#i saw this pic and i was like that's maxie i had to draw it
chipsncookies · 3 months
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I can dehydrate anything.
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gib-vinegar · 2 years
Could you draw how Klarion and Gibby first meet?
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Story under the cut! I decided to try to write and add a few pics in for this. Thank you for requesting!
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I remember the first time I encountered him was at the park during the afternoon a couple years ago. It started out like any other summer day normally does. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, yada yada…
I finally managed to get Maxie out of the house for a little bit for some fresh air after one of her late night gaming sessions to go get some ice cream, maybe a hotdog if we stay longer than intended.
I split off from Maxie for a moment to go get the sweets for us while she sat on the bench waiting for me, and as I walked away, all of a sudden things around the park started getting… chaotic. (Pun intended)
People started breaking out into panic mode as they ran for cover while magic beams were being shot in random directions, there were some teenage looking superheroes around helping people get to safety while a few of the others were combating something I couldn’t see yet in the whirlwind of confusion. I tried looking for Maxie but ultimately figured that if I couldn’t find her, that probably meant that she got out safely with some assistance. (At least I hoped so) I started to sprint when I felt something… soft? Brush against my leg. Freezing up on instinct, I look down and see a cat with blood red eyes and markings I’d never seen before on a kitty staring back up at me, seemingly hiding behind my legs as she purred. What the hell? The heroes stopped what they were doing as they stared at me in alarm. I saw a figure dressed in a tux-like outfit descending from the sky frantically looking for something. “TEEKL!? Where did you go–” His eyes made contact with the cat then darted up to stare directly into mine. It was like we both froze just… staring. I remember wondering if those horn things on his head was just his hair or not but besides that… He was cute.
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He was starting to look flustered as he began to speak again and reach out towards me… before I got grabbed by something faster than I could blink and was sped out of the park until I was outside of the high school in a flash.
“No worries you’re safe now okay byyyye!” A young boy’s voice chimed out and the blur sped back off towards the park. After that I got a panicked phone call from Maxie asking if I was safe, where I was, etc. After I made it back home, my mind wouldn’t stop rewinding back to that moment with the devilishly handsome looking boy with charcoal eyes…
In the next few days I felt like someone was watching me, or I’d see glimpses of a cat’s tail here and there. (Klair was stalking me but I think it’s funny now lol) We had our first real conversation a bit after that. It was a bit rocky at first but… Klarion can be quite the charmer when he wants to be <3 (When he’s not being a gremlin) BUT BASICALLY we met cuz Teekl was trying to use me as a literal human shield. Go figure!
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antisocial-af · 4 years
Day 8: Malec / Happy Birthday Magnus Bane!!!
Title: Magnus’ Wish
25 Days of Pairings: Day 8 Malec
Happy Birthday Magnus Bane!
Rating: G
Wordcount: 5911
No Major Archive Warnings
SFW, Holiday Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Parents Magnus and Alec, Adorable Max and Rafe Lightwood-Bane.
The Lightwood-Banes partake in some holiday traditions. 
Click Here to Read on Ao3
“Ayah! We need more frosting!” Rafael called out l from behind Magnus. 
Magnus set to finish searching for the plastic knives he was sure he had. Alec hated it when he would just summon everything, especially now that Max was starting to come into his powers, even if, currently, there were only small sparks. His husband had been firm in his belief that Magnus should set a good example and not use magic for simple tasks. After some teasing about loving a scowling Inquisitor, Magnus had relented and seen Alec’s points,  drawing a  line when it came to groceries, though. They compromised that he would make a shopping list every two weeks and summon the groceries to the loft, of course, always leaving money behind for the items. 
“Ayah,” Max whined.
“Rafe, there should be another piping bag full of frosting next to you. Could you help your brother?” Magnus guided them as he kept his previous search. He was glad he had at least convinced Alec to let him summon an extra bag of royal icing to ensure they had enough to build the gingerbread house. Magnus knew their boys might spill some in the decorating process, so he wanted to be prepared.
“We used it, Ayah,” the five-year-old informed him, “I still need more to put the gummies on Max’s horns.” 
Magnus blinked a few times, processing what Rafe had just said, and then turned to the boys, only to feel a grimace form on his face when he saw how much of the icing hadn’t made it on the gingerbread pieces and instead on the boys, mostly Max. 
“Alexander,” Magnus called calmly, “love, you were supposed to be watching the boys.” 
“I was!” Alec defended himself as he walked back into the kitchen with some of the baby wipes they still kept around since Max’s diaper days. The couple had found that the wipes were excellent for cleaning up children after meals. He stopped in his tracks when he caught sight of why his husband was upset. “Boys…” 
“Look, Daddy! I’m a gingerbread house!” Max, their three-year-old, shouted up at them as he pointed out all the icing and small candies decorating him. 
“I helped get the crown around his head!” Rafe proclaimed proudly.
True to Rafe’s word, the young warlock had a small crown made from the pearl-like candy that came with the gingerbread house kit. 
“You were supposed to decorate the house,” Alec corrected. He realized he would have to go back to retrieve the whole pack of wipes instead. There was no way the three he brought with him would ever be enough. Alec thought of maybe trying to convince his husband to clean the boys with magic instead. The archer wasn’t looking forward to options of wiping down Max and Rafe or giving them both a bath. Both of them sounded draining to him. However, he felt guilty asking anything of Magnus on his birthday. They were supposed to be spending today decorating the gingerbread house with their sons and then see the city’s Christmas Tree Lighting Event downtown. 
“Sayang, do you mind if I cleaned them with magic?” Magnus asked, already calling his cerulean magic forward. “It will take longer to bathe them.” 
Magnus looked towards the wall-mounted clock at his last statement. They still had two hours before they needed to leave, but if they wanted to finish the gingerbread house, a bath for their sons was not in the cards. 
