#i realize this behaviour might not make sense if you dont know her backstory
wildstar25 · 1 year
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WOL and Y’shtola mini-scenario immediate post reunion in shadowbringers under the cut. 
[Context: between markers during quest “a day in the neighbour hood”. While Y’shtola has a good feeling as to why she couldnt recognize Arsay, its clear Arsay is completely unaware of what is happening to her. Fully misinterpreting the events as familiar feelings of abandonment take over, Arsay snaps at Y’shtola at the first opportunity and hastily exists the cave in a huff.]
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Y’shtola: To think I’d find the “Warrior of Darkness” sulking, of all things, when there’s a whole new village full of other people's problems you can stick your nose into. Is this how you have changed? I can’t say its very becoming of you.
Arsay: ... 
Y’shtola: ... <sigh>  
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Y’shtola: Did that rude welcome of mine offend you so? Surely by now you are no stranger to having a mass of weapons pointed towards you. 
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Arsay: ... 
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Y’shtola: You have to understand, it’s your aether. It...  after three long years on the first I’ve learned to equate aether such as yours to that of an imminent threat. These people have already lost so much, I can’t afford to take chances with their safety.
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Y’shtola: Had I arrived to the scene a moment earlier, heard your voice first, perhaps then- 
Arsay: I’m not mad at you.
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Arsay: I... I’m upset with myself. To think myself so important to you that you could recognize me at a glance. That you would not forget me after being apart for a time. I believed because I care so much for you... perhaps you would do the same in turn. A childish folly I thought I’d never repeat. 
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Arsay: You’re my best friend Y- Matoya. Your words sting like adder bites and you can read through tomes faster than I can take down a primal. When we part on separate adventures, there are moments where I want nothing more than to see you again. I know you can’t see me the way I see you, it’s unfair of me to expect that of you; yet, to know I am nothing more than an indistinguishable pool of aether in your eyes... Pray, tell me. Do I mean so little in your life as to not be remembered? Did you not think of me at all, even a bit? 
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Y’shtola: <scoffs> Don’t be so daft, of course you’ve crossed my mind. When I first arrived to this reflection I thought to myself how worried you must be. That you were probably putting all other duties on hold to instead watch my bedside, as you before did in Rhalgr's Reach. 
Y’shtola: Time moved on here. I got embroiled in the mysteries of the First. I couldn’t very well squander this opportunity in front of me by spending all my energy thinking about if or when I’d ever get to see you again. You know better than most I’m not one to dwell on such things... Perhaps the picture I had of you in my mind faded somewhat along the way but it was not due to lack of caring. It’s the opposite, really. Were I more indifferent, recalling our moments together might have caused me far less grief.
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Y’shtola: Suffice is to say, you are important to me too, Arsay. Not only as a fellow scion, but as a dear friend. I couldn’t forget you. Not in any way that matters. You need not jump to such nonsensical insecurities.  
Arsay: ... 
Y’shtola: Now, does that clear things up; or will you force my hand into professing even more superfluous information regarding how I feel.  
Arsay: No, that’s... that was enough. Forgive this outburst of mine, I don’t know what came over m-
Y’shtola: Think nothing of it. I only hope you return to your old self.  
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Arsay: Thank you.
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