#i really like posion/affection :D!!
tsunagite · 1 year
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Poison AND÷OR Affection in Phigros now!!
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the-romantic-lady · 3 years
I've seen some people commenting that Richard III wasn't as faithful to Anne Neville as many historians say because one of his children was conceived after his relationship with her, but I've only found one source, who is not very trustworthy, saying that. What do you think? How do you think their relationship was like? It's so sad that we don't know more about her, but they seemed pretty close.
Personal relationships are always hard to read into. So we know that Richard III had two illegitimate children. John and Katherine. Katherine was married in 1484 but it is unclear if she was old enough to be bedded (14) so we can't exactly assume her birth year. I would assume she probably was but Richard was king so I could see the Earl of Pembroke trying to marry her no matter the age. Hard to say. John was made Captain of Calais and given all powers of it except for appointing officers until he was 21. So we know he was younger than 21 but that should be given considering Richard would have to be 11 at the time of John's conception then. So basically we know nothing about their mother or their birth years.
One of Richard's older brothers Edmund Earl of Rutland was appointed Lord Chancellor of Ireland at the age of 8. However he was given deputies to carry out the duties. John of Gloucester was not. So we can assume he might older that 12 to be given as much responsibility as he was? He was knighted in 1483 and interestingly most boys were around 15 or 16 when they were knighted. But Richard himself was knighted at the age of 9 so who knows. In my opinion, both Katherine and John must have been around 14-16. That adds up with them being born around 1468-1470 which was around the time, he was young and single. It makes sense. I think most historians accept this.
However, I too have read some historians bring up more possibilities. One of the things is that if Richard did have bastards whilst he was with Anne, we would hardly know. Most illegitimate children became apparent once they got older and they would have been quite young. One of my friends who is a historian speculates that Richard possibly had an affair with one of his best friend's sister. Now hear me out since it makes a lot of sense.
So this woman name Frideswide Norris was the sister of Francis Lovel, Richard's best friend. He gave her money for "special considerations". We could say that was because she was his friend's sister. Ok fine. But then around Easter 1484, he granted an annuity of 100 marks which is A LOT of money. Then in January 1485, she gave birth and he doubled that amount. If a child was born in January, they would likely be concieved around Easter. Interestingly, this was also around the time that rumours of his affair with his niece spread around. So it suggests that he might have been engaging in extra marital affairs. Their son, Edward, passed away on Easter 1484 (coincidence?) and then Anne become ill around Christmas 1484.
My theory is that after their son passed, Richard and Anne drifted apart. The Croyland chronicle indicates how devasted they were and how later, many would hear the King and Queen quarrelling. Ofc, this was taken out of proportion later to suggest that Richard would "posion her with words". But I assume that their relationship was falling apart. So its possible that after their son's death, Anne and Richard lost the affection and Richard sought it elsewhere. Maybe around Christmas, he told her and that contributed to her getting worse. And around that same time, some speculated that Richard was sleeping with his niece possibly because he was sleeping around. It seems to add up.
But one thing to note is the shock many chroniclers had at these suggestions. I can't remember which one but he says that the King's physicians told him to not sleep with the Queen. Which meant that he mostly did sleep with her. Also, they really stuck together. And Richard's bastard children might have been raised at Middleham where Richard and Anne lived. She must have been forgiving to allow that. And their marriage was self-determined on both sides (Anne actually chose to marry Richard regardless of the reason).
To put all this together, this is my picture of it. They had affection and respect for each other. After Richard found Anne "trapped" under his brother, he put her in sanctuary for her to make her decision. Ofc, she would love to marry the brother of the King (a duke) and make claim to her share of her inheritance. So they marry for mutual benefits and live a calm life in Middleham. They seemed equally religious and an intelligent couple. And then in 1483, the test comes for their relationship. At this point, I think their relationship lost the stability and thus the need to be with each other. And so Richard began sleeping around and rumors of his affair with his niece spread. Their marriage was more or less over. Unfortunately, Anne died and I am sure that must have been a blow to him. But like every other relationship, it must have been complicated but I am sure that he loved her. He had respect for her and stayed by her for a long time. They had one son and clause of divorce when they married but he stuck with her. The last few years of both their lives must have been hell and I am sure that reflected on their relationship.
