#i self ship with keicho nijimura💚
jojosbabe · 3 years
Me thinking about keicho and how he deserves so much. And im sad i can't find any good content and or sometimes dont have motivation to make my own content i crave.
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jojosbabe · 3 years
Keicho-kun is super cute.
Me whenever i see cho and find some damn food for this lonely simp for keicho. 😔🥺💖
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All i ask is a crumb people!!!!
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jojosbabe · 3 years
Bad company
The most underrated colony stand ever.
If keicho grew in his potential. And matured. And got a chance as a damn character.
Imagine how strong these bad boys would have gotten?!
And i hc his army would grow too. Like more soliders. More military branches. Bitch could have gotten a navy. A WHOLE ASS NAVY!
Imagine that. Keicho sitting in a bath one day. Decided to use his stand to fetch him something from far away. A whole ass battle ship summons in his bathtub.
He's freaking out but also super happy. Oku rushes in thinking his bros hurt. Nah. Keicho is just an excited puppy that he summoned a battleship. Oku is happy too. They both being dorks over this. Mr.nijimura wobbles over and give keicho his towel.
They never stop talking about it all the rest of the day.
Give me this wholesome content more. Give me wholesome brother moments. Give me good happy shit with the nijimuras damn it.
I don't give a fuck if its "realistic" nothing in jojos is realistic. Who cares. I need my happy nijimura family serotonin damn it!
Especially keicho. Unf.
Ok im done now.
(But that is honestly a hc i have that his stand grew in numbers and he can summon certain military vehicles in specific situations. More jets,tanks,ships,etc. But they are small figure sized. Like the rest of his stand. I hc bad co to be around hand/phone size. Like you could legit fit them in your hand. Big enough but also small enough. Action figure size.)
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jojosbabe · 4 years
Keicho nijimura is criminally underrated.
And it's a shame all the content i get is shitty,virtually non existent,or just plainly gets him so wrong. Rarely i get a good crumb of content that shows more keicho being well a brother with okuyasu. And also just good content in general without shipping or gross cringe shit that the fans sometimes do.
Like it hurts my soul. He's such a good character. And it's a shame we were robbed of him. Both in canon and with fans.
Shame on you if you don't give love to both nijimuras and their dad.
You can't love okuyasu while demonizing his bro. You can't say you love him while forgetting his existence. And you can't love either one while demonizing their father,when it's complex and he is already suffered enough, all of them have. So if you love the nijimuras. You will handle them with care. Or so help me god i will beat your ass personally.
Its not because i love jojos. Its the nijimura arch and family has a special place in my heart because i understand that pain they all go through at some point. I have been through hell myself. So it is very relatable. Maybe not exactly the same. But i understand through keicho as an older sibling. I understand as the bros being through abuse. And understand what its like growing up from humble beginnings. So yeah i take this personally.
I apologize for venting. It just shows me that someof y'all are single children growing up or don't understand what its like being an older sibling especially one that would do anything for their sib. Even sacrifice yourself in every aspect so they can be happy and safe. Keicho went through war and hell every day of his life. For oku. For his father. And he went down a dark path because he didn't know any other way because all his life he knew was pain,sacrifice,strife,and hurt. All he had was his brother,his disabled father,and a broken heart. And a broken childhood he never got to have. Thats why his stand bad company looks like toy soldiers. God i could go on. But y'all get it i hope.
Im just tired of y'all ignoring the point of the nijimuras. How complex and real that arch felt to me. Both on a personal level and just because i really love the raw and realness of it.
But i hate how cho was treated. It felt like such a disservice.
Anyways im done venting.
Still love keicho and both nijimuras. And their weird dad. Warts and all. ♡
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jojosbabe · 3 years
Did i ever mention how cute keicho is?
Well he is.
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jojosbabe · 3 years
Keicho nijimura is super underrated. And it pains me that not many people understand his character. Nor truly understand what the nijimura brothers arch means to me.
Dang man.
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jojosbabe · 3 years
Yes i do! 💚
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jojosbabe · 3 years
Keicho's hella cute and hella underrated af.
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jojosbabe · 3 years
I'm picky af when it comes to certain character x readers.
Because i have certain way of writing them and there is a lot of things people overlook or forget or just don't understand personally.
Not that thats bad. Everyone has their own thing going on n their way too.
But i just don't like reading others writing much on keicho in particular. Other characters. Cool. Even if i don't always agree.
