#i promise it's still consensual!! they're just a bit messed up ahsldfhds
icebluecyanide · 1 year
And a second one for the road, this time the questions for fic writers: 4. What detail in any of your fics are you really proud of? and/or 5. What do you wish someone would ask you about any of your fics? Answer it now!
Haha thanks for all the asks! I really appreciate it! :D
4. What detail in any of your fics are you really proud of?
I liked the method of assassination I came up with for Yassen's job in The Weekend of Our Dreams! I wanted it to seem accidental and having a pen covered in something that will kill once it gets ingested/in the mouth when the guy chews the back of his pen seemed like a nice touch.
On an emotional/character level, I liked this part in even if it hurts (my touch-starved!yassen fic):
He likes it when Hunter touches him. It’s like a breath of air after being choked, like a drink of water in a desert. It fills Yassen with a warmth he hasn’t felt since Estrov.
Because 'a breath of air after being choked' an oddly specific (not to mention violent) thing to compare it to. I wanted to keep it vague in this fic if it follows RR or SH backstory for Yassen, so I suppose it could be a metaphorical smothering if we take the RR story, but I also like the idea that Yassen means this quite literally and it's something he has experience with. And I do have a fic lying around somewhere where John teaches him about choking by demonstrating on him, which definitely makes this whole thing very messy.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about any of your fics? Answer it now!
The question is 'what is something you know as an author but didn't put in the story?' and the answer is that I really doubt Yassen and Alex have a safe word in A Different Kind of Surfing and A Quiet Mind (the d/s Devil!AU fics) ahsdlfhsds
Like, Yassen does check in with Alex and read him and he knows Alex's limits rather well, but the power imbalance is still very real and the consent gets dubious if you scrape away the surface layer. Perhaps they did discuss it and Alex does have a safe word! I didn't mention it explicitly one way or another. But I have my doubts. 😅
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