you're good." He gave her a warning look when she covered her mouth before looking up at Sebastian. "Y-yeah I'll be down in just a minute." When the older Smythe was out of the room, Blaine took a breath, chuckling softly. "God."
Sloane giggled, placing her hands on her cheeks. "Oh, you guys are so dumb. It's so adorable."
Blaine finally helped Sloane choose a dress for that night, the pink one winning by a mile. Once he was finished he made his way downstairs to meet Sebastian for breakfast, greeting his parents with another hug and his usual politeness. Blaine listened to everything the family had to say about Sloane, genuinely impressed by how accomplished she was already at such a young age. He was also excited to hear that she would be living closer to New York and they could see her more often. "That's wonderful, Sloane." He said, delighted, shaking his head. "I am very proud of you and you know, of course, you are always welcome at our place." Blaine glanced at Sebastian, slipping his hand in the taller's under the table, smiling. "I know how much Sebastian loves you and misses you." He said as he turned his attention back to Sloane. "I can also show you the best train to take between us and New Haven.”
He piped in when he could between bites of food and exchanging glances with both of the Smythe siblings. Blaine was beginning to feel anxious for his forthcoming conversation with Sebastian, trying to enjoy the morning with the family but also wishing that the day would go faster so they could just talk. Blaine felt a little silly considering the whole reason they came to Westerville was to celebrate Sloane’s birthday but being there all wrapped up in the memories and his feelings were making him impatient.
Blaine got more and more eager as the day progressed, not really leaving Sebastian's side. His stomach fluttered anytime they would exchange glances or touch- which was often. Every time their hands brushed as they hung the balloons and streamers the tension between them would thicken. The shorter couldn't help but grin when Sebastian brought up his eighteenth birthday party, Sloane having taken a moment to go check on Samantha to help her with the food. "Mm, yes, I remember that party vividly." Blaine chuckled as he looked fondly at Sebastian, the memory igniting a flame deep in his stomach. "That was the night when you kissed me for the first time."
Blaine replayed the memory in his head, remembering how the two had snuck away from the party to talk in Sebastian's room, the feelings similar to the ones he was feeling again, the air thick with tension and yet they were still so comfortable together. They were deep in conversation when Blaine asked Sebastian to kiss him. It was the first time he'd given into his feelings for Sebastian and it was something he would never regret. He remembered their first kiss like it just happened-- Blaine felt things when their lips touched for the first time that he had never experienced with anyone else before.
"I remember that I came dressed as Kitten Boy." Blaine laughed softly. "That silly superhero costume I made for myself in high school." Another giggle escaped him as he pictured the scene. "We made out on your bed in costume-- I'm sure that would've been silly to see." Blaine stopped for a moment, looking at Sebastian as he came out of his little flashback, smiling at him with a soft sigh. “You know, Seb, I’ve been thinking…” His hands trembled ever so slightly as he stepped closer, reaching for Sebastian’s hand, he decided to take advantage of the short moment they had been left alone. “I-” And as the universe would have it, Sloane barged right in on the moment.
“Oh! Boys, this looks so great!” She came in, spinning around to look at the whole room taking in how wonderful the decorations were looking. She stopped in her tracks when she looked at the two, down at their hands. “Shit,” The younger Smythe cursed, chuckling. “I’m sorry guys, I did it again.” Sloane giggled softly. “I was just...I came to see if Blaine wanted to help me and mom with my hair.”
Blaine dropped his head, shaking it gently as he chuckled. “Y-yeah.” He gave up on the moment as it had been burst. “I’m coming.” He looked up at the taller man and brought his hand to his lips, kissing it gently. “I suppose I will just see you at the party tonight.”
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian chuckled at the memory; the days where he and Blaine were happy together for those few short months seemed to pass by in slow motion at the time, only to be remembered as a distant memory now. Back then, Kurt wasn’t in the picture because he and Blaine had broken up-- Apparently the distance between them was too much to handle. The news had rekindled his and Blaine’s relationship, turning their friendship into something a little more. The kiss they shared that night was the first of many and was what Sebastian had based all of his hope on that he and Blaine actually had a chance.
“Kitten Boy,” Sebastian parroted, fondly remembering the costume well. Blaine had looked so cute that night-- absolutely irresistible. “I hope you still have that outfit.” His eyes followed as Blaine stepped closer and reached out to take his hand, about to extend his hand when Sloane had the best fucking timing yet again. When his sister had stepped into the room, Sebastian cursed under his breath and shot her a dirty look. Shrugging and unable to really dispute Sloane’s offer for Blaine to help out with Sloane’s hair, he reluctantly agreed to see Blaine at the party. “S-sure, I’ll finish up out here and see you at the party.” Sebastian finished up decorating the parlor, letting out a heavy sigh.
“Sloane’s not the only one with terrible timing; did you know you were born on a night I was going to take your mother out for a romantic dinner… I had a night of dancing and live music with dinner planned and, heh-- Just terrible, terrible timing,” Mr. Smythe chuckled through a cough. “You know what I ended up doing? I brought your mother’s favorite CD to the hospital and we danced with you in the hospital room.”
The story made Sebastian smile as he approached his father and sat across from him. “I never pegged you as the romantic type, Dad. You were always so serious when I was a kid.”
Mr. Smythe nodded with a wheezy laugh, “I have my moments, son. I can be very romantic at times. And so you know, it’s genetic.” He made a nudging gesture and winked at Sebastian, “You and that boy back home here again? Don’t let this opportunity go to waste.”
With his father’s words of wisdom in his mind, Sebastian was determined to get his moment with Blaine. He continued helping around the house and even volunteered to pick up the cake when the time came. As the day grew later, guests began to fill the house and the party was soon underway. Teenagers danced as music flowed through the house and many mingled with Sloane, wishing her a happy birthday.
“This party blows-- There’s not even any alcohol,” Sebastian whispered to Blaine, joking with him as they stood somewhat along the sidelines and watched as the party progressed.  
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine took Sloane’s hand and let her pull him away and up the stairs, sighing heavily. “Sloane, sweetie, you know I love you as if you were my own sister but you have the worst timing.” He chuckled, following her into her bedroom to help her get ready, helping her curl her blonde hair and then zipping up her dress once she was all ready. He gave her a once over before nodding, she looked gorgeous in the pink dress that sparkled and hit her right at the knee. “You look like a princess.” Blaine told her before kissing her cheek. “Now you have to help me out.” Sloane then helped him pick out the best outfit to look the most handsome that night, letting her know that he was going to tell Sebastian how he felt and ask him to officially be his boyfriend that night. They both took a moment to squeal and jump up and down before she helped him get dressed, advising him to use a normal person’s amount of gel and not how she remembered him wearing it in high school.
Later that night the party was officially underway and all of the teenagers filled the room, dancing to the loud music booming out of the speakers. As Blaine watched the teens dancing, it brought him back to when he and Sebastian were that age and made him think of the taller’s eighteenth birthday party. It looked almost the same just with different decorations and less Warblers. He chuckled when Sebastian whispered to him, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed loosely. “We could always spike our own punch- if I remember correctly, your father has quite the liquor cabinet.” Blaine joked right back, looking at the taller. He looked Sebastian up and down slowly, appreciating how nice he looked, it made his heart skip a beat.
“C’mon, let’s make it less boring.” He said, setting his drink down on the nearest surface, turning his back to the crowd to grab both of Sebastian’s hands, pulling him closer to the sea of dancing teens. “Dance with me.” Blaine found the medium rhythm of the music with his body and he began to dance. “When’s the last time we danced together, hm?” The shorter asked, pulling Sebastian closer to him by his shirt. “Also, you look extremely handsome tonight. Like, you are always handsome but tonight you look exceptionally good.” His voice was low just for him to hear over the music.
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian followed suit with Blaine, setting his own drink down before the two made their way where everyone else was dancing. “Spiking our punch with a little somethin’-somethin’ sounds like it’ll definitely liven this party up a bit. In the meantime, however…” He placed a hand on Blaine’s waist, moving his hips to the music. Dancing among the crowd of teenagers definitely made Sebastian feel like he was back in high school and courting Blaine to rejoin the Warblers and date him. Maybe all that flirting had paid off in the end considering where the two were now. “I want to dance all my dances with you, B,” Sebastian murmured back, enjoying their close proximity. “I don’t think we’ve danced like this since back at my party… We were the hottest piece of Warbler gossip then.” Sebastian chuckled low in his voice, enjoying the shorter man’s moves. Of the two, Sebastian always considered Blaine the better dancer.
As they continued to dance, they somehow stepped closer together, their bodies all but pressed up against one another. They locked eyes with one another and Sebastian could feel that same tension he’d felt earlier that day. Words that weighed heavily on both their minds, impatiently waiting to be spoken. “Hey,” Sebastian spoke up, some of the tension between them lifting but only slightly. “Do you wanna get outta here?” They both knew that his parents had situated themselves in the smaller family room where they could enjoy slight peace and quiet, and Sloane was most likely off somewhere else entertaining her guests.
Sebastian took Blaine’s hand and swiped a bottle of Bacardi from his father’s liquor cabinet before sneaking off upstairs to his bedroom. They managed to make it inside and Sebastian locked the door behind him. He opened the bottle of rum and took a generous swig, the liquid burning as it traveled down into the bottom of his stomach. “Want some?” He asked, offering the bottle to Blaine. He hoped that a little liquid courage might coerce the words out of them.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine’s insides fluttered and he fell a little harder for Sebastian when he used that cheesy line on him, agreeing with the sentiment wholeheartedly. He wrapped his arms tight around Sebastian’s neck to dance even closer to him, the tension between them causing his cheeks to warm as if he’d taken a shot of alcohol already. Blaine’s eyes never left Sebastian’s and when the taller suggested they get out of there all he could do was bite his lip and nod gently. Blaine laced their fingers together when Sebastian took his hand and he held it tightly, allowing the other to lead him through the house. He grinned to himself as Sebastian grabbed the bottle of rum and they made their way upstairs.
Blaine’s heart beat hard against his chest once they were alone in Sebastian’s bedroom, his palms starting to sweat ever so lightly. This was it, they were alone for the night and this would be his chance. He kicked off his shoes and undid his bowtie, letting it lay untied on around his neck as he kneeled onto the bed, maneuvering to sit with his legs crossed underneath him. “Yes, please.” He nodded, reaching for the bottle, taking a big gulp or two. “Mm, I’m having a really good time with you, y’know.” He offered, smiling at his best friend. “It’s so crazy being back here… back in this house… in your room.” Blaine shook his head, glancing down for a brief moment before looking back at Sebastian. “Feels like that night of your birthday party.”
Blaine patted the bed in front of him for Sebastian to come sit with him. “C’mere.” His voice was soft and his insides felt as if they were melting so he took another drink of the rum, drinking just enough to attempt to calm his frazzled nerves, not enough to get drunk because he didn’t want anything getting in the way of what he wanted to tell Sebastian. “I’ve been thinking a lot today...especially since you brought up your party. I was thinking about it and that night.” He smiled, shaking his head. “I’m...I’m really happy to be here with you again.”
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian undid the first few buttons on his shirt, allowing him to feel more at ease before he toed off his own shoes and moved toward the bed. He sat down across from Blaine, making himself comfortable before he took back the bottle for another swig. It didn’t seem the alcohol was having any effect on him yet but he hoped it would at least help him relax further. It felt freeing to be alone in his room with Blaine, just talking and being together.
He smiled at Blaine’s sentiments, knowing that being back in Westerville-- in his childhood home-- that there were definitely memories and feelings that came rushing back for the both of them. “It really was an unforgettable night-- one of my favorites, really.” Sebastian admitted honestly, placing the alcohol on the nightstand. “I’m really happy that you’re here with me, too. I have a feeling that before this night is over, it’ll be one of my new favorites.”
Sebastian leaned forward and brought his hand up to cup at Blaine’s face. “You mean everything to me.” His voice was just above a whisper, as if the words he was speaking were meant for Blaine’s ears only and he was afraid anyone else might overhear him. The music from downstairs could be heard faintly through the bedroom door, not nearly loud enough to obstruct their conversation. “I’d do anything and everything to make you happy.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine’s eyes fluttered when Sebastian cupped his cheek, leaning into the taller’s touch as he let out a soft breath. The words that rolled off his tongue made the butterflies in his stomach multiply, he could feel the emotion building up inside of him, pushing his heart up into his throat. “You mean everything to me, too.” He whispered, looking Sebastian right in the eyes, his own eyes slightly glossy. “I am happy. Because of you.” The tension that had been following them all day making it’s presence known, thickening the longer they sat there. “Sebastian, I...I have really been wanting to talk to you and it seemed that every time I tried to today, your sister took my moment.” He chuckled softly, biting his lip as he glanced down, letting his fingertips graze over Sebastian’s forearm down to his hand. “I meant what I said last night, you know.” He began, knowing there was no turning back from this moment.
