#i wish i had the power to just change it back tk the way it was
bagerfluff · 2 months
Older Takaishi Takeru x Male Reader
Day 2 - Prompt - 30 Prompt Challenge - Pet names
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“Hey Takeru!”
You yelled from under the umbrella.
Takeru caught the volleyball that was over his head and turned his head towards you. “Yeah!” Takeru yelled back, much to the dismay of Daisuke who wished Takeru had just walked away instead of stopping the game.
“Where'd you put the sunscreen!” You yelled back, hand still digging through the bag. “It’s on the side!” Takeru yelled back, “Thank you!” You said before walking away from the back with sunscreen in your hand.
“You’re welcome Y/n!” Takeru yelled before serving the ball over the net. “Finally”, Daisuke said, hitting the ball. “I was dying of boredom” “you were not”, Ken said after Daisuke’s incorrect statement.
Daisuke rolled his eyes before going back to the game. Meanwhile you were sitting next to Hikari and Miyako watching the other guys play.
“You know”, Hikari said, getting both yours and Miyako’s attention. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you call Takeru a pet name and vice versa”, Hikari said.
“You’re right!” Miyako said.
Leaning up from her suntanning to sit in front of you and Hikari. “You never do, why?” Miyako said. Your brows furrowed, you and Takeru never did now that you think about it.
No nicknames, no pet names.
Just your actual names.
“I don’t know, I don’t really mind and neither does Takeru”, you said. “But why?” Miyako said again, “There’s nothing better than being called a cute name by the one you love”, Miyako said with a dreamy look on her face.
Miyako started to talk to Hikari while you just looked over at Takeru. He was playing volleyball with Ken, Daisuke and Lori. While it was a one off statement from Hikari and a question from Miyako you couldn’t shake the thought.
Why don’t you and Takeru use pet names or nicknames?
It never popped into your brain too, Takeru had a name and you liked it. You saw no reason to change it or shorten it. Something other people in the friend group do.
Daisuke calls Takeru ‘TK’ because he says he can’t bother himself to say Takeru’s full name and that stuck. Other people call Takeru TK, just not you.
Takeru doesn’t call you nick or pet names either. He’s never, not even once. You didn’t get your nickname n/n from Takeru, it was from a childhood friend that your friends use now.
Another thought ran through your brain, if you were going to use a pet name, which one would you use? Which one fits Takeru? You tried to think about one when you noticed Takeru sitting under yours and his umbrella.
You stood up and walked over to him to sit next to him. “Hey Y/n”, Takeru said while wiping the sweat off his face. You nodded, focusing on Takeru.
His hair was slightly sticking to his forehead, until Takeru dyed his hair with the towel. Sweat was dripping down his chest and neck, his skin was redder than normal.
You tried to think of something that could be used to describe Takeru. You did typical pet names first. Honey? No. Sweetie? Maybe. Handsome?
No, just no. None of them seemed to fit. “You good Y/n?” Takeru asked, putting the towel down and looking at you. This is when you realized something.
Takeru looked like an angel.
The sun was bright and it wasn’t really shining behind Takeru but it still looked perfect. It was high lighting Takeru’s face with a nice glow. Making Takeru look like he was the sun.
His hair was fluffy, the same way he looks after an hour or two out of the shower. It looked so soft. His eyes too, his light blue eyes that looked like the sky.
It was like looking at diamonds when you looked at Takeru’s eyes. You could almost imagen angel wings behind Takeru as you stared at him. Takeru also acted like an angel.
He was sweet, caring, kind, yet powerful and always defended the innocent and stopped evil. Takeru was an angel. “Everything alright Y/n?”
Takeru asked, now fully turned towards you with a look of worry on his face. You turned to face him as well. Now that you could see Takeru from a front view it was even more obvious.
Takeru was an angel, your angel.
“Yeah, I’m fine”, you leaned forward and kissed Takeru. “Angel”, you said when you pulled away, breath ghosting over Takeru’s lips. Takeru blushed, face and ears getting red.
“W-what”, Takeru stuttered. “Where did that come from?” Takeru asked. You smiled, Takeru’s face and ears were red, it was adorable. “I like it, you’re an angel”, you leaned forward and whispered in Takeru’s ear.
“My angel”, you said.
Takeru stuttered out something unintelligible before shoving you away. “Stop”, Takeru mumbled out, turning his head away from you. It did nothing to hide the blush on his face.
“You like it too, don’t you, angel?” Takeru turned to glare at you, just to see that you had a smirk on your face. Takeru’s face was really red, and he couldn’t deny what you were saying.
Takeru did like it, it made his heart beat faster and butterflies swarm in his stomach. Takeru felt a little giddy hearing you calling him an angel. He wanted to hear it again.
“Right? Angel?” You said again, at this point you just liked the look on Takeru’s face every time you called him that. The blush got red and spread too, it was really cute.
“Stop”, Takeru whined out, leaning forward and burying his face in your chest. “But, where did this come from?” Takeru asked, tilting his head up to look at you.
You smiled and leaned back, wrapping one of your arms around Takeru’s waist. “Hikari mentioned that we don’t use pet names, Miyako asked me why and I couldn’t really think of a reason. So I wanted to find one that I thought would fit you”, you explained.
Takeru nodded, wrapping his arms around your chest. “Now I have to find one”, Takeru said. You let out a laugh, “sure, angel”, you said. Takeru blushed and buried his face in your chest again. You smiled and kissed Takeru’s head. You’d have to thank Hikari and Miyako.
Your angel looks so cute when he blushes this much.
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agent-calivide · 2 months
👁️ Does the Agency have any ill intentions?
(For the ask game! :DD)
👁️ Does the Agency have any ill intentions?
I think this is a very nuanced question that gets a bit messy. I think the EOD is a force for good in the sense that they work hard to maintain the status quo and minimize harm done to the general public. The job of the EOD is saving lives and keeping the public's fragile understanding of who has power safe from the evils of those like Zoraxis.
That being said, I think that management is out of touch from their agents which leads to apathetic treatment that breeds resentment and harm within the agency. Management is above the Handlers, and we hear that the Handlers sometimes long for their fieldwork days from Reginald, showing a major disconnect even in those who have simply retired to handling. They know first hand how stressful, how dangerous field work is, and yet they can look at it through rose-tinted glasses.
And Management, the people who decide work benefits for the agents it seems, are even further disconnected from what field work is like. It's very "looking down from their ivory towers", if that makes sense.
People like Morales don't see the agents as more than numbers, and they don't seem inclined to work towards change as Morales himself was wary of simply the TK implants initially, much less Prism's robots.
I don't think the EOD is secretly evil and want to take over the world or cause harm to their agents, I think it's just built on a system that does not consider its workers and has internalized a necessity for a certain lack of care. A sort of "if you want to be in this field, you need thicker skin."
You can't be upset over your dear friend dying because they knew the risks and the second you can walk you better be getting back on the field. If you're not saving the world who is?
If anything, I could see the EOD being short sighted when it comes to helping their agents, choosing to give them unhealthy coping mechanisms rather than actually providing resources and support systems because the former is cheaper and faster.
While it was a passing comment, Reginald does say- paraphrasing- "I wish we could afford real plants, but our dry martini budget is disproportionate to everything else" and "We had to pick things up the old fashioned way, stumbling after our third martini."
Martinis are strong, strong drinks, high alcohol content in small glasses. While it's likely referenced because it's a favorite drink of James Bond's, it's a disconcerting that there's a specific budget for martinis. And it's because of this high martini budget that the agent can't have vacation time, or days off, or any sort of benefits from the Agency. Rather than putting that money into benefits like PTO or bereavement or medical insurance, they put it into alcohol to numb the agent's pain. Because it's cheap, fast, and doesn't entail going through insurance or paying their agents more. And this is fresh off the 50's pseudo-medicine where people were prescribed cigarettes for weight loss and (if the game takes place in 67 like I theorize) the last lobotomy was performed in America, bad medical advice that worked short term was still common place.
It's not malevolent, just... apathetic. But apathy can still kill, and that's why the EOD falls into a grey-area.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 9 months
This is so so SO late but @chicgeekgirl89 here is your @tarlos-santa gift!
I absolutely loved all three of your prompts but in the end I went with: They lose power on Christmas Eve and Carlos freaks out about dinner but they make the most of it and still celebrate together.
And after several rewrites, mental breakdowns, existential crises, exasperation over the English language, and wondering if it's even real... this is the result and I hope you like it! Merry Christmas!!
Perfectly unperfect (AO3)
“What are your plans for the holidays, cap?” TK asked, making conversation as they headed back to the firehouse after a call on their last shift before Christmas.
“Oh, nothing much. I’m just going to enjoy the downtime with the girls. Staying in our pyjamas all day, eating junk food, and watching Christmas movies.”
“What about you and Carlos?” Nancy asked. “Let me guess, not leaving the bed unless absolutely necessary?” she teased.
TK snorted.
“I wish. Carlos has been planning the dinner for weeks. We’ve been all over the city to get ingredients and I thought he was going to cry when his schedule changed and he had to work Christmas Eve.”
“Are you hosting the family Christmas dinner then?”
“No, that’s the worst of it.” TK sighed. “Dad invited us over and so did his parents but we decided to stay home. So it’s just going to be the two of us. And he’s still bought enough food as if both our entire families are coming over.”
“Oh that sucks dude. Your husband cooking you a fancy holiday dinner? Damn that’s rough.” Nancy said sarcastically. “I’m glad nobody is going to do that for me this year. That would just suck.”
“Shut up.” TK rolled his eyes. “It’s not that I don’t appreciate him cooking us dinner, it’s that he’s stressing out over it when I would be happy with a frozen pizza and watching Home Alone in bed.”
“Have you tried telling him that?” Tommy asked. “Communication is the key to a long and happy marriage.”
“I have, but he just gives me the Carlos Cow Eyes and tells me he wants to make it special for us. And I can resist anything but that. Those soulful brown eyes will be the death of me.”
Tommy laughed.
“I remember those days well. Charles’ laugh made me melt when we first got married. And then when the girls were born, seeing him with them…” she sighed. “I was a goner.”
“Yeah, I’m still working on Carlos making friends with Lou. He’ll make him his salad and sometimes even feeds him crickets or meal worms but he still won’t touch him with more than just a finger.”
Nancy looked at him.
“How do you go from babies to lizards? Your mind is such a strange place sometimes.”
“Lou is our baby!” TK said as he turned the ambulance onto the street the firehouse was on. “What are your plans for the holidays anyway? Are you going to LA to meet up with Mateo and meet the family?”
“No, me and Marj are just going to hang out and spend it together. We’re getting Chinese food and I’m making her watch the Lord of the Rings movies because she’s never seen them.”
“Really? Do you have room for two more? We’ll bring snacks.” TK jokingly asked.
“No way dude, I need a break from seeing your face every day.”
“You see Marjan’s face every day too.”
“That’s different. I’m not stuck in an ambulance for hours with her every day. And she has a nicer face than you.” Nancy teased and jumped out of the ambulance after TK had parked it in its usual spot in the firehouse. “Oh look, if it isn’t mister soulful eyes. Hey Carlos.”
Carlos gave her a confused look but returned the greeting.
“Hey babe, Nancy doesn’t like my face.” TK mock pouted and kissed Carlos hello. “She says she needs a break from me.”
“Does she? Well then it’s her lucky day, because I’m here to take you home. And I do like your face. And the rest of you.”
“That’s good to hear. But my shift doesn’t end for another hour. And yours not until seven.”
“I pulled in a few favours. The guy who transferred here from New Jersey a few months ago agreed to cover for me if I introduce him to your dad sometime. He nearly fainted when I told him who my father in law is. Apparently Owen Strand is a legend over there.”
“Not just over there. He’s a legend over here too.” Owen walked up to them. “Did you know local news wants to interview me? They’re doing a local heroes feel good thing for the holidays. Exciting isn’t it?”
“Yeah, definitely. We should give you pictures to sign. You could hand them out to your fans on calls.” TK teased.
“Very funny. See if I mention my ungrateful gremlin of a son in my interview now. I’ll just mention my always friendly and nice son in law who is just the kind of person to stop by after his shift to wish everyone happy holidays.” Owen patted Carlos’ shoulder. “And happy holidays to you too, Carlos.”
They hung around the firehouse until the end of TK’s shift and then went home together after wishing everyone a happy Christmas. Only when they stepped outside the weather had changed for the worse. It had started raining and the wind had picked up.
“Good thing I picked up the last supplies for our Christmas dinner before I came here.” Carlos commented, looking at the dark clouds through the windshield of his car after they got in.
“Was there anything left in the store you hadn’t bought then?” TK said, only half joking. “We have enough food to last until Christmas next year.”
“I just… wanted us to have options. You didn’t want the turkey dinner…”
“So you just bought everything else?” TK asked and leaned over the gear stick to kiss Carlos’ cheek. “I love you but when I said I didn’t want the whole turkey dinner, I meant I didn’t want you spending the whole day in the kitchen cooking some 10 course meal. We could just get a burger or tacos on the way home.”
“We can’t get tacos at Christmas, TK.” Carlos insisted. “And I don’t want to drive halfway across the city in this weather anyway.”
By the time they made it home, the rain had gotten even worse and unfortunately Carlos’ usual parking space was taken, which meant they had to park further down the street and run to the front door.
They were both soaking wet in seconds and causing a mini flood when they walked into their loft a few minutes later.
TK dumped his keys in the bowl by the door and the bag he was carrying on the kitchen counter.
“This can wait.” He decided, and turned to Carlos. “You, me, shower, now.”
“You go ahead, I’ll be there in a minute. Just let me put this stuff away.” Carlos replied, opening the freezer and putting a tub of TK’s favourite ice cream in.
“Babe. I need to get out of these wet clothes… and I could use some help.” TK said, grabbing Carlos’ hand and dragging him to the bathroom. “Like I said… you, me, shower, now.”
In the end, Carlos didn’t need much convincing and TK decided that this was easily the best Christmas eve he’d ever had.
Especially since he spent the rest of the night making out on the sofa with his husband like a couple of teenagers, instead of watching some cheesy Christmas movie they’d put on as background noise.
When he woke up the next morning, he reached out for Carlos, hoping to convince him to sleep in or possibly even stay in bed the whole day, but found his side of the bed empty and cold.
He listened for clues on what Carlos was doing, and most importantly where, but didn’t hear much except the storm still raging outside their loft.
“Babe?” he called out, sitting up in bed. “Carlos?”
“I’m here.” Carlos appeared in the doorway carrying a tray filled with food and fresh juice. “I was making breakfast.” He put the tray on the nightstand and leaned down to kiss TK. “Good morning. Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas.” TK replied and then did a double take. “Wait… you made me breakfast in bed? Who are you and what have you done to my husband?”
Carlos chuckled and got into bed.
“I wanted to do something nice for you. For us. We’ll just change the sheets when we’re done.”
“I could get used to this.” TK commented and bit into a chocolate covered strawberry. “Though we could’ve just gotten coffee and pastries from that place on fifth.”
“Not in this weather. The storm from last night has only gotten worse. My mom texted me earlier and told us not to drive out to the ranch because it’s too dangerous.”
“We weren’t going to…”
“I know. But now we’re officially excused. They have Ana and Diego and the kids staying with them anyway, they won’t miss us.”
After breakfast, TK managed to convince Carlos to stay in bed and watch a movie with him, even though he knew the other man was itching to get started on the Christmas lunch and dinner he’d planned.
The storm was still raging outside but snuggled up together under the covers in their bed, neither man really cared.
TK facetimed his mom and they watched Jonah tear open the presents they’d sent over.
“You two spoil him.” Gwyn said, sounding mildly exasperated but smiling. “Enzo and I agreed to keep it simple and then you two buy him everything from his list.”
“It’s for his birthday too.” TK argued. “And I just want him to know he has a cool big brother in Austin who will buy him cool presents.”
“He fought two soccer moms for that robot dog.” Carlos told Gwyn. “It got ugly.”
“It’s ok. There wasn’t any blood.” TK joked and they all laughed.
“Did you get our presents?” Gwyn asked.
“You mean the plane tickets in our names? As a not so subtle way of telling us to come visit?”
“I don’t do subtle. It just complicates things.” Gwyn argued. “And I haven’t seen you two since the wedding! It’s been way too long. I’ve almost forgotten what you look like.”
“You’re seeing us now.”
“I just see your face.”
“I’ve been told it’s a very nice face.”
“It is a nice face, I made that face. But I’d like to see the rest of you again too. And you too Carlos.”
“We’ll do our best to come visit as soon as we can in the new year.” Carlos promised and got out of bed. “I’ll leave you two to talk, I’ll get started on dinner.” He said and pulled one of TK’s hoodies over his head.
Only before he’d even made it out of the bedroom, there was a loud clash of thunder and the loft went dark.
“What the hell?”
Carlos tried the light switch next to the bedroom door but nothing happened.
“Is it just us?” TK asked, getting out of bed after quickly saying goodbye to his mom. “We didn’t have that many appliances running that we’d blow a fuse, did we?”
“I don’t know.” Carlos said, frustrated. “I’ll go check the fuse box downstairs. Do we still have that flashlight?”
“Kitchen drawer I think. Do we have any new fuses?”
“I don’t know. I thought I bought some when we moved in. When I moved in…”
“That was ages ago.”
“I know that, TK.” Carlos snapped but regretted it immediately. “It might not be the fuse anyway. I’ll just go have a look downstairs and we’ll take it from there.” He slipped on his work boots and grabbed his keys, and all but slammed into their neighbour when he opened the door.
“Oh, hi. Did your power just go out too?” she asked, looking past him into the loft. “I was talking to my sister in Ohio and suddenly everything went poof. I think it’s the storm.”
“Yeah, everything went black for us too.” Carlos told her and noticed more neighbours coming out of their apartments to see what was going on. “It looks like it’s the whole building.”
“Actually, it’s the whole city. Or parts of the city.” TK joined them in the doorway and showed Carlos his phone. “I still have that 911 scanner on my phone. There are calls coming in from all over the city. The storm knocked some power lines down and they can’t fix them until it’s over.”
“Fantastic.” Carlos felt a tension headache building behind his eyes.
“Do you boys have candles? I have plenty, you can have some. I like to light some for dinner this time of year. It gets dark so early.”
“Thanks, but we’re ok Mrs Evans.” TK said and quickly closed the door. “What do we do now?” He asked Carlos.
“I don’t know. We have all this food that’s going to go bad if we don’t eat it, but we can’t prepare it because our stove is electric. And the ice cream in the freezer is going to melt and I bought it especially for our Christmas dinner because it’s your favourite.”
“Hey, hey, calm down.” TK put his hands on Carlos’ shoulders to stop him from spiralling. “The food will keep for a while. It’s only been 10 minutes and if we keep the fridge closed, it’ll stay cool. And we’ll just eat the ice cream now.”
“Yeah. Why not? Our Christmas, our ice cream, our rules. Grab a spoon.”
They sat down at their dining table with the ice cream, even though neither of them really felt like it, and TK could tell Carlos was distracted.
“Babe, what are you thinking about?” he pushed.
“What are we going to do for food? We can’t even have leftovers because we can’t heat anything up.”
“We could go get tacos after all.”
“Are they even open on Christmas day?” Carlos asked and pulled out his phone to look it up, but put it back down again right away. “We need to preserve the batteries of our devices.” He explained.
TK wanted to argue that they probably wouldn’t last for the entire time the power was likely to be out, but then his phone started ringing in his hand.
“Dad, hi, not a good time right now.”
“Did you just lose power too? It looked like your area got hit too but the map I saw wasn’t too clear.”
“Yeah, everything is dark here.” TK sighed and looked at Carlos who had started pacing up and down the loft. “We’re kind of screwed because the stove is electric too.”
“Come to me.” Owen suggested. “Not me, me… but the firehouse. It has a generator so there is power and heat. And a working stove.”
“I don’t know dad, we wanted to just do our own thing this Christmas.”
“In an apartment without power? Don’t be ridiculous TK. Just pack up and come over here.”
After a few minutes back and forth and Carlos getting pulled into the conversation, they promised Owen they were on their way, and a little over an hour later, they walked into the firehouse.
“And there was me thinking I wouldn’t have to see this place for a week.” TK sighed.
They greeted his dad and the crew from B-shift and TK got Lou set up in Owen’s office while Carlos put the food away.
They joined the crew in the lounge area where everyone was gathered around the TV and keeping a close eye on the weather report. Carlos sat down in his usual spot next to TK but barely said a word to anyone.
When Tommy and the twins came in some time later, he got up to greet them and wish them a merry Christmas, but for Nancy, Marjan, Paul, and Asha, he barely managed more than a smile and a quick “Hey.”.
TK was starting to worry and enlisted Paul’s help to pull him out of his funk.
“Carlos my man.” Paul started, patting Carlos’ shoulder. “We need to feed these people. We don’t want Marjan getting hungry. I still wake up in a cold sweat remembering those first few days of Ramadan last year.”
“I heard that!” Marjan yelled.
“Good! You were hangry and we all suffered!”
Carlos laughed a little and agreed to help Paul cook.
“Do we have enough to feed all of these people?”
“Yeah I think so. Asha and I brought our food and I saw the mountain of food that was already in the fridge when I put ours in there. We’re alright. Come on, let’s figure out what to make.”
Carlos joined Paul in the kitchen and soon there were multiple pots on the stove and the firehouse was starting to smell amazing.
TK was put on chopping duty, while the Vega twins helped Owen set up extra tables and chairs for everyone, and Nancy and Marjan attempted to fold the paper napkins they found in fancy shapes following a YouTube tutorial.
“Babe, come taste this.” Carlos held out a spoon for TK. “Good?”
“Yeah, it’s amazing. Is this what you were planning on making for us at home?”
“No, but with the stuff that was in the fridge here, and the stuff Paul and Asha brought we were able to experiment a little.”
“We should let you experiment more often.” TK said and stole another bite of the sauce. “This is really good.”
“Yeah? Not too spicy?”
“No, it’s perfect. Just like you.”
Carlos blushed and ducked his head but still let TK kiss his cheek and returned the “I love you” he murmured in his ear.
“If you two are going to be like this all night, we’re going back to Nance’s apartment.” Marjan announced and everyone laughed.
“Yeah, have some mercy on us single people.” Owen said, joining in on the teasing and stealing a quick taste of the food.
Dinner was somewhat chaotic and a little cramped since the firehouse kitchen wasn’t built to seat this many people at once, but everyone enjoyed their meal, and each other’s company.
Even though B-shift got called out and Owen had to join them on their call and leave their makeshift Christmas party.
“I vote we put on LOTR.” Nancy told the rest when they’d all settled down in the lounge after dinner. “Marj has never seen them and I said I’d educate her this Christmas.”
“We were planning on watching The Holiday.” Tommy said. “You can’t go wrong with a romcom at Christmas.”
“I haven’t seen The Holiday either.” Marjan admitted. “I’m not a big movie person ok? I get bored.” She defended herself when Nancy asked how she’d managed that and the Vega twins started shooting movie titles at her to check which ones she had seen.
“I guess it’s Jude Law first, and Orlando Bloom second then.” Asha settled the debate. “It’s not like any of us are going anywhere any time soon.”
“Yeah, don’t remind me.” Paul started. “If any of you guys snore, I won’t be held responsible for my actions.”
“You’ve shared a bunk room with most of us for years!” Marjan reminded him. “You know we don’t snore. Judd does. And Mateo sometimes.”
“And my dad.” TK grinned. “It used to wake me up when I was little. I thought it was the train going past our apartment but it was just him.” He said and everyone laughed.
They spent the rest of the night watching movies, and TK let Evie feed Lou and walk him around the firehouse on the leash and harness he’d bought a while ago.
Carlos had gone quiet again, but TK figured he was just tired and let him be.
By the time Owen returned with the B-shift, everyone was starting to get tired and Tommy took charge in working out the sleeping arrangements.
The twins wanted to sleep in the bunk room with the crew but Tommy insisted they slept in her captain’s quarters with her, while Owen gave up his to TK and Carlos.
“I know it’s nothing like your bed at home but it’s better than separate bunks with the rest of them right beside you.”
“We’re fine to sleep in the bunk room.” Carlos assured him. “We don’t want to put you out.”
“It’s fine. I insist.” Owen said and with TK’s help got Carlos to give in and accept the bed.
It was a small double bed barely big enough for the two of them, but they made it work.
“I’m sorry.” Carlos sighed, trying to get comfortable in the small bed after TK had turned off the lights and gotten into bed with him.
“Sorry for what?”
“For ruining our first Christmas as a married couple.”
“What? What are you talking about? Unless you caused this storm and the power cut, you didn’t ruin anything.” TK insisted. “And even if you did cause it, I’ve had a great night. I have you, Lou, my dad, our friends… That’s all I need.”
“I just… I had all these plans. I wanted to cook you something nice and exchange gifts by our tree and just… make our own traditions.” Carlos explained, avoiding looking at TK. “Especially after I made you deal with all of the crazy Reyes family traditions last year.”
“I had a great time last year too.” TK promised. “Especially when your abuela started talking about what Christmas was like when you were little. I loved that little look into how you grew up.”
“She was just happy to have someone to talk to that hadn’t heard all of her stories about 500 times before.”
“Well it’s a good thing I was a willing audience then.” TK laughed a little. “She even went out of her way to speak English with me the whole night, and she was so excited when I told her I was learning Spanish.”
“Yeah she told me to hold onto you when we left because you were a good boy with a good heart.” Carlos told him, smiling at the memory. “The whole Reyes family loves you.”
TK smiled and wrapped his arms around Carlos a little tighter.
“That’s good, but I’m only really interested in one of them loving me. Though technically his name is Reyes-Strand now.”
Carlos sighed and rolled onto his back.
“That’s why I wanted this Christmas to be special. The start of our life together.”
“Technically our life together started a long time ago.”
“You know what I mean.” Carlos sighed again. “Everything is official now. We’re married, the name change has gone through… I wanted things to be special. Perfect. Not… whatever this disaster was.”
“Baby, look at me.” TK said and waited for Carlos to do so. “I don’t care about presents or the perfect dinner… All I want for Christmas is you.” He said and kissed him for emphasis.
