trashbinmuses · 2 years
My other blogs:
Debbie Thornberry: @stereotypcd
Frankie Foster: @fosterskeeper
Multimuse: @trashbinmuses
Valerie from Codename KND: @tchrspup
Sarah Lynn: @junkiebcrn
Sasha Wrightbright: @toadcaptured
Brandy Harrington: @harringtonmutt
Connie Maheswaran: @hiskniight
Cordelia Thornberry: @oldmoneycd
Candace Flynn: @uniiversehated
Francis Foster ( Frankie’s dad / OC ): @redeempending
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mirrormania · 3 years
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@junkiebcrn​​​ ASKED: || “ I'm both in love n terrified of ur muse at the same time lol ”
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 [ *WHEEZE*  This is the highest praise i can earn tbh, thank you from the bottom of my heart for liking this disaster :’} ]
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bojackkills · 3 years
The brunette kicks in his door, fuck knocking ! She's on a mission. "I can't fuckin' believe you, Boj ! " She screams, stomping over to the horse && gets right in his face ( she's on her tippy toes. ) "You're dating Diane ? Your head must be really few up your own ass if you think this is a good idea. What happened ta tryin' ta being better ? "You're no better than these two... Sarah Lynn also wants to pay a visit to Diane, but talking with Bojack was more important at the moment. //sorry but I just had too (⇀‸↼;)
If anything was going to wake up BoJack from his hungover stupor on the sofa, it would certainly be the loud, destructive behaviour of his on-screen daughter. BoJack bolted upright, then letting out a groan as his neck cracked in several places. Fuck. He shouldn’t have allowed himself to fall asleep in such a stupid piece of shit position, but that’s what stupid pieces of shit did.
Shortly after he sat up did that familiar pounding begin in his head, holding hands with its best friend, Mr Stomachswirl. A groan left BoJack’s lips, dry drool around the edges. He ran his hand down his face, trying to piece together memories of drunken voicemails he might have left.
“Wait what-…” the horse murmured, taking a moment to put together Sarah Lynn’s words in his head. “Diane? What are you on about – Sarah Lynn? And what the fuck did you just do to my door?!”
He stood up, about to put his hands on his hips before the dizzy swirl forced him to sit back down.
“Urgh… Wait, did Diane say we were dating? Shit. Am I dating Diane?”
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oursklpper · 3 years
x. @junkiebcrn​​​ intel .x: "I never understood how someone could say those words so easily."
Deep Ass Starters.
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❛ Is it “ I have osteoporosis? “ Because you just have lean into the vowels, sister. OST-E-O-POR-OSIS! ❜   
Skipper clearly had not taken in to account the seriousness of the situation, he too found that confessions, acceptance even emoting was quite difficult. Hence he had responded in such a ridiculous manner. 
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velcake · 3 years
@junkiebcrn​ liked ( 👑 ) for a starter !! 
velvet, surprisingly, is not familiar with this. it’s been over a decade since she last visited the living world and though she’s made quite a name for herself in the circles, she’s not the demon humans usually call on when they want revenge, advice on the occult, or really anything practical - with good reason. she’s utterly unpredictable. 
velvets doll-like fingers break through the floor, scarlet glow erupting from around her arms. being summoned, it turns out, is rather uncomfortable. it’s not like those fancy books the ars goetia have at their disposal, no no no. velvet has to claw her way to this earthbound caller, manicured plastic fingernails clawing holes in the pricey carpet she emerged from, ebony tendrils squeezing, grabbing, and trying to pull her back into the inferno, no doubt an attempt from god to make it that much harder for his creation to commune with the demons. jokes on him. velvet’s stubborn. 
she crawls up on the floor, kicks the last tendril off her pompom-adorned shoe, stands up and dusts herself off, and there she is - a five foot demon, a ball-jointed doll, somehow with a still-perfect manicure. 
and there’s the woman who summoned her. and oh. 
velvet knows high when she sees it. 
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👑  you  are  stoooooned !!  what  do  you  want ??  i  was  driving ! 
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acriminallawyer · 3 years
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@junkiebcrn​ asked “I wish you’d stop taking it for granted that I’m in something I want to get out of.“
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  ❝ R I G H T -- Halleluja!!!             It’s a legal M I R A C L E ! 
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    It’s a H O L L Y W O O D  actress bound to a shitty contract--               -- Such a rarity, i thought it was a myth!  I should stroke the veiny’ shaft of the  U N I V E R S E  as a thank you!                          --- ‘Heh-- No. No. You’re right-- Lucky us! Right?  ❞
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villains4hire · 3 years
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     Staring down at them as he began to approach, bloodied machete in hand, Jason was going to simply make quick work of this one. T’was a shame they had come here for this ‘party’ that was disrespectful to his camp. Yet being ebbed along by her guiding voice as he began to move quicker, Sarah should probably say something to convince him otherwise... or she’d be cleaved in two practically by the hulking murderer.