“I want to be cleaned by Ayah’s magic!” Rafe volunteered excitedly,  always enjoying the warmth his Ayah’s magic brought. Rafe had noticed how calming his Ayah’s magic could be after multiple, avoided nightmares and panic attacks.   
“Why can’t I keep my decorations!?” Max cried out. He stomped his foot down on the stool and crossed his arms, pouting at his parents. He and Rafe had worked hard on making him into a gingerbread house, and Max didn’t understand why Daddy and Ayah couldn’t see how a waste it would be to wash it off. 
“Remember we are going out to watch the tree lights tonight, Blue,” Alec reasoned. He was always the first to bat when it came to convincing the youngest of the Lightwood-Banes to do anything. “We promised Tia Izzy and Tio Jace pictures of the best lights, remember?” 
“I know, Daddy,” Max stated, still pouting. He had enlisted Rafe’s help to make him a costume for the pics like he had worn on Halloween. He didn’t know why his parents didn’t understand; they had outfits on, too! Ayah had made Daddy wear a matching Christmas sweater. “That’s why I wanted to put on a costume.” 
“A costume, Max?” Magnus questioned as he looked at his gingerbread house son. 
“Maxie wanted to wear something Christmas like, as you and Daddy are,” Rafe explained for his younger brother. 
Alec and Magnus both looked down at the Christmas sweaters that Maryse had given them. Magnus’ was red and white with a simple snowman and some snowflake pattern. Alec’s had the same design except in green and white instead. Maryse, of course, had provided two smaller sweaters for the boys, which were much more intricate. The parents just hadn’t let the boys put them on yet; in fear, they would stain them. They had kept them hung up in their room so their sons wouldn’t see them and attempt to pout their way into them right away. 
“Maxie, Daddy and I put yours and Rafe’s sweaters away so they wouldn’t get dirty while we made the gingerbread house,” Magnus explained as he looked at Alec, still holding his magic at bay. He knew his husband would agree to the magic clean-up. He could see it in the way Alec looked between Max and the small amount of wipes he had brought with him. Still, Magnus respected his husband’s wishes when it came to how they would raise their children. 
“Once Ayah cleans you both up with his magic, and we finish this gingerbread house, we can get you both in the sweaters Grandma sent for you,” Alec spoke to support his husband, hoping his husband caught his approval. He would forever be grateful that one of them had magic to keep up with their children. If they had to do everything the mundane way when it came to the boys, they would have to contract their own laundry services 24/7. Max always found a way to appear with a new stain any time they lost sight of him for a second, and Rafe, like the good older brother, would follow along.
“Grandma got us sweaters?” Max asked excitedly.  
“Yes, Blue,” Magnus responded, allowing his magic to sweep through Rafe. He watched as the dried frosting and multiple candy pieces disappeared. He smiled at the way Rafe would look at the swirls and sparks, trying to catch some in between his palms. “All done, Rafe.”  
“Thank you, Ayah!” Rafe shouted happily.
“Blue, are you going to let Ayah clean you up so we can finish?” Alec prompted as he kneeled close to Max, still at a distance so that he wouldn’t get dirty himself. “The sooner we finish the gingerbread house, the faster you can see the sweaters Grandma got you both.” 
“Why can’t I put it on after Ayah cleans me, Daddy?” Max attempted with a pout. “I promise I will be extra careful not to get dirty.” 
“Maxie, we can finish the house super fast!” Rafe stepped forward. He knew that try as he might, his little brother wasn’t capable of staying clean. 
“Really?” Max turned to his brother. If Rafe helped him, Max knew he could get to the sweater faster. 
Magnus watched the exchange between the boys with a smile. Rafe had started to learn how to get his brother to listen to him, and Magnus didn’t know if he should be concerned. So far, the little Shadowhunter had only used his newfound skill to help them get Max to listen to them. 
Magnus had been glad he had paid attention, because as soon as Rafe had nodded in response, Max took off towards Magnus, asking to be cleaned right away. Magnus’ quick skills saved him from a ruined outfit as he enveloped his youngest in his magic, cleaning him, exactly before he collided with his legs. 
“Thank you, Ayah!!” Max hugged Magnus and smiled up at him in between the giggles. 
“You are quite welcome, my little blueberry,” Magnus ruffled his hair softly and looked up at his husband with a shrug and a smile. Magnus had never been happy to have been involved in combat. Still, he had to admit the reflexes and quick magic abilities he gained from it had become useful in dealing with their rambunctious children. 
Alec instead went to wipe down the counter and cabinets. He looked at the time and saw the ninety minutes left till they needed to walk out the door. 
“Babe, would you mind summoning us another one of these?” Alec held up the mostly empty bags of icing so Magnus would understand. “Maybe some of the candies as well.” 
Magnus looked down at the boys at that comment. There had not been enough candy on Max to justify all the missing ones, meaning the boys had a snack while working on their masterpiece. 
“Boys?” Magnus prompted, and he could see how they had started to look away from Alec and him. “Did you get hungry?” 
“Maybe a little…,” Rafe admitted looking at everything in the room but his parents. It wasn’t like they could reuse the candy they had taken off Max after scrapping their first crown design. Max and he weren’t about to let good candy go to waste. “It was only the ones we took off of Max’s first crown, I swear.” 
“I’ll let this one slide since I don’t think it was that many, but remember we were already going to get hot chocolate while out. Too many sweets will make your stomachs upset,” Magnus reasoned the best he could with them. 
“We are still getting hot chocolate, right, Ayah?” Rafe asked, turning on the rare puppy eyes from him onto Magnus. 
“I could convince Ayah otherwise if you both promise to behave while we build the gingerbread house,” Alec offered as soon as he saw the chocolate puppy eyes. He knew how weak his husband was to any of their downcast eyes; it wasn’t a fair match up. 