Blaine’s honey eyes wandered up to lock with Sebastian’s and he shook his head. “Sebastian, I love you.” He repeated his words from the night before, they fell heavily off his tongue. They held more meaning this time than they ever had before. “I regret everything that I have done that kept me away from this, away from you.” He felt intensely as he spoke, allowing himself to feel the emotion he’d been trying to suppress since they met was overwhelming. It almost made him dizzy. “I should have never left you in high school and I should have never gotten back with Kurt; that was the worst mistake I have ever made and I am so, so, thankful that I have gotten this second chance with you.”
Blaine sniffled softly, the feelings getting to him a little. “I’m thankful that you are giving me this second chance to make everything right again. I still want to apologize to you for putting you through everything that I did. You deserved-- deserve-- so much better than that. Better than me.” He spoke intensely as he confessed all of those thoughts to Sebastian, conveying just through his body language and tone that he meant every word with all of his heart. “You...you are the most wonderful man I have ever known, Seb.” By that moment Blaine had managed to take both of the taller’s hands to hold them in his own.
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian remained quiet as he listened to his dear friend speak, chuckling only when the comment about his ill-timing sister was made. It was obvious that Blaine was genuinely speaking from the heart-- pouring out his soul to Sebastian. A slight frown faltered Sebastian’s soft smile when he noticed Blaine’s eyes gloss over, wet with tears wanting to spill over. Before he could make a move to reach out to him, Blaine had already taken his hands into his own. He felt Blaine’s words reverberate through his entire body. They’d both said “I love you’s” to each other countless amounts of times since they were mere teenagers and Sebastian always understood the boundaries then; he knew then that those words didn’t mean what he wanted them to mean for all those years. Tonight, however, he knew that Blaine meant them differently. He knew that Blaine was very purposefully trying to communicate the depth and intensity of his feelings for him. Sebastian could feel it pulsating in and around him.
“I love you too,” he replied to Blaine, unsure if those words would ever be enough to describe the adoration and yearning he had for the other man. “I’ve always loved you.” He could sense the deep regret within Blaine for the mistakes of the past but Sebastian wouldn’t ever hold it against him or make him feel bad. Maybe Sebastian might’ve done that with someone else, but not with Blaine.
Blaine was special. Blaine would always be special to him.
Sebastian brought Blaine’s hand to meet his lips, kissing it softly and lingering for a moment. “B, I’ll always give you a second chance-- a third and fourth chance, even. Maybe that’s stupid or reckless, but I’d risk losing you again and again if it meant I could be with you, even if it’s just for a little while. It’s the least I could do after what you did for me.” Sebastian swallowed a lump in his throat, his hands trembling just a bit in Blaine’s. Now he was the one to feel the buildup of the day’s tension bubbling up and spilling over all at once. He laughed wetly, amused that he ever really showed any type of real emotion only when he was with Blaine. He was the only one who could pierce right through every wall he ever built up. “Y-you don’t have to say such nice things to me or act like I did this big, heroic thing by accepting you after everything between you and Kurt happened. I mean, you thought that Kurt was your soulmate.” He tried his best to communicate his understanding and that there were never any negative feelings about anything that happened back then, but he still couldn’t help but to look away. In reality, Blaine leaving all those years ago had been a big blow to Sebastian; it had left him an emptier kind of man for sometime before he could pick himself up and move on. “... I wasn’t going to keep you from being happy even if it meant I couldn’t have you.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine was thankful for the few chugs he'd had of the alcohol because if not for that he might've spun out and tripped all over his words but instead he was saying the things he wanted to say loud and clear and he was positive he was getting his message across. He smiled sweetly at the taller when he told him that he'd always loved him, the words he'd always known of still causing him to melt. Blaine was also thankful that he was definitely one of the ones - if not the only one - who could pass right through Sebastian's walls and get through to him.
Blaine felt guilty that Sebastian gave him any credit for doing anything for him after all he'd put him through, knowing how Seb felt for him, teasing him with hope of a relationship and then just leaving him alone. He'd been terrible to Sebastian and he didn't deserve that second or third or fourth chance. He watched as Sebastian kissed his hand, the kiss sparking a flame underneath his skin. He shook his head. "I know I don't deserve another chance, I know that. And that's why I'm promising you right now that I will do everything within my power to make sure you never get hurt again." Blaine promised him, Sebastian unknowing that Blaine meant emotionally and physically, seeing as Nightbird would always be there to protect Sebastian from getting hurt.
"No," Blaine shook his head again, moving to sit on his knees so he could be closer to Sebastian, holding his hands. "I do have to say these things to you because that's just it. I thought Kurt was my soulmate but he is not. He is so far from it and I should have realized it then but I was so dumb." He took Sebastian's face in his hands. "I should have seen it because you were the one who was there for me, you are the one who has always been right there when I called for you, you are the one who always knows just what to do or say to make me feel good about myself. You are the one. You are my soulmate, Sebastian, and I know that now." Blaine's eyes were locked with Sebastian's as he spoke, urgent and sincere.
His voice softened as he looked at the other, he could feel the words bubbling up in his chest, the words he had never said to Sebastian before even though he knew he felt them deep down. He had never felt as if he were allowed to feel them so he suppressed them and moved on with Kurt. But in that moment he felt them and he knew he was going to say them and he knew the gravity of it. “Seb,” Blaine whispered, brushing his thumbs over the other’s cheeks. “I’m in love with you.” When the words jumped from his tongue he felt free. More free than he had ever felt. Blaine pulled Sebastian’s face closer to his to close the space between them, crashing their lips together, kissing him in such a way that he never had before- letting all of his feelings pour out of him into the kiss.
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian couldn’t look away from Blaine as the words echoed through his head. He wouldn’t look away. He felt like the entire world had stopped revolving and only he and Blaine existed in this point of time, staring into each other’s eyes as Blaine declared that they were soulmates. Sebastian felt claimed; he felt that Blaine was accepting him wholeheartedly and completely into his life-- wiping away any and all doubt in Sebastian’s mind that what they had wasn’t real. Having Blaine’s hand on him made him feel grounded; it was as if Blaine were his anchor and he had a purpose for existing. Blaine was his reason for being here.
When Blaine admitted that he was in love with him, Sebastian felt something catch in his throat and it was as if something inside of him had been unlocked. They were words he had been dying to hear-- words that Sebastian only dreamed and imagined the Blaine Anderson would ever utter to him and here he was, sitting right in front of him and openly admitting it. Before Sebastian could collect his thoughts or admit that he, too, was very much in love with Blaine, they were suddenly kissing and that was all Sebastian needed.
He kissed Blaine back with fervor, all the resistance he had put up for himself melted away in but an instant. His hands wrapped around the smaller man’s waist as they maneuvered closer to each other on the bed with their bodies pressed together. He had longed for Blaine to kiss him like this-- to want him like this. It was something in which Sebastian had waited years. He pulled away breathlessly, his eyes glossed over from sheer happiness as he looked at Blaine’s flushed face with an overjoyed laugh. “God, Blaine, I’m so fucking in love with you,” he declared, the words ringing clearer and truer than ever, since it first became just a thought within Sebastian’s subconscious.
Sebastian leaned in for another kiss, hungry for more from the man-- for his soulmate. His lips parted slightly, deepening the kiss as he led the man to lay down on the bed, his hand holding the small of his back for support as their legs tangled together. Sebastian could feel his heart beating against his chest, quicker than its usual speed-- even for a speedster. He continued to kiss Blaine as they laid in bed together, flashes of memories when they were in high school fading into the forefront of his mind. Just like that night, he had always wanted Blaine. His hand found its way to stroke up and down Blaine’s side, relishing in how the man’s body felt so much like home. “Bl-Blaine… I want you so bad,” Sebastian murmured as he kissed Blaine’s neck, sucking little marks into his hot flesh.
Blaine Anderson:
The shorter whined against Sebastian’s lips after he reciprocated Blaine’s feelings and leaned in for another kiss, moving with him so he could lay back on the bed. His heart was beating so hard he feared it could burst out of his chest at any moment, a fire spreading through his body as they both deepened the kiss. It was very reminiscent of the night they shared on Sebastian’s eighteenth birthday, only the clear difference was that everything was out in the open. Both of their hearts were completely open and those honest, raw feelings were out in the open, never to be taken back.
When Blaine was laid back onto the bed, he wrapped his arms around Sebastian’s neck just to slowly drag his hands down the taller’s neck, over his jawline to cup his face again, kissing him deeper. Chills rose on his skin at the feeling of Sebastian’s hands on his sides, his entire body shuddering when his lips touched Blaine’s neck, causing the shorter to bite his lip. Blaine’s eyes fluttered closed and shaky breaths left his lips when he could feel the hot breath from Sebastian's hushed words against his skin and it stirred something inside of him that traveled quickly to his lower regions. With his hands traveling lower, he tugged at Sebastian’s shirt so that they could gain access to his skin, nodding his head gently and quickly as he ran his hands up Sebastian’s back and then down again, relishing the feeling of his skin. “P-please.” He breathed, pushing at the top of the other’s pants. “I want you. Need you.”
Blaine had envisioned having sex with Sebastian a thousand times - it was hard not to when Sebastian was so suggestive throughout their entire relationship. Not to mention the few times they had gotten each other off by just grinding against each other back in highschool. He never thought they would really go all the way but he knew that if it turned out anything close to what he imagined then he was going to be blown away. Images of the two naked in the bed, moaning and gasping, clutching to each other for dear life, flashed through his mind and it only turned him on further. He arched his back a little as he kissed Sebastian hungrily again, spreading his legs under the other and tugging at his clothes a little. “Please, Seb.” His voice was soft, desperate, just barely audible as it was surrounded by his shaking breath.
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian felt too hot in his own skin. Every touch and noise that came from the man underneath him sent thrills throughout his body that needed to be addressed immediately. Reluctantly pulling back from an eager kiss, Sebastian undid the buttons of his shirt and whipped it off somewhere, forgotten. So many times he had pictured this scenario in his head and it was really happening right here and now. He loved the way Blaine begged for him-- how the other man’s hands fumbled with his pants. It took little to no time for Sebastian to make work of Blaine’s cute top, pulling it up and over his head and tossing it in the same general direction that he did for his own shirt. He sat back for a moment, looking down at Blaine’s naked torso and breathed in awe. Of course there were times he’d seen the man topless before but in his bed? Pleading for sex? The sight alone sent a rush of blood to his cock and Sebastian whined as he bit his lip. “I want to give you everything,” he told Blaine, undoing and getting rid of his own pants before he helped Blaine out of his.
Though Sebastian was no stranger to sex, there was a thoughtfulness he had with Blaine that he hadn’t ever had with his now-irrelevant sexual conquests. “Want to make you feel good, B,” he whispered, palming at the other’s groin over the cloth of his snug underwear. He could feel Blaine begin to harden directly under his touch and he leaned down to press another hot and fleeting kiss to the boy’s lips before moving down and kissing his neck and down to his chest. “I love your body,” he told Blaine, letting his tongue skin over one of the other’s pointed nipples. He relished every little sound and movement Blaine made as Sebastian continued to explore Blaine’s body, pressing soft kisses down his torso.
With quick movements, Sebastian pulled Blaine’s underwear down and off of him, revealing the man’s hardened cock. “Oh, baby,” Sebastian could see how hard Blaine was for him already and it made his stomach do flips. He licked at the thick shaft before wrapping his lips around the head. Wrapping his hand around the shaft, he kept his eyes trained on Blaine’s face for a reaction.
Blaine Anderson:
Every move that Sebastian made caused Blaine's heart to race even faster. His face flushed red with heat when they were both finally unclothed and he reached forward for Sebastian, wanting to feel him. He took advantage of every moment he could, touching any part of the taller that he could get his hands on, his breath coming out heavier, Sebastian's words making his insides twist and turn every time. "I want everything, want you. Wanna feel you." He begged softly.
His divorce and Kurt were so far out of his mind that if asked he might not even remember Kurt's name. He was so close to being out of that marriage and he was so done with Kurt that it didn't even matter anymore.
As Sebastian touched and kissed Blaine’s body, it moved with him-- arching his back, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths, his hands shaking, humming and moaning softly with every little touch. He tried his best to take in every moment of what was happening, every move-- breath, touch, kiss-- felt incredible and he could feel his nerve endings sparking as Sebastian made his way down his body. As much as he tried to keep his cool, it was impossible. His body shaking and his cock hardening with every second that passed completely gave away how he was feeling and how badly he wanted this-- how badly he wanted Sebastian.
