#ive had these ocs and this story for 2 yrs lmao
thecatspasta · 6 months
Related to the OC stuff I wanna know more about Becks and Silver in general! Box and Flicker too! They look so interesting and their designs so fun!
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Ok so becks and silver are best friends. They are some of the guys who want to find a cure for the disease that ravages their world (apocalypse stuff), but unlike others they are willing to work with those infected
Anyways Silver and Becks have each had their own experiences with ppl whove got a mutated version of the disease, neither good, but alas they need some way to cure it and looking at ppl whove survived it is always a good start
Me rambling about the disease under the cut:
So the disease is very fun to me. Its found exclusively in water and most natural water sources are contaminated. Moss is safe from the disease bc it has some qualities that can repel it
See here you either just up and die from the disease bc it slowly takes you over and eats at your bones and effects your breath or you can form a parasitic bond with it (technically you dont form it, the disease just mutates and then it works that way). Box is one of those with the bond (hence why he has mushrooms growing on him). There are some fun stuff that comes from that
The disease is located in the mushrooms and removing those gets rid of the disease. Easy right? Well when a mushroom thinks its in danger it releases smth that messes with clotting agents (like boomslang venom) and causes you to bleed to death anyways :D
This is not as strong in parasite mutations, meaning you can remove a few mushrooms and be mostly fine (you loose a lot of blood still tho). It weakens the connection of the parasite with you which can be a nice relief
So yeah. The disease is very ever so slightly inspired by chytridiomycosis btw. Amphibians are much much more susceptible to it (it being water based and works a lot faster)
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nerice · 4 years
Hey, I realize I’m a bit late to this but I’m gonna ask anyway: I saw your art review of 2020 and the list of character names with it and noticed a name I didn’t know yet: cait. Would you be interested in telling me more about them? (Also, I just gotta say it was really fun to see your 2020 art compilation and get some art of ocs you told me about before!)
ur not late!!!! it’s always oc hours on this blog and in this brain !!! uwuwu
cait is my very first oc!!!! <3333 (also link 2 the art itself bc it proved 2 me that i can do digital art after all) she’s the protag of the main novel (shadow revenge) i’ve been writing since highschool n that i’ve been nonstop rewriting in an attempt 2 get right rip (new yr new draft folks) god im loopy. info info wheres my infodumping brain
cait shares the protag role w her sister lucie !! they’re orphan twins who get picked up by sky n raised in the palace until it gets invaded by shadows n the two of them are separated when lucie falls thru a portal into another world (after which the portal is destroyed so no getting her back) cait then swears eternal revenge on shadows, ,, (lmgkg BOOK TITLE) in particular th shadow scorpion that threw lucie into that portal n destroyed it !! cait is cool sword girl (tm) but also rash n absolutely merciless when it comes to exterminating shadows, often to her own detriment bc she’s so singlemindedly focused on th hunt n it’s all that keeps her going ;~; oh also she’s dealing w th fact that her own emotions r literally killing her bc she has this strange connection 2 the world itself n emotions can manifest (into creatures like shadows) n also draw them 2 her so it’s. a double-edged sword in many ways;; ;;;
th actual book (i thiiink i might hav told u some of this before) is abt when she n lucie are finally reunited via cait’s boy friend raiu (golden son!!! i love hiiiim!!!) n they go on a quest together to save (drumroll) linn :3c bc linn got kidnapped by that vry same shadow scorpion on the day it pushed lucie into the portal & cait is not willing 2 give up her vendetta / also has to figure out a way to keep the shadows from unsealing azra (big bad evil) bc her world connection suggests tht azra’s reawakening wld also kill her ://// (read my novel 2 find out how it goes uwu)
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crafiet · 5 years
1-50 of the writers ask thingy, tell me everything :D
1 : What age-group do you write?adult! ive always written characters my age or a few years older
2 : What genre do you write?sff, mostly fantasy
3 : Do you outline according to big ideas or small details?hmmm, i guess small details? when i get an idea, i get an idea for single scenes or pieces of dialogue or a certain character, so i piece together an outline from that. but i have trouble with a overarching plot lol
4 : Which do you prefer–line-editing or plot-revisions?line-editing, i love editing. revisions suck bc it takes me 10,000 yrs to come up with an idea and now i have to replace it with another??? blasphemous
5 : Do you write better with or without deadlines?ive written my whole life without deadlines except for when i tried nano last year and failed. so without i guess, but then i dont have anything to convince me to write more lmao
6 : What would be the biggest compliment you could hope to receive on your current WIP?idk probably that its someones favourite book, or to see fanart *.*
7 : How long is your current WIP?26,305 words, its a rewrite heh
8 : What author would you be most excited to be compared to?hummmmmm,,,idk when people call new fantasy books “the next game of thrones” it sounds so fake lol but idk who my favourite author is...
