#i saw one (1) complete one that was 73k but it had. questionable things tagged?
cha-melodius · 4 years
AO3 Year in Review
I cannot resist these year-in-review type things (probably hearkens back to my old LiveJournal days, and yes, I had old LJ days, do not laugh), so when I saw this on someone else’s blog I stole it even though it’s supposed to be one of those tagged things. I tag myself, hah! And anyone else who wants to take a look back at their year in fic.
AO3 Username: chamel My Page: Link Fandoms: The Man from UNCLE (movie), The Mandalorian, MCU, Westworld, Battlestar Galactica, The Witcher
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos):
This Year: What You Meant (TMFU, Illya/Napoleon, T, 8k words)
5 times Illya tells Napoleon he’s a terrible spy, and 1 time he says what he really means well, actually, he still tells him that time too.
Of All Time: Do You Want to Know a Secret? (The Mandalorian, Cara/Din, T, 1k words)
Cara asks questions and gets answers she didn't expect.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos):
This Year & All Time: Do You Promise Not To Tell? (The Mandalorian, Cara/Din, M, 88k words)
Cara and Din join forces again, looking for the kid's people. What they find along the way is more than they bargained for.
More reflections and a preview of some upcoming works below the cut!
Favorite story you’ve written so far:
I have answered this a couple of times by now and so I direct you to my post on my top five six fics for more on this topic.
Fic you were nervous to post:
Little by Little (TMFU, Illya/Napoleon, M, 15k words) This fic almost didn’t get written entirely, much less posted, but I’m glad I did. The concept was out of the ordinary for the fandom and I worried about my ability to do justice to Illya’s past and trauma, of which I obviously have no experience of anything of the sort. I also worried people would think it was too OOC, but I’m really happy with how the story came out and fortunately the response has been positive.
How do you choose your titles?
They are almost exclusively song titles or lyrics! And most of the time a bit of lyrics can be found in the fic as well, because I tend to be extremely inspired by songs. The one(!) exception is Amor Magnus Doctor Est, which is one of a bunch of Latin proverbs/phrases that I used for each chapter. It fit the theme of a classics-professor-AU, and so I broke my longstanding trend.
Do you outline?
The answer to this question used to be no, but that has changed over the course of the year. Before I wrote Amor Magnus Doctor Est, I only very rarely outlined, and even then that’s a generous word for what I did. Mostly I wrote completely off the cuff, even long, multi-chaptered fics. Sometimes I think it’s a miracle any of those came out comprehensible story-wise. Now I outline a lot, even for shorter fics.
Complete Fics:
All Time: 34 fics, 406k words; This Year: 29 fics, 359k words
In-Progress Fics (partly published):
True Love Will Find You in the End (MCU, Thor/Carol & Peter/Gamora, 73k words): On hiatus when I lost inspiration and fell a bit out of love with this story (I think it’s a bit of a hot mess, to be honest with you). But I actually started working on it again because I’ve gotten a couple of comments hoping for an update.
Here It Goes Again (The Mandalorian, Cara/Din, 8k words): This one sneaks in as a WIP this year because it won’t be finished before the year is done, but it will be wrapped up shortly.
Coming Soon/Planned:
Pandemic/Quarantine-set follow-up to Amor Magnus Doctor Est; yes, you read that right. Partly outsider POV. There’s even a photo manip to go with this one, lol. Pure silliness.
White Collar/TMFU crossover (modern setting). This one has one chapter done and a detailed outline. It is potentially a longish one, and I do very much want to write it but I also know crossovers tend to get read so much less, so it will definitely be a labor of love. Also it’s going to feature some Neal/Illya, and since I both love Neal dearly and am a diehard Napollya stan I’m a little nervous about how some things might be taken (by the 5 people that read it, lol)
Speaking of crossovers, a followup to my Witcher-Mandalorian crossover modern AU that also 5 people will probably read. This one is a lot more nebulous at this point.
A follow-up to [redacted] (currently anonymously published for a gift exchange) requested by folks who helped me with various parts of it. Also very nebulous right now.
... probably I should plan some non-AU fics if I want people to actually read my stuff in the new year, eh??
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