“Promise! We will behave, Daddy! I will make sure Max does as well,” Rafael quickly turned to Alec, now joined by Max with his own pair of puppy eyes. 
Magnus waved his hands, calling his magic again to summon new icing, handing it specifically to his husband away from the kids, and a fresh supply of candy. He was thankful that the kids hadn’t decided to construct the crown from pieces of gingerbread instead. 
They quickly found a steady pace after Alec took the lead, letting boys point out where the frosting needed to be placed and allowing them to decorate the walls with the candy. Magnus helped keep the boys clean, with a wipe in hand just in case, and rolling up their sleeves every time they would fall back down their arms.
“Done! Sweaters now?!” Max cried out triumphantly as he placed the last of the hard gummies on the roof of their gingerbread house. 
“Yes, why don’t you go wash your hands and face with Daddy while I go get yours and Rafe’s outfits ready,” Magnus chuckled as he wiped some frosting off of Alec’s face. 
Alec was about to lean forward for a kiss as compensation for volunteering for clean-up duty when Rafael started to tug on his sweater sleeve. 
“Daddy! Come on. You can be mushy later!” Rafe reprimanded as he kept tugging Alec towards the door. 
Alec smiled at Magnus and shook his head. He turned around, taking both of his sons’ hands into his own, and instantly regretted it when he felt how much icing they still managed to touch even though he was the one holding the icing’s bag. 
“Come on then, ” Alec led them out the door and to the restroom. 
Magnus could hear them as they made their way to the restroom, cheering and giggling the whole way. He did a quick wipe down of the counter, mundane-style, before he set off to get the boys’ outfits. 
Once he was in the master bedroom he and Alec shared Magnus, saw the pair of gingerbread-man-like sweaters hanging on the closet door. Maryse had seen them at a shop and couldn’t resist buying a matching set of sweaters for her grandbabies. Magnus had to admit that with the brown snow pants he planned to pair the sweaters with, the boys would look the part of gingerbread men. The brown sweaters had simple white, green, and red patterns to mimic the frosting and candy buttons a gingerbread man usually had. 
“Ayah!! We are done! We are done!”
“Can we have our sweaters now!?” 
The cries of both his boys set him in motion. Magnus sneakingly waved his hands before anyone entered the room, bringing the two pairs of pants he needed from the boys’ rooms. When he turned around, he found out he hadn’t been as sneaky as he had hoped. Alec was looking at him with an eyebrow raised, looking at the pants now on the bed. Magnus offered his husband the best innocent smile he could conjure up before Alec broke and smiled at him shaking his head. 
“Max, Ayah is going to help you so he can also assist you in applying your glamour, alright?” Alec hated having to request Max to wear his glamour, but mundanes wouldn’t understand their son’s blue pigment. Alec knew Max didn’t fully understand now, and the young boy just thought it was a fun game or another costume whenever he did have to use glamour. 
“Daddy, I can dress myself!” Rafe proudly stated as he walked to his Ayah to collect his clothes. 
As of lately, Rafael had started to take his role more seriously as the older one and, in the process, had begun to claim that he no longer needed his parents’ help doing things like getting water, a snack, or putting on clothes. Magnus had drawn the line on picking his clothes out when Rafe had tried to walk out of the loft with five different jackets on, proclaiming his Tia Izzy had told him it was called layering. 
After the boys were dressed and true to his word Rafe got prepared all by himself; Magnus started working on Max’s glamour. They had settled long ago on matching the glamour’s skin tone to Rafael’s, his hair color would match Alec’s, and on Max’s request, even though blue eyes were common enough to leave them be, Max’s eyes were shifted to the same chocolate brown Magnus used as his. 
“Done, Ayah?” Max asked as he felt the magic starting to fade. 
“All set, Maxie,” Magnus confirmed, before turning to Rafe. “Good job, Rafe. Soon you will be trying to make your breakfast and then want to train only with your Daddy and Tio Jace,” Magnus pulled Rafe close as the other started to chuckle at his dramatics. 
“Ayaaahh,” Rafe whined between giggles as he tried to get away. 
Alec watched Max move forward and try to help his brother get away from Magnus. He smiled and wondered if this could be another one; he discreetly asked Catarina to pull out from his memories as a photo so that he could frame it. He rarely did because all of his family memories were precious, but on rare occasions, he would ask. He  had only done it five other times before. 
“Are you ready, Sayang?”
“Yes, we need to be there soon, so we can stop for hot chocolate first,” Alec smiled and reached for Rafe’s hand as Magnus started to open the portal. 
He set it to open up in an alley behind a Downworlder run cafe, where they would get their hot cocoa. They usually would appear inside the cafe with no problem, but Jack had warned them not to do it during the Holidays because he would also serve mundanes during that season. 
After he stabilized the portal, Magnus reached for Max’s hand.
”Now remember boys, we do not let go of Daddy’s or my hand when we are crossing through,” Magnus instructed. He knew it was becoming redundant with how many times they used portals to travel. 
“Yes, Ayah.” They both responded in unison. 
Alec led Rafael with him and crossed through, closely followed behind by Magnus and Max. Then he quickly turned to check on the youngest boy, who was a bit iffy when it came to portal travel. Sometimes Max’s stomach wouldn’t exactly agree with the magic used to travel. To his relief, Max seemed fine as he kept tugging at Magnus’s hand when he realized where exactly they had landed. 
“Calm down, Max,” Alec gently warned. The boy looked up at Alec and once again presented his puppy eyes. Even when glamoured, they never failed to cause a clench in Alec’s heart. 
“We are almost there, Maxie,” Rafe chimed in with a smile as he pointed to the opening of the alley. 
Luckily for them, the snow was still not sticking and instead was melting as the flurries fell. Max finally calmed down after Rafe held his hand, and as they walked out onto the sidewalk. If anyone saw them, they would just assume they were a typical mundane family; it was only those who belonged to the Shadow World who knew who exactly they were. 
