#i rly appreciate the question though aaaaa
energyswordsunday · 7 years
tell me a bit abt arcade . . i know he's an adopted canon character but how have u adapted him for your setting and ur OC stuff
ah ah good choice !!!!!!
so uhh in my playthrough in fallout new vegas i played through as prykopys. prykopys is a Gay Man and also a scientist so i had the confirmed bachelor perk and rly high intelligence on him and like. i had no clue who arcade was before playing the game.
so i get to the followers of the apocalypse and he just. hits it off really well with this dude. and despite him having that perk hes not really a flirty dude but like. i had him as my companion for as long as possible and everything i chose to say just vibed super well with him LMAO. 
so uh long story short i basically walked in on the perfect gay companion and he kinda fell super hard. 
i made jokes when arcade had to leave your party so you could finish his quest line (and the game) that prykopys was heartbroken and felt betrayed and all this bc i rly thought they got on well and prykopys has a very hard time making friends let alone indulging romantic interests due to past trauma. (his ex-husband didnt even love him even though he loved HIM and uh turned out to be spying on him for the leader of the clan in power bc he was working on research that. the leader of the vyre faction didnt approve of. so. he has major trust issues after that. he almost DIED)
and then from there. i kinda spent a few months daydreaming and fixating on this ship i had created with arcade and prykopys. at first i was intending on it being kind of a happy ending for him but once i played skyrim i ditched that and ended up adopting romlyn for that instead. oops. 
bc i realized that there was a huge maturity difference and both of them were too unstable to work together for much longer after the honeymoon phase.
anyways after that, and after i adapted romlyn and lucia to the runescape universe, i started to pull arcade from his source too and adapt him as well because though the oc x canon ship i had going didnt end up working very well, i thought it was an important part of prykopys’ development. so that’s why he’s still not as fleshed out as everyone else is.
i decided, since prykopys in his true source is an ancient vyre (think vampire but rather than being a human theyre more of a semi-quadruped batlike creature with big wings) that i’d make arcade a werewolf.
so i put him in the town of canifis in runescape, where all the other werewolves are, as kind of a shitty doctor. as in he does a pretty good job and knows a lot of shit for a werewolf but he doesnt give himself credit ‘cause he’s a “dumb feral dog” hgddkgjsgh.
prykopys had a large period of time in his history where he basically was exiled from vyre society and fled the area and raided libraries and created his own little hideouts where he suffered many, many a breakdown. so when he came back, the town of canifis was suddenly There when it wasnt before. and it had bars. prykopys is kind of notoriously an alcoholic among my ocs and frequently has other substance abuse problems. so he sticks around in canifis for a while. and thats how he meets arcade.
and basically they hit it off pretty well and have a whirlwind sort of romance, kind of fucked up but since prykopys is dealing with trauma and stuff still he cant decide, even though he has feelings for arcade and arcade does for him, whether or not he is ok with having a romantic relationship. and he self destructs. and goes missing for long periods of time. until finally, after enough stubborn assurances in his medical knowledge and abilities, arcade finally decides. you know what. im going to go to burgh de rott and help out there. because its obvious that i can be doing a lot more over there and they really need it after what theyve been through.
and prykopys doesnt take it well. ghdkghkgj.
but then, there you go. arcade is now a gay werewolf man that taught himself medical shit for the sake of, at first, having a “normal persona” for when he is presenting in his human form when unsuspecting people visit canifis, so yknow he can eat. and was really down on himself and basically told himself, even though he did NOT have to learn all this shit at all, that he was a fraud and not even a real doctor. and then with a Rude Awakening and being able to relate with someone who struggles with similar self confidence issues and other trauma, finally comes to terms with the fact that, even though he has like no sense of self worth, he still knows shit and hes still capable of helping people. and becomes a Good Samaritan 
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jxles · 5 years
✧・゚(   artemis + erika linder + woman   ) 𝒎𝒂𝒎𝒎𝒂 𝒎𝒊𝒂 !!  have you seen (   juliet (jules) hellström  ) around ? (   she/her ) has been in kaos for (   twenty-six years   ). the (   twenty-six year old   ) is a (   wildlife officer   ) from (   kaos, greece   ). people say they can be (   hard to work with   ) but maybe that’s not too bad ‘cause they can also be (   tenderhearted   ). whenever i think of them, i can’t help but think of (   eyes that speak for themselves, the contradiction of the softest toughness, feeling of safety and warmth   ).  ・゚✧  
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(  penned by lauren, 23, cst, she/her  ).
hiii, i haven’t been in a group in a very long time but im excited to be here!! a lil nervous, going out of my comfort zone in some areas, but all around excited. fun fact, i had a mumu group almost just like this a couple years ago, except the difference was the gods kept their memories so they were all wilding out being human hahahah
feel free to skim this lol. but im in love w some of y’alls characters and i can’t wait to start talking to you and interacting! please feel free to message me whenever srsly! im in the discord you can find me there or pm me here.
one thing: is im very slow and have a disability and it’s rly hard for me to keep up with and concentrate on really long stuff, so keeping interactions just a bit on the shorter side will get our characters much farther with me lmao.
you can find her pinterest here, and i’ll make a playlist soon enough.
