#i really should reread the fic in full rather than just skim
raayllum · 9 months
"You took Ezran's place. And so even when I realized you had lied—and I was angry, I was also angry because… it was brave and loyal of you to do so. It showed how deep your love for your baby brother ran. It made it that much harder to think of what I would have to do. It's still one of the bravest, most selfless things I've ever seen someone do." He smiled softly. "I'd do anything for him," he said, his voice suddenly soft.
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He swallowed hard and took Rayla's hand. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. Ever. I promise." Rayla smiled softly, squeezing his hand. "I know." He didn't lighten up. "I know I'm not a fighter the way you are, but I'll always do everything I can to keep you safe. Everything." She caught his steady gaze, and frowned. "You can't dabble in Dark Magic again." "I will if I have to." She grabbed his sleeve in her other hand, twisting her fingers around the fabric. "Callum, no, it's not right—" "It doesn't matter," Callum said fiercely. "If it's to save your life, then I'll do it. Every time."
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"Rayla told me you used Dark Magic," Tinker said, more stiff and cold. Callum shrank a bit, but his eyes hardened. "I couldn't just let her die." "You'd do it again," Tinker translated. The prince scowled. "I'm not like Aaravos. He twisted the primal to be like Dark Magic. I would never do that." "Unless you felt like you had to," Tinker reiterated. "To save Rayla." "Wouldn't you do anything to save the person you love?"
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—in search of silver linings, 2019 / Book Five: Ocean, 2023
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gffa · 6 years
Scattered Star Wars novels thoughts: - I picked up Lando’s Luck again and it really is a charming, delightful book!  I think this might be my favorite Lando story yet?  Though, I haven’t finished Double or Nothing and that one was a scream, too.  I think I’m extra charmed with LL because I keep feeling that joy Ireland clearly has for writing the character and for getting to include a young black princess, how there’s this bright, happy enthusiasm for this world and getting to write the story she would have loved to read when she was young, too. But also it’s just straight up fun! - I’ve actually been reading fic more than books lately and my audio time has been spent on fictional podcasts rather than audiobooks because I keep falling into the trap of A) it’s an abridged audiobook so it’s not worth the effort or B) it’s a book I want to really focus on which means reading it in text. Tatooine Ghost fell into both these categories and I’m having trouble engaging with the Han/Leia part of the story because it’s just so disconnected from the Han/Leia that I know and none of the surrounding stuff has piqued my interest enough to keep going through it.  I really want to get to the Shmi stuff, but will it just feel like Jossed Fanfiction, too?  Or should I just skim the book for the parts about the Skywalkers and risk not having proper context?  Should I just stay with the audiobook, even though it’s abridged, because that will at least let me finish it? - I am trying to write some meta for my reread of the Propaganda book but OH MAN THERE IS SO MUCH INFORMATION THERE that I feel like I don’t even know where to start or that I’ll just end up quoting the whole thing and only making vague flailing noises over it while gesturing wildly. - It’s sort of boggling to me that I don’t think we’re getting ANY more novels until Pirate’s Price next year??  That surprised me because the books were flying pretty fast and furious for awhile there, it felt like we were getting about 3-4 a month!  And then suddenly almost three entire months without any novels?? In fairness, lots of comics are still coming out and there’s a couple of reference books that will have story-like information in them. - NEW RESISTANCE EPISODE SOON.  :D :D :D  I’m excited to have a weekly series to look forward to again!  Speaking of which, did they ever announce for sure that LEGO Freemakers was/wasn’t coming back? I was reminded of it because that upcoming droid reference book is going to be told from Roger’s point of view and, okay, they always made a point that it was a canon-compliant show, but I always thought that that didn’t necessarily mean it was part of canon, just that the world it was set in was canon-compliant, but if Roger is being used as a non-LEGO reference book POV, does that mean Freemakers are full canon now??
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