Alec opened the small cafe’s doors for his family, relishing the bits of warmth he felt just from entering. 
“Look, Ayah!” Rafe pointed to the newly added display case full of pastries, “Can we have one, please? Please? Please?” 
“Can we, Daddy?” Max added, directing his pleas at Alec, in case Rafe’s failed. 
“Boys, we have a whole gingerbread house at home,” Magnus reasoned. He knew they couldn’t exactly eat the thing since they had already tried last year, and the gingerbread pieces weren’t exactly edible. Still, they were already getting hot chocolate, and he wasn’t looking forward to giving them more sugar. 
“But Ayah, last year you said we couldn’t eat, but it was nice to make!” Rafael accused. 
Alec internally sighed as he watched his husband try and defuse the situation. He let his eyes scan over to the display case and caught sight of a box of miniature Christmas decorated cakes; there were two different designs, a snowman and an ornament one, and there were two of each design. The round cakes were smaller in diameter than all of Magnus’ coasters at home. Alec cleared his throat in the agreed way to signal Magnus he needed his attention, but discreet enough not to let their sons notice.
Magnus looked up, followed his eyes to where Alec was signaling and noticed the boxes of 4 miniature cakes in the display case. 
“You are right; it almost slipped my mind,” Magnus feigned as he ruffled Rafael’s hair. He pretended to look at the display case before pointing to the box of cakes. “Oh, look, boys! We could each get our own small cake with our hot chocolate.” 
“Yes!” Max cheered, not seeing what his Ayah was pointing out, rejoicing instead that they were getting more sweets. 
“Look, Ayah! This one has a reindeer on it!” Rafe pointed out to another box next to the one Alec had seen. 
“Oh, it also has a snowflake one, and it’s blue!!” Max cheered at the other design in the same box as the reindeer. 
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite family,” Jack greeted them from behind the counter. 
“Hello,” both Max and Rafe greeted back as their parents taught them. 
“What can I get you today?” 
“Four of the House Hot Chocolates and boys, have you decided on which box you want?” Magnus asked as he looked down to see his sons still looking at the cakes. 
After some silent debating, Rafe stepped forward. 
“We want the snowflake and ornament box, please,” Rafe stated clearly and politely, earning him a shoulder pat from Alec and a smile from Magnus. 
“The box of small cakes with snowflake and ornament designs as well, please, Jack.” Magnus finished the order. 
“No problem. Should have your order out in five minutes,” Jack confirmed, causing the children to cheer, throwing their hands up. 
Alec guided Rafe, while Magnus grabbed Max’s hand again, so they could all stand to the side, letting other customers order while they waited. 
“After this, we are going to the park, right?” Rafe asked, looking up at his Daddy. 
“Correct. We are going to go sit on a bench and watch as they light the park’s tree and the other decorations they have,” Alec explained. 
“Are we going to eat our cakes over there, Daddy?” Max asked. 
“Yes, you can hold and sip at your hot cocoa but Ayah will hold the cakes till we are at the park’s bench,” Alec smiled at the slight frown he received from his youngest. Alec knew patience was not Max’s strong suit. 
“Lightwood-Bane!” Jack called out from the cash register. He had all four drinks in to-go cups, two in child cups, with a removable paper grip on them that included sturdy-paper handles on both sides of them. It was so that parents could pull out both sides to simulate a sippy cup,  or only one side to have a mug, depending on how their child would hold it better. 
“Thanks, Jack. Hope you have a good day,” Alec replied as he moved forward and paid for their drinks and tip. 
“Come again soon,” Jack smiled. 
Magnus took one of the child cups and started to undo one of the handles, and set it in place so that Max could hold it. Max was  now able to hold cups properly without any issue, but Magnus still didn’t want to take any chances,  in case his grip on it lessened with only one hold; that was why he took the other handle out as well. 
“Here you go, Blue,” Magnus offered the cup to Max. 
“Can I do the handles on my cup?” Rafe asked before Alec had a chance to pull the tabs free. 
“Sure, buddy,” Alec smiled and handed it over to Rafael, observing him just in case he needed assistance. Rafael struggled a bit to get the tabs loose first, but once he did, the handle popped into place with a bit of coaxing. 
“Look, Ayah, I did it! Look, Maxie!” Rafe proudly showed off his cup with one of the handles pulled out. 
“Good job, Rafe!” Magnus praised him.  Rafael was growing up so fast , Magnus realized. 
“Next time I want to try like Rafe, Daddy!” Max announced as he looked proudly at his older brother, wanting to do things like Rafe could. 
“Maybe, Maxie,” Alec offered and grabbed his and Magnus’ cups, while Magnus took the small bag, holding their cakes for later. 
They both took the boys’ hands as they started to get ready to leave. Rafe reached for Ayah’s hand, proclaiming it was his turn to hold it since Max had it on the way there. Max pouted for a second before Alec picked the young warlock up and carried him with one hand, putting the two hot chocolates in a drink carrier they had provided him. This way, he could hold Max in one hand and the drinks in another. 
Magnus smiled at his husband and shook his head at how easy Alec gave in to Max at times. 
“All set?” Magnus asked with a tight grip on the bag and Rafael’s hand. He got  a chorus of affirmative answers from his family before they all exited the small cafe. 
Alec was glad he decided to carry Max when he noticed how excited the boy was getting as the park came into vision at the end of the sidewalk. 
“Daddy, can we play on the swings?” Max questioned right away. 
“Not today, Maxie,” Alec replied as he shook his head, “remember we are here to see the Christmas lights.” 
“Oh, right, the lights!” Max recalled and started to grow even more excited. “Also, we need pictures.” 
Magnus smiled down to Rafe, as the young Shadowhunter smiled back up at him at his brother’s antics. 
