#i remember that ure filo diba?
heeracha · 2 years
I FEEL THIS ON SUCH A DEEP LEVEL LIKE KSHSGEHU- Sorry 😔 but my mom does all those things too AND ON A DAILY BASIS. But then when I opened up to her about how all the things she says to me actually affected me more negatively instead of pushing me to be better, she actually stopped saying them. And I am SO thankful for having her as my mom and I always think how I couldn't have had a better mom. Unfortunately no one's perfect, right? Lately I've been feeling depressed. As if I'm not worth anything and I'm useless. I don't find the things I usually find fun, fun. I started to forget to eat and drink and take care of my hygiene. Of course it also affected my school life. I'd start procrastinating more than ever to the point where my adviser would beg me in my messages because she didn't want me to lose my rank. When mom found out she was really angry at first but then she started saying that she doesn't expect anything from me anymore. A few days later after that I told her why I was doing so badly and that I was confused about what I was feeling. She comforted me but then came back a few days later to tell me I wouldn't amount to anything and that I ruined my own life and that I shouldn't blame her when I become poorer and that I shouldn't expect that I'd get accepted into my dream school anymore. It's like she got worse but I understand her. She's working her motherly ass to provide for not only me but the whole family. She works to pay for the food AND the bills and has a terrible husband (who is working btw but lives as if he owns the house and doesn't pay for anything) in exchange for her hard work. I get why she would be angry but I don't know why I can't just pull myself together. I just want to rest in peace. And I totally get you.
Sorry for the ramble. i just wanted to get this off my chest since I don't have anyone to talk to.
I offer you 3 pout Heeseungs for my apology!
3 is my lucky number ( ◜‿◝ )♡
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:( im sorry honey,, i hope everything will be okay for you soon. and i believe, you're still gonna be able to get into your dream school because i know you can do this and will ace it if there's an entrance exam and pass all the requirements. dont pressure yourself too much just go along with the flow, okay? just a little bit more patience okay? we'll get through this !! i'll be with you, supporting you 100% !! maybe u just really need a well deserve break/rest,, unwind for a bit !! dont stress yourself out too much. i love you !! :( <3
and stop it !!! dont say sorry, dont be silly !! para kang others 😭 just know that you can always rant here, oki? i may not reply right away but i will !! thats a promise <3 mwa thanks for the three heeseung tho lmAOOO mwa
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