#i saw g/ojo with his that blindfold and thought to myself
rykno-j · 1 year
thinking about the (possible) first time G/ojo wore a blindfold:
"S/atoru- what are you wearing?"
"Hm? Ah.. I couldn't find my glasses this morning, so these would suffice for now.. besides the sun has been really bright these few days, and this covers my eyes more."
Gojo reaches out to trace his fingers over the cloth covering his eyes. The truth was, he hadn't been able to sleep for the past couple of days, and his eyebags were getting more and more obvious. He knew Geto would be worried if he saw them, so he opted to wear something that covered his eyes entirely.
It wasn't as if he couldn't see anymore with that thing over his eyes, so he figured it would be a good cover-up.
The problem was finding the cloth. Gojo has rummaged through his room the entire morning, only to come out empty handed. Eventually he found a blindfold in the storeroom behind his class. It was supposedly used for training, or something along the lines of that. Not thinking much of it, he wrapped it around his head.
Ever since he had put it on, however, a mild buzz had settled itself into the back of his nose. It was probably just due to the lack of sleep, probably. Was what he told himself.
"Bless you. Where did you get that blindfold from anyway?"
"..The storeroom."
"The one behind our class?"
Gojo simply nodded in reply, suddenly being overwhelmed by another urge to sneze.
"..You know how dusty the things in there are, right?"
At this point, Gojo was barely listening to what Geto was saying. In fact, he had completely stopped in his tracks, breath held in anticipation.
And just like that, the feeling passed.
"snff- Sorry, you were saying?"
"Dust. See, there's even some on the blindfold."
Gojo watched as Geto brought a finger up to his face, tracing the edge of the blindfold resting just above his nose.
"Especially here."
Ah. That was probably the reason his nose seemed to be complaining for minutes on end.
Gojo attempted to laugh off the matter, but every inhale, no matter how small, served only to aggravate the burn in his sinuses.
"It's f'hH!! ..fine"
Geto watched, unasmused by Gojo's stubbornness, "Really?"
"R-Really.. hH'!! h'tchh!! hah'zZtchh!!"
At this point, Gojo was bent over, facing away from Geto with a fist raised against his nose. He felt a single tear slip out of his eye, only to be absorbed by the blindfold.
Geto sighed once the fit seemed to die down. "For someone self-proclaimed as the strongest, you really are quite stubborn sometimes."
Gojo flinches as Geto reaches out to pull up the blindfold.
"Take it off, for your sake. We can go buy another pair of sunglasses later."
When Gojo doesn't reply, Geto reaches out a thumb to wipe away the stay tear below his eye.
"Ah- right.. yeah, I probably should.." Gojo held Geto's stare for a moment, before the other pulled away.
"Satoru, have you been sleeping alright? You look really tired."
Gojo sighed inwardly. Trust Geto to pick up on that after mere seconds of staring at his uncovered eyes. There's no way he can lie his way out of this one, not anymore.
"..Maybe not"
Gojo adverts his gaze, expecting a lecture of some sort. "Maybe cut down on the video games", "Stop staying up so late," words of that sort. What he was not expecting instead, was:
"Want me to come over tonight?"
"Yeah, yeah I got it- ..wait, what?" did he hear that right?
Geto cleared his throat softly, "..Don't make me repeat that, Satoru."
"Ah- right, Mm, yes.. actually, I'd love to have you over. Maybe, probably."
"Which one is it?"
A stray blindfold hit the side of Geto's arm. "Yes, it's yes.. of course it's a yes. What do you think..?"
Geto laughs softly in reply. "I'll bring some tea."
"With sugar?"
"Of course."
thats it, just my thoughts on them
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