#i promise it's not on purpose just sometimes i dont have to strength to lift ur heavy brain
ihatebnha · 2 years
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(found this is my drafts and remembered i was soooooo excited to post it. dunno what happened LOL) + (i’m sure you know but i have a dilf thing where I talk about it here!)
SOOOOOOOOO TRUE, THO!!!!!!!!!!!!! me when he has hairy arms, hairy legs… hairy chest, hairy belly, back, shoulders and b—
Makes me go insane to think about. truly insane. 
and i know his hero costume is pretty full coverage, but like... on his days off or when he’s stuck in the office, i think it would be sooooo easy to get caught up in the way he looks in a just a plain, cotton t-shirt. like... biceps making the sleeves bulge, veins trailing toward his elbow, and to top it all off, a thick layer of hair to cover the outer expanse of his forearm???
LITERALLY it would be so hard not to stare... he’s making his coffee, minding his business... you’re off to the side half-drooling (or at least, EYE would be) at the sight.
Shinso..................... 😩😩😩😩😩😩
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A Chameleon meets a Family of Ghosts
Summary: After Karmeleon/X-376 was found and 'captured' sorta, by his fellow clones and discovering the purpose of the Ghost squad he is taken to the Cantina to meet Kiddy's family. They are... Not like other Clones, significantly crazier it seems.
Karmeleon belongs to @taka-hardt!
Kiddy led Karmeleon down the hall to the Cantina. He hoped that the food was still warm at least. And that Karmeleon didn't run off wheb theyr an into...
"Kiddy! Whose this?" Rider exclaimed, hooking his arm around Kiddy's own. Karmeleon flinched and froze and Rider glared him down. But that was just Rider.
"X-376, Rie its ok. Let him be." Kiddy drawled patting Rider's head.
"Well what's he doing here!?" Rider hissed. And Kiddy sighed good naturedly.
"Easy Rie he just got curious. He's fucking good at his job and he found me during a mission overlap. He wanted to make sure we meant well. Now come on! We got food waiting yeah? Or did Millhouse eat it all?"
That seemed to calm down Rider who started laughing.
"Regal managed to save some for you guys. Its Noodle night, Millhouse is a Noodle fiend!"
The three entered the Cantina to the sounds of chatter and a scuffle. Isabel was holding Millhouse back as he shouted out various sounds none of them were words. Kiddy and Karmeleon flinched as Isabel hummed a song. Regal approached the two.
"Sorry about this, Millhouse is have a bad time right now. One second." Regal said gently taking Kiddy and Karmeleon's shoulders and moving them aside as Millhouse and Isabel walked by. Isabel nodded to the three, holding the shaking Millhouse to her chest. Once gone Regal sighed.
"Well, introductions are in order yes? I am Captain Regal, leader of the Ghost squad. I must apologize for the turn of events and any stress it caused!" Regal said his voice shaking a bit as he scratched at his arm. Karmeleon simple nodded and said nothing. Kiddy grabbed Regals hand and smiled.
"You don't gotta apologize Regal, I do. I screwed up and caused everyone trouble yeah? I'll be more careful." Regal smiled and nodded.
"Thank you Kiddy. Now my dear Brother! What is your name?" Regal asked, turning to Karmeleon who shook his head.
"Designation X-376." Regal blinked and Rider sighed.
"Nah, not your number! Your name! What do we call you?" Rider exclaimed.
"You call me X-376." Karmeleon hissed. "You may call me nothing else."
There was silence but Mighty spoke.
"Ok, dont worry. Just sit down and get some food." Mighty exclaimed.
"Not hungry."
"Fine but your still sitting down ok? Im the Medic and I need to check your damned lungs. You wheezed like a Nerf." Might scolded as the group moved to the seats. Mighty stood up and moved towards Karmeleon who flinched away, reaching for a weapon. Mighty lightly slapped his hand down.
"Put those down I ain't gonna strip you or nothin. Just let me scan your lungs, and keep that inhaler on you at all times!" Mighty growled and Karmeleon obeyed. Mighty fluttered around the grey Armored clone muttering and chewing his lip. Kiddy chuckled.
"Mighty is a good doc, he won't hurt ya. Are you sure you dont want some food? Regal made the Noodles himself!" Kiddy said. Regal beamed.
