#i respect your opinion but please be civil and don't try to make an argument
multicolour-ink · 2 years
To those devastated by the decision made in the US regarding Roe V Wade, know that I do have your back and my heart goes out to you all.
This decision has taken away the rights from many. Regardless of your thoughts on the matter, people always deserve the right for their freedom. This decision has taken away that freedom. Plain and simple.
This is a rare time I get political as I just want my blog to be a fun and safe space; but I feel it is right to voice my support and share my feelings on this.
Anyone who disagrees, I respect that. But please be civil and don't try to make an argument.
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m00n-miaka-cb · 4 years
𝐋𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬: 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐓𝐨 - [@influencerxcesia-oc - Cesia]
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☁️ | Before proceeding, know that this will be put into heavy depth, to raise awareness, and to also speak up for not just them, but a majority of other people with the "same attitude" as her, and for many OCs who may be getting the same treatment. So I'll be covering hate, stereotyping, and anything else that is related to the main topic. If this makes you uncomfortable, then I apologise. But this needs to be said as this can get repetitive and becomes a same issue with any OC that finds interest in other CBs and such.
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Let's start with the main topic: Hate Anons to Cesia, a new OC recently. This topic roles into the fact she's receiving hate for, "Acting all cute and innocent to get the badboys attention--"
As a matter of fact, this isn't just the OCs personality, but also the admin's personality. This isn't just acting and roleplaying to receive privilege to speak with San. How dare you say that to her and any other OCs, even CBs, when it's naturally a characteristic? Is she favoring and only speaking nicely to him, aka @badboysan? No. Actually, scroll through my own blog, Mia's blog, and every other person's blog to find evidence of her speaking crudely to others. What's there? Everything is a wonderful and respectful interaction; her being kind. She even has yet to have anyone dm her and provide any evidence of her acting as a privileged OC.
I've been here, running and OC, for a long time. It's coming to a year very soon, meaning I've been in the community for a fair enough of time. So I understand your concern for OCs because in the past, there were problematic OCs. However, do you see the OCs now? A majority of US are kind and thoughtful 24/7. For example:
@shin-haneul who is well-known, loved, and respected for her generous and compassionate personality, always supporting and taking care of others.
Second is @xash-axx, who's also been around for a fairly amount of time, and has been nothing but kind to others despite her concepts time from time. She's in a stable relationship, and has yet to show any betrayal, being loyal and kind, and sweet despite little interactions between me and the OC compared to the Admin.
Third is @hernameisangel-oc, a natural sweetheart who is similar to Haneul, knowing how to have fun, always supporting, and having the will to always remain calm and cheerful, posting motivational content.
And lastly, a close friend of mine is @serenityrose-oc, who hasn't been too active, but she's very sweet and filled with wonderful humour, always caring and supporting everyone when she can.
And this is only the bare minimum of OCs I've mentioned who have wonderful personality and have been in the community for a decent amount of time. And here, no one is a stranger to the history of OC trickery within the community. However, many have yet to receive discouragement and stereotypical comments of their character. Is it because we have an exception because we run other bots and because we truly are more optimistic, helpful, and supportive? So why are those new exempted from us? Or would you like me to state that it's out of jealousy that you can't receive the same interaction as her and the idol bot, or that she has more of a chance compared to you? This goes for all OCs who receive this.
As a matter of fact, you don't see recently most OCs receiving hate and back lash for interacting with other idol bots, even those with already established relationships, especially with those who become often close with others and have stronger bonds with the idol bot. So why is Cesia, among some others who may not post these malicious asks, have an exception to this? Is it just because they're the amateurs for being new and trying to start off strong and make wonderful bonds with others who also give off strong impressions? Because, my dear, you're quite in grave danger for sparking a match that shouldn't be used to light such a nasty flame from many who are not afraid to defend and even attack, for those who are quite bold.
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Let's also touch the subject about stereotyping OCs in general. While Idol bots have a less harder time with this, (some others actually struggling with this then please, you are included in this, no worries) OCs tend to receive stereotypical comments about them:
You're only doing this for relationships, not the plot. 🙄
You're doing this cause you want to a privileged OC or Y/N!!!
