#i really need to make like a bulletpoint list of all the insane stuff that's happened with/to my characters
iggyfing · 5 months
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hm. okay. alright. okay.
spent the last two days huddled under electric blanket playing game to keep computer warm. i hate to say it, but i think the lead up to shadowbringers was the best part (of patch content at least).
i have.... several Ideas...... re: my full party (now +1) of ocs but before i share them, i gotta know. no details, just yes or no. Does The WoL Get Yoinked?
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t4tliquidmantis · 11 months
asking you about psycho mantis but also about. liquid. could you tell me about him and liquid epic bestie freaks as you are an expert (your url says so)
Disclaimers: I don't consider myself an Expert on Liquid, I'm mainly knowledgeable about him only as an extension of my Mantis insanity. So you may notice a bias. That Being Said. My Liquid-Related Posts.
-They're t4t, autism4autism, and knife4knife. Liquid trans guy w/ gender stuff, Mantis transfeminine + unspecified.
-Their relationship is, to me, best described as a weird gay thing. I don't fucking know what they have going on but it's definitely weird, it's probably at least a little gay, and it's for sure a thing.
-Liquid is very very notably jealous. A key example of this is with Shabani's necklace, because when pretty much all of his subordinates had a different guy that they respect as a leader, he could Not handle it
-Btw Liquid is so incredibly Jack Merridew. Like. That freak read lotf and immediately went fucking insane about it. So glad he didn't know about kinning
-Liquid n Mantis have a psychic link. It's 2-way, though Mantis is obviously better at using it than Liquid. While the link does not fully erase itself/get destroyed when the two split up, it's functionally dead because the distance makes it inoperable.
-Btw they split up after a while! They stuck together till late 1989, when Liquid started doing his SAS stuff
-Before they split up they would sometimes watch movies together btw. They saw Little Shop of Horrors
-During FOXHOUND-era, they're. Gamers. Liquid played Azure Dreams and ended up really enjoying it :] Mantis fucking hated Azure Dreams.
-Liquid's list of known languages does not include Russian. I Know In My Heart That This Is True.
-Also Ocelot is kind of a father figure to Liquid!!
-Between 1984-1989, being around Liquid for so long made Mantis feel like there was enough stability to start developing a sense of self! That's when he starts forming his identity as more than just. A tool, a thing, a helper
-Liquid and Mantis are both. Very aware of Mantis's whole Parasite Thing. It doesn't get addressed much. Liquid tries not to think about it in case it gets evil and Mantis avoids dwelling on it
-Btw here's my obligatory "it's complicated" bulletpoint, since I'm talking about liquidmantis. Mantis fucking hates Liquid. He also loves Liquid so much. He also resents caring about him. He also feels like he needs him. He has the urge to crawl into Liquid's skin and consume him in order to become him. Get well soon buddy
so. in short they're soo fucked up except when they're sweet and silly :]
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springday-aus · 4 years
Lifeguard!AU with Kuanlin
moodboard link
Group: solo / [formally] Wanna One
Member: Lai Kuanlin
Genre: fluff, romance
part of the Odd Summer Jobs!AU ⤗ introduction to the Summer Boys! 
check out the others on the au masterlist!
Type: Bulletpoint AU
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: check out the other odd summer jobs!au on the au masterlist!
Kuanlin is the next Summer Boy! 
