#i really appreciate the county health department for their free vaccines tho. only good thing in this hell country
trickster-whim · 1 year
We went out to get some vaccines (TDaP and HPV bb) and stopped by Bookmans to see if they'd buy some of our books off us, and I also stumbled upon this girl in the toy section!
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I think she's ResinSoul or Bobobie Isabella, and she was $24 (before teacher discount) so obviously I picked her up. I like her handmade-looking faceup and eyes, and I was looking to get a RS/BBB this size. She needs a little cleaning up, and her stringing is so loose that she's basically a puppet, but hey, can't argue with the price.
My sister meanwhile found a dozen World of Darkness and Call of Cthulhu books, so today was a big day in terms of cool stuff bought.
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