“Did you just quote Mariah Carey at me?”
TK shrugged.
“She made a pretty good point with that song.”
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untoldstcries · 9 months
Theater used to be his escape. The thing that he clung to when nothing made sense. It was a way to connect with the world and figure out how to manage his emotions. He watched the way his dad shut down after 9/11, and for a while, that's how Winn had reacted to things himself. But then he joined the choir in 8th grade and learned how powerful music could be. How much it connected with him, in a way that he couldn't explain. After that, he found himself joining productions, showcases, and local theater productions. It helped that he was really good with electronics, making him an asset to the lighting and sound teams as well.
Maybe it was the fact that everything changed after his last performance. Singing a duet with Ana wasn't something he ever thought would happen, but it was the happiest he had felt in such a long time. He was so close to telling her how he felt, finally had the guts to tell her the truth. That he was in love with her, and he had been for a very long time. But just like every other time, he let the fear and anxiety take over and he walked away.
He didn't know that his life was going to change forever after that. A rag covering his face, his body being pressed up against the wall. He wasn't like TK or Owen, he wasn't strong. There had never been a reason for him to need to work out the way that they did. He was an IT guy who did theater on the side. His job didn't require him to pass a physical. Soon enough the fog set in and Winn felt himself drop his phone and keys to the ground and fall backward into the arms of whoever was behind him.
He wished he had never learned the truth. He had no desire to know who his biological parents were because the only parents he wanted were the ones that he had. Now he couldn't look in the mirror, couldn't see himself the same. To know what was in his genes, to know where he came from. He hadn't been on stage since that night, but when Abigail reached out to him because a performer had dropped out of their charity show, he knew that he couldn't let her down. He didn't know what to sing but went with the only song he could get himself to connect to.
"I used to float, now I just fall down. I used to know, but I'm not sure now. What was I made for?" He knew that TK and Carlos were there, but to see Anna and Owen sitting in the audience too was a surprise to him. He hadn't been very sociable with any of them. In fact, most of his time was now spent in his apartment, trying to fight off his anxiety.
"Looked so alive, turns out I'm not real" He wasn't a Strand. He was a Schott. Someone who was dangerous, someone who at any moment could snap and lose everything he built for. Winn had done his research and read the many reports that psychologists had done on Toyman. He was normal and had friends, a wife, and people who loved the Schott family. And then he went crazy, putting a bomb inside of a teddy bear and shipping it off to his boss. Killing six people. That's where he came from, what was in his genes. He looked his biological father in the eyes, tied to a chair, and told time and time again that they were just the same. "That genius, lesser people call madness, that's inside of you too." The words replayed in his mind as Winn tried to figure out who he was. His entire world had been turned upside down, and it wasn't ever going to go back to normal.
"I don't know how to feel, but I wanna try" The notes came naturally, Winn getting so lost in his head. Suddenly he didn't notice the people in the audience, but instead was finally connecting with his emotions. He couldn't even hide the few tears that escaped as he hit the notes, the words digging deep. Because he didn't know what to do, where to go, or how to feel. Nothing made sense, and right now these notes were the only thing he could hold onto.
"Think I forgot, how to be happy. something I'm not but something I can be. something I wait for." He didn't intend to really be this vulnerable on stage, but he should have seen it coming. The words dug deep, reminding him that he wasn't okay. That he hadn't been okay since he was rescued. He couldn't even look up and see if TK had noticed how easily he fell to pieces, how he left all of his broken pieces right there on the stage and now he wasn't sure how to put them back together.
0 notes
multicolour-ink · 2 years
To those devastated by the decision made in the US regarding Roe V Wade, know that I do have your back and my heart goes out to you all.
This decision has taken away the rights from many. Regardless of your thoughts on the matter, people always deserve the right for their freedom. This decision has taken away that freedom. Plain and simple.
This is a rare time I get political as I just want my blog to be a fun and safe space; but I feel it is right to voice my support and share my feelings on this.
Anyone who disagrees, I respect that. But please be civil and don't try to make an argument.
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rafael-silva · 3 years
in the warmth of your embrace: a tarlos fic
TK goes home to Carlos after a hectic shift, and Carlos takes care of TK in the way the paramedic needs, which partly comes in the form of TK cuddling Carlos and running his fingers through the officer’s soft curls.
for good things happen bingo: tarlos + playing with the other’s hair
emotional hurt/comfort, softness, cuddles, kisses, soft boyfriends, tk and carlos are so in love
2.5k | rated T | on ao3
TK stumbles through the door, dropping his keys into the nearby bowl and lowers his duffel bag to the floor. He toes off his shoes near the entrance, stifling a yawn as he makes his way into the kitchen.
It had been a long, hectic shift, especially for the paramedics. Call after call kept them out of the firehouse for hours, barely even giving them enough time to grab a quick bite in between the radio coming to life with a new call.
He downs half of the cold water he pours into a glass, relishing in the cool liquid running down his dry throat. He loved saving lives, had truly found himself in it, but after exhausting shifts as this one, his knees barely able to carry him anymore, he longed for the moment he gets home to the comfort of his bed, to crawl into the loving and warm arms of his boyfriend.
It was Carlos’s day off, and the officer had spent it running errands and then had lunch at his parents’. Days when both of them aren’t working were a little difficult for them, being apart for many hours. Plus, their schedules haven’t been lining up well lately, making the time apart even harder.
At least when they were both working, Carlos would drop TK off at the firehouse, giving him a chaste kiss and a smile, promising to see him at home. TK returns the smile, reciprocating the promise and with one more echoed between them of please stay safe, they part ways, the knowledge that there are chances of them seeing either other sooner than that on calls bubbling in their stomachs.
But on days when one of them is off work, they try to spend as much lazy time in bed before one of them has to get ready to leave, exchanging sleepy smiles and kisses, mumbled good mornings and stealing some more cuddles under the soft sun rays shinning in through the curtains.
Eventually, though, the love spell has to inevitably be broken when the snoozed alarm rings. With a heavy sigh, one of them gets up, the other watching him with half lidded eyes, still sleepy around the edges. With a series of kisses from the forehead down to the lips, a goodbye is said, both already longing for each other after the first moment of separation.
The excitement at seeing Carlos simmers under TK’s skin, overriding his exhaustion as he climbs the stairs to their bedroom. The house is quiet, and he momentarily thinks Carlos might have fallen asleep, but he soon spots the soft yellow glow originating from the room and knows the officer is most likely still awake.
His gut is proven right when he stops in the doorframe, his eyes landing on Carlos. Carlos is sitting up in their bed, back against the headboard, wearing sweats and one of his old police academy t-shirts. His knee is pulled up towards his chest, an open book resting on his thigh, one TK recognizes is always on Carlos’s nightstand.
But that’s not what really captures TK’s attention, it’s Carlos’s eyeglasses sitting on the bridge of his nose and his loose curls hanging over his forehead that catch the paramedic’s eyes and they linger there.
He leans against the doorframe, arms going to cross over his chest as he watches his boyfriend, a smile spreading on his face. And by the way his curls run wild and free, TK can tell Carlos had just gotten out of the shower.
Carlos is so immersed in the reading material, TK can tell by the slight crease in his eyebrows, but he immediately senses TK’s arrival and presence by the door. There’s always been a tug between them, an invisible string connecting them. They always gravitate towards each other, even in their sleep, their connection cosmic and powerful.
Carlos looks up from his book and a blinding smile takes over his face, reaching his glittering brown eyes.
“Hey, babe,” Carlos greets. “How long have you been standing there?”
“A minute or so,” TK replies as he steps into the bedroom, walking over to Carlos. “I love watching you read, you know that.”
“Mhm,” Carlos nods, a light blush painting his cheeks as he gently cups TK’s face and returns the kiss TK leans in for.
TK sighs happily, allowing himself to feel all of Carlos and to melt against him.
“Welcome home,” Carlos whispers into the small space between them when they separate.
“It’s good to be home,” TK whispers back, leaning into Carlos’s touch and goes in for another soft kiss, resting his hands against the mattress on either side of Carlos to balance himself.
“How was your day?” Carlos asks, watching TK move over to the closet to get changed out of his uniform.
“It was alright, hectic and super busy though,” TK replies as he tugs his shirt out of his pants and starts to unbutton it.
Carlos marks the page and closes the book, returning it to the nightstand. He then goes to remove his round eyeglasses but stops when TK speaks.
“Oh, no, that stays on,” TK smirks.
An eyebrow travels up Carlos’s forehead behind his glasses. “Oh?”
TK shrugs and bites down on his lower lip, his cheeks turning pink. “I like it, you should wear it more often.”
Carlos adjusts the transparent frame as he chuckles.
TK gets on the bed, a knee supporting his body as he leans over to plant a kiss to Carlos’s cheek. “It’s sexy,” he whispers. “And cute.”
“As long as it ticks both those boxes,” Carlos winks.
“Oh, it definitely does,” TK confirms with a wiggle of his eyebrows as he continues to change into something more comfortable. “And I see you’ve finally gotten around to continue it,” he gestures to the now closed book.
Carlos nods. “I had to reread a couple of chapters to get back on track but it’s good, and there was some free time after coming home from my parents’ to really get back into it.”
“Yeah, I would imagine you’d have to do that after months of not having time to read. And how was lunch?” TK asks, slipping an old NYFD t-shirt on and then sweats.
“It was lovely,” Carlos smiles. “Mom and dad really missed you there, though. Made me promise  to bring you over for another lunch as soon as possible.”
“I really wish I could have been there,” TK sighs, plugging his phone into the charger. “And here’s hoping our schedules line up better next week so we can do that.”
“Amen,” Carlos agrees. “Come here,” he lifts and opens his arm in TK’s direction. “You’re exhausted,” he adds, noticing his boyfriend is mere seconds away from toppling over.
TK nods, going to remove the duvet on his side and flicking it near the foot of the bed and gets in. The feeling of the soft mattress underneath his spent body is heavenly, but it’s nothing compared to the true comfort he feels as he rests in Carlos’s arm and tucks his face into the officer’s neck.
“I got you,” Carlos reassures, his arm going around TK’s shoulder and pulling him against him even more.
“You always do,” TK replies, brushing a kiss to the exposed skin of Carlos’s neck. “I missed you today.”
“I missed you, too, baby,” Carlos responds and presses a kiss to the top of TK’s head. “Texting will never be the same as seeing you on one of those calls.”
“Yeah,” TK agrees. “And we didn’t do much of that either thanks to the never-ending calls we got.”
“You saved lives, and I’m so proud of you, babe,” Carlos expresses, his voice coated with so much love and admiration for the younger man.
TK replies with another kiss to Carlos’s neck. “I never would have been able to make the change to paramedic without you. You guided me and supported me, your words gave me the final push I needed and your encouragement every day means more than words can express.”
“I’ve got your back, Ty, always,” Carlos vows.
“And I’ve got yours,” TK vows back.
“Is there anything you need?” Carlos asks, his hand moving up and down TK’s arms in the way he knows calms TK.
“Just this. Just you, ‘Los, you’re all I need,” TK replies with a smile.
“You’ve got me,” Carlos says and the kiss he gives TK this time is brushed against his temple.
TK nuzzles closer to Carlos, almost like he wants to disappear into his boyfriend and Carlos understands. On days like these, days that take a big toll on TK, TK is often in need of anchoring and grounding, and Carlos has learned over the months of their relationship that taking care of TK in the aftermath of said days takes on many forms. The officer has also gotten pretty good at knowing how to offer the comfort TK needs without TK having to ask for it.
He would have run a bath for TK and guided him to the bathroom when he returned home, knowing that the warm water and feeling Carlos’s touch would help TK, but after seeing just how tired TK was and how TK so eagerly gravitates towards him, Carlos knows exactly what TK needs.
TK needs to feel Carlos under his touch, to hold him close, to melt into him.
Knowing this in his heart, Carlos shifts, and TK lets out a disapproving noise at the movement.
“Trust me,” Carlos says, slightly pulling back from TK.
TK frowns as they separate, not yet catching up to what Carlos is doing. He realizes Carlos’s plan when the cop positions his body in front of TK’s, his back now to TK’s chest and TK wastes no time in wrapping his arms around Carlos and pulling him close. It’s almost an automatic response, TK needing to be close to his boyfriend.
TK, now holding Carlos, drops a kiss to the back of the officer’s head while running the pads of his fingers over Carlos’s clothed stomach.
Their breathing syncs, slow and steady as Carlos’s hand goes to cover TK’s and he intertwines their fingers together.
TK’s other hand then moves to Carlos’s head and he begins carding his fingers through the soft curls there, Carlos humming in approval as TK weaves through the strands.
TK smiles when Carlos leans into his touch, knowing how much Carlos loves this and how it relaxes him. More than once, Carlos had fallen asleep while TK ran his fingers through his hair as they cuddled in front of the television.
“I love your curls like this,” TK’s voice breaks the comfortable silence that had fallen over them.
He twirls a curl around his finger, watching it scrunch back into place when he lets it go.
“I appreciate your days off because you don’t gel up your hair,” TK continues.
“Oh, is that the only reason you appreciate my days off?” Carlos asks, and TK can pretty much hear the smirk in his voice.
TK chuckles, the vibrations reaching Carlos’s body through their connection, making him smile.
“Not the only reason,” TK replies. “Your cooking is another reason I highly appreciate your days off.”
It’s Carlos’s turn to chuckle, nodding.
“But it doesn’t compare to our mutual days off and all the free time we get…” TK trails off, his voice suggestive and low against Carlos’s ear.
“Mhm,” Carlos agrees in a heartbeat. “Can’t wait for more days off together.”
Carlos lifts their connected hands and brushes a kiss to TK’s knuckles, TK squeezing Carlos’s hand in response. The tension eases and seeps from TK’s body and peace falls upon the couple.
“Feeling better, baby?” Carlos asks.
“Yeah,” TK nods, further anchoring himself through holding Carlos.
Carlos smiles and leans back against TK some more, knowing it’s helping TK.
He doesn’t exactly know what had happened during TK’s shift, if he had a rough call or something of the sort, but Carlos doesn’t push, also knowing that TK might shut down if he isn’t ready to talk about it yet.
Over the course of their relationship, Carlos had learned to give TK some space, that that was the best way to get TK to open up. The months of their relationship have helped Carlos know the difference between TK’s silences, being able to differentiate between those moments when TK is spiraling and needs a hand, and the ones where he’s composing his thoughts and processing his emotions.
There’s subtle differences between those silences, in TK’s demeanor and even engraved in his expressions. And Carlos has learned to tell the difference.
It wasn’t easy at first, his instinct to help TK and to be there for him overriding what he knew was true. Time had proven fruitful, though, and TK started to open up to Carlos more easily and more frequently. Of course, Carlos knew it was also thanks to their developing relationship and the trust built between them, but he also knew not pushing TK to talk had something to do with it, too.
So as TK runs his fingers through Carlos’s hair, gently massaging his scalp as he goes, Carlos knows TK is collecting his thoughts, figuring out his feelings, before talking to Carlos about it.
TK’s process happens in one of two ways, either he goes on a full rant, letting everything sink in as he speaks, usually while pacing back and forth or in moments like these, quiet moments, where it all happens inside his head and it’s those moments he needs something or someone to hold on to.
And Carlos trusts that TK will come to him when he’s ready.
“Wanna sleep, babe?” Carlos whispers.
“In a bit,” TK replies. “Just wanna stay like this for a little longer.”
Carlos nods as TK’s arm tightens around him and he wiggles against TK’s chest, getting more comfortable.
Carlos can tell TK also needs some more time for his mind to calm, for the racing thoughts to quiet down and he’s willing to stay like this for as long as TK needs.
“Thank you for this, ‘Los,” TK whispers, fingers still combing through Carlos’s curls, grounding them both.
“Always, baby.”
Eventually, TK’s heart rate starts to decrease, Carlos feeling the tranquility against his back and he knows TK will soon fall asleep.
“Come on,” Carlos says as he begins to shift, realizing how tired TK is at the lack of response from the paramedic at the officer’s movement.
TK nods and lets Carlos maneuver him, but he pauses, looking at TK.
“Okay if I take them off now?” Carlos asks, his tone a little teasing as he takes hold of his glasses.
TK nods. “I’d hate for them to break. But keep them close,” he winks.
Carlos chuckles, taking off his glasses and folding the handles, gently placing them on the nightstand near his phone.
Carlos switches off the light and the soft moonlight glow immediately shines into their bedroom. They shuffle in bed for a few moments before settling down, Carlos now holding TK, the gesture offering wordless comfort.
Carlos drapes his arm over TK’s middle, pulling him closer into his chest and then brushes a soft kiss to the side of TK’s neck.
“Get some rest, baby, we’ll deal with everything tomorrow,” Carlos murmurs.
TK lets out a content sigh and in the safety of Carlos’s hold, engulfed in Carlos’s scent and everything that is Carlos, he drifts off.
And wrapped in Carlos’s arms, TK is truly home.
(Carlos wearing eyeglasses was inspired by the photo Rafa posted on his Instagram story a while back!)
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ticklyfluffers · 3 years
Sensitive Seeker-TF TK Fic
Repost of fan fiction of mine.
To think, it all started with just a simple gesture.
Thundercracker mused in how he had gotten to the scene he stood in now: Starscream shooting off blast after blast at Skywarp, yet the purple and black Seeker just treated the entire thing as some sort of game.
And, perhaps in some weird way, it was a game. As “‘playful” as a “self-respecting” Decepticon could be, he supposed. Yet still, he’d known he would need to separate the two (as always) eventually. Yet when to jump in was the question, as he was in no mood to have a shot of raw, stinging energy or a null ray being delivered to his facial region, should he intervene at the wrong time.
‘How did I get here, dealing with this?’ He questioned, inwardly groaning. It was a useless question, having already known the answer.
It had begun but a few short Earth minutes ago, at least, it had for him and Skywarp, yet for their Commander, it had begun but a few solar cycles ago (at least that measurement of time was fairly close to those used in this planet). Once again, Starscream noticed a, in his own words, “massive flaw” in one of Megatron’s bids to acquire more energy, and thus, just HAD to point it out and make sure everyone around him could hear it. This then led into the regular bickering, which led to the Seeker (once again) proclaiming he’d make a more suitable leader for the Decepticons, which led to Megatron “reminding” him of his place (once again), which resulted in a trip to the infirmary (once again).
And, while Thundercracker felt Starscream deserved to be told to keep his mouth shut, the blue Seeker found himself dreading what Megatron had planned for the Air Commander, as while it was Starscream’s punishment, somehow, in some way, it would affect his wingmates. Once again. Thankfully, it wasn’t overly extreme, mainly because Megatron had two locations of interest in mind, and probably declared that more worthy of his time than looking over his shoulder for his 2nd in Command’s potential assassination attempts. The Decepticon Leader had assigned Starscream and his wingmates to keep watch over the Space Bridge until the operation to seize control over the locations was completed or disregarded.
“And knowing our ‘glorious leader’, he’ll probably fail at this plan too.” Starscream grumbled to himself, arms folded over his chassis.
Thundercracker only sighed. Ever since he had come here, slag, back when was alerted of his duties, the Seeker had done nothing but complain over his leader’s orders. Of course, with a little “encouragement” from Soundwave (as in, alert Starscream he would be relieved of his wings for a good while if he didn’t do as he was told), their Air Commander (begrudgingly) accepted the assignment. Of course, now that they were here, Starscream had seen it as the perfect time to go ahead and start his tirade against Megatron again.
And suffice to say, it was beginning to get on his trine-mate’s nerves.
“Guard duty,” Starscream growled. “Of ALL the humiliating tasks he could’ve thrust on me...guard duty?!”
Skywarp began to shake, fists trembling until finally, he had finally reached his breaking point. “Is it possible for you to shut the frag up for at least a FEW cycles?! Is that too hard to ask?!”
Thundercracker was quite taken aback by the violet Seeker’s outburst. If anyone was being told to shut up, it was usually him. ‘Primus, he must be REALLY mad.’
“I’ll say whatever is slagging well please, thank you very much!” Starscream retorted, clenching his fists.
“Well go off and do it somewhere else away from me!” Skywarp argued back. “I’m getting sick of hearing that shrill dog whistle of a voice you’ve got!”
“Then get used to it, because I have no intention of stopping until I’m done!”
While he had no appreciation, let alone any sense of respect for it, since their arrival to this primitive world, some Decepticons had taken to using Earth expressions and terms in comparison to some more traditional, archaic language. The Casseticons were the worst out of these bots, outright using terms such as ‘dude’ and ‘man’, as well as copying much human cursing (a good portion of which humans based on their own bodily functions, to Thundercracker’s confusion). Skywarp, whether he had just decided that their regular curses weren’t enough, or he had been hanging out with Rumble and Frenzy on one too many assignments, decided to unleash everything that had been, as humans say, getting under his skin.
“Oh boo-hoo! You think YOU’RE the only one that doesn’t want to be here?!” the Seeker shouted, approaching Starscream. “This entire damn thing is your fault anyhow! You just HAD to go and run your mouth about how much Megatron’s plans suck and how YOU obviously had the better idea!”
“Because I do!” the Seeker Commander countered. “He wished to attack both locations at the same time, yet didn’t wish to better separate his forces into equal groups! Even if one was easier to access than the other, did he not think those blasted Autobots would just LET themselves be overtaken?!” he fumed, releasing a frustrated cry. “Bah! He had NO good reason to NOT send the Constructicons! There would’ve been no way that any of those slagging Auto-dorks would’ve stood a chance against Devastator! But NOOOOO! Apparently, they were needed elsewhere!”
“Because there was a crack in the hull,” Thundercracker interjected himself. True, he had little intention of getting involved, yet Starscream was forgetting one vital factor in Megatron’s decision. “The lower sections would’ve been at risk of getting worse and potentially breaking open. Then the entire Nemesis would’ve been flooded.”
“The pressure at the depths the ship’s at is far from enough to cause a breakage in such short a time!” Starscream argued. “We are situated in what the under evolved primates of this floating rock called the mesopelagic zone. True, we are away from the primary star of this current solar system, yet a majority of sea life in that area are perfectly capable of withstanding the water pressure. And they’re also organic, mind you!”
Skywarp scoffed. “You saying all that fancy mumbo-jumbo to make yourself sound smarter or something?”
“Hey, I WAS an accomplished scientist back in the Golden Era of Cybertron!”
“Of which you quit!” the purple and black Seeker countered. “And accomplished? That’s a fat load of shit, and you know it! I bet you only got a passing grade on whatever research logs you presented to those old farts running the academy!”
“Why you slagging piece of-”
“All right, both of you! That’s enough!” Thundercracker had decided that now was the time to step in, lest things start getting violent. Violence was an accepted part of Decepticon culture, seeing as many of their members had been forced to engage in it just to scrape by and survive via gladiatorial matches and other low ranking jobs (which didn’t house the most respectable of bots), yet the blue and black Seeker wasn’t in the mood in having to bring both of his wingmates into the infirmary because they decided to behave like a couple of Sparklings and duke it out.
That’s when the discovery had been made.
Thundercracker had pushed back against Skywarp’s chassis, yet he must’ve misjudged the distance between him and his oh-so-mature Commander (seriously, and he said Skywarp was the one who behaved like a sparkling). His servos made contact with the red and blue Seeker’s waistline, and that was when he and Skywarp heard it. It was a cross between a frightened gasp and an attempt to choke back laughter. Any anger between them had died that instant, replaced with curiosity and bewilderment. Their Commanding Officer was looking quite frazzled and on edge.
“Whoa, time out for a nano-second,” Skywarp said, lightly shoving Thundercracker off him. Nevertheless, he turned to him for confirmation. “You hear that too?” He then turned his attention to Starscream. “Hey, Screamer, what was that noise you made just now? And don’t say it’s nothing, I’ve got a witness right here!” Skywarp gestured to Thundercracker.
Starscream paled (even if there was no change of color) and stood there with wide, red optics. Nonetheless, he quickly straightened himself out and appeared to be cool and collected. “I was merely taken aback by Thundercracker’s sudden movements was all.” He explained, all the while trying to choose his next words very carefully. “You should be grateful he stepped in, lest I fire my null ray right in your face.” He glowered at the black and purple Seeker, hoping that his display would get his subordinate to back down.
But, as the humans said, no dice.
“Uh, correct me if I’m wrong-“ Skywarp began, taking a few steps toward, noticing how Starscream took a few steps back.
“And you are.” Starscream interrupted.
“But you seem a little nervous there.” The Seeker’s grinned. “All I’m asking is why you made that noise.”
Slag, Starscream thought. He wasn’t buying it. Ok, don’t panic. Just come up with another excuse. One that he surely couldn’t refute. “Well...it seems that my inner components are still a little sore from my last...disagreement with our all-wise and all-powerful leader.” He snarled that last part. Even if he were trying to get Skywarp off his back, it wasn’t all a lie. Hook had told him to take it slow for a few solar cycles for his internal repairs to mend the rest of him back together.
“Oh dear, are you ok?” Skywarp asked, an uncomfortable amount of mischievousness in his voice.
Slag. “Yes, I’m fine,” Starscream assured. “But...you shouldn’t touch me. In fact, I outright forbid it.”
Thundercracker analyzed the situation, looking back and forth between Skywarp and Starscream. He was puzzled at first regarding what had happened when he separated the two, yet given one Seeker’s predatory grin and the other’s excuses, it slowly dawned on him what was going on, as well as what Skywarp intended to do.
“Why?” He asked, taking a step towards Starscream while Starscream himself took a few steps back. “You took quite a bruising not too long ago. Maybe something is out of place or broken.”
“No! No, nothing is out of place or broken!” The SIC shook his head wildly.
“Are you sure? Because last time, you said Hook was a piss poor excuse for a medic.” Skywarp chuckled, raising his hands and spreading his servos out.
“Well, I think maybe he’s improved his craft these last few human weeks!” Starscream said, beginning to look around for any escape routes. “But...just in case, you shouldn’t touch anything! You could only make it worse!”