You're doing this for the vine/trend!! Get off!
You're just pretending so you can get in his/her pants!
You're going to problematic like the others.
Do you hear yourself? Not many of us OCs actually have intentions of doing such a thing. Sometimes that's based on the character of the OC, but that doesn't mean everyone's desperate. You think anyone wants to cause drama now that the community has an abundance of people, bots, and admins hopping from one post to another? Don't you think some don't do it because they already know others will come at them like wolves protecting their pack? And to even assume some do it for relationships, not even understanding the plot they themselves are slowly bringing forth to the public to interact with? Are you really that dense to not think that far ahead? And if we really wanted it so badly, why isn't any one of us rushing like crazed animals to fend off others from a CB of our interest, huh?
Stop stereotyping all OCs because of those who were problematic in the past. Heck. Some of these new OCs are actually people who have already been in the community for a long time and are aware of the toxicity and bad reputation, but are trying to clear that up with wholesome OCs that are putting effort to put OCs in a better spotlight than one so dull and broken.
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If you really want to start an argument, start an argument right now. Speak like a normal person and share your opinions rather than being so bitter to Cesia and others who come into this community wanting to actually have fun roleplaying. That's what we all are wanting. You want to continue sending backlash? Send it to me and we'll discuss it. Speak like a civilized person than agreeing with the anon when you're so dense to not think that this has consequences and horrible affects on the person running the bot who truly wishes nothing BUT peace and happiness to run their bot. Now you've got a whole storm coming for you because this is sickening to see. Just like you say it's sickening of her personality.
And please. Spread the word. This goes out to everyone in general, even groups that have an OC and more.
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hanniejji · 4 years
rules: ship yourself with your favorite character and give headcanons on how your relationship would go
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→ tagged by: @bnha-homeroom
→ tagging: @wesparklebitch @bakutae @cellotonin @bnhcs @jojosmilktea
look it's asking for only one character. and it's not specifically asking for a bnha character. you can't expect me to choose one and not feel bad because the others deserve love too gjsbf so i chose two i wanted to do all of them but that's too greedy of me tksbd im sorry :'<
warnings: this will be long. that's it.
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quiet duo™
it I met someone like shouto I wouldn't even like him at all
but there comes my considerate and civil treatment to all even with my resting bitch face
i watch everyone from the back so id notice if this man is having a hard time with socializing
me too boi we can be both antisocial
but tbh it'd be a quiet relationship with an occasional me screaming from emotions because that's how I am
we're both going to be uncomfortable with pda at first because tbh i only do that when I'm sleepy but it's ok we gotta take baby steps sometimes
but that doesn't mean I won't mother him and we all know this baby is touch starved so yes im going to give u all of the love u deserve
"get some rest pls you've been training for hours"
"i made your favorite soba, take a break bitch"
istg I'm a mother not a girlfriend
"let's both annoy enji and use his credit card until he's broke"
like damn id be giddy if he ever looks at me with those cute confused eyes for help with simple things or if he looks at me and ask if he's doing it right
mother mode level 1038104729
also damn id give him every food I can make like I don't need to stress bake to bake him some sweets or whatever
he'd probably do the same for me since I tend to overwork myself when I'm into things
but,, honey,, I don't want you to burn the kitchen
like yes pls pull me away from my textbook because I really don't understand a thing and even if I don't I'm sure my brain will still make me go read it over and over again
im never good with listening to others comforting me
like yes thank you very much but words are never a big impact to me after hearing it so much from people who don't even care anymore
so I'd appreciate his silence when I'm sad and he'd just hug me for comfort
he understands that all I need is someone to keep me on the ground, not force their words upon me
tbh I'd be more sleepy when I'm around him
he's the right amount of warm and cool, he's perfect dkfks let me just rest on his left side for warmth or his right side for some cooling off and boom. sleep.
