#i saw someone say that he actually likes h/ira more than h/ira likes him and tbis was before ep 5
jashne-bahaaraa · 3 years
hi hello
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deputy-videogamer · 5 years
Demon in Disguised | Part 1 |
Paring: Geralt x Reader
Warning: Minor Blood
Notes: Don't worry there will be a part two and it will have smut in it. But for now enjoy the small cliffhanger.
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Part 2
Ahh humans~
So frail, so paranoid, so deliriously fearful. Especially if the humans are just vulnerable to things they can't explain, take your for example. You have an appearance of a human, but in reality you are nothing more than a demon. More specifically one of the Seven Demons of Hell, your brothers and sisters just love taking pleasure of bringing their sins into the lives of humans.
A man having an affair with his wife? You can blame Asmodeus for that. A person who kills another person out of jealousy? Blame Beelzebub for that. A bloodly fight that was out of anger or revenge? Blame yourself for that. You once enjoy these misfortunes that you laid upon the humans, but now it has been.....well boring for you.
You wanted something more than just making people suffer. You wanted to have an adventure, the thrill, the excitement of your adrenaline pumping in your veins. Sitting on your throne watching people suffer is not what you no longer call fun but instead an endless suffering. No pun intended. That's when it had hit you, why stay here watching people suffer, when you can have fun up there up there. The place where plenty of people live instead of just waiting for the next victim to die and judge what have sins they have done to bring down here.
Which brings you here. Drinking at a pub in a village where the men slammed their drinks on the tables as waitresses went by table to table. For the past couple of years you have made quite the living of being a traveler who tells a person's 'future' for a couple of coins to buy some items. Not like it matter to you materialistic things never interested you in the first place.
All of sudden the pub had gotten quite, you broke your gaze from the book you were reading from to see what had stop the ruckus. At the doorway of the pub was a man with long white hair that was tied into a ponytail with intriguing golden cat like eyes.
"What's a freak doing here."
If you recall correctly this 'freak' was called a 'Witcher' from the books you have read. People with supernatural abilities that was similar to the Mages here, but of course with a few differences. Apparently these Witchers slay monsters for money and they aren't really welcome to most people because of their actions. Such hubris these humans possess judging one's abilities and actions instead of taking the time for knowing them.
You eyed the man as he walked to a table that had a man drinking away his problems because of an incident. From what you heard lost some supplies and men to something in the woods nearby. Not that you care about someone's misfortune, you went back reading your book when something caught your interest in the man's and Witcher's conversation.
"The monster you are describing sounds like a demon, but not any demon that I may know of."
A smirk slowly appeared on your face when you heard this. If a Witcher who is suppose to identify all types of monster can't even identify this demon then it must be from Hell. Perhaps this day won't be just you sitting around reading afterall.
Closing your book, you went up their table with your cane. The cane is just part of your disguise to make you look cripple and helpless. There are occasional times where some robbers and bandits tried to steal from you but that only led you to use some 'magic' on them.
"May I ask you what did this Demon looked like?" Both men looked at you when you appeared. You took a quick glance at the Witcher's medallion hoping it wont react to you. You leaned on your cane as the client explained what he saw.
"It's skin completely green and there something on it's head like some kind of octopus. On it's back was spider like legs and it appeared to have some green light around it." You automatically knew what it was.
"Ah! The demon you are describing to me is a Timor Daemonium or a Fear Demon. It's a good thing you ran for your life, crafty bastards can summon lesser demons to help them fight."
"You seems like you know this demon." You turned your head towards the Witcher and gave him a small smile.
"Yes, I happen to came across these demons a few times." That was a lie. These types Demons where created from Lucifer; where there is fear there is pride.
It seems like siblings want to return to Hell if they are sending their creations to find you.
"Mr. Witcher, may I tag along on your hunt. You can keep the reward I'm not interested in that. What I'm interested is the demon." The Witcher looked at you suspiciously, but soon agreed.
With the agreement settled, the two of you were out your way to find the Fear Demon. You were perhaps a good distance from the village for you to drop the act. You swung your cane onto your shoulders and started to walk naturally. This caught the Witcher's attention.
"The cripple act is something you always do?"
You looked up to the white hair male and gave him a sly smile. "Something like that. In this age men or women wouldn't want to have sex with someone who is cant walk properly know can they?"
"Not if you have your chest out like that." He mumble but you heard it just fine afterall advance hearing is part of the Demon charm.