"Yes please do eat! You will need your strength before we send you back to your squad."
"No." Karmeleon hissed. Regal twitched uneasily.
"We arent here yo hurt you I promise. Just eat some? You dont habe to fully remove your helmet either." Regal offered, his voice shaking.
"I agree with Regal, You need food!" Mighty said, having finished his scans. "Your malnourished!"
"Who is? Did Kiddy not eat again?" Isabel asked walking up the the table. Her speech was slow and deliberate. Rider shook his head.
"Nah I make sure to feed my best bro. Its the Visitor guy, he is." Isabel turned her stare to Karmeleon who looked at her with a mixture of awe and confusion.
"You, need to eat. Yyou mu-mu-mu... Need to." Isabel hissed as the words came out stuttered. Kiddy made a mental not to make sure Isabel slept in the next day. She was too tired.
"Im fine."
"No ya aint brother, eat something!" Kiddy insisted.
"We dont want you hurt." Mighty said, shoving a plate of warm spaghetti under Karmeleon's nose.
Karmeleon stayed still as the group stared at him intently. And it remained so for sometime. Then slowly Karmeleon lifted his helmet slightly and took a bite. Then he began to shovel food into his mouth as the others shared a sad smile. Once the plate was empty Karmeleon shoved his helmet back over his mouth and bowed his head.
"Thank you." Karmeleon whispered. Isabel rubbed his back soothingly.
"Better? We got to move now ok? R-r-r-r... Bro's ship is ready to go." Isabel said as she gently led Karmeleon and Rider to the hangar bay. As she left Mighty turned to Kiddy and Regal. Once out of earshot Might spoke.
"His lungs are clear but somethings still off." Regal nodded.
"Are there any records for his designation Kiddy?" Kiddy shrugged.
"What records there are arent helpful. Theyre sparse and vague. He's got a squad called X-Squad but somethin's off about it all. It dont sit right with me Cap." Regal nodded.
"We have a mission in a few days on Tatooine after that I want you to focus on uncovering as much as you can about X-Squad. The Jedi may ignore issues but we dont. And keep an eye on X-376 please? He looks like he is about to break."
"Is that an official Order Captain?" Regal nodded to Kiddy who kicked up his feet and gave a loose salute. "Then I shall exceed expectations."
"As you always do. Mighty, was the Beacon afixed for the current mission?" Mighty nodded.
"Its active in that Sith's belly as we speak. They will be out of commision for sometime so we can strike true." Regal smirked widely.
"Make it hurt Brother. In like the Reaper,"
"Leave Nothing but Ghosts." Mighty finished. The three theb seperated, moving to prepare for the coming mission, and to set up an extra room for their brother.
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chrisagita · 7 years
What I learn about God and about me in my new age?
Well, first of all I wanna say thanks to GOD my creator and savior who saved and blessed me along this 25 years. Today I really want to enjoy and experience God more, more and more because I know that this life is coming from Him and for Him. In this age, I really really understand that life is never about me anymore since I received Jesus as God and my salvation.
to remind me about my life and who I am and who God is, I read the psalm 139 which describe more about what God has done for my life. Even before I am in this earth, I’ve already in His mind. Beautiful isn’t it?
At the first few minutes of my new age, I thankful God for my life and this new age. He allows me to live for this long so far because He hasn’t done yet with me. He is giving me this life with purpose and He plan and hold my future. I also pray so that I can enjoy this special day with taking the quality time with Him and with people who I love.
So, I wake up this morning and remember about my age. Waw! I am getting more serious about this life. Sometimes it scary to think that I am already 25 but I dont want to see it as a burden or something scary I want to see it as a gift and opportunity that given by God to serve Him more and walk in His calling.
My phone is ringing and as usual, my family ritual for every birthday moment among us, start from my parent and my sister, we have a conference conversation on phone, singing birthday song and say some words and wishes. Then I get up and go to office. The day goes as usual and I though that there is no one at office know about my birthday but surprisingly they know and we celebrate my birthday with pizza party!
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Then I go back to my rent room and I am so happy because I can have a lot of time with God, talk to HIM, hear Him, and enjoy Him. I am pretty sure that God want to speak something to me. I also have a deep conversation with one of my sister on phone, talking about what it means to trust God in your life because she is so worry about her study.