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defactomatriarch-a2 · 3 years
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@junkiebcrn​ said: "Milf alert 1 o’clock ! " //sorry not sorry lol
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wwxnka · 3 years
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@junkiebcrn​ asked: "Everyone has at lest a little bit of mommy or daddy issues. It's nothing to be ashamed of."
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FOR WHAT SEEMED LIKE AN AGE - BUT WAS, IN FACT, PROBABLY THIRTY SECONDS AT MOST, THOUGH HE NEVER DID KEEP TRACK OF THESE THINGS - SILENCE REIGNED SUPREME. For someone who was such public figure, and whose status was of literal international repute, little to nothing regarding his early years had been broadcast liberally, and even less about his family. It was a subject he kept very close to his chest - like playing cards, almost, though his parents had been very real people, and not images on paper.
STILL, ON A GENERAL SCALE, THE TOPIC WAS...DELICATE, FOR A NUMBER OF REASONS. Was he willing to disclose those reasons? Absolutely not. However, the woman had made a sensical point, he supposed. Shame wasn’t the right term for it, though - discomfort was perhaps a little more apt.
THOUGHTS COLLECTED, AND A SIGH LEAVING HIS BODY, HE ARCHED HIS BROW, THOUGH HIS EYES DID NOT MEET HERS. His demeanour suggested that he was toying for the right words to say.
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“With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come, dear lady. It never bodes well to dwell, wouldn’t you say?”
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modestmuses-a · 3 years
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@junkiebcrn​​ said: ““That hurt you son of a bitch…” - number 5″
you know i don’t mean to, i’m just an asshole sometimes | accepting
“Did it.”  It carries none of the inflection of a question, and his expression doesn’t waver at all, not even to raise a brow.  “Cry me a river, then.”  For all the things that he does excel at, tact and charisma have never been among them.  A people person, he most definitely isn’t.
“If you don’t want people to call you out on acting like a mess, maybe you shouldn’t act like a mess.”  Not even his own brother gets sympathy from Five for having similar issues to her, so he really does not know what she expected of him.
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bojackkills · 3 years
" wait a minute, you're blaming me?! "
argument sentence starters
“I’m not blaming you, it’s just... something that Diane told me. We’re responsible for our own happiness so if you can’t be happy then maybe...” BoJack trailed off, deciding not to comment that maybe, just maybe, she was just like him.
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ofishd-blog · 7 years
@junkiebcrn​ needs a manager!
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The kid had gotten insanely lucky. That’s what SHE’D heard, anyway. 
Most people in her position would have easily have perished from such a drug binge; and it certainly didn’t help that the one by her side was perhaps the WORST person to have done ANYTHING with (BOJACK, BOJACK, BOJACK!). But now, miraculously, she had survived.
And somehow, life thought that giving her another chance was necessary. And in some ways, Princess Carolyn almost understood it - rather intimately, in fact, even if she would not admit it to anyone.
Even if she had tried (and failed, regrettably) to get Sarah Lynn to her side, this was a different set of circumstances.
Entering the hospital room and stashing her phone in her purse pocket, she tried her very best to muster a smile (especially considering how... unfortunate everything had ended up). Still, the heaviness weighing within the manager’s heart was enough to bring an equal sluggishness to her steps, as words jumbled within her mind.
Struggling to think of something. Anything.
“Hey... Sarah Lynn!” She exclaims, her arms thrust outwards as though prepared to hug the air.
Her name. So what? What was THAT gonna accomplish?
“I... heard the news. Figured I’d come visit - offer some old-fashioned support. You, uh... you holding up?”
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woolfcried · 7 years
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        ‘you know, i don’t feel like we talk that much for both being bojack’s... FRIENDS. or is that just me?’
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lostinyourfacade · 3 years
♛ for any of my blogs tho lol
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: Sarah lynn is literally my favorite character of the whole show! She’s so complex and interesting! how they play them: Amazingly! I love all your headcanons and I think you took her character from the show and really improved off of it which is impressive cause her portrayal their was already pretty great. the mun: You’re literally one of my closest friends on here and I love you to pieces!
do i;
follow them: yup! rp with them: on this blog not yet but soon! want to rp with them: yes! ship their character with mine: Nope! She has a sibling like relationship with steven but I could see a ship between her and petal though. 
what is my;
overall opinion: You have amazing portrayals on all of your blogs but I’ve been really into your portrayal of sarah lynn as of late.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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whipsmcrt · 7 years
❤ @junkiebcrn
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🌻    “ Wait...You’re like. One of grandpa’s friends.               Though, you look too normal to be one.               Have we... met earlier? I mean wow. Wait-- ”
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       “ Interdimensional cable! I just watched this             show like... You look exactly like that little girl.             Wow... wait. Noooooo way! ”
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bojackkills · 3 years
ღ ➳♭
ღ for an affectionate text ➳ for an apologetic text ♭ for an angry text [to: Sarah Lynn] Did you just return the invoice I sent you for my door? What the fuck? Answer my calls Sarah Lynn.
[to: Sarah Lynn] I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry you feel disappointed about my current situation but you know I haven't actually done anything wrong. I'm not the bad guy here.
[to: Sarah Lynn] Either way it was good to see you.
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