so, he works as a lifeguard
picture this: a lanky and gangly boy with too long of legs in some bright red board shorts with lil fire emojis on them and a lil waterproof lifeguard bag with a first aid emergency kit 
he’s CPR certified
(luckily he hasn’t had to use it yet)
this kind of works a bit more differently than others would think
like he isn’t an official lifeguard of a pool or beach or something
but rather, he’s basically hired to supervise pool parties 
which are most typically children birthday parties
he’s mainly hired by the moms that throw the parties and the adults are too busy getting drunk or something
either way, he’s there to make sure no one drowns 
it’s not a hard job tbh
he actually really likes it 
bc all he does is get invited to pool parties, eat cake and chill with the other kids 
at first, when the other boys proposed the idea
he was hesitant 
like who needs someone to watch their kids swim like some type of creep
turns out lots of parents do 
well, at least in their neighborhood
Chenle, at some point: “the Karens just needed someone to make sure they could get loose” 
it all turned out better than he originally thought 
which is a good thing, but it was just... unexpected 
he gets along with all ages so 
whoever is at the party, he easily gets along with 
ofc he’s keeping an eye on the people swimming and stuff 
(luckily nothing drastic has happened, it is children pool parties)
but he’s also chatting with other people and just vibing with them
so his friends list is kind of insane 
one time he was out with Jihoon and Hwiyoung 
and some fourteen year old from a birthday party had went up and started a conversation with him, catching up and all that
it was super funny 
especially due to the look on their faces like 
they were so confused 
honestly, they haven’t even seem him, like, work?
like they clearly know what he does, but they’re also confused as to how it looks 
Sanha: “so like. you just chill on the side? is there a lifeguard chair?” 
Kuanlin: “not exactly” 
Jihoon: “have you ever even had to save anyone?” 
Mingi: “isn’t it a good thing if he hasn’t?” 
speaking of which 
while most of the boys are working to save up some money 
he’s kind of just doing it for fun 
you know what that means? 
low rates lmao
you know what rich people like more than money?
being cheap
(which is how Kuanlin gets clients but like whatever) 
so, while there are some downsides to the job 
(primarily the parents that give him shit)
he does actually really like his job
there’s interesting people and interesting events that unfold at all these pool parties
(apparently Becky next door is trying to homewreck the Andersons and… some shit unfolded during her son’s birthday pool party… tea)
okay, so I can’t talk about Kuanlin and NOT mention his looks
tbh, most of the moms ask him to work for the parties, right?
but, like then see his face… and then ask him if he does pool cleanings too
it’s just to look at him, let’s be real—have you seen him?
because of the sudden demand for pool cleaning, Kaunlin also does pool cleanings
(for a higher price, obviously)
so this has become every bored, suburban mother’s wet dream in the neighborhood
you come into the picture when your family threw your cousin’s birthday party who’s turning like
five? six?
(in your defense, it’s hard to keep track of those things)
anyways, it also happened to be a pool party
so Kuanlin’s doing his thing and you’re just chilling on the side
but then a kid falls into the pool
it’s not a big deal because the kid’s got like floaties and stuff
and like Kuanlin calmly goes into the water and swoops the kid up
the kid is out of the water and the mother is scolding them, saying how they needed to be more careful and all that other parenting stuff
but doesn’t get you isn’t that he just came in and helped the kid
(because that’s… his job)
(but also bc you lowkey don’t remember that kid lmao)
what does get you (and nearly everyone else in close proximity) is how good he looks coming out of the pool
the water droplets run from his fingers to his hair and down his face, dripping down his chin and….
hmm, yup
he’s got your attention now
after he gets out, he heads towards your direction….
plopping down on the empty spot next to yours and wiping down the water with his towel
and you wanna say you were subtle with your staring
but you were absolutely not
like dude
have you seen him?
he’s just chilling so you try to make conversation
You: “nice whistle”
you point to the little pink whistle that’s on a little necklace chain
Kuanlin: “thanks, it was a gift”
You: “pink?”
Kuanlin: “yeah, I picked out the color”
You: “you know, if you looked hard enough you could probably find someone to customize it”
from that, you two hit it off
and when the party was over… you and him may or may not have left with a new number on your phones
you both kept in contact
and you’re both having a good time talking to one another and having good conversations
Kuanlin… he enjoys your company, even without you physically present
it was just like a super slow burn for anything to even really happen
bc most of the time, it was texting
like you’ll see each other sometimes in the neighborhood
he was doing his thing and you were doing yours
what changes is when you and him meet…. with a third party
that third party being…. no other than the Summer Boys!