But you know, what's most telling for me? That when Anne was sick and on her deathbed, he stayed with her. He did no official business (he was king!) and stayed by her. They both liked reading so I am sure, he sat by her bedside and read to her. His time was for her and this indicated love to me. Love is more than sex (especially since sex was viewed as a necessity for young noblemen rather than its associations with love that we have now) and even if he cheated on her, the fact that he valued her enough to give her time amongst the chaos of kingship indicates to me that he loved her. If not as a wife but as a friend and companion for sure. I find it quite poignant that he never visited the place where she died once he left because he died only 5 months after her.
This is way too long lol. But I love speculating on medieval romantic relationships. Its fun :D and so thought provoking.
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iloveepinkandkadi · 7 years
11 questions tag game
I was tagged by @ninis-chicken-soo and @kaidonutsuniverse 👀 Thank you !!! ;) 😘
Rules: Answer 11 questions from the person who tagged u, then write ur own 11 questions!
First @ninis-chicken-soo‘s questions :
1) Favorite pizza topping? I dont have a favourite but mmm cheese ahaha i love cheese :D
2) Favorite TV show? I dont watch TV 😂
3) Favorite EXO song? Ughh i can’t choose but i love what if, white noise and hurt so much
4) Are you the big spoon or little spoon when cuddling in bed? It changes so both 
5) Who was your first crush? A guy from high school. I thought he is cool but then i saw he was an asshole..pff
6) What was the best dream you ever had? Mmmmm i can’t remember my dreams well but i think i remember a dream of mine because it affected me. I’ve always wanted a sibling no matter it’s a boy or girl but it didnt happen. I once saw my mom pregnant and she told me she is expecting a baby boy and she looked so happy. I was so happy too idk but it was a nice dream for me. It was a long time ago.. 
7) Any weird habbits? I don’t have a weird habbit. I have habits but i dont think they are weird so i dont have to share i guess :’D
8) What do you think about yourself? I’m so emo and sensitive. I care  too much and it hurts me sometimes. Other than this no matter what kind of person i am I learnt to love myself like that because God created me like this..
9) If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? I would put some love to some people’s hearts.. Because there is too much violence and evilness in this world. *sigh*
10) Do you have a daily makeup routine? Ahaha i love make up so much, can’t lie but i don’t do a heavy make up. I use some bb cream, eye shadow, eyeliner, blush, highlighter, and lipstick. Oppss is this too much? 👀
11) If you could say something to your bias, what would it be? I would tell Kaisoo that i love them so much and i support them no matter what. And also i would tell them they are doing great. I would tell Soo that he is an amazing singer and actor and i would tell Jongin that he is an amazing dancer and he is doing great job in acting too.
Now @kaidonutsuniverse‘s questions :
1. Tell me what will you do if you were oh great sèhun of exö? Ahahahahahaha i would be a good kid who showers his hyungs with love lol And also i would try modelling and acting career too beside exo activites. And i would give up giving spoilers :D
2. What’s the book you went absolutely jackshit crazy and why, and send me the book. ;) ( Don’t really send me the book) - Mmmm i don’t understand what jackshit means ( omg ahaha ) but i love classics for example Great Expectations ,The Lord Of The Flies or Shakespeare’s masterpieces. And also Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns and The Kite Runner really affected me so much. These books are fantastic! I will read “And The Mountains Echoed” too! Ah i also love Stephen King’s Novels :D
3. When and how did you create your blog? What are your intentions behind your url? * Investigation mode* - Mmmmm am a kaisoo stan since nearly 3 years. I was following some good kaisoo blogs and then i thought why i don’t have my own blog so i created this blog in May 2017. I chose this url because i love pink and also i love kaisoo too.