9 : What do you struggle most with as a writer?writing
10 : Do you brain-storm story ideas alone or with others?mostly alone but YOU, ASH, help sometimes. its good to get an objective ear
11 : Do you base your characters off of real people?nah lol, im not good at characters
12 : Is your writing space clean or cluttered?clean
13 : Do you write character-driven or plot-driven stories?plot-driven. my writing is extremely fast paced, and i dont tend to like reading character-driven works
14 : Do you have a favorite writing-related quote?ive answered this in previous ask. the 'drunk on writing’ one by ray bradbury
15 : If you transport your original characters into another author’s world, which world would you choose?everyone else’s worlds are so harsh lol maybe id put them in atla so they can fuck around w bending
16 : Would your story work better as a movie or tv show? Why?miniseries ゚*。(・∀・)゚*。 but it would lend itself to a movie yeah
17 : Do you make soundtracks for each story?nah, lazy ass
18 : If you could assign your story one song, what would it be?unbecoming by starset
19 : Would you rather live in your characters’ world, or have your characters come live in our world?honestly? i wanna escape capitalism and wield a sword
20 : What book would you love to see adapted for the big or small screen?zero world by jason m hough!!!! its a pretty big book i think a movie duology or a tv show would work!
21 : Do you finish most of the stories you start?no
22 : Has your own writing ever made you cry?no lol 
23 : Are you proud or anxious to show off your writing?anxious cz im bad
24 : When did you start considering yourself a writer?i meannnnnnnn do i even now thoooooo
25 : What books are must-reads in your genre?sff is so broad, read whatever tf u want
26 : What would you like to see more of in your genre?diversity, not just in race gender sexuality but in fucking plots like damn give me something w a twist
27 : Where do you get inspiration from?real life, books, movies
28 : On a scale of 1-10, how much do you stress about choosing character names?about a 2, i just search on a generator until i find one i like im not a stickler for names nd i dont usually have placeholder names or anything
29 : Do you tend to underwrite or overwrite in a first draft?chronic underwriter hence the only 20k words
30 : Does writing calm you down or stress you out?calm me down, i have no control over my own life so its good to have complete control over my oc’s lives. i dont tend to have the ‘characters run away from me’ thing, but probably bc i dont see it like that lol
31 : What trope do you actually like?ride-or-die, charas who are knowledgeable and badass from the beginning, i hate following the character learning to do something lmao im impatient
32 : Do you give your side-characters extensive backstories?depends on the side character, every character is fleshed out to an extent but i dont do a massive family tree or anything
33 : Do you flesh-out characters before you write, or let their personalities develop over time?i tend to create characters before plot so i would say i know them pretty well before starting but i do let them develop naturally within the story without forcing them into any box
34 : Describe your old writing in one word.tryhard
35 : Is it more fun to write villains or heroes?mmm both have their merits, i went through a phase where i loved villains but a warped heroes journey or a morally grey/anti-hero can be super good too
36 : Do you write with a black and white sense of morality?nah, murky
37 : What’s one piece of advice you would give to new writers?try anything. anything it doesnt matter if ur nervous or you ‘dont write in that genre’ or you dont even like that genre. its good to train yourself and go out of your comfort zone, makes u a better writer imo. also dont read this and think ‘im not writing an entire historical romance novel bc i hate it’ i mean just one shots. a paragraph or two. try out writing prompts, it really flexes ur skillsalso dont feel like everything u have to write will be published, thats what i mean by try out little paragraphs or prompts. let go of this idea that any of this work will see the light of day [unless u rly want it to] and just have fun, go wild, go crazy, go stupid
38 : What’s one piece of writing advice you try–but fail–to follow?its mostly those ones that help u have cleaner, more beautiful writing. i write really beige-like and its hard to be poetic or flowery
39 : How important is positive reinforcement to you as a writer?probably super important
40 : What would you ask your favorite author if given one question?when ur next book out
41 : Do you find it distracting to read while you’re writing a first draft?nah