"What was that?"
The road to the location was silent for quite away, but you decide to break the ice once more.
"The name's (Y/N) and you are Mr. Witcher?"
"Geralt of rivia. Rather be called by my name than Mr. Witcher. You seem to know your demonology quite well."
"It's my pride and joy the only thing I can actually do than just reading one's 'future'." You air quote the word 'future's.
Geralt raised an eyebrow when you said this. He was about to ask you what you just meant when you stopped him with your cane. You raised a finger to your lips to silence him as he listen to whatever you were trying find.
It was then he realized why you stopped them, a green like fog floated in a small part of the forest that most likely was hiding the Demon.
Using your cane to grabbed his necklace you brought Geralt closer to whisper in his ear.
"They are vulnerable to lightening. Can you cast anything like that?"
"I can cast Aard will that work?" You gently removed your cane from his necklace and took a step forward.
"That will have to do. I'll distract for a bit once you have a clear shot cast your spell and I'll do the rest." You raised your cane in front of you then announcing a name.
"Talon, I might need some help." A black smoke started to come out of your cane then a panther came out of the fog. Turning back to Geralt you told him hide while you faced the Demon.
Unaware to you is that when you summon your 'familiar' Geralt's medallion started to vibrate. If he question you now then they will lose the Demon, but if he question you later then you might not even answer his question at all. But with no other option he did what you ordered.
Talon had pounced on the Fear Demon giving you time to remove your blade out it's sheathed and started to attack it. If you remember correctly from what Lucifer said they are vulnerable to any type of lightning attacks, even though Aard is not a lightning base attack it should do the trick.
You caught off one of it's spider like appendages that were trying to attack you. It's blood seeped out of it limb, but one it's limb managed to hit your side. You grunted as the rising pain to your side, but manage to pull through.
You dodged an incoming slice from the Demon before it ripped off Talon off it's back. You scanned the area to see where did Geralt hid, your search ended quickly when Geralt had appeared behind the Demon then attacking with Aard. With a stroke of your arm a black smoke appeared around you changing your (h/c) hair to a silver color with the tattoos that was scatter on your arm suddenly glowed.
"Alliges Duplicia (Bind)." The tattoos on your arms were removed and sent flying towards the demon, binding him.
You were amused as it tried to struggled it's way out of the bonds.
"Cur auxilium eius? (Why are you helping him?)." The Demon sneered at you. Luckily Geralt can't understand what it's trying to say, but that doesn't mean he already knows something's up with you.
"Cause why not?"
"Plurimum autem periculosissima et daemonem. Et auxiliatus sum tibi haec ... homine isto? (You are the most powerful and most dangerous demon. And yet you help this...this human!)."
"First of all, this human is name Geralt. Second of all you mean former. I step down remember?"
"Inferos non inveni novum irae. Tu tantum potior esse irae. (Hell has not found a new Wrath. You are only one best suited to be Wrath.)"
"Well, you better find a replacement soon or..." You took a quick glance at Geralt who gave you a raised eyebrow. Seems like he is slowly starting to put the pieces in it's place. "Or else Hell will release it's demons and the Dammned soon."
"Talon, return him to Lucifer." You called out to your familiar . The panther compiled with it's order grabbing the Demon by it's hair it disappeared into a cloud of black smoke.
You sighed. It seems like your siblings won't be stopping their attacks anytime soon as long as you stay here on Tameria.
"You have a lot of explaining to do." Oh yeah that's right. Geralt can't understand what the Demon just said.
"Depends how much they are paying you." You swiped your hair back as the once silver color return back to it's natural hair color.
"25 crowns."
"Shit. Fine 10 questions you can ask me, but first camp." Geralt notice how it was already dark so he'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now.
Once the fire was going, the two of you sit on opposite directions for safety reasons. Which was fine by you, you still needed to to patch up the nasty wound on your side. When you finished you rummaged through your satchel to pull out the same book you were reading earlier.
"First question go." You said. Geralt would've thought you were getting impatient, but considering how you were kicking back and reading a book said otherwise.
What a strange person you were. If you are consider you a person.
"Don't know what that demon was saying, but base on how it called you a daemonem or a demon just like how you translated back at the tavern. You are just like it aren't? A demon?"
You finger stopped at the tip of your page that you were about to turn. The gesture meant that Geralt was right you aren't human.