Its just keicho nijimura in particular im very protective over. Above all other characters,not even just cuz i self ship with keicho. I just deeply feel attached to his character. I dunno why. I just do.
It's something i cant put into words.
But its nothing against other's works. Some ideas are great. I just feel awkward reading bout keicho in through others eyes. It just doesn't sit well with me.
I can read jotaro,polnareff,kakyoin,josuke,oku,etc. Agree or not. I still love reading them. But keicho? Nah that's special to me. Again I don't know why.
Is it kinship? Is it some kinda weird shared "i feel you bro,trauma" thing?, is it just cuz i don't trust others to give him the justice he deserves? I honestly have no clue.
But i just can't bring myself to read others fics very well without feeling awkward or weirded out. even the ones i love,saved and agree with.
Im glad he is getting more love. But at the same time,i feel weird about it.
I guess I'm just very protective of this character for some reason. More so than others. And its weird to me.
Again this is just personal rambles. So don't take this too personally or seriously. Again i love the love. But it's difficult sometimes.
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jojosbabe · 3 years
Keicho nijimura the most underrated af minor character in diu.
You can fight me!
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jojosbabe · 4 years
I love him
He deserves so much more than the fans give him
He deserves quality content. And it's hard to give that when there is so little of him to go off of. So us keicho nijimura fans have to settle and make our own or what little good crumbs we may find.
It's sad.
But none the less. I love him. He's a good guy deep down. And he is a good brother. He just has been through so much crap along with oku n their dad.
His stand bad company is also a representation of his ptsd(and probably many other mental health problems and complexities). As it is very similar how war affects soldiers. As how his life was like a war he and his family was thrust into without warning. He was always on the front lines to protect oku after their dad was manipulated by dio. And how their dad felt survivors guilt for living even tho he should have died when dio did. Keicho taking the brunt of everything so oku could live his life. But also him having to take on the adult in the family,because now his father is basically disabled. It's truly a sad story. And nobody gets it. And i feel keichos resentment,not how he handled it. But then again,what are you gonna really feel in those moments except anger,sadness,depression,etc at something you never asked for? Plus he is Japanese,and their values are a tad bit different than ours. Plus he is a guy and is a young adult in diu. And had to take care of everything simce a very young age.So yeah. A lot of shit was on his plate. But he made the best of it. Oku had to see his big brother grow out from big brother to father type before he cpuld be ready for that role in life. He went from "play with me big bro,lets have fun like goofy kids" to "hey bro the bills/taxes/other important documents came in today but dad needs to sign shit". Bruh. It's fucking depressing the nijimura brothers. However still in that darkness a small gleam of childhood shines in keicho and oku. They're still brothers. And still kids at heart. And tbh i am really really disappointed at people not exploring the nijimura brothers growing,learning,and becoming a healthy people and it pains me that people dont want good sibling dynamics. Like keicho nijimura and okuyasu nijimura are close to my heart as their dynamic reminds me of me and my siblings. I love them dearly and would do anything for them. Even if means sacrificing my own sleep n sanity. But i also know they are their own people. And can make their own decisions. And seeing keicho learning from this is important to me and i wanna see more of. Good god what does it take to get some good food round here?! Anyways. Enough of me venting bout keicho-kun.
I just love him. And the whole entire nijimura brothers arch and them in general. Even their dad. Warts and all. (He reminds me of a kappa for some reason) :'3 ♡
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jojosbabe · 4 years
Keicho nijimura didn't deserve the crap he gets from canon and fandom.
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jojosbabe · 3 years
Everytime i see you or hear your name i cri.
I cri in this chili's
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jojosbabe · 3 years
No joke.
Oku would fight you too for this insult.
Mr.nijimura wouldn't know whats going on but he'll join in too.
I will and can help the nijimuras
No matter what au i write. Who im with. Or otherwise. The nijimuras are gonna get the love they deserve.
Only respect and love in this house.
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jojosbabe · 3 years
I'm having feels for keicho again.
This baby does not get enough love and it hurts me 🥺💖😭😫
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jojosbabe · 4 years
Me at keichos stand: "their so tiny and cute little fellas"
Keicho: "they are not! They are very strong and capable soldiers. All hundreds of them. Elite soldiers at my command that would bravely lay down their lives for the safety and peace of this household."
Me: "my bad,strong and handsome little fellas general nijimura" *eye batts*
Keicho: *blush and clears throat* "thats better i guess"
Me: ^-^ ♡
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