#i say platonic and romantic loosely for lack of better terms but i actually hate using them
frogayyyy · 4 months
just some ramblings on the rise of rebranded homophobia in relation to shipping and fandom etc (i watched lotr yesterday)
the way people will say "healthy friendships between men are important and we need representation!!!!" (this is true) in response to shipping as if there's an abundance of mlm relationships in media and yknow. homophobia hasn't existed??
“>:[ us men aren't allowed to be just friends anymore!!!! because of the homophobia!!!! that we created!!!!!!”
i've definitely seen this sentiment grow more again over the last few years as the number of canonical mlm relationships (often badly written or lacking any substance) increases.
before it was just a blatant "no homo" or something but it's now becoming a bit more subtle and "how dare you imply this character could be gay? do you hate men being friends?! go back to your handful of bland designated Gay Characters that we so generously gave you" from the same people who have spent years adding to the very same toxic masculinity and homophobia that stopped them from having deep and healthy friendships with other men in the first place. dare i say gaslighting?
(and just to be extra clear i am not talking about ace/aro people, or characters who are headcanoned as ace/aro, or qprs, etc. or even anyone interpreting a relationship as 'just' platonic. i'm only referring to that specific "no homo" kind of argument against shipping)
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urimaginespimp · 4 years
Michael Gray: Better Man pt 12
The long overdue talk between Michael and Olivia finally happened, and the heavy tension that came along with it was out of the window.
She couldn't deny that it made her feel like a heavy weight was lifted off her. And he himself seemed to be happier and less tense.
But now what?
Though their talk ended with them being in genuinely good terms, there was something they didn't really get to discuss: where do we go from here?
It was as if both of them were now playing a dangerous but lighter game. The way they'd treat each other was in no means how a purely platonic pair would, nor was it crossing boundaries to a territory where intimate couples would be in.
He would kiss her often, when he's going out of the house or just getting settled in; to greet her in the morning or when he's about to sleep. But it was only either on the back of her hand, her cheek, or her temples.
She would get close to him, maybe lean in for support when she was doing something next to him, to rest for a while, or just because she felt like it; enjoy his cologne while he'd put his arm around her, or even lock arms together when walking down the streets. But she wouldn't give his jaw little pecks like she used to, nor would they intertwine their hands together.
--- Olivia was combing her wet hair in the mirror by the living room when she heard him say good morning. Looking at him as he appeared on the mirror's reflection, he was going down the stairs already dressed up for the day.
"Good morning, Mikey" She answered back with a grin.
"There wasn't enough supplies in the cupboards. I'm heading out for some groceries, and I'll see you in your office." Michael said, approaching her with a grin, then giving her a quick kiss on her cheek.
Every time he did so, she couldn't help the blood rushing to her cheeks. But it was also followed by that annoying little voice of reason at the back of her mind, asking her what in heavens were they doing.
"New York better be careful when you're on the loose in it's streets." She smiled slyly at him.
He laughed at what she said and poked her on the side, causing her to yelp and drop the comb. And before she could make him pay, he was already out the door yelling a quick goodbye to her.
Michael can't deny to himself that he wants to do more than just kiss, touch, and hold her on zones a really really close friend could. But he was doing a great job at containing himself. He wasn't going to cross the line unless she asks him to.
"Well if it'll all be up to her , we might as well just buy friendship bracelets." He muttered to himself, chuckling as he was walking down the streets of New York.
Olivia back at their apartment was just about to finish tidying up the place when there was a knock on the door.
Nobody else in the city except for Michael and Ginny knew where she lived.
That's odd. Ginny rarely leaves the diner when it's daytime, and Michael finally has a spare key. She thought to herself, approaching it slowly as the knocking continued.
Pressing her ear against it, she asked who is it.
"It's the young widow you left in Small Heath." A familiar feminine voice replied.
"Linda?" She asked, acting clueless.
The audible gasp and scoffed that followed from the other side of the door was enough to make her break into laughter and finally open the door, to the unamused face of one of her oldest friends.
"Of course I knew it was you!" She laughed at her, opening her arms open for a hug.
Ada rolled her eyes as if in annoyance but nevertheless caved into the hug.
"I've missed you so much, Livy." Ada said into the hug.
Pulling away from each other, Ada's sweet face turned into an angry one, and she gave  Olivia a pinch on the forearm.
Yelping, Olivia asked what the hell was that for. Rubbing the small area that was already turning pink.
"Well we made a pact never to pull each other's hair, scratch faces, or go over just pinching, remember?" She replied, crossing her arms together and shrugged.
"Of course I remember! But why?" She asked incredulously.
"You made me miss you, and you never called." Ada answered shyly, looking anywhere else. "nor wrote." She added.
Olivia smiled at this. "Well, would you please come in so I could start making up for it?"
"You better." Ada threatened, trying to hold back from smiling.
"Does anybody else know my address now, then?" She asked, closing the door, and hanging Ada's coat on the rack.
