#i really like the green highlights and Sukuna’s fingers
lavenderjewels · 9 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Spoilers
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Sukuna possessing Megumi for JJK volume 25!
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dilfhos · 1 year
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#!WHO; Sukuna the demon ft. GOJO.
#!CC: deadoves! no warning. MDNI. [read the tags on original knktbr fic. this is still dc.]
note: soo, ive been craddlin’ this baby since 2019, only recently deciding to add Sukuna and Gojo. very begrudgingly posting it here, however i will not be updating if this flops. ik how tumblr is with long fics/series—unfair. so if you’re interested lmk or else you can read on my ao3 !!
You arrive at the old Kaisen house, adoring the scene. The demon sets his sights on you.
WC. 3.8k+
[I.] [II] [III.] | KINKTOBER ‘23 | plz reblog if you enjoyed, id love to reach an audience!
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“We’re here,” Your eyes fluttered open, the sun rays spilling into your vision as you stirred awake. Beside you was your best-friend, Gojo Satoru, sitting back, his hand tugging at the hem of his damp shirt. You looked over at him then forward through the front window, met with an old gate. Behind it was the house, large in stature and almost intimidating as it stood in front of the afternoon sun, casting long shadows along the lawn.
“Looks like the gate is—”
“I got it!” You interrupted eagerly, unbuckling your seatbelt and leaping out the car. You made your way towards the gate, unlatching the metal and pushing it open. You then stood, admiring the house further.
It was a beautiful old giant, its Victorian style exterior being the highlight of it all. You glanced around you, noticing how the rest of the street seemed almost separated from your patchy plot of land. As if the neighboring houses were trying to get away. Segregated from the quaint smaller houses filled with decored and neat lawns, was your new home.
You made a motion towards the car, prompting Satoru to reach and grab the bag that held your prized item. You took your camera and eagerly paced back and forth near the entrance until you found a good spot to take a photo.
Yeah, there would be plenty of pictures in the future. The house was even more beautiful through the lens as you snapped a couple. In front of the house to the left was a large tree, nearly scarce of green leaves as it added more touch of age to the scene.
“How long are you going to be out there?” Satoru called, an arm draped over the open window. You could hear a tinge impatience in his tone but you didn’t move yet.
“Sorry! I’m coming!”
He sighed, leaning his head back against the headrest, fingers strumming against the wheel. A thin coat of sweat beaded along his skin, slicking his white locks down against his forehead.
This house really gave him the creeps. He understood you wanted to get away from everything but he didn’t think it would go this way.
A couple months ago, he had visited you in the city and was surprised by the fact that you were wanting to move out. Not just out of the apartment but out of the entire area. You told him you wanted a change in pace, in scenery. To quit your current job for the time being and just be at peace. He honestly thought you were out of your mind but after coming to terms with how that life was treating you, he supported the decision. He was your best friend, he would always support your decisions, even the…bold ones.
His eyes scanned the surroundings.
This part of town was quietly tucked in the country and had plenty of beautiful places to photograph and “run through fields” as he put it. Given the little population and even fewer vacancies, there weren't any options to live except for the old manor a little bit on the edge of town.
Being protective, Satoru didn’t waste time in Shadowvale’s research and made privy to the stories but he didn’t believe them. It was just a silly ghost legend made up by the oldheads to spook outsiders and the younger generations. But it didn’t stop him from telling you about them.
Being much like your friend to find the story silly, you laughed it off, ecstatic that you would finally be moving. And he wasn’t that far of a drive from you so he supposed it was fine.
Satoru watched as you finally circled back to the passenger side, eyes down on the camera screen. You got in, sighing at the gust of cool air. The car began moving again as it crept forward past the gate and along the dirt path that led up to the large house.
“Get any good shots?”
“Yes! It’s more beautiful through the lens than in person. And the way the light was hitting it…” Satoru smiled as he listened to you excitedly fill him in as if he could understand a half of what you were talking about.