They came to the end of the sidewalk and entered  the gates of the park’s entrance. They were met with a few people in festive gear passing out flyers and candy canes. 
“Hello, are you here for the light festival?” a young girl greeted them. “Oh my gosh!!! You have the cutest gingerbread men as sons!” 
“Thank you,” Max and Rafe replied in unison as they preened at the compliment. 
“Awww, they answer together as well, and have manners! They are honestly so adorable.” 
“Yes, we are. Our boys and my husband wanted to get some holiday photos and enjoy the show,” Alec replied with a proud smile. 
“Thank you for your compliments,” Magnus accepted warmly. 
“Welcome then. The show should start in twenty minutes. Since you have little ones, you get access to the front spots, don’t worry, there’s still benches there. Just for this year, the city borrowed some of Santa’s reindeer to help with the lights, and we are dividing the front spots for people with younger kids so they can get a closer view of them,” she explained, winking to the boys as she said the Santa’s part. 
“Santa?” Rafe asked as his eyes got bigger. “He let you borrow them? Won’t he need them?” 
“Yeah! Won’t Santa need them? How come you took them?” Max parroted but was still excited that they would get to see the reindeer. 
“Not to worry. We only borrowed the reindeer for today; after that, the reindeer will fly back to the North Pole so they can help Santa for Christmas,” she explained so expertly that it was apparent, she had handled these types of questions before. 
“Oh! That’s nice of him!” Max concluded with an excited smile, and Rafael nodded along with his brother. 
“With that settled here you are,” she slipped the flyer with a picture of children playing in the snow in between Alec’s drink carrier. “This is just so that they know you are supposed to be there since you have kids. I doubt they will get far from you, but in case one of you needs to attend to them both and leave the other solo on the bench. It’s just for your convenience, so we won’t accidentally ask you to move because  you don’t seem to have children.”  
“Thank you,” Alec responded with a smile. He was grateful she had put it in between the drinks instead of trying to hand it to him. It would’ve ended in an awkward dance, where he would’ve had to put Max down eventually. 
“Most of the benches at the beginning are taken, I believe, but there are still some free ones  at the middle and the end, ” she outlined as the family started to make their way through the entrance. 
Magnus smiled and nodded in response, turning back to follow Alec’s lead. 
“I think an end bench would be best. It gives us time to set up the kids with their cakes and the phone cameras for the photos,” Alec offered as he started to observe the layout of the park. He looked around at the other families enjoying their time and at the kids running around impatiently, waiting for the show to start. 
“Agreed. Come on, Rafe.” Magnus guided them towards the end and looked around till he spotted a few open benches next to them. “There should be perfect.” 
Max and Rafael grew more excited as they stepped  closer to the bench. Once there, they knew they would be allowed to walk around it,  but more importantly, they would finally get their small cakes. Max was set down first, followed by Rafe, before they sat beside them on both sides. Alec handed Magnus his cup while taking the cakes from him. 
“Daddy, can I have my cake?” Max immediately requested as he set the cup of cocoa down between his legs. 
“Me too!” Rafe chimed in. 
“Yes, of course, don’t worry, I just need to get us all settled, and Ayah needed his cocoa as well,” Alec explained as he started to open the box of cakes. The cakes were all individually wrapped in paper, and there was a good amount of napkins on the side of the box. “Which ones did you boys want?” 
“Snowflake!” answered Max. 
“Ornament!” Rafe exclaimed. 
Alec smiled and nodded as he picked up an ornament and a snowflake designed cake and handed them over to the boys carefully. He noticed how the small cake easily fit in Max’s hands. 
“Hold on, boys, let me get a picture for the family,” Magnus had his phone out, already lining up the shot of the kids  holding their cakes in their sweaters. “Smile.” 
Max and Rafe held up their cakes and smiled big for the camera. They had grown up around their Ayah and Tia Izzy, always wanting photos of them, so by now, they knew where to look when someone asked them to take a picture. 
“Perfect!” Magnus praised as he quickly snapped a few more for safe measure. “Go ahead and eat now; thank you for waiting, boys.” 
“Which one would you like, babe?” Alec asked, holding up the open box for Magnus to choose. The boys were happily eating away their small treats, with warm sips from their cocoa to wash it all down. 
“Hmm,” Magnus pretended to be in deep thought as he assessed both of the cakes, “I think I will take the ornament. They used edible glitter on it, and I can’t resist that.” 
Alec released a light chuckle at his husband’s reasoning but accepted it either way. He carefully handed the cake over to Magnus and leaned over the boys for a chaste kiss, watchful not to disturb them. 
They all settled down on the bench and peacefully ate while they waited for the show to start. From what Alec and Magnus had looked up online that morning, the show would consist of the big tree in the middle coming to light, as a small parade of volunteers came out and performed some Holiday songs. 
Alec recalled the morning’s conversation with his husband, smiling. 
“Good morning, babe,” Alec kissed up Magnus’ bare shoulder as the light broke through the curtains. “Happy birthday, my love.”
Magnus incoherently mumbled as he started to wake up. He had hoped he would get to sleep in more on his birthday, at least. 
“Alexander,” he managed as he pushed back further into his husband’s warm body. “How early is it?” 
“It’s already 10 am, love,” Alec informed him as he kept kissing Magnus’ shoulder. “I got the boys breakfast and let you sleep in a bit longer.” 
“I knew I married you for a reason,” Magnus praised, smiling into his pillow. “Did you make me breakfast?” 
“Of course, I did. I even brought it for you,” Alec stated with an eye roll his husband couldn’t see but could probably hear. “Max and Rafe are currently watching cartoons, so I say we have 25 minutes of safety.”
“Breakfast in bed?” Magnus turned around and sat up while attempting to rub the sleep away from his eyes. 