"All it took was making Karl fake cry in-front of Thomas because he was really missing his auntie Livy." She answered, placing her one piece luggage down.
"Yet Karl's not here with you?" They were now sitting on the sofa, facing each other.
"Oh he might actually need a little refresher of who you are. So he's back home with aunt Poll." Ada replies sheepishly.
The two women shared a laugh.
"So... I see that devil cousin of mine isn't here right now. Tell me everything I need to know about you two here in New York." Ada asked excitedly. Oh it felt just like the times they spent sharing about each other's love life back in Birmingham.
By the time she was done, Ada had never had her mouth gaping like it was now.
"W-wait. What the hell are you two doing?"
"We're co-existing in this apartment?" She answered.
"Oh I'm happy you two made peace of the past. But I'm talking about now." She clarified. Olivia then understood what she meant.
"I don't know A, but is it weird to say that I'm enjoying it?" She smiled shyly at her friend.
"Of course you do. And I'm loving how it's like you're trying to see who'd give in first." Ada winked at her.
"What are you talking about?"
"Well it does sound like a type of foreplay. You-l"
"No it's not" Livy cut off her laughing friend.
"Oh it definitely is, Livy. And you need to win."
And just when she was about to respond, the front door opened again. This time, the person that was subject of their conversation walked in with a paper bag with him.
"Your office was still locked so I figured you're still here." Michael called out loudly, and stopped in his tracks when he realized who was with her.
"Michael." Ada acknowledged him, but any hint of the smile she was sharing to Olivia earlier was gone and replaced with coldness.
"It's good to see you, Ada." Michael nodded at her.
Olivia was confused. Michael and Ada were close. He was a great uncle to Karl, and she was always up to tag along the both of them when they asked her.
"I'll uh- arrange these in the kitchen." Michael said awkwardly to her, and left.
"What was that?" Olivia asked her quietly.
"Well, I have been mad at him after what he's done to ya." Ada whispered back in defense.
Olivia groaned. She hadn't anticipated how their own relationship problem could affect Michael's relationship with his family.
As if reading her mind, Ada called her attention.
"Oy. It was his fault. Not yours."
Olivia nodded.
"But since you two made up, I might just go and talk to him right now." Ada stood up, and motioned for her to stay seated so she could talk to him alone.
When Ada got to the kitchen, Michael was just about to throw the brown paper bag into the bin, when she cleared her throat.
This was enough to get his attention.
"I heard you two made up." She started, fidgeting with her fingers.
"Yeah. Livy's a saint to even listen to me." This has been the longest exchange of words they've had for the last two years.
"That's good to hear, Michael." She nodded.
"I'm sorry for hurting your best friend and driving her away from our family, Ada. I completely understand why you've been hating me."
"Well I don't hate you anymore." She gave him a small smile.
"Thank you." He broke into a smile, almost tearing up at the fact that she was the first of the Shelby siblings to actually forgive him for what he'd done to Olivia.
Sure, Arthur and John still spoke and joked around him, even Finn when they got past the time they almost got into a fight. But it never felt the same. He knew deep down they were also disappointed with him. Thomas was as usual all business talk.
"I said I don't hate you anymore. But that doesn't mean you're a hundred percent forgiven." She smiled at him.
"What do I have to do then?"
"I'll let you both enjoy this weird foreplay you both got going right now, but I want you to be the one to actually ask what she wants from this." She explained. "It's for the both of you. You can't just be stuck in this weird phase forever."
Michael nodded in understanding. "I'll talk to her about it when you go back." He promised.
"Good. In two days then." Ada nodded back in approval. "Now give me a stupid hug."
Michael chuckled and approached his cousin, engulfing her in a bear hug.
When the cousins came back from the kitchen, Olivia was still seated and now immersed in a book.
"Livy I wanna go sightseeing by myself. I'll be back by the time you're back from the office." Ada told Olivia while grabbing her coat from the rack.
"Oh that reminds me. How long are ya planning to stay?"
"I'll be out of your hair in two days, luv." She answered, putting her coat on and fixing her hair. "So you owe me two days worth of catching up."
"I'd be glad to, A."
"Oh except for Night times."
"What?" Michael asked what she meant.
"Remember when before he passed away, I promised Freddie that I won't be sharing a bedroom or let alone a bed at night with anyone else but Karl?"
Both Olivia and Michael nodded but was confused. What the hell was she talking about?
"Well it was a romantic promise yet I didn't realize it lacked detail such as exempting family and female friends, and Freddy isn't really here to discuss it with." She opened the door.
"It's still up for a year, so you two better pick which room to share now BYE!" She hastily answered with a wink, already leaving them both.
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annenxf · 7 years
Binge Breakdown: The 100
Just finished binging through seasons 1-4 of The 100. This is going to be a rundown of thoughts and opinions of series. Lots of spoilers ahead.
Just an overall for the series. The premise and the idea is compelling. The first 100 to land being teenagers and criminals. It can be an odd choice to send them over others, it does have some logic. They are not needed in running the Ark. With them being criminals for some they have no family that would question them being gone.
