#i saw a post of people posing in front of their historical art doppelgängers and it got me thinking
lovebugcody · 5 months
i wonder how many times my face has appeared throughout history. who i am the doppelgänger of. who came before me and what life they lived. did they love features i cannot stand? or did they hold the same insecurities as i do.
i wonder who loved my face before it was mine. who saw the face i now carry and loved it until death.
i wonder if those people, who loved my face before i took my claim over it, looked alike to each other. or if they held no similarities beside loving the previous owner of my features.
and if they looked alike, who now holds that face? does that make them my soulmate? someone predetermined by history to fall for the features that make me, as i am destined to fall for theirs?
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