#i saw that you liked para ;askldjf so i wanted to go all out since i do to!!!! i hope this is okay
stanlxyy-blog · 7 years
@junkiebcrn liked for a starter | accepting!
♪ HONESTLY he wasn’t sure exactly where he’d ended up and why he’d gone so far from home in the first place ––– all he knew was that it was unfamiliar, in both a GOOD and BAD way ; he was so far from home and he knew what he was doing was w r o n g, that he should get back as quick as he could, that this was a MISTAKE, but he felt a sort of tender curiosity . . . it wasn’t like it was the first time he’d run off, nor was it going to be the last, but still . . . 
Exhausted, and a little uneasy, Stan climbed out of his old blue Dodge and squinted as the sunlight  invaded  his sight, taking a moment to stand still and adjust. Perhaps he was in California. Seemed like it, at least, from the amount of license plates reading its name. 
Sighing heavily, he turned around, head dipped down and tired brown eyes focused on the pavement of the parking lot. He started his way along the side of the line of shops, not really knowing where he was headed ––– not really caring, either.
He rounded a corner sharply, and ––– 
––– OOF! 
❝SHIT . . . sorry, dude. I wasn’t looking.❞ 
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❝. . . Hang on. Aren’t you –– ?❞ 
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