#i screenshot this bcoz i dont want anyone finding it when they look up H haha
dizzydizney · 2 years
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I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again. I am not ignorant to the problems this franchise has. I can hate the bad parts while still loving the good parts. I can say “this isn’t right” and “here’s how it could’ve been better” at the same time. I can love Uma and Mal, honestly. I’m a grown fucking woman, I contain multitudes :P
I know this series has a horrible double standard when it comes to race. Colorblind casting, female driven stories - great! Casting nearly every antagonist as a black girl, obviously not great. They really didn’t think about the optics of what they were doing and it came off in a terrible way.
I wish Uma and Audrey were treated better. And believe it or not, I have lots of problems with the way Mal was written. The movies kind of fell apart and failed to deliver on a satisfying story over all. Each movie has its high points, and they obviously all have their low points too. I mostly wish the movies were written with a lot more (read: ANY) thought and care. That any character felt like they had a satisfying arc in the end. But, that’s something we’ll never get!
You wouldn’t know it these days but fandom is not politics. Liking a “bad” character does not make you a bad person. Liking a movie or a show with shitty writing doesn’t make you a shitty person. You can say “Yes I recognize the issues with [character/movie/show] but I still choose to engage with it bcoz...” whatever! It has bad writing but you like the songs, the characters, one particular relationship, etc. 
Liking something with faults doesn’t magically make you ignorant to said thing’s faults!!
If you get an inkling of things like, in this case, the racist optics and double standards, pay attention to that! You need to be able to spot these things. Bcoz there is absolutely no such thing as pure, perfect, unproblematic media. Any and everything you can consume has SOME issue with it. Just be smart, listen to what people (especially POC, especially here) say about it. You can learn, be aware, be critical, be smart, consume, enjoy, have fun, praise the good parts, scorn the bad parts. You can do it all at once!
And I mean it’s easy to see the issues in Descendants. And it’s also easy to not want to engage in the constant negativity surrounding it. Especially in this case, and I’m sorry, when a lot of the times the argument seems to just be “If you like this character then you’re racist” end of story. It’s not accurate, and it doesn’t paint a good picture of the whole fandom when there’s no room for nuance. 
Yet again the only reason I started the whole “poor little meow meow Mal did nothing wrong” in the first place is bcoz I was fed up of all the negative takes on her. Calling her a killer ?? pretending that she’d done all sorts of evil and fucked up stuff like it was canon when there was NO evidence to suggest it. And I’m tired of that. Sure the story was unfair and she got off easy, but people are basically just writing fanfic about all her made up misdeeds so they can have MORE reasons to hate her and MORE reasons to get angry at this fictional little Disney child that doesn’t really exist! CHILL
And I’m sorry but choosing ONLY to focus your anger on Mal and saying it’s because of double standards in the story, and then turning around and excusing other characters for the same shit that Mal does... That’s funny. 
Anyway long story short to answer your question Nonny. I don’t think H is singling me out but I’m sure I’m lumped in there with everyone else. Like it’s not even funny anymore. But nothing anyone says is going to change anyone’s minds so. Everyone feels how they feel and we’re all just screaming into the blue void of tumblr
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