Season 1 might be my favorite. This is due to the split dynamic, the 100 vs the Ark. The separation of the those on the ground and those in space. It made it more interesting and allowed for differences in conflicts. Plus the 100, or at least the main characters of them ( ex: Bellamy, Clarke, Octavia, etc.) began to stand out.
The interest of Season 2 comes from those children now having adults around, but not really needing them the way the adults might think. The adults come in trying to help them, but are ultimately clueless is surviving on the ground compared to the 100. 
Season 3, takes a weird twist with the AI. I did not mind that story in terms of how it gave a backstory for how the world got to be the way it was and into the history of the clans/commanders of the Grounders. That was the larger takeaway. Though my actual favorite part was the intro of Roan. I have a bias for that character being the actor who plays him, Zach Mcgowan played Charles Vane on Black Sails. One of my favorite series of all time. (And an amazing show with way more shirtless Zach).
Season 4, is a big drop on the no slow-burn. It went from 6 months to 2 months of survival quick. It might be the weakest overall. It had strong points, but it felt the most choppy overall. Maybe that is just me having common sense and wanting to slap most of the characters for being selfish or driven by the past than to put it aside for survival! Octavia is the best character by the end of it coming out the other side of her grief to being the commander of the Grounders. She is the only character that could make the bridge between Skaikru and the other clans. She is the closest mix of the two being from the Ark, but becoming a Grounder in spirit.
My biggest issue is the series lacks slow-burn. There are many instances where everything is just happening one over the tail end of another or just abruptly in general with little build up. This can make some sense due to the severity of their issues and the short lengths of the seasons compared to other shows. But they need more breaks of peace. It can be draining to watch with how ramped up everything is. With the consistent pattern of peace being ruined I was waiting for the next issue to drop all the time. By now it would more of a shock for a peaceful moment to last. But this issue is not limited to the conflicts, but the relationships. 
Let me start giving examples of things I wish had been dragged out longer, Clarke and Lexa. Not their relationship itself, but the build to that point. Cause by the end of Season 2, Clarke should hate Lexa. Lexa abandoned her and her people both inside the Mountain and out of it. They had a plan that could have worked, but Lexa took a deal to protect her own first and not care about former alliances. It is due to this betrayal that Clarke and Bellamy end up radiating the bunker and killing all of the Mountain Men that have not been cured with the marrow. But there is little shown to their meeting again in season 3 that patches that up. I understand the draw towards one another being leaders of their people and the need to do what is best for them. Clarke is completely possible to understand Lexa’s choice in the aftermath, but not showing the resolution to that makes their coupling abrupt. Leaving people like me to wonder why is Clarke even speaking to her.
But they are not the only couple to suffer that rush: Clarke and Finn, Jasper and Maya, Lincoln and Octavia are a few others. Some of this rush and jumping into the deep end can be explained through their traumas. From being prisoners to now surviving on earth with those around them dying, it is not easy. The emotional trauma could make them latch onto attractions more quickly and deeply, but it is hard for me as a viewer to see it as true love when they’re rushing something that complex. It is due to the traumas that I can forgive the use of this to an extent. And not all of these went bad.
Lincoln and Octavia had a rocky start, but they were the longest and the best romantic relationship the show has had. At least in terms of the official pairings. It was slightly sped up in Season 1, but allowing it to last through more seasons gave it a greater weight in the end. Even with Octavia’s grief, there was an extended time of her working through that. Still holding onto Lincoln, but finding the ability to live without him.
It is also why I like Bellamy and Clarke’s relationship. Even if it remains a platonic relationship those two are stronger together than apart. During a good chunk of the issues where one of them made a stupid decision, my thought would always be if the other were there it would not have happened. The two characters have a great dynamic and ability to work together, calling each other out on their bad decisions, knowing when to trust the other, and able to carry the weight of it all together. I do think they could get to the point of a romantic relationship, but they both need to be at a point ready for it. 
So with the past out of the way, why not some Season 5 predictions. With how it ended they do have the chance to reset the cast some as needed. For sure Clarke will be there and I expect Bellamy, Raven, and Octavia to return (and Murphy cause he will not die). Some of the more minor or background characters it is left to chance if they return in some regard. Add to the fact that the years locked in the bunker, in space, and even alone could change them in new ways yet to be seen. I hope that through the next season they’ll include flashbacks into the past years to give that insight into what happened. The inclusion of these could allow for better spacing for the season. 
In regards to the ship that landed, it is hard to say what it brings to the table. It is labeled a prisoner transport. The obvious conclusion is there were other, possibly privately owned, space stations. It being a prisoner transport could mean the facility is getting rid of criminals by landing them on Earth, or like the Ark is sending down people to see if the planet can be survived on. Just being a prisoner transport makes it a great parallel to the original 100. Odds are they are going to be the spark of the next conflict. I am excited to see where it will go. And tempted to the pick up the books the show is loosely based on.
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