#i say as a recreational complainer myself. a recreational kvetcher. one might even say.
kvetchinglyneurotic · 10 months
i don't know if anyone is still having this debate but i found the outline for this in my notes app, so: i do actually think it was a good idea to have roy rather than nate as the manager post-season 3 — not because i necessarily think roy's a better coach; they're both shown to be good at their jobs and to each have their own strengths — but because part of the job of manager is much more public-facing than being an assistant coach.
roy clearly doesn't like the press poking into his private life and has had some bad experiences with them, but while he's grumpy about having to do interviews, he's also established to have a bit of an ego and part of the reason he's upset about retiring is that he feels like he won't be roy kent, famous public figure, anymore. in essence, while he complains about doing press, he ultimately seems to like being in the public eye at least some of the time, in addition to being pretty good at it when he's putting in the effort.
nate, on the other hand, is just starting to overcome very severe social anxiety that was clearly aggravated by being in the public eye, and dealing with that kind of attention, especially on social media (understandably) still seems to stress him out even when he's in a much more stable place at the end of the series. i could see him becoming manager again at some point in the future — either at richmond or somewhere else — once he's had more time to work through that, but i don't think that kind of progress would happen in the couple of months between him rejoining the team and the start of the next season
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