#i really am not kidding abou the over 200 drafts thing
agirlnamedhagrid · 1 year
people to get to know better
tagged by @kaylithographica (I think!?) ages ago. I’m just hugely terrible at doing these things. I have over 200 “drafts” in my account and I keep meaning to add my thoughts and responses to things and here we are.
Last Song:  “Wait in the Truck” by HARDY
Last Show:  The Recruit? I’m terrible at tracking when I have finished watching what things!  It’s a good show, but oh dear holy god it was tense. I had a friend suggest it because it was “funny” and let me just say that I think very few people with military/intelligence backgrounds (or who were raised by someone in that line of work) would ever find it funny. It was excellent character work, but also terrifying because I have plenty of cause to believe that very little of the supposedly made-for-TV “exaggerations” were actually, well, exaggerations. Again, great and interesting show, but I could only watch an episode or two at a time. I could not physically tolerate binging it.
Currently Watching:  Titans season 4. Literally just watched the first episode of this (final) season.
Currently Reading:  The Wicked King by Holly Black. I don’t often read YA fantasy anymore and I truly forget how hard YA authors go on the politics/cruelty aspect. I think it’s because they can’t lean into the super hot sex/intimacy you get in a lot of adult fantasy nowadays? Regardless, the book is excellent but I had to take a breather and read some cotton-candy adult romance after The Cruel Prince to reset myself for this one, lol.
Tagging (if you wanna):  I never know who to tag because I really am just screaming into the void, so inevitably I get tagged by the people I know first :P
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