#i rly only drew this to procrastinate writing
kennysdeadbody · 5 months
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dead boyfriend
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iloveutoodeath · 4 years
sorry this became so long lmaoo that’s why i deleted all the tags in that post i last reblogged that i was gonna write. can u do read more on mobile?? anyways hmm ok so about the thing i last reblogged.. that’s actually something that’s been on my mind lately because i mean i’ve always hated working retail, but working retail during a pandemic has rly made me put my foot down, like no i really have got to get it together now and figure something out about what i’m doing with my life!!! ever since i dropped out of art school like 6 yrs ago i’ve always just kinda gotten by working this job or that job, thinking as long as i can pay my bills and student loans monthly i’m good.. but like still holding on to the hope of reapplying to at least an art program in a local community college (bc reapplying to another art university is too expensive and based on my previous experience not even worth it) to give it another shot bc well it’s still something i want and it saddens me that i had to quit that and completely derail my life dreams yrs ago because of terrible mental health. but like idk the art school experience i had was just so bad, it really did suck all the soul and enjoyment i had for drawing and making art out of me. i don’t think i drew at all for like 2 years after dropping out :-// and ever since i finally picked it up again i always thought to myself that i need to keep practicing and i would force myself to draw but i hated everything i drew because of the pressure i put on myself, kept procrastinating looking into art programs because there was always the fear in the back of my mind that i would fail again if i reapplied to any program, and also realistically feared that a job in cartoon animation would be just as soul crushing as whatever work i had to do as an art student. and yea.... idk every year i draw less and less because of the expectations i put on myself has made me really not enjoy drawing the way i used to. i really really admire everyone who is able to pursue a career in whatever art field they love, because yea i’ve come to accept that i’m not wired that way. not to be dramatic but this idea of turning your favorite beloved hobby into your career has honestly been one of my biggest sources of despair in my life for almost a decade now!!!! lmao!! and well honestly i should have probably given up on the “dream” a lot sooner because my life has been so pathetically stagnant by holding onto it as long as i did. i don’t want anyone to take this as like something sad or whatevs, because honestly me coming to terms with the reality of art being only a hobby and nothing more and that being a much more healthy relationship for me and art, is such a good thing for me personally (i think??)!! now i just kinda feel ridiculously lost bc well if not animation, then what will i do??? lmaoo. idk!!!! but i’ll probably look into becoming a vet or a zookeeper or something like that :”~)
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hwangsies · 4 years
AHHHHH IM SO SORRY I MISS YOU TOO ITS JUST THAT IM LIKE ACTUALLY FAILING MY CLASSES RIGHT NOW😅 buuuuutt annnnyyyyywaaaayyyyyy everyone did have a cringey phase and is they say they didn’t they’re lying to themselves or they are still in that phase🤭 but like dan and phill were the thing I loved them I literally drew whiskers on my face cause of them HAHAH and I do like Harry Potter (I don’t support J.K. Rowling but I like the movies and books) and you are LLUUUCCKKKYYY my 1d phase lasted from when they dropped ‘what makes you beautiful’ and was there until zayn left but he was my favourite so I went petty and had a fit and cried but now I’m back to it (I listen to all of Harry’s stuff, Louis, Nialls and like a few songs by liams but none by zayn like that was really my first heartbreak) and yeeeeeeeee I’m so happy with all of them ALL FIVE OF THEM NOW
I dont think I spoke to you about the seungmin or hyunjin writing you did because dude the seungmin one fucking HHHIIIITTTT the whole ‘maybe a friend can join’ AND THE FACT HE KNEW BEECUASE OF THE WATER PRESSURE DUUDDDEEEEE and the god damn hyunjin one AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that made me sad like my boy don’t deserve that he deserves all the love and that girl is lying if she said she didn’t like it or him.