He helped Sebastian take off his boxer-briefs by lifting up his hips, his hazel eyes glued to the taller man that kneeled over him, he was finally completely naked in front of Sebastian in all of his hard glory. He only briefly felt insecure because he hadn’t been naked in front of anyone in a really long time. When Sebastian called him baby, Blaine bit his lip, his cheeks deepened in color and the corners of his mouth quirking upwards. He spread his legs a little more for Sebastian, pressing his feet into the mattress. His eyes fluttered, letting his head fall back onto the pillow when Sebastian’s warm mouth surrounded the head of his member, a gasp catching in his throat at the feeling of other’s hand wrapping firmly around him. “Oh,” Blaine’s voice was low, just a breath. He carefully rolled his hips upwards, trying to feel more, needing to feel more. “Mm, please ‘Bastian.” Blaine whined, shamelessly desperate for everything that was about to happen.
He gathered up enough strength to hold himself up on his elbows so he could look down at Sebastian, giving him a soft nod, his chest moving with soft, deep breaths, giving him encouragement to proceed. He licked his lips slowly, letting them part as their eyes caught one another again. Sebastian was so attractive-- so intensely hot-- just the sight of him between Blaine’s legs made the shorter even harder, even more excited for the experience they were sharing.
Sebastian Smythe:
When Blaine rolled his hips forward, Sebastian hummed around the other’s cock, hollowing out his mouth to take in more of him. He gently pushed Blaine’s legs apart further, his free hand rubbing comfortingly up and down his thigh. He sucked in earnest, doing his best to make Blaine feel as incredible as he felt whenever he was with him. He watched as Blaine’s back arched back as he was enraptured in pleasure, pulling off and licking his lips with a slight smirk. Sebastian’s ego inflated greatly when he saw how needy and wanton Blaine was for him. His hand worked Blaine’s dick lazily, stroking up and down the shaft as his thumb swiped at the head, precome spreading. ` “Gorgeous,” he mumbled, leaning down to capture Blaine’s lips in a messy kiss. He closed his eyes and sucked in a breath of air, willing his own erection to not rush into things. As much as Sebastian would’ve love to just have his way with Blaine, he knew what tonight meant. This was his first time with Blaine and he wanted more than to just get off. He wanted this to be an experience neither one of them would ever forget. So when Blaine whined for him again, Sebastian leaned over to the nightstand and rummaged until he procured what he’d been looking for: a condom and a bottle of tube. Sitting back with his knees pressing into the bed under him, Sebastian tore the condom wrapper and easily slid the rubber onto his cock. He looked up from his erection to Blaine, who seemed just as ready as him.
He instructed Blaine to spread his legs and bend his knees, unable to stop himself from licking his lips when the other’s puckered hole came into sight. “Fuck,” he cursed under his breath, temptation winning out as he slicked his fingers with lube before pressing a single digit into Blaine’s entrance, experimenting. Sebastian wanted to know what made Blaine feel good and what he didn’t like-- to make this experience the most noteworthy. The smaller man felt so tight around his one finger, he wasn’t sure how he could possibly fit his cock inside of him but God willing, he would try his damnedest.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine gripped the comforter beneath him, letting himself fall back against the pillows again as Sebastian took him into his mouth even further, all it took was gentle direction and Blaine moved exactly the way Sebastian wanted him to whether it be spreading his legs at the right moment or pushing his hips up to help the taller take more of him in when he wanted. Sebastian left trails of fire under his skin by the way he rubbed Blaine’s thighs. The shorter arched his back, gasping loudly at one point at the way Sebastian skillfully sucked on him, feeling himself growing even harder. He could see himself easily getting addicted to the feeling that came with being inside of Sebastian's warm, moist mouth.
Blaine's forehead wrinkled and he whined looking up at his lover, his face fell into a grin when he saw Sebastian's smirk, giggling softly. "Seb, don't tease me." He whined, squirming under the taller, arching his back again more exaggerated and slowly, enticing Sebastian to continue. "Mmm," He moaned softly against the other's lips when he kissed him, kissing him back with desperation. Blaine could see what Sebastian was doing and it only made him fall for him harder. This was their first time. It was Blaine and Sebastian's first time having sex and it was a moment for the history books.
He smiled lovingly up when their kiss broke. "You're gorgeous." He whispered softly, pulling him down to kiss him again before letting out a whine, running his hands along Sebastian's sides, holding onto his hips as he pressed his hips up to brush their erections together. Blaine leaned up to kiss whatever parts of Sebastian's neck and jaw he could reach as the taller reached for the nightstand to grab what they needed to proceed. Blaine obeyed Sebastian's wishes and spread his legs more, bending his knees to give them a better position. After licking his lips, he bit down hard on his lip, his eyes had long since grown dark and he watched Sebastian’s every move with a ravenous expression, mentally preparing himself for what was about to happen.
Blaine’s lips parted when he felt Sebastian’s finger push past his entrance, gasping Sebastian’s name, a deep wrinkle setting in his forehead. As his body slowly got used to the intrusion, a light smile pulled at his lips and he moved himself down to try and feel more of the other’s finger, rolling his hips slowly. “Mmm, more.” Blaine groaned, moving himself down again against Sebastian’s finger, letting his body get more used to the feeling as he ran his hands up his sides, stomach and chest slowly, another whine escaping him while wrapped around his words. “Want you.”
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian felt the ring of muscle tensing around the width of his finger as he pushed in deeper, waiting until Blaine’s body grew relaxed and used to the intrusion. He watched with adoration and lust as Blaine asked for more, deciding it would only be right to comply with his wishes. Sliding his finger out, he watched as the gaping hole flexed itself, gripping around nothing as if shocked by the sudden loss.
His cock bobbed unflaggingly, hard and ready to bury itself inside of Blaine once and for all. He positioned himself accordingly and lined his hard cock with the man’s tight entrance. The blunt tip of his cock rested against Blaine as Sebastian looked up to gaze into Blaine’s golden eyes. His hand gripped at Blaine’s hips, non-verbally communicating to ready himself. He began by slowly squeezing his member inside of Blaine, nearly overwhelmed by the incredible tightness that surrounded him. His jaw fell slack with a stilted gasp, trying his best to not rush. He knew that he was a lot to take in so he entered Blaine slowly, watching him carefully to be sure he wasn’t causing him any harm. “I’m sorry, I love you, I’m sorry,” he murmured quietly, coaxingly rubbing up and down Blaine’s sides in an attempt to help him relax. Sebastian just wanted to make Blaine felt good. He wanted to feel him close. Sure, he was really turned on and desperately hard, but Blaine was of the utmost importance. There wasn’t any other instance where he’d ever felt closer or more in love with Blaine Anderson and he wanted to make every moment count.
Once he was fully seated within Blaine, Sebastian stilled. He leaned forward as much as he could, kissing Blaine’s chest. He didn’t want to start moving until he knew his beautiful boy was alright.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine never let his eyes leave Sebastian's as he slipped his finger out of him, only fluttering when a whine fell from his mouth again. He felt very empty in that moment and he wanted to feel full, he wanted Sebastian deep inside of him, only imagining how it would feel made his cock throb harder. His heartbeat fluttered in tune with his eyelids at the way Sebastian looked at him. He knew the other man better than anyone and he knew that he was the only one in the history of Sebastian's sexual encounters who ever got the kind of loving, careful treatment he was getting. They were so in tune with each other that they could communicate non-verbally just by looking and touching and it was something he himself had never had with anyone else.  When Sebastian took his hips gently, yet firmly, he pushed down on the bed a little to position himself better to make it easier for both of them.
The shorter felt Sebastian begin to push into his entrance, sucking in a sharp breath, he bit down hard on his lip. His forehead wrinkled and he gripped the comforter between his fingers. It was definitely a lot to take in and as masochistic as it might've sounded, he loved that stinging, burning feeling that came with being stretched by the other man's cock. He thirsted for it as his own erection throbbed, aching to be touched.  Letting his teeth drag over his bottom lip he looked up at Sebastian, letting out a shaky breath and shaking his head. He thought it cute the way Sebastian was so concerned for him-- if he only knew how much Blaine loved that feeling. "Mm, no, don’t worry." he shook his head, placing his hand on the other's, speaking words of reassurance. "Love the way you feel."
When Sebastian was finally as far inside of him as he could be, Blaine lifted his legs higher to hook them on the taller's body near his waist, wanting to feel him closer. "Seb," His whole body trembled, causing his soft whispers to shake as he ran his hands up Sebastian's back, his touch gently and loving. The feelings he was having in that moment were almost too overwhelming for him to handle, never having felt so in love with someone before. "I love you," He parroted the words back to his lover, nodding his head gently as he smiled up at him. "I love you."  
Blaine knew that Sebastian was waiting for his signal to start moving so he didn't waste any time after his words of affection,  he pushed himself up a little to let Sebastian know he was more than ready for him to move, his eyes fluttering again. His lips parted and a trembling whimper fell from him. "Please," He knew that's all he needed to say.
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian ran his hand up and down Blaine’s torso, his fingers tracing the little bends and dips of muscles along his body. It was evident that the man probably still kept a somewhat active regimen, though that it wasn’t something that took priority in his life. He loved that Blaine wasn’t too lanky nor too muscular; the man was absolutely perfect. Blaine was perfect for him and when he was inside of him, that feeling only strengthened. He could feel his cock within Blaine pulsating, his strong heartbeat reverberating throughout the boy’s limber body. He knew that this feeling was the most physically connected and intimate he could ever be with another human being, and he was forever grateful he could share this experience with Blaine.
“Doing so good for me, babe-- taking me so well,” his broken sentences fell gently from his lips as he praised his lover, moving only slightly at first. Sebastian could see that Blaine was desperate for more. He bent forward, sliding his hands up and under Blaine's chest. Fingers slowly circled Blaine's nipples in time with slow, gentle thrusts, and Sebastian kissed wherever he could reach. Soon, he found a steady rhythm that benefited the both of them and his breath began coming out in shorter pants. He could feel Blaine opening up for him more and more with each thrust, allowing Sebastian to move with a bit more force each time. “So good for me,” Sebastian repeated, snapping his hips forward with a sudden jolt as his hand found Blaine’s thigh, gripping it for stability. He had to be careful that his powers not slip through-- that he took his time with everything and that he wouldn’t get ahead of himself. He rolled his hips in time, chuckling breathlessly as Blaine moved his own hips to meet him and deepen each thrust. “You’re so tight-- I fucking love you,” he growled, nipping at Blaine’s neck.
Blaine Anderson:
Chills rose on Blaine's body when Sebastian praised him, the words making his insides tingle all over.  "Ugh, god." He groaned as the taller moved, arching his back slightly when he felt Sebastian's thumbs over his nipples, the sensation almost enough for him to have an orgasm right then and there.  Everything felt so intense, almost too intense when Sebastian moved a bit faster, both of them finding a rhythm perfect for them.  Blaine felt so hot as if a searing fire was running wild underneath his skin, melting it from the inside out. He was certain at any moment they would burn right through the comforter and sheets spread across Sebastian's bed.
The way he felt, feeling Sebastian deep inside of him, feeling so full, it was indescribable and it caused him to moan out in immense pleasure. He began moving his body in tune with Sebastian's to meet his thrusts, being sure to take him as deep as he possibly could, his hungry entrance clenching around the other's hard cock every so often.  Desperate whimpers of Sebastian's name and a couple of profanities jumped from his tongue as his breaths began to come out harder and quicker. A grin pulled at the corner of Blaine's lips when Sebastian growled against his neck,  groaning louder as a reaction to the way the other bit at his neck. Blaine gripped onto Sebastian's back, arching his own again as he moved his hips a bit faster, letting one of his hands run up the other's neck and tangle in his hair. He turned his head to pant against Sebastian's ear, murmuring against it. "Harder." His voice was low, wrapped up in a soft growl of his own before it melted into a desperate whine, tugging at Sebastian's hair. "Sebastian, please."
Blaine could feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge with each thrust, his rock hard erection rubbing between their slick bodies, he tried his best to keep his cries of pleasure quiet but he was failing to do so. It just felt entirely too incredible and he was eternally grateful for the music that continued to boom loudly from downstairs. The room full of teenagers did not need to hear Blaine moaning and swearing and calling out Sebastian's name like he was in some pornographic film.
Sebastian Smythe:
Hearing Blaine whisper little profanities as he was being fucked was something Sebastian fantasized many times but he never thought he would look and sound so delicious. Blaine’s fingers raking through and tugging his hair spurred him on even more, snapping his hips forward again to thrust into the man especially deep. Doing so had Sebastian letting out a guttural moan, feeling himself getting close to his tipping point. Sebastian's hips shuddered into an erratic rhythm. He sucked in a shaky breath and closed his eyes, willing himself not to come just yet. “Fuck, B, you’re making this way too fucking good,” he warned, looking down at his lover through half-lidded eyes.