Alec leaned over and claimed Magnus’ lips in a soft morning kiss before placing a tray with french toast and sliced fruit in front of him. 
“Oh! I am getting spoiled, I see! French Toast is only for special occasions,” Magnus teased as he picked up his silverware and started to cut his breakfast. He held up a bit for Alec to take. “What did I do to have such a good husband?” 
“Nothing, you deserved me just by being you, sometimes I think you deserve more,” Alec admitted, as he took the bite offered, “I wanted to make sure you knew how special you are to me. The boys have presents waiting for you as well, but I wanted some time with you before then.” 
“Then it’s a good thing I get to decide what I want as well because I wouldn’t choose anyone but you,” Magnus corrected as he took a bite for himself. He enjoyed the attention he was getting from Alec. It was still something he was growing to become accustomed to; even after all these years, an ever decreasing part of himself still held to the scars of his past. Alec was healing them, though, applying a healthy dose of his love over each one,  every chance the Shadowhunter got. 
“What do you want to do after presents?  I have Jace and Izzy covering for me all day, with strict orders to only call on life or death things,” Alec informed him. “We could go out shopping with the boys if that’s what you want? Anything you want to do today goes.” 
Magnus got through his bite and thought of what his husband had offered. 
“Are you offering a shopping trick with me, Sayang?”
“If that is what you want to do today, then yes.” 
“Anything I want?” 
“Name it, and it is yours.” 
“I want to do some holiday stuff as a family,” Magnus stated clearly. They had been watching some holiday movies last night, and it got him thinking of how they hadn’t done their annual gingerbread house yet or even purchased a tree. The boys had already written their Wish List, and Magnus had changed the house decorations a bit to be more festive, but past that, they had done nothing. 
“Holiday stuff? Like, watch movies?” Alec asked. 
“We could, but I was thinking more along the lines of making the gingerbread house and using the sweaters that your mom got us all,” Magnus offered in between some bites of fruit. 
“Simon and Clary were going on and on about some sort of mundane light event at the park that was supposed to take place today,” Alec offered. “We could take the boys out to that? Maybe pick them up some hot chocolate along  the way? They have been eating their fruits and vegetables, even Max, which is surprising, after he attempted to justify that since we call him blueberry, and blueberries are fruits, it would be wrong to eat them. I swear we shouldn’t let Jace and Simon babysit anymore.” 
“I would agree, but I like date night too much to lose your brother and his boyfriend as babysitters,” Magnus reasoned with a smile. “That sounds good, though, we can tell them after presents.” 
“Alexander?” Magnus asked, looking at his husband, who seemed to have spaced out a bit. 
“Sorry, I just remembered something,” Alec apologized and offered a shy smile to cover up his blush hopefully. “Are you enjoying your birthday, Magnus?” 
“I am. Thank you, Sayang,” Magnus easily answered. It was the truth, after all. After their conversation, everything had been like a dream for Magnus, even the frosting accident. He got to make new memories with the boys and spend a whole day with his husband. There was nothing more Magnus could wish for. 
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therealestvc · 7 years
Abridged Max chapter 3
Kate's P.O.V. Tori and Chloe looked at me weirdly after I told them where our Max was...I collected my thoughts as I continued to explain to them what happened and what we needed to do. "Sooo...you're telling me that Maxine isn't that person who just insulted you two?" Tori says looking bewildered. Chloe on the hand looked like it was the coolest thing on earth. "Yes, now if you let me explain further then we can try and find a way to get our Max back" I say rationally. They nodded for me to continue. "Okay so the force of the fall when our Max hit her head must've sent her mind to another Max in another universe and sent us that Max in our Max's body". Chloe decides to speak up "I think we need to go to the junkyard and shoot things to figure out what to do". Tori smacks upside the head then says "that's the dumbest idea I've ever heard!". Chloe rubbing her head by the slap retorts back "oh yeah, well you got any better ideas?". Tori thinks then says "well first, let's find out where this imposter Max is from then find a video from her world then play it". Chloe laughs her head off at Tori's idea... it wasn't a bad idea. "That's an even worse idea" Chloe manages to say before the two go about arguing about whose idea is better. I better stop this before a noise compliant is sent in...again . I stand up on my bed then whistle real loud to get their attention, it seems to work as they both look at me. "Okay!! You guys need to stop this...this isn't making Max come back, I say we go with both of your ideas but we will do them tomorrow. And also I have an idea too, I say we go to the library and research info on this" I say before sitting on my bed, the two of them were looking confused at my statement. Tori asks "we have a library in this school?". I groan and lay back on my bed ' lord give me the strength not to go off on these two'. "Let's go" I sit up grabbing my purse and not waiting for them to follow behind me. No ones P.O.V. The three girls traveled to the abandoned library just south on the gymnasium, legend has it that there are corpses of previously failed students from the early 2000s. The atmosphere around the area suddenly changed to dark, crows were showing up here and there, and Chloe swore she saw the gargoyle statue move its head. Once they reached inside an old cropsey voice spoke startling Victoria and Chloe "such beautiful children...what brings you here at such a late hour?" Kate found the light switch and turned on the light. "Just looking up some research Gladys" Kate answers friendly to the librarian. "Well, knock yourselves out...not like we get many in here anyways" the librarian says quietly before sitting back at her desk. Inside the library there were cobwebs littering all around the bookshelves and an old computer that looked like a typewriter. Since everyone pretty much had laptops and smartphones, there wasn't really a need for the library but the students without such technology ventured to the library for looking up resources on the old computer or finding books for fun. Kate was one of those students so she was familiar with the place. First, they went to the book area looking for books on anything about the history of Arcadia Bay, Victoria found an old dusty beat up book about the history of Arcadia Bay which dated back to the 1800s...she showed it to Kate to make sure it was the right one. Kate nods