. . .
“What is in here? ” Satoro croaked, nearly collapsing on the porch. He had one of your boxes in his arms, stumbling toward the door. Following close behind him was you with another box. You rested a foot upon the first step of the porch, ignoring the stressed creak it brought.
“Just clothes?” You honestly didn’t know. It could have been anything really and as far as you knew, it wasn’t even heavy. He probably just wanted something to complain about.
“They feel like bowling balls,” He sat the box down in the foyer, swiping at sweat that began to bead down his temple. You rolled your eyes as you followed behind him placing the box on top.
The sky was beginning to darken, more clouds obscuring the afternoon sky. Shadows seemed to appear in the dimness, warping spindly shapes across the lawn. The thicker clouds that seemed to come out of nowhere loomed over the countryside with promises of rain in the night.
You shivered, arms pricking in goosebumps as you crossed the threshold, placing down another box. It seemed so cold all of a sudden, a stark contrast to how it was nearly an hour ago when your clothes were practically melting against your skin. You jumped when you felt a firm hand grip your shoulder.
“Woah, jumpy already?” Satoru grinned, pinching your cheek. “If you’re gonna chicken out, tell me now so I won’t have to load the rest.”
“You’re just trying to get out of work, Gojo,” You playfully shoved his arm and made your way back to the car. The only thing that remained was your television, propped up at an odd angle because of its large size. The trek to the house was awkward with the screen nearly bigger than you, but you made it, sitting the appliance against the wall of the foyer.
At least the chill was gone, after having broken another sweat. You watched from the doorway as Satoru closed all of the doors. Once more, your eyes ventured up towards the sky, another shiver running down your spine.
“You okay?” He questioned, making his way towards the door. You nodded, stepping back to allow him inside before closing the door.
Sukuna’s canines were made visible as his malicious grin widened, stretching inhumanly against his face. Raven spikes jutted out every which way, a part only tamed enough to fall before his striking crimson eyes as he looked over the railing of the staircase. He ran a clawed finger teasingly over the wood, always touching but never feeling.
The demon licked his lips slowly, his intense gaze catching you and the way you ran your hands along your arms in the foyer. His claws began to strum lightly against the wood as he continued to watch you with focus.
You walked further into the house, in awe at how spacious the interior was. To your right was a winding staircase, leading up to what looked to be a balcony. Unaware of the demonic presence, your eyes linger in the place he stood before moving on to your left.
The foyer spilled into a wide den, already furnished with a couch and a couple love chairs covered in plastic. The plastic crinkled under your touch as your fingertips ran along the surface of the couch, seeking out small holes and other old looking stains.
Everything had an antiquated touch to it and you wondered how long the house had been standing, abandoned by its previous owners.
Your eyes wandered to the fireplace on the far end of the living room. The entrance was gated with a rusting metal. You squatted down, fingers running along the rough bricks. Frowning at the dust that gathered on your skin, you straightened, rubbing your hands against your jeans.
From the balcony, the demon had the perfect view of you. So curious, eyes darting around only to pause and inspect something of little significance just for you to do it all again. He watched as you made a circle around the den, studying everything your greedy eyes took in as if the sight were new.
“Gojo?” You called, making your way back towards the boxes.
Was that what the other one was called? Frankly, he couldn’t bother to care as he’d already signed off on him. He’d make a decent meal though.
“Yeah!” Satoru responded from the kitchen. You peered in that direction for a few seconds waiting for him to emerge. Rolling your eyes, your attention returned to the box you were squatted in front of.
“Don’t go running off. You still have to help me,” You whined, hands rummaging through the cardboard. Empty handed, you flipped over the flaps to a nearby box, doing the same thing.
“This sink doesn’t work! It's like… stuck or something,”
“Just leave it before you break it more. I’ll call someone tomorrow.” You shouted, standing up. You sighed, stretching as your little fingers wiggled upwards. Sukuna watched unmoving as you stretched, eyeing a brief sight of your tummy.