His hand reached out and grasped at Blaine’s incredibly hard cock, feeling it nearly throb in his hand. Sebastian timed his hips with his hand, stroking Blaine as he thrust into him. At this point he could feel beads of sweat begin to form at his brow and down the back of his neck, and he knew Blaine was growing closer too. He leaned in as much as his body would allow while still multitasking fucking into Blaine while jerking him off at the same time. He could see the way his brow furrowed up, a wrinkle settling into his forehead as he was overcome with pleasure. Sebastian loved that he was the one to see Blaine like that. He was the cause of Blaine feeling so overwhelmed with excitement and intensity-- that he would be the cause for Blaine eventually coming all over his childhood bed sheets.
“You’re mine,” he said in a low voice, hot and heavy. “You’re mine and no one else is ever gonna get to see you like this.” Sebastian spoke the words as if they were fact; he was very certain of himself that he could keep Blaine satisfied and that as long as he was around, no one else would get the privilege of having Blaine this way ever again. “Want you to come for me.” He emphasized the last word, his hand pumping up and down on Blaine’s cock with vigor.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine kept his body moving in tune with Sebastian's as they moved harder, chasing the orgasm that was building rapidly inside of him. His breath came out in hard pants and the noises he made only got louder when he felt Sebastian's hand wrap around his erection. Blaine's body shook, his hands trembling as he grabbed the taller wherever he could reach, gripping onto him for dear life. He was so close to the edge that all it took was Sebastian's possessive words to push him right over.  "Gonna come for you, Seb. Wanna come only for you." He definitely liked the dialogue between them when they had sex, it was nothing like Kurt at all- Kurt was quiet except for his high-pitched moans and screams and god forbid Blaine say anything like the words he just uttered to Sebastian. He really liked the way Sebastian spoke to him, he loved the possessive nature in which he spoke. It was a big turn on for him.
The overwhelming, emotional feelings caused the fire in his body to isolate to his stomach, and he felt his bottom half beginning to tense. It started in his hips, the muscles in his thighs burning as the muscles near and around his groin tensed. When his orgasm began to hit him, his eyes slammed shut and he threw his head back, completely letting go.
Blaine's jaw fell slack and all of the muscles in his body contracted as he moved desperately against Sebastian to ride his orgasm for everything it was worth, bright stars exploded behind his eyelids and he barely recognized his own voice when he called out Sebastian's name. He chanted it like a mantra as his body shook with the intense pleasure he was feeling, fucking himself into Sebastian's hand as he came, his abs glistening in the low light with his own come.
"I'm yours, I'm yours." It was the most intense orgasm Blaine had ever experienced and that was no exaggeration. He had never felt so connected with someone both physically and emotionally. He used to think he and Kurt were that connected but, boy, was he wrong. Having sex with your soulmate was way more intense and way better than having sex with anyone else. He didn't know that an orgasm could feel so good that he almost blacked out.
Sebastian Smythe:
Watching the way Blaine so eagerly fucked into Sebastian’s hand, making noises that should’ve been deemed illegal drove Sebastian mad. He was pumping his hand furiously, watching as thick spurts of come shot out of Blaine’s cock and onto his gorgeous, glistening body. He swore he never saw another human being so absolutely breathtaking in his life. He loved the way Blaine’s voice sounded when he affirmed the fact that he belonged only to him; it gave Sebastian the satisfaction of knowing he and he alone was the one to give his lover what he needed. He continued to stroke Blaine through his orgasm until he felt it shudder in his hand and as it began to fall flaccid, he let go.
As Blaine’s body began to fall limp, experiencing aftershocks from his orgasm, Sebastian’s hands moved to grip the smaller man’s hips. His thrusts became moreso erratic and though Blaine had already finished coming, Sebastian shoved in anyways, holding Blaine tight at the hips. He felt his orgasm teetering on the edge. He tilted him just right so he could hit Blaine's prostate with one especially sharp thrust. The shock of it made Sebastian gasp raggedly, mouth hinged open, brow scrunched up with a mixed mixture of pleasure and delicious pain. “Mine, mine, mine, mine!” Sebastian chanted possessively as he was sent toppling over his limit. He let everything go and came. Hard. Had he not been wearing a condom, he knew that his orgasm would've been a messy one. WIth eyes screwed shut, his hips ground into Blaine as he rode out his incredible orgasm.
“Fuck,” he shuddered as soon as he began to descend from his climax. His body felt like it was shaking from his very core. He was becoming over-sensitive at this point, his hips moving slower as he stumbled forward. His hands caught himself against the headboard before he lowered himself onto Blaine, his chest heaving with exhausted gasps for air. He looked down at Blaine and gently eased himself down against him, slipping his soft cock and wincing in the process.
His body still shook from such an intense orgasm, his brain scrambled and unable to form a coherent sentence. “.. ‘mazing,” he mumbled against Blaine’s neck, attempting to nuzzle against him but his overtired body unwilling to do so. He could feel his hot breath bouncing off of Blaine’s skin and back against his face. “... I love you.”
Blaine Anderson: 
Blaine came, shaking and groaning, covering his body and even some of the sheets in his hot liquid until he couldn't come anymore. He bit down hard on his lip as Sebastian continued to ride out his own orgasm even though Blaine had come.  Just like the initial stretching of his entrance when they first started, the masochist in him thoroughly enjoyed the slightly painful feeling that came with Sebastian fucking into him as his orgasm started to wear off, before it could get to be too much to handle the taller was coming and Blaine kept his eyes glued to his lover.
"Mmm, Sebastian." He hummed, still panting and whining as the other moved against him, he still had a tight grip on him-- definitely leaving marks in the shape of his fingers on Sebastian's sides that would make for nice bruises the next morning. He whimpered out loud when he felt the other hit his prostate, clenching around Sebastian's pulsating cock and his forehead wrinkled.  He knew how sore he would be in the morning but he wasn't about to regret one moment or movement; it felt entirely too good.
Sebastian was done before he felt too painfully sensitive and he tried to stay as still as possible, the uncomfortable feeling not overshadowing the absolute euphoric state he was in, feeling intoxicated by everything that had just happened. His honey eyes gazed up at the taller's green eyes, his breaths still coming out short and heavy, his body trembling and wet with the mixture of their sweat and his come.  He had never felt so good while also feeling so sticky. A grin pulled at Blaine's lips as his eyes fluttered, a daze look upon his face and he let out a soft chuckle. "Wow." He breathed, loosening his grip on Sebastian's sides to rub his face a little, attempting to make sure he didn't just dream the events that just occurred in Sebastian's bed.  Blaine winced as well when Sebastian pulled out of him, hissing quietly.
When the taller was finally relaxed against him, he didn't even mind the sticky feeling between them; he was just happy to hold Sebastian. A content, happy sigh fell from his lips. "I love you, too." He replied easily, turning his head just a little to press a kiss to his head. "I love you so much. That was...wow." Blaine whispered again, chuckling. "That was even better than I imagined."
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian’s body was worn out and he could feel it down to his bones. It didn’t matter that Blaine’s come had smeared between their bodies as the taller man nearly collapsed onto the man underneath him. Sebastian loved that he could literally just reach out and Blaine was right here with him, holding him and speaking to him in such a sweet voice. Sebastian’s eyes fluttered shut as he just breathed the man in, the stench of sweat and ecstasy thick in the air. A smile curled from his lips when he felt the gentle kiss to his forehead and he opened his eyes, looking up at Blaine. At his lover.
“You rock my world,” Sebastian laughed, his voice sounded more tired than he had intended. Managing to find just enough energy, Sebastian pulled himself off of Blaine and plopped down onto the bed, shifting close enough they their bodies were still touching. His hand seeked out Blaine’s hand and when he found it, he immediately took it, lacing their fingers together. Clean up was still required but for now he wanted to revel in what he and Blaine had just accomplished. He turned to face the other man and gave him a genuine smile. “I’m so in love with you,” he stated, unabashedly. His chest still rose and fell with each breath but he was soon able to catch his breath. He cleared his throat and shifted closer, wrapping an arm around Blaine’s torso. He waited until Blaine turned his head also before leaning in and kissing him slowly and gently.
As they broke the kiss, Sebastian stayed close, letting their noses brush against one another. “So,” he spoke up, his voice now a little more lively now that he’d regained some of his energy, “Does this mean we’re ‘officially’ dating now?” He chuckled, thinking that it was probably an unnecessary question.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine laughed with Sebastian when he praised him for rocking his world, shaking his head and taking a deep breath. "You are incredible." He said, giving Sebastian's hand a squeeze when he felt their fingers lace together.  Blaine turned his head to face the taller automatically smiling when he was greeted with Sebastian's gentle kiss, he hummed happily as he returned it just as slow. When it broke he licked his lips to relish in the taste of Sebastian's kiss.
One of his signature cheesy grins spread across his face and Blaine bit his lip, looking into the other's eyes, shaking his head. "You're so cute. You wanna be my boyfriend, huh?" He turned onto his side carefully, ignoring the soreness he was already feeling to get closer to Sebastian.  Before he gave him an answer he leaned in, placing his hand on the taller's cheek, capturing his lips with a very slow, loving kiss. Blaine was very good at showing his feelings through acts of affection, especially kissing. His heart was still beating abnormally fast against his chest as their kiss slowly came to an end. Taking a deep breath,  Blaine let his thumb brush gently over Sebastian's face. He took the moment to just look at him, really look at him. He definitely wasn't the teenager that he made out with on this same bed all those years ago. He didn't look old by any means but he wasn't a child anymore- they weren't children anymore. Sebastian was so handsome- he was a man now. He was his man.
"Okay, well, I'm going to do this right." Blaine said before he took Sebastian's hand, holding it close to his chest, caressing it with his thumb. "Sebastian," He smiled, his eyes crinkling in the corners like they did when he was that happy. "I love you, a lot. Will you be my boyfriend?" Blaine giggled, crinkling his nose. He knew he was cheesy, and he knew Sebastian loved that about him.
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian watched as Blaine propped himself up and kissed him slow and steady. He loved that Blaine paid attention to details and took extra care in making sure every affectionate gesture meant something to the both of them. His lips parted slightly to bring Blaine into the kiss deeper, reciprocating with equal passion. He hummed happily as he smiled into the kiss-- a smile that remained even as Blaine leaned back. Sebastian watched with amusement as Blaine took his hand and held it against his chest, the words coming out of Blaine’s mouth warming his heart so. When Blaine scrunched his nose and laughed, it was like music to Sebastian’s ears.
Propping himself up in a similar fashion to Blaine, he nodded and replied, “I love you too-- very, very much. I would be honored if you would consider me as your boyfriend.” He almost felt like he was reciting some sort of vow he prepared beforehand and the fact made him chuckle out of sheer delight. He searched his mind and his heart to continue his declaration of love. “I, uh, I promise to always protect you and to always put you first.” He looked down at his hand held against Blaine’s chest and smiling, looked back up to lock eyes with him. “I know I’m not perfect but I’ll always try to do right by you, B.” Sebastian felt a little silly after saying all of those things. He was very rarely ever the type to speak his feelings even though his usual demeanor had others seeing him as crass and too blunt. Blaine was one of an especially exclusive group of people who ever saw his true self.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine’s grin only grew wider as Sebastian smiled at him, he loved being the reason for such a happy smile on the other man’s face. He was one that always believed that Sebastian was the most deserving person of all of the happiness he could possibly get his hands on, and now here he was being the reason for the man’s happy smile and it warmed him from the inside out.
He chuckled as he looked at his now boyfriend in adoration, thinking it really sweet that Sebastian felt the need to add to his answer, he knew that Sebastian wanted this as badly as he did and he knew that neither one of them wanted to mess it up. He knew that - as cheesy as it sounded - his heart was in very good hands. Sebastian was the perfect one to piece it back together and make it whole again. “Seb,” He shook his head, bringing his hand up to his lips to kiss it softly before letting it go to place his hand back on Sebastian’s cheek, wanting the taller to really hear him when he said his next words. “I’m not worried, okay?” Blaine smiled, leaning in for a quick, soft kiss before continuing. “I trust you. I know that you love me and I know that you would never hurt me.”
