#i remembered hypnogaja my friend hypnogaja
modernghostfare · 1 year
5 million things to do but instead i am working on gaz playlist
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duchessofsongbirds · 7 years
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Before I get into my “frenzied catch up” phase, I’d like to post my reading for @dramaticwitch, which I did for @resonance-of-libra‘s Tarot Round Robin Event!
DramaticWitch asked how to have a good at university year!
Under a cut for pictures.
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1. Energies around the question: Page of Cups + King of Wands
“Looking Glass” Hypnogaja / “Samarkand” Elane
I’m sensing the presence of two people involved with the question. Are they friends who might distract you? Romantic entanglements that ended badly but must be endured (i.e. working or studying together)? Are they two parts of yourself that you’ve been wrestling with?
The Page is full of youthful enthusiasm and emotional naivete. I have a feeling that the King has quite the time trying to keep up with her. He seems weighed down--he’s got a lot on his plate anyway and being responsible for keeping the Page in line can be grueling. They might both be armed and ready to act, but it’s her whimsical playfulness--her disbelief that any of this is “real”--that allows her to act first. The King tries to convince her of the consequences of her actions, but has been less than successful. The similar blue-green backgrounds behind them make me think they are encountered in the same environment (i.e. in the same class, an extracurricular club, as coworkers).
This balance is pulling your concentration away from what really matters: your schooling.
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2. The biggest threat to your focus:  6 of Chalices + 5 of Chalices
“Policy of Truth” Richie Kohen ft. Lindsay Marcus / “Killin’ It” Cappa ft. Almighty Chief
You’ve got some emotional baggage affecting you. The past is over and done with. No amount of turning the hourglass over will erase what happened--and then you’ve lost valuable time to move forward by becoming consumed in your reverie.
There’s a notion of refusing to share echoed between the Page and the Five here. The Page is having the time of her life and doesn’t realize how quickly fortunes change. The Five is described here as a defiant agent--refusing to bend to someone who asks for more of her. She will fight or kill to remain free. She remembers what happens last time and she’ll be damned if such a theft happens again.
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3. Advice: Four of Pentacles
“Lunacy” Rue Royale
This ivory tower is the abode of a soul-sucking vampire. You know it--and I think the Five does too. But getting in there is the best way to enhance your own power. Again, there’s this sense of greed--hoarding all of the comfort, kindness, and knowledge so that no one else has it. If you feel like it’s a trap, it probably is. Still, is the treasure worth that much to you that you’d risk it? The price is high. How gladly will you pay it?
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4. Outcome: XIII--Death
“Wicked Games” RAIGN
Contrary to belief, death is the easiest thing in the world to do. It’s a slipping through a veil, letting your eyes slide shut while being enveloped into the softest bed you’ve ever laid upon. Why should any change in life be different? Because you know exactly what consequences you’ll suffer after that moment of transformation? The veil of the future is only just more permeable than that of death. Be strong. Let go.
Not sure if that was helpful, but I had a wonderful time with this reading!
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