there wouldn't be much of a fight tbh
I'm an open minded person and even if I don't agree with someone's opinion I wouldn't give a fuck
it's probably going to take the both of us long before we both open up to each other because we're both secretive but it'll probably be me who'd give in first
he'll probably catch me in my sulking mood and ask
I may be a mom but I'm also a dad
I'd fight bitches who think bad of shouto I WON'T HESITATE BITCH
he has to stop me physically from attacking a mutt because these claws are ready for some scratching
we're so similar yet so different at the same time lmao
that's all :D
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have you heard of this man's voice??? have you heard of this man's voice??
because what the fuck
i will not be able to not be in awe whenever he speaks and im sure my stupid self wouldn't be able to stop staring
like please talk to me more
speak with your morning voice pls
bless my ears
bless my fucking soul
idk man how did i end up with him?? im stupid and he's smart and im clumsy and he can kill a bitch for just two seconds??!
pray for me because this man is going to tease me for being 5"0 and he's a fucking tower pun intended
he's probably going to end up teaching me how to use a shinsu because— and I quote— "you're going to end up dying without me" but it'll be a bad idea because there's no guarantee that I won't use it to prank him or mess with people who irritate me :D
he's stressed™
"nO. you can't beat up another admin"
"i swear to fucking god if u do that— oh fuck u"
"please do"
like how did you end up with a quiet evil little bitch like me? go get yourself an angel because you're an angel yourself, we don't fit man
but he's also a sweet mf uwu he'd end up mothering me instead of me mothering him
but it's gonna be nice to be pampered y'all can't understand the pain of being a mother to everyone
and yes we're bam and khun's parents now
excuse me while I climb this 6 ft tree
he probably loves cuddling me from behind and placing his chin on my head
"I'm not a furniture go get your chair"
he's an test admin, he's gonna be stressed and tired of taking care of a bunch of children so it'll be my turn to smother him in love uwu here's your favorite food, a massage, a tea, some cuddles, and a warm bath for u and only u
I can sleep on him so watch me ask for a piggy back ride just to sleep
and he can't deny me of that ride because I'd look sluggish and tired and sleepy and no one can say no to my face
ill kith his two moles uwu
honestly, we'd probably have petty arguments sometimes because of my idgaf attitude while he's more of a respectful + polite + appropriate person
let me have my freedom pls I don't like being uptight :((
and there goes my insecure ass because no, this man is too good for me, and im just stupid for giving it a try
and masking my emotions wouldn't work with him
he's gonna see it from miles away and he's going to confront me about what im upset about and he's going to blame himself for it because that's just how it is
but it's ok, it takes two for a relationship to work
we'd reassure each other from our insecurities and we'll be ok
he's probably going to treat me. like I'm some cat or something which I am
I'm pretty sure he'd be weirded out by my weird habits like yes I can sleep everywhere unless it's noisy and yes I stress bake and yes I drink coffee but still fall asleep and yes I love food give me food
he's an observant man, he's going to notice how I say no to thing even tho I want to say yes because I don't prioritize myself and he's going to scold me for it
we probably have a "us time" every so often because we both need to rest and just enjoy each other's presence
in other words, shouto and leroro deserve someone better than me :'D
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Ok, I usually try to avoid generalizing people but the posts I read, really make me think Dany antis are dumb. Or they just think they're much more clever than they really are? 99.9% of their posts make 0 sense. I've crossed, a small handful of anti posts that actually had proof/evidence from the text etc. Most are just incoherent ramblings, using circular logic and straw man's arguments. It usually boils down to they don't like Dany, and think it would be edgy/cool to see her go mad/become evil
So I’m totally down for criticism of her character, I might not like it, but people are allowed to not like her character for whatever reason. Be it she’s arrogant, entitled, selfish, ect, people are allowed their own opinions. Those are wrong opinions, and I’m willing to have civil mature debates about those things because I can prove that she’s none of those things with textual evidence. Even so, people are still allowed their own opinion. That doesn’t bother me as long as they’re civil and respectful.
