#i read all of dungeon meshi last night can you tell lmfao
deadgodwriting Β· 5 months
Is there a beauty in consuming?
To love someone so completely you want them to enter your body and never leave?
I want to love him in a way we both leave each other full every night
I want to know what he tastes like on my tongue
I want to somehow mash my parts and his parts together until we occupy the same space
Isn't it a part of love to consume?
I make a feast of his interests and vocal quirks
Bringing them into myself until you can't tell where his voice ends and mine begins
Do I sound like his echo or does he sound like mine?
When he cuts his finger and I pop it his digit into my mouth to stem the bleeding is it wrong for me to wish the moment could last?
If my lover died I think I would eat him
Make every part of him into a different dish, savor his flavor with every last bite
My last chance to consume my love before he's gone
Between decomposition sinking it's teeth into him or me, I'd treat his flesh and blood so tenderly
Everyone eats to live
But I'd like to eat to love
I think consuming is beauty itself
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