"You aren't wrong." You turn the page and set your book down to the side to get up and slowly walked towards. "But it's my turn Witcher do you want to know really want to know what my Demon name is?"
When you went to his side if the fire you were already up to his face. With a a smirk on your face waiting for his answer.
"Ire. What does it mean?"
"I'll give you a hint. When a person sees you; a Witcher. What is there reaction?" Geralt was slowly starting to see what you might be, but had to be sure to confirm it.
"They look at me with disgust, hatred, and..." For some reason couldn't finish the last part of his sentence as he gazed into your eyes. He wonders if you were actually a succubus or incubus or even a demon who can hypnotize people.
"Go on." You encourage him to finish it. "Unless you want me to say it for you, Geralt of Rivia."
God. Just hearing his name from your tongue makes him want to take you here an now.
"They look at me with..."
"Anger." The two of you finished at the same time.
"Oh fuck it." Geralt pulled your head closer to his giving you a heated lip session. If he was going to die at least he was going to die from a sexy sin demon.
@jessevans @mystrie @midnattsorg
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the-master-cylinder · 5 years
SUMMARY Martha (Maren Jensen) and Jim Schmidt (Douglas Barr) live on an isolated farm named ‘Our Blessing’, where most of its population are “Hittites”, an austere religious community who, according to one of the characters, “make the Amish look like swingers”. Jim was a Hittite, but left the community when he got married. Jim tells a neighbor, Louisa Stohler (Lois Nettleton), who is the mother of Faith (Lisa Hartman), that his wife, Martha, is pregnant and that Louisa’s services as a mid-wife will soon be needed by them. Louisa and Faith are not part of the Hittite community, either. In fact, they do not like them due in part to the constant harassment of Faith by William, who chases her and calls her, and all “outsides”, “Incubus.” That night, Jim searches in the barn after hearing strange noises from inside, but is murdered when a mysterious figure runs him over with his tractor. This is alleged to be a mechanical accident.
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Friends Lana Marcus (Sharon Stone) and Vicky Anderson (Susan Buckner) visit Martha after Jim’s funeral. When William Gluntz (Michael Berryman) goes to the house at night to search for his shoe he accidentally left earlier when sneaking around, he is stabbed through the back by an unseen figure. The following day, William’s father and Jim’s father and the leader of the Hittites, Isaiah Schmidt (Ernest Borgnine) come to the farm looking for William after he does not return home after being sent by his father to retrieve a “lost” shoe. Martha tells the men she has no idea where William is and they start to leave, Isaiah goes back to the door and offers to buy back the farm from Martha but Martha refuses, after Isaiah insults her and calls her the incubus, she asks him if he would like his answer immediately, and “answers” by slamming the door in his face.
Martha is now being accused of being the incubus. Lana enters the barn the next day to look for something in the barn, inside a toolbox for the tractor but all the doors and windows suddenly close, trapping her inside. In a panic, she searches for a way out but encounters a figure dressed in black. When escaping out the now open barn door, William’s corpse swoops down at her, hanging from a rope. The police clean up the mess as the sheriff (Kevin Cooney) advises the three friends to leave town, as someone may be after them. However, Martha decides to stay where she is and buys a gun for protection. Multiple events follow, such as a snake being put into Martha’s bathroom while she’s taking a bath by an unseen figure who creeps in her house. She manages to get out of the bath tub and kill the snake with a fireplace poker.
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John Schmidt (Jeff East), Martha’s brother-in-law is unwillingly engaged to Melissa (Colleen Riley) his cousin. However John feels attracted to Vicky. John is eventually sent away from home and the community when he retaliates against his father who begins hitting him. John meets Vicky outside the cinema and she lets John drive her car, giving him a sense of freedom. They stop at the side of a road and begin to make out but they are attacked by an unseen figure who stabs John multiple times and sets fire to the car, which eventually blows up with Vicky still inside.
Lana has a nightmare in which a pair of hands take hold of her head, forcing her to open her mouth as a spider falls in. When she wakes up she finds blood in a milk carton as Martha finds a scarecrow tied in her room with a flower that was buried with Jim. When Martha hurries to Jim’s grave she finds him dug up. Martha also discovers it was Louisa and Faith who committed the murders as they attack Melissa. Martha is chased back to her home where she engages in a quick battle with Faith. During the struggle, Faith’s shirt is ripped open, revealing her to be a man who has been in love with Martha. Lana and Martha have to fight Louisa and Faith. When Martha shoots Faith she is confronted by Louisa with a shotgun. Fortunately, she too is shot by Lana. However, Faith has survived her gunshot and tries to kill Martha once more, but she is killed when Melissa stabs her in the back. Isaiah turns up and tells them that the messenger of incubus is now dead. The day after, Lana leaves Martha to go back to LA. When Martha enters her home a ghost of Jim warns her about the incubus. The film ends immediately after the real incubus bursts through the floor and pulls Martha back into the floor.