Those were a lot of boxes. Not the occasional suitcase or makeshift plastic bags he usually saw with squatters.
So you were moving in. He chuckled darkly.
He actually couldn’t determine if you were stubborn or just plain stupid. You probably thought that nothing existed beyond your little mortal realm, that no outworldly dangers could harm you.
The small chuckle developed into a much throatier laugh, the noise disappearing into nothing. He was about to disappear before his attention snapped back towards you, his hands gripping the peeling wood of the banister almost painfully as he leant over the bar.
You had gasped, his ears picking up on the familiarity of sound, quickly identifying it as surprise. Fear? Sukuna watched in intrigue as your eyes darted around for the source, only briefly ghosting over the place he stood. He remained frozen, holding his breath as you looked right through him.
You could’ve sworn you heard laughter. The floorboards creaked beneath your feet as you walked around, trying to strain your ear for whatever you heard.
“Toru?” Maybe he was on the phone or something.
Unfortunately for you, that second was all it took for the demon to be immediately interested in you.
For decades, he remained rooted to this cursed plot after his grisly death with the inability to be seen, felt, and most definitely heard. He only controlled the physical realm which made for a lot of entertaining nights for whoever dared to trespass. Not to mention he was granted his demonic familiars. They had no intelligence but it kept him company, he supposed. Less lonely being evil if he’s surrounded by the very essence.
But something about that little gasp as if you heard something illogical... It made him lick his lips, something dark and enticing settling into the pit of his stomach. His mind was racing with new fun and exciting things he wanted to do with this information.
Satoru finally emerged from the kitchen, his shirt spotted in darkness, hair dripping in water. You took one look at his disgruntled form and bursted out laughing, immediately forgetting about the noise you heard.
“Its funny that your new sink is janked up?”
“Janked up?” His seriousness only made it funnier. He sucked his teeth and made his way towards the boxes, hastily searching for a towel.
“What were you...even doing...in there?” You said in between giggles. He only ignored you as you wiped away the wetness that gathered in your eyes.
“Are you done?” He deadpanned. You nodded with a smile. He only scoffed before he started to bring out contents from one of the boxes. You then took your place next to him, sorting through the items.
“Hey, what was funny earlier?” You cut through the silence.
“What do you mean?” He crinkled his forehead.
“You were laughing at something. Did Suguru send a dumb meme or something?” You giggled. Your face only fell at his response.
“I wasn’t laughing and I haven’t spoken to him since last Tuesday.”
Little words were exchanged as he helped you unpack. He was probably still upset. After a while, you grew bored and wanted to venture around. Even though you’d already seen the house on the tour, you were itching to do something. Standing up, you brushed off your hands, attention venturing to the staircase balcony.
“Hey, I’m gonna go check out the rooms upstairs,” A simple grunt was made as Satoru looked towards you.
“I’m not getting paid to do this!” He shouted as you began your trek. You smiled, calling back, “The unwavering devotion to the best friend in the entire world should be enough to start right?”
Upon going up, you felt a weird chill and found yourself turning towards the wall. You paused midway, eyeing the surface where you saw what was assumed to be a large painting or portrait.
You couldn’t really tell with the dingy cloth that covered it. Your fingers itched to tear away the cloth to reveal what was underneath but you didn’t. This was just one of the many things left behind by the last owners and you felt if you did, it'd somehow be disrespectful. You should call the realtor to inquire about possibly having some of the stuff taken out of the house.
“Hey, I’m going to step out for a bit, I need some air,” Satoru called from the doorway, suddenly feeling nauseous. You leaned over the wooden balcony, amazed at how high you were. After waving him off, he walked out, the door creaking shut behind him and you turned, facing the hallway.
The way you stood there was kind of enticing, especially with the way your eyes darted around with that same greedy look he noticed before. But something else was mixed with it, Sukuna noticed.