Blaine let his teeth drag slowly over his bottom lip and he glanced down. “I’m the one who promises that I will always do right by you. I promise that I will do everything to never hurt you or make you sad ever again. I….I never want to take this, take you, for granted again. Don’t wanna lose you.” His thumb brushed over Sebastian’s soft cheek before letting it trail down his neck, nodding his head gently. Blaine took another soft breath. “I’m going to prove myself to you, prove that it isn’t a mistake to give me another chance, that I love you.” His eyes fell down to where his hand rested on Sebastian’s chest, right over his heart. Blaine could feel Sebastian’s heart beating rapidly under his hand even though there were no signs of him being out of breath or worked up. Tilting his head, a soft chuckle left his lips. “Your heart is beating so fast.” He shook his head, looking at the other, only mildly concerned. “You okay, handsome?”
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian knew that by his and Blaine’s track record, he should be worried that this could be a repeat of what happened all those years back when they were still in high school. Blaine was still legally married and that fact wouldn’t go away but Sebastian still didn’t care. He put his entire trust in Blaine because he loved him and knew that if his heart was going to be broken, he had no one to blame but himself. Sebastian smiled sweetly and nodded, “Hey, I believe you, Blaine. I trust you, too.” He made sure he gave Blaine a meaningful look and sounded genuine because he meant every word. “I’m not going to regret taking this chance with you.”
When Blaine commented commented on his irregular heartbeat, Sebastian chuckled nervously. “You always give me heart palpitations,” he joked, gently taking Blaine’s hand off of his chest and pressing it against his lips. “Being around you just does crazy things to me, I guess.”
He leaned forward to give Blaine another kiss before he pushed himself off of the bed. He quickly disposed of the condom and rummaged through one of the dresser drawers for a towel. Once he found one, he wiped the come from his torso before coming back to the bed to clean Blaine off. “Next time, I really want you to blow your load down my throat,” Sebastian said in a casual tone, leaning in closer to his boyfriend to whisper in his ear, “Sound appealing?”
Knowing that Blaine’s cheeks must’ve flushed red, Sebastian reared back with an amused laugh. “I like making you all flustered; I plan on doing it as often as I possibly can-- especially now that we’re dating.” He patted his boyfriend’s lap, letting him know that everything was alright. Things didn’t need to be tense and the past was both forgotten and forgiven. Sebastian wanted to focus on the future-- specifically, his future with Blaine.
Blaine Anderson:
It made Blaine feel good that Sebastian trusted him enough to let him have another chance and it made him feel better to know that no matter what happened, Sebastian wasn't going to regret them. He would do everything in his power to make sure he never had even the slightest reason to.  When Sebastian got up from the bed, Blaine moved just a little to sit more against the pillows, smiling at the other when he comes to sit back down, his hazel eyes never leaving his boyfriend.
He smiled, humming softly as Sebastian cleaned off his torso. Blaine raised his eyebrows, his cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson, the words Sebastian spoke made him shiver. "Sebastian." The shorter giggled, liking that even after having sex the other could still make him blush and grin his big bashful grin. Blaine also liked that even though he knew Sebastian could be sweet and loving, he still had his crude moments. One of the many things that made him fall for Sebastian in the first place.
Blaine laughed softly, shaking his head as he looked at Sebastian. "You're the worst, you know that? But yes, sounds very appealing." He moved to stand up, carefully, so they could pull the soiled comforter from the bed.  "We should probably wash this ourselves- I can't live my life knowing your mom washed our sex bedding." Blaine chuckled again, looking around for his boxer-briefs - he felt a little self-conscious just hanging out naked with Sebastian. He picked them up when he finally found them,  Sebastian catching his eye and making him stop for a moment. He stood there a moment just to take in the sight of the taller man, he was so extremely attractive. He noted the new muscle tone the man was carrying nowadays and he had a great appreciation for it. Blaine also made a mental note that the next time they had sex he wanted to take his time and get to know every inch of him intimately, wanted to find every freckle on his body and kiss it. "You're really gorgeous, you know." He said, still holding his underwear in his hand as he walked towards his boyfriend, voicing his thoughts as he slipped his hands over the taller's sides, pulling him closer. "I really just want to find and kiss every single freckle on your body." His voice was low as he pressed his lips against one of the many freckles peppered all over Sebastian's chest.
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian watched carefully as his boyfriend moved to stand up, knowing that he must’ve been in pain from such rigorous activity just moments ago. As Blaine moved to remove the comforter from the bed, Sebastian dragged it over to the corner of the room and agreed that they could wash it themselves later on. He suggested that when it got later in the night and the party was long over with, maybe the two of them could fix themselves a midnight snack while the sheets were in the wash. Hopefully by then there wouldn’t be anyone up and about in the house.
The both of them still very much naked, Sebastian couldn’t help but to grin when he noticed Blaine checking him out. Sebastian was always the type to have an abnormally inflated ego and he knew that recently he had gained an impressive amount of muscle tone after the lightning strike. If only Blaine knew what he got himself into whenever he was the speedster. As Blaine approached him, Sebastian’s arms immediately moved to wrap around his boyfriend’s shorter frame, humming contentedly as Blaine gently kissed his chest. “That’ll be a long night; I have a lot of freckles-- all over.” Sebastian was aware that his skin was littered with freckles like he was a freaking star map, though he never thought of it as a sexually appealing trait. Imagining Blaine pinning him to the bed and exploring his body for all of its freckles sounded like a worthwhile experience.
Sebastian placed a soft kiss against Blaine’s forehead, lingering for a moment to again, relish the feeling of the other man belonging to him. Blaine was standing right in front of him and they were hiding nothing from each other anymore. They were actually together and the fact put Sebastian in a state of bliss. He could not for the life of him even try to get rid of the smile on his face.
He let Blaine slip on his boxer-briefs while Sebastian looked for his own. When he sat back on the bed now at least partially clothed, he eyed the bottle of rum and realized that between the two of them, they had consumed a fair amount of alcohol yet Sebastian didn’t even feel slightly buzzed. The thought occurred that perhaps his abilities had something to do with the lack of effect the alcohol had had on him tonight. Still, Sebastian took another swig of the rum for the sake of experimentation. “For the record, Blaine, you’re way more gorgeous than me. I mean, you’re flawless; I’m going to keep saying that until the day I die.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine chuckled softly, grinning up at Sebastian. "Well, I mean, we have all the time in the world now together, right? I might take more than a night to get to know your freckles, maybe give my favorites special attention." He placed a kiss on a different freckle, caressing Sebastian's sides slowly.  Blaine hummed happily when he felt the taller kiss his forehead, crinkling his nose as he took Sebastian's face in his hands, giggling. "You're so cute. I love that smile." He said, pushing himself up onto his toes to kiss Sebastian's forehead before letting go so he could slip on his boxers.
After his naked bottom was covered, he looked over to the man on the bed, rolling his eyes.  "Whatever, that's just the alcohol talking. You know how attractive you are." He kicked his other clothes into a pile with Sebastian's before going over to the bed and sitting next to Sebastian, close to him. He leaned his head against his shoulder as he looked around the room, smiling to himself and it continued to settle in what they were doing. He let out a soft chuckle. "We're boyfriends. We had sex." Blaine said out loud to help himself believe it. "That was so much better than just rutting against each other half-clothed on your bed in high school-- and let me tell you that was incredible itself." He tilted his head to look at Sebastian. "You remember that time we were caught making out by Sloane?" Blaine laughed softly at the memory, shaking his head.  "That's when she started teasing us.  She was only like, what, twelve?"
He knew now that they finally took their big leap,  Sloane would practically throw another party in celebration of them having sex. Blaine laughed again at the thought. "Our story's pretty cool, y'know?" He said, thinking of the day he met Sebastian and all of the events leading up to the moment they were currently in, thinking it funny how it was always Sebastian he was meant to be with. How stupid he was for not realizing and acting on it in high school, they could've lived the past years happily instead of apart and miserable.  "It's gonna be a cool story to tell when we're old."
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian leaned back with his hands pressed against the bed for support, looking at Blaine lovingly as the shorter man spoke. It made him laugh when Blaine blamed Sebastian’s insistence on the alcohol, though Sebastian neglected to mention he didn’t feel the slightest bit tipsy. “Alcohol or not, you know I always speak the truth. Hell, usually I spill more truthful things under the influence than not,” Sebastian contended, knowing that the other knew fully well what he was talking about. Whether they were at Scandals or were getting high at the Dalton dorms, Sebastian always had a knack for speaking without filter. At least when he was sober he had the control to hold his tongue. “But I will admit that I am extremely attractive,” he acknowledged, “though I’m only second to you, of course.”
When Blaine declared out loud that they were now boyfriends and had just had sex with each other for the first time, Sebastian couldn’t help but to chuckle. Blaine was so incredibly cute and Sebastian almost couldn’t believe he was his boyfriend. “I look forward to doing anything and everything with you now that we’re officially dating,” Sebastian told Blaine with a flirty tone, waggling his eyebrows.
At the mention of his little sister, Sebastian rolled his eyes at the memory. His sister always had a way of sticking her nose into his business, especially as unopportune moments similar to his days in high school when he just wanted to make-out with Blaine in peace. “God, she’ll be living in Connecticut if she’s going to Yale and what if she barges in on us at our apartment? We can not give her a key.” The thought of his little sister walking in on the two of them, bare-ass naked on the couch was mortifying.
Sebastian reached under his nightstand to pull out a slightly dusty hardcover photo album, presenting it for Blaine to peruse through. “We should bring this home-- add the photos from it to the ones I have at our apartment. We should tell our story in full, with photos to prove it.” Sebastian watched as Blaine carefully opened the album to discover older photos of them that they’d taken back in high school. Photos of their time together that Sebastian deemed should stay in Ohio. Now, however, he was ready to bring those memories and photos back home with him because they no longer made him sad to reminisce. He leaned into Blaine, wrapping an arm around his waist.
Time was irrelevant as they laughed about moments that the photos reminded them of and before either one knew it, it was past midnight. Sebastian suggested they fix themselves a little snack while the soiled comforter was in the washer-- maybe even fit a shower in somewhere. The party was long over and Sebastian’s parents were already fast asleep so they had the entire house to themselves.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine’s face lit up when Sebastian handed him the photo album, eagerly taking it and opening it up. “Oh my god, Seb.” He exclaimed softly, grinning from ear to ear as they looked through the photos. He sat there with his boyfriend as the time passed, not even noticing that it was well past midnight, having lost track of time with all of the stories and memories they shared. It made his insides fill up with warmth to relive some of those moments and feelings, telling Sebastian some things he hadn't told him before. Thoughts he’d had that he only kept to himself.
When Sebastian suggested they go ahead and emerge from the bedroom to wash the blanket and make food was when he realized that he was starving. He agreed and got up to put a pair of Sebastian's pajama pants on the he'd brought, slipping on one of his shirts as well. Blaine always felt most comfortable when he was wearing Sebastian's clothes, he didn't even bother to pack his own pajamas, instead he packed Seb’s.
When they made their way to the kitchen, Blaine hopped up to sit on the counter, swinging his legs gently, looking at Sebastian. “Do you believe in love at first sight?” He asked with a soft smile. Before Sebastian could answer him, though, they were interrupted by the younger, blonde, Smythe trotting her way into the kitchen from the back patio, stopping when she saw them. “Oh!” She was surprised to see them, still in her dress from the party, she was barefoot and her perfectly curled hair was looser now. Blaine gave her a once over and a knowing smile. She was still hanging out with someone out there.
Before Blaine could say anything to her about what she was doing, she gave both of them a quick once over to assess the situation and that signature Smythe smirk settled on her lips. “Hello boys.” She held her words out with a knowing tone, getting closer to them both to stand between them so she could reach both of their faces, placing her hand one one of their cheeks each. “Why, you two are absolutely glowing. Must be a great reason why you missed my party.” Sloane teased them, patting their cheeks and winking at them before going over to the fridge to grab two bottles of water.
“Sloane…” Blaine chuckled, his cheeks blushing hard.
She smiled at him, giggling softly. “Nice pajamas, Blainey. Sea Bass, don't you have those exact same ones?” Sloane was clearly amusing herself and very happy to see that the two had finally woken up and gotten together.
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian also thought it a better idea to put on some pajama pants and he had a pair that were similar to the ones Blaine wore so it almost looked as if they were matching. Sebastian had been rummaging through the pantry for ideas on what to make when Blaine had asked him a fun question, of course, only to be foiled-- yet again-- by his ill-timing sister. Sebastian quirked an eyebrow when he put two and two together, realizing that she’d probably been out on the back patio talking and/or making out with her boyfriend. He challenged his sister’s smirk with one of his own, only slightly amused by her teasing. Though the girl liked to tease, Sebastian knew his sister meant well and was genuinely happy to see the two of them together at last.
“The pajamas are mine,” Sebastian stated matter-of-factly, “Blaine likes to wear them because it makes him feel especially short.” He couldn’t help but to grab the opportunity at teasing his boyfriend, though he knew that they looked extremely obvious even if Sloane wasn’t as sharp as she was. “But yeah, we totally banged during your birthday party-- Sorry.” Sebastian hadn’t meant to be so blunt but at the same time he was proud to share the fact that he and Blaine were finally together. He couldn’t wait for morning so he could tell his parents the great news, though probably with some level of modesty.
