#i put her in a room with someone younger than her that needs nurturing and i start acting up
springthings · 1 year
i've spent the last like 2 and a half years of my life preaching the allie fleur no kids agenda but. what if :]
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royokochoko · 26 days
Crimson Raven p2
Fumikage Tokoyami's aunt!Y/N
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This will be a series but might be cross-posted and continued on Ao3 for certain reasons. @absquatulatevelcro on ao3 same Vivii as always..
INFORMATION: Y/N Tokoyami, an honourable 25-year-old woman who has been in the singing industry for 9 years and very well known amongst the American Pro Heroes, decides to go reside in Japan, Musutafu after her failed marriage with someone (not important) at age 19 and had to suffer abuse and loosing her child at the age of 20, summoning the courage to leave her husband at the age of 22 . This time, Y/N decides to look for a better future at Japan after being targeted by villains, she discovers Keiko, a young boy with broken wings, whom she legally adopts and a certain avian pro-hero who catches her interest.
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CHAPTER 2: I'll protect you no matter what
As time flowed on, the memory of the injured man gradually faded from Y/N's mind, becoming little more than a distant echo in her thoughts. Immersed in her nursing studies, she devoted herself with helping other people in need while simultaneously nurturing her career as a singer in disguise.
Yet, a persistent sense of familiarity stirred within her whenever her colleagues mentioned a certain winged pro-hero. Initially, she brushed it off as like a 'justin beiber situation', but as their conversations increasingly revolved around the hero rather than their studies, annoyance crept into her heart.
And this time, she decided to put it to an end after an incident arise in her workplace— One being an old man was disregarded due to their petty and insufferable conversations. Luckily, she was there when it happened and had managed to help the old man in time before he suffered from mild food poisoning.
This made her feel disappointed for the younger colleagues of hers due to this incident and decided to arrange a meeting between the two girls who were guilty with the act of abandoning their duties as nurses and focusing more on idolizing 'celebrities'.
She stared intensively at the two girls, who were clearly new to their jobs. A heavy sigh escaped under her mouth. "You girls know what you've done, right?" She stated in a disappointed tone.
"Miss Tokoyami—" one of the girls spoke before pausing, biting her lip as she faced sideways. " we didn't mean to.." She whispered, barely audible, which caused Y/N to raise a brow as she approached closer.
"Miss Tokoyami, what?" Y/N repeated, her voice firm yet composed. "What you two have been doing is not only unprofessional but also dangerous. Your obsession with that pro-hero has clouded your judgment, and it almost cost someone their life today." She paused, letting her words sink in before continuing, "I understand admiration, but it should never interfere with your responsibilities here. You're here to help people, not to gossip about Pro-Heroes who don't even know you!"
The two girls exchanged nervous glances, letting their fear envelope them as one of them let out quite sob. "We're sorry, Miss Tokoyami," the other girl finally spoke up, her voice trembling. "We'll make sure it won't happen again."
Y/N nodded, her expression softening slightly. "Good. Remember, our priority is the well-being of our patients." She sighed as she adjusted her glasses."Now, let's get back to work and ensure this doesn't happen again."
After her disciple, the two girls eventually returned to their work spaces while she stayed in the inclosed room. The coldness hit her skin like snow as she slowly sat down.
"I swear to god," She muttered, letting her lock tangle with her fingers as she ran through them. "This is the 5th time they've mentioned that name.. I mean, I don't mind the continuous conversation about a certain hero, but.. this name.. feels familiar." Y/N ranted.
As Y/N continued to reflect on the incident, she couldn't shake the feeling of déjà vu that washed over her. It wasn't just annoyance at the girls' obsession with the pro-hero; it was something deeper, something that tugged at the edges of her memory.
With a heavy sigh of annoyance, Y/N made the decision to set aside her lingering questions for the time being and refocus on her job. Despite the nagging sense of curiosity that still tugged at the corners of her mind, she knew that her responsibilities as a nurse were paramount.
Returning to her workplace, Y/N took a moment to center herself and compose her thoughts. She adjusted her uniform with practiced ease, ensuring that she presented herself professionally.
"G-good afternoon, Miss Tokoyami."
Y/N turned to face her colleague, Amanda, noticing the nervousness in her voice and the way she fidgeted with her fingers. She offered Amanda a warm smile, hoping to put her at ease.
"Yes, Amanda? Is everything alright?" Y/N asked, her tone gentle and reassuring.Amanda hesitated for a moment before speaking, her words coming out in a rush. "I just wanted to say thank you. For earlier, you know, with the incident. You handled it so calmly and professionally. I-I admire that about you."
Y/N's smile widened at Amanda's words, touched by her sincerity. "Thank you, Amanda. I really appreciate that. But you did great aswell, if it wasn't for you. I would've never saw it with my own eyes."