He could sense it in the way you tensely rocked on the balls of your feet, looking between the few rooms that lined the dark hallway. Sukuna stood at the very end on the hall, leaning against the peeling door with arms crossed, watching for your next move. He really wanted you to walk his way so he could get a taste of that nerve-racked aura but much to his dissatisfaction, you chose the first room on the left.
It was fine, he could be patient. He only had the rest of his eternal death.
With a menacing grin, his form shivered, bending into the light until he was gone.
. . .
Even though you’d seen the rooms on the tour, viewing them again took your breath away once more in how spacious it was. Every part of the house exuded mystery and refinement. The bathrooms had surprised you the most; one being nearly as big as the bedroom, having room for a large claw-footed bathtub, a shower, plus two sinks. Giving one last look, you decided that it did pair nicely with the room attached. As expected, the large king-sized bed was still there, neatly made. Deciding to exit out the bedroom, you made your way toward the door.
“What the…” You tried the knob, jerking the brass but it was stuck. You tried once more, taking the handle between both hands and jiggling it as hard as you could.
You could see the wooden door moving against the frame but it wouldn’t open. This didn't happen on the tour. You stepped back, deciding to go through the other way but stopped in the middle of the bathroom, an eyebrow lifted in confusion.
Did you close the door behind you?
It was shut just like the other. No...you didn’t think you did. You moved towards the door turning the handle.
It was stuck too.
“Gojo?” You called, gripping the doorknob. Was he messing with you? You pulled and pushed with more force now, pacing to the other door to be met with the same result. Your stomach churned thickly as your skin began to prickle with heat.
“Gojo, open the door! This isn’t funny!” You called slapping your palm against the wood. You were beginning to grow frantic until finally, the door gave way.
Stumbling forward, you immediately gag at the sour odor that hit your nose. It smelled rotten and it caused you to cover your face with your arm.
But the odor was immediately forgotten when your eyes settled on the sight of the last room. You moved to the large rectangular window across the way, the sides framed by flowing curtains. It ran from the edge of the ceiling, stopping just above the hardwood floors.
The view outside was just as breathtaking as the first time, spreading over the fields of the rural side. You could see some houses peppering the golden hills of early autumn land.
“Wow,” You whispered, moving around the room. There was a queen-sized bed on one side, neatly made in a similar fashion as the one in the other room. Against the other wall was a desk.
You fell back onto the bed, breathing in deeply despite the rank smell. You loved it, everything from the antiquated vibes to even the apparently faulty doors.
You felt really at home, a feeling you haven’t had since your life in the city. You laid there, basking in the final fleeting heat rays of the setting sun until you suddenly tensed, eyes snapping open. Hairs stood up on your skin, making you shiver slightly.
That same chill.
Sitting up, your eyes scanned the empty bedroom. The shadows shifted in the corner, tricking your peripheral into moving your full attention in the area. Getting up, you moved over to the opposite side, running your fingertips along the smooth walls. It was just a simple corner, void of that special something. That something that you decided you were definitely going to set up as your photography corner. You smiled, trying to think of that instead of the foreboding unease that just wouldn’t leave you alone.
From behind you, Sukuna stood close, clawed hands reaching out to trace the outline of the nervous aura that you emitted despite your exterior calmness. When he brushed your neck, you jumped, whipping around, eyes wide.
But it was most definitely something, you rubbed the back of your neck, eyes darting around until you decided it was just a draft. Your walk toward the door was brisk though and if he'd known better, it almost seemed like you were in a hurry, as if you couldn’t get out of there fast enough.
The door creaked shut behind you.
. . .
“Have fun exploring?” Satoru asked as you bounded down the stairs, not even looking up from his phone. He decided not to tell you about the sudden sickness that overpowered him earlier instead deciding your bliss was something he didn’t want to ruin.
You nodded, expressing your excitement for the way you were going to set up your hobby station. You looked on the coffee table to see a box labeled Photography, in his sloppy scribble. Satoru looked up, catching your gaze.