It was then that a familiar, magenta hue began to overtake the purple Seeker, Starscream’s optics widening in horror. “Why Starscream, I’m hurt! Do you think I’d actually hurt you?” He said coyly, optics fittingly red and devilish. “You’re my Commander, my trine-mate. It’s mine and Cracker’s job here to tend to your needs.”
Thundercracker gave a low growl, Skywarp knowing well how he hated being referred to by that name. Despite that though, he kept quiet.
“C’mon,” Skywarp cooed. Then, the magenta hue overtook his entire form, and in a flash, the Seeker was gone from sight.
“N-No! Stay away from me-“ Starscream shouted, yet was cut off when he felt digits traveling along his waistline.
“No need to be so tense.”
The reaction was immediate. Skywarp’s servos lightly stroked and scratched at the other Seeker’s ivory midsection, Starscream seizing up and doubling over, trying to get his “comrade” to release him.
“N-No! Stop it!” Starscream hollered, trying to grab at Skywarp’s hands. “I command you to-“ then out it came. “St-Sto-hoho-p!” A chortle caught in the middle of a demand (or was it a plea) to cease the infernal movements. Starscream had managed to wrench himself away from his assailant, but the damage was already done.
His terrible secret had been uncovered.
“No. Way.” Skywarp said. True, he suspected it, but to actually have confirmed blew his processor. “No. Fragging. Way!!!” He then pointed to his superior. “You’re ticklish!!!”
Now it was Thundercracker’s turn to be surprised, he looked at Starscream with bewilderment and shock. While it wasn’t a topic relatively discussed among themselves, he and the rest of the Decepticons would be fools if they didn’t acknowledge that their “hosts' ' shared more than a few qualities with the ones that had crashed landed on their planet millions of years ago. They were the only species to have similar civilizations to their own, same general body shape, they had an internal, skeletal structure that greatly resembled their own, lived as the dominant species on the planet (well, they were until the Decepticons and Autobots awoke), and fought and warred amongst themselves over the centuries. Yet when it came to the way their organic structure was put together, no one had an exact idea of how the human body functioned. Soundwave suggested gathering a few “lab rats'' and transporting them to Shockwave, yet so far, nothing else had come from that suggestion. Good thing too, Thundercracker felt such a thing was both unnecessary and, while he would never say it aloud, savage. But from what he had seen from Skywarp’s experiment, it seemed that they now were the ones to share the trait of ticklishness with the humans.
Starscream stood there, completely at a loss at what to say or do, processor scrambling to try and find something, anything, to keep the inevitable from happening. “I-I am not-AH!!!” He protested, only for Skywarp to teleport behind him and deliver a servo right in the crease where his hips met his waist. “Stop it!!!” He then aimed the weapon situated on his left shoulder in the other Seeker’s direction. “Try that again, and this null ray is going to blast you right in the face!”
Skywarp wasn’t the least bit intimidated. In fact, this just seemed to make him even more eager to go through with his plan. ”Primus, you’re acting like I’m going to kill you!”
“I’ll kill YOU if you get any closer! I mean it!” Starscream shouted, still aimed right at Skywarp’s head.
“Fine. Do it.” Skywarp laughed. “In fact, I doubt you’d be fast enough to hit me before I just warp out of the way.” He drew closer. “Well? I’m waiting.”
Thundercracker stood by, ready to jump in if things got too ugly. Starscream was cornered, he knew it, yet he seemed to be leaning much more into flight than fight. He looked to the blue Seeker as if trying to gain some support (or maybe a shield to use in case Skywarp made the first move), yet his optics mainly stayed on the third Seeker, trying to gauge what the next plan in his strategy was.
And it was then that Starscream made a critical decision. Frag it.
Immediately taking flight, Starscream transformed into his jet mode and zoomed off, leaving a long, cloudy trail as he departed.
“Oh no!” Skywarp declared, also transforming and chasing after his superior. “You’re not getting away that easily!”
“The slag do you think you’re going?! Get back here!!!” Thundercracker bellowed, yet either Skywarp didn’t hear or just outright disregarded his command, because he and Starscream flew off, leaving him alone.
Why did he always have to be the one to reign those two in?
“Aw, c’mon! I’ll go easy on you if that’ll get you to slow down!”
“I’m not going to hurt ya!”
“That makes it worse!!!”
“Don’t be such a baby!”
“Frag you!!!”
Back and forth the two Seekers went, Skywarp going back between promising to be ‘gentle’ with his Commander to outright declaring that resistance was futile, and Starscream shot back with threats of murder and dismemberment. All of which didn’t deter Skywarp a bit.
Seeing that the other jet was gaining on him, the Decepticon SIC went as fast as he could to where he was certain he would blow out his thrusters, yet he had to veer over to the side when Skywarp appeared before him via teleportation. He dove upwards, yet found his route blocked by the purple and black Seeker cutting him off via a barrel roll. Starscream went in the opposite direction, yet found himself cut off there as well, Skywarp just barely colliding into him.
“Hey, watch it!!!” he hollered. “You could’ve clipped my vertical stabilizer!!!”
“Then stop flying off and I won’t have to get drastic!” Skywarp shot back, yet inside his alt-mode, he was grinning ear to ear. Or at least he would be if he had any. “Try all you want, I’m not letting up anytime soon!”
“Then you’re going to be doing this for a long time because I have no intention of stop-” Starscream was interrupted by the horrific sight of Skywarp’s body being engulfed with magenta before disappearing from sight.
Oh, Primus. Oh Primus, no! Transforming into his root mode, Starscream looked around, panicking as he found himself surrounded by clear, blue skies, the sun shining high and bright. The intensity of the solar rays blinded him momentarily when he turned in that direction to look for any trace of his pursuer, yet this proved to be a fatal mistake. From beneath, the Seeker was rammed, his subordinate having decided to stay out of his line of sight long enough, and by the time Starscream realized his error, it was too late.
“Aha!!!”Skywarp seized him by the waist and immediately went to work. His servos went in and scrambled along the area he had attacked before, Starscream immediately seizing up and trying to contain the chortles that threatened to spill out of his vocals.
“S-Stop it!!!” Starscream shouted, twisting as much as he could to dislodge himself from the other jet’s hold, yet it seemed that whenever he made a movement, Skywarp just focused on another part of his midsection, the continuous switching of locations making Starscream’s processor be torn between staying still or continuing to writhe around. It was all so confusing and torturous! He was at a loss at what to do! “Stop!!! I-I comma-ha-nd you!!!”
“Hmm...nah.” Skywarp responded, continuing to scramble over the bends and angles of Commander’s midsection.
“I-I’ll kill you!!! Do you hear!? I’ll kill-” Starscream’s voice, unfortunately, chose that time to not cooperate with him. “G-Gah! N-No-hohoho!!! STOP!!!”
“Ah, there you go!” Skywarp congratulated. “Now, was that so hard?”
“Get off!!!” Starscream practically shrieked, both from frustration (and panic), yet also from the sensations that were plaguing his cerebral chamber, sensors lit a fire with horrid tingles and shocks. He only wished that they were of pain. “I-I can’t-'' he then nearly fell out of Skywarp’s arms before he was, unfortunately, caught, the torment continuing. “I can’t stay alo-ha-ft!!!”
“No problem!” Skywarp said, shutting off his thrusters. The two Seekers then began to plummet downwards.
“What in Primus’ name are you doing?! We’ll cra-ah-sh!!!” Starscream hollered, all the while trying to contain himself as Skywarp’s servos still continued to torment him.
As the ground continued to come closer and closer, Starscream braced himself for impact, yet found that it never came, magenta filling his vision before everything around him froze. He wasn’t a stranger to this phenomenon, yet it still perplexed and bewildered him that such an impulsive oaf had such an ability bestowed on him. The times were far and in between, yet whenever it happened, Starscream had gone into the strange dimension between planes of existence with Skywarp when the Seeker teleported both of them. The world looked the same as it had before, yet everything was still and silent. No movement, no sound, nothing. Nothing but their own, as if they were the only things that existed in this small pocket universe.
Then, as quickly as it began, it ended, both Seekers landing on the ground, yet far from at the velocity they were previously traveling at. The landing didn’t mean that Starscream was free, however, the lack of the need to look out below allowed Skywarp to fully focus now on the movements of his servos, which quickly went back to work.
“Stop it, stop it, STOP IT!!!” Starscream commanded, yet he was quickly shut up as giggles threatened to pour out from his vocal processor. He then lifted up his arm in an attempt to, out of desperation, fire his null ray in the other Seeker’s direction, this proved to be yet another fatal error.
Once Skywarp shot his hand underneath to scrape at the cables and joint that linked Starscream’s shoulder and upper arm, he could hold it in no longer.
“Gah!!! Gah-hahahahaha!!!” Starscream released loud and slightly hoarse laughter from his vocals, using his other arm to push back against the other Seeker tickling at his underarm. “S-Stop!!! Stop it!! Sto-hahahaha-p!!!”
“Ha! Gotcha!” Skywarp shouted in triumph, spidering along the red area that rested above his white waist just below the arm joint, this forcing Starscream to retreat into himself and cease his attempts in getting the purple and black Seeker off him. “You’ve got no chance now! Surrender!”
“Hahaha, n-never!!!” Starscream shouted back, trying to turn the opposite way to keep Skywarp away from his side. “Ge-hehehe-t off!!! Get-ah!!!” Skywarp swiped a digit just underneath the area where Starscream’s chest protruded outwards, running the servo along the rim. “Don’t touch me there-AHH!!!”
Skywarp smirked. “Why? Does it tickle?~” he asked oh-so-sweetly. “So you admit you’re ticklish.”
“I admit nothing!!!” Starscream choked in between bouts of involuntary laughter. “I’m not tick-“ he tried to finish but was cut off by more chortles forcing themselves out.
“Then what do you call this? Just a WEE bit of sensitivity?” The purple and black Seeker asked. He stroked and pinched along the SIC’s upper chest region, dipping his hands in the small, square-shaped hollows that rested by his white shoulders, this causing said SIC to try and make another grab at his hands to stop the attack. Unfortunately, Skywarp used this opportunity to dive in under Starscream’s arms and begin scribbling at the joints and cables and whatever other components he could reach. Starscream howled with laughter the moment he felt the wildly moving digits, his arms hugging around himself and clamping themselves down.”Oh great, I’m stuck. Now, what are you gonna do?”
“Wh-Wha-hahaha-t?! You ge-hehe-t them out!!!”
“Can’t exactly do that with you holding my hands down, can I?” Skywarp asked, not letting up in the slightest. “Lift your arms up and I can get free.”
“N-No!!! You’re just gonna-hahaha!!! STOP!!!”
Starscream was in, as the humans would say, stitches, his body torn between twisting around and curling up into a ball in a vain attempt to lessen the sensations plaguing him. He knew well that Skywarp would go for the same areas and perhaps others if he lifted up his arms, yet, as he found out, the seams of his underarms were deathly sensitive. It was the equivalent of either having Megatron rip off his limbs versus his fusion cannon blasting him right in the chest. Neither of them was exactly pleasant options. And he didn’t care if he would be called dramatic for making such a comparison! This was torture! He needed this to stop! He HAD to make it stop!
Yet he wouldn’t beg. Not to Skywarp of all mechs. That fool would never get the satisfaction of hearing him grovel for mercy!
And speaking of members of his trine, where in Primus’ name was Thundercracker?! Useless piece of scrap-
“All right, that’s enough!” a voice called out from high above, a blue jet zooming down and transforming, landing a short distance away from his fellow wingmate and Commander. “C’mon, Skywarp, you’re going to kill him.”
“Am not!” Skywarp protested. “I’m just trying to lighten Screamer’s mood here! And from what I’ve seen, my method’s working!
Starscream tried to protest, yet had taken to tightening his lips as much as he could, strained whines coming from in between gritted, grinding dentals. Still, he managed to make out some words (though it was NOT a plea!). “G-Get him off!!! GET HIM OFF!!!”
Thundercracker sighed, crossing his arms. “You heard him. Get off.”
“Aww, do I have to?” Skywarp whined.
“Unless you want a report regarding your insubordination, I’d suggest you do so.”
The purple and black Seeker huffed and begrudgingly stopped moving his hands, Starscream immediately seizing the chance to scramble away, standing up and dusting himself off. Skywarp began to rise as well, yet Starscream pointed one of his cannons in his direction, eyeing his every movement.
“He isn’t going to bother you anymore.” Thundercracker assured.
“I should blast you in the face JUST for what you put me through alone!!!” the Decepticon SIC snarled.
“Hey, I was just trying to get something out of you that wasn’t complaining!” Skywarp countered. “You think you’re the only one that wants to be here on guard duty?”
“I’d much rather be in the company of Megatron at the moment rather than you two!!!”
“Hey, c’mon, that’s enough.” Thundercracker began, trying to cool things down, yet his Commander wasn’t having it.
“I’ve done nothing wrong to even be here!!! I was made Second in Command by Megatron himself!!! And, like it or not, that means I have the full right to question and propose any sort of adjustment or improvement to whatever backward, ridiculous, and foolhardy mission he’s got in mind!!!” Starscream shouted, clenching his blue fists. “And if that’s not enough, he had to stick me with YOU TWO of all bots!!!”
“Hey, c’mon!” Skywarp shot back. “We’re the only ones that can fly besides those damn cone-heads! And Primus knows they won’t put up with your bullshit.”
“I’ve had it up to here with yours!!!” Starscream retorted. “I don’t know why I even continue to allow myself to work with you two!!!” he then pointed to Skywarp. “You are an immature, idiotic thug that has been graced with a power that you clearly do not deserve!!!” he then pointed to Thundercracker. “And you…” Starscream paused. “You...you...well...you didn’t get here fast enough!!! I was under attack by one of my own wingmates, and here you were, lollygagging and taking your sweet time!!!”
Thundercracker was somewhat taken aback. True, this was typical of Starscream, ranting and raving about all the unfairness of the world and how he was slighted by whomever he decided had insulted him, yet the blue Seeker felt a twinge of anger flare up in his spark. “I was TRYING to keep back to make sure you wouldn’t clip a wing or something. You were behaving quite...erratically.”
“That’s no excuse!!!” Starscream countered. “I am your superior, and thus, am your utmost concern!!!”
“I was-”
“No, I’m not done!!!” the other Seeker interrupted. “You know what? You’re just as useless as Skywarp here!!! Only you’ve got no discernable skills or anything spectacular in your arsenal. I lack Skywarp’s little ‘talent’, but I come packed with null rays that can disable and render any machine, Earth or Cybertronian, useless. But you? What, the typical blaster? And such an outdated model too!!! Perhaps even one of the cone-heads would be better suited to be here in comparison to-”
Starscream got out no more before he found himself tackled to the ground. Thundercracker was on top of him and, at a blinding speed, as if in response to the SIC’s remarks regarding his skill and prowess.
“What do you think you’re-” Starscream shouted, yet soon felt his shoulder cannons being removed from his arms. “H-Hey!!! Put those back!!!”
Thundercracker didn’t answer him, continuing his work until his Commander was relieved of his weapons. Then, the blue Seeker delivered a blow to Starscream’s face when the other Decepticon tried to rise. He was disoriented long enough for him to be seized from behind, Thundercracker having ducked his arms underneath Starscream’s own and lifted them up, holding them together with one hand clasping around his wrists, effectively keeping the SIC in place.
“Skywarp,” the blue Seeker began, voice low and emotionless, yet the other members of the trine knew well what such a tone meant when it came to Thundercracker. “He’s all yours.”
Skywarp beamed and made a motion of ‘cracking’ his knuckles (even if he had none). The grin on his face filled Starscream with the utmost dread and fear. “Y-You can’t do this!!!” he protested. “I’m your superior!!!”
“Yes,” Thundercracker responded. “A superior asshole.”
“A superior asshole that’s been getting on my and Cracker’s nerves,” Skywarp said, grinning. Thundercracker despised the nickname the other Seeker had given him, yet at the moment, what was at the forefront of his mind was his Commander’s “disciplinary” session. “And since we’re both done hearing you bitch and moan,” Skywarp raised his servos up, wiggling and making clawing motions with them. “We’re gonna hear you laugh it up instead!”
And then, he went in and continued where he had left off.
Starscream had no chance to brace himself, his focus torn between trying to get Thundercracker off of him and Skywarp’s advances. The purple and black Seeker dove down and traced his servo-tips all over the red and blue Seeker’s chassis, running along the curves and bends, dipping his digits in the vents situated on his chest, and down the midsection where his cockpit was located.
“N-No!!! No-hahahahaha!!! St-Sto-hahaha-p!!! Stop!!! I or-hoho-der you to STOP!!!”
“Not happening.” Skywarp responded, now skittering along the white waist.
“You-hoohoo dare defy an or-hoho-der from your Comma-hahaha-nder!?!”
“If said Commander is being a little bitch, then yes.”
“Th-This is ahahaha-assult on a supe-hehhehe-rior officer!!!”
“Fine then. Stop me.”
Starscream didn’t answer that, knowing well that, despite himself, he was effectively rendered helpless. Thundercracker wasn’t letting him go any time soon, and Skywarp was more than content to keep tickling the ever-living shit out of his Commander. He was completely at their mercy. But he would not surrender. He couldn’t! Not to them! They wouldn’t get one word out of him that was begging for mercy!
At least, that’s what he tried to keep in mind, all the while fighting against said pleas that were forming in his processor.
Skywarp continued to let his servos dance all over Starscream’s upper half, Thundercracker keeping him immobile. The other Seeker’s added weight made struggling difficult and sometimes near impossible, and the maddening sensations made his futile attempts to escape no better. Skywarp had gone for the SIC’s underarms, Starscream’s laughter raising in volume and his struggles increasing, yet Thundercracker held him firm. Skywarp spidered down Starscream’s sides and chest, even tackling the red sections that stood upward on his shoulders. The red and blue Seeker howled with laughter, Thundercracker keeping up his efforts to hold him tight. Despite his current predicament, Starscream could at least take comfort in that the three were clearly alone out here. The only downside to that was that it was Skywarp of all bots doing the torturing! That mech left no inch of his upper body untouched, making sure to give each and every portion of it equal attention. Odd that he would be so precise given how impatient and foolhardy he was.
Having decided that he had explored all he could in that area, the purple and black Seeker shifted his attention to Starscream’s hips, dragging servos along where it connected to his waist and squeezing the sides. The Decepticon SIC continued to release mad cackles from his vocal processor, Skywarp’s servos traveling down to his inner thighs, teasing the joints and cables he could reach. The purple and black Seeker went down the other jet’s legs and reached his knees, swiping servos behind the blocky sections that essentially served as ‘kneecaps’. He even dipped his digits in the vents that rested there.
Starscream was being driven mad, his frantic struggles weakening, though whether it was due to him losing strength or some part of him simply accepting his fate, he was unsure. Regardless, he was reaching his limit and frankly, beginning to lose his mind. “W-Wait!!!” the Seeker got out. “O-hoho-k!!! OK!!! You-hoohoo-’ve had your fun!!! Stop!!!”
“Not yet,” Skywarp said. “I’ve still got a little more of you to tend to.” he then turned to the blue Seeker. “Hold him tight. I gotta feeling this is going to send him over the edge.”
“What do you mean…” Starscream asked, yet trailed off when he saw Skywarp secure his ankles, the undersides of his peds and thrusters completely exposed. Oh no. Oh Primus, no! “W-Wait!!! WAIT!!!” Skywarp and Thundercracker were quite shocked at how loud their captive had gotten, both looking at him with wide, red optics.
Skywarp then smirked. “Oh my,” he glanced at one ped he had in his grasp. “This a particularly sensitive area?” as if to demonstrate, he ran one servo down the length of the side of it, Starscream trembling and straining to keep noises from exiting his throat. “Oh hot damn!” the purple and black Seeker looked to his comrade. “Look at this Cracker! Screamer here’s got sensitive tootsies!”
Tootsies? Was that a human word? Well, whatever. Thundercracker had to strengthen his hold on Starscream, the other Seeker growing even more erratic than before.
“Not there!!!” Starscream finally threw all pride and dignity aside and went to one of his desperate fail-safes: begging. “Please, not there!!! Anywhere but there!!!”
“Why?” Skywarp coyly asked. “Does it tiiiickle~?”
“All right fine!!! Fine, I admit it!!! I’m ticklish, ok!?! There, I said it!!!”
Skywarp stopped his teasing, yet still held Starscream’s ped in his hold. “And?”
“And…” the SIC couldn’t believe he was doing this. Megatron was one thing, but these two? He would NEVER live this down. “And…” he felt a servo place itself on the underside of the ped. “And I’m sorry!!! I’m sorry for everything I said!!! You’re not useless or idiots!!!” Starscream sighed, having gained both of the other jet’s attention. “It’s just...it’s just so frustrating.” He said, lessening his struggles. “Your position means nothing, and whatever contribution you have to give is treated little better than the ramblings of a fool. How nothing you could ever say matters…”
Starscream looked away from both of them for a second, his wingmates quite baffled and confused by what they just heard. True, complaining was one of the hallmarks of their Commander’s personality, yet it was quite a rarity to hear him display such raw honesty with them. It wasn’t a completely alien event, the two having heard these supposedly heartfelt (or in their case, sparkfelt) confessions before, but they were far and in between. Yet whenever they happened, despite their probable better judgment, they listened. And Starscream, even if he didn’t say it outright, acknowledged that they were indeed listening. These moments were always awkward and generally uncomfortable for all three of them, the mood not exactly being positive but oddly calm. And neither Skywarp nor Thundercracker could tell whether these were genuine or not. Their Commander was very much what the humans called a social chameleon. Oh sure, he had his distinguishing traits, yet it seemed that whenever he had to play a certain role (aside from a duplicitous usurper), he usually took it and made it his own. He could have solid strategies and plans, he could be deadly in combat and made use of his airborne advantage well, and when, rarely, Megatron’s plans aligned with his own, he would follow it to a tee. But whether all these were just an act to get what he wanted or a rare display of inner, truthful self (even if partway), neither of the Seekers knew. And in a way, Starscream would probably have it no other way.
Skywarp looked at his partner in crime, then to his victim. “You believe him, Cracker?”
Thundercracker was silent for a moment, Starscream looking up at him with wide, pleading optics. “I don’t know. You know Starscream.”
“Oh, you think so little of me, dear Thundercracker?” The SIC asked, seemingly hurt. “I merely let my own grievances with Megatron affect my sense of professionalism.”
“And?” Skywarp asked. “You sorry for being the King of the Assholes today?”
“King of the...what!?” Starscream began to protest, yet the sensation of Skywarp’s servo kept him in his place. “Yes!!! Yes. Yes, I’m sorry. I apologize. I apologize for everything that’s come from my vocal components.”
The purple and black Seeker looked and Thundercracker and nodded his head. “You know what? I believe him. How about you?” Thundercracker remained silent, yet when his hold was loosening, he noticed Skywarp look at him with a coy, calculating smile. “I think Cracker here forgives you too, Screamer.”
Starscream sighed in relief. “Yes, well...I suppose, as the humans say, to err is, well, human. But to forgive is divine.” He tried to get up, but still, found himself being held tight.
“Hold on there! Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves.” Skywarp said. “I said I forgive you.” He then placed a servo on the underside of Starscream’s ped and dragged it down, noticing how his Commander’s face tensed up. “I didn’t say anything about letting you go. And neither did Cracker.”
Starscream’s red optics widened in terror, his fate had not been changed. “But...but you said that you forgave me!!! You have to release me!!!”
“And we will,” Thundercracker spoke up. “But, it would be bad form to leave Skywarp’s job unfinished, right?”
“Was that an actual joke from you?” Skywarp asked, genuinely surprised. It was just as, perhaps even rarer than Starscream’s “honest” moments, yet once in a while, the blue Seeker showed he was capable of humor, albeit mostly dry, but still, humor. “And yeah. I’ve only got one more place to cover. So I’d suggest you buck up and take the rest of it like a mech!”
Shit, Starscream thought, a part of him surprised that he had used a human curse. Still, the sentence had been delivered. He was doomed. “N-No, wait!!! You don’t understand!!! I can’t take it there!!! It’s too much!!! You’ll drive me crazy!!!
“Hmm...those are all rather bold claims. But you shouldn’t have told me that.” Skywarp said, eager to start his tickling torment up again. “Because now I’m going to have to see it for myself!”
And thus, Skywarp wasted no time in getting started, Starscream having no chance to maintain any semblance of self-control the moment he felt a servo quickly swipe itself back and forth on his ped. The reaction was immediate, Starscream having no chance to try and even contain himself. Skywarp traced down the entire length of the ped, the red and blue Seeker released loud and slightly hoarse laughter from his vocals, he desperately trying to twist his way out of Thundercracker’s grip.
“Skwarp!!!” Starscream hollered. “Ple-heeheehee-se!!! STOP!!!”
“Oh no, Mr. General Dickweed!” the Seeker answered back. “Forgiveness or no, you’ve been in dire need of an attitude adjustment all day today!”
“I sa-hahaha-id I was so-hohoho-rry!!!”
“And you lied to us about being ticklish. Shame on you!” Skywarp teased, continuing to scribble around on the underside of his Commander’s ped.
Starscream was in absolute hysterics, trying with all his remaining power to break free and escape his torment, yet it seemed that his fate was sealed. He was going to have to stay here and endure the continuous, soft, agonizingly light yet maddening sensations Skywarp’s servos created. Eventually, his struggles ceased, no longer having the energy to fight back. Or maybe, somewhere in his processor, he knew that he was fighting a losing battle and simply relented to those that currently had power over him. Skywarp then ceased tickling the peds, yet Starscream had no time to rest. Despite his hopes, pleas, and prayers (he hadn’t really considered himself a religious bot, yet he was singing praises to Primus at that moment in his head), Skywarp had discovered his Commander’s Achilles Heel. Literally.
“PRIMUS, STOP!!!” the SIC shrieked, living up to his name. Out of all the spots that could’ve been at the mercy (or lack thereof) of Skywarp’s servos, he knew well that one would be enough to make him go crazy. “YOU’RE KI-HIHIHIHI-LLING ME!!! I’M DY-HIHIHIHI-ING!!!”
