#i really hope you find warm hearted friends soon 💞
fuwaprince · 6 months
i love you, my friend, and im really hoping things look up for you soon - you are so kind and i am sending you happy, warm, loving vibes every time youre on my dash - i hope you feel them sometimes ♡ at the very least, i hope you find reason to smile today, even if only a little ♡ you deserve nothing but joy and im so sorry for what you're enduring
My stomach is in knots and my heart feels awful rn.. thinking of you truly does give me a reason to feel better though. Thank you for sending me love and joy 🫂 holding onto that will make getting through this easier. I love you!!! 💞
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saintmarkovia · 2 years
Hello my dear, I am your new follower and first of all I wish you a happy and peaceful day 💙🌸 Frankly, I've been in love for a long time with someone I think I have a spiritual connection with. And this feeling and love both increase more and more as time passes, it changed a lot in me to love him, I turned into a brand new person, but this process was not easy, naturally, but fortunately, I am better now. I wonder if this bond, which I think is spiritual, is a one-sided illusion despite all the signs I got from him? Because I am sure that I am so enslaved to him that I want more to drink everything about his existence with my whole being and to be drunk with him at any moment. At first, I really tried to focus only on his bad sides and try to stay away, but inside me, it was as if his whole existence was scratching a wound that I could not understand. Still, love always prevailed despite all my efforts to hold back. I love him, no matter what, I can't change that anymore, he is the only person who makes the purpose of existence of the whole universe meaningful to me. I know I've taken it too long, but I can't stop myself, even if these feelings don't find a response in him (which is very likely), I will continue to love him. I have some reasons that it has a counterpart in it, but is there really such a depth as I suspect? Thank you for giving us this opportunity, take good care of yourself 🍇🌈💋
Hello! Thanks for following; I hope you’ll feel welcome here! I’ll be posting this publicly on my blog, but if you wish for it to be private instead just send me another message and I’ll be more than happy to share the reading in a private message instead. 💞
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Ten of Pentacles - Everything you need to feel happy and satisfied is in your grasp, you need only to embrace it. Searching in toxic places for fulfillment will not bring the warm safety that the Ten of Pentacles is referring to. Hold friends and family close to you right now. You hold the power to make the chokehold this person has on you melt away. Surround yourself with those who have proven to you that they have your best interest at heart. Perhaps things would have worked out with this person in the past, but this is now the beginning of a new chapter.
Page of Cups - Building on the previous card, the emotional and spiritual fulfillment you are seeking are out there, but I do not believe they lie with this individual. There’s something new coming soon, new opportunities for love, friendship, and creativity. You should attempt to break the chains that have made you enslaved to this person and head toward something more positive. At one point, there may have been a connection, but I sense that there are better and healthier things ahead for you. You’ve transformed once for this person, but now it’s time to transform again and thrive as your full self.
Ten of Swords - If you continue down this path instead of heeding the warning of the Page of Cups you will feel the heartbreak of the Ten of Swords. Remaining chained to the idea of this person will only bring you disappointment. We cannot change the past, only move forward. To dwell on what could have been with this person is already hurting you. It’s time to let go and free yourself from the pain of the swords. You have so much hope and love ahead of you if you gather the strength to move forward!
Addition: I’m also including the back of the deck energy after I shuffled.
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The Devil - This card showing up as the back of the deck energy is telling me that this obsession you have with the person you’ve loved is toxic in nature. It seems that they cannot provide what you want from them at this point in time. The Devil tells of misleading feelings and deception. Notice the imagery of chains in the card’s artwork. Resist the urge to give yourself over to someone who cannot share your connection. It will hold you back and lead you to the Ten of Swords.
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railroad-migraine · 2 years
God, can you just imagine how smug and amused Ashton would be realising someone has a crush on him?? And in comparison Dorian would get even more flustered by it than the person crushing on him???? My boys I love them :')
My favessss 🥰 I find it so hard to narrow down what I want in a partner omg. These two genasi are so different and yet I'm in love with both. I might make a "guess my type" post soon, let y'all help me XD
Happy Valentine's Day, my loves 💕 Whether you're happily single, ready to mingle, in a relationship or spending the day with friends, I wish you all clear skin, clear skies, and clear communication 💞
~ Poet
Realising Reader Has A Crush
Despite being so smug, Ashton was actually a bit slow with realising you had a crush on him. They genuinely thought you guys were just really close friends. Buddies. Amigos. Ride or dies.
And they were chill with that, but one day, and probably at the most inconvenient moment, it all just made sense his opalescent skull.