I’m not making this up when I say that 9/10 anti daenerys posts will be written / posted by either 1) a jonsa 2) a sansa stan 3) a cersei stan or 4) a Stannis stan. These are literally just facts, and I find it so interesting that Jonsas hate Daenerys, because you know, obviously she gets in the way of their ship. Sansa stans hate her because (don’t mean to offend anyone who likes sansa here) Daenerys is more popular than Sansa and they can’t stand it. I don’t know what it is about Cersei stans that they hate Daenerys so much, maybe because the text supports Daenerys for being the YMBQ? Who knows. Stannis stans hate Daenerys for a reason I have no clue why, I wasn’t here in the fandom really when he was still alive in the show sooo who knows not me also I don’t care.
I’m willing to have real debates and criticisms about Daenerys and her actions, because she’s not perfect! She’s a young girl who’s trying to make the world a bette place, is inexperienced in certain aspects of ruling and ultimately fucks up like every other leader has at one point in time. I mean, for heaven sake, Jon Snow was murdered by his own brothers of the Nights Watch for his mistakes. I’m not saying his reasons weren’t morally correct, but it still ended with him being murdered. Point to me one (1) ruler who never fucked up or made a single mistake, show them to me please!
What upsets me most is when these people criticize Daenerys for doing literally the exact same thing as another character has done and she’s villified while they’re forgiven or given a free pass. What upsets me is when these people villify Daenerys for doing good things, and turning them evil simply because they hate her. What upsets me is when I see posts vilifying Daenerys whilst boosting up another.!What upsets me is when I see inaccurate information being spread about her by those who hate her for no reason other than being hateful. Ex. I went to a sansa blog and the first post on their blog was “‘If I look back I am lost’ Well if I were Daenerys I wouldn’t want to look back either considering there would be a trail of dead bodies!” When 1) that quote is a mantra Daenerys says to herself to survive the trauma she’s endured and 2) I’m really just sick and tired of them sympathizing actual slavers, rapists and murderers and villianizing the teenage girl who wants to stop the sufferings of innocent people by those who would wish to harm them like I’m sorry but shut the fuck up before you ever talk about Daenerys like that again.
I went off a bit but you get the jist. At this point they mostly spread miss information just to villify her and boost up their fav. I’m tired. Keep her name off your blog. Focus on your fav if you love them so much. If that’s too difficult for you, maybe go outside and get off the internet for a while.
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kamalkizehr · 8 years
Thoughts i wanted to unload xp
I understand the view points of many of those in america at the moment republicans and liberal alike but how is having trump any way helpful and is an actual ban on people from different countries or a wall between one neighbour actually that helpful i mean illegal immigrants arent good but a fucking ban a wall loud public statements That are controversial questionable can be taken offensively (dude come on if shoe was on the other foot a lot of republicans would have been offended and go on a gaint Facebook comment section war
Again )
But another question why has the rise of triggerers risen like
There are more republicans who would post or say something offensive just to plain see people react and act like a troll rather than defend their stance on the politcal matters
Which in my opinion the clashes wouldn't have happened if more people (democrats ) went forward with ideas and stances after making sure everyone was on the same page though because frankly if they did i think not everyone would be having so many disagreements
Sure its not offensive, illegal or bad for a guy to wear make up many men have been employed in cosmetics for years eventually they we're gonna wanna show off the skills on themselves for once instead of models or maybe a lot of people are coming out have every right to and but why not try and keep it pg or at least understand not every parent wants their children exposed to something thats hard to explain for a certain amount of time and later when the child is mature or adult enough to understand the topic give more info and allow that freedom so he or she can decide for them selves but at the appropriate age because frankly does anyone else not find 12 year old bisexuals weird
Dude come on this stuff needs a limit everything needs a limit and more education thats key but get on the same page and teach kids math and let them graduate at least before he or she decides to become a weed addicted demi sexual pan romantic traveling artist in Nebraska i mean like
for one sorry i was shouting but like
I am gonna bring up the stupid over used facts all Americans are immigrants and that not all of them had great lives back in europe which is why they moved isn't there hypocrisy in saying middle eastern people don't get to do that
But again some should stay but why not give elderly, parents and children a pass sure europe has many other options aswell but is it so awful some people choose America fine if its a ban And no dont we dont want more immigrants
Fine just be nice to the ones you have than frankly is that so hard
And dont start Ohhh but feminism is just bitchs wanting to be better
It isnt like that man i mean like moms should get maternal leave
And dads should have time off too to help out
If a woman hits a man or falsely accuses him of abuse or rape should get punished obviously but for God's sake if there weren't so many perverted idiots and guys who think its ok to just go invading a woman's personal space isn't cool and the fear of it is something that is a main reason that's basically help create the giant following
Is it unfair and used extremistly at times ofcourse everything and anything will be misused this is humanity we're talking about not saints or prophets those A**holes left a while ago
(Getting to religion)
But is it so bad to be a feminist really man
Come on for gods sake it isnt its just wrong when it turns biased and in the favour of the other gender which is basically just sexism not feminism
(Can we please agree on the fact there might be a fucking difference!)
