#i promise i was not inspired by mlp infection aus lmaoo
thecatspasta · 6 months
Related to the OC stuff I wanna know more about Becks and Silver in general! Box and Flicker too! They look so interesting and their designs so fun!
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Ok so becks and silver are best friends. They are some of the guys who want to find a cure for the disease that ravages their world (apocalypse stuff), but unlike others they are willing to work with those infected
Anyways Silver and Becks have each had their own experiences with ppl whove got a mutated version of the disease, neither good, but alas they need some way to cure it and looking at ppl whove survived it is always a good start
Me rambling about the disease under the cut:
So the disease is very fun to me. Its found exclusively in water and most natural water sources are contaminated. Moss is safe from the disease bc it has some qualities that can repel it
See here you either just up and die from the disease bc it slowly takes you over and eats at your bones and effects your breath or you can form a parasitic bond with it (technically you dont form it, the disease just mutates and then it works that way). Box is one of those with the bond (hence why he has mushrooms growing on him). There are some fun stuff that comes from that
The disease is located in the mushrooms and removing those gets rid of the disease. Easy right? Well when a mushroom thinks its in danger it releases smth that messes with clotting agents (like boomslang venom) and causes you to bleed to death anyways :D
This is not as strong in parasite mutations, meaning you can remove a few mushrooms and be mostly fine (you loose a lot of blood still tho). It weakens the connection of the parasite with you which can be a nice relief
So yeah. The disease is very ever so slightly inspired by chytridiomycosis btw. Amphibians are much much more susceptible to it (it being water based and works a lot faster)
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