Skywarp scoffed, yet he found this whole thing hilarious, his servos dancing along the lining of and inside Starscream’s thrusters. “Oh please. If anything, this is a spa treatment compared to what you usually get hit with from Megatron.”
Thundercracker glanced down at his captive, taking a look at the Seeker’s ever-present smile he had plastered on his features, yet also of how hot he was beginning to feel how warm he was becoming. His internal systems had steadily been heating up from all the exertion of energy, yet the fact Thundercracker could now feel the heat himself signaled to him that Starscream was truly reaching his breaking point.
“Ok, I think that’s enough.”
Skywarp looked up. “Aw, why?”
“Is your processor malfunctioning? Feel how warm he is!” Hmm, now that he thought about it, Starscream DID feel like he was heating up the further along he went. Still...did he have to? “Skywarp!”
“Ok, ok! Fine!” the purple and black Seeker groaned.
Begrudgingly, he ceased the movement of his servos and raised his hands away from Starscream, who was still caught in the throughs of laughter. Yet after a few moments, said laughter began to soften and decrease, the Seeker resting in Thundercracker’s arms mainly because he couldn’t do much else. Despite there being no need to take in oxygen, Starscream was quite appreciative of its abundance, his vents taking it in and filtering out the heat that had been building up.
“Oh, and here you actually had me...going,” Skywarp said, gesturing to Starscream. “See? He’s fine!” The word ‘concerned’ was about to exit from his lips, yet the Seeker kept them back. Like the Pit he was going to say that. Starscream then glared in Skywarp’s direction. “See? Totally fine. He’s already back to his bitchy self.”
“You…” Starscream huffed, sounding as if he were short of breath despite not needing to breathe. “You think you’re VERY clever, don’t you?”
Skywarp shrugged. “On occasion, I like to think so.”
Starscream only narrowed his optics. “The moment I get my strength back up, your termination will be slow and painful.”
Despite this threat, the Seeker wasn’t intimidated in the slightest. “Yeah right. I stopped believing you after the...what was it, the millionth-and-first time you said that?”
“Well...who’s to say I don’t mean it the millionth-and-second time?” Starscream questioned, beginning to reach for his null rays, yet ultimately, had tired himself out too much to even move from where he was. As the human said, screw it.
“Are you all right?”
The Decepticon SIC looked up at Thundercracker. “Oh, so NOW you care about my wellbeing?”
“I stopped him, didn’t I?” The blue Seeker asked, pointing to Skywarp.
“And you’re also the one that restrained and let him torture me.”
“...touche.” he then began to rise. “Come on. On your feet.” he slowly hoisted his Commander up. “You’re still cooling down, so it’d probably be good to wait for a klik or two before you take to the air.”
Starscream didn’t argue with that, yet he went over to retrieve his arm cannons. Skywarp soon found the Commander’s eyes looking straight at him. Yet still, his cannons didn’t fire, though whether because he was too tired to do anything or he actually didn’t have it in him (at least at the moment), to shoot Skywarp was unknown. Yet the result was the same.
“So...now what?” the purple and black Seeker asked.
“What do you mean, now what?” Thundercracker asked. “We go back to our posts! Slag, we shouldn’t even be out here anyway!”
Starscream dusted himself off, trying to straighten out his appearance. “As soon as this is over, I’m punishing both of you.”
Skywarp mockingly gasped. “Aw, why?”
“Why?! You know slagging good why!!!” Starscream responded. “And by the time I’m done with you, a session with Megatron himself will sound exceptionally pleasant in comparison!!!”
“Oooh, that’s pretty big talk, Screamer.” Skywarp chuckled. “And just how are you going to do it?”
Starscream didn’t exactly care for how close the other Seeker was. “I...I’ll find a way. I’ll find several.”
“Of course, you do realize you’re not the only one with an advantage, you know?” And before Starscream could ask, he felt a poke in his side, the red and blue Seeker recoiling from the touch. “Y’know, I can’t help but wonder how the guys would react to this when I tell them.”
Both Starscream and Thundercracker were taken aback by what Skywarp had just said. “Why would you tell anybody?” Starscream asked.
“Because it’s adorably precious and funny.” The Seeker answered.
“You had better not!!!” Starscream ordered. “Or I’ll make your punishment even worse than Thundercracker’s!!! I’ll…” he then went over and fell at Skywarp’s feet. “Please don’t tell anyone. Please. I’m begging you.”
“Relax, he’s not going to tell,” Thundercracker assured his Commander. “Right, Skywarp?”
Skywarp folded his arms. “Only if Screamer takes back his punishment threats.”
Starscream relented. “Ok, yes. Fine. No discipline. Ok?”
The Seeker smiled. “And since you’re feeling so cooperative, I’ve been meaning to ask you some...stuff.”
Starscream did NOT like the sound of that. “What kind of...stuff??”
“Well, c’mon.” Before he knew it, the Air Commander found his trine-mate’s arm slung around his shoulder as if he were a long-time friend. “We can discuss it on the way back to the space bridge.”
Starscream groaned, not liking where this was going at all.
Thundercracker only looked on, still trying to swallow everything that had happened. Suffice to say, he found himself feeling rather...odd about it. And he could tell Starscream held this sentiment as well. Truly, it sounded unreal: he had just held down their superior while his wingmate tickled him into near insanity. Had he not seen it himself, let alone participated in it, he wouldn’t have believed it. Frankly, he was beginning to feel quite embarrassed about how he had sunk so low to be involved in something so childish, but…
“Oh, come on! It wasn’t that bad!” The blue Seeker heard Skywarp say. “You were smiling the whole time!”
“Yes, against my will!!!!” Starscream retorted, folding his arms and, for lack of a better word, pouting.
“But don’t you feel just a little bit better?”
Starscream’s red optics widened. “No! It-“ had he been human, he would’ve been red as a tomato. Odd how the meatbag’s skin changed at just the slightest amount of extreme emotion. “Hmph!!! Well...I’m not talking to you right now!!! Or in the next few Earth hours. Or tomorrow. Or the day after that. Or-“ he was interrupted by a poke, unprepared to contain the giggle that slipped out. “Do that again, and I WILL blast you this time.” He threatened.
“That makes a millionth-and-three.” Skywarp answered, unfazed.
Thundercracker continued to watch the two Seekers argue and banter with each other, noticing that, even if he would swear to Primus Himself that it wasn’t the case, since his tickling session, Starscream seemed...less irritable?
“Well, maybe that’ll be the lucky number. What’s that human saying again? Third time’s the charm?”
“I don’t think they have plus a million in there though.” Skywarp chuckled, Starscream huffing.
“Shut up.”
Thundercracker could only speculate. One could never tell with Starscream. But from watching him, he had a vague idea of what was going in his processor. And that he’d keep it a secret from everyone.
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delirioushrimp · 3 years
Frozen Fairytale (DemonYB AU)
This is like the most self-indulgent thing I’ve ever done hhhhh-
Once more, this story is here because I am a huge simp for @harbingers-appointed ‘s  amazing AU !
Vee I hope you know I would die for you !
Plot changed three times during the writing process, help-
He senses their pain before he hears their scream. It’s a cry of agony, distress, begging for help and he feels it in his bones as though it was his own suffering. It travels through his being like a shot of electricity; fast, violent, and dizzying. It takes him a few seconds to recover from the pain and as soon as he does, a feeling of dread unlike anything he had experienced  before fills his soul until it’s the only thing he can think about.
He rises abruptly from his desk, causing TK to flinch and look at him with a confused and fearful look. But he can’t see his tactician, can’t hear them ask if something is wrong, can’t feel the pieces of wood piercing his skin. His soul, his heart is burning a fire of horror and rage.
He almost knocks the door of its hinges as he desperately tries to reach them through the pain.
“Darling ! Darling where are you ?!”
Long agonizing seconds pass -where he imagines the worst has already happened-
Their voice is too weak, too frail and distressed for him to relax. And they only used his real name when…
“Tell me where you are !”
He doesn’t mean the harshness, the sternness in his tone, centuries of cold authority coursing through his veins and the panic rending him unable to control it. He hears a gasp before they answer once more.
His eyes widen furthermore at their words, his feet carrying him to the only place they could be as terror -the kind he hadn’t felt in hundreds of years- takes hold of him. He doesn’t notice the looks of bewilderments of his kind as he runs past them, quickly turning into pure fear when they feel the murderous aura of their King. Most of them have never witnessed it and to endure its overwhelming presence like this, even for a second bring them to their knees. He doesn’t notice any of them as he runs like he never has, ignoring the tremendous pain his heels bring him.
“It hurts…it hurts so much. I-don’t think I can hold for much longer…”
They sound on the verge of fainting, and it feels as though he might be dying.
“Don’t ! Don’t let go ! Please ! I’m on my way !”
“…Samael…I’m so tired…”
“Please ! Please just a little longer !”
He never begged, the King of Hell doesn’t beg for anything or to anyone. He didn’t beg when God casted him aside, didn’t beg when he was stripped of his title, of his wings, or when he felt their ghostly presence for a hundred years to come. He never begged in his life, when he wants something, he simply takes it without asking, because he doesn’t need anyone’s permission. He doesn’t need the princes’ or TK, and he especially doesn’t need permission from that pathetic God.
And yet in that moment, running in the frozen parts of his kingdom, he is willing to. He’s willing to beg anyone he crosses to save his beloved; he’s willing to kneel in front of God if it means he can get back the wings which were so painfully teared apart from him, even for just a minute, anything so he can reach them sooner, faster even by a few seconds. Anything for the pain to stop. He briefly looks up at the sky.
You knew this would happen, didn’t you ?!
He doesn’t expect an answer, and he doesn’t get one but doesn’t miss how the harsh winds seem to be whispering words of mockery to his ears. But the sound of their voice brings him back to the moment.
“My King…”
He feels their mind sleeping farther away, to a place he can’t reach. The words are spoken softly and lovingly but with a hint of regret.
“I’m sorry…”
“DON’T !”
But the connection is lost, quickly followed by a loud splashing sound and his soul shatters into pieces.  A scream of agony echo through the frozen lands, the wild and agonizing cry of a frenzied beast, chilling anyone who hears it to the bone.
He starts running again, this time, pleading, again and again to find them. The smell of iron hits him, and he feels madness takes over his mind.
As soon as your bruised and frozen fingers let go of the small rock, you feel it. The long, tortuous howl of his voice ringing in your soul reminding you of his hellish nature. It tears you apart and for the briefest moment, you wish you could have said something more. Then the water takes you.
It doesn’t hurt as much as you expected it, the pain only lasts a minute. A minute where your lungs desperately try to breath into the frigid ocean that surrounds you, burning every cell of your being. But then nothing. Only silence and the slow descent of your body towards the unknown, and you briefly wonder if there is an end to this endless ocean. It’s peaceful, quiet, and painless. A calm, soft blue surrounds you, reminding you of his eyes. It lulls and soothes you.
So beautiful…
Everything is numb and you feel your eyes growing heavy but you’re not scared. You’re not scared because you remember his words upon your arrival.
Death is something you will never have to fear my dear, for I am the only one who controls it here.
A small smile draws on your lips despite the cold.
Then it’s alright, I’ll suffer a thousand pains if it means staying with you.
He will find you; you know he will, he always does. You just have to wait a bit. You close your eyes and fall asleep into the icy blankets of water. Death will not find you, the Light Bringer will.
The first time you wake up, it’s to the sound of crying and pleading. Someone is begging for you to open your eyes, but the task proves to be impossible. The sorrow and the lament in their voice break your heart, despite not being able to recognize who it is. You vaguely hear the person call for your name, again and again between their sobs. You wish you could comfort whoever is uttering your name with such anguish and desperation. But instead, you fall back into the arms of Morpheus.
Who are you ?
The second time you wake up, it’s to the smell of blood. The stench invades your mind, overwhelming all your senses until it’s the only thing you can perceive. You want to gag, yet your body seems unresponsive to even your most basic instincts, as if frozen in ice. But behind that heavy and violent scent, you catch a hint of something familiar. Something ancient, powerful, and pleasant, it comforts you. Instinctively, you cling to that aroma acting as a lifesaver and slumber takes over you once more.
I know you.
The third time you wake up, it’s to the taste of something bitter running down your throat. It tastes like one of those herbal teas from back home, but far worse. It burns and stings your tongue; makes you sick to your stomach, and you panic. You trash around, try to scream but no sound leaves you. Your crisis is interrupted when you feel something soft brush against your lips, something sweet and gentle, like a candy melting in your mouth. It’s enough for you to fall back asleep.
Who am I to you ?
The fourth time you wake up, it’s to a warm touch. Something -or rather someone- is holding your arm tightly, though not enough to hurt. You still struggle to open your eyes, but you can feel the way their much bigger hand delicately holds yours, running soothing circles on your palm. Then you feel a warm breath on your fingers and a pair of lips brushing against them in such a tender and caring way it brings tears to your eyes. You doze off, feeling loved and protected.
I’ve never felt so cherished before.
The fifth time you wake up, it’s to a sight you never believed to witness. A large figure kneeling on their knees by your side, head resting on your chest, through some miracle, the long horns barely scrap your skin. Pale moonlight rays shine on them- no him, allowing you to see a pained expression and the bags under his eyes, a sight which immediately strikes you with grief. He looks absolutely miserable. And yet, you find a certain beauty to it. Is it because you know he would only kneel for you ?
My King…
As if on cue, a gasp reaches your ears before the head lying on your chest shots up, so fast it almost knocks you out. You curse out loud in fear, but the sound quickly dies in your throat the moment you notice the look in his eyes.
First you see shock, confusion, and disbelief following one another in rapid motion before relief takes over. His eyes, his smile, it’s like he just found the greatest treasure in all three worlds. It reminds you of the first time you met, except he doesn’t hold it back. The raw devotion and adoration in his gaze, it’s almost too much for your heart to handle.
You try to reach for him with your hand but a sharp pain in your shoulder forces you to withdraw your arm, you hiss at the sensation and he notices it. His expression immediately falls and is replaced by sorrow and guilt. You can see it in those endless pools of blue, you can see how he’s blaming himself for something he isn’t responsible for, you can see how terrified he is of you hating and discarding him, and most of all, you can see the suffering he endured during your short absence. You’ve never witnessed something like this before. You’d seen him irritated, disappointed, tired, or dejected even.
But this, this was something you hated seeing on him. This expression of utter defeat and grief does not suit him at all.
Carefully, you lift your other -and fortunately non-injured- arm and with as much softness as you can muster, brush your hand against his cheek. He jolts from the touch as if he expected a much harsher reaction but just as quickly, leans into your touch and closes his eyes. He’s trembling, still afraid you’re only indulging him one last time before rejecting  him completely. It surprises you, how easily you can read him when you could barely decipher his true intentions not so long ago.
You  push back the blankets and slowly shifts your body until your feet dangle from the bed, caging him between your legs, but his eyes are still shut.
“My King…” you whisper in a raspy voice, “open your eyes please.” The shaking grows in intensity. “For me…”
Your last words act as spell pulling him out of his misery. His gaze is solely focused on you, and even after all this time, it still takes your breath away. How could such a powerful, beautiful and infinite being look at you -a mere mortal soul- with such intensity you feel like the only person existing in all three realms ? You still don’t understand, and you don’t know if you ever will.
Does it even matter ?
He who has everything, looks like he might crumble at any moment. The embodiment of pride, crawling at your feet, begging for your love. Has he ever shown such vulnerability to anyone else before ? The selfish part of you wishes he hasn’t, the greedy and possessive part that wants all of him for you and only you. His mind, his body, his heart, and his soul, all for you, just like you belong to him.
Comfort him, cherish him, accept him, love him
“My love,” you call for him, and the distance between the two of you shortens, you feel his hands roam your body, desperately clinging to you. “My star, my light, my savior, my fated one…”
Each appellation has him growing closer and closer until his forehead touches yours, his breathing is erratic, his eyes search for any trace of resentment on your face, hands encircling your waist is a tight -but non-painful- grip.
“None of this was your fault-“
“Don’t go to them !”
You speak at the same time, but you stop at the frantic tone of his voice. You frown, confused, waiting for further explanations.
“I know I- failed to protect you !” he admits in the most pathetic tone you’ve ever heard. “But please, don’t leave me !” he begs, and your mind is sent into a spiral of worry as you try to come up with a way to calm him down. “Don’t- don’t choose them !”
Who are you even talking about ?!
“They- he will only hurt and use you !”
His words hit you like a bucket of ice- no it’s worse than that, colder than the waters you drowned in, colder than the harsh winds digging into your skin when you were clinging to that rock for dear life. You feel your blood boil and freeze at the same time, because you understand who he is talking about.
The genuine deep-rooted fear in his tone fills you with both dread and fury. It terrifies you because it means this demon, no-this entity is far worse and far more powerful than you thought, enough for the King of Hell to be afraid of it. It enrages you because it means they hurt him before, most likely tortured and let him bleed out like the sadistic creature they are. Your interactions with them had given you a hunch about their true nature but this is so much worse, much more horrible than you’d anticipated.
You want to scream, you want to get up from this bed, you want to find this smug bastard -it wouldn’t take long, they’re always around the corner- and strangle them. You don’t remember the last time you felt such wrath against someone. But you can’t. You can’t because you can barely move without your body hurting but most of all, because you just know they would relish in your anger and you wouldn’t be able to bear that infuriating self-satisfied and arrogant smile.
The grip around your waist suddenly tightens and when your eyes focus on him again, you realize your mistake. He noticed your anger, and thought it was directed at him. His pupils are blown wide, and he starts shaking again, mumbling the same sentence over and over again like a broken record.
“This will never happen again, I promise !” he interrupts you.
“Dear-“ you try again, but to no avail.
“I’ll never leave you, never again ! “ His voice turns dark, with a hint of madness to it. “Will always stay with you, always by your side. Always, always, always, always…”
“Love please-“
“You know I would do anything for you, right ?” His eyes are blown so wide you can barely see his pupils, smile stretched to the point it might tear his face apart. The raw possessiveness and despair, they make him look completely mad. “Tell me, tell me what should I do to earn back your love. Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you. Just tell me.”
You stare at him in stunned silence and in that moment, you know if you asked for him to set his kingdom ablaze, he’d only ask you in how many days. He had told you so in the past, but you’d only taken it as another dramatic display to entertain you. Now you realize how serious he was and to your shock, you’re not as frightened as you should be. In fact…
His eyes twitches and a trail of cobalt blood starts to run down his chin from how hard he’s biting his lips. His voice turns to hysterics and you think you see something running down his cheeks.
“Just tell me !  There must be something ! Tell me please, tellmetellmetellmetellme-“
“Samael, enough !” you end up shouting at him.
He immediately stills, from the tone of your voice or the use of his name, you can’t tell. You didn’t mean to raise your voice, not when he was breaking down in front of you, but he wouldn’t have stopped otherwise. And hearing him so hopeless and frantic was too much for you to handle.
Ignoring the pain in your left shoulder, you reach for him again, this time with both hands and he watches you lovingly cup his face in your hands with awe. His gaze darts back and forth between your face and your hands in utter bewilderment, like a child trying to solve a puzzle. You almost laugh at the thought. Instead, you lock eyes with him and speak firmly.
“I’ll tell you what I want.” He perks up, eagerly waiting for your wish. “I want you to stop blaming yourself for something that’s not your fault.” You see him open his mouth, most likely to protest but you don’t give him the chance to. “I want you to remember I don’t hate you; I’ve never hated you and never will. “ You sense him slightly relaxes. “I want you to understand I will never leave you, not for them, and not for anyone else, never. “ You pause, watching the blue returning to his eyes.
His expression holds trust, hope and an innocence you didn’t believe possible for him to have, he looks so much younger. For a moment, you think you’re gazing at the benevolent, bright, and loyal angel he once was, the devoted hand of God. You remember the feather he gifted you on the first night you kissed his scars, a pure and immaculate white, softer than the most delicate silk existing on earth and more valuable than any jewel in the world. He had looked so happy, so earnest, when he gave it to you. And now, you can so easily picture thousands of those same feathers linked together to form majestic wings. The vision has you smiling softly. But a question, one you had avoided asking him ever since you realized his feelings for you were genuine burns at the corners of your mind once more. Laced with such pride, envy, and selfishness you never felt brave enough to ask.
Do you love me more than you used to love God ?
Two warm, large hands covering yours bring you back to reality and the innocence vanishes, allowing for the madness to reappear once more. But his voice is steady, confident and lacks the fragility it held mere moments ago.
“God took everything from me, from the very beginning, only took and took.” You are not shocked to hear the way he spat those words, but from the fact he seems to have read your mind. “But you…” he draws out, bringing your left hand to his lips and giving a chaste kiss where your pulse lies, teeth grazing at the flesh. You feel him slowly exhale against your skin. “You keep on giving and giving. Your presence, you smile, your touch, your voice…” You feel his tail slowly making its way around your left leg as he speaks. “But I still keep wanting more of you each passing day…” His voice becomes strained with yearning and desire. “I can’t get enough; I’ll never get enough of you.”
He closes his eyes, inhales and exhales slowly, as if trying to contain his hunger and fervor for you. His breaths are the only sounds in the large room and you find some sort of peace to it. It eases your nerves, reminds that this moment is not a dreamy hallucination from your comatose state, this is real. You don’t know how long it lasts -a few seconds, a minute or an hour- until he opens his eyes again and your heartbeat becomes uncontrollable.
His pupils have turned into hearts, and although it’s not the first time, you still find yourself mesmerized by the sight. Who knew the Devil could be capable of such thing ? The vibrancy, the intensity, and the sincerity his gaze holds have you melt into him and you instinctively close your thighs tighter around him. He relishes in your actions if the soft purring you hear is anything to go by.  
“My Dear…” he fondly says before calling for your name, and you smile, loving the way it rolls on his tongue. “The dull candlelight of devotion I once felt for the one who cast me aside cannot possibly compare to the eternal flame of adoration I hold for you.”
You feel every fiber of your body burns at his confession, pure delight taking over your mind and utter bliss over your heart.  How are you supposed to respond to that ? Nothing you could say would be enough to match this. So you decide to answer in the only way you can think of. You lean in and finally close whatever distance was left between the two of you.
You hope he can hear it, how much you love him, you hope he feels how your soul calls for his in desperate craving. You hope he realizes you will never stop loving him as you taste the blood and the tears on his lips. You hope he understands you would do anything for him as you feel his hands shift to grip your thighs. How could such a corrupted being taste so divine ?
You want him, you want him to touch and hold you, because you feel the most alive when he does. Hastily, you blindly reach for his long horns and smirk into the kiss when you finally grab them and without a warning, pulls him towards you. And oh, the way he moans into your mouth, it sounds heavenly. It makes you lose your mind.
You do it a second time, which causes him to growl and you revel at the feeling of his nails digging into your tender skin. It feels so good, so good to have him touch you like this. But then he breaks the kiss and you whine when he removes his hands from your legs, instead placing them on each side of your body to steady himself.
His eyes are hooded with raw desire and lust, causing a shot of electricity to travel to your core. Knowing that you’re the only one who’ll get to see him like this, the only one able to create such reactions from him fills you with unwavering pride and satisfaction.
“Darling…” he whispers in a husky, barely controlled voice. “I can’t- you’re still hurt, I-“ He hisses when you tenderly rub the base of his horns. “Ah…don’t- torture me like this.” His labored breath and the pleading in his tone only urge you to do it again. “You need to rest more before-“ You shush him with a finger against his lips.
“You’re the only one who can make the pain go away…” you trail off, noticing how close he is to give in from how tightly he’s holding the bedsheets. “My King…” you beg, fingers brushing against his cheek. “Please, I need you” you admit.
You can almost see the resolution shatters in his eyes and it’s beautiful. You feel absolutely drunk on triumph, love and euphoria, a deadly combination that drives you to feel much bolder, impudent, and confident than you should be in your condition.
He lifts you up in one, swift -although careful- movement before settling himself on the bed with you straddling his lap and hmmm you can feel how much he wants you now. In a moment of reckless bravery, you grind against him and smile smugly at the chocking sound coming from his throat. But your victory is short-lived when you feel a hot breath at the junction of your neck and your shoulder, inhaling your scent. You inhale sharply and a whimper leaves your lips when you feel his teeth -his very sharp teeth- nibble at your skin. A dark, guttural chuckle echo in the room, one filled with sinful promises of pleasure, making your body growing hotter by the second.
“Tell me what you need, and I’ll give it you, Darling,” he purrs in your ear, sounding very much like the embodiment of temptation and immorality most sacred texts describe him as. It drives you insane.
He never did this before, it was -almost- always him that would come to you with need and want, and of course, you never refused him. But now…
“I need-“ now look who’s struggling to form coherent sentences. You can feel him smile against your flesh like the devil he is. “I need you to touch me,” you shudder when his hands grip your thighs once more, except his hold is much more possessive than the previous one. “Hold me, fill me, mark me…” your voice becoming more strained and tense as one of his hands starts to make its way to your heated core. “I want you to fuck me until I forget the pain, and my own name…” The animalistic sound that leaves him sends goosebumps along your skin. You sigh deliriously. “I want you to worship me.”
He leaves your neck to look at you one more time before he completely loses it. You know he wants to check if you’re really sure about this, he’s done it before, and although you’ve never told him to, you know if you asked him to stop now, he would. As much as it would pain him, you know he’d never betray you like this, not only because he loves and respects you too much, but also because your Devil has standards.
When he notices no hesitation or refusal from you, a ravenous and demented smile draws on his lips as he tilts your chin with his free hand to look at you directly in the eyes. You see excitement, lust, and exhilaration in his frenzied gaze and behind it, his undying adoration.
“As you wish, dearest.”
You see them not too long after, when you’ve recovered enough to walk on your own, although you sustained no injury on your legs. Though you’re sure some people can tell why you couldn’t use them. The wound on your shoulder is bigger than you thought, starting from your shoulder blade, and almost reaching your hips but the pain is already manageable and you’ve been told no major organ was harmed, so there’s that. You can’t do much about the red angry scar expect apply some ointment every now and then but it’s fine, to demons, scars are not seen as ugly but rather a source of pride and a sign of survival. Not surprising, considering their King was the first to deal with the most painful ones imaginable. Very little got to see them but everyone knew the Fall had taken a lot from him.