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DEVELOPMENT “Max Keller of Interplanetary Productions owned a property called Deadly Blessing. It was really sort of reminiscent of Charlie’s Angels, with three girls in the country, one of them married to an Amish fellow who was murdered in the first act. The two girl friends come to stay with her, more murders happen, and they solve the crime and survive the picture. I did a one-week rewrite on it, as a favor to Max.
The script for Deadly Blessing then floated around Hollywood for about a year, looking for a studio; Craven meanwhile became involved in the Swamp Thing script — his first film as writer-director since The Hills Have Eyes. But when Swamp Thing met with several delays early in preproduction. Craven took on Deadly Blessing. And since the film was financed by Universal, Craven would have the kind of equipment that he had heretofore lacked on his productions, so Deadly Blessing would at last give him a chance to show off his technical proficiency.
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PRODUCTION The film has many of the hallmarks of Craven’s films: dream sequences, shocks piled on shocks, Michael Berryman in a small but important role, etc. The most peculiar thing about Deadly Blessing is that after the hermaphroditic killer is revealed and dispatched, a real incubus suddenly appears and carries Jensen away. It is the only supernatural element in the film and it is a surprise since the audience assumed that the Hittites’ claptrap about an “incubus” was meant to be a designation for Jensen and the outside evil of sexuality” she was bringing into the community. Sometimes, this last ironic twist is omitted from the film by distributors or theater owners. The effects for it were originally to have been done by John Dykstra, but he had to bow out when Firefox had its schedule moved up and so the effects were actually performed by Everett Alson and Ira Anderson with an assist from costumer Tony Masters.
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“I wanted to show, first of all, that I know how to do it (make a slick film), and second of all, it was a very different kind of picture. I wanted a big, smooth, sort of Philip Wylie look to it. We very consciously went in with that intention. Robert Jessup, the cinematographer, and I went through Philip Wylie’s books and paintings by Van Gogh for the looks of the house down the lane and young woman’s paintings. I directed the artist to paint like a combination of Van Gogh and Walter Lance. I wanted it to look very cartoony, but sort of strange and twisted, reflecting her own mentality. That was the girl who was killed, who turned out to be a hermaphroditic painter whose paintings kept changing and getting more distorted.” – Wes Craven on The Faith Stohler Paintings Lisa Hartman
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The original problem with it was that, when I originally got involved with it in the rewrites, they already had an incredibly complex story,” says Craven. “Suspects everywhere, scenes casting suspicion on the girls from out of town, and many more scenes with the Hittites creating more Hittite suspects. Many more scenes than were needed for a film that was never intended to study the differing lifestyles of the people involved; it was really just setting out to scare people. In rewriting it, I tried to simplify it somewhat, and went back and added scenes that would liven up the long scenes of exposition. But the flaw that I saw upon finishing it. which I think everybody sees in the picture, is that, while individual scenes work well, and it’s well-acted, the story as a whole just sort of clunks along.” – Wes Craven
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CAST/CREW Directed Wes Craven
Produced William Gilmore Patricia Herskovic Max A. Keller Micheline H. Keller
Screenplay Glenn M. Benest Matthew Barr Wes Craven
Story Glenn M. Benest Matthew Barr
Maren Jensen as Martha Schmidt Sharon Stone as Lana Marcus Susan Buckner as Vicky Anderson Jeff East as John Schmidt Colleen Riley as Melissa Douglas Barr as Jim Schmidt Lisa Hartman as Faith Stohler Lois Nettleton as Louisa Stohler
CREDITS/REFERENCES/SOURCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY Screams & nightmares – Brian J. Robb Nightmares on Elm Street The Freddy Krueger Story Fangoria#17
Deadly Blessing (1981) Retrospective SUMMARY Martha (Maren Jensen) and Jim Schmidt (Douglas Barr) live on an isolated farm named 'Our Blessing', where most of its population are "Hittites", an austere religious community who, according to one of the characters, "make the Amish look like swingers".
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