Amanda's expression brightened at the praise, and she nodded enthusiastically. "T-thank you, Miss Tokoyami. I'll do best in the future!"Y/N chuckled, "Well then, thats great!.. and please call me Y/N instead. I already feel old being addressed as 'Miss Tokoyami' all the time."
Amanda nodded, her eyes sparkled in emotion as she felt happy to be praised by you. "Y-Yes! Thank you,"With a reassuring nod, Y/N watched as Amanda excused herself and went back to her duties.
As Y/N's shift finally came to an end, she gathered her belongings and made her way out of the hospital. The crisp evening air greeted her as she stepped outside, providing a welcome contrast to the sterile atmosphere she had been immersed in all day.
She took a deep breath, savoring the freedom that the end of her shift brought. "Finally! The taste of freedom," she exclaimed, wings fluttering in excitement as she looked around. "Amanda and the others might have already went to the cafeteria..." She pondered before shrugging, turning her heel as she walked down the sidewalk.
The streets were bustling with activity, filled with people going about their lives, yet her mind still lingered on the day's events and the persistent sense of familiarity that had haunted her. She shook her head, trying to dispel the thoughts and focus on the present.
Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice the young boy walking in her direction until it was too late. They collided gently, both of them stumbling slightly from the impact.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Y/N exclaimed, reaching out instinctively to steady the boy.
The boy looked up at her with wide, startled eyes. He had a mop of unruly golden-brown hair and a pair of broken wings protruding from his back. Recognition flickered in Y/N's mind as she took in his appearance, almost sensing a feeling of nostalgia.
"It's okay," the boy mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. He looked nervous and uncertain, his eyes darting around as if searching for an escape route.
Y/N crouched down to his level, her voice gentle. "Are you alright? You seem a bit lost. Do you need help?"
The boy hesitated, his wings twitching slightly. "I... I don't have anywhere to go," he admitted, his voice trembling. "I'm K-Keiko..."
Y/N's heart ached at the vulnerability in his voice. She offered him a reassuring smile. "It's nice to meet you, Keiko. My name is Y/N. Why don't we find a place to sit down and talk? Maybe get something to eat?"
Keiko nodded slowly, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and uncertainty. Together, they made their way to a nearby café, settling into a cozy corner booth.
As they sat across from each other, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness towards Keiko. He reminded her so much of herself at his age—lost, searching for a sense of belonging, and yearning for something to start with when she was in America.
They ordered their food, and as they waited, Y/N reached out and gently took Keiko's hand in hers. "Keiko, do you have anyone you can stay with? Family, friends?"
Keiko shook his head, his eyes downcast. "No. I was... I was abandoned because of my wings."
Y/N's heart broke at his words. She squeezed his hand reassuringly. "I'm so sorry, Keiko. No one should have to go through that. But you don't have to be alone. There are people who can help you, including me."
Keiko looked up at her, his eyes filled with hope and uncertainty. "Really? You would help me?"Y/N nodded firmly. "Absolutely. If you want— I can adopt you right now!"
A sense of gratitude spread across Keiko's face, his eyes glimmered with emotion as he thanked her continously. "Thank you- thank you so much, Miss Y/N!"
As their food arrived, they began to eat, the conversation flowing easily between them. Y/N shared stories from her day, and Keiko listened intently, occasionally chiming in with his own observations and experiences.
It was a simple, yet meaningful moment that reinforced the bond between them
.Walking out of the café together, Y/N and Keiko made their way back to her apartment, the city's lights guiding their path. As they approached her home, Y/N looked down at Keiko, her heart swelling with affection.
"Keiko, I want you to know that you're safe with me. Tommorow, im gonna take care of you from now on."
Keiko looked up at her, his eyes filled with gratitude and determination. "Thank you...I don't know how to thank you enough.."
As Y/N and Keiko entered her apartment, she noticed the boy's steps slowing down, his hesitation growing more apparent.
By the time they reached her door, he looked almost paralyzed with uncertainty Kneeling down to his level, she offered a gentle smile, trying to ease his obvious discomfort.
"It's okay, Keiko. You're safe here," she said softly, her voice carrying warmth. "I know it's a lot to take in, but I promise you'll be alright."
Keiko glanced at the door, then back at Y/N, his eyes wide with uncertainty. "I've never... I mean, I don't know what to expect," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N's heart ached for him. She placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I understand. It's normal to feel this way. But I want you to know that you can trust me. Let's take it one step at a time, okay?"
Keiko nodded slowly, taking a deep breath. He stepped inside cautiously, his eyes darting around as he took in his new surroundings.
The apartment was warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the cold streets he had known for too long.
Y/N closed the door gently behind them, giving Keiko a moment to adjust. "Would you like something to drink? Maybe some hot chocolate?" she offered, hoping to make him feel more at ease.
Keiko's eyes brightened slightly at the mention of hot chocolate. "Yes, please," he replied, his voice a bit steadier.