Sloane managed to stifle a laugh and seemed only slightly taken aback by her brother’s crudeness. “Well, you do you, Sea Bass. I’m just glad you two finally got it through your thick skulls that you belong together.”
Unfazed, Sebastian steered the conversation to Sloane’s focus, noting that she was bringing out two bottles of water. “One of your friends still here? Is it that guy-- Paul, or Parker, or Perry-- Whatever his name was?” Sebastian asked, poking fun at his little sister’s boyfriend.
Sloane, however, had had eighteen years of combating her brother’s wit under her belt and shot back a coy smile. “Actually, Peter and I broke up sometime after New Years’, so he’s old news now. I’m just hanging out with a… friend.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine rolled his eyes, shoving playfully at his boyfriend when he joked about his height. “Alright, two short jokes in twenty four hours is your limit.” Then he snorted, covering his mouth, Sebastian's blunt statement about them banging made him laugh out loud, his blush deepening. “Y-yeah. We did that.” He agreed, pointing at Sebastian with his thumb before rubbing his face and taking a breath. “I also asked him to be my boyfriend.” He added before Sloane praised them for finally being smart.
The shorter listened as the two exchanged sass, chuckling softly. He frowned slightly when he heard Sloane and her boyfriend were no more but his eyebrows quirked when she said the word friend.
“Friend, huh?” He asked, a smirk similar to hers before gracing his face. “Yeah, your brother and I have always been friends. I know that tone. Who is he, Blondie?” Blaine teased the younger Smythe, chuckling softly.
Sloane tried to hide the stupid grin on her face, giggling softly. “Well-” Before she could finish, the back door opened and in walked a girl with a short faux hawk and a black button up, the sleeves rolled up to her elbows and the first few buttons of her shirt were undone. “Ba-oh.”
Both Sloane and Blaine's head snapped towards the voice and Blaine's jaw fell slack. Oh. Sloane’s cheeks blushed just as Blaine's had before and she went over to the girl, taking her hand. “C’mon, you don't need to be subjected to these two yet.” She laughed, ushering her friend back out onto the patio, turning back to the other two. “Not a word to mom and dad about us, you two. Also-- regarding you two-- fucking finally.” She said in shooting them a wink before leaving.
Blaine looked at Sebastian, a little taken aback. “Oh.” He chuckled softly. “Well, I want hear that story.” With a smile, he shook his head. “Anyway…” He swung his feet a little more. “Back to my question.”
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian fell silent when Sloane’s friend walked through the door. He’d been expecting some macho-looking guy that he could stare down and intimidate for fun, but instead it was a girl. Even though Sebastian himself was gay, he never calculated that it was possible for his sister to be gay too. Or bisexual, he supposed. Whatever. Sloane and her friend were long gone by the time Sebastian had even thought of something to say, that he didn’t say it at all. Instead, he blinked and filed it away to be addressed-- in detail-- at a later time.
“Yes,” he answered, remembering Blaine’s question as he began setting down breakfast ingredients on the kitchen counter. He stopped to look Blaine in the eye and smiled softly. “Yes, I believe in love at first sight.” He remembered the fateful day Blaine Anderson had walked through the doors of the Dalton Academy senior commons room during Warbler practice. They hadn’t even said two words to each other and Sebastian had already felt drawn to the boy. He had never lost interest in Blaine since that day. “Y’know, maybe when I first saw you my first instinct was to find my way into your pants,” he explained further, “But I knew from the first time I saw you that there was something about you that was more than just superficial.”
Sebastian decided that because he was absolutely ravenous, he would cook up a bunch of different things. There were still leftover food from the party so while Sebastian made eggs and bacon, he helped himself to a slice of cake and other junk foods. “How about you? I know that when I first spoke to you, you were kind of blindsided by my amazingness,” he chuckled at his own smug comment, “but did you fall in love with me? Even though you were already with Kurt?”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine grinned from ear to ear when Sebastian told him that he did, in fact, believe in love at first sight. It made him feel that warm and fuzzy feeling start to build up inside of him again. He loved knowing Sebastian, he loved being the one to know him inside and out. Blaine knew that outside of the other’s family, he was the only one to know him- he might’ve even known him better than his family. With an adoring look on his face, he watched Sebastian’s every move, giggling softly at his smug statement. “You know,” He shook his head, his gaze falling to his feet for a moment before it wen back to Sebastian, the smile still on his face. “As hard as I tried to be the model boyfriend, I-” He chuckled, shaking his head. “I fell so hard for you that day we met.” Blaine remembered the moment he stepped into that room at Dalton that day just as the Warblers were beginning to sing. He remembered the new guy catching his eye right away and he didn’t look away throughout the entire performance, something about the way Sebastian looked at him made everything inside of him shift and it was like everything in the universe suddenly made sense and all of his senses, mutant and human, screamed at him that he was the one. But he was an idiot who didn’t listen.
“I was crazy about you from that day. I don’t know what was wrong with me.” He bit his lip, letting out a sigh as he hopped off the counter. “I’m just glad I wised up and finally got my man.” Blaine said as he slipped his arms around Sebastian’s waist from behind as the taller cooked, pressing his cheek against his back to hug him. “Mmm, I love you.”
By the time the food was ready Blaine was more than ready to eat, that is if Sebastian would leave anything for him. He noticed the other’s appetite was still as ravenous as ever-- even more so. He never understood how Sebastian could eat so much and still look the way he did. He even looked better than he used to. While they were eating Blaine flirted with Sebastian, staying as close to him as possible. He would feed him bites of food between soft kisses here and there as they continued to talk about their days at Dalton. When they were finally finished with the food, Blaine leaning his head against his hand, running his fingertips slowly up and down Sebastian’s arm. “So, you know, that stuff we did earlier tonight? When we were naked in your bed? That was fun, yeah?” He smirked before letting his nose crinkle. “Wanna do it again?”
Sebastian Smythe:
It gave Sebastian a satisfaction that tasted so good in knowing that he managed to make his then-crush, now-boyfriend fall for him even though he was already in a relationship. Though it proved to be a struggle to entice and persuade Blaine to be at his side, in the end it was all worth it. He liked the way Blaine claimed him as “his man”. It gave Sebastian the impression that he belonged somewhere permanent, regardless of where he went. “I love you too, killer.” Sebastian hummed happily, savoring in the way it felt to have Blaine so close to him.
The food Sebastian made for them wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy his appetite so he was thankful for the leftover cake. It was nice to cook together and eat together at the table; it was a nice glimpse into the future domesticity of their relationship. Sebastian made a mental note to take Blaine out to an honest-to-god date-- different than their usual weekly dinners. He expressed to his boyfriend that now they were dating, Sebastian wanted to do especially boyfriend-type things such as a classic dinner date at a fancy restaurant.
Sebastian was just wiping off the crumbs from the corner of his lip with a napkin when he felt Blaine’s fingers skirting up and down his arm. After having had his fill of food, the prospect of more sex sounded more than appealing to Sebastian. “Fuck. Yes.” He took Blaine’s hand in his own and rushed off to the bedroom. Clothes went flying and by the time they were finished, they were both a sweaty, sticky mess. The bedsheets would need to be washed after the comforter and Sebastian didn't want to move after an especially powerful orgasm. He could definitely get used to sex with Blaine any and every night. Heck, it didn't even have to be night; he could see himself enjoying a little afternoon delight or quickie blowjob before leaving for work. Sex with Blaine was quickly becoming Sebastian's new drug.
By the time they'd had as much sex as possible stuffed into one night, a dull light was beginning to filter into the room through the translucent curtains. “Fuck, it's morning already?” Sebastian whined, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He turned in bed to caress Blaine's side and press gentle kisses to his naked body. “I wanted to go for another round before breakfast.” Though he was physically spent and probably couldn't even get it up right now, Sebastian was ambitious and longed for a day where he could do nothing but eat, sleep, and fuck his boyfriend. They could spend the whole day having sex and Sebastian wouldn't complain about a damned thing.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine giggled as Sebastian took his hand and the two ran up stairs to lock themselves away in Sebastian's room, tearing off each others’ clothes and getting wrapped up together again until the were both panting and sweating, groaning each other's name in ecstasy. Sex with Sebastian was definitely the best sex he had ever had in his life and the feelings were unlike anything he had felt. The burning, aching sensation that lit his stomach with fire when they would kiss was enough to make him crave it  like a raging addict. To have such a lustful need for someone while simultaneously feeling those feelings of being so deeply in love with him- there were no words to describe it. It was like a trembling burst of bright colors inside of him every time they touched.
Once again the time had gone unnoticed as they stayed wrapped up in their own little world and before they knew it he sun was up and it was time to pack up and get ready for breakfast with Sebastian’s family. After spending a fair amount of the morning with the Smythe’s, letting them know of their newly developed relationship, to which they were delighted to hear. Blaine even took a few moments to speak with Sebastian’s father regarding his divorce with Kurt, getting some free advice that he was forever grateful for. After they said their goodbyes, they headed to the other side of Westerville to meet up with Blaine’s parents for lunch. The Anderson’s were extremely happy to see their son and Sebastian, happy to hear of their relationship although they were sorry to hear of Blaine’s impending divorce.
The Anderson’s were very welcoming to Sebastian and they didn’t hide their relief to hear that Kurt would not be returning to their home. Blaine had never known how much his parents didn’t approve of the man until that day and he was slightly amused.
He was sad to say goodbye to his parents, making them promise to visit sooner rather than later before they tiredly made their way to the airport to catch their flight home.
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anneedmonsonus · 5 years
Our Budget Nursery Makeover: Miss Nerd’s Room
Not everything about writing a blog is fun and roses. But one of the things I love most about blogging being a part of my life is that it gives me so many kicks up the butt – deadlines and incentives to finally get my act together and do something.
I need these kicks up the butt, guys! Otherwise I would never make decisions and actually get things done. And this couldn’t be more true of Little Miss Nerd’s nursery makeover.
This room was unfinished and it had been bugging me for AGES. Literally every time I walked in I felt bleh. You know when something broken or just-not-done brings your energy down? I would feel irritated with myself for not having made the time to tackle it yet.
It used to look like this, after I had fixed it up and made it a craft room.
Photo by Heather Robbins.
This is nice. This I liked! (Before that it was our junk room, our dumping ground – you can see those photos in this post before I fixed it up and made it a craft room) My budget craft room makeover! It was even in a magazine.
Then it became a guest bedroom for a while (it was so small it barely fit our old double bed) and then it became Little Miss Nerd’s bedroom after she moved from her bassinet in our bedroom to her cot in here, and then it sort of became a junk room all over again.
All these things that didn’t have real homes kind of migrated there. And I’d never decorated it properly with a colour scheme and styling and everything. I’d never decided what to actually do. I’ve talked about this before when I shared Little Nerd’s toddler bedroom reveal, but the thing about our 1970s house is that the bedrooms are SMALL. And Miss Nerd’s nursery is the smallest – it’s 265cm x 265cm – it’s a small and dark room and not super-inspiring. We had nice things – the painting on the wall, the cot, the little toys and bits and pieces, but I’d never tied them altogether properly.
Miss Nerd was nine months old and I was literally always thinking, “I REALLY have to decorate her room properly,” when I got the perfect excuse to finally do it. A publicist for Channel 7’s House Rules contacted me and asked if I would like to do a budget room makeover on my Instagram and share it to celebrate the new season. Of course I was keen – it was the motivation I needed.
The aim was a $250 budget and I was actually excited about having a tight deadline. Maybe it’s the journalist in me that always needs a deadline.
And then, a weekend of solid work, and the room was finished. Have a look.
It is done! Done feels SO GOOD, I wish I’d done it earlier! Sometimes I deliberate all sorts of design decisions for AGES. This time I tried to trust my gut and just do things like choosing a paint colour and place art without second-guessing (and third-guessing, and fourth-guessing) my decisions and I surprised myself because I am actually really happy with it. Sometimes ‘done’ is better than perfect, right? (Something I constantly need to remind myself).
The bit that I’m most proud of is my DIY wall beading/cornicing/railing/trim/picture line (a few people asked me what I would call it and I’m actually not sure what the best term is).
Regardless of what it should be called, what I wanted to add to this room was some wall colour and some character. I was thinking if I did one solid feature wall, it might overwhelm the room and make it feel more closed-in. Adding some beading seemed like a nice way to add some wall detailing and a paint colour without sort of overpowering what is a really small space. I bought the trim from Bunnings – from memory it was about $13 a length.
