#i read chapter 1 and i immediately said “nope not this month i cant be depressed rn”
plutorine · 7 months
pov: you just finished reading the metamorphosis by franz kafka
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bangtanblessed · 2 years
Full thoughts on chapter four of @venusiangguk 's dilf jk series
Whew chile,
This is gonna be long but here we go.
I just reread the series for the first time in a long while. I wanted to make sure you were back and ok before i read it again. It has taken me months to anylze and maybe even see if my feelings chance towards how bad my heart was ripped out but nope still the same so now that I have lets get into it.
First, Dasom. I do not like her. However this is only in the way you don’t like someone because of their first impression but you know they're probably not a bad person or anything. We’ve seen characters like hers from the other side plenty of times where we are rooting for them. The character that goes to see the ex only to be confronted with a new lover and had we been following dasom’s story we'd feel like we hate the oc and/or jk but this story isn’t about her. She is very important because she is Nari’s mom but I still dislike her. She's a bit like jade, in that she may be saying something that's true but her delivery and lack of knowledge on the situation lends to being kind of a bitch. 
Now Mr. JK. Hmm you got yo ass eaten now you wanna act up? Lmao IM JUST KIDDING! I HAD TO SAY IT XD ok seriously, this is the dad you want. Imma get personal for a half a second ok, but my dad always made sure i and anyone he dated knew i was #1 which is what you want. Good on JK for that but he needs to remember that he is still a person. It's not selfish to have a self. As long as your child is top priority you can be a top priority too. He didn't handle that well though. He may think he's being adult and rational but not completely. I hate when people are still so young but they act old. When you're actually old you'll regret it. He's not even 30 yet and their age gap isn't even double digits. You're telling me it's less than a decade between you and you're making yourself seem 40? [redacted lmao] Anway, I respect him for putting his daughter first. That is the type of parent you want however he shouldn't have decided what's best for oc. Yes hes saying she should think about it and all that but he isn't really leaving much for discussion. On the other side, i get being a little blindsided by Dasom and the things she said and also not really wanted to have thart conversation with her but damn jungkook that was a little fucked. He needs to tell her that they literally met BECAUSE of Nari. She immediately hit it off with her and though he could have distanced them and drawn better boundaries it makes sense that she sees nari sometimes. She literally met Nari first. And oc is not stupid, hopefully it was obvious that alot of those things could be down the pipeline if they stay together but you can’t just spring that on someone and say they dont want that. DONT TELL ME WHAT I DO OR DONT WANT! I get what he's saying but wow.
Something i've thought about so much was, when was he going to bring it up with oc had she not mentioned she was upset or had she not heard them talking? I've wondered so much about that because he was carrying on business as usual (well not exactly bc you could tell it affected him but you get it)
Ive literally had so many dreams about this chapter like whew i cant even.
Now Miss OC, the young woman that is in the center of all of this. I hope she is able to grow beyond this well. It hurts just reading it so if this was real I can't even imagine. There are things she has to learn since she is so young but she also is not stupid. She's so much better than me, trying to smile in the end before saying she will think about it and let him know because a btich definitely would be thinking but aint no way im smiling. I'm going stone faced, quietly getting dressed and staying as far away from that mf as possible while i’m leavin. I also love her willingness to listen. I would have been throwing back like *snaps fingers* that! Like no jungkook you clearly don't care about me as much as you think you do because if you did it wouldn’t have been so easy to plant that doubt. She shut your ass up so hard with things you should have at least responded to that now I have doubt in MY heart. Instead of talking this out better you're trying to scare me off. Well I'm not scared but i'm sure as hell doubtful of how much you want me around.
But of course that would have been too fanfic expected in a way, not that its bad and its all valid
All in all this chapter was such a nice read. So good! The characters are well written, well thought out people who feel so real and all have genuine reasons for what they're saying and feeling. Nothing feels like the thrown together project from a single idea that leads to a lackluster conflict with underdeveloped caricatures. Like I said, Dasom feels very real, with her own motivations and love for her daughter. Jungkook is a man that cherishes his daughter while also being in a relationship with someone that he genuinely enjoys being around. OC feels like a character that is where I was kind of at that age, being looked upon like a child by older people but also not quite knowing what she wants but wanting to be happy. There is so much I could not get across while writing this because I want to be coherent and not typing for 4 days but I get every character's side and everyone that replies’ points this is just mainly what I think while reading this.
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