4. Can you cook? Whats the best food you can make? Show me evidence of anyone who ate and praised it. (Lol ignore everything after can you cook) - I can cook and i don’t have a specific food in which i’m good at making but i can tell my chicken recipes are delicious :D ( according to my friends and families of course hehe)
5. Tell me a fond childhood memory, you cherish alot. Ughh i remember a memory but it’s a bad memory tbh *sigh* i had two chicks when i was child. They were all fluffy and cute. I would run in the house they they would chase me :’) Then they grew up and we decided to put them in a cage on the neighbour’s garden. The neighbour and we would take care of them there. There were also other chicks too. But ..... at one night some dogs came in the garden, opened the cage and suffocatd them *sigh* and left the chicks like that on the ground! Sorry it wasn’t a happy memory but i couldn’t forget it. I remember i really cried hard..
6. Tell me what will you do, if you can be invisible for like 10 mins. - I didn’t think that before but i guess I would walk around even at a late time ahahaha 
7. What’s the grossest food you ever ate? - Mussels :D once i liked them but then i had food posioning because of them so they look gross to me now ahaha
8. List the best and worst thing about yourself, and why do you think so - Mmm best thing abt me is i am patient and calm. I mean i dont get furious easily . worst thing is i’m caring too much and i’m sensitive. And i can’t say no to people and i’m being too nice sometimes :D
9. What if you wake up on the exactly opposite co-ordinates of where you are now. Where will you be? (Like take 180 around the globe) - it would be shocking at first and it would take too much time for me to get used to. I would go insane maybe and idk where i will be mmm..
10. Which animal you want to be if you can just turn into one this second, depending on your mood. - I wanna be a bird.. Free like a bird 
11. Describe any of your firsts, like something you did for the first time ever. Like drinking milk when you were born, but you don’t remember it so cross that, and pull out something. - mmm i remember the first time i took alcohol it was 2 years ago and it was wine but i spitted it out immediately lol. I remember my first cigaratte was also 2 years ago ahahaha i would smoke before but i gave up later. And i had my first girlfriend :’) <3
Thank u so much for tagging me, it was fun :) <3
Mmm now my questions.
1. When did you start to believe and support Kaisoo?
2. How did you got into Kpop and when did you become an Exol ?
3. Tell me sth you find attractive and unattractive on a person.
4. If you would have three wishes you can make real immediately what would they be?
5. Tell me a crazy or an embarrassing memory of yours.
6. Are you an intovert and extrovert? Why?
7. What is your favourite food and favourite dessert?
8. Do you prefer “cute” or “sexy”? Why?
9. Tell me about your favourite movies.
10. Tell me the Kpop groups you like the most if you have any.
11. And describe yourself with a word.
My questions are not creative and so boring i know *sigh* but anyway :D I’ll tag @thiccxing, @kaibaklavasoo, @strivingwaytofar , @wakawaka33, @mym8812 , @chinashio16, @softkadi, @inarichi, @kyungsootrash120, @honeykadi, @ilikechimchimnuggets, @ibreathekaisoo, @mygaydardoesntlie, @baozinoodle , @kaisoounderground, @chocoberry-dream, @tipahnoona, @deathbykaisoo , @k-craze , @ninis-nose, @yehet-ed , @kaidoscopes, @knitti-minaj, @livinka-n-diland and other friends who wants to do this.
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koojiru0-blog · 7 years
OKAY MEN! I get it...