Then, the rest of the day I spend by talking to Him and hear Him. The word that I got today is about trusting Him as God who understand me more than I do. He says to me to give all my burden to Him and tell everything I need to Him. Because my life isn’t about me anymore, so He will take care for everything needed for His mission.
Well, this is the time that I say to God, that;
I am tired to walk in my ambition and living with my self as the center of it. I said many times before that I want to follow You, I want to live for you but actually I am still very arrogant and live with my ambition. I am actually still not ready or maybe I dont want if the path that God wants me to walk in is totally different with my own plan. I realize I am still arrogant, still selfish, still put my self as the center of my life.
Then God spoke to me clearly with very strong voice from September until this December, that I put my security in my job not in Him. I though that having a stable career and money will secure my life then I can follow Him freely without confusing about my life. Then God made me stuck, He closed the door that I tried to open, and its like He put me in the corner of a room where I can not go anywhere instead of just be still on His presence, pause and pondering about my life. That time I realize that He want me to seek Him first and abide in Him. Through prayer retreat where I pray and read Bible I can hear Him say about what it means to trust and devoted my life totally in Him. It such like you think you already trust God as God and your life center is Him but actually you dont realize that you yourself still become god for your own life and the center of your life. Sometimes, God put you in the critical situation where you cannot do anything instead of begging Him to help you. God also shows me this thing; When I think that I am really capable on something and I am so confidence with my self, He makes it not work as I though before. Then when I feel that I will not gonna make it because I am not capable enough for that thing, He actually gave it to me and I successful in it. Then I understand, He want me to realize about His power, that He is the one who control everything. Its not because my strength but because He allow that to happen. So how hard I am to make it happen and how confidence I am in it, it will not gonna happen if He don’t agree. That’s how God treat me lately because I am hard with myself and I am thankful for this moment actually because it means He wants to drive my life in His way. I am so sorry for this OH LORD
I said to God in this special day that I want to start my life again from the beginning. I want to trust Him, follow Him as He is my God and Savior and devoted my life for His mission. I learn God’s heart for the nations lately and it break my heart. I want to devoted my life, from this moment to be used by Him to know Him and make Him known among all nations. I am ready to have a new life and to leave my own ambition. Currently I am in the transition in having God’s desire to be my life desire, to bring an empty paper and ask God to write down whatever He want to write.It will painful somehow when God process you and you have to trust one thing, you will be a beautiful creation in His hand, if you trust and Obey Him (Isaiah 29:16 & Jeremiah 18:4). I will let you know how God process me and works in me so that you can learn about Him more and more!
One more thing, I also enjoy one beautiful song on this day and for me, its a new song for me. It tells me about God as the creator of this universe. I love all the lyric and I highlight some of the stronger words that speak to me personally.
God of creation There at the start Before the beginning of time With no point of reference You spoke to the dark And fleshed out the wonder of lightAnd as You speak A hundred billion galaxies are born In the vapor of Your breath the planets form If the stars were made to worship so will I I can see Your heart in everything You’ve made Every burning star A signal fire of grace If creation sings Your praises so will I
God of Your promise You don’t speak in vain No syllable empty or void For once You have spoken All nature and science Follow the sound of Your voice And as You speak A hundred billion creatures catch Your breath Evolving in pursuit of what You said If it all reveals Your nature so will I I can see Your heart in everything You say Every painted sky A canvas of Your grace If creation still obeys You so will I So will I So will I
If the stars were made to worship so will I If the mountains bow in reverence so will I If the oceans roar Your greatness so will I For if everything exists to lift You high so will I If the wind goes where You send it so will I If the rocks cry out in silence so will I If the sum of all our praises still falls shy Then we’ll sing again a hundred billion timesGod of salvation You chased down my heart Through all of my failure and pride On a hill You created The light of the world Abandoned in darkness to dieAnd as You speak A hundred billion failures disappear Where You lost Your life so I could find it here If You left the grave behind You so will I I can see Your heart in everything You’ve done Every part designed in a work of art called love If You gladly chose surrender so will I I can see Your heart Eight billion different ways Every precious one A child You died to save If You gave Your life to love them so will I
Like You would again a hundred billion times But what measure could amount to Your desire You’re the One who never leaves the one behind
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