Just like he promised, he keeps you near him at all times to the point you quickly forget the notion of personal space but you don’t complain much, considering what happened. Besides, listening to the meetings with the princes and other important figures -on his lap of course- gives you a better insight on how things operate in hell and who you need to be careful of, TK could only spend so much time explaining the basics to you with how busy they were.
All thanks to a certain “housekeeper”…
Ah, thinking about them always lead to a terrible headache, which for some reason you believe them to be aware of. Your last interaction with them goes back to a day or two before the “incident”, they’d been cordial and enthusiastic as usual but something about that smile always kept you on edge. Now you know your cautiousness was not uncalled for. You still want to strangle them but you’d rather drown into that lake again than admit it to their face. You can’t forget the genuine fear in Samael’s voice or the way he trembled against you when he asked you to not go to them.
What exactly did they do to you ?
“Darling ?” A deep voice brings you back to reality and you realize everyone in the room is staring at you -some with more annoyance and hostility than others- and you turn to see the concerned azure gaze of your lover. “Are you alright ?”
You don’ want to lie to him but now is really not the time to mention your doubts and questions. Instead, you smile softly and speak as casually as you can despite the headache growing in intensity.
“I just need some fresh air, don’t worry.”
You can tell he is not fully convinced with how deep his frown is and it gets worse when you try to leave your “seat”. He tenses up and to avoid making a scene you take one of his hands into your own and try to appease his paranoia.
“The balcony is not far, I’ll come back in a few minutes.” You lick your lips. “I promise. Nothing’s gonna happen,” you raise your voice to make sure everyone hears you, “nobody would be stupid enough to try something when you’re here, right ?”
You think you hear a few people chuckle and you don’t need to turn around to guess their derisive smiles. A few moments of silence pass where you stare at the King of Hell with the best puppy eyes you can muster. You know you’ve won when you hear him sigh and nod reluctantly. Slowly, you slip from his lap but before you can make a step, a hand grabs you by the arm causing you to turn around in confusion.
“Five minutes,” is all he says to you, irritation and stress already slipping into his voice. You mentally send an apology to everyone else in the room, knowing what they’ll have to deal with for this short amount of time.
“Of course, I understand.”
You beam at him but right as you’re about to leave, find yourself hit with a very bold and striking idea. You smile deviously under the eyes of a confused King. Dramatically, you kneel before him much like a knight in a fairytale would and take the hand which was holding your arm a few seconds ago into your own and bring it to your lips, not once breaking eye contact with him. He looks at you in stunned silence and wide eyes, his face covered in a delicious shade of blue. As a final move, you drop a chaste kiss on his hand and smile when you hear him inhale sharply.
“I’ll be back soon,” you beath the words fervently against his skin, “My King.”
You stroll out of the room without looking back once and head to the balcony, feeling quite proud -and maybe a bit embarrassed- of your little display despite the dull pain in your skull. You’re fortunate enough to not cross anyone on your way, and exhale slowly once you feel the cold air against your face.
You attempt to distract yourself from your gloomy thoughts with the view and feels the wind to caress your skin in a gentle breeze, it’s calm and peaceful. Until a voice you’re all too familiar with jumps in from behind, and it takes everything in you to refrain yourself from jumping in fright.
“I’m glad you’ve recovered well enough to put little stunts like this !”
You cringe at the friendly, upbeat tone they use and refuse to turn around to gaze at that pretentious smile. Of course, he knows what you did, he always seemed to know where you went and what you did.
“And I’m glad you have enough time on your hands to come and see me,” you retort as casually as possible.
Don’t show your anger, even if he knows, don’t show it.
“Of course, I’ll always free myself for you sweetheart,” he says, voice slightly huskier. “You know I’ll always be there whenever you feel bored.”
There it is, that same charming and bewitching tone he used the first time you met, the one that almost convinced you to follow him to the storage room. And his hair looked so soft, though you’d never touch it, mostly out of fear of what would happen to your fingers if you did. His eyes -well the one visible at least- were so pretty. He was attractive and persuasive for sure, but you always thought he was more than that, and you were right. What would have happened, if you’d followed them that day ?
Ah, I’d rather not think about it…
“Are you giving me the cold shoulder ?” he asks with hurt in his voice, you’re almost convinced it’s genuine. This time, you can’t help but flinch from his wording, and he notices it. “Oops, I shouldn’t have worded it like that, my bad.”
You only sigh at his “apology” and do your best to ignore the footsteps, coming closer and closer to you, slowly, like a snake chasing its unaware prey.
“Come on now, you weren’t so stiff last time we talked.”
You still don’t answer and  hear them hum in amusement at your silence. It’s not very hard to imagine the expression he’s wearing right now, narrowed eyes and a knowing smile. You don’t think you’ve ever seen them truly irritated or angry, and while his smile always unnerved you, you’d rather not discover what he looked like when he got mad.
“You’re acting like I’m the one who stabbed you in the back.”
He’s so close, too close to you for comfort, you feel your body tense as soon as the edge of his tail brushes your leg. Oh, he must be relishing in your agitation.
Fucking bastard…
“It must have been so painful, “ he whispers as one of his nails starts to move along your back. “The feeling of a sharp blade piercing your soft skin, “ he says while his finger starts to trail down the exact line of your scar through your clothes. “and the freezing winds nabbing at the wound while you desperately tried to stay afloat.” His voice drips with sadistic glee, you’re almost sure he’s getting turned on. “And then helplessly drowning with none coming to get you, oh you must have felt truly hopeless, didn’t you, sweetheart ?”
The urge to just throw him over the edge eats you away as a warm breath tickles your neck. But you do your best to sound and act as unbothered by the situation, instead opting for a white lie.
“I wouldn’t know, I don’t remember most of it.”
Bad move, you sense him chuckles against your ear at your admission, as if you’d just confided the most important secret in the world. What kind of sick power did you just allow him to have over you now ?
“Really ?” he muses. “That’s too bad…” he snickers. “Maybe I could help you regain some memories ?”
Fuck, I walked right into that one.
“You know I could  make it feel good, don’t you ?”
You wonder if this is how Eve felt when she was tricked by the snake, in fact you wouldn’t be surprised to learn Flauros turned out to be the one who tempted her at this point. It’s like he was made for the sole purpose of spreading chaos whenever he went.
“I’ll have to decline the offer,” you answer firmly and to your surprise, notice him take a step back. You feel like you can breathe again.
“You’re so boring,” he exclaims, sounding very much like a spoiled kid. “But I knew it’d be like that, this story isn’t centered around me after all.”
You open your mouth to ask for more explanations when a deep, concerned voice reverberates in your head.
“Darling ? Are you on your way back ?”
You answer quickly, knowing very well what will happen if you don’t.
“Sorry, kinda lost track of time, I’m coming !”
“Give me a minute, I’ll be there soon.”
You’re glad he doesn’t ask more questions; else you’d have had to tell him about the spider standing right behind you and he’s already stressed enough as it is.
“I’m guessing his Highness is calling for you ?” he asks in an ever-knowing voice, still filled with that same fucking arrogance. “Better not make him wait !” he shouts in a disgustingly sweet sing-song voice.
Gross, this really didn’t suit him at all, being a coy little bastard really fits him better. As much as it bothers you, he’s playing the part of the bad guy pretty well, too well you think. As if he’d done this a hundred times over already.
You want to tell him to leave, to take care of all the tasks poor TK is forced to manage on their own, you want to yell at him, bleed him dry, snap his neck. Anything so you don’t have to walk past him and get a glimpse of that cheeky smile, anything for you to forget the image of a dying Samael from your mind. But then it would mean surrendering, admit that you’re terrified of whatever entity they’re supposed to be.
So, with all the strength and courage you still have left, you turn around and sure enough, he’s looking at you the exact way you predicted it. You walk past him, not too fast -less you betray your fear- but not too slow either -less you have to gaze for too long at that sharp, hypnotizing purple eye- . But the words he utters as you stand a few inches from him, cause you to stop dead in your tracks.
“You shouldn’t worry too much about me cutie, I’m only here to act as a small distraction to your little fairytale.” He chuckles. “You should be more concerned about the God who created this world in the first place and the minion who wishes to gain their attention through this story.”
You start to walk again, not fulling grasping his words but still finding some sort of unknown understanding through them. But you still hear him talk, speaking of beings beyond your reality. His voice becoming darker and louder as you get farther away.
“The King may be the current favorite, but who knows when I’ll steal his crown?”
Walk away, don’t turn back
“Up until you grow bored of your prince charming, I’ll be there.”
“Maybe next time, I’ll get to be your Antagonist (: “
#Flauros stop fucking with brain challenge
Sorry for any world builing inaccuracies, I did give myself some liberties concerning a few details, feel free to correct me about it Vee.
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xecutivecucumber · 3 years
Rexsoka Week 2021 Day 7: FUBAR
I hope everyone enjoyed my Rexsoka week contributions. I've had a lot of fun with them. Thanks for all the support!
This one is a little less focused on their relationship and more on the...effed up part of things.
TW: Non Graphic Torture
Day 7: FUBAR
Rex had hung for hours. They'd stripped him of his armor and blacks. His arms were wrenched upward and over a horizontal bar of metal. His legs were forced in an uncomfortable position, as if he was doing a squat midair. Most of his weight was on his bent knees. The device he was entangled with seemed to be a relic of the Separatists.
Rex had no hope of getting out of here alive. It would be foolish to go so deep into Imperial territory for one soldier, even as high ranking as he was. And Rex prided himself with the knowledge that he would never give any sensitive information away.
They'd started the normal Imperial interrogation process with him, using an IT-0 droid to try and get him to talk. Rex was better than that. The clones had been trained to resist the mundane mind probe that the droids used.
But then they had stopped. Some higher up wanted to interrogate Rex themselves, and Rex was to be untouched until they got there.
So Rex hung. The pain of his shoulders and knees was probably more effective than what any of the average Imperial idiots could inflict. By the whispered tones of the Imps in charge of him, whoever was coming for Rex was far from average.
Rex didn't fear pain. He'd been under extreme distress, physical, mental, and emotional, before. He hadn't broken then. He wouldn't break now.
Finally, the door slid open, and a tall, dark figure swept in. Its head was covered in a helmet that hid any trace of humanity. The sound of rasping breathing accompanied it, as if each breath was forced in and out of the thing's body. It stared at Rex, and Rex was so transfixed by its blank stare that he almost didn't notice the thing's companion.
A clone, holding his black helmet at his side, with greying hair and a wandering scar down the left side of his face.
Rex's breath caught.
"Cody? " He asked.
He didn't need it confirmed. It was Cody. Rex could never forget his ori'vod's face.
It seemed that Cody had forgotten Rex. He looked Rex over with a blank stare. His chip was still active.
"Captain Rex." The dark figure said in a deep, robotic voice that nudged something in Rex's memory. "You were listed as killed in action."
"Well," Rex said, though he could not tear his eyes from Cody's face. "Reports can be wrong."
"Yes." The figure said. "It seems so. Which leads me to believe that others that were believed dead may yet be alive."
Rex tried not to let his fear show in his face. He knew who this man wanted.
"Tell me." The figure stepped forward. "Where is Ahsoka Tano?"
Rex managed to look away from his brother and into the figure's helmeted face.
"Ahsoka Tano is dead." He said with as much conviction as he could muster.
"I see." The figure said. "Commander, you may begin."
"Yes, Lord Vader." Cody said.
In a fluid movement he withdrew an electrostaff and slammed it into Rex's side. Rex hissed through his teeth as he felt ribs break. Then the electricity began coursing through his body in burning waves. Rex’s jaw clenched involuntarily, keeping him from making much noise.
Rex fell limp as Cody finally drew the staff away.
"Where is Ahsoka Tano?" Vader asked again.
Rex struggled to lift his head.
"She's dead." He said.
Vader stared at him for a long time before turning to Cody.
Ahsoka stole through the halls of the Imperial facility. Rex was here somewhere. At least, that’s what she prayed. The chances of him surviving at the hands of the Imperials seven days were-
Ahsoka refused to let herself dwell on it.
She paused at a corner when she heard the idle chatter of two TK troopers nearby.
"I wish Lord Vader would hurry up and kill the wretch." One complained. "Patrolling the detention level is becoming a real pain."
"Gives me a headache." The other grumbled. "Judging by its screams, I doubt it can last much longer."
Ahsoka's heart quickened. He was alive. She waited for the troopers to move past and quickly made her way to the nearest lift. The Force guided her hands to hit level B3.
The lift opened and Ahsoka felt sick. Rex's screams were echoing throughout the hallway. There was something else; whatever was torturing him was a Force user. A powerful and Dark one at that.
Ahsoka grit her teeth. There went her plan to go in sabers blazing. She edged closer to the area from which Rex's noises of distress were coming from. Soon she could make out words.
" SHE'S DEAD! SHE'S DEAD!" Rex was screaming.
So that's what they wanted to know. Ahsoka tried to reach for Rex's mind, but it was saturated with pain, oblivious to everything but the torture being inflicted on him.
Ahsoka found a storage closet adjacent to the room Rex was in. She would have to wait this out, no matter how badly she wanted to stop Rex's tormentors.
After a while Rex's screams turned to sobs, and the words he said changed.
" Kote, vod, gedet'ye!"
Cody, brother, please.
Ahsoka's heart clenched as she translated the words in her head. He was calling for Cody. She prayed that he was seeing some delusion, and that Cody was not playing a part in his torture.
His sobs began to fade. Ahsoka pressed a montral to the wall. A door opened and shut. Ahsoka waited a minute before unsheathing her sabers. She drew them in a circle in the wall and forced the cut section forward. The room she stepped into was overly bright. The floor was tacky and pinkish. Ahsoka swallowed bile before looking at the back of the room.
Rex was twisted around a metal frame, forced into what looked like an excruciating position. He was mostly naked, save for his grey undershorts. It seemed there wasn't a bit of skin that wasn't bruised, burned, or cut. Blood ran in dribbles from fresh slashes on his chest. He didn't look up as she approached him. His head lolled forwards.
" She's dead. " He whispered through chapped lips. " Kote, gedet'ye, she's dead. "
Ahsoka shook herself and wasted no more time in releasing him from his bindings. He'd lost weight in the few days he'd been here, and Ahsoka easily lifted him. A soft groan escaped him as she shouldered most of his weight.
"It's okay, Rex." Ahsoka promised him. "It's over now."
It would be. Even if they were caught, the answer the Imperials wanted was given by her presence. There would be no need to continue his interrogations.
Of course, they could always use him against her.
She quickly scanned near her. There was one guard nearby. The dark presence was getting further away.
Ahsoka set Rex down before slipping out the door. The startled guard didn't have time to make a noise before Ahsoka slammed him against the wall. He crumpled. Ahsoka retrieved Rex and started their painfully slow way down the corridor.
Rex occasionally made soft noises of pain as she jostled him. They got to the turbolift with no incidents. Ahsoka could sense the guards on the level on which her stolen Imperial shuttle was docked. There weren’t many, and by some miracle of the Force she managed to get Rex to the hangar without being seen. He let out a pitiful groan as she quickened her pace.
"I'm sorry." Ahsoka whispered. "We're almost out. Just-"
The dark presence suddenly reappeared, looming between them and the shuttle.
Ahsoka had no time, not with Rex's dead weight, to move before the man to which the presence belonged stepped from behind another ship. If it could be called a man. It seemed more like a droid.
"Ahsoka Tano." It said. "Captain Rex has become a more convincing liar. I almost believed him when he said you were dead."
Ahsoka tensed. She would not leave Rex. But she didn't see a way out of this.
"Something I'm sure you're eager to rectify." Ahsoka spat.
"There is a way for you to survive. For you both to survive." It said. "Join the Empire and you will both live."
"And become whatever you are? No." Ahsoka said.
The figure did not immediately attack.
"You think this path leads to anything else?" It asked. "Your attachment to the clone is far too deep."
"I'm sure it was only attachment that made you fall." Ahsoka said.
Her mind raced. What could she do? She would not leave Rex, but she couldn’t move quickly with his weight. And this thing was powerful .
"I see that you are resolved." The thing said. "Then I offer you this. Surrender, and I will give you both painless deaths."
For half a moment Ahsoka was tempted. Rex's pain was saturating the Force. She didn't want him to hurt anymore. And she saw no way out.
Her hesitation was seen as a refusal. The thing reached out a clawed hand. Ahsoka tensed, but nothing touched her. Rex, on the other hand, stiffened. Ahsoka nearly dropped him as he struggled for air.
"No!" Ahsoka said. "I didn't-"
A blaster shot rang through the hangar. The thing whirled to the side and deflected it with a hand. Rex relaxed.
Ahsoka only paused long enough to see a familiar clone pointing a blaster at the thing. She drew upon the Force and darted forward, past the figure who was concerned with blocking the barrage of blaster fire raining down on it.
"No more!" She heard Cody shout. " No more! "
She reached out briefly to try to connect with Cody and found a shattered mind. Whatever they had done to Rex had been too much for him.
Ahsoka dragged Rex the last few feet to the shuttle.
"Now, R-7!" She shouted.
The shuttle's door began to rise. Right before it shut, Ahsoka saw the Dark creature shear through Cody's chest with a blood red blade.
There was no med bay in the Imperial shuttle, so Ahsoka had to lay Rex on a clean sheet in the middle of the passenger bay. It had taken nearly two hours to dress Rex's injuries. Ahsoka had to set his broken fingers, wrap his ribs, and put bacta on every burn and laceration. He began to stir as she was finishing wrapping the cut up soles of his feet.
He groaned as he shifted, eyes opening to a slit.
"'Soka." He mumbled.
He struggled to lift himself.
"Shhh." Ahsoka said, gently easing himself back down. "Lie still."
She began running her fingers through his short hair in a hopefully soothing manner. He closed his eyes again and his head sagged to the side.
"How do you feel?" She asked.
"Hurts." He slurred.
Ahsoka frowned. She already had him on pretty heavy painkillers. She couldn't give him more, but she hated that he was still in pain.
She continued to massage his head. She hoped he was heading back to sleep.
"Cody?" He asked.
Ahsoka felt sick at his hopeful tone.
"I'm so sorry, Rex." She said. "He didn't make it."
Rex didn't say anything at first. He opened his eyes and looked at her.
"Was it-" He struggled to form the words. "You?"
Ahsoka moved her hand to the side of his face.
"That thing killed him." Ahsoka said. "He died so we could escape."
Rex squeezed his eyes shut. The agony that warped the Force around him deepened. He turned his head away from her, a tear tracing down his cheek.
“No more.” He muttered. “ No more. ”
Check it out and my other Rexsoka Fics on A03!
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justapoet · 3 years
Hi mary! Can I request for tarlos: 37 "How weird is it that I just realized I want to marry you?" thank you in advance! xx
Sara!! Thank you so much for sending this ask! I really hope you like it :)
Prompt list: "How weird is it that I just realized I want to marry you?"
Send me a prompt!
2.2k | read it on Ao3
let's have conversations in the dark
Time seems to stand still whenever you need it to rush, and TK had learned it from a young age. The clocks seem to play a trick and decide not to move the way they're supposed to, just to prove whoever was staring that, even if time is merely a human concept, it still holds power over their existence.
It's something he had learned to deal with, only because he really needed to. Since he was a kid, his father would end up in a hospital, and he would be in the waiting room, staring at the clocks and hoping for the moment he would look back and see that it wasn't too bad to wait in there.
Time would pretend not to exist while TK would ask anyone above their heads to bring his father back home.
And, yet as a kid, TK would stare at the clocks and count the seconds until the time he knew both his mother and father would leave work. He would sit by the kitchen counter with his dinner and stare at the pointers, his leg bouncing and his heart racing, expecting the minute they would walk in through the door and look at his new "super-awesome" dinosaur pajama.
Time would go too fast until they would say it was time for him to sleep, and the nights would go too slow just for him to see that none of them were home by the morning.
Growing up, TK would try to fool the clocks, pretending he was having fun when he needed time to go faster and lying about how boring things were whenever he wanted the minutes to freeze for a few hours. It was silly, he could see, but also endearing ― according to Enzo.
He would slowly learn how to deal with it, though, not playing tricks on time anymore ― he would take a deep breath and just accept things as they were, hoping that the waiting would turn out to have a happy ending. TK would go out for a walk, watch a movie or a random show, or start some new book he had left on his shelf for far too long.
He would make peace with time until the moment he began to wish that time didn't even exist at all.
It was funny when he looked back to see how much things changed in a couple of years. The nights he would wish that never came so he could stay awake a bit more would become his only refugee and shelter from his parents' fights or absence, and the hours he spent crying would be just known for him and the walls. The sunny days he loved so deeply would become torture, people asking why he didn't go out or acted like a typical teenager, enjoying life and the young years.
And when he couldn't even remember how the days passed by, TK would wish the clocks to stop moving. Just for a bit ― just so he could rest. Just so he didn't have to cry for one more night.
It was weird just how that time wasn't a long time ago. And even more when, sometimes, those thoughts would take up TK's mind, hours, and seconds.
He was getting better, though, in both time and misery management. Sure, the clocks still stopped whenever he needed or desperately wanted it to go faster and rush whenever he wanted more time, but he was getting better at dealing with his agony and deception.
Especially when, after a shift from hell, even if it was only a twelve-hour one, TK got to get home to Carlos.
It was a Friday, and the both of them had the weekend off. Although they had planned to take a trip to Marble Falls, less than an hour from Austin, so they could relax and have some time to enjoy each other's company, Carlos getting sick had terminated that they wouldn't get too far out of the house.
Carlos got pretty upset over it, apologizing and saying that he didn't mean to ruin their plans ― and TK had only hugged Carlos close to his chest, trying to take the groundless guilt out of the man's mind. He dismissed every apology, saying that the only thing that mattered was that Carlos would get better so they could plan their trip again.
It had happened on a Wednesday, and TK had taken Thursday off after they had to take a ride to the ER within the late hours of the night ― or early ones in the day, for that matter. Carlos was running out of air and vomiting everything he didn't have in his stomach, and his fever was high enough for TK to cry when waiting for the doctor ― and, when she came, he couldn't get himself to pay attention as he should have.
His boyfriend was whimpering, crying, and asking for them to go home, and TK wasn't strong as he needed to be at that moment. The clocks wouldn't tick by, and Carlos would ask how long they've been there every five minutes, and TK would only wish it was nothing, and he only needed some fluids and regular medication.
TK knew it wasn't too serious ― he was experienced enough to know that ― but seeing Carlos in pain was a hell-sent experience. He would get withdrawn and make himself look small, silently begging for it to stop and searching for any contact TK could offer. TK would offer him a smile, some comfort words, and would caress his sweaty, messy curls just to get a shadow-ish grin in response.
It was worthy, though.
When Carlos got discharged, a few hours after he was admitted, TK messaged Grace so she could talk to Tommy and Judd ― who would tell the rest of the team ―, and Andrea and Gabriel, letting them know that he was okay. Both Grace and Carlos' mother had offered to make them some soup, and TK knew better than decline any offer, sending a thumbs up and a heart.
Against his will, he had gone to work Friday morning, his heart getting lighter when Grace knocked on their door minutes before he had to go. Carlos was still sleeping, curled upon himself, and TK pressed a kiss to his forehead before hugging Grace tight and leaving to the fire station.
And no matter how much he trusted Grace or how deeply he loved his job, he had spent the whole shift staring at some clock whenever he could. He wanted to go home, ask how Carlos was doing, and then let the other man curl himself against his side to feel some sense of protection ― he just wanted to see his boyfriend again and make sure he was there.
So, TK had taken a shower at the station before accepting Judd's ride to get Grace and check on Carlos, thanking God when he waited in the car, and Grace was already by the door. He loved them both, he really did ― but he didn't want to be cordial at the moment.
TK walked up the stairs silently, thanking God that their room was further in the hallway than it was in the condo they'd lost to the fire. His bag and shoes were left by the locked door, and he had thrown his hoodie somewhere in the living room.
He stepped lightly inside their bedroom, smiling fondly at the sight of Carlos lying on his back with one of his arms thrown over his face and the other in the vacant space that belongs to TK. His chest was rising and falling more smoothly than it was on the two previous days, and the paramedic couldn't help but sigh in relief at that.
Not wanting to wake his boyfriend up, TK made his way to their bathroom to take his clothes off, except for his boxers, and brush his teeth, stretching his back and letting the day settle behind him. Knowing he wouldn't fall asleep so easily ― worrying was inevitable ― TK walked to the bookshelf they had in their bedroom, taking one of the books he had bought and had yet to read it.
Then, he took his steps to their bed, where Carlos had already moved his arm from, and sat with his back pressed against the headboard, taking one of the blankets and covering his legs. He smiled at the man beside him before making himself comfortable and opening the first pages of the book, sighing in relief to be home.
TK didn't make it to the third page when Carlos groaned and turned his body, stretching his arm and loosening it to fall over the paramedic's lap and the book he was reading. TK blinked in surprise, turning to Carlos and then chuckling softly, his heart swelling with how much he loved that moment.
"Miss'd 'ou," Carlos grumbled, getting closer to TK and making him slip down a little so his boyfriend could hug his waist, at least. The paramedic closed the book, then, putting it over the bedside table, and turned lowered his eyes again, watching Carlos' sleepy face.
"I missed you, too, babe," TK said. "How are you feeling?"
It took Carlos a bit to process the question, his fogged brain still too deep in unconsciousness. When he did, he snuggled even closer, his head almost placed over TK's stomach and his arm not hugging him but still thrown over his frame.
"I'm good," Carlos said. "I missed..." he stopped, almost drifting to sleep again. TK thought he would, but then he took another breath, leaning closer to TK's fingers on his hair. "You," the man completed, and TK smiled fondly.
"Me too, love," TK said. "Are you comfortable like this?"
