#i remember seeing a clip from that episode & being like woah i really gotta listen to this. and now i listened to it!!
chaosgenasi · 5 months
just finished listening to tinderbox. i'm different now
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pokefan531 · 4 years
Yuki’s Story Chapter 88 - Yuki’s Assembly
Chapter 88 Yuki is working in her job. She is with the boss for assignment. Boss: Yuki. I would you like to work on the children store. Kids are collecting the new Bear's Mansion toys and they want the store to stay clean. Yuki: Really? Boss: Yeah. They really want someone from our apartment for a help. Yuki: You can count on me, boss. She arrives to the children's store. Yuki: I see a couple of people. She went inside and sees a lot of Bear's Mansion toys. Yuki: Woah! They're really selling the toys very heavily right now. She goes around, and cleans up the shelves. While Yuki was cleaning, she sees the TV playing video clips of Bear's Mansion. Yuki: They're playing it. She hears the song. Yuki starts shaking. Yuki: I gotta act natural, but I can't resist the show around me. She looks around the toys, and the TV playing. Yuki: I...must...act...my normal self...can't...resist... She gets illusions of toys being alive and smiling at her. Bear: Yuki! We're special here this week. You better not miss out. Yuki: ...I...need...to be...mature...here... Later, Taru, Yuki's co-worker, is heading to the store and sees Yuki giving goodbye to a family. Yuki: Make sure you watch the new episode of Bear's Mansion this weekend! She goes inside and Taru heads inside. Yuki is seen cleaning the shelves as quickly as she can so she can watch the clips from the store's TV and look at the toys. Taru sees Yuki's obsession with Bear's Mansion while Yuki is looking around. She sees the calendar. Yuki: Wow. That one has an autograph from the creator. I must get it. Taru: You're a fan of Bear's Mansion? Yuki sees him and really gone white. She starts shaking and talks in her mind. Yuki: (My obsession has got to me. Now I will be laughed at in my job too.) She starts talking to him in fast speech. Yuki: Umm...I was just looking for the toys for my family. I had them being a real fan of the show. It's just that... She starts talking normal and admits the truth. Yuki: You saw the whole thing, right? Taru: I did see you running in places, looking at toys and looking at the TV. Yuki goes red. Yuki: He..he. I couldn't resist the show I watched as a kid. I know it's weird for a tough woman to have this childish habit. I get it. Taru: Well, your obsession got you to clean the store quickly. Yuki: This place has a nostalgic feel. This was my secret. A mom and a boy are next to them. Lady: Do you have the bear with white fur? Yuki: The one with rainbow on the stomach and musical notes on the feet? Boy: Yes! That one. Yuki: It's by the TV at the corner. Lady: Thanks. They left. Taru: So you're a huge fan of it. Yuki: Yes. I am a fan of other couple of shows, like My Hero Academia. Taru: Cool. The boss sent me to tell you that your shift has ended. Yuki: How come? Taru: So much change. New employees and demands. They have to get rid of few temporarily. Yuki: That's weird. Taru: So shall we talk outside about, your secret? Yuki: Sure. Let me get something. Yuki gets the calendar and the blu-ray volume of Bear's Mansion. She goes to the cashier and sees one laughing. Cashier: Hehe. I see you still have a passion on a toddler's show. Yuki: Yeah, yeah. I like the show. I get it. Go laugh. Later, she sits with Taru outside. Yuki: I got a few things. Taru: I knew it. Yuki: Well, I see you're accepting it. Taru: I don't mind actually. Many people have their own personal secrets. Yuki: What is yours? Taru: I am embarrassed to tell others, but I'm a fan of Pretty Cure. I watched it since I was a kid. Yuki: A girly habit. I see. My boyfriend likes those shows too. Taru: Cool. Well, what got you to blow your cover of liking Bear's Mansion? Yuki: First off, the store has a weekly special theme so most of it are Bear's Mansion merch. Parts of the department has limited editions. Taru: Limited editions are often valuable. Yuki: Yep. Also, I got huge thing in school that's been going on for about three weeks. A group pantsed me in public, and what they saw is considered childish. Since then, everyone questioned me if I have a childish secret or that I wanted to stay a child because I turned 18 already. I kept denying that I do, but I don't want them to know the rest. Taru: Wow. I feel sad for you. You said you are popular, so does that mean you're very unpopular? Yuki: Kind of. I'm more of an average student, but they still are suspicious. I told my boyfriend and few closest friends that I like the show because I watched it recently. They respected it. Taru: That's nice. What's the reason they are still against you? Yuki: At my birthday, I told them I wanted to be an adult to do cool adult things. I own a car, and brought mature video games. I'm an all around tomboy, so many of my habits are considered masculine and