It’s so simple but it’s quite pretty. What I’m proud about is that I did it myself. Mr Nerd was on a work trip, and I did the room in a weekend on my own. Okay not entirely, Little Nerd helped me measure and cut the beading (but then again, he is three, haha) and my Mum helped me glue it up so it was level, but still, I’m proud of my DIY trim!
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You have to cut the beading at angles to get it to sit right around the corners and the windows, and I used to have this amazing Dremel which would have been PERFECT for cutting the beading at an angle, but then my charming sister borrowed it and left it in her car and someone broke in and stole it. So annoying.
So, I literally sawed all these pieces with a hand-saw. That wasn’t so easy. I’m sure all my carpenter readers are looking at my DIY beading in these photos dry-retching in their mouths as we speak, but I am so proud of it. Like I did it and I just wanted to keep walking into the room afterwards to look at it gleefully.
It’s probably because I am NOT the most practical person. I am inventive, not practical. Once me and my sister, the one who lost my Dremel, hung shelves in my toilet by drilling holes into the double brick walls with a cordless drill driver, because we couldn’t find the hammer drill that my husband had probably hidden from me somewhere. “It will be fine,” Simone said. (Surprisingly it actually was, even though it took about two million hours, I even wrote a DIY on it). See? Creative. Not practical.
But yes. What I wanted to say about this little DIY was, if I can do this, you DEFINITELY can. Have a crack. If you use a piece of beading with a more rounded profile, you have to cut the ends to get them to sit flush, then sand them, then I used putty to fill in any gaps and painted those with a tiny brush.
Measure the line from the ceiling, not from the floor.
Paint the walls before you affix the trim, not after. Then your trim will cover any slightly wonky bits and make it look smart.
Paint the beading before you affix it rather than after – way easier. I used white Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.
If you have low ceilings, consider making the line higher up rather than lower. I would actually have raised the picture line up a little higher than where it is, because this is a tiny room with low ceilings, and that would visually make the ceiling seem a little taller. However, when I removed the old IKEA picture ledge, it left two unsightly holes that still didn’t look right even when I puttied over them, so I used the trim to cover them.
Being slim and pine, my beading was lightweight enough to be able to be glued up (I used a Liquid Nails) but a heavier, thicker wood might have to be screwed in – take it into consideration when you choose.
Get someone to help you glue it up so you get it level. Ideally someone who is not in kindergarten.
Initially I actually wanted to paint the walls a sort of light duck egg blue, deep blue or blue-green. But when I looked at those colours on the walls, they just didn’t work. Because this room barely gets much sun (it’s also overshadowed quite a lot by the two-storey house next door) it already feels quite dark, and the cool colours made it seem cold and depressing. I wasn’t even thinking of pink but I was on Pinterest and saw a pretty apricot-coloured room – and then I realised a warm tone was probably the way to go.
The wall paint is Dulux Diva Rouge in half-strength. The colour is actually almost exactly like the same pinky-peachy-apricot colour my parents painted their entire rear extension in the 1990s, and as a little girl who loved blue I always swore I would never, ever paint my house that colour when I got a house, but here I am 20 years later painting my house 90s pink. Go figure.
After the walls were painted and the trim up it was time to play with pictures! For some reason artwork that might look a bit plain or shabby on a white wall somehow looks so special on a coloured wall. And when there is trim or just some sort of colour difference, it gives a nice ‘anchoring point’ for artwork. It sort of looks more pulled-together especially when your art collection is a little more random.
I had so much fun pulling out all these random bits of art that I’d collected over time from markets and op shops and then realising they looked pretty good in here. The little castle long stitch was $4 from an op shop and I thought it was so cute. (Mr Nerd calls things like this my ‘old lady art’). The pink and blue floral cross-stitch I got from a woman at the markets for $5 and I remember her saying happily, “It’s so nice to see younger people appreciate cross-stitch, no-one likes it anymore.” (Mr Nerd probably would have said, ‘that’s true’ had he been there). The castle cross stitch was $4 from a Good Sammy’s.
The oil flower painting was $4 from a market and the Love print I got yeeears ago from a girl who had a stall outside Jessie’s years ago. I have to admit it sat in my cupboard for years, waiting to be framed and hung… does anyone else buy prints and then frames them like years later? The mobile was a cheapie from Kmart.
That huge painting by the cot I got for $10 from the Melville Markets. I love it there. I literally walked past this painting every Sunday at the markets for about five weeks and I liked how it sort of looks like a paint-by-numbers. Then one day I decided I HAD to buy it even thought I had no idea where I would put it.
Sometimes I say wide-eyed to my husband, “I would NEVER buy something from the markets if I didn’t know exactly where I’m going to put it,” but that is such a lie. I impulse buy weird things all the time and then I stick them in the cupboard where they sadly wait for a home/the day when we buy a big house ten years in the future/the day my sister comes over with the (screwdriver) drill to help hang them up.
Anyway, thank God for my hoarding DNA. I was never intending to put this one in Miss Nerd’s room but somehow I think it just works. So, colour can make random art work, guys. Art walls don’t have to cost a fortune and if you like random stuff, a coloured wall can help you tie it all together. Eventually, I might add a pretty patterned rug – how cute is this from Temple and Webster, for example. But for now it’s fine. I was also initially planning to paint the wardrobe doors a light blue or grey, as I thought it would be too much pink, but when the walls were painted it somehow didn’t look too bad, so I’ve left them for now.
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All up, I went JUST over my $250 budget for this room. The last splash was a huge palm from Bunnings – $110, which I put outside her window to make up for the lack of garden there. That view is so crap – ugly old fence and paving. Sometimes a huge plant is just what you need. One day we’ll eventually pave that part of the yard and put some sort of more permanent (possibly potted) garden there, but the effect of having a plant there definitely visually brightens it all up for now. Palms seem to be one of those plants that fall in the love them or hate them category. My husband hates them, but he usually lets me do what I like with the garden, and did I mention he was away that weekend? It has its perks.
Then I celebrated finishing by taking a break and taking Nala for a run by the river with my sister (the other one, not the one who lost the Dremel) and we got pizza.
The best part was when I showed Little Miss Nerd. I’d done the last bits of the room, hanging the art work and the mobile and putting in the toys, while they were at my mum’s place, then picked them up and brought them home. Being just a baby, I didn’t actually know if she would notice any change to be honest, but she lit up. If you go on my InstaStories, I saved a Highlight reel of stuff called Nursery Makeover – there’s a clip where she sees the finished room. Her face cracks me up. Make sure you put the sound on so you can hear her brother harping on. He is a details man.
And I kid you not, the day after I finished her room, I was hanging out in there with the kids (something we never did before, because it wasn’t a nice place to play in) and Miss Nerd took her first steps in her new room! We were all super excited about it and she was so proud of herself. Maybe it was her way of celebrating. (“Finally! Mama got her shit together.”) At nine months old, she started walking SO much earlier than Little Nerd did, which has been new territory for Mr Nerd and I, having an adventurous walker, but it’s also been fun. And funny. I think I could just watch babies walk all day. She reminds us of E.T).
I can’t even describe how good it felt, to FINALLY have finished a room that has been bothering me for months and months. It felt so energising. The home decorating equivalent of Marie Kondo-ing a messy kitchen cupboard. Now this room literally makes me feel lifted up each time I walk in there, but best of all the kids love it too, and they play in there (by themselves! Every morning! At their own free will! Heaven!) It’s still small, and dark, but it’s a much nicer, way more pleasant part of our home. Maya x
Wall paint Dulux Diva Rouge half-strength Pine wall moulding Bunnings Bed linens Bedtonic pure linen cot sheets Moulding paint Annie Sloan Wall shelf IKEA Dog wall print Mokoh Design Wall art Thrifted
The post Our Budget Nursery Makeover: Miss Nerd’s Room appeared first on House Nerd.
from Home Improvement https://house-nerd.com/2019/06/24/budget-nursery-makeover/
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meralee727 · 7 years
Yesterday, Jethro Nededog wrote this article for the Business Insider about eighteen shows which are in danger of being canceled:
Now,  of the shows he listed, I don’t really watch like sixteen of them. I tried watching Blacklist once and fell asleep and then just forgot about watching it completely. I didn’t watch the Blacklist Redemption one, either.  I’ve never heard of Making History or Powerless or the Agent Shield Marvel show. I never watched Code: Black, Ransom, Sleepy Hollow, Blindspot, Elementary, Pure Genius, Quantico, Training Day, or Rosewood. I didn’t even know there was a Criminal Minds spinoff and I kept meaning to watch American Crime but totally forgot. So for the most part, I’m fine. I’ll get through the pain and heartache. I don’t think I will be missing those shows at all.
The two that make me a little sad are the two that I will focus on. For more information about the other shows, click on the link above and then you can go through your own feelings of sadness and write about it.
New Girl
The show which began in 2011, left the void in my obsession filled heart that had been left there by Friends. New Girl was Friends if they all lived in one loft apartment. It starred Zooey Deschanel as a quirky, fun girl named, Jessica Day and even the name was just perfect. She moves into a loft with the most amazing cast which included Jake Johnson, Max Greenfield, Lamorne Morris and Hannah Simone, They gave us memorable storylines, laughs, and tears and quotes that still bring smiles. We wanted to live in that loft. We wanted to have drinks with Nick in his bar. We understood the bond between Winston and his cat. Throughout the seasons, there was also the on-again-off-again/will they or won’t they saga between Jess (Deschanel) and Nick (Johnson) which in many ways, played so much better than the Ross/Rachel story ever did.
Nick was grumpy, funny, weirdly wise yet simple. Jess was an overly optimistic school principal who by the way made running a school look surprisingly easy considering she was never there, but we won’t get into that. The point is that Nick and Jess did the on again-off again plot that has been a mainstay in every show since the beginning of time incredibly well. You did root for them. They were the very definition opposites attract. Where Ross could be very controlling and possessive, Nick and Jess were sweet and innocent.
Nick and Jess though weren’t the only couple to root for, there was CeCe (Simone) and Schmidt (Greenfield) and Winston (Morris) and Aly, played by Nasim Pedrad who joined the show in 2015. CeCe and Schmidt eventually married and by the most recent episode were expecting a baby, Winston and Aly got engaged and Nick and Jess ended that final episode making out in an elevator. Much like how Friends ended because the six characters were now all officially in the next stage of their lives, the stage where families are starting to be formed, it seems that Jess, Nick, CeCe, Schmidt, Winston, and Aly are all in that next stage. While it would be strange to see them all living together next season and Schmidt and CeCe now have their own home…..
…..I’m not ready to say goodbye.
I still want one more season. One more round of True American. I want to see CeCe and Schmidt starting their family.  I want to see a wedding for Aly and Winston. I want to see Nick and Jess figuring themselves out without constant input from the others. I think they have a season left. There are stories and I do hope to see them. The goodbye of the last episode didn’t feel final. It’s not really a series finale. It felt like a season finale. It kind of reminded me of the last episode of Gilmore Girls back in 2007. It was a nice ending but it wasn’t a series finale. New Girl has always reminded me of Friends and just like they got a goodbye and Gilmore Girls did eventually get their goodbye, I think New Girl deserves the same treatment.
The Odd Couple
While this show has never been a ratings juggernaut and was always close to the chopping block, I always held out hope that it would keep going, giving Matthew Perry another long-running series to add to his resume. Since Friends ended in 2004, he’s had a string of one-season shows. There was the severely underrated and should have had a second season, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, there was a show he created, Mr. Sunshine and another show that really should have been given a chance to grow, Go On. Finally, he seemed to have a hit with The Odd Couple.
The Odd Couple was a remake for those who don’t know of the Neil Simon classic. What made this different wasn’t just Matthew Perry as Oscar. Yes, his fanbase drew people in but the rest of the cast kept them there. Thomas Lennon, Yvette Nicole Brown, Lindsay Sloan, and Wendall Pierce held their own and it became an ensemble show which was not true of the original. Lennon was the perfect Felix for Perry’s Oscar and Brown, Sloan and Pierce were far from supporting. It was a cute show, funny, sweet, and the actors were and are likable. Was it a deep show? No. Not entirely. It wasn’t meant to be. Garry Marshall had been the one to first develop The Odd Couple into a television series back in 1970 and this current reincarnation stuck to the Marshall legacy. It more than upheld it. No sex. No drugs. No rock and roll. Well, maybe some rock and roll but not a lot. It will be sad to see this one go, if only because it will be sad to not see those actors on my screen every week.
