#i should not write sylki fics at 3am
" Did he think he could separate us ? Did he think I would not find out the truth and fight to see him again ? Did he think the multiverse was big enough to separate us ? Did he think I would not recognize the only person I have good memories with, did he think his obstacles could stop me ?
His soul and mine are half of the other, and no illusion could ever break that. I would find him in the farthest timeline and the darkest universe, I would recognize his eyes if they were closed and his voice if he wasn't speaking, for the link between us is stronger than reality itself. Kang tought we were dangerous together, but had no idea that it would be worse if he tried to tear us appart. "
"The possibility of her being somewhere I could not find, in a time where I could not go, seemed improbable and almost laughable to me, like a fairytale for children where everything that happens is as far removed from reality as possible. And the possibility of me not knowing that she was here and alive, of me believing forever in the lies I was told, even more. How could he think his plan was going to succeed ? How could he think that I would not search for her and standing at her side again ? Was he that ignorant, or were we too much of a unique case ?
There was no magic powerful enough, no universe dangerous enough, no god omniscient enough to keep me away from getting to her. I would have found her in Walhala if I have had too, hid in the middle of thousands of illusions looking like her or disguised as my worst enemy.
The only thing that could make me stop searching for her was herself, if she asked me to do so. But her voice when she pronounced my name told me that it wasn't the case ; and at that time I knew nothing but this : Kang was going to regret his plan."
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