BASICS; brief about/family/small details
Honestly she might stab someone (if they actually somehow know her name) if they call her Juliet instead of Jules. 
She turned 26 on October 16th (which is the traditional day in celebration of Artemis as the goddess of nature and animals). 
She was born here in Kaos, I felt like it was important. Artemis was close to the nature in Greece specifically, hanging out around important rivers and forests constantly, befriending and loving the creatures in these areas. The nature of Greece was Artemis’ home, so it only made sense to me that when they were sent here she would wind up right back in it.
She’s very obviously not Grecian though, lmao. ((Erika is clearly Swedish, but German is a much more common demographic in Greece (actually one of the most common for non-native population). Scandinavia is all part of Germanic origins anyway, therefore,)) I think her family immigrated here from that region long before she was born!
She isn’t religious and has honestly never thought about it. (Laughable considering she’s a deity.)
She has a twin brother and he’s honestly like... too much for her to deal with lol. This is definitely me giving her a human brother that is the equivalent to the pain in the ass that Apollo was for her lmao. She loves him, but she will most definitely hit his ass when he’s annoying her. lskjdflskjdf
She doesn’t have a close relationship with her parents. There wasn’t really anything wrong with her upbringing (wow, me? making someone’s childhood average?) but they were never like close in the slightest. Her parents didn’t really want to be together, they only were for her and her brother, and the tenseness just radiated constantly. It wasn’t awful, but it obviously wasn’t ideal and even as a kid she’d much rather be playing with bugs in the backyard than hanging out inside. Once they’d grown up, her parents split. She has a more easy going relationship with them now, but she doesn’t feel the need to call.
She has a few tattoos here and there, for sure, but I haven’t picked them out yet.
She has two cats, and a snake. She doesn’t have a dog of her own, because she fosters them instead!
TLDR below. Her gender is very difficult. I tried to explain it on my app but flailed around like a dumbass lmao. It’s a very common lesbian experience to be caught in this weird gender limbo. Not truly cis, but not really trans either. ((((Lesbians in my support groups all joke, “No gender, just d*ke” slkdflskdjf)))) So many of us connect to being a woman and womanhood only through our love for other women. And Artemis is definitely a lesbian, and I smile because through my eyes, I feel like I can see this being an experience all the way back to her. She declined and refused basically traditional forms of being “a woman” -- childbirth, marriage, sexuality specifically for men... and yet, she is the goddess of childbirth, fertility. It screams to me her love for women, and her connection to womanhood only being through other women. It’s very interesting and very complex, and very hard to explain to someone who doesn’t experience it. But yeah!!! 
My character is definitely also not feminine. I don’t think Artemis is either. I look at her statue where she’s leaning and got her hand on her hip and I’m like wow that’s some serious butch energy lmao. Big d*ke. Idk!!
TLDR: Jules is (def soft butch) lesbian, and her gender is neither trans/nb, nor quite cis either. 
On that... god, she loves women. Like, how can you not? They are soft, and all of them are complex, and gorgeous in so many ways. Artemis was surrounded by like 50 nymphs at all hours of the day everywhere she went lmfao. Gotta catch em all LSKDJFLDKFJ. 
So, Jules is definitely a stereotypical lesbiab in that she lowkey falls in love (in some way, and not necessarily romantically, just such a deep appreciation) w every lady she meets because, uh? Women? Magical, stunning, brave, phenomenal, spectacular, showstopping.
Because of this, and Artemis’ inclination to have every lady imaginable, Jules has a very hard time being in relationships. She doesn’t have like issues with it, and isn’t like completely afraid of commitment, it’s just kind of how it is. She loves to meet new women, and learn about them, etc. Butttt it’s not out of the question, if she meets someone super special. Artemis did get stuck on Callisto for awhile.
She is a wildlife officer, so you can find her around any local parks (protected water and forests, etc) doing her thing. 
Making sure people aren’t abusing the nature or the animals, watching for wounded animals, protecting hunters, etc. All kinds of stuff. 
She was never really interested in college, just not into it. She’s not really the scholarly type. She could have gone into zoology or something of that nature, and she thought about it, but it ultimately just wasn’t her thing. She’s happy where she’s at.
She’s a little hard to work with. She likes to do things her own way. Unlike most kids with siblings, she didn’t enjoy giving way for her brother. But I mean he was also a dumbass (in her humble sisterly opinion lmao) and she never felt the need to bend to his ideas. 
Still, she’s super kind and understanding -- uhhhhh at least with women, (she kind of >.> dislikes men-kind, always has but it’s only increased as she’s gotten older and more bitter toward ways of the world, and after an assault that isn’t necessary for intro tbh or who she is), but still. 
She is so so so so so soft inside lmao. She presents very tough just kind of naturally, but watch a lady smile at her the right way and her heart will melt smh.
She is definitely not a people pleaser. She does not care. Like, at all.
Um I feel like this wasn’t very good. I probably forgot something, and probably explained too much of other things. But!!! I just want to post this now so here we go lol. I hope this works well enough. I’m not good at bios so... some facts n stuff!!! Please message me aaaaa, I also @’d and messaged some of you, as well!
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