Now, unlike New Girl where it can go either way, it doesn’t look too good for The Odd Couple as Matthew Perry tweeted this:
Seems a little harsh, by the way. It feels like the Hollywood version of ghosting. I also am curious how he found that out.  Did someone text him a picture? Was he there while they were painting? It just sounds cruel and it can’t be good news. I do have to give credit to Yvette Nicole Brown for her optimism:
I love this so much! I hope she’s right and if she is well….’cause the CBS Radford Studios are super close to Laurel Tavern and the home of some really good burgers, if they do get picked up…..I hope they go celebrate with burgers and if they don’t, well they really should have the burgers ’cause they’re good. Also, if you need someone to follow on Twitter, I suggest following Yvette Nicole Brown. Her tweets are the best of just all the things. Oh, and as an educator, I will always applaud her for her dedication to teachers and also her optimism.
So my final thoughts….while the fate is up in the air for New Girl and The Odd Couple’s fate may already be sealed, my apologies to Yvette Nicole Brown, no matter what happens, I will definitely miss those two shows. Were they perfect? No. Were there times where I went, “wait, what?” Yeah but I also do that a lot…..both of these shows hit what they needed to hit.  They were wildly different yet were both wildly entertaining in their own ways. We need both.
Two Shows I Watch Are Probably Getting Canceled and I Have the Sadness Yesterday, Jethro Nededog wrote this article for the Business Insider about eighteen shows which are in danger of being canceled:
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onthemasspike · 8 years
Your heart's too big for your body, it's why it won't fit inside.
When I’d gotten the call, the only place I could’ve held an interview was the bakery. He said anywhere in Boston, wherever my favorite place was. The truth was that I’d slaved, working endless hours to make Tricks and Sweets more than just a bakery but a haven for people who want a break from their busy lives, a place that celebrated art and expression. It hadn’t been so simple to build a bakery from the ground up. The building had been standing, but between choosing paint swatches, every single piece of furniture and updating the kitchen, it had taken months for it to become home. This was my pride and joy, my place of solace and often fortress of solitude. Admittedly, I was intrigued by the idea of an interview but I also knew that I was more practiced than my peers. Years of stardom had urged me to perfect my every answer or I’d told what answers to provide. Plus, recently the bakery had gotten a good deal of press. In the back of my mind, I missed the fame, missed the life of being on top of the world but I would never give up my new life for anything, or my freedom. It was odd to be interviewed now and I had to really anticipate what they’d ask, what they wanted. Before was so superficial because they wanted my face in their magazine, they wanted the sales attached to my fame. Now it was about my actual success or about who I was to have accomplished so much at such a young age. A part of me wondered if my parents even wondered what I was but they probably knew now that Javier did. I wondered if they were working together in attempts to scare me, to have me run back to Argentina. Good thing I didn’t scare easily.
I’d researched John Ross and his punctuation in preparation, and read article after article. I wanted to make sure he would be fair and balanced, that he would paint us as we are and not in broad strokes. I hide enough as it is, I don’t want to provide an opening for someone to hurt me further. I am who I am from losing everything and I won’t go down without a fight. A part of me wondered if this was scheduled at the hands of Trent Foster. Was he scheduling this to get information through Mr. Ross? I wouldn’t doubt it. At this point, I wouldn’t put anything past him. Not that I’d give up anything particularly juicy. Even my closest friends don’t know the whole story, mostly because I don’t think I can let everything spill. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life and I don’t want anyone to uncover them. I find that my biggest problem is that I think too much, I tear things apart in my mind so I tear them apart in my life. I’m trying so hard not to ruin everything I’ve built. People see me the way I allow them to see me, presenting myself in the best light because I know what they want from me. I know how to play a role better than anyone and I play it well. No one knows who I am when the lights are off. And I’m not about to show any of it to some reporter who wants to go viral.
Mr. Ross seemed surprised on the phone when I spoke to him, said he expected my favorite place to be somewhere other than my work. I suppose many people aren’t workaholics like me. They work during the day and have social lives. All I can say is that this is what I was molded into. I was working full-time from maybe twelve or thirteen, desperate to get out from my parents. If call was at five am, I was there at four forty-five. I did any and everything to seal my place at the top of the pack and it paid off. By the time I was sixteen, I had a mansion in my name, a selection of cars and more money than I knew what to do with but I wasn’t happy. And this isn’t one of those yogi type, Buddhist minimalistic nonsense. The truth was that I was trapped in a life and, while there were some high points, my favorites were getting high off of the treats I made in that fancy kitchen. When you are caged, told exactly who you are supposed to be, you forget who you really are. I don’t know if Mr. Ross googled me or if he knows anything about my previous life but I wouldn’t give it up for anything. I’m so grateful for the struggles that have led me here and learning everything I have has only made me stronger. Everyone wants the story of the underdog but I can only give them the story of The Babydoll.
He arrived promptly at seven thirty am, gazing around the bakery while scribbling in a notepad. I think he was surprised I’d asked him to come so early but I had a business to run and I didn’t want to sacrifice much time to do it. The bakery is open daily from eight am to six pm, but I tend to arrive anywhere from four to five am to prep for the day. I bake everything fresh, and I keep careful track of how many hours the pastries have been sitting in the display case, often putting them aside in favor of freshly baked items. People think it is a waste but, either way, at the end of the day, I make sure to donate whatever remains to a shelter or a food pantry. Sometimes there’s a lot, usually not so much. I’d just finished filling both sides of the display cases when he’d arrived. The moment he gazed at both sides of the case, he asked me why I make so many different varieties of things. I shrugged because, honestly, I don’t know. I think it is partly because baking is a stress reliever for me and the more I do it, the more I’m able to push my worries aside. I know that if I decided to only make cupcakes or donuts, I’d lose business and I relish the opportunity to represent treats that have strong ties to the people and places I love. I told him, simply, that I’m indecisive. Which, if you ask anyone close to me, is true as ever.
“Can I get you a coffee?” I offered with a soft smile, gazing at the man who looked like he’d experienced quite a few late nights recently. Or perhaps he hadn’t anticipated waking up so early. Either way, he accepted and I prepared him a mug full of coffee, black. I don’t really understand how people drink coffee without any sort of sugar or milk but considering my newest addiction is Matcha Lattes, I know I’m on my own. He’d settled at the table closest to the counter and had pulled out a voice recorder. As I brought over our drinks, settling into the chair myself, I thought about how strange this was. I’ve done a few interviews about Tricks and Sweets but it felt like the focus was on me now. I’d stayed away from the spotlight but it found me anyway. What did I have to lose now? Javier knew where I was, Trent knew where I was, who else should I fear? I took a deep breath as he prefaced the interview with some sort of practiced speech about what it was for and what was going to be on the record. He said it was for his column but I already knew that. I didn’t know that we were interesting enough to focus on but I guess all press is good press, particularly for the bakery.
As he pressed the button to start the recorder, I clutched onto my coffee mug. The bright pink one that Indie had given me; one that Kiera had decorated. I really loved that little girl and I wanted desperately to protect her from the harshness of the world. I learned at a young age and I hoped she never had to. I was naturally protective over those I held close but particularly Kiera and my godson, Kellan. While I hadn’t built my family in Sloane, we’d all come from that community. I suppose that’s why I found the interview so curious, that this Mr. Ross was trying to find someone to unravel so he could get dirt. I knew what I was doing so if that was the plan, he’d be sorely disappointed. He sat up straighter in his chair as he gazed down at his list of questions. I watched him, trying to encounter any weaknesses, anything that I could use for defense if I didn’t like his question. No wedding ring. I knew how to play it up if it came to that.
He gazed around the bakery once again before his eyes returned to mine. “Why did you choose this place?”
I couldn’t help but smile as I too gazed around. “This bakery is everything to me. When I signed the lease, the place was a disaster but, I was involved with every step of the revamp. I’m really proud of the place I’ve built. It attests to the strength of my character, how driven I am and, I don’t know, just being here feels like a treat in itself. Sometimes I can’t believe that I built this, that this is my business.” She paused, taking a sip of her Latte. “I’m not trained professionally; it was just a hobby that developed into a career. But every time I walk into Tricks and Sweets, I’m eager to get to work. This place is such a visual image of who I am as a person and I think that people are drawn to the bakery because I make really good baked goods but also because I genuinely love what I do, I welcome everyone and treat them like family. It is definitely something that comes from Latin culture to have open arms and open doors.” Maybe I sounded a bit conceited but it was all true. The bakery had enough accolades to show for itself and the Yelp reviews spoke volumes.
“Have you always baked? Did you bake in Sloane?” He perked an eyebrow. 
I didn’t talk much about Sloane. In most of my interviews, they focused on mylife in Argentina until now. It was better left open ended what happened in Sloane. I wasn’t sure I could admit it, particularly not in such publications. How could I say “well, I used to have sex for money and then go home to bake treats for the gang I worked for”? It would be insane and cause all sorts of unneeded attention. I played crestfallen and resilient well but she played sweet and demure even better. It would be off brand to tell the truth now. I was an excellent actress for a reason.
“I’ve always baked as a hobby. My Abuela taught me pretty early on how to make facturas, dulce de leche and alfajores. My fondest memories are attached to her, so my interest in both baking and cooking stemmed from that. It became pretty normal for me to come home from work and bake in my little kitchen in Sloane. I baked back in Argentina but that comfort was more necessary once I left. Sloane was home for a while but when better opportunities presented themselves, I had to take them, but everything led me here so I have no regrets.”
He seemed to pause over something she’d said. He looked perplexed, lips pursed as if unsure whether to ask whatever had come into his mind. I just offered the same megawatt smile that had stopped men in their tracks before. I carefully curled a tendril of hair and let out a coquettish giggle. I knew what game I was playing. Mr. Ross cleared his throat, trying to be ever the professional. It was fun when men got flustered, to see them beginning to fidget or focus on anything but me. He was clutching that coffee mug with a vice grip.
“Ms. Mendes.” He gazed down at his notes. “I told you, call me by my first name.” I told him, smoothing the skirt that was threatening to creep up my thighs. “Okay, Mirabella.”  The man crossed out something on his notes before he spoke again. “How has life been since you left Sloane?” I hesitate a moment, wondering what all he knows. Does he know what Sloane turned me into? Okay, not that I wasn’t lost in my vices in Buenos Aires but I needed them more in Sloane and my time developing an alliance with the Mexican Mafia only offered more to me. “Sloane was a really great place for me to transition. I didn’t speak English, I didn’t know anything about American culture, I’d never held a ‘real’ job in my life. I like to think being in Sloane helped me grow up and… when my boss offered me the opportunity to go to LA, I did. I think a part of me wanted to see if I could still be a star and I was rising up from small bit parts but…” Okay, it wasn’t necessarily bit parts; I’d done a few ads but I was on her way to bit parts. If I’d stuck it out, she might’ve been able to find fame again. But Javier put an end to all that quickly. “Los Angeles wasn’t for me and I just… realized one day that I needed to be back on the East Coast.” More like Javier broke into my apartment with a knife and put a threat on my life and I’d run to the trusting protection of the Mexican Mafia. I wouldn’t tell him that I’d run to Boston solely because of that. “My boss was in Boston and he offered me an opportunity to move here. I haven’t looked back yet. Boston has been good to me; Tricks and Sweets has achieved a lot of success in under a year and I couldn’t be prouder.”
Mr. Ross didn’t look convinced but he didn’t push and I was grateful for that. All of my secrets were carefully sewed up and I wasn’t going to reveal them for anyone. Even those that thought they knew. I smoothed the skirt over my thighs again, shifting to finish off my Matcha Latte as I waited impatiently for the next question. The bakery was due to open in fifteen minutes and I had to put the finishing touches on the Cupcake of the Day. The Tres Leches cupcake that I’d made the day Isaiah told me I should own a bakery. How fondly I think of that day, the day the papers announced the arrest of Trent Foster. When we were finally free. Well, until now. 
 “I noticed that you all have titles. Why are you The Babydoll?” He asked the question like the archetype didn’t sit right on his tongue. 
I couldn’t help but smile a bit as I formed my answer. “The Babydoll is seemingly an ingénue. She’s so innocent, cute and she craves both attention and affection. She’s all the things a girl should be, seemingly so saccharine that you’ll get cavities but she’s really a paradox. She’s not afraid to express her sex appeal or to cause destruction. She’s in more control than anyone expects.  She’s more than a damsel in distress, she seems like she needs to be saved but she’s really the one who is going to save herself. She’s sensitive and vulnerable but she has a better hold on it than anyone expects. One minute she’s demanding attention, demanding that others adore her, and the next, she’s completely untouchable, because her defenses have make it seem like others will be able to hurt her but she knows how to protect herself.” I speak, offering my most innocent smile, lips painted pink like bubble gum. “So basically you use your innocence to get your way?” 
I giggle and shrug my shoulders. “Why Mr. Ross! Would a girl like me do something like that?” I smile to myself because yes, that’s exactly what I’d do.
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