then head towards the computer area. The two followed then after Kate to the old computer where she searched up alternative universes on google. She then searched Arcadia bay along with alternative universe, the results were a lot. One search however brought the attention to their eyes a video that read "Life Is Strange:Abridged" "Click on that video" Chloe says pointing to the YouTube link. Kate clicks on the video but no sound comes up...oh yeah they forget that it wasn't like a laptop and couldn't play sound unless plugged in with headphones on the monitor. None of them brought headphones. "Just send it to yourself then we can look at it in the dorms or tomorrow" Victoria says tiredly, looking at the clock it read 11:20 pm. Kate sent the link to herself then shut down the computer. "Hey guys look! It's a floppy disk!" Chloe says drawing their attention to her holding a paperback book. Victoria groans before facepalming. "Oh Chloe don't be silly, it's just a paperback book...come on let's go! We got work to do" Kate says grabbing the book then heading to the front desk to check it out. Once the book is checked out, the three girls tiredly leave the library they agree to watch some of the video then go do Chloe's plan in the morning...not sure how it will help. They all head to Victoria's room where they watch the YouTube link Kate emailed to herself on Victoria's plasma screen tv from Victoria's laptop which eating pizza. "Chloe why do you sound like a California skater dude?" Victoria laughs. Chloe throws an insult towards the Victoria in the video "well at least I don't sound like a teenage boy whose daddy buys him everything". Victoria throws the finger up to Chloe's comment. Kate is looking at her "character" in the video. "Why do I sound like I smoke a pack of cigarettes everyday?". The others laugh at her comment. In the video, the other Max shows up and it sounds like the Max that showed up at Kate's door earlier. The three of them reach the end credits of episode one and notice is almost 1 a.m., it's been decided that they will sleep in Victoria's room since both are too tired to leave. Victoria and Kate sleep on Victoria's bed whereas Chloe takes the couch, once the lights are off and they are settled in they all say their good nights then fall asleep. Chloe's P.O.V Morning I wake up before Vicky and bun bun, I see them cuddling on the bed and decide to take a picture for future blackmail on Vicky. I decide to leave and go change clothes before meeting them at the junkyard. I leave Vicky's room being mindful not to wake them, looking at Max's door... don't worry Maxie Pad we will find you. I continue walking to where I park my truck, yasss today they will be doing my plan!!! That'll show Vicky that it isn't dumb and she's just a butt. I shower quickly before getting breakfast at the diner then head to the junkyard. It's about to hella go down today I wait for what is like forreeveerrrr, ughhh good thing I got expelled from there, I finally see Vicky's car pull up. I see her and Katie pie get out, I run up picking up Kate in a giant hug. She giggles. "Okay Chloe put me down" I put her down before throwing a head nod to Vicky. She doesn't like to be touched much. Trust me I tried to hug her once and those scars from her scratches are still there. Vicky grumbles "so what are we doing again?" Kate shoots her look as if she was saying 'behave'. "We are going to think about what to do while shooting cars and cans!!" I say excitedly. Kate looks nervous "Is this a good idea?" I reassure her that it is alright if she doesn't wanna do it then she doesn't have to...I go to do the same to Vicky before she stops me saying "I'll give it a try" shrugging her shoulders. I nod before giving her a gun. The first shot rings out of our ears with Vicky shooting a car window before doing a victorious dance declaring that this is fun. We go about shooting rounds till there are no bullets left. "Well, Chloe I gotta say this and I actually mean it...that was really fun! We should do that again" Vicky says surprising me. "Thanks...so what's next?" I ask them. Kate decides that we have to go talk to that other Max to figure out what happened with her getting here. We all agree then head back to Blackwell in search of that other Max. Abridged Max P.O.V. I have been in this dumb town for a day already...this isn't my town I miss kicking Warren's ass and making fun of people without them getting hurt. Everyone in this town are a bunch of fucking pansies. I tried to beat up this warren but he just laughed at me asking when we were going to go ape. What the fuck is going ape? Yesterday I went to talk to Kate about possibly making out since the last I asked that she stopped me....and she was fucking offended then I asked Chloe how her family was, she looked confused plus Vicky is being nice to me. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! No one hear has heard of Danny Danko...and keep asking me why I speak in an welsh accent and are acting rude. I'm only acting like myself. It's time for some fun.... I go about vandalizing the girls dorm with toilet paper and throwing stuff at Alyssa because well it's fun, I put girls panties on the statue in the front of the school because why not? Then go about rearranging Vicky's wall of pics in the form of a Dick. She sure will love that. I'm about to go talk to Daniel about his weird obsession with drawing me when I'm stopped by Kate, Chloe and Vicky (ick). Vicky decides to speak up in the group "Max we need to talk to you". Ohhh my goshhh why them?
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doctortdesigns · 7 years
After last month’s issue arrived and I saw the preview, I expected the May issue to be a bit disappointing.   However, Burda has won me over again this month with bright prints, fun styling, and an AMAZING collection of Plus patterns.  I want to wear all of the Plus looks.  Seriously.  ALL of them.  There is quite a bit to see this month, so let’s take a look:
May is traditionally full of fun summer dresses, but that doesn’t seem to be as much the case this year.  There are a few new dress patterns this month though.
Love this maxi dress.  The drape in the back makes me think of ancient Greece or possibly a secret superhero cape.  Love the look belted, as it really highlights that feature.  The print on the other version is gorgeous as well.
Ok, so I probably don’t really want a giant hole in my dress at that particular region, but otherwise I totally love this dress.  It looks casual and comfortable, total secret pajamas happening here.  Might have to come up with a fun way of hiding the hole…
The ubiquitous strapless ruffle dress.  It wouldn’t be summer if we didn’t get this style in at least one issue this year.
The giant ruffles are the trend this year, so this dress shouldn’t be too much of a surprise.  I’m not really much of a ruffle girl, but I bet this dress would have amazing movement with all the flounces.