rough, and being a athletic performer got me popular. What's left of me is I have a few things that are seen as childish, like Bear's Mansion or keeping a teddy bear I got as a toddler. Taru: I think that's everyone's secret. Their childhood toy. Wow, that's why they don't take you seriously anymore. I can't believe that whole thing happened. Yuki: Yeah. I'm still thinking of a way to be redeemable, but I couldn't think of a possible way to do it. Taru: It's gonna be hard. They stay silent for a little to think. Taru: I think I got an advice for you, but first, tell me what you got so far? Yuki: Okay. Yesterday, I got few of my friends to share our personal secrets. We're thinking of doing some assembly where we share personal secrets, but I don't know how to do it. Taru: Hmm...That may be a bit challenging. My advice would be, you should admit you may have those habits, and say something like you aren't the only senior who is having those secrets. Maybe make others feel comfortable to admit their secrets. Yuki: I see. It sounds nice. Maybe that is the last puzzle of the plan. Taru smiles. Taru: That can go well, I hope. Yuki: Me to. Thanks, buddy. Taru: You're welcome. They both shake hands. Yuki: I'll tell you how it went. Taru: Okay. Two days later in school, Minoru, Retasu, and Ayano are in the gym after school. Retasu looks at the clock. Retasu: Now it's time for dismissal! Minoru: Good. I'm glad we wrote flyers and put them around the school. Ayano is holding one of them that says "Yuki's Secret's Uncovered". Ayano: You're sure it's gonna help Yuki get more respect? Minoru: I hope. Yuki wanted to do this. They see Team Phase coming from the main door from the gym with the rest of the people behind them. They went up to the stage, and talks to Retasu. Hiroshi: So, are you guys gonna share Yuki's secrets? Retasu: No Yuki will. Kaname: This better be good. Lila: Where is Yuki? Retasu: She's coming. After everyone is inside, Yuki comes out fron the door from the other side and runs to the stage. Hiroshi: This will be about time. Yuki sees her friends. Yuki: Guys, can you come up here? Minoru: Sure. They go on the stage and goes far behind Yuki to see her deliver her speech. She holds the microphone. Hiroshi: You got secrets you've been hiding from us? Yuki: Listen! Everyone looks at Yuki. Yuki: Look. I know you guys saw me wore that teddy bear underpants few weeks ago, and that was childish of me, and it was wrong. Lila: Yeah, it was. Mizuro: We thought you want to be an adult. Yuki: To tell you the truth, I wanted to be an adult, but I didn't want anyone to find out that I have...few things that are considered childish. Touko: This better be amazing. Yuki: You guys are right that I have secrets kept in during the embarrassment. One of my secret is...I love...Bear's Mansion! Everyone laughs at her. Lila: Really? Are you serious?! That's another gold! Hiroshi: What are you? A clown? Yuki: Guys! I get it. It's childish. Yuki looks at Minoru and signals him to come. Yuki: Also, I'm not the only person who wants to share secrets here. I got my friends who has personal secrets. She gives Minoru the microphone. Yuki: Now you do it. Do it for me. Minoru nods. Minoru: Guys. I got my own secrets. I used to collect magazines of girl's anime and manga. Lila: Really? You like girly shows? Hiroshi: That's not as embarrassing nowadays. Minoru: I watched their shows too. He signals Eru to come. She is nervous. Minoru: Eru. Please do it for Yuki. Eru gets the microphone. Eru: I told my friends this week about my secret. I am...in love...with a video game character. Link and Steven Stone! Touko: Link? Cool! Lila: Lame. I don't find it funny. Retasu comes and takes the mic. Retasu: I told no one this, but I sing! I'm to embarrassed to sing in public, and I think some of you do too. Eveyone is looking around each other and talk. Girl1: She's got a point. Rin runs up and takes the mic. Rin: Guys! Do any of you have collections of magazines and pictures under your bed? I do! Retasu: Rin, you're so weird. People starts laughing. Rin: That's a common secret, guys! Yuki takes the mic. Yuki: They got amazing secrets. Now any of you guys really like a preschool show, or own a special toy since you were a toddler? I know I'm not alone. The crowds talk to each other. Yuki: You guys have the right to laugh at me. At times, I acted immature with you guys before just to have fun, and you guys used to laugh. I still remember some of you told me certain secrets that I never expose. I really want to be an adult, despite a few things I like and have. I wanted to be cool, and perform really cool stunts you guys used to love. Kyanna raises her hand. Yuki: Kyanna! Kyanna: I got a secret! I own a doll when I was a little girl, and I still have it! Yuki: Wow. Nice one, girl! Hiroshi: Yuki! You are not gonna get your audience back! Yuki: Oh really? I bet you guys have your own secrets. Maybe you guys like a toddler's show, own a babyish toy, or wearing a childish underwear. Do any of you guys wonder if these