Y/N smiled and led him to the cozy living room, where she gestured for him to take a seat on the couch. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back."
As she prepared the hot chocolate in the kitchen, Y/N couldn't help but think about the journey that had brought Keiko into her life.
It was no doubt that this young boy needed her, and she was ready to do whatever it took to provide him with the stability and care he deserved.
Returning to the living room with two steaming mugs of hot chocolate, Y/N handed one to Keiko and sat down beside him. "Here you go. I hope you like it." Keiko took a cautious sip, a small smile forming on his lips. "It's really good. Thank you."
Y/N watched him with a mixture of relief and affection. "You're welcome, Keiko. If there's anything you need, or if you want to talk about anything, I'm here for you. This is your home now too."
Keiko nodded, his shoulders relaxing a bit as he settled into the couch. "It's just... a lot to get used to," he confessed. "But it feels nice to have someone who cares."
Y/N reached out and gently squeezed his hand. "I'm glad you're here, Keiko. We'll take things one day at a time, and I promise I'll be here to help you through it all."
As they sipped their hot chocolate in companionable silence, Y/N felt a sense of calm wash over her.
For the first time in a long while, she felt like she was exactly where she needed to be, doing exactly what she was meant to do.
Eventually, Keiko's eyes grew heavy, the events of the day finally catching up to him. Y/N noticed and gently suggested, "How about we get you settled in for the night? You need your rest?."
Keiko nodded sleepily, and Y/N led him to the spare bedroom she had quickly prepared; the room was simple but cozy, with soft bedding and a few comforting touches.
"This will be your room," Y/N said, helping him get comfortable. "If you need anything, my room is just down the hall."Keiko looked around, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Thank you, Y/N. For everything."
"You're welcome, Keiko," she replied, her voice filled with warmth. "Goodnight. Sleep well." As she left his room and quietly closed the door, pausing to stare at the wall before she returned to her own room.
-Word Count: 2208 (no a/n)
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airborneace · 1 year
Which is the bigger desire for Winona: to love someone or to be loved by someone? Is Winona more of a person who wants someone to love her so she can love them back, or is she someone who loves someone so they can love her back?
Hooo boy, let's see here. I think Winona is someone who feels like she needs to put a lot of burden on her shoulders. Because her position affords her a little bit more authority, even over other gym leaders, she feels the need to compensate by working extremely hard to make sure no one can say that she isn't acting worthy of her job. So the easy answer here is that she's very much a woman married to her job at the moment, and tends to not have a lot of room for private getaways and "me time".
But we're not here for easy answers, so we'll talk about how Winona is, of course, more emotionally complex than that. A lot of Winona's interactions with new people are going to be in a business-like setting. Whether it's as supervisor for the Pokémon Association, or as Gym Leader of Fortree City, people who meet her tend to have some sort of an agenda. That in and of itself is enough to have her feel like she needs to maintain a professional atmosphere around others. Her default when meeting people like this is "XYZ needs to get done, so how can we work towards that?" rather than wondering how well she will click with others. This results in Winona being quite amicable as an acquaintance to most, but unless a person is a regular face in her life, she isn't going to advance a relationship to anything much deeper than that. The friends she does have are people she knew before her promotion to her position. School friends or trainers she met along her own Pokémon journey.
There is one notable exception to this: Passion. If there's one thing she finds incredibly admirable in someone, it's being passionate. When she sees trainers failing her Gym challenge over and over, but they never give up, because their dreams depend on it, that's when her heart just flutters and she thinks, this is a fire I want to stoke and nurture. I believe that's why she and Flannery grew crew to be so close. Flannery is a relatively new Gym Leader, but she tackled the job with everything she got and it won Winona's friendship. This girl really wants to see people who are driven succeed. It reminds her of herself when she was younger, as a fairly sheltered girl in a bit of an isolated community. Winona wanted to see the world and always dreamed big. She found inspiration in the spirit of adventure, and hopes to pass that on to others who show that same passion. These are the kinds of people she will go out of her way for. But that is the exception, rather than the rule.
Thus, she's not the type to really go out and love someone first. It's just not what's going through her mind most of the time. She's definitely more reactionary when it comes to interpersonal relationships. If she sees someone is making a genuine effort to connect with her, then she's absolutely going to try to reciprocate. She doesn't purposefully push people to stay at arm's length. She just falls into a position where people aren't there for the reason to organically foster a relationship most of the time. The truth of the matter is that she's actually quite stressed in what she does. She's happy she can be of use, but she will push herself too hard when the going starts to get tough. And in those moments she would love nothing more than to have someone place a hand on her shoulder and tell her that she's doing a great job. If you're willing to go out of your way to try and befriend the overworked pilot lady, or at least signal to her that you would like to, she will definitely be the type to make time for you, because she likes to be around people who care, and she does (secretly) want to be around people she can feel free to be vulnerable around.
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