42 : Do critiques motivate or discourage you?ive never really had many, so i would say discourage bc i dont have a thick skin with my writing
43 : Do you tend to write protagonists like yourself or unlike yourself?unlike myself, i like to write bold, confident characters and im not that lol escapism much
44 : How do you decide what story idea to work on?whichever interests me the most at the moment, i can jump between projects easily so i dont have a problem 
45 : Do you find it harder or easier to write when you’re stressed out?harder, i cant look at my writing if im stressed else ill absolutely hate it and might do something drastic like delete it all lol
46 : What Hogwarts house would your protagonist(s) be in?ary is slytherincyri is ravenclawash is gryffindorcaena is slytherin [i dont know how to spell the house names]
47 : Where do you see yourself as a writer in five years?still writing id hope
48 : Would you ever co-write?nah
49 : Are you a fast and rushed writer or a slow and deliberate writer?i used to be fast and rushed bc i was so impatient i just wanted to see the end product but i realised that i really love being in the world of my wips as long as possible so i draw it out and really mull everything over
50 : Would you rather be remembered for your fantastic world-building or your lifelike characters?both lol? i do love worldbuilding but i think characters make a greater impact
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sapphirescales · 7 years
anyways, ive been thinkin abt my rp exp on raven for ages and how its not always been a positive experience??? and how a lot of ppl talk shit abt me behind my back for Certain Decisions i made w this blog but like lmao dont fucking talk to me like you weren't part of the problem when i joined as xm//fc raven in 2012, the xrpc fuckin HATED HER. there were basically NO GIFSETS, NO META of her ANYWHERE, her entire tag was filled w people who hated and despised the movie version of her bc they either resent jen's Success™ or bc they thought she was Weak and Useless and Childish and Selfish -- EVEN THO xm//fc was an origin story. they preferred xtrilogy raven who had a total of like 4? 5? lines? and no characterisation to her other than blue, naked and subservient to erik. what a fckn surprise. like SORRY TO BE SALTY AF but the rpc pissed me tf off. i had to deal w SO MUCH SEXISM AND MISOGYNY not just from the non rp side of fandom but also from potential rp partners. from charles and erik rpers who either wanted an infantile ravne or a Bitch™ as an antagonist in their ch*rik stories. from random male ocs and canons -- ppl from the mcu and 616 alike -- who were only interested in writing ships or using raven as fodder and support for their chara's emotional Angst™ bc obvs shes female and so she MUST naturally give a shit abt everyone, even ppl she's never met every time i reblogged a vaguely intimate image, or a text post, or talked abt sex hcs or even just discussed her body image, i would get unsolicited invitations for ships and abt how "my muse would **** and ****** and ********* raven, would love it if raven also ** and **** and ***". and it is STILL HAPPENING TODAY, in 2017. i am STILL getting messages like this from ppl i have never rp'd with, never followed, sexually explicit and unasked for. i'd get unfollowed and shamed by Prominent Members of the xrpc (only real 2012-2014 era rpers will know which blogs im talkin abt) as being sex-focused and ship-focused for making raven even the slightest bit sexual. like sry 2 sound like a bitch but i guess i am one?? i had to work fckn HARD to establish raven as a character to be taken seriously in the rpc even tho she was a movie version. she only started getting popular after do//fp, and even now she still gets a lot of shit. i had to work fckn hard to be taken seriously, and protect the investment of my time and energy which means im exclusive and selective and mutuals preferred and even then!!!! i STILL can't reblog or talk abt raven's sexuality, no matter how important it is (esp to me a lgbtqia woman), because the Moment™ i ever made her a sexual person she stopped being taken seriously and it STILL happens. ppl clamour around male muses who talk sex hcs but when female muses do, theyre immediately taken less seriously. you'll immediately get hounded for ships w ppl you've never written with tht suddenly feel like they can harass you bc you stop being intimidating when you show the sexual interests of yr muse so like, while i know Some Of You are out there bitching abt how i dont rp w everyone, tht i make myself deliberately unapproachable, and abt how Toxique™ i am bc im exclusive and mutuals prioritised, remember i fckn tried to get along w you ppl and ya'll did me SO DIRTY repeatedly. fuck you.
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