#ive been so focused on adwr and rowena though that i havent had time to delve into arcades development more than this
energyswordsunday · 7 years
tell me a bit abt arcade . . i know he's an adopted canon character but how have u adapted him for your setting and ur OC stuff
ah ah good choice !!!!!!
so uhh in my playthrough in fallout new vegas i played through as prykopys. prykopys is a Gay Man and also a scientist so i had the confirmed bachelor perk and rly high intelligence on him and like. i had no clue who arcade was before playing the game.
so i get to the followers of the apocalypse and he just. hits it off really well with this dude. and despite him having that perk hes not really a flirty dude but like. i had him as my companion for as long as possible and everything i chose to say just vibed super well with him LMAO. 
so uh long story short i basically walked in on the perfect gay companion and he kinda fell super hard. 
i made jokes when arcade had to leave your party so you could finish his quest line (and the game) that prykopys was heartbroken and felt betrayed and all this bc i rly thought they got on well and prykopys has a very hard time making friends let alone indulging romantic interests due to past trauma. (his ex-husband didnt even love him even though he loved HIM and uh turned out to be spying on him for the leader of the clan in power bc he was working on research that. the leader of the vyre faction didnt approve of. so. he has major trust issues after that. he almost DIED)
and then from there. i kinda spent a few months daydreaming and fixating on this ship i had created with arcade and prykopys. at first i was intending on it being kind of a happy ending for him but once i played skyrim i ditched that and ended up adopting romlyn for that instead. oops. 
bc i realized that there was a huge maturity difference and both of them were too unstable to work together for much longer after the honeymoon phase.
anyways after that, and after i adapted romlyn and lucia to the runescape universe, i started to pull arcade from his source too and adapt him as well because though the oc x canon ship i had going didnt end up working very well, i thought it was an important part of prykopys’ development. so that’s why he’s still not as fleshed out as everyone else is.
i decided, since prykopys in his true source is an ancient vyre (think vampire but rather than being a human theyre more of a semi-quadruped batlike creature with big wings) that i’d make arcade a werewolf.
so i put him in the town of canifis in runescape, where all the other werewolves are, as kind of a shitty doctor. as in he does a pretty good job and knows a lot of shit for a werewolf but he doesnt give himself credit ‘cause he’s a “dumb feral dog” hgddkgjsgh.
prykopys had a large period of time in his history where he basically was exiled from vyre society and fled the area and raided libraries and created his own little hideouts where he suffered many, many a breakdown. so when he came back, the town of canifis was suddenly There when it wasnt before. and it had bars. prykopys is kind of notoriously an alcoholic among my ocs and frequently has other substance abuse problems. so he sticks around in canifis for a while. and thats how he meets arcade.
and basically they hit it off pretty well and have a whirlwind sort of romance, kind of fucked up but since prykopys is dealing with trauma and stuff still he cant decide, even though he has feelings for arcade and arcade does for him, whether or not he is ok with having a romantic relationship. and he self destructs. and goes missing for long periods of time. until finally, after enough stubborn assurances in his medical knowledge and abilities, arcade finally decides. you know what. im going to go to burgh de rott and help out there. because its obvious that i can be doing a lot more over there and they really need it after what theyve been through.
and prykopys doesnt take it well. ghdkghkgj.
but then, there you go. arcade is now a gay werewolf man that taught himself medical shit for the sake of, at first, having a “normal persona” for when he is presenting in his human form when unsuspecting people visit canifis, so yknow he can eat. and was really down on himself and basically told himself, even though he did NOT have to learn all this shit at all, that he was a fraud and not even a real doctor. and then with a Rude Awakening and being able to relate with someone who struggles with similar self confidence issues and other trauma, finally comes to terms with the fact that, even though he has like no sense of self worth, he still knows shit and hes still capable of helping people. and becomes a Good Samaritan 
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