“Before I go, I wanna get a picture of us,” When you raised a brow, he smiled before continuing.
“In your new pad. It’d be the first picture you take since the city and y’know, since I did most of the grunt work its the least I’m owed. Besides, by the time you get settled in, there’ll be photos scattered everywhere by next week,” You both laughed.
“Sure thing Toru,”
Another hour had passed after some coaxing to help you actually settle in. Satoru helped you place them where they belonged. Bags of cutlery, pots, pans and other kitchen ware were all sat upon the glass table in the dining room. You forgot how beautiful this area was, spacious and home-y for meal nights, which you were looking forward to. It was separated by an island, the other side made as a kitchen.
Your photography stuff and your clothing were taken upstairs to the room where it was placed on the desk.
“Isn’t this room amazing?” You beamed, arms spread wide as you stood in the center. Satoru stood in the doorway, looking everything but impressed. Something about the space bothered him, yet he couldn’t determine why. For you though, he smiled genuinely.
“Yeah, I think it it was made just for you,”
By the time you were done, exhaustion was heavy on you both. By now, the promised photo was long forgotten and you were on your porch, clinging onto your best friend in a tight embrace.
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay?” He smiled, shaking his head as he once more expressed how early he had to be up for work. It was lucky he was in only the next town over, but it didn’t ease the lonely pit in your stomach as you watched him get into his car.
As Satoru drove away, his eyes glanced in the rearview mirror, watching as you waved him off. His attention wasn’t on you though, but on the looming presence of the house seeming to swallow your body.
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itsuki-minamy · 4 years
Translation: Naru-kun
Raws: Ridia
"Trick or Treat."
A boy's high-pitched voice resonates in the night city. It is the ghosts, witches, vampires and other things that do not exist in this world that cross the crosswalk. He put a lot of candy in the basket in his hand and spent the day.
Looking at the group from right to left, a boy in a pumpkin mask muttered.
"This is Jack, I've reached point Q. I'm ready to go!"
It looks like a pumpkin ghost, but inside is a cutting-edge head-mounted display with a modified "Jungle" mask. Of course, it also has the best communication devices. The other party's voice heard from the headphones was clear.
"This is the Wisp. Okay, Jack. Currently, the plan is on the way. Please wait as you are."
"Hey, what does that mean, Nagare?"
Spontaneously, Jack uttered such a thing, ignoring the codename that was originally decided for Sukuna and Nagare. Nagare listens to him immediately.
"Jack, I'm a Wisp now. Call me that."
"Hah... I understand, Wisp."
"And answering the question. This mission has a very significant meaning. I explained it beforehand."
"I know, but it is too easy."
Of course, there is nothing more to think about Nagare, the Green King. Whether local or global, you are determined to have great meaning. On the other hand, Sukuna sometimes thinks this way and starts doing stupid things that even elementary students do.
"It's too boring to just watch. Wasn't there a mission for the blues like this?”
Such a situation can occur. So you are there.”
"Can I take off this mask?"
"Negative. Today is Halloween, so wear it to the end. By the way, I also wear a Wimya Wisp mask."
He really murmured into his mouth. He thinks it is serious. There is no need for Nagare to hide his face in the "secret base", but he is not the one to speak.
Shizume-cho is a lively city even at night, but today it is stimulated. All the people who pass by are dressed in costumes, and the young people who are yelling from the bar are yelling in the street. Humans who are drunk on the street, even though they have not yet reached the top, are not alone.
Sukuna watches those scenes through the mask. Among the people who enjoyed Halloween, more than a dozen was highlighted in green. A young man in a vampire who laughs with a reddish face, a salaried worker leaning against a vending machine, and children pretending to be a ghost in white sheets are dyed green.
Members of the "Jungle" clan. Participants in this mission.
The time display in the upper right corner showed 23:59.