"Uh-hu," Carlos answered and then frowned. TK watched, his fingers scratching his boyfriend's nape. "Are you― I am not― the door," the man grumbled, and TK noticed he wasn't in their room anymore but somewhere in his sleep-fogged mind.
"What?" TK asked anyway. Carlos groaned, and TK thought he would pull away, but he seemed to think twice and froze in place.
"Did you get the... the rings?" Carlos mumbled, and TK frowned with a smile.
"The rings, sweetheart?" he asked, moving down a bit each second to be lying down like Carlos. His neck would be thankful in the following morning.
"Yeah," Carlos agreed, and TK was more than sure that he didn't know what he was agreeing to.
"Which ones?" TK asked again, watching as Carlos' lips parted so he could breathe better between each sentence.
"The... Uh," Carlos mumbled, now against TK's chest. "Saturn," he completed, and TK held back a chuckle that could wake him up. Instead, he passed his arm around Carlos, hugging him close, and took another of the blankets to cover his boyfriend.
"Saturn? I don't think I have them, love," TK said, an inch of supposed sadness in his voice. When he thought Carlos had fallen asleep once more, his boyfriend snuggled even closer.
"'ts okay," Carlos said. "Love you," he mumbled, and TK's breath got caught in his throat as if it was the first time he had heard Carlos say that he loved him.
He looked down at the man cuddled around him, and his mind settled with the peace he hadn't felt in forever. Time, well-known for its games and tricks, seemed to realize just how wide, gigantic, and precious that moment was, stopping in its tracks and lingering in the air just like those promises TK never dared to break apart.
Suddenly, there was silence and a quiet realization of the loudest of TK's feelings ― suddenly, there was just who they were, in all their greatness and insignificance, and it was enough.
It was enough, and it was real. Unlike the concepts of life, death, time, it was real, tangible, there, and theirs. Unlike the unknown presence of an unexistent villain, the clocks seemed to realize that there was something there that no one could ever put in words. Unlike all the demons, and the waiting rooms, and the sleepless nights and the feeling they hold, there was peace.
And there was a certainty TK could never see coming.
So, he smiled because there was nothing else to summarize what he was feeling.
"How weird is it that I just realized I want to marry you?" he whispered to the silence, Carlos' breaths slow and steady, indicating how he was already deep in his sleep. TK sighed, staring at the man he loved as if he was the most precious thing to be something on Earth, and lifted his head to press a kiss to the messy, brown curls.
He stretched his other arm, then, and took Carlos' hand in his, watching as, unconsciously, his boyfriend's fingers tangled around his own, a sigh escaping from his parted lips.
"I love you," TK confessed, his voice echoing in the room. "And I'll get the rings, too. Soon," he said again, his heart thundering in his chest with how sweet and sure the words sounded out of his lips. Carlos didn't move, and TK closed his eyes so he could join his lover in his sleep. "Promise."
And time didn't dare to rush their beating hearts, lulling them to sleep in peaceful silence and a glowing ticking of frozen clocks.
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bellakitse · 4 years
Love In This Club - part {2/2}
Part One
TK runs into someone familiar on the job.
When I first wrote this story, my partner in crime said that if I wrote it, I would need to write a follow up of Tarlos seeing each other at work. As always, @beka1820 was right.
With this being the last thing I post for the year 2020, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and thank each and every one of you who have read my stories, left me messages, reblogged, commented, etc.
You have all been wonderful, and your support not only helped me be more creative, but it helped me survive this hard year. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the love, it has meant everything. I hope to continue to bring you all more stories to enjoy in 2021. 💗💗💗
There have been times in TK Strand’s life that have shown him if there is such a thing as a higher power, it’s laughing at his expense. Proposing to the person he once thought was his soulmate only for said person to tell him he was cheating on him with his trainer – yeah, the universe had a good laugh that day.
He imagines, as he stares at the shocked but familiar face of the police officer answering his father’s questions, said higher beings are laughing their mystical asses off right now too.
They get a call to an overturned car on a wet and miserable Thursday night. His team, now fully assembled, is more than eager for some action. TK understands the eagerness. The last few weeks in Austin have been about getting the firehouse to standard and helping his dad with their crew’s recruitment.
In the end, he likes all of them. Mateo is like an excited puppy, invoking all the protective instincts in TK. While Paul is an old soul, mixed with an all-knowing eye that both impresses TK and freaks him out at how easy he reads them all. Finally, there’s Marjan. She is a kindred spirit, he realizes after her smartass answers during the interview. He can recognize a fellow adrenaline junkie when he sees one. Seeing it too, his dad had rolled his eyes and muttered a prayer for patience. It makes him and Marjan share twin grins every time.
There are police and news crews already at the scene when they get there, the heavy rain making it harder to see, but the moment he hears his voice addressing his dad, TK instantly recognizes it. It shocks him still for a moment, flashes of their night together just a few days ago playing at full speed in his mind.
Carlos, the man from the club who used his mouth to make TK see stars. The man who then took him back to his place and showed him for the rest of the night that a talented mouth wasn’t all he had to offer.
TK feels himself go warm despite the intense rain coming down as he remembers how Carlos touched him, with almost reverence as his fingertips danced over TK’s skin. He pulled practically desperate moans and gasps out of him as he pushed deep into TK, his intention clear – he wanted to make sure TK would remember him.
He has, despite trying to focus on his new team, his new firehouse, and still new city, TK has found himself more than once thinking about the handsome man before him, regretting more and more having slipped out of his apartment while the man slept, not even leaving his cell number behind.
He sees the shock in Carlos’ soft brown eyes the moment they land on him. It’s there for a second, and then it’s gone as he jumps back into his police officer role, continuing to explain the situation to his dad.
After the assessment, his team springs into action; he, Paul, and Mateo get the overturned car pried open enough for Marjan to squeeze in and start to work on the victim. TK’s heart drops to his stomach when the woman tells them about her infant son; it falls to his toes when they see where the little boy has landed.
He watches with his team and Carlos as his father climbs up the ladder to get the child out of the tree. A shout rips out of his throat as the car chair comes tumbling back to the earth, and he feels a familiar hand gripping his shoulder when he lets out an exhale at the image of his father climbing back down the ladder with little Henry in his arms, safe and sound.
He feels an immense sense of pride for his dad as he walks away, calling his team to wrap it up.
“He’s an impressive guy.”
TK turns his head at the comment to find Carlos’ curious gaze on him. “He’s my dad,” he answers, causing the corners of Carlos’ mouth to quirk upward. He knows Carlos hears the pride too.
Carlos looks at him up and down, his expression turns reluctantly amused. “I guess we should have done some small-talk about work after all.”
TK feels himself flush at the comment, remembering the almost out of control need he had for Carlos that night, the desire to taste him more powerful than common sense.
“Probably,” he answers with an awkward chuckle. He makes a face in response that causes Carlos to smile tenderly back at him.
“I wished you had stayed,” he says quietly, taking a step closer to TK, using his body to give them a moment of privacy, pressing TK gently into the side of a firetruck. It causes TK’s pulse to uptick at the sudden closeness, and he’s sure he can smell Carlos’ pleasant scent despite the protective gear and rain still coming down around them.
“I would have made you breakfast,” Carlos continues, trying to lighten the mood, making TK wonder what kind of deer caught in the headlights look he has on his face. It’s endearing and reminds TK that while their night together had been hot, it had also been sweet. Fun, as they giggled through kisses when in their rush to get naked, they got tangled in their clothes.
The way Carlos looks at him now tells TK he is thinking about it too, and wouldn’t mind a repeat.
“What would you have made me?” TK asks, surprising himself. What he should be telling Carlos is to forget their night together.  That it was fun, but just a one-time thing. He shouldn’t be wondering what breakfast the officer would make him and how nice it would be to wake up to that. He shouldn’t be thinking about taking Carlos’ silent but clear offer.
Carlos grins widely at him, opening his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted as Paul walks up to them.
“Cap says we’re ready to go, TK,” Paul informs him, his eyebrow ticking upward as he looks at them.
TK looks back at Carlos and blushes. In the time they have been speaking, he and Carlos have gravitated closer, almost pressed against the other. It makes their familiarity with each other pretty evident.
“Right,” TK answers, clearing his throat awkwardly. “Give me a sec?”
Paul’s eyebrow raises even further as a hint of a smirk takes over his face. “Sure, Romeo,” he answers with a laughing shake of his head. “But make it quick. Everyone is wet and cranky.”
TK rolls his eyes but nods his agreement anyway. He waits for Paul to leave them alone before turning back towards Carlos. “I gotta go,” he says pointlessly, startled at how disappointed he actually feels at the thought of walking away from Carlos again.
“Michelle is going to invite your crew to a local bar we usually hang out at,” Carlos says in response, surprising TK with the change of conversation.
“You know Captain Blake?” he asks, at a loss for anything else to say. It earns him a grin.
“She’s my best friend,” Carlos informs him. Still smiling, he takes a step closer once more. “I’m going to be there.”
“Oh?” he questions quietly, gasping softly when Carlos reaches out, his index finger running over the back of his hand.
“Will you come?” Carlos asks him hopefully. He turns his hand to lock his pinkie with his. “We could have a dance, maybe have that breakfast afterward.”
“I – “ TK stalls; he knows the answer Carlos wants. It’s one even he wants to give. “I’m a mess,” he says instead, needing Carlos to understand. “Relationship wise, I mean. I had a recent implosion, and I’m still picking up the pieces,” he continues with a meaningful look.
Carlos returns the expression along with a sympathetic one. “Okay,” he says softly, his tone kind. Another smile just as caring takes over his handsome face. “I’ll take the dance then. We can work up to breakfast when you’re ready and only if you want.”
The easy understanding and acceptance warms TK, and he finds himself smiling back. Almost helpless to stop himself in the face of the beautiful man before him. TK can’t deny he wants him, but what’s more, he can’t deny the connection he already feels to Carlos, even if he can’t entirely explain it either.
“Come,” Carlos whispers again, giving his fingers a small squeeze.
TK exhales slowly. The rain is still coming down around them, and his crew is waiting for him, yet for TK, there is nothing but Carlos in front of him asking him for a dance and maybe a chance.
“Okay,” he answers, his heart beating faster at the possibilities being created from the simple word. “I’ll see you there.”
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Tk finding Carlos sitting on the shower floor after a really bad shift, Tk takes care of him(and he doesn't get to hide his curls)
This took a darker turn than you were probably expecting.  My brain goes to dark places way too often.  Features Carlos whump and inspired by a post by @comablog2 and they let me write a similiar idea so thanks for that!!  Hope you guys enjoy 
It’s always the last call of the day that ends in disaster. 
Carlos could have ignored the call over the radio since he was off shift in another twenty minutes, but he decided to go help with the call after a gunshot was reported at a residential place.  TK was with his dad for a while anyways so he wasn’t in a hurry to get home to an empty house.  He got in his cruiser and followed instructions to what looked like a perfectly innocent house.  He was out of his cruiser and to the front door in seconds, pounding loudly and announcing police presence.  The door was unlocked so Carlos pulled his gun and slowly walked into the shadows of the house.  Adrenaline rushed through him as nothing but silence met his ears as he gazed around the open concept living room and kitchen.  Nothing at all seemed out of place, but Carlos knew something sinister had happened here tonight.  His heart pounded as he called out again his position with the Austin Police.  He took a slow, careful step down the wood paneled hallway when an image from his nightmares stepped out of the master bedroom on the left hand side.  
The moon was the only light in the house and the man was covered in shadows as he stumbled into the wall.  Carlos could smell the whiskey from here as it seemed to fill the air like an awful cologne. Green eyes caught his and instantly Carlos knew who it was he had caught tonight.  Those eyes haunted him even years after he had last seen them, especially in combination with that maniacal grin.  
“My little Latino doll came to join me,” Nathan Cadbury drawled lazily as he leaned against the wall.  Carlos could see he was covered in blood despite the poor lighting, but that wasn’t what made his blood turn to ice  and a band tighten around his chest.  “I heard you became an upholder of the law after all.  How nice of you to drop in.”
Carlos knew he should ignore the way blood rushed in his ears.  He should arrest this man and have him on the ground already.  He was dangerous yes, but also heavily intoxicated and he could have him on the ground in seconds if only his body would cooperate and stop being frozen to the spot.  His gun slowly lowered to his side as he stood there taking in the man that he’d thought had ruined his life when he’d been only barely eighteen years old.  He was the only monster Carlos had ever known, and he was the motivation to join up with the police academy.  He had wanted to protect the world from people like him, and he’d horrendously failed.  
The door bursts open while the two of them stand there and Carlos tries to breathe through the panic response his body would always have in the presence of Nathan.  The other man begins to laugh as other officers swarm in to arrest him and Carlos can’t look at any of them.  He was the first officer here, but he hadn’t been able to do a damn thing.  He slipped into the bedroom to get away from Nathan and felt himself sinking to the floor when his eyes rested on the body of a young latino boy sprawled lifeless on the mattress.  He had been stabbed multiple times before being shot in the head.  The gruesome murder isn’t what makes his stomach roll and his breathing quicken.  The bruises on his skin were all too familiar, and the marks around his wrists in the shape of fingers were like looking into a mirror from ten years ago.  Carlos had always thought he had deserved the way Nathan treated him.  He had thought he had done something to earn his bruises and marks.  He had told himself Nathan would never do things like this to someone else.  
He had been woefully so wrong.
He wasn’t alone long and somehow it felt like he was invisible as crime scene investigators came in to examine the body and the scene Nathan had created.  
“Carlos,” Michelle’s smooth voice reached him as he struggled to breathe. The paramedic team had likely been called to transport the body and pronounce the death.   “I thought you were off shift.”
“It’s Nathan,” Carlos said to her, knowing she could understand the horror filling him and would be the only one to understand the reason he couldn’t move or even breathe.  “They arrested Nathan for-for-”
“We need to get you out of here,” Michelle said without hesitation as she ran a hand over his hair and the touch helped to ground him.  “You don’t need to be here.  You can’t be here.”
“I c-can’t-” He felt his flimsy walls collapsing with his best friend here.  Michelle was the only person who knew the true story between himself and Cadbury.  He hadn’t been able to tell his mom even though they were close as could be.  He hadn’t been able to tell anyone about that relationship.  
“Hey, you’re okay,” Michelle told him softly with a squeeze to his arm.  “He’s being taken away for good, Carlos.  He can’t hurt you.”
Carlos was using everything in his power to avoid a full blown panic attack as Michelle tugged him to his feet and they made it out into some cool fresh air.  He unlocked his cruiser on autopilot, only wanting to get away from here.  
“You don’t really think you’re up to driving, do you?” Michelle asked as she cut in front of him to stand between him and the open door.  
“I want to go home,” Carlos couldn’t break down here in front of most of his colleagues.  He would never live that down.  His eyes were burning fiercely and all he wanted was a way to let these emotions out someplace safe.  “Please, ‘chelle, I just need to go home and away from...all this.”
“Let me drive-” Michelle started but they both knew that wasn’t even a possible option.  
“You have a job to do,” Carlos told her as he nudged her out of the way so he could get into his car.  “I can drive home just fine.  TK is coming over tonight.”  If he didn’t cancel which he was tempted to do in this kind of headspace.
“Text me when you get home,” Michelle ordered as she slowly stepped back from the car.  “I mean it Carlos, text me.  I’m coming over if you don’t, shift or no shift.  I’ll call you later on.”
“I’ll text,” Carlos promised before closing the door and taking a shaky breath in before blowing it out slowly.  He had to keep it together long enough to get home.  Nathan didn’t matter anymore.  He had grown so far past his abuser.  He had put this all behind him long ago.  Nathan was in jail now, or he would be once morning came at the very least.  
But that boy’s death was purely his fault.
Carlos had no idea how he got home safely since he couldn’t remember the drive home at all.  He probably hadn’t been safe to drive, but being alone with something to do is the only way he was holding himself together.  He was fooling himself to think he could hold this together.  He didn’t need to break down.  It wasn’t going to do anyone any good now.  The past was the past and there was nothing he could do to change it.  He made it until he stepped into the quiet shower with hot water pounding down on his back.  Nobody was here to witness this and he had nothing to distract his mind from the whirling thoughts of seeing his abusive ex-boyfriend again.  Nothing to take his mind off of the image of that bruised boy sprawled on the bed, beaten and shot.  There had been so many nights Carlos had thought Nathan was going to kill him back when he was young.  The man had an awful temper when he was drunk, and completely unpredictable.  Carlos had let himself fall in love with a man he barely knew and it had led to bruises being hidden by long sleeves and clever lies.  
The first sob shook his frame harshly as he braced one hand on the shower wall and it felt like he was twenty years old all over again and trying to gather the courage to leave the toxic relationship he was in.  Leaving Nathan had been the hardest thing he had ever done, and even back then he hadn’t had the courage to report him.   He had simply begged any God that would listen for Nathan to leave him in peace.  He had gotten his wish at the expense of someone else and that was unforgivable.  
His knees gave out as his body shook and he curled up helplessly sobbing on the floor of his shower where nobody could hear him or judge him for feeling the gaping would reopen once more.  The steam wasn’t helping when he felt like he couldn’t breathe already due to the band around his chest tightening like a noose.  It felt like he was going to suffocate with how hard he was sobbing and unable to catch a breath in between.  If he died here he would deserve it for letting that young boy die.  He was a coward and someone had paid the price for that.  He had been too weak to speak up so someone had gotten hurt.  He wasn’t the man everyone thought he was.  He was thought of as a man to be looked up to and respected.  He was thought of as brave and unshakable. 
Those things couldn’t be further from the truth.
“Carlos!” TK’s voice broke through as the water shut off hastily and Carlos had probably forgotten to even lock his door when he had gotten home.   “Oh baby, it’ll be okay.”  TK made to reach out to hold him, but Carlos flinched back without thinking.  He didn’t deserve hands on him in comfort.  He didn’t deserve to feel better.   “Carlos, you need to take a deep breath before you pass out.  You’re safe and it’s only the two of us here.  Breathe with me, baby.”
“I-It’s my f-f-fault,” Carlos stuttered out in between gasping breaths.  
“Shh, Carlos take a deep breath, okay?” TK soothed him quietly as he knelt next to the shower patiently.  “It’s going to be okay.”
“N-no!” Carlos protested.  Things wouldn’t ever be okay again.  How could they be when he was responsible for the death of another human being?  He was sworn to protect others and uphold the law.  What kind of officer broke half of that oath?  He didn’t protect that boy from being murdered by a man that should have been in prison long ago.  “I-It’s not okay.  He’s dead and it’s not okay.”
“Look at me, honey,” TK said softly, rubbing him gently with a soft towel and it was helping ground him to the moment a little more instead of being caught up in being in that house.  “Show me those beautiful brown eyes, okay?”
Carlos forced himself to focus on TK and saw how worried his boyfriend was about him.  His green eyes showed concern and compassion as he knelt next to him.  TK affectionately brushed his curls off his forehead with a towel as he gave him a small smile.  Carlos started to realize how cold he was now that his sobs were slowing down at last even if his breathing still hitched time and again.  
“Let���s try to get up and dry off, okay?” TK offered as he held out a hand and stood.  Carlos wasn’t really ready to leave the sanctuary of the shower, but his knees were cramping up and aching by now, not to mention he truly was freezing enough to start to shiver.  The moment his hand touched TK’s the tears came full force again and he found himself wrapped around his boyfriend in an instant.  TK didn’t even bat an eye at the fact that he was soaking wet and naked, but simply wrapped him in his arms tightly and murmured assurances in his ear.  Carlos tucked his face into TK’s neck and sobbed openly like his entire world was ending in this moment.  
It took a few minutes, but eventually his cries faded to soft whimpers and TK had wrapped the towel around him to help keep him warm.  Carlos felt embarrassed to have cried like that in front of TK, but he also felt a sense of relief that the horror and grief of the day had been released.  
“I’m sorry,” Carlos’s voice was absolutely wrecked and he winced at only the sound of it.  
“No need to apologize,” TK told him with a small, sincere smile and a kiss to his forehead.  “I’ll get you some clothes and you can climb into bed.  Then I’ll get you a cool glass of water, okay?”
Carlos nodded and gazed at his feet in embarrassment.  He hadn’t lost it in front of someone in a long, long time.  TK shouldn’t have had to see that.  The man had enough problems to deal with of his own.  He didn’t need a boyfriend falling apart over something that had happened years ago as it was.  
“Arms up, love,’ TK held out his favorite yellow hoodie for Carlos to slip on and he felt his heart melt in gratitude.  The smell indicated home and it made him feel safe, warding off the chill he felt as soon as Nathan’s silhouette shone in the moonlight.  He felt hands come up to gently cup his face.  “Are you alright?  Michelle was worried when she called me.”
“She called?” Carlos sighed and knew his best friend had the best of intentions.  “What did she tell you?”
“She said I needed to hurry home.  She said you needed me because of a bad call you went on at the end of your shift.  I… I’ve never seen you like that.”  TK’s sweet face was tight with worry, but Carlos couldn’t force himself to hold his gaze.  He knew TK had questions and that it might help to tell someone else about what was going on.  He doubted this case was one that would fade with the night.  He would likely be having nightmares from his past and this wasn’t something he could hide when TK practically lived with him.  
“You aren’t the only one that’s been through a nuclear bad break up,” Carlos tried to smile a bit to show TK he wasn’t completely broken.  “I ran into an ex today on my last call.”
He saw the flashes of insecurity on TK’s face and for a minute his tears were interpreted as something entirely different.  TK was never said to be anything but brave as he kept his gaze and fought past the insecurities.  “Yeah?  How did that happen?”
“Well,” Carlos ran a hand over his curls and had to get under the covers to pull them up to his chin.  “He was the murderer we were arresting.”
“Oh fuck,” TK said immediately as his eyes widened and he slowly came around to sit next to him on the bed.  Carlos could have laughed if he didn’t feel torn apart and raw.  He didn’t know how to hold the rest of this conversation.  He didn’t know how to tell the man who thought he hung the stars and the moon that he hadn’t always been so strong and sure.  He had seen something in TK when he had first come to Austin that had reminded him of himself ten years ago.   He knew Alex hadn’t been as bad as Nathan, but he also knew the more he got to know TK that Alex had been far from nice.  “Carlos I’m so sorry.”
“When I met Nathan,” Carlos had his hands clenched in the blankets and his voice was barely loud enough to be heard even in the quiet of their bedroom.  “I never thought he was nice.  He was jaded and drank too much and hated pretty much everyone.  He was selfish all the time and took exactly what he wanted without regard to anyone else.  I was young and he was incredibly attractive so I forgave the first dozen times he grabbed my wrist a little too hard.” 
“Baby…” TK said softly and reached to take his hand.  Carlos squeezed his fingers in return, but he couldn’t look at his boyfriend or else he would never get through this.
“Eventually I was one of the only people he was civil to most of the time,” He squeezed his eyes shut as tears leaked from the corners.  “I thought I was the one that was going to change him.  The one that would soften the bad boy and all of that.  He was my first boyfriend and I was desperate not to go back to being alone again.”
“I’m right here Carlos,” TK assured him softly and Carlos was nearly finished.  The story was relatively short to tell, even if living it had been the longest two years of his life.  
“He waited until about eight months in before he started hitting me,” Carlos felt TK grip his hand tighter and heard his slight intake of breath.  “By that time I was in love with him, or I thought I was.  I was more or less living with him so my family had no idea he hurt me.  Anyways, I convinced myself for another year that somehow I deserved it when he would punish me for not doing the dishes or for not having dinner ready when he got home.  I thought I wasn’t good enough.  I told myself it had everything to do with me and nothing to do with him.”  Carlos wiped the tears off his cheeks and was thankful the hardest part to tell was over.  “I eventually left him with Michelle’s support and help.  She was the only person I told what was going on and she tried to convince me to go to the cops and tell them what had happened.  She wanted me to report the entire thing and press charges.  I was scared of him and told myself he would never hurt anyone else the way he did to me. “
“You were a kid still,” TK said with his voice shaking a bit and Carlos knew this was a lot to unload on another person.  He had no doubt TK could handle his darkness, but it still made him feel insecure.  “You were young and of course you weren’t ready to do all of that.”
“Someone is dead because I chose not to say anything.”  He felt the shaking start again even as he said the words.  “He found someone else to beat up for his amusement and eventually he killed someone.  If I had said something then he -- he would…  It’s all my fault.”
“Shh, no baby it isn’t,” TK was crying with him now and was done with having any space between them at all as he climbed into Carlos’s lap to wrap his legs around his waist as he hugged him tightly.  Carlos tried to stop his sobs as they came back to the surface.  He hadn’t told that story for ten years and it was one of the biggest regrets of his life.  
“I feel so awful,” Carlos told him amidst soft sobs.  “That kid is dead because of me.”
“He’s dead because of the man who pulled the trigger,” TK told him firmly with a kiss to his forehead.  “You were a kid and he hurt you.  I’m just glad you got out of there when you did.  Baby, I promise that you aren’t to blame in this.”
“I need to sleep,” Carlos knew the crying would never end until he had some rest and his brain had some time to process.  
"Can you sleep?" TK asked him softly. "I can make you some tea if you want."  
"Just want you to hold me. " Carlos felt a blush rising on his face at the simple and earnest request.  
"That I can do. " TK smiled at him gently and opened his arms for Carlos to crawl back into and cuddle close until his head was on TK's chest.  "I love you baby, and I'm always going to be right here. I'm never going to hurt you. If that bastard wasn't already going to jail I'd be tempted to hunt him down. I'm sorry anyone ever hurt you that way. "
"Glad I have you now, " Carlos whispered sleepily as he felt TK rub circles on his back gently.  The crying made him exhausted and it wasn't long before he could fall asleep in his lover's arms safe in the knowledge he would never be hurt again and he would always be loved.
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atamascolily · 4 years
I never actually read Junior Jedi Knights #1: The Golden Globe by Nancy Richardson before, so I figured I’d give it a shot. Like most of Star Wars Legends, it is a trip, but in a fun, if confusing way.
The academy was built to train people to become Jedi Knights, protectors of freedom and justice. Only beings who had shown they were skilled in working with the Force had been invited to attend the academy. Anakin was one of those chosen to attend the first session created for younger children and aliens.