In a complete departure from all the loose, draping styles above, this structured sheath dress has some nice visual interest with the overlapping bodice.  It is an interesting nod to the proportions seen in the crop top plus skirt craze that has been going on, while still making it business appropriate.  I sort of really love this dress.  It is interesting, but subtle and sophisticated.  It definitely makes it to my to-sew list.
Also love this beautiful wrap dress.  The skirt is cut on the bias and has lovely drape.  Not sure I’m liking the wearing it over pants look exactly, but I think with a slightly higher hem it could be a great top as well.
This issue doesn’t have a lot of jackets, but the one it does have is really nice:
I think this is a great mix of classic tailoring with the collar, but also a flowy hem that is evocative of summer.  I didn’t like this jacket at first, but it is growing on me.
I was not as impressed by the selection of tops this month:
Pretty sure we already have many similar styles from Burda.  It’s nice, but not exciting.
I…. might actually wear this.  It’s a nice way to jump on the ruffle trend without going totally overboard.
This top reminds me of the shirts everyone tried to wear when they hit 13, and everyone else’s parents criticized them for being “too sexy.”  I’m actually rather liking it here, though I know the lack of straps would drive me totally nuts.
Conceptually, I like this shirt, but practically it looks not so great.  The stuff fabric just makes it look sloppy and bunchy – like The Great British Sewing Bee has a scrubs refashion challenge.
Ok, so I can see how this crop top has a certain editorial appeal, but I’m not sure how practical it would be for the real world.  How well would those tie straps hold?
Despite the disappointing tops, there are lots of really nice bottoms in this issue though:
Love these!  Obviously very simple straight leg pants and culottes, but I like the idea of sewing them in a wild print.
I’m still totally on a jumpsuit kick, I really like the line drawing for these.  None of the photos show the model standing up straight, so it is a bit difficult to judge, but the dress form garment photos look nice.  Also, LOVE how they used the boarder print on the one romper, absolutely gorgeous effect.
Skort?  Skirt?  But it has pockets, and stripe matching, so that’s a win.
I know it is just a pencil skirt with a tie band, but I love it!  Especially in the wax print pattern.
I know this is also another pencil skirt with giant pockets, and I’m a bit torn.  The print looks really nice and fitted, but the solid looks like a total mess.  This might be a pass for me.
I’m also aware that there are five million pattens for skirts just like this, and that this has got to be one of the easiest things to sew, but I’m still loving this skirt.  Definitely a fun way to use a slightly crazy print.  I also really like the way it has been styled with the off the shoulder top.  Very cute for summer.
We also get a great guy’s sweatshirt pattern this month:
Love this fitted men’s sweatshirt too – a nice casual piece that would definitely get a lot of wear.
The kids section is also geared for boys, and it totally on point this month:
What kid wouldn’t wear this zip-up hoodie to death?
The other kids clothes are all things that would be definite hits with boy.
And this backpack is pretty cute too!  I love the way it folds over and latches – it’s a nice detail.  It also looks fairly simple to sew, which is perfect for a quick summer bag to accessorize your other makes.
And, finally, the amazing Burda Plus section:
This trench coat!  Swooning over here!  I love it!  The lines are subtle but very flattering, and it has lovely gun flap details on the front and the back.  Beautiful.
I love this dress too!  The style is simple, flattering, and has just enough interest with the built-in belt wraps to keep it from being totally boring.
This jumpsuit is pretty cute too.  The wide v-neckline and belted waist create a lovely shape on the body.
I’m also pretty obsessed with this tunic top.  I mean, yes, it is just a tunic top, but I really love the length on the sleeve, and the overall drape and flow of the the shirt.  It would be lovely to wear in a nice rayon or a crepe fabric I think.
Also love this maxi dress.  The v-neck with cords is very on trend, and I love the mix of prints between the top and the skirt portion.  Another style that is fairly simple, but would make a great piece for the summer months.
And that’s it!  Which means it is time to pick the top and bottom patterns for the month.  And I think my pick for Best of BS will be a little bit shocking:
The crop top dress!  I know, I know, I just finished waxing rhapsodic about the Burda Plus looks, but I think this dress is probably the most innovative style in the magazine, so it gets points there.  It also looks really flattering and really chic.  Of all the styles in the magazine I think it is also the most classic – I’m betting people will pull this pattern out 5-10 years down the line.  The giant ruffle dresses probably not so much.  I’m not sure I’d wear it over a shirt as Burda’s styled it (I’d probably wear it just as a dress), but amidst the other styles full of ruffles and bright prints, this simple dress is something of a stand-out.
As far as BWTF for May 2017, it was a really difficult choice because I don’t think there is anything really bad in this issue.  But after a glance through at the model photos I decided to give it to:
Tie front blouse.  Honestly, I don’t think this is a bad pattern, but I also think that is doesn’t sit well in a woven fabric.  At least, not in a stiff woven as they’ve done here.  It just looks wrinkled and unhappy.  I can see how they were going for a sculptural effect, but I don’t think they quite achieved it.
On the whole, I’m pretty excited with this issue.  There are lots of things I’m liking, and lots of things I could see being a great use of my stash fabrics.  I also think Burda did a great job of coming up with styles that look great both in solids and in prints, which is not always the case.  The Plus section and the Kids section were both great, and we had a great men’s sweatshirt pattern as well.  When I first saw the preview in the back of the April Burda, I was prepared to be overwhelmingly disappointed, but I’m actually rather excited by this issue.  What do you all think?  Is it too much a stark contrast of simple silhouettes and over the top trends?  Or does it strike a proper balance of having something for everyone?  Feel free to discuss in the comments!
  May 2017 BurdaStyle Magazine #sewing #burdastyle #burda #patterns #magazine #obsession After last month's issue arrived and I saw the preview, I expected the May issue to be a bit disappointing.  
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