#i should probably just have a tag for evelyn by now lmaooo
theartofbeinganerd · 7 years
I love baby Evelyn! you're still doing prompts, could you do Evelyn meeting the team for the first time? That would be adorable!
Thanks for the prompt!! 
“I can’t believe this is still the Playground,” Jemmacommented in awe as she and Fitz crossed the renovated hangar of SHIELD’s mainbase, Evelyn cradled against her hip. Their three month old daughter was takingeverything in with wide eyes, which currently seemed to be locked on theZephyr. Bending to kiss the top of Evelyn’s head, she murmured, “Your daddydesigned that plane, Evie. Aren’t you so proud of him?”
Fitz chuckled lightly at that, even as he eyed the Zephyrfor himself. “You know…I think I might talk to Mack about some upgrades…”
Jemma gave him a stern look as she reminded him, “We’re herefor a holiday, Fitz; have youforgotten the definition of the word ‘retired’?”
“Okay, yeah, but…” When Jemma’s expression didn’t change, heall-but pouted, pleading, “Just a quick look at the engine?”
She pursed her lips thoughtfully, then sighed. “Oh alright,fine. But just the engine!”
“You’ve got it, Jem!” He pressed a quick, grateful kiss to hertemple, and Jemma rolled her eyes fondly, not bothering to hide her smile. Theypassed through the hangar doors then, entering into the main section of thebase – only to find Daisy waiting anxiously on the other side.
“Oh, Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy!” Jemma greeted, smilingwidely at the sight of their friend. It’d been far too long since they’d seeneach other, what with Daisy being busy with the Secret Warriors and saving theworld, while Jemma and Fitz had been busy with settling into their cottage inPerthshire then taking care of Evelyn.
“Happy Thanksgiving,” Daisy replied absently, immediatelyswiping Evelyn from her arms. “Oh my goshyou’re just the cutest thing ever, aren’t you?” she cooed, ignoring Fitz andJemma almost completely in favor of Evelyn. “Oh yes you are. With those big blue eyes and that curly hair and your cutelittle nose! That’s it, I’m justgonna have to steal you away from your parents, yes I am, yes I am.”
Arching an eyebrow, Fitz turned to Jemma and said in a stagewhisper, “Told you we should’ve named your sister as her godmother instead.”
Finally, Daisy lifted her gaze from Evelyn to give Fitz a displeasedlook. “Oh? Would Jemma’s sister havethe best present in the world for Evelyn?”
“You didn’t have to get her anything,” Jemma assured her,even as she took the gift bag Daisy had had sitting at her feet from her.
“Yeah, well, I wanted to.” Beaming excitedly, Daisy watchedas she removed the tissue paper and revealed…a little black baby dress coveredin white daisies. “I bought her one in every size, so she’ll never grow out ofit! And of course, now she’ll never forget about her superhero godmother.”
“Oh Daisy, we’d never let her forget about you,” Jemma promised,tucking the dress back into the gift bag and taking a couple of their bags fromFitz now that her hands were free. Daisy shot her a grateful smile, then ledthe way further into the base.
They hadn’t gotten far when they ran into Mack and Elena,and Fitz called to him, “Hey, I’m all set to help cook up a feast SHIELD willnever forget.”
Mack grinned as they closed the remaining distance betweenthem. “Thanks Turbo – but first, I need to get a good look at this cutie.” Hetook Evelyn from a reluctant Daisy, nearly engulfing her in his large hands andarms.
Laughing, Elena commented, “You make her look so little.” She reached out, picking up oneof Evelyn’s hands, beaming as the tiny fingers curled around her index finger. Turningto Fitz and Jemma, she told them warmly, “She is beautiful.”
“Thank you,” Jemma said with an answering smile. Mack gaveEvelyn a little bounce, and she gave a big, gummy smile in response.
“Looks like she likes you,” Daisy pointed out. “But not asmuch as she likes me, obviously.”
Chuckling, Fitz teased, “It’s probably just because he’s agiant version of her favorite teddy bear.”
With a dashing grin, Mack told them, “Naw, kids just loveme.” Elena stroked her thumb over the back of Evelyn’s hand, sharing a loadedglance with Mack. After a moment, he cleared his throat and turned to handEvelyn back to a waiting Daisy. “We should probably go get dinner started,Turbo.”
“Yeah, good thinking,” Fitz agreed, and as Mack and Elenaheaded back to the kitchen, he asked to Jemma, “Are you okay with getting thebags to our room?”
“I’ll help her,” Daisy volunteered, taking one from him andslinging it over her free shoulder.
As Jemma took the other, Fitz gave Evelyn a little kiss onthe forehead, promising, “Daddy will see you soon, Evie. Be good for Mummy,”before he hurried off to catch up with the other two.
Daisy then led the way toward the residential wing and theroom Jemma and Fitz would be staying in during their visit. She couldn’t seemto help herself from saying slyly, “Well, I know who’s having the next baby.”
“Oh, I hope it’s soon,” Jemma mused, her eyes wide withdelight at the idea, “then Evelyn could be friends with their baby!”
“Given those looks they were giving each other, I’d say you’relikely going to get your wish,” Daisy replied with an amused snort.
They arrived at the room then, and Jemma dropped off thebags as Daisy excitedly showed her the crib the team had apparently purchasedas a surprise for them (and likely, as a bid to get them to visit more). Shealso took the chance to quickly change Evelyn’s diaper – or rather, she talked Daisythrough it, since she was so dead set on taking Evelyn and raising her herself.
And of course, they changed Evelyn into the daisy dress ather insistence, and Jemma had to admit it did look adorable (though she tendedto think anything her daughter wore was adorable, because well, she wasbiased).
Once that was finished, they headed back out into thehallway, only to run into Coulson moments later. He paused at the sight ofthem, smiling in greeting, and Daisy asked, “Hey Couslon, are you ready to meetthe world’s cutest baby?”
Coulson gave a little chuckle as he replied, “Well, I’mwearing my least favorite tie in case of spit-up, so I’m as prepared as I’llever be, I suppose.” He tapped his tie, which was a rather unflattering burntorange color, then took Evelyn from Daisy. “Hi Evelyn,” he murmured to her, hislips curving in a gentle smile when she gazed back at him with wide, curiouseyes. “Are you going to grow up and save the world like your parents?”
“No offense, sir,” Jemma started a bit uncomfortably, “butwe’re rather hoping that Evelyn stays outof the family business – I’m not sure poor Fitz and I have the nerves for that.”
Not seeming offended in the least, Coulson offered her anunderstanding grin. “That’s probably for the best. But, perhaps, she’ll find aless dangerous way to help save theworld; if anyone could do it, it’d be the child of Fitzsimmons.”
“You’re probably right,” she admitted with a quiet laugh.
At that moment, an agent Jemma didn’t recognize came up tothem, and told Coulson lowly, “Sir, we need your input on the Beijing mission.”
Coulson sighed good-humoredly, handing Evelyn over to hermother. “Even on a holiday, my work’s never done. I’ll see you both at dinner.”With that, he followed the agent back down the hall.
Left with a bit of free time before dinner, Daisy showed Jemmaaround the base, since she and Fitz had left around the time the renovationshad really begun. They toured the area where the Secret Warriors trained, andthe new lab (built based on Fitz and Jemma’s designs, of course), before endingup in the new common room.
While Daisy was catching her up on the current goings-on atSHIELD, Jemma lightly rocked a