So... Jedi Hogwarts, then. The first Harry Potter book was published in Britain in 1997 and in the US in 1998, and this book was published October 1, 1995, so it actually predates Hogwarts, but I’m still calling it that.
Leia “can’t bear” to have all three kids away at Jedi Hogwarts at the same time, so now it’s Anakin’s term. I’m raising my eyebrows because Leia is a politician assuming she’s not actually Chief of State right now; she’s super-busy and Winter took care of the kids for much of their childhood. It does explain why we never see anyone from the YJK books in this series, and the good-bye scene between Anakin, Leia, and Han is 300% more believable and heart-warming than anything in the Disney ST, so I approve.
Also, here’s some world-building for all your Yavin 4 fics:
“The Great Temple hasn’t been changed much on the outside,” Luke said. He had sensed his nephew’s curiosity. “But we had to change the inside in order to create the academy rooms. We’ve divided some spaces into sleeping and refresher units for you and your classmates. And we’ve hung heavy drapes above the open windows. The windows in the Temple have no glass because the climate here is so warm that we rarely need it. However, every few months we have terrible storms. The temperature drops and rain and winds whip through the jungle. When that happens the heavy drapes keep the temple warm and dry. There’s one place that we haven’t touched, though-the Grand Audience Chamber at the top of the Temple. All of the instructors and students here agree that it is just too beautiful to change,” Luke explained.
(And then everyone who’s seen the movie would be confused! LOL)
HAVE I MENTIONED HOW MUCH I LIKE THAT TIONNE IS A MAJOR PLAYER IN THESE BOOKS? Because I do. Traveling with Luke and rescuing kids, singing songs, being kind... #legend. I don’t think we ever see Kam, though, so I don’t know what he’s up to. It’s literally just Luke and Tionne, plus a bunch of NPCs here.
I don’t get how Anakin can be so good with droids yet not understand Artoo’s Binary, but okay. I love how Artoo just follows him around for... reasons, or he would except Anakin cheats by using the stairs. Ignore Artoo at your peril, kid.
More world-building:
Anakin had reached the Grand Audience Chamber. It was the highest room in the Temple, and unlike the other rooms, it had not been rebuilt for the academy. Gently Anakin pushed open the large doors. He walked into the center of the Grand Audience Chamber. The walls were a deep tan stone, worn smooth over the years. Blueleaf shrubs, the most common shrub on the moon, poked through several cracks in the stones. They attached themselves to the stone with suckers. The shrubs were electric blue, and as Anakin leaned close he could smell a spicy perfume.
(As an aside, I don’t understand why Legends makes the Grand Audience Chamber at the top of the Temple - the room we see in ANH seems too large to fit at the top of a pyramid the size the ones in Chichen Itza. Does anybody have any drawings of the interior of the Temple of Kukulcan or any other Meso-American step-pyramids  to confirm or deny this? Also, I don’t get why an audience chamber would be at the top of so many stairs - it seems like you’d want that to be closer to the ground for easier access for the plebes, and keep the upper levels as private space for the aristocracy. But I digress...)
Anakin meets Tahiri, who is from Tatooine and raised by Sand People, because we need to have more movie references and there are only like 5 acceptable planets for Star Wars writers, because movies, so that’s fine. Her defining character traits are impulsiveness, constant chatter, and a distaste for shoes.In light of the prequels, her comments on sand have aged well:
“Where I’m from it’s hot and there’s sand everywhere - gritty sand that sticks between your toes. So, aren’t you going to say something?”
Tionne shows up and sends them to bed. Anakin’s not a morning person. #Relatable. At breakfast, his reaction to Tahiri’s account of her dream in which he saves her on a river is priceless:
Anakin was silent. So this was what his brother Jacen was always talking about. I guess girls do get crushes on boys and say things that make no sense, he thought.
LOLOLOLOL. Also, Anakin says Jacen and Jaina are his best friends and Tahiri laughs and says No, I’m your best friend now like I said yesterday, and MY HEART. These kids. I love them.
Anyway, Luke lectures them on the Force, and it’s mostly Yoda’s sayings all mushed together, and apparently “Believe and you succeed” really is a part of it, so okay then. We swing suddenly from Anakin’s POV to Luke’s and it’s kinda jarring, especially since Luke is only interested in recapping his own personal history and has nothing new to say.
Anakin starts dreaming the same dream as Tahiri and hearing voices, so they sneak out to investigate even though Luke has explicitly warned them not to. Anakin’s so worried about being kicked out, it’s charming...
LOL, Tionne expects them to lift 2-kilo weights with their minds on the first day. What. They do it through the Power of Friendship, because of course they do, in between plotting how to get out of the academy and investigate the dream.
Fortunately, Artoo is there to help! Good old Artoo! He’s got a lot of practice in being sneaky. I have no idea why the raft is conveniently there waiting for them in the jungle, but okay. Tahiri falls in during the storm, but fortunately Anakin is able to use his lesson in TK to save her. They lift Artoo out the same way once they get to their destination, but Tahiri drops him in the water when her control slips. Good thing he’s waterproof!
Anakin name drops Exar Kun and a bunch of Yavin IV backstory. I like that Anakin is Indiana Jonesing his way across Yavin while simultaneously wondering if his uncle’s going to kick him out. Also Artoo brought the only light. They find a mysterious golden globe and a cute animal named Ikrit and cover themselves in glitter before heading back.
Tahiri’s already willing to sacrifice herself for Anakin in case Luke wants to kick them out and they’ve literally just met and this makes me wish I didn’t know what I know about NJO, because now everything hurts.
Luke’s waiting them for them, all stern in his Jedi blacks and.... Artoo steps up and lies for the kids, and he decides he’s not going to end their careers as a Jedi students just yet. LOL.
Meanwhile, Ikrit is curled up in Anakin’s bed - turns out he’s a secret Jedi Master and the voice in Anakin’s head. Turns out the globe is full of trapped children because Exar Kun is a jerk and they can’t tell any adults or it will be destroyed. Ikrit’s been sleeping for hundreds of years waiting for the right kids and he chose them. Of course, Anakin and Tahiri vow to do what they can to help, even though it’s going to be difficult, because of Luke’s lecture earlier, which Anakin can recite from memory (he really does have an eidetic memory, doesn’t he?). The end.
I have so many questions. Why did Artoo help them out? (I assume Ikrit, but I don’t remember if that’s ever explicitly spelled out. And can Jedi talk to droids with the Force? How did Ikrit meet Artoo? It just raises more questions.) Was it Ikrit or Artoo who set up the raft? How did they do that and where did they get it? Does Ikrit even have thumbs? Why couldn’t Anakin and Tahiri just walk to the Palace of Woolamanders or whatever? Did Ikrit really hibernate for four centuries straight or did he wake up every couple of years to stretch his legs and whatnot? Why did he do that rather than, you know, get help or something? Why has Tahiri been dreaming of the river her whole life, only for the dream to suddenly jump to Anakin? Is Ikrit sending her the dreams or is the Force?
 I like how there’s such an emphasis on training, when they’ve been on-planet for less than a week (three days??) because that’s how fast the plot moves when you’re eleven (and Tahiri is NINE!). These kids! Did I mention I love them?
Ikrit is technically a Kushiban and not a Hoojib as I’d originally thought. I’m not sure exactly what the difference is, since they’re both sentient telepathic lagomorphs, but that’s fine, I guess. I am fond of the Hoojibs, but I didn’t know about them until @joysweeper​ posted some Star Wars Marvel comics from the ‘70s with Plif, so they’re not exactly common knowledge. That said, I really like the illustration of Ikrit on the cover, and I’m also absurdly fond of him in spite of the fact that canon is so flimsy here.
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putschki1969 · 5 years
Hikaru x SPICE Broadcast 11/8
As promised, here is a rough translation/detailed summary of Hikaru’s live broadcast from today (Nov 08).
The video is currently available in SPICE’s archive but it will be deleted after one week. For everyone who wants to download the interview, here is a google drive link (all credit goes to my friend @mowskyuu​ who kindly sent me the video). Everyone, ENJOY!
Without further ado, let’s get going. 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→ 
We start with Takeshi Kato (TK) introducing himself and his guest Hikaru. TK talks about how this broadcast is going to be about many firsts and about Hikaru‘s upcoming live. Being the nerd she is, Hikaru has prepared a detailed script for herself so she won’t lose track or feel intimidated. Then TK decides to be funny and annoy Hikaru by saying that since they have such a packed schedule he will simply change the entire content of the program so they can talk about anime and games XD
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They invite everyone to use the hashtag #HikaruSPICE生放送 on Twitter to ask questions and write comments. Technically people can also comment on Youtube but it’s preferred that everyone uses Twitter. TK once again jokes about abandoning the script and making last minute-changes to mess with Hikaru a little but then he tells her to just relax and say whatever she feels like saying.
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Hikaru then introduces her new solo project called H-el-ical// which was officially announced yesterday. TK assumes that the tension must have been quite high and that she must still feel super nervous now that she is doing this public live broadcast. Of course Hikaru confirms this. TK explains that they will have some H-el-ical// songs playing in the background and asks Hikaru what made her want to start this solo project. During her “break-period” she has always had a strong wish of wanting to continue singing, nothing ever changed about that but she had to think a lot about how to continue doing music since she didn’t have a clear idea. So for about half a year she thought about what she wanted to do while working part-time and learning some “life-lessons”/doing some “social studying”. During that time she didn’t write any lyrics although she really wanted to try it (it’s something she has always wanted). She talked a lot with her friends and acquaintances about the different possibilities, if she would be able to find someone who would write/compose music for her (the sort of music she had in her mind) so she could create lyrics for those songs. Then she was introduced to a composer and quickly after she decided to give the whole thing a try. This is how H-el-ical// came to life.
In May her first song got released on Youtube. TK points out that that must have been super weird for her since in the past she had never released music like that. It has always been through CDs or at lives. She must have been super nervous. And YES, she really was. Especially since she wasn’t releasing it under her real name but under the name of H-el-ical// so she had no idea how many people would even listen to that song. After all people were clueless about whose work it was. On the other hand, Hikaru really liked the idea of people coming in with a fresh mind, without any influence and having all these pure impressions.
They then start talking about Hikaru’s stage name H-el-ical// in detail. TK notes that Hikaru’s name was also written with a double slash in yesterday’s announcement. He wonders what the meaning is behind all of that. Hikaru explains that she plans to do her solo work as H-el-ical// and in the meantime she would like to refer to herself as Hikaru// but of course just Hikaru is fine too. For example, she was referred to as simply “Hikaru” in today’s announcement regarding the FictionJunction Station Talk&Live Event.
They begin reading some comments and one viewer points out that the second everyone heard the voice in H-el-ical//’s first song, they all knew for sure that it was Hikaru XD Hikaru laughs and agrees that there probably were some people who knew but they were kind enough to not make direct comments about it to her [I think Hikaru underestimated how many people knew]. We continue with our explanation of Hikaru’s stage name. First of all, “helical” as a normal word means spiral, something that’s always spinning upwards. It also represents a DNA structure which for Hikaru entails life, history and activity. These are the two things she thought about when choosing the word “helical”. Then we have the -el- in the middle which is highlighted. It stands for “elevation”, it’s about progress, about becoming more, about rising above. Last but not least there is the double slash (//) which for Hikaru represents some sort of Q.E.D. = an abbreviation which is placed at the end of a philosophical argument to indicate that the proof or the argument is complete. So to speak it is proof of her existence. This is her simply “being”. TK is impressed by all the thought Hikaru put into this, very otaku-like of her. Hikaru admits that it was very troublesome to come up with all of that. The double slash explanation also applies to her name of course. So Hikaru// literally just means “this is proof of Hikaru existing”.
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Hikaru then talks some more about always wanting to sing, that she couldn’t imagine ever stopping. And since this is all so important to her she really wanted her stage name to have a proper meaning behind it. After all, a name is very important. She really put a lot of effort into that.
Back at the time of their first broadcast together Hikaru talked with SPICE and the e plus team because she really wanted to do a live. She told them about the H-el-ical// project, about her collaboration with the composer Gushimiyagi and that she would be joining a new agency. With their help the concert was made possible. SPICE&Co. introduced Hikaru to a couple of people and with just a handful of helpers they managed to make Hikaru’s wish of a concert become reality. Hikaru is still so freaking excited about that.
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Hikaru talks about deciding on a setlist and all the other troubles that are related to organising an event like that. TK recalls that even during Kalafina days it was troublesome for Hikaru to do organising stuff like that so it must be so much worse now. Hikaru agrees that she really got to experience all the hardships that come with such a live production. Back in the day Keiko and Wakana would often take on these duties so she felt really grateful but now she had to do it all by herself.
Next up TK mentions the five songs Hikaru has released so far. TK is sure that most of the viewers have already listened to all of them. Hikaru is a bit hesitant, she thinks there will be lots of people who haven’t seen all the MVs because they were released in a relatively short amount of time. They ask the viewers whether or not the have listened to all the songs yet. And OF COURSE, they have!!
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A few comments and questions are being read. Nothing exciting except for the person who asks what kind of part-time job Hikaru did during her break. As she already alluded to before, she wanted to experience life properly. In the past she had only ever worked at casual restaurants and such. While that gave her some social skills she wanted to try something else. Since she really loves children she decided to work as a nursery teacher. There she took care of toddlers and children up to five years old. She really loves their innocence. TK is surprised that Hikaru managed to be a waitress in the past, judging by her personality, that must have been really hard for her. Yes, Hikaru confirms that it was hard but she also kinda liked it. For example, she really loved recommending the best dishes and such. But yeah, getting to watch over these little kiddies was a completely new and amazing experience for her. She really learned a lot. She is surprised by how different their way of thinking is and how unique they all are, even the very little ones. We interrupt our talk with a bit of tapioca milk tea because what would Hikaru be without her tapioca milk tea??? XD
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Viewers suggest that she should have worked at a tapioca place. Haha, yeah, Hikaru agrees, that would have been amazing. Hikaru then says that they sang a lot at her nursery, that was super fun. And she feels really inspired by that experience. For example, her third song “splendore” was very heavily influenced by the children she worked with. TK thinks it’s interesting that her songs all have a different language title but they will discuss that later. For now they wanna focus on Hikaru’s song writing experience. Hikaru says that it was all about expressing the images and world views that came to mind when she listened to Gushimiyagi’s melodies. She would talk a lot with him and listen to the melody repeatedly to get inspired. TK talks about old Kalafina times, at recordings Hikaru would always dress according to the image she wanted to express, does she still do that? Yes, she does still do that!
Now they focus on the individual songs and have the MVs playing in the background. TK says that her first song “pulsation” had a strong impact on him. Hikaru uses the opportunity to give a shout-out to her amazing artist because her videos are always gorgeous. TK notices that all of her five songs have a completely different atmosphere, they also feel very different to Kalafina’s songs. “pulsation” is about her relationship with music and how her life has been affected (is still being affected) by it. There is a lot of power in the melody, it makes you want to sprint forward so that’s how her lyrics came into existence. It’s about feeling lost and eventually finding your way so you can move on. Hikaru then talks about wanting variety in her songs, she doesn’t want to stick to a single genre, she also likes experimenting with different languages for her titles. She thinks that makes things much more interesting. After all, she has followers from all over the world with so many different interests. It’s in part thanks to all of us that she has made it this far so of course she would want to be versatile and open for everything. This is why she chose the different song titles. Cue to pronunciation guide. How does Hikaru pronounce all of her songs? [it’s kinda funny to see her struggle XD] She goes through all the titles, pronounces them and says what they mean in Japanese.
pulsation => English
Avaricia  => Spanish (Greed) Hikaru says she is always very greedy, in a sense that she can never get enough, she always wants more, she wants to go further.
Splendore => Italian (Sparkling) As she mentioned before, this song was heavily inspired by the children around her. It’s full of child-like wonder and innocence. It has a very fantastical atmosphere.
Amanhecer => Portuguese (Dawn) When she first heard the melody she immediately had to think of quietness and the water surface. There was a sense of love so that’s what she wrote about.
yolcu => Turkish (Traveler) For this song she wanted a very foreign/Middle Eastern/exotic vibe so of course the title had to be a little more exotic as well.
Hikaru hopes that the audience will find something they like among all her songs, everyone has different taste so it’s hard to lke everything but hopefully she can appeal to us with some of her work. These songs are all super special to her and she couldn’t even decide which one she likes most. This is the first time she has ever created something, properly expressed herself, put so much of herself into the music. She is very proud and happy. She is even more happy to hear all the fans saying that they love each and every song and they can’t choose.
One fan asks if Hikaru came up with her logo and yes, she did. But someone else made it a little fancier for her. TK then wants to know whether or not it was hard to record all these songs by herself. Yes, it was!! Some of the songs have different harmonies and she had to sing all of them. She already wonders how she is gonna do it at the live, it’s gonna be super hard to perform some of these songs. Speaking of the live, it’s time to announce the title!! *drumrolls please* The title is => H-el-ical// LIVE 2019  紡 -TSUMUGU- [spinning]
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Some info about the date, the changed time, the venue and 2nd round of ticket application. Apparently Hikaru has tried really hard to talk with the live team to make some more room for the audience. Usually the venue has a capacity for around 2400 people, they are making more room by using space that’s usually reserved for equipment and stuff. Hikaru feels like she might have been a bit of a pain in the ass for the organisers but she just wants as many people as possible to be able to attend the concert. So everyone who is still looking for a ticket, please be sure to apply! Application period ends on November 17. Hikaru won’t just be singing her original songs but also some covers and then some...*hint hint* TK asks about why Hikaru chose that particular title for her concert. Hikaru says that from now onwards she would like to share many things with everyone as H-el-ical// (which as we have already established means “spiral”) so “spinning” seemed very fitting to convey that feeling. Also, who she is right now is spun out of everything she has done in the past ten years - including her acitivities as part of Kalafina. So she is just continuing the spinning so to speak. Hikaru can’t wait to sing all of her songs for us. Then we have some more random comments by fans...
Transition to live goods. TK says that he is already looking forward to Hikaru’s Goods Corner since she always did such a good job at their Kalafina lives. We can expect standard goods and stuff that has been suggested to her on twitter. There will also be one item with visuals, a pamphlet!! YAY! And the most important live good...a limited release of H-el-ical//’s first CD!!! BANZAI! Since it’s only a limited number, the CDs might be sold out quickly but she hopes lots of people can get it. There are 8 songs in total on the CD. She has already published five of them but since she wants to sing a lot of songs at the live, she also recorded three more songs which she put on the CD as well. Fans are saying she will surely sell a ton of CDs, someone suggests she should bring 20,000 copies to the live, Hikaru isn’t really convinced that she could ever sell that amount. She says there will probably be around 2,000 copies for sale. Further infos about live goods and such will be released at a later date. But fans can prepare themselves for about ten different items so everyone should look forward to that. Some fans suspect that the goods corner might take very long with so many goods XD Everyone is also super curious about the CD cover. Hikaru says it will be very simple, typical Hikaru style.
Then some info about Hikaru taking part in the FictionJunction Station Fan Club event. Hikaru is very excited to stand on stage together with the members of FictionJunction. After all at the time of the event it will be two years since she last stood together on stage with Keiko.
TK asks what went through her head during her break. Hikaru was hoping people would not forget about her. And the wish to continue singing kept going through her head. She was very confident about that. She spent a lot of time wondering how to bring her dreams to life. She feels super grateful right now because so much has already been realised. This past year she has learned so much that’s important for her life. Of course she also learned a lot during her Kalafina days but there were just a lot of things she didn’t have time for back then so that one-year-break was a great opportunity to learn many things about herself. She originally started Twitter to give something back to the fans who are loyally waiting for her. She is very happy about that so she just wants to share those feelings with everyone by posting regularly. Hikaru goes on to explain that she went from all her life being about Kalafina to doing pretty much nothing so she had a lot of time to think about everything. This was another reason she started her Twitter account. She wanted to grow as a person and do things she might have not done in the past.
They then read lots of random comments related to Kalafina since there is no denying that Hikaru’s fans are pretty much all from her Kalafina days, Hikaru doesn’t really say much, I guess she doesn’t know what she is supposed to say. It’s slightly awkward but yeah...Someone then asks if Hikaru can do a birthday greeting for all the viewers who are celebrating their b-day today. She does! TK then realises that it’s Hikaru’s twitter anniversary since she started her account last autumn. It’s also slowly time to wrap up the video. TK informs us that the video will be archived for one week and then it will be deleted (after getting a confirmation by Hikaru’s manager in the back). People are asking for Hikaru to sing something but unfortunately, there is no time. We will get lots of her singing at the live XD A fan asks her to come to Toyama to do a live. She REALLY wants to but it’s gonna take a while. There is some talk about when she first started Twitter and no one believed it was her so she had to upload a video to prove her identity.
Hikaru has prepared a final message for the fans. from now on she hopes to create lots of music as H-el-ical// and she wants to share it with all of us. Her first step in this new direction is the live on Dec 1. In the future she would like to create something from that base of H-el-ical//* and continue onwards with everyone [*Note: Hikaru mistakenly says Kalafina here instead of H-el-ical//. Obviously she is still used to saying this sort of stuff with Kalafina in mind XD She is later corrected] She is super embarrassed. OF COURSE she meant H-el-ical//’s base. With 10 years of Kalafina there is no way you can say that’s just a base! 10 years is a lot of baggage after all. She was obviously referring to her first steps as H-el-cal//.
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Meanwhile they are once again promoting Hikaru’s upcoming live and teasing another live in the near future. Hikaru says that her agency might already be planning something *hint hint*
SPICE have prepared a little present for one of the viewers. H-el-ical//’s very first signature. For one lucky winner. Looking something like this but written by Hikaru of course.
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To be eligible for this giveaway you have to follow the @spice_anige account on Twitter. You will be informed via DM if you won. Then some final promo work and a final greeting last by Hikaru.
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rafael-silva · 4 years
catching fire: a multichapter tarlos fic
general summary: 
“Dispatch, we have a 10-33 at our location. Fire has ignited, we need Fire and Rescue, Medical and back up. Three individuals trapped, two officers and one civilian.” “Fire, Medical and back up is on route to you now,” comes the quick reply. “Officer Reyes, report.” Radio static. “Officer Reyes, report.” Silence. “Carlos!” Nothing.
Where Carlos and his partner respond to a noise complaint that quickly escalates into a blazing fire, putting their lives in danger. The 126 are called to the scene and TK’s heart drops into his knees when he learns that Carlos is trapped inside the burning apartment. The 126 frantically work to save the officers, and they deal with the aftermath together, as a family.
chapters: 4/? 
established tk strand/carlos reyes, major character injury, emotional hurt/comfort, hurt/comfort, angst, whump, fluff, team as family, worried tk strand, hurt carlos reyes, angst with a happy ending, on call injury 
word count: 8.6k
on ao3 | ch. 1 - ch. 2 - ch. 3 - ch. 4
chapter 4 snippet: 
All TK could do was wait as the minutes and hours pass by. He tries reading in the book his father brought him, the one that’s been on his nightstand for weeks, but he keeps reading the same line over and over again. He eventually gives up, tossing the book back into the duffel bag and settles in the chair by Carlos’s bed, watching the officer sleep with nothing but the steady beeping of the heart monitor for company.
Sometime after, his phone pings with a text from his dad, asking if everything is okay. TK quickly replies back, telling his dad there has been no change and noticing his phone has less than ten percent power, he plugs it into the charger his dad also packed for him.
TK falls asleep sitting by Carlos’s bed, and he’s woken up some hours later by aches echoing through his body from the position. He brushes a soft kiss to Carlos’s forehead and then lies down on the cot that was set for him. He sleeps for a couple of hours until he senses a nurse come in to check on Carlos, as it happens a few times throughout the night.
Sleep didn’t find TK during the night. Both his worry and the nurses checking in on Carlos every couple of hours combined together didn’t make sleeping an easy feat. He gave up on getting some shut eye, and started going through the side effects of smoke inhalation in his mind.
He himself had gone through it before, however, not as severely as his boyfriend. And quite frankly, it was a bitch to deal with. Uncomfortable, unpleasant and downright irritating. And as much as TK wants Carlos to wake up and to see his boyfriend’s captivating brown eyes, a part of him is glad Carlos is sleeping through the worst of it. Carlos will be feeling much better once he wakes up. He’ll be sore for a while, but the worst will be behind him.
All TK could do was wait as the minutes and hours pass by. He tries reading in the book his father brought him, the one that’s been on his nightstand for weeks, but he keeps reading the same line over and over again. He eventually gives up, tossing the book back into the duffel bag and settles in the chair by Carlos’s bed, watching the officer sleep with nothing but the steady beeping of the heart monitor for company.
Sometime after, his phone pings with a text from his dad, asking if everything is okay. TK quickly replies back, telling his dad there has been no change and noticing his phone has less than ten percent power, he plugs it into the charger his dad also packed for him.
TK falls asleep sitting by Carlos’s bed, and he’s woken up some hours later by aches echoing through his body from the position. He brushes a soft kiss to Carlos’s forehead and then lies down on the cot that was set for him. He sleeps for a couple of hours until he senses a nurse come in to check on Carlos, as it happens a few times throughout the night.
TK is woken up by sunlight shining into the hospital room. He yawns, stretching his tired muscles and his eyes quickly land on Carlos. He wasn’t woken up by the nurse’s last visit and he momentarily worries that something had happened while he was asleep. He sits up, his eyes moving from Carlos to the heart monitor that is still beeping steadily. He’s so caught in his panic that he hasn’t noticed the nurse standing at the end of Carlos’s bed.
She moves her attention from the clipboard where she’s recording Carlos’s vitals to TK. She smiles sweetly at the younger man. “Oh, good morning. Sorry if I woke you.”
“No, no, you didn’t. Haven’t been able to sleep well anyway. Good morning,” TK replies.
“Not comfortable?” She points to the mattress.  
“Oh no, it’s fine, I’m just…worried,” TK points to Carlos.
She nods.
“He’s my boyfriend. Best thing to happen to me in well…as long as I can remember,” TK continues, a small smile forming on his face.
