#i saw a vers that used sparks instead of damn and it was a great inspo. unfortunately i forget who it was
leeches-drawer · 6 months
that one trend with ur comfort charas. yeah
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grubhivemind · 7 years
FINN: -speaking of impulsive decisions, finn is now at simula's door with Sofia in her little baby carrier. they had just visited his parents, but when he left, he couldn't stop thinking about how simula lives here and how much he wanted to talk to them about that album they posted. he's nervous and his palms are sweaty, but he knocks with his free hand anyway-
SIMULA: -they already saw him coming, thanks to their wicked security cameras. they aren't quite sure what to make of it... and worst of all, he brought his damn baby along with him. they decide to let him dangle for a little while, and maybe during that time he'll just... leave. but unfortunately, curiosity gets the better of them and they drift over to the door to answer, looking positively unconcerned by his presence.- 
SIMULA: Wow. Finn. What a plea-sant sur-prise.
FINN: -his cheeks get a little red at the insincere greeting, but he makes himself take a deep breath- can we talk 
SOFIA: -drooling and looking up at simula. What an aesthetically attractive individual-
SIMULA: -thank you. I know.- 
SIMULA: We can.
FINN: -god damn it. he looks down- i mean 
FINN: i want to talk to you now
SIMULA: -weary sigh- 
SIMULA: II sup-pose you'd like to come in. -moves aside. they were taught better, at least, than to leave him hanging out there, with a baby no less.-
FINN: -relieved and terrified at the same time that simula lets him in, and he steps inside and glances around.- thanks
SIMULA: -shuts the door telekinetically and drifts on over to the living area.- Please, sit. -they won't offer him anything else, though, and promptly takes a seat themself.-
FINN: -he's grateful for this level of civility between the two of them and takes a seat on the couch, setting Sofia's carrier beside him and idly rocking it with his hand for the sake of something to do- about those 
FINN: screenshots and pictures you posted
SIMULA: What a-bout them? -examines their nails.-
FINN: why
SIMULA: Why what? 
SIMULA: Use your words.
SIMULA: Eng-lish or Span-ish will do.
FINN: why did you post them 
FINN: why did you want to humiliate me at that point in time
FINN: i know i 
FINN: did a lot of things wrong over a period of years but 
FINN: what am i doing now that makes you feel like you need to get back at me
SIMULA: -lips twitch in the slight suggestion of their facade cracking.- May-be II don't need a rea-son. 
SIMULA: May-be II just thought it would be fun-ny. 
SIMULA: And it was. 
SIMULA: May-be that's just the kind of per-son II am.
FINN: well it's not it's just the person you want to be to me 
FINN: i know you care about other people 
FINN: aren't you in a relationship right now 
FINN: i think you have to care 
FINN: so it's not the kind of person you are
SIMULA: -crosses their arms, getting indignant now that he's brought up venras.- II am in a relationship. 
SIMULA: We bask in the misfortune of oth-ers together. 
SIMULA: It's great.
FINN: -he shakes his head- no you don't 
FINN: there's a reason for me 
FINN: i know there is 
FINN: and i know i'll never be able to make up for how much i hurt you 
FINN: maybe i'm asking for some mercy even if I don't deserve it
SIMULA: -their lips purse and their arms tighten across their chest, but otherwise are keeping a relatively straight face. well... save for the sparks occasionally popping around their horns.- 
SIMULA: II don't care a-bout an-y of that. 
SIMULA: Why should II? It was so long a-go. 
SIMULA: None of what hap-pened ev-en mat-ters anymore.
FINN: well something has to be making you want me to feel bad about myself right
SIMULA: -goes quiet as they avoid looking at him, nails digging into their arms. this is stupid and they know it. what's the point in being petty? it only feels easier than confronting the truth.- 
SIMULA: You don't-- 
SIMULA: Get it. 
SIMULA: II-- -covers their face with one hand, exhaling- 
SIMULA: It's stup-id.
FINN: -he watches them, noticing the change of demeanor- it's not stupid 
FINN: especially if it's affecting you so much
SIMULA: II don't need your sentiments, II-- 
SIMULA: It... -sparks a little more, shutting their eyes tight.- 
SIMULA: It real-ly didn't mat-ter. II may as well have... Nev-er come back. From Lauc-tis. 
SIMULA: It would have been bet-ter that way.  
SIMULA: II would-n't have was-ted everyone's time.
FINN: -doesn't take his eyes off of them- what do you mean
SIMULA: ... Emilet. -winces saying it, admitting it.- 
SIMULA: You were al-ways sup-posed to be together. 
SIMULA: II fig-ured that out right away. 
