#i realize i didn't mention what kind of higher being Velvet is
basilbellona · 1 year
for the oc ask
comet and crown for both velvet and dewstep
*Rubs hands together* Alright, my mad moth and the ruler of my foreign fan-kingdom! I'm especially glad you asked about the latter because I haven't talked about her on here yet.
Comet: What do people assume about them? Are they right?
- People assume Velvet to be soft, materialstic, and greedy. They're right on two of those— She is soft and materialistic. Colorful textiles, plush blankets, and amber arts tempt her too much. And children can wheedle practically anything they want from her (within reason). She's got a bleeding heart and an artist's eye. But she's actually pretty generous! Whenever she goes out or has guests in her palace, she spares no expense in making her subjects and visitors are comfortable. The only arguments that'd hold traction against that are that she buys up more comforts and commodities than she needs in her quest for good impressions (true) and that she demands high taxes from her people (false, that'd be her governors).
And as for softness, she may be the indulgent auntie of her kingdom, but she hasn't forgotten how to defend herself or her territory from years in the wastes.
People also assume that she socializes more than she works. And they're absolutely right. She's quite shameless about that.
- Moths in Dewstep's "present" assume he was blindsided by his punishment. The truth is, he was aware of what sort of consequences might befall him if he continued fraternizing with the Pale King. He just didn't take it seriously. As some of his generation thought, he was too confident his own charm to think he'd get punished so soon and he loved the king more than he loved the Radiance.
Crown: What do they want to be remembered as? Why?
- Velvet is a higher being who has lived long and has been many things throughout her life: a wandering beast, a circumstantial hero, a revered but aloof protector, and a beloved monarch. When she finally reaches the "current" point in her life, after shedding her larger form and becoming comfortable with mingling and ruling directly, I think she just wants to be remembered as a kind, effective ruler. Queen Velvet, the matriarch who hears all plights and answers them, who will make sure no child is without food, shelter, or comfort. She would much rather be that than any aloof, fearsome thing she was before.
(You could say she was literally transformed by the power of friendship, lol)
- For the longest time, Dewstep probably wanted to just be remembered. A spark that'd burn bright for ages and ages after he was gone. Maybe as someone with some badassery and coolness. Like all moths, he believed the self lives on in the memories of the living. Perhaps this, in part, motivated him to seek friendship with the new monarch. That and a desperate, secret wish to escape the Radiance’s rule and show she couldn’t control him.
Well, he got his wish, in one way.
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its-vannah · 2 years
Mastermind | Jacaerys x Reader
A/N: I spent nearly two days writing this, and while I'm still not 100% happy with it, I concluded it in the best way I knew how—with pure fluffiness. Hope you all enjoy ❤️
Warnings: Angst, one sided love with family, mentions of your father dying, kissing, mentions of you being with child one day
Midnights Masterlist
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Once upon a time, the planets and the fates
From the opposite side of the ballroom, your eyes met Jacaerys Velaryon's. Unable to take your eyes off one another, it was as if time was standing still
And all the stars aligned
The crowd parted ever so slightly, and the young prince wedged himself between the rows of people, not once taking his eyes off of you
You and I ended up in the same room
A gentle smile on his face as he got closer, your heartbeat started to quicken.
At the same time
Before you knew it, he was standing before you, a warm sigh escaping his lips.
Putting his shoulders back, he introduced himself, "Prince Jacaerys of House Velaryon, it's a pleasure to make your aquaintance."
You curtsied, your green dress shimmering with every movement, "The pleasure is all mine, your highness. I'm Y/N L/N."
Clearing his throat, he extended a hand, "May I have this dance?"
And the touch of a hand lit the fuse
Gently placing your hand in his, you smiled, "You may."
Of a chain reaction of countermoves
From the time you began dancing to the time you stopped, everything was a blur.
To assess the equation of you
Unlike most men who had tried, and failed, to court you, he was kind, gentle. Jacaerys didn't put on a smile just for show, he wore his grin because he was genuinely happy. Happy that he got to spend the evening dancing with you.
Checkmate, I couldn't lose
And while you knew, in the back of your mind, that this was all for show on your family's end, you couldn't help but wonder if this was the start of something genuine.
Weeks before the ball, your aunt had taken you to half a dozen seamstresses to get you fitted for a gown.
She said it had to stand out against the blacks and reds traditionally worn by the Targaryens, so she opted to dress you in a velvet blue.
