#i see posts and thigns asking how dream still has a platform after everything
zeta-in-de-walls · 5 months
One more thing on Dream.
He is never going to confess. He will never say he knowingly groomed a minor or anything like that. He will keep lying forever.
Given that, I think he's already been successfully deplatformed. Like yes he has a few defenders but I think they are an extremely vocal minority who either know all about the allegations and doesn't care or are in extreme denial.
Dream doesn't have an SMP anymore. No CC is going near him except his extremely small circle of friends. He is toxic to any other. He has produced a little content over the last year but I'm confident the numbers are dire especially compared to what they were.
The victim's stories are out there and they're well-circulated. I doubt Dream is gaining any news fans anymore and hopefully he will struggle to take advantage of his dwindling fanbase in the future.
Dream's going to keep doing and saying controversial things forever. And we'll think we need to give his nonsense attention. But you know. I'm not sure we need to. Dream feeds off attention and in many respects the harshest thing we can do is to ignore him. Let him fade into irrelevance.
We should definitely decry Dream's general attitude towards his fans of course. The horrendously predatory and creepy parasocial relationships he fostered very deliberately with his fanbase is wrong. There may be future CCs like Dream and I don't want to allow his antics to exist.
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