#i really really like Vash’s Erik’s era hair
marsafter-dark · 1 year
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Vash has decided that, you know what actually fuck this. He is 150 years old and he is going to embrace his Shrek energy and live as a hermit in a swamp.
He has layers, you guys, like an onion.
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Close up of the man himself
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ihavehatsinmypants · 3 months
I think it's interesting that we will be picking back up in Stargaze 2.5 years later and not just 2 years like in the manga and 98' anime.
It makes me wonder, ARE we gonna see Lina and Granny? Or are we going to pick up with Vash and Woldwoof 'dieing' of thirst in the deserts of No Man's Land only to have Meryl pick em up with Milly behind the wheel.
Meryl: "Hop in chuckle fucks"
The boys: "Meryl~ thank you~"
And then they get to a hotel and Meryl is gonna ask where they been what they've done, catching up after so long, and we just get a snippet of what we already know happens in the Eriks era when Woowoo finds him.
Man becomes dog, dog becomes man, cries over gun, saves girl, gets new hair cut, adventure time... The whole shibang.
I think it would be a shame if they ended up doing this, but if Stargaze is supposed to be the last season (correct me if I'm wrong but I remember there being post about Tristamp only having two seasons), depending on how many episodes they get (assuming they will only get another 12 like stampede, mayoan extra few just because it's the final season??), they will probably be cutting/condensing a lot of things for the sake of time.
AT BEST we can expect a full episode dedicated to it (I really hope this is the outcome), at worst tho, we just get a quick side mention and not much else :/
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