What if I told you none of it was accidental
Later that evening, your aunt took you by the arm, turning you to face her.
She made sure your eyes were on hers before she spoke, clicking her tongue, "Listen to me, girl. This is the only chance you have to impress the prince. If you don't, our whole family is in shambles."
After your father died a few years prior, your family had been hanging on to every piece of gold they could get their hands on.
"Do you think I'll be happy with him?" You asked gently.
Biting her tongue, she forced a smile, "Your happiness is all that matters to me, my dear."
But now that you were of age, the ball was in your court to marry a man of higher class—or, for their sake, a man with immense wealth.
"So you go out there and impress upon him," She said, her voice a low growl, "Don't disappoint me. Do you understand?"
Blinking at her slowly, you nodded, "Yes, my aunt."
And the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me?
A few weeks later, Prince Jacaerys, who you had grown to be quite fond of, had invited you to the courtyard for an evening stroll. The thought of you couldn't escape his head.
I laid the groundwork and then, just like clockwork
So far, your plan was working. But the more time you spent with him, the more you realized that you were genuinely beginning to have feelings for the young prince.
It wasn't long before he had asked for your hand in marriage, down on one knee in the same ballroom you had first danced.
The dominoes cascaded in a line
Your aunt was delighted to hear the news. She jumped out of her chair and took your hand in hers, viewing the sparkling engagement ring on your finger.
What if I told you I'm a mastermind?
"I told you it would work, and all you had to do is what I said," She said, grinning from ear to ear, "Did he say when we'll be leaving the manor? I can only assume that I'll be staying with you in Dragonstone."
And now you're mine
"I'll be in direct relation to a princess," She sighed, "Do you know how much this will boost my standing in the court?"
It was all by design
Suddenly, realization hit you. She had never wanted your happiness, she wanted her own. This had never been about you marrying for love, this was about your aunt boosting her sociak standing.
'Cause I'm a mastermind
Turning your head away from her, you shook your head, "I'm sure you're thrilled to hear of it."
You see, all the wisest women
"I've waited my whole life for this, Y/N. And now it's finally within reach," She exclaimed, "Soon enough, you'll be with child. It'll solidify my standing even more."
Had to do it this way
"The child will have my blood running through it. I can hardly believe it. I only had to wait seventeen years."
'Cause we were born to be the pawn
Your shoulders dropped, "Is that all I ever was to you? A piece in your sick, twisted game?"
In every lover's game
"Everyone has a plan. You were just a part of mine."
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
"And what if I hadn't secured a proposal from the Prince? Would you have just cast me aside like you did my mother when she married my father? A man of a lower status?"
Strategy sets the scene for the tale
Rolling her eyes, she returned to her seat, "Does it matter, Y/N? The point is, everything has come together."
I'm the wind in our free-flowing sails
You shook your head, "For me, it has. But for you, it hasn't. Because you will never truly be happy."
And the liquor in our cocktails
"Your greatest love has been hate. Until you learn to love, you will never be happy. Ever." You continued.
What if I told you none of it was accidental
"I'd hold your tongue if I were you, girl." She hissed, clenching her fists.
Turning on your heel, you shook your head, "My tongue is no longer yours hold."
Walking out of the manor that day, you didn't look back. After seventeen years, that chapter of your life was over.
And the first night that you saw me, I knew I wanted your body?
You nestled into Jacaerys side that evening by the fire, your head resting on his shoulder.
I laid the groundwork and then, just like clockwork
Seeing your deflated expression, he pressed a kiss to your temple, "What's wrong, my love?"
The dominoes cascaded in a line
"I've just been thinking," You said, sighing, "Everything makes sense now."
"What makes sense?"
What if I told you I'm a mastermind?
"I traveled to L/N Manor today to see my aunt, and she made several things starkly clear for me today," Pausing, your hold on his hand tightened, "She never valued my happiness, she only wanted to boost her standing in court. She viewed me as a pawn in her game."
And now you're mine
"You're no longer her pawn," Bringing his hand to your jaw, he tilted your head up to meet his gaze, "In a matter of days, you'll be mine and I'll be yours. She no longer has control of you."
It was all my design
A small smile appeared on your face, and you leaned into his touch, his lips meeting yours.
'Cause I'm a mastermind
"I love you," You said against his lips.
Yeah, all you did was smile
"And I you."
'Cause I'm a mastermind
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