This is getting loooooonnnnggggg but like hi I appreciate you and I’m mega proud of you and like mwahhhhhh -😽(kissing cat today hehe)
Ahhh omg ahhaha im sorry dont feel pressured🥴 but you'll make ur classes ik it!💘 and yea same the jk rowling fiasko was rly painful to me haha omg the WHISKERS akshskbssjeie
Eeeheheheh im glad you liked those🤪 i am still procrastinating on my other longer projects so those were a nice distraction.
Happy new year to you 2🥴🥴💘💘 and ah thank u idk how so many people got here so fast🥺🥺🥺💓
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ravenclawbaz · 6 years
writer’s tag
i was tagged by @neck-mole forever ago but am only getting this now nice
1. how did you start writing?
i can’t believe i’m confessing this but i used to read a lot of phan and kellic fanfiction and i was like,, hey, i bet i could do this too. so i did. it was never about being a published writer of my own original work, i just like writing about characters i already know
2. what was your first writing? tell us a little bit about it.
the first thing i wrote outside of school was something called ‘the three sisters’ and i wrote it in some cursive font on word and even drew some art of it (i think i have a copy of it somewhere cause i printed it) but man,, it was so bad cause i was like 7
the first fanfiction i wrote was for dan and phil,, yikes. it was so bad i don’t even want to think about it. i’ve also (ironically) written some spider-man x reader and mater x mcqueen smut because i’m the worst
3. what is your preferred medium for writing first drafts?
i switch between using the notes app and google docs but everything ends up in google docs before the first draft is finished
4. what rituals or habits do you have around writing?
mm i’m not sure that i have any? at least not that i’ve noticed
5. we all have a “type” - of character, plot, theme - what is yours?
sorta same as above?? i guess i really like to write au’s because then i can do whatever the fuck i want without having to worry too much about canon (or for snowbaz just things about watford in general that i always forget)
6. introduce us to one (or more!) of your OCs
i have no oc’s whoops
7. what’s your favorite genre to read?
i mostly read young adult fantasy/dystopian books (like every single book by neal shusterman basically, he’s my fave) but i’ll also read the occasional lgbt book or ‘historical fiction’ (i put it in quotes bc according to google that’s what genre the kite runner is but?? idk. basically just the kite runner & a thousand splendid suns)
8. favorite genre to write?
i only write for snowbaz so. that
9. how do you conduct your authorial research?
google and i swear i look up dumb & unnecessary stuff that is definitely going to go unnoticed in the fic
10. what does your editing (gasp) process look like?
i usually just write until i’m done, then edit what i have when i come back to the fic later. i also go through and edit when i’m stuck on the part i’m currently writing to hopefully get a burst of inspiration to keep going
11. what are your favorite tropes?
i’m always a slut for enemies (to friends) to lovers, bed-sharing, slow burn, and mutual pining (there are probably more but i can’t think of them rn)
12. show off your writing space
i just cleaned my room yesterday so who am i to pass on making you all look at it
i usually either write in my bed (which is always covered in goldfish crumbs and dog hair)
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or my desk, which i am currently procrastinating doing math homework on
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13. what is the most useful piece of writing advice you’ve used?
probably the one where you should write at least a sentence a day (i’m a liar bc i don’t do this but i rly need to if i want to stop letting my fics sit untouched for months at a time)
14. what’s the least useful piece you’ve ever ignored?
to just use ‘said’. like, i’m not gonna pull a jk rowling and make everyone ejaculate, but i don’t want to be held back by the people who tell you not to use words besides said
15. your writing beverage/snack of choice?
water and i usually don’t snack when i write (unless chewing gum counts) bc i can’t type and eat
16. how do you compile your ideas?
i put my brief fic ideas onto a notes page but if i wanna go in depth with an idea i’ll either make a new notes page or put it on google docs
17. what are your controversial opinions™ on the craft of writing?
i’m not sure that i have any but could probably come up with something if i put actual thought into this
i tag: @mintaero (even tho i feel like you already did this and tagged me in it) and @angelsfalling16
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