SIMULA: And yet II still deluded my-self in-to think-ing otherwise. 
SIMULA: That II ev-er stood a chance again-st some-one like you. S
IMULA: That II ev-er-- 
SIMULA: Ev-en existed. As a fac-tor. 
SIMULA: II'm hard-ly ev-en a foot note in this fuck-ing fair-y tale. -hisses under their breath- 
SIMULA: But it's stu-pid. That II care. It does-n't mat-ter... 
SIMULA: II don't ev-en want to be with him anymore.
FINN: -it hurts to hear simula say that...just imagining all of the pain simula must be going through because of him. it's not like he can argue against it, because not only would it be ineffective but finn wouldn't be able to validate simula in this regard. someone else, maybe. not him. his expression softens- i'm 
FINN: no standard 
FINN: i'm kind of a fucking mess 
FINN: as you've noticed but -he sighs and rocks sofia's carrier a little more- i'm sure that doesn't really help anything
SIMULA: -hastily tries to rub away some tears prickling at the corner of their eyes. sniff.- Obviously. 
SIMULA: It's not e-ven a-bout competition. 
SIMULA: Not at this point.
FINN: -he feels so bad seeing how hurt simula is- so it's everything else
SIMULA: -JUMPS. the sudden baby yelling is WAY jarring. bad sensory shit.- Hhh-- 
 SIMULA: 私は自分自身を繰り返す必要がありますか? 
SIMULA: -sighs- It's like II said. 
SIMULA: II may as well have not e-ven been a fac-tor to be-gin with.
SOFIA: -she seems to have gotten over it- 
FINN: right 
FINN: i don't think it was for nothing though 
FINN: - looks down again- but my opinion doesn't really matter because this is how you've been feeling and 
FINN: -looks back up at them- i don't see quinne that way at all 
FINN: even if we aren't together anymore 
FINN: and despite whoever emilet chose to be with after you i know for a fact that you helped him open up more 
FINN: you were never in the way and i'm sorry that i treated you like that
SIMULA: -hearing that makes them fall quiet, the energy quickly draining from them, leaving them with little attempts to wipe away anymore tears that fall. it's hard to decide whether they want to take that as a comfort or not, but the apology is nice.- 
SIMULA: ... II know that we... You and II... 
SIMULA: Were ne-ver as close as you were to my broth-ers. 
SIMULA: But II still thought we... -glances off, embarrassed.- 
SIMULA: Were... in some way... friends. Un-till... 
SIMULA: You know.
FINN: -it hurts to watch them cry, especially when he had so much to do with it, but this conversation is necessary. it has to happen for anything to move forward.- we were and i 
FINN: lost myself to a point where that happened 
FINN: instead of working things out 
FINN: i still want to be even if it's not something that's possible
SIMULA: -looks down at their lap, considering, but speaks with earnest confliction.- II... don't know... 
SIMULA: But II do know... II want to move on from everything. II hate that it still has pow-er ov-er me. -winces-
FINN: -he nods, understanding- i'll do anything you need me to to make sure that happens
SIMULA: -there's another pause as they try to consider everything going on inside their head.- This has been... ver-y help-ful. 
SIMULA: II hate to ad-mit.
FINN: -exhales- yeah FINN: for me too
SIMULA: ... -wipes at their eyes again before folding their hands in their lap.- 
SIMULA: Who has been shar-ing the de-tails of my personal life to you that you know a-bout Ven-ras? -asks indignantly, as if finn isn't a family friend.-
FINN: -looks up and pauses- well 
FINN: ryan kind of
SIMULA: -squints into the distance- Of course.
FINN: you know her 
FINN: she's a talker
SIMULA: Do you know him?
FINN: not much 
FINN: i know of him 
FINN: i saw him at ryan's homecoming party
SIMULA: Oh. Right. 
SIMULA: II for-got a-bout that. 
SIMULA: -eyeballs him a little. not that he could tell, given they are pupiless and all. but don't mind them, they're just suspicious of people knowing things about their personal life unless they divulge it.- 
SIMULA: ... Anyway. II have some things II need to do to-day.
FINN: -looks at them for a second and then catches on to what they mean- oh right 
FINN: sofia has a thing -if that thing is being a baby-
SIMULA: -stands quickly to escort him to the door- Then by all means, don't let me keep you.
FINN: -stands and takes Sofia's carrier with him- yeah 
FINN: -heads toward the door- i'll see you later
SIMULA: Yes. -opens the door for him telekinetically.- Give Colt my re-gards.
FINN: -turns to smile before leaving- i will
FINN: bye -they gone-
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