People highlighted in green begin to move. The young vampire says goodbye to his friends and leaves the office, the employee swallows the crowd and the ghost company rushes into the park. There was a high-pitched voice in his ear.
"Trick or Treat" is the name of the mission even in the virtual world. Please begin.''
At that time, the time display showed 00:00. Sukuna makes a clerical voice.
"It is understood. Five, with J-Rank authority, the mission begins.”
The HMD's integrated voice recognition system responded to the voice and sent a mission command to multiple ranges. After a few seconds of delay, Sukuna's vision of the people highlighted in green lifted the cookies all at once.
At high sound, the voices echo at the same time.
"Trick or Treat!"
At that moment, as if the player had fallen, the city of Shizume-cho was covered in darkness.
Sukuna gets up and starts walking.
The silence did not last for a second. After the buzz, a panicked voice rises.
"What is this? Blackout?"
"Ah, but is the terminal also down?"
"Why? Isn't it funny? The terminal has nothing to do with a power outage."
"You know me!"
"Oh, but does that person have a terminal?"
Sukuna checks the status of the mission while looking at the roaring people. As Nagare says, so far it is doing well. Now that the street lights, the electronic bulletin boards, the headlights of the cars and even the terminals where each individual has lost the light, Shizume-cho has become completely dark. And…
Between them, only the green light was scattered like fireflies.
Sukuna laughs. There was a giggle here and there in sync with it.
Members of the "Jungle" clan.
It was "Jungle" who caused this blackout on a large scale. An electromagnetic pulse attack using a Strain can temporarily knock down only some of the electronic devices that emit light. Of course, the terminals that the Clansmans have are not included.
The bright green fireflies roam and laugh as they move in the dark. Unlike most ordinary people, whose visibility and information are interrupted, they have the feeling of superiority that they can see it.
Sukuna says on the mask.
“Here Jack, Plan A was successful. Transition to Plan B."
"Confirmed. Go from point Q to point P."
"I'm already doing it."
Filtering in the dark, Sukuna jumped slightly. From the eaves of the cafeteria, holding onto the terrace fence and using an emergency ladder to climb up and reach the roof of the building in no time. Sitting on the hem and letting his feet dangle, Sukuna laughs behind the mask.
"Well, it's the beginning of the main event. Let Plan B. begin.”
Sukuna's voice is heard on an encrypted radio that activates a preloaded hacking program. The goal is a large screen view overlooking the intersection in Chinzume-cho. After a brief rush of noise, a green symbol appeared on the entire screen.
It is a symbol mark of "Jungle", a symbol designed with trees and nets.
All the humans in the place were looking at "Jungle". The only "significant thing" that appeared in the visual and informative darkness. Instinct burns it into memory before it can be understood by the head.
After exactly 5 seconds, the symbol changed to a parrot. The parrot created by the 3D model spread its wings wide and screamed.
The spectators, illuminated by the green color, press their fingers. While distorting Katosaka and looking at him, Sukuna is looking at the elapsed time of the mission counted on top of the HMD.
The parrot deftly used its wings and bowed before the audience. Then he begins to speak in a fluent voice.
"Nice to meet you, my name is Jean Pitt, the "Jungle" mascot character. Thank you for your understanding!"
"This synthetic voice is created by sampling Kotosaka's actual voice. I'm sure."
Nagare added additional notes to his ear, Sukuna ignores him and looks around.
"Ah? It's a bit dark, isn't it? Everyone, aren't they in trouble? In that case, leave it to 'Jungle', leave it to us! If you include the 'Jungle' app, sudden power failure / hacking. EMP Attack. You can deal with such things in advance!”
"It's not too stupid, right?"
"There is big data that a little more stimulant is effective as a promotion."
The 3D modeling parrot spreads its wings, closes it, stays on the tree if you think he jumped, and never stops moving. People who do not know the circumstances have no choice but to follow their movements with their eyes.
He wonders what they think.
They would think it was a joke.
And you must be thinking at the same time... can you do this?