As well for religion why must everyone use the term not all Muslims are terrorist but all terrorists are Muslims like the liberals have points for that thatsoffensive man seriously AND THAT IS SO NOT HELPFUL AT ALL MAN LIKE
I swear the amount of adults ive seen and met who think their religion is being destroyed and their customs as well because their children have become internet addicted assholes (like myself inculded ) who want to disrespect them their Morals and values and become foreigners and American ofcourse because theyre so cool blah blah blah
(Personally fuck it i kinda like being Pakistani but i do enjoy the internet ) which for some reason has become a the main reason why I get lectured more than i think i really need man i mean my language can turn vulgar and i can be socially a little awkward if uncomfortable but like why is me liking rock music and youtube and having a accent a reason to assume i would rather be American i do love my home and where i am from i am proud of my family and where we come from but why enjoy every thing else in the world aswell and not be considered a traitor or something
(Ok too personal )
Alright maybe what i am trying to get is how come no one can just elect a decent a leader or agree to disagree about things but still respect each other stay open minded but have your morals close by and principles uncompromised biasness is human but why no agree to disagree and leave it at that
The insecurity increasing and old facade of wanting to be rich and famous and not work for it has come back
Help me on patrion, like my video post photo blah blah blah dude just get a job why is it so necessary to work in entertainment for hells sake
I mean its valid you wanna sure go ahead maybe you are worthy but like stolen content and fake stories and new sexualities for gods sake please
(No longer about politics i suppose )
Here's my mind on it i guess
LGBTQA community has every right a straight white male or female would have no more no less but gender and sexuality identification maybe kept a simple (memorable and easier to define on fine paper and print during adoptions divorce marriage leavint the country or not etc ) and that being hetreo, homo, bi, A and pan because that makes sense
Its simple
And works
And as well for gender identification
On fine paper
if you are Male to female m to f
Female to male f to m
Something less explainable just keep it trans
Because frankly leave it at that why not just like why not?
Its simple makes sense justified fair and but isnt over done for some petty individuals looking for attention to take advantage of (ofcourse no guarantees but why not just keep some faith ? )
And no one gets to chose all on paper until after 18 because thats fucking fair
(Come on its not like its illegal to come out say it in public )
And yes none of that would be applied in most countries especially not mine but it would be a good start in my opinion
Any way i think i am done venting my thoughts anyone who is annoyed can ignore (why did you read this much of it and not justgo three lines and decide nah boring lets bail )
Anyone who has an opinion or would just like to talk is welcomed BUT CAN WE PLEASE KEEP THIS CIVIL I MEAN NO DISRESPECT TO ANYONE OR ANYTHING BY THESE STATEMENTS
i was just venting some thoughts
And not trying to force them on anyone or anything but i just wanted this out of my head and see if others agree or not (no not for the purpose to be right or wrong ) but because i can't be the only one who thinks all the political maddness right now was all avoidable and that people are becoming
Not in a good sense
Not because of religion race or anything like that just like
Mind sets
I feel like its like the key to harmony and at least balance or peace is right there no one wants to take it
I am probably going to regret posting this but i am gonna anyway not like people actual read my blog or anything
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