I get it cys men who feel like youre being oppressed. Change is scary I know, imagine living your whole life in trauma and then suddenly it all disappears. So yeah I fucking get that change is scary. But when it comes to feminisim, our goal is not total world domination, our goal is equal rights. It may seem like we want to take over but AHAHAHAHA.HAHAHAHA.HAHA. no....No not quite right. I feel like it's because we're mad though that you're scared, it's a lot of anger to deal with I mean generations of women standing together yelling our truths. You have to face facts though, we ARE angry and rightly so. We still ne d feminisim and don't tell me that's bull with stats like 2/3 women IN CANADA yes guys, OUR WORLD are raped. And there's a whole culture around it to, I'm sure your well aware thanks to some of my angrier sisters. The culture basically says she wanted it because x bs excuse to not face reality. Things like "well she was talking to him! In THAT outfit she was being a tease" which can fuck you up BELEIVE ME. Let me break it down for you here... If that happens to women, then rape culture is a feminist issue... "But what about male survivors?!" God I can hear you from here stfu and listen, yes male survivors exist and think, the victim blamings worse therefore men are also victims of rape culture and rape culture is a feminist issue. See what I did there? Yeah, were also fucking fighting for your rights. Beyond that though, there are still bigots out there who believe women's places are in kitchens pregnant and bare foot, yeah even in my own fair city somewhere in Canada. Weird right? Because the guys I'm talking to here wouldn't say that whole heartedly, you bigots can do/say what ever I've already dubbed your views invalid ^^. Anyways so while those men exist, dating your sisters, mother's, aunts, friends, women you love you're freaking about US taking over? Um HULLO! We STILL can't because those men are very capable of reaching positions of power (I hate to beat a dead horse but Donald Trump, nuff said) while we're still kinda laughed at and sexualized when we do that shit cause isn't it true that women in power just want a man to imasculate them right? NO and the fact that we even view power as masculine is in itself messed up I think. So those are some examples, of our need for feminisim but not all and aside the rape culture point kinda weak I get that. Why though? I'm assuming, (ass.u.me) that's because of the women who claim to be feminists but in reality aren't educated in the ways they are oppressed, like thinking grass in a sports stadium is a need to address RIGHT NOW! And while fake grass for women and real grass for men IS indeed a tad unfair THAT parts not the issue. The issue behind that that I can see? Is fake grass is cheaper, and there's some joke that goes around a lot that women's sports aren't as popular as men's. Less popularity less funding that's how the world works (sometimes even popular doesn't get funding but that's my own personal shit) and even that's not exactly the problem it's far from the money. Why are women's sports so unpopular compared to men's? There's my issue I feel. I can hear the snickers and snarky comments about women's sports now, and you're only further proving my point while you do that. If you didn't? Awesome we might get along. I personally can only guess but it's like since when have we taken many female athletes seriously? Aside the ones who play in.....MEEENS LEEEAAAUUUGGGEEESSS~ yup, that's the only time I've seen a female athelete get the same respect as a man, when she reaches manly state. If you don't see it, then I pity your delusional ass. Finally, before I stop, kinda being an angry bitch (but I'm sorry it's hard to not become one when you remember all the things we need to work on here at home for women's rights) Men reading, no I'm not going to be snarky this time: What did you do this morning to make sure you could protect yourselves today on outtings? I'll tell you what I do, I tell my boyfriend where I'm going, the time I should be there, when I'm coming home and when I should arrive. I also took some self defense classes, I have tips to scare off a predetor, I have been taught what is an effective weapon and what is not (keys fyi ladies? *Shakes head* unless you get lucky aren't actually effective self defense tools, also weapons that can be turned against you like knives aren't so spectacular either unless you KNOW YOUR SHIT). I even had to go as far as to stay close to any glass things with alarms like store Windows, car windows, I was given a whistle once....So amazing to live in sketchy nabourhoods I swear. But unfortunately for us a sketchy situation could pop up anywhere, some guy you meet up and agree to have sex with, your boyfriend, relative, basically anyone who could be in a position of power over you. This also includes other women, sadly I'm aware of that. And I don't know what the rates are for men, unfortunately that info is scarce but I do know a decent number of men who've faced sexual harassment or exploitation or assault you name it it can happen to men too. But like I said, feminisim took over that cause, so many years ago because we got sick of staying scilent. And I'm aware that we had enough power to stand up and speak out with our hearts, souls and minds but we had to band together to do it. And I'm also aware that men face issues like "I'm a man's man, I don't cry unless I absolutely can't hold back, and I am strong! I am a leader I don't have time to be sad or scared" (like seriously?! Who the fuck can sanely live up to that if they