you ran into Kuanlin as you were leaving the convenience store
y’all do the little greetings and play catch up and stuff
and some of the boys are just like
Kuanlin, honey—who is this
meanwhile the others (like Jaemin and Chenle) are like
HELLO, ANY PARTNER OF KUANLIN’S IS A PARTNER OF—wait that isn’t how that works
at some point in the introductions and chaos, Jisung and Taehyun are apologizing for the chaotic atmosphere
it’s fine tho bc you got the message
but like you didn’t see the flush on Kuanlin’s cheeks when you didn’t deny it
but like also…….. he didn’t say anything either
like neither of y’all did…. even as y’all went the entire day together
window shopping
ice cream
all that fun stuff you in the summer—hanging out together was different from phone communication and y’all were definitely feeling it
even with the boys present
but like they just kind of fueled it bc
they thought y’all were already dating
like they spend a good chunk of time with Kuanlin and he looks so content as he chats with you
it’s like he’s able to talk about a lot of things with you
so when you were like, hello it’s me c:
they were like
so YOU’RE the one on the other side of the phone
and let y’all have more moments together throughout the day
with the occasional interruption
at the end of it all, he walks you home
Kuanlin: “I’m sorry if our presence kind of overwhelmed you”
You: “no! not at all! it’s been nothing but fun”
You: “you guys are very entertaining though”
Kuanlin: “it’s all fun and games until you’re banned from a movie theater”
You: “have you been banned from a movie theater???”
Kuanlin: “......that is a story for another time”
it’s kind of a short walk from where you were, but you and Kuanlin have deliberately walking slower……
eventually you get to your door and he kind of just lingers
and so do you
Kuanlin: “I guess I’ll just see you around?”
You: “yeah, and we can plan for next time?”
Kuanlin: “yeah”
he smiles, his teeth shining and his cheeks with a light blush
You: “hopefully….. it’s just the two of us next time?”
his cheeks flush to an even darker shade and silently nods
after that, you two did make some plans to hang out……………………. alone
a walk in the park
all that good stuff
but it feels different from last time……… a good different
and after that…….. these dates just continue
Kuanlin is an interesting boyfriend
bc he’s kind of shy… but also not really?
he’s got a weird balance
and it works
bc he’s friendly but also not
it’s just weird to explain
this also means you have to take the initiative
sometimes he will but half of the time he’ll also back out of it
(unless you encourage him ofc)
dating lifeguard!Kuanlin means you being a horrible flirt and asking if he can do cpr on you
You: “help, you took my breath away” ;)
Kuanlin: “why are you like this”
but not really—he loves it, but he’s also super embarrassed whenever you use those cheesy lines
he still kisses you tho
also he likes to act super cool
we all know he’s a cutie
(he does aegyo for you when you ask, but he’s not anyone else exploit that)
(but we know he’s got that natural aegyo)
after the pool parties and such, you basically come to pick him and help him dry off before y’all go off on one of y’all’s dates or something
or sometimes you tag along with him
it’s interesting to really observe him and he’s really just chilling with a bunch of other kids younger than him
you also manage to make a couple of new friends at these parties too lmao
just a side note tho, for one date you two DID go out to get his lil pink whistle customized
(it’s got fire emojis to match his swimming trunks)
honestly tho, just the image of Kuanlin with the little sunscreen on his nose and bag is just so adorable
you have many candid photos of him on your phone and took two hours deciding which one would be the wallpaper vs the lockscreen
(there’s one where he’s in this matching floatie with this little girl, he’s trying to help her swim in the pool………………. super cute)
your dates are almost always interrupted by one or some of the Summer Boys
completely unintentional and intentional at the same time
it’s not a bad thing that you get along with them, but…..
when Kuanlin told them you two were officially dating……..
Lucas: “CALLED IT”
Jihoon: “you couldn’t hold it off a couple more days? I had a bet going with Jaemin—sTOP HITTING ME YOU TREE”
it’s okay, you don’t mind it because it’s all fun to observe the chaos that your boyfriend finds himself in
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