Ashton had fallen flat on their ass after a fight, so you held out a hand for him to take, helping them stand. He must've tugged a little too hard because in a blink of an eye, you guys clumsily stood with your chests pressed against each other and noses barely touching.
And they noted the way your body language stiffened, and how your eyes flitted from them to literally anywhere else, and then it all just clicked. You watched a slow smirk spread across Ashton's face, and you knew that there was no going back now.
Such a tease. Oh my gosh, you might be crushing on him, but sometimes you wanna just wipe that knowing smile off of their face. Gives you the slyest looks from across the table when the party are sharing drinks, making your face warm and heart flutter.
And he knows this and abuses this newfound 'power' they have over you. Pulls you into their side when introducing the party to new allies and such, leans in close when you're sharing info with the group, gives you pecks on your cheek to see you squirm etc etc~
Wants to hear it from you that you have a crush on him and boy oh boy, if you wait it out for ages before confessing there's just gonna be more teasing until Ashton has decided enough is enough
Literally dips you in the middle of a brawl, one strong arm supporting your back in a way that you arch into them, the other cradling your face so that he s m o o c h e s you, and damn him, you can feel that same smirk that's been taunting you for ages.
And the bandits you guys were fighting pause like "o h, are we- are we interrupting y'all?"
Will pull away and promptly continue to break shit and bonk your enemies, leaving you high and dry, trying to recover from the kiss, but damn they do look hot doing what they do best 💚
To be honest, he'd picked up on your crush fairly easy. Your soft, lingering touches and broader smiles directed at him... Anyone in the party could tell you were infatuated.
But sweet blue man was in complete denial, because what could you ever see in him pfffft, despite all the evidence of your romantic feelings for him were so obviously there.
But he didn't trust his judgement. He didn't want to assume you held him in that regard, in a romantic light. Even when Fearne oh so clearly spelt it out for him and Orym suggested that he try talk to you about it, he still wasn't convinced that he should confront you.
He didn't want to get his hopes up. Not with you. So when you approached him, his mind was running a mile a minute because it was too good to be true that this was actually happening. You stand before him, heart bare and vulnerable, and Dorian still can't believe his ears.
He tries to convince you that you are mistaken, holding his hands out to you in a defensive stance while chuckling nervously. He nearly stumbles as he backs away from you, and yet you continue to close the distance.
Bless this man. Take his face into your hands and cradle him as if he's as fragile as glass. You lean in until your foreheads gently press against each other. You can feel warmth radiating from him, his skin scalding to the touch. His cheeks flush as he looks away at something, anything, other than your face.
Tell him that you love him.
Simple as that.
As a bard, he lives and breathes poetry and flowery phrases. Give him reality, not fantasies that belong in songs, and he'll melt in your touch, a soft smile threatening his lips. He manages a hesitant laugh, and your voice joins him. It eases his nerves, despite his heart hammering in his chest.
He raises your knuckles to his mouth and he kisses them, and once he's done just please wrap your arms his neck and kiss him for real because wow this yearning is so darn sweet it hurts, and his eyes get a little glazed over and he insists he's not crying (okay maybe just a little), but he's grinning from ear to ear. And you're tempted to wipe his tears away and kiss that smile off his face.
So you do 💙
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Can I request prompt 15, 17, and 133 with Kakashi?🥺 Just all in one little Drabble/HC, whatever you choose!! I love your writing so much💞
When I was only starting this blog, I funnily expected far more requests with Kakashi. But I guess in the end nothing beats the Uchiha🤣. I also tried the first time Hc's for prompts since there were so many.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, stalking, paranoia, manipulation, sabotage, kidnapping, death, ropes
Prompt 15: “Shh princess…don’t cry over this scum, he doesn’t deserve your tears.”
Prompt 17: “You’ve been such a good girl lately. If you continue to behave so well, I might just reward you. Would you like that?”
Prompt 133: “I know the restraints must hurt you. Don’t worry, I’ll untie you as soon as I’m sure you won’t try to run away again from me.”
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📖Even if your relationship with Kakashi started with him keeping a friendly distance, once there has been this rush of his emotions you'll notice how he seems to become a more and more important part of your life. From a really close friend of yours to a lover with his own hard work, though gaining a crush on him makes things certainly easier. After all Kakashi is smart and informs himself, be that through him stalking his s/o or befriending her friends and family, slipping in questions on how he can get close. With his growing obession comes sadly also the growing need to protect you and get rid of everyone close to you. The ninja doesn't think of himself as a very bloodthirsty person nor someone to lose control quickly.