face mental health issues, abuse, general build ups of stress? No wonder you're all flipping). However, men have been in positions of power for a very long time. Don't even get me started on that downfall for Canada, I could go on forever dad's half Inuit. Anyways that's a fact, you know it, I know it anyone who's aware of history within someone's life span. Like there are people who are still alive who could tell you what it was like during their life, what they heard from others about days even before them. And it was very male centric. Male leaders everywhere, women on the sidelines somehow even in many movies today you see the MAN take over and save the day or the woman's doing things for a man all the time generally talking about a man etc. I saw a ted talks that asked some questions, I don't remember them all or word for word, but it was a man with daughter's talking. He basically talked about how a lot of a woman's role in media is tied to a man, even when she's supposed to be the hero. Men in media don't always have love interests correct? Sometimes he'll fuck a few though but he's not always romantically tied down. Women always seem to be. Catnis, Pocahauntus, Harley Quinn (granted she's a villian but she's also a powerful woman no doubt), ugh! I forget her name but the lady from gaurdians of the galaxy...I could go on. I mean there ARE a handful of female hero's or stars who are simply hero's or stars on their own accord like Mulan....Uhm.......*blinks*...... ...... Wow okay really thought I had more....Jesus wtf. =_=. Anyways my main point IS this. Feminisim isn't just for women power, though it has fem in it, it's become an equal rights issue based off women's issues but had branches in everything. Our very birth or death could be dictated by a man who either wanted or didn't want us. We could be fatherless because of this and that affects us all for sometime at least (if you did have that experience and it still hurts I'm sorry, I was there too, but I can promise one day you'll wake up and it won't matter. I don't know when that is but I know it's possible). If women's emotions are irrational, then any emotions beyond anger men feel is too (remember I made that point?) And, women, men, non-binary, whoever you are, it's well known that suppressing emotions can have adverse affects. Not just mentally though but physically (I was taught to be manly in order to establish my independence, gotta love old school feminisim. I now have a fucked up heart beat though it's not dangerous it's a product of hiding my anxieties for so long. I recently almost developed an ulcer due to suppressing my emotions and I've read multiple times from multiple educated sources that this is possible). Everything that keeps us down or hurts us feminisim wants to rise above or against depending on what's needed. Because we all got sick of being shoved down for centuries, we got sick and fucking tired of watching people we love get affected by these oppressive systems. And there are men out there I applaud for getting this. Men who saw the reality unfortunately like my own biological father, my adoptive grandfather, my own boyfriend now (though he's weired out by this post heh ^^; meh that's fine disagreements not so bad as long as intent is pure I suppose). They all know how women can be oppressed and why we need equality. Yet sadly they don't know how feminisim can help them too, how it's for them and their sons as much as their daughters. Think of it like this, if men cant show female emotions which are, actually simply human not restricted to women, then their only outlet becomes agressive and dominating. You become someone you never thought you'd be when shit hits the fan I know this because again I was also held to male standards. You don't want to but you aren't given any other option because "weakness and vunrability are dangerous things" cause who knows how far someone would go to take advantage of that. Things like crying or talking about it are signs of weakness. Expressing it is being vunrable. However, if you're in the right setting it's quite the opposite, that's a lesson I learned from women. If you're in a safe place, it can give you strength and power, it can ignite the flame once lost and put a bounce back into your step because it's no longer posioning you slowly from within. We are aware we need to value men too and that means letting men be human. Feminisim is about all of this, we can't do this alone like I said before. Hell we only got this far cause men who got this to some degree helped us too. They listened and agreed it wasn't right that we had no say in our government. Even today I'm held and agreed with that what happened to me, what happens to 2/3 women here at home isn't okay and it's bullshit that reporting is so hard. Without the support of loving caring smart guys, we may have just been swallowed up by it, just as you're being swallowed up by this restriction of how a man needs to be. It's been a team effort all around so don't let the whiney ones sway your view on feminisim, it's not about fake grass, or clapping, or domination (or making bread out of your own yeast.....*goes green*). Hell it ain't about rights to party either (heh nabours 2 is fucking great I do recommend). It's about all of us and how this rigid unwritten rules of society make us sick Thanks if you read this all ^^ especially to the dudes who did even after I kinda went all snarky ^^; like I said, kinda stems from a jaded place because of injustice from my own life too. Have a great weekend!
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