clowns have those secrets? Lia sneaks in and pulls Kaname's skirt and pants. It showed her wearing pony rainbow style boxers. Kaname: LIA!!!! Everyone gasped, and starts laughing at her. Yuki: HAHAHAHA! Wow! Kaname sees Rin filming her. Kaname: RIN!!! STOP IT GUYS!!! She puts back her school uniform. Kaname: Why are you guys laughing? (talking to Yuki and her friends.) Yuki: Oh. I'm not laughing because you got pantsed. I'm laughing at a hypocrite who got pantsed. Kaname: DO NOT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THIS EVER AGAIN!!! Lila: Stop it guys! Rin puts down her phone and Lia backs off. Yuki: Wow! I'm surprised you guys have a secret after all. Everyone starts laughing at Kaname. Kaname: OWWWW!!! FORGET IT!!! YOU GUYS WILL REGRET IT ONE DAY! Kaname runs away and left the gym. Team Phase went up the stage. Hiroshi: What is wrong with you? Yuki: Hey. We're having a laugh here. They get to know my secrets, and my friends' secrets. Lila: That is not funnny. You are not supposed to get us back! Yuki: I didn't expect Kaname to wear something childish, from a hypocrite that is. Hiroshi grabs the mic. Hiroshi: Guys! Do you still think Yuki's childish? Remember the prank? Remember she screams like a girl? Everyone starts giving sympathy to Yuki. Boy1: Wow. We really made fun of the girl we used to root for. Girl1: It seems like those guys are against people having secrets. Hiroshi: You guys laughed at her! Yuki: Well, it's over, dude. They got a point. I won't be surprised if you're wearing girly boxers. Everyone laughs at them. Hiroshi: No I'm not! He looks at his crew. Hiroshi: Let's get out of here. Lila: This got lame. Mizuro: So much! They left the gym. Yuki: Well, I will forgive you guys. To be truth, I wanted to be an adult. Sure, I have few childish habits that would stick with me, but I never lied about being an adult. I won't go against any of you if same story happens to you. You have your own secrets, I have mine. They see her audience clap for her. Yuki looks around the crowds. Girl2: You're right! Yuki sees that she got her popularity back, but she seems curious. She grabs the mic again. Yuki: Guys! I am glad you guys have been interacting with me and attending my games, but I got to tell you guys something. The crowds listens and stops the noise. Yuki: I realize that popularity is cool, but I want to take a break from doing big activities. People look at each other, talking. Yuki: I wanted to experience of being a normal school kid like many of you guys. When I was exposed, I thought being an average student would be downwards, but it's actually fun. Boy2: Hmm. Do you want to leave popularity? Yuki: No. I just need a break. I won't quit doing sports activities or perform any games. I got a life. I want to do other things I didn't do yet. Life's short. We're five months before graduation, and this is us, seniors, our last year of Fujiwara. Girl3: She's right. Boy3: I actually want to attend after school more often. Yuki: Besides, I got homeworks, so I gotta cut some activities away temporarily. I do want to have fun, but responsibilities and friendships come first. That's what most teens and adults needs to learn. I'm still gonna do tricks and games in gym class. It's just I need to be in other places. Being in twelve grade is the busiest of high school. I'm sure you guys are thinking the same thing. Hope you guys have a good day. Yuki left the stage and left the gym with her friends as her crowds are watching. Boy1: She seems to become more responsible. Girl1: I feel bad for laughing at her. Boy2: She said she forgives us. They started leaving the gym. Lia and Kyanna are by the front gate, talking. Kyanna: So Yuki switched classes from performing talent to study hall? Lia: Yeah. She's got homework to do there. Kyanna: That doesn't mean she is quitting her popularity, right? Lia: Nah. She's becoming an adult. Even though we saw the prank, of what she wore, and admitted to us she likes Bear's Mansion, she founds what's best for her. She's maturing. Kyanna: Wow. You're right. Lia: Yep. I gotta admit, I like Bear's Mansion. Kyanna: Well, you heard my secret. Lia: Yeah. Everyone's got secrets. Later, Yuki hears a knock on her door. Yuki: Who's at the door? She opens the door and sees Lia. Yuki: Lia! Lia: Yuki. You're not busy? Yuki: I already did my homework. Lia: Good. Behind Lia, Yuki sees Minoru, Ayano, and Leo coming. Yuki: Did you invite them? Lia: Huh? She turns around. Minoru: Hey Yuki! Yuki: Hey guys! Lia: Okay, I called them. Can we watch Bear's Mansion? Yuki is surprised. Yuki: Bear's Mansion? Lia: Yeah! You're not the only grown up who likes the kiddy show. Yuki: Well, okay. Let's go! They went to her room and watch Bear's Mansion together.
Next Chapter: Yuki's Guilt. Yuki enjoys her time with her friends. She cares about them. However, Team Phase is targeting at least couple of her friends. Yuki doesn't want any of her friends to be mistreated. What will her guilt be? Tune in next time!
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