A city is sunk in darkness and a light is turned on in it. It attracts people's eyes and reports their claims. There is no law or discipline there. However, there is only freedom.
Of course, some people may be upset with this approach. However, just as ringing a bell that doesn't ring makes no sense, there is no point in promoting people who don't ring. Even if only 10% of people lurking in the dark are good, this mission is successful.
Jungle will do.
If you have "Jungle", you can do it yourself.
"Thanks for listening! Have a good night! Happy Halloween!"
The moment the parrot hit his wings, the parrot disappeared from the screen and at the same time the city lights were restored. Two seconds later, a deafening buzz flooded the streets, and 30 seconds later, the SNS was filled with the theme of "Jungle."
Sukuna reports as he looks at the timeline, which flows like a waterfall.
"This is Jack. Plan B has ended.''
"This is Wisp, confirmed. Prepare for Plan C."
Sukuna's eyebrows moved. The timer on top of the HMD stopped before he knew it.
Then the vehicle entered the intersection that was supposed to be a pedestrian paradise. When they stop in front of him, members of the Blue Clan, "Scepter 4" begin to appear everywhere. A Blue at the top holds a speaker and makes a provocative voice.
"We are 'Scepter 4'. We received a report that large-scale electronic terrorism has occurred here. We will begin an investigation based on the Unique Phenomena Management Act!"
The timer displayed on the HMD did not reach 5 minutes. Sukuna filters his thoughts.
"Huh. It was faster than expected."
"Yes. Or perhaps this situation was anticipated and personnel were assigned in advance."
This mission has two meanings. One is the "Jungle" promotion. Show power to potential people with a desire for power and want to be a clan member. And the other was a stress test in "Scepter 4".
How will they act if there is a massive terrorist attack? How fast can they respond? To confirm them, Sukuna and others carried out this terrorist attack. The appearance of the Blues was an unexpected situation.
However, such a thing is not known to the hangman. A young vampire, a drunk office worker, and a group of white ghosts were upset. A young man with a loudspeaker watches a boy trying to leave.
"People here! Don't move until the poll ends!"
The boy turned around with a clear reaction and ran away.
It's a bad move, Sukuna coldly evaluates. It came out in such a prominent way.
Of course, "Septer 4" would block the area around this place.
As expected, a new Blue appeared before the boy who tried to escape to the alley. He has already drawn the sword.
Even if they are the same Strains, Blues, and roughly Rank-1 small fish that have been trained, they have the readiness and fighting power.
Sukuna snorted and stood up.
This is also a promotion. The terrorist attacks that were carried out to show the potential of "Jungle" would only be a source of laughter if the "Jungle" clan member were caught. "Scepter 4", no, the "Blue King", will make this prey the show.
And the role of Plan C is to prevent it.
Sukuna's small body was ground like a cat. Jump off the roof and run towards the Blue that blocks the path with the force of a cannonball.
Despite being in a combat position, the Blue's reaction was too slow. A green electromagnetic blade emerging from a long staff strikes him in the Blue's chest, and is instantly destroyed by a voltage close to an electric pistol.
Take a look at the stunned young man, Sukuna says.
"Let's go! Get your butt out of here.”
"Oh! Thank you."
The boy escaped to the back alley. If you're lucky, you can slide down the siege net and say, "It's going to happen. If you get caught, if you don't get caught in front of the crowd that doesn't hurt us, the promotion is successful."
The Blue that jumped out of the vehicle surrounded Sukuna. While drawing his sword, he was doing so at an early stage.
"A high rank has appeared! Looking for staff for special tasks!"
"There may be other combat personnel! Don't be discouraged!"
Behind the mask of the pumpkin, Sukuna licked his tongue. Hereafter is the bonus stage.
The more Blues you defeat; the more points you will get.
Swaying with a long staff like Engetsu, Sukuna gives a happy voice.
"Well, let's play! Trick or Treat!"
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