#i realized making this that i don't have an older fc for agnes so i just used her main one but it looks kind of silly with all the others
gaygryffindorgal · 11 months
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fankids appreciation, day seven; family dynamics
agnes malinda and ethel malinda ethel is the firstborn child of agnes malinda and jacob macmillan. she has a complicated relationship with her family but her parents love her very much and are proud of her achievements. henry of alderly and edward of alderly edward is the firstborn child and only son of henry and cora, the duke and duchess of alderly. edward often disagrees with his father and doesn't understand him. edward of alderly and frederica "freddy" of alderly freddy is the oldest child of edward of alderly and jocelyn somerset. she is close with her father and the two share a similar sense of humour. anora brindlemore and bloom brindlemore bloom is the older of anora's two children. they have a troubled relationship and bloom dislikes having her mother as his professor at hogwarts. anora is protective of her children and bloom finds it stifling. verna malinda and rowan "roe" malinda roe is the only child of verna malinda and merula snyde. they are close with their parents, even though he gets in trouble and causes headaches for her mums.
event by @endlessly-cursed
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