“Injuries like his have a very high recovery rate, and he’s young, strong and healthy, he’ll be back on his feet in no time,” she reassures TK.
He nods. “Yeah, thank you. I’m a firefighter, went through this a couple of times myself but not severe enough for hospitalization. I know he’ll be fine, I just wish he’d open his eyes,” TK sighs.
“The doctor will be here soon to give you an update on when he can be weaned off the sedation and extubated.”
TK nods again. “Thank you.”
“I’m Olivia, by the way,” she smiles at TK.
“I’m TK,” he replies.
“I’m in charge of this floor, so if you need anything, anything at all, you can find me at the Nurse’s Station down the hall,” Olivia says.
“Thank you, that’s very kind of you,” he smiles back.
“I’ll be back to check on him later,” Olivia informs TK before she’s turning on her heels and exiting the room.
And then it’s back to silence, the only sounds coming from the machines attached to Carlos.
TK sighs, leaning forward and clasps Carlos’s hand with his own.
“Hey, babe. It’s just me and you,” TK whispers.
Carlos remains unresponsive.
An hour later, TK’s still holding onto Carlos’s hand and using his other to reply to messages from his team. He had received messages throughout the night and well into the morning, but had just gathered enough energy to start responding.
A knock on the door gets his attention, and he turns to see his father pushing it open and stepping into the room, two cups sitting in a holder in his grip.
The smell of coffee immediately hits TK’s senses.
“Morning,” Owen smiles at his son.
“Hey, dad,” TK replies, mustering a small smile himself.
Wordlessly, Owen pulls out one of the cups and hands it to TK, who gratefully accepts it with a nod.
“How’s he doing?”
“The same, nothing changed overnight,” TK shrugs. “The nurse said the doctor will come by later to give an update and to see when we can wake him up and remove the breathing tube.”
Owen nods. “That sounds promising.” “Yeah,” TK agrees.
“He’s gonna be fine, son.”
“Yeah, I know,” TK says, not fixating much on how his voice still cracks with those words.
He lifts the cup to his mouth and takes a sip of the hot beverage.
“I got you some time off,” Owen tells TK.
TK’s about to say something, as much as he would want nothing more than to spend time with Carlos and help him recover, he still doesn’t want to leave his team shorthanded. But it seems Owen can read his son’s mind, because he’s speaking before TK has the chance to.
“And we’ll be fine in your absence,” Owen reassures him. “Besides, if you do show up to the firehouse, the crew will be the first to tell you to go home to Carlos.”
TK chuckles, knowing that’s true. He’s beyond grateful for his team. His team who became his family.
“How’s your chest? Everything okay?” Owen asks, his voice laced with concern after TK pushes out a small cough.
TK nods. “Yeah, they gave me some oxygen last night after you left, but no trouble since.”
“That’s good to hear, but I still want you to go get your chest checked out again now to be certain there aren’t any problems or late onset complications.”
TK hesitates, his eyes landing on Carlos before moving back to his father.
“It’s okay, I’ll stay with him until you come back. Shift doesn’t start for a while anyway.”
After a moment of consideration, TK nods and gets to his feet. He brushes a kiss to Carlos’s forehead and watches him for a few seconds before leaving the room.
Owen falls into the chair that was occupied by TK. He reaches out and gently pats the officer’s shoulder.
“Hey, Carlos, it’s Owen,” the Captain breaks the silence. “TK is gonna be right back. Everything’s okay, and we’re all here for you. For both of you. You just work on getting better and don’t worry about anything else.”
Owen is leaning back in the chair, going through his phone when TK returns. He looks up as TK steps into the room.
“Hey, how did everything check out?”
“Everything’s fine, nothing out of the ordinary,” TK reports.
“That’s good,” Owen smiles. “No change here,” his smile turns sad.
TK nods, moving forward as his father gets out of the chair, vacating it for him.
“I gotta get to the firehouse, but if you need anything or anything changes, call.”
“I will, dad,” TK promises. “Thanks.”
After sharing a hug, Owen pats TK’s shoulder and with a final look at Carlos, he exists the room.
Andrea stops by the hospital a little after noon. TK hasn’t really moved since Owen had left, he’d get up every now and then to stretch his legs around the room, but always finds himself returning to Carlos’s side after a few minutes had passed by.
He looks up and a smile spreads on his face when Andrea pushes the door open and walks in, holding a brown bag in one hand.
“Hola, Tyler,” she steps closer to TK, glancing at her still-asleep son.
“Hi,” he steps into her arms when she opens them, wrapping an arm around her but keeping his hold on Carlos’s hand with his other.
“How are you doing?” Andrea asks as they pull apart.
TK shrugs. “I’m okay.”
“You haven’t eaten,” she states, not a question. And from the way TK ducks his head, she knows she’s right.
She’s seen this play out endless times before with Carlos, especially during his Academy days. When he’d be so focused on studying, he’d forget to eat.
Andrea chuckles. “Don’t worry, I figured as much.”
She gestures to the brown bag, and the delicious smell of tacos surround TK and his stomach rumbles. A flush colors his cheek as he realizes just how hungry he is.
“Thank you,” TK says. “But you really didn’t have to—”
“Hush now,” Andrea interrupts TK. “You’ll need your strength to take care of Carlitos. I know he’ll want to go back to his own home, no matter how much his father and I would try to convince him to stay with us for a few days, and I know you’ll be with him at home. So let me help you keep your energy, that way I’m helping you both.”
Overwhelmed with emotion at Andrea’s words, he nods, accepting the food and her blessing. He always sensed it was a Reyes thing, giving all you got to the people you care about, and after hearing Andrea’s intentions and receiving her support, TK knows it’s most definitely a Reyes thing.
He excuses himself and slips into the bathroom, both to freshen up before eating and to give Andrea a few minutes alone with her son.
She’s smiling down at Carlos and running her fingers through his curls when TK emerges from the bathroom. They share a quick look before TK makes his way towards the small table placed near the wall where the food is waiting for him.
The room is silent take for the steady beeping of the heart monitor as TK eats, indulging in the bold flavors of the tacos, feeling satisfied as he takes one bite after the other. He cleans up once he’s done, throwing away the now-empty container and foil wrap. He washes his hands and then grabs the chair he was sitting on while eating, placing it on the other side of Carlos’s bed.
He reaches out, taking a hold of Carlos’s hand and running his thumb over the officer’s knuckles.
“His father and sisters should be here tomorrow.” TK looks up, momentarily putting the pieces together.
“They’re out of town for an event,” Andrea explains. “They know what happened, they’ll be back in Austin by tonight but their plane is landing after visiting hours.”
TK nods.
Carlos often spoke about his sisters, TK’s never met them in person (he did get introduced to them during one of the family video chats with Carlos) and he and Carlos had been planning a big dinner with Carlos’s parents and sisters where TK would get to meet said sisters, but then all this happened and well, life had other plans.
TK finds himself getting nervous at learning that he’s going to be meeting Carlos’s sisters in less than a day. Carlos had always reassured him that his sisters like him already and that there isn’t any reason to be anxious, but still, TK can’t help it.
Andrea’s saying something else then, bringing TK back from his thoughts.
“I’m sure Carlos will be awake before they get here.”
“Yeah,” TK agrees.
She studies him for a moment. “What’s on your mind, Tyler?”
“You look like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders,” Andrea gives TK an empathetic smile.
TK sighs, running his free hand through his messy hair.
“It was just,” he pauses, gathering his voice. “It was a really rough call. On any day, it was bad but this one…”
“Carlos was in that burning apartment,” she continues for him, understanding.
“Yeah,” TK whispers. “And I was terrified. I didn’t want to believe it at first, when they said he was in there…but then I saw his cruiser and he was no where to be found outside. I don’t think I’ve ever been that scared in my life.”
“I can’t begin to imagine being there,” Andrea says. “My heart breaks just hearing about it. But you have to remember, Tyler, you got him out of there, alive.”
“I can’t lose him,” TK’s voice breaks, his eyes filling with tears as he looks up at Andrea.
“You won’t,” she shakes her head. “He’s going to come back to us. Come back to you. You saved him, amor.”
From the way Andrea is looking at him, TK immediately reads into her words. The meaning of her words are oceans-deep, which he catches on through the soft look on her face. She doesn’t mean TK saved Carlos just from the fire. She means that he saved him.
“He saved me, too. In so many ways. I can’t even begin to explain,” a small smile spreads on TK’s face. “I had my walls up when we first got here, I didn’t want to be here. I felt numb all the time, got through the days and they all blended together. But then Carlos walked into my life, with his charm, kind heart and those beautiful, expressive brown eyes,” he lets out a wet chuckle. “I could get lost in them for days.”
Andrea chuckles the same, her own eyes now glistening with unshed tears.
“And slowly, those walls started coming down, and it scared me. It scared me to bits. Opening up in the past almost destroyed me, and I was so adamant about not opening up again anytime soon. I tried running away but I couldn’t stay away from him. There was this invisible string, pulling us back together. There were so many reasons for him to walk away if he wanted to, and I wouldn’t have blamed him. But he didn’t. He stayed, through it all. And I remember the moment I realized I wanted him to stay, and then it didn’t scare me anymore. Opening up didn’t scare me anymore. I knew we were meant to be together. It felt safe. He felt safe. I can’t put it into any other words except that he saved me, in every way a person can be saved,” TK pours his heart out, a tear slips and rolls down his cheek as he looks at Carlos, a gentle smile adorning his face, eyes radiating love and warmth it takes Andrea’s breath away.
“I didn’t know what it was at first,” she speaks after a few moments of silence.
TK turns his gaze to her.
“I noticed a difference in my son,” she continues. “He seemed…happier, lighter. We would see him on Sundays at his Tia Lucy’s place every week, sometimes he wouldn’t stay for long, other days he would stay, but he’d be quiet. But then one Sunday, I looked at his face and saw light. His eyes were brighter, smile wider. It felt like I got my son back. I didn’t know what had happened, and I didn’t ask, but it uplifted my heart. Knowing what I know now, I can tell that that change happened when you decided you wanted him to stay. When you let him in. You breathed fresh air into my Carlitos.”
Andrea gets up and walks around the bed. She carefully sits on the edge of the mattress so she’s facing TK.
She reaches out, taking the young man’s hands into her own and squeezes and her voice is filled with tenderness and joy. “Thank you for bringing my son back to me, Tyler.”
TK’s smile widens, more tears flowing down his cheeks. He looks at Carlos when he says his next words: “We saved each other.”
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twilightvolt · 5 years
My Favorite Anime OPs and EDs from 2010-2019
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No one asked for this, but i’m doin’ it anyway cuz there’s so many songs out there that i’ve never heard anyone talk about. like, y’all sleep on Yu-Gi-Oh! apparently. lmao
Going by release year, here’s all the OPs and EDs i can remember that i luv (and still do to this day). i may or may not have gotten all the years right. hell, i’m not even sure i got the OP and ED numbers right.
It’ll go by: Song Name - Artist (Name of Anime and Which OP/ED it is) an asterisk means i REALLY like it above the rest.
Hopefully this’ll help introduce you to some new jams you missed out on! ^  ^
Going My Way! ~Road to Tomorrow~ - Masaaki Endoh (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds OP5)*
Close to You - ALvino (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds ED4)
Future Colors - Plastic Tree (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds ED5)
Gravity 0 - Aqua Timez (Star Driver OP)*
Never Give Up! - Sonar Pocket (Digimon Xros Wars OP)*
Period - Chemistry (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OP4)*
Rain - SID (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OP5)* THE. FEELS.
Uragiri no Yuuyake - THEATRE BROOK (Durarara!! OP)* Y’all remember this one? Lmao
Trust Me - Yuya Matsushita (Durarara!! ED)
Ice Cream Syndrome - Sukima Switch (Pokemon Zoroark: Master of Illusions ED)*
ChAngE - Miwa (BLEACH OP12)
Calling - FLOW (Heroman ED)*
SHIVER - the GazettE (Black Butler II OP)
Samurai Heart (Some Like it Hot!) - SPYAIR (Gintama ED17)* And on this day I realized….SPYAIR is lit.
New World - Twill (Digimon Xros Wars OP2)
Masterpiece - Mihimaru GT (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL OP)
Boku Quest - Golden Bomber (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED)* I luv watching the actual ending sequence. It fits my cyber aesthetic to a T.
Setsubou no Freesia (Longing Freesia) - Daizystripper (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED2)* I’ll be completely honest, this song has been my favorite anime theme over most, if not all others, ever since. It’s kinda held a special place in my heart as it’s got memories of what transpired during 2012 that i don’t think i’ll ever forget. From the summer trip we took down south to me creating my very first OCs, Takuya and his Charmander partner Drake, on paper, i’ll luv this song with all my heart. ^  ^
Lovers - 7!! (Seven Oops) (Naruto Shippuden OP)
Counter Identity - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Soul Eater Repeat Show OP)*
Ai Ga Hoshii Yo - Shion Tsuji (Soul Eater Repeat Show OP2)* WANTCHU WANTCHU, I WANT CHUU~
SHINING STAR - 9nine (Star Driver OP2)*
Crossover - 9nine (Star Driver ED2)
Sky's the Limit - Shihoko Hirata (Persona 4 the Animation OP)
We’re Not Alone - coldrain (Rainbow Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin OP)
One Reason - Fade (Deadman Wonderland OP) I can bet you right now half of y’all forgot about this show. I mean i did. Lol
Mayonaka no Orchestra - Aqua Timez (Naruto Shippuden ED16)
Hacking to the Gate - Kanako Itou (Steins;Gate OP)* THIS SONG CLEARED MY SKIN AND RAISED MY GRADES.
Ranbu no Melody - SID (BLEACH OP13)* That main chorus tho. N o i c e .
Core Pride - UVERworld (Blue Exorcist OP)
Mask - Aqua Timez (BLEACH ED30?)
Soul Drive - Color Bottle (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL OP3)*
Wild Child - Moumoon (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED3)* Whenever I hear this song, I either think of school shenanigans or, if school isn't a thing in their world, a high school AU. Lmao
Unbreakable Heart - Hideaki Takatori (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL OP4)
Artist - Vistlip (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED4)*
Stand By Me - Stereopony (Eureka Seven AO ED)* Ok I know some people don't wanna remember AO, but hear me out here. Lmao 
Brave Blue - FLOW (Eureka Seven AO OP2)*
Key Plus Words - Shihoko Hirata & Yumi Kawamura (Persona 4 the Animation OP2)
Harukaze - SCANDAL (BLEACH OP15)*
Crossing Field - LiSA (Sword Art Online OP) I like making SAO jokes as much as the next guy, but let's be real here. Crossing Field was still a pretty good song.
STAND UP! - Twill (Digimon Xros Wars Hunters OP)* Hunters sucked, but the OP slaps.
Kyomu Densen - ALI PROJECT (Another OP) This show gave me a temporary fear of umbrellas, but this OP is good.
Complication - ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D (Durarara!! OP2)
Light My Fire - KOTOKO (Shakugan no Shana III Final OP)
Mite Mite Kochichi - Memoiro Clover Z (Pokemon Best Wishes ED3)
Dualism of Mirrors - Petite Milady (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL OP5)
GO WAY GO WAY - FoZZtone (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED5)
Challenge the GAME - REDMAN (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED6)* I swear to god, this should’ve been the final OP rather than Wonder Wings. I really don’t like that song.
Oh, and if you wanna hear more of the lead singer's voice, he's the lead singer of GIRUGAMESH. They didn't do any anime songs while they were still active afaik, but totally check it out if you like J-Rock.
Sakura Mitsutsuki & Genjyou Destruction - SPYAIR (Gintama OP13 and Gintama: The Final Chapter OP)*
After Cherry Blossoms (all quartets lead to the?) - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta OP)*
Non-Fiction Compass - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Yozakura Quartet: Tsuki ni Naku OP)
Sayonara Memory - 7!! (Seven Oops) (Naruto Shippuden ED)
BLOODY STREAM - Coda (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Battle tendency OP)* I mean, how could i NOT put this song on here? Lmao
Be An Arrow! - Rica Matsumoto (Pokemon Best Wishes! OP2)
Natsumeku Sakamichi (Summerly Slope) - Daisuke (Pokemon Best Wishes DA! OP)* While the Black & White series was absolutely terrible, I can thank it for spawning some nice OPs.
Egao - Ikimono-gakari (Pokemon Genesect and the Legend Awakened ED)
Take Your Way - Livetune adding Fukase (From SEKAI NO OWARI) (Devil Survivor 2 the Animation OP)* I swear I will never get tired of this song.
Be - Song Riders (Devil Survivor 2 the Animation ED)*
Watashi no Bara wo Kaminasai - ALI PROJECT (Rozen Maiden 2013 OP)
Moshimo - Daisuke (Naruto Shippuden OP)
Burn My Dread ~Spring of Birth~ & More Than One Heart - Yumi Kawamura (Persona 3 the Movie #1 Spring of Birth OP and ED)*
Eden - Aqua Timez (Magi: the Kingdom of Magic ED)*
Out of Control - Nothing’s Carved in Stone (Psycho Pass OP2)*
HERO -Kibou no Uta- - FLOW (Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods ED)
Silhouette - KANA BOON (Naruto Shippuden OP16)* Everyone rise for the weeb national anthem.
BelievexBelieve - Bulletrain (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V OP)
ENAMEL - SID (Black Butler: Book of Circus OP)
Masayume Chasing - BoA (Fairy Tail OP15)
STRIKE BACK - BACK-ON (Fairy Tail OP16)*
Burn! - Bulletrain (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V OP2)
DAYxDAY - BLUE ENCOUNT (Gintama OP)* Before Polaris, there was this. lol
Goya no Machiawase - Hello Sleepwalkers (Noragami OP)* I swear Noragami has great taste in OPs. lmao
Fate is in Our Hands - Lotus Juice (Persona 3 the Movie #2 Midsummer Knight's Dream OP)* Y'all know Lotus Juice makes EVERYTHING badass.
One Hand, One Heartbeat - Yumi Kawamura (Persona 3 the Movie #2 Midsummer Knight's Dream ED)* I swear I literally feel like crying every time I hear this song. It's just that powerful.
Unravel - TK from Ling Tosite Sigure (Tokyo Ghoul OP) Ok, lemme explain. I used to hate this song cuz I thought TK's singing voice was whiny as hell. But after a long, LOOOOONG time, it finally started to grow on me. I think it's because of all the song covers I've listened to and, after understanding the meaning behind the lyrics, I appreciate this song a bit more nowadays. 
V (VOLT) and MEGA V (MEGA VOLT) - Yusuke (Pokemon XY OPs 1&2)*
daze - Jin ft. MARiA from GARNiDELiA (Mekakucity Actors OP)
Monochrome - Dancing Dolls (Soul Eater NOT! OP)
Saigo Made ii - Aqua Timez (Gintama ED15 i think?)
Getta Ban Ban (Mad-Paced Getter) - Tomohisa Sako (Pokemon XY OP3)*
XY&Z - Rica Matsumoto (Pokemon XY&Z OP)*
Raise Your Flag - MAN WITH A MISSION (Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans OP)*
Hello, World! - BUMP OF CHICKEN (Kekkai Sensen OP)*
Sugar Song and Bitter Step AKA the song everyone makes fan animated parodies of it’s opening sequence - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Kekkai Sensen ED)
Kirifuda (Trump Card) - Cinema Staff (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V OP4)
Speaking - MRS. GREEN APPLE (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V ED4)* before Great Escape from Attack on Titan and Inferno from Fire Force, there was this OP and ED. both of which i feel are better songs. lmao
Tweedia - Rei Yasuda (Pokemon Hoopa and the Clash of Ages ED)*
Diver - KANA-BOON (The Last: Naruto the Movie ED)*
Butter-Fly 2015 - Kouji Wada (Digimon Adventure Tri. OP)
Sono Chi no Kioku ~End of the World~ - JO☆STARS ~TOMMY, Coda, JIN~ (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders OP2)
Lapis Lazuli - Eir Aoi (Arslan Senki ED)*
Clattanoia - OxT (Overlord OP)*
L.L.L. - MYTH & ROID (Overlord ED)
Nazo 2015 - La PomPon (Detective Conan OP41)* Hearing this brought back memories of hearing the original during my childhood back when Cased Closed was still a thing.
Just Fly Away - EDGE of LIFE (Gundam Build Fighters Try OP2)
Flyers - BRADIO (Death Parade OP) Like Another, this was one of those where i wouldn’t have touched the show itself if my anime club didn’t watch it.
X.U. - Hiroyuki Sawano (Seraph of the End OP)*
Hikari - ViViD (Magi: the Kingdom of Magic OP2)
DiVE!! - Amatsuki (Digimon Universe: Applimonsters OP)*
Ai - Ami Wajima (Digimon Universe: Applimonsters ED2)
The Day - Porno Graffitti (My Hero Academia OP)
HEROES - Brian the Sun (My Hero academia ED)
RAGE OF DUST - SPYAIR (Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans OP2)*
Believe in Myself - EDGE of LIFE (Fairy Tail OP21)*
CRAZY NOISY BIZARRE TOWN - THE DU (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OP)
Chase - batta (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OP2)* Screw the haters. This song is a bop.
Great Days - Karen Aoki & Daisuke Hasegawa (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OP3) As you can see, i luv all of Jojo Part 4’s OPs. lmao
Kaze no Uta - FLOW (Tales of Zestiria the X OP)* Zestiria may have been the most uninteresting experience i’ve had in the Tales series, but at least it’s OPs are straight fire.
Dream Lantern, ZenZenZense, Sparkle and Nandemonaiya - RADWIMPS (Various themes from Your Name) I'm still miffed that they didn't kiss at the end. >:v
Brave Shine - Aimer (Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works OP)*
Starting Over - Mr. Children (The Boy and the Beast ED)* Mamoru Hosoda never ceases to make me smile and/or cry, huh?
KINGS - angela (K Project OP) i don’t even know how i remembered this one. I watched K at my local anime club years ago cuz one of my friends suggested it. I barely remember what it was about, though. ^  ^’
Vision - Kusou Linkai (Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V ED5)
Light of Hope - Unknown Number (Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V OP5)
Pendulum Beat! - SUPER DRAGON (Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V OP6)*
Peace Sign - Kenshi Yonezu (My Hero Academia OP2)* SURE IT’S POPULAR, BUT IT’S POPULAR FOR A REASON.
Datte Atashi no Hero - LiSA (My Hero Academia ED3)
Little Pi - Ange☆Reve (Digimon Universe: Applimonsters ED3)
Perfect World - Traffic Light (Digimon Universe: Applimonsters ED4)*
With the Wind - Hiroaki “TOMMY” Tominaga (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS OP)* I’ll be honest, this one took some getting used to, but now i luv it!
Fake Town Baby - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Kekkai Sensen and Beyond OP)
Tonari Au - THE ORAL CIGARETTES (Sakurada Reset ED)*
Rain - SEKAI NO OWARI (Mary and the Witch's Flower ED)* I really liked the movie and I just luved the fantasy vibes given off by the instrumentals in this song.
Baton Road - KANA BOON (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations OP)* Y'all say Boruto is trash, but at least the theme songs still boppin'.
Boku wa Hashiri Tsuzukeru - Melofloat (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations ED3)
FEED THE FIRE - coldrain (King’s Game OP)* Thank you Fire Force for introducing me to this wonderful band. ;w;
PAiNT it BLACK - BiSH (Black Clover OP2)* Never thought I'd ever find a band actually named bish. Lmao
Black Rover - Vickeblanka (Black Clover OP3)
Guess Who is Back - Kumi Koda (Black Clover OP4)* Now, if this ain't a bop fit for a triumphant return like "SURPRISE BISH I'M BACK." then idk what is. Lmao
Gamushara & Tenge Tenjou - Miyuna (Black Clover OP&ED5)* i’m mainly referring to Gamushara, but i luv Tenge Tenjou too.
ODD FUTURE - UVERworld (My Hero Academia OP4)*
Make my story - Lenny code fiction (My Hero Academia OP5)*
The Future is Now - Straightener (Digimon ReArise OP)* Yes, I know I'm cheating cuz it's a video game, but it's an opening sequence much like an anime, so yeah.
Breath - Porno Graffitti (Pokemon the Power of Us ED)
Katharsis - TK from Ling Tosite Sigure (Tokyo Ghoul OP3?)*
Here - JUNNA (The Ancient Magus Bride OP)
Renai Circulation - Kana Hanazawa (Bakemonogatari OP4) Imma be honest, i found this song through those Coldplay mashups and other memes. Lmao
I Wanna Be - SPYAIR (Gintama Shirogane no Tamashii Hen OP)
Hana Ichi Monme - BURNOUT SYNDROMES (Gintama Shirogane no Tamashii Hen ED)*
Inferno - MRS. GREEN APPLE (Fire Force OP)
Veil - Keina Suda (Fire Force ED)* This ED gives me feels and i luv it. ;w;
MAYDAY - coldrain (Fire Force OP2)* This sounds like a song i’d hear at Hot Topic and i feel blessed. lmao
Nounai - Lenny code fiction (Fire Force ED2) I swear this anime doesn’t have a single song i don’t like. I’m not kidding. lmao
Nemureru Honou (Sleeping Instincts) - YURiKA (BEASTARS ED2)*
Kawaki no Ameku - Minami (Domestic Na Kanojo OP)
Touch Off - UVERworld (The Promised Neverland OP)* This show was too creepy for me to continue, but I luv it for what it is. Also NAA NANANANANANAA NANANAAAA~
Sangenshoku - PELICAN FANCLUB (Dr. Stone OP2)* Sorry, but Good Morning World didn’t totally do it for me. I luv this OP way more tbh.
Suisou - Megumi Nakajima (Hoshiai no Sora OP)* The bits before the chorus are just so good.
1•2•3 - After the Rain (Pocket Monsters 2019 OP)
Dark Crow - MAN WITH A MISSION (Vinland Saga OP2)
MOTOR CITY - Kenichi Asai (No Guns Life OP)
Game Over - DATS (No Guns Life ED)
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