📖But when his darling suddenly came one day over to him, bloodshot eyes and tears wetting her cheeks,he panicked instantly on the inside. Letting his darling in and preparing her something to drink that will hopefully calm her down, asking with an almost perfectly calm voice what happened. Kakashi was always a good listener and someone who appeared to understand you, attributes you loved about this man. Only tightening ever so slightly his grip around his cup as he listened to your frustrated rambling of a man you had once called your friend, letting you severely down once again and yet always coming back to apologize and ask for your friendship. Someone who had been already on Kakashi's red list, categorizing this man as someone toxic who only used his precious darling.
📖Silent anger being hidden under a reassuring smile as he grabs your hands in his, squeezing them comfortably before pressing a few chaste kisses against your knuckles. "Shh princess...don't cry over this scum, he doesn't deserve your tears." This man ends up convincing his darling into staying with him for the rest of the day and maybe even the night, it's relatively easy for him to coax you in your currently saddened condition into not leaving, the need to protect and make the one he loves feel better winning over.His darling should find comfort with him, head cuddled on his chest and wrapped in a warm blanket whilst he has a warm and tight grip on her. For now he'll enjoy this, but your little 'friend' has to repay your kindness after using you already so often, Kakashi will make sure of it.
📖Naively believing him even after there were quite a few red flags during the relationship with him, eventually Kakashi snaps. And there are little to no signs for this, he doesn't have a loud outburst, even when his storm erupts he stays calm. His overprotectiveness eventually gets the better, beating every other rational thinking and he locks his darling away from the world. He has no ill intenions, but the sadness and pain of the loss of his father, comrades and sensei are itched into the very core of his heart, having left a sort of paranoia in regards of his love. Kakashi is sane enough to know that it would be rare for someone to just live with this, there will be some rebellion. Hoping you'll be a good girl is a bit stupid and he won't be manipulated, even if you pretend to be nice.
📖It leads to such humiliating and embarrassing situations, shackled and only able to lie on the bed, guarded properly by Kakashi after your most recent try to escape. Rather useless considering that he has his dogs who can easily track you down, not to underestimate his own skills as a former Anbu and talented shinobi either. It has to be quite angering, having to rely on him for everything during this time. Especially when he is feeding his darling, plate placed on his lap as he spoon-feeds you with a disturbingly normal look on his face. As if all of this is not wrong in his opinion. There was merely a sympathetic and slightly guilty-feeling look on his face when he noticed the slight twist of your face when the burning material rubbed painfully against your skin. "I know the restraints must hurt you. Don't worry, I'll untie you as soon as I'm sure you won't try to run away again from me."
📖Kakashi has patience yet you must never test those borderlines or otherwise Kakashi will see the need to bring up a few hidden aces in his sleeves. He keeps his promise though, freeing your sore wrists from the imprisonment of those burning ropes. But you'll never fully escape his watching eyes and the social deprivation the copy ninja brings upon you only worsens things, the only person around being the one who kidnapped you and his ninken. There is a slight reward system with Kakashi, good behavior is rewarded with little tastes of freedom and bratty actions are punished with deprivation of something that kept you entertained.
📖He might even treat his darling sometimes like a doll, like a fragile lovely doll when he feels in a certain mood. Babying his darling and doting a bit on them brings joy to him when he notices that you slowly start getting accustomed to him and the situation and he is dearly careful to not screw up now. Not when he slowly is able to lure his s/o to him, willingly. Even if his methods are not what others would call morals, he's happy once you slowly start returning his affection, hesitantly but visibly. The usual indifference he often carries around crumbles away the more obvious the lovely affections of his darling start getting through him, sincerely this time. "You've been such a god girl lately. If you continue to behave so well, I might just reward you. Would you like that?"
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keeper0fthestars · 3 years
I have only one question for you and that is the neighbor!Javi tag? 👀 Look, I’m not saying I clicked on the neighbor!javi vibes tag but that’s absolutely what I did.
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eeeee!!! 💛💕💛💞 lauren!! (hi ily, that gif is the best) I'm so excited you like those vibes! Please come yearn with me.
Warnings: smoking, alcohol, maybe some feelings
There’s more Kissing Strangers in the Dark ✨HERE✨
He finds you sitting alone on the front steps of the building late one night. You’re pleasantly buzzed after a rare night out with some friends.
Taking in your thin t-shirt and jeans, he wonders how long you’ve been out here and whether or not you realize you’re shivering. You’re not a smoker, but sometimes the situation calls for it, as he watches you grind your cigarette butt into the concrete beside you.
Looking up, you see those broad shoulders under the yellow street lamp. He looks unfairly handsome standing there with one hand on his hip in his leather jacket and jeans.
“Celebrating something?”
You shrug. “Something like that, yea.”
But he recognizes that look. Tonight, you’re drinking to forget.
You ask him to join you and he does, sitting down close enough to bump your shoulder and oh, he’s warm. It takes all your self control to ignore the blissful heat bleeding through his jacket and offer him a cigarette instead.
“Only if you’re having one too, cariño.”
“Y’know, one of these days I’m gonna ask you what that means?”
His mouth twitches and you are rewarded with an amused huff that instantly lights you up inside and it gives you the fleeting sense that’s exactly what he wants. But that thought is immediately derailed because nothing, nothing, prepares you for that dimple and oh god, your heart wants to lift right out of your fucking chest knowing you just erased the permanent scowl from Javier Peña's mouth.
The leather of his jacket creaks as he accepts a cigarette from your wrinkled package. He produces a lighter from his pocket, not giving you a chance to dig for the one in your bag. Calloused fingers gently cup your cheek to light yours before his own.
If you keep your eyes on the curb long enough, maybe your head will clear and you can forget about how his single touch sent your head soaring. How his hand lingered on your cheekbone a beat longer than necessary, how his knee still rests against yours like he wants it there on purpose.
So focused on your trembling hands and traitorous pulse, you don’t even notice what he’s doing until engulfing warmth settles over your shoulders.
Leaving the cigarette perched between his lips, he’d slipped his arms out of his jacket and draped it across your shoulders.
You try not to melt under its comforting weight, but it’s no use. Hopefully he doesn’t notice how your eyes slide closed, how you tuck your chin into the collar, inhaling the faint scent of cologne and him.
All at once you remember your manners and thank him.
“You shouldn’t be out here by yourself.”
“I’m not,” your words feel shaky when they leave your mouth, and you tell yourself it’s from the alcohol still in your veins and not the care in his voice. “You’re here.”
I want to thank you for sending me this ask!!! You completely made my day and I really hope to have more for you soon— xx💓
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pettyboy · 6 years
Keenan i just want you to know i'm going through a similar thing. i only talk about my problems with my best friend and even though i have couple of people i hang out with in uni, they are not that close with me. i like being alone but not all the time.i feel like i'm missing out on so many things because of not having friends. i hope one day i'll find an amazing group of people and i hope you will too. you're not alone
putting this in a readmore bc i rambled too much !!!
me too!! i’ve felt all this time that i’ve been missing out on so much bc of not having any proper friends. there’s so many things i want to do & experience but i just haven’t gotten the chance to do so. i see so many people having fun with their friends and in their own little groups and i want the same!!!!! i hate admitting it but part of why i moved away from using snapchat and instagram is because those apps were so heavily social.. everywhere i’d just see ppl having genuine fun, going out, doing lovely things together & it just used to upset me so much knowing that i’m trying to have that but i cant lol.. i see so many ppl talking about their groupchats, having fun in them but i’ve really never experienced that, idk what its like to have genuine friends in a groupchat who spam it bc they’re having so much fun, or when they come up w nicknames for you and then it’s like a little inside joke amongst everyone!!! it’s so lovely & it warms my heart so much when people talk about it bc they’re sooo excited abt it all & i genuinely feel happy for them but a small part of me feels so sick bc i’ve been Trying to have that for so long but i dont have it!!! omg i remember when angie invited me to her friend’s birthday party, all of her friends were so lovely, they were genuinely kind hearted people & it was such a pleasing experience to be around them. i remember when we were all sitting down and playing a game, i saw angie’s face and she was glowing with this light, she was genuinely so happy & i don’t think i’ve ever seen her face like that. her face just told me that she was so happy to be around her friends because she was having a genuinely good & fun time around them. it made me feel so warm inside and i just remember going to myself “wow i’m literally so lucky” but a few moments later i honestly felt so crushed because i’ve never known what it was like to experience the same emotion that she did.. i really wanna know what it’s like to have friends who just make ur heart so soft like that!!!!!!! everyday it kinda just is at the back of my head, i keep thinking to myself “WHEN!!!!” so honestly i hope we all find amazing kind friends soon!!!!!
and ya i am fine with being by myself but !!! it just kinda sucks u know, to wanna experience these things so badly but u cant!!!! god i’ve talked so much asdjkfds i genuienly dont think ive expressed this much emotion on this godforesaken website ever since my relationship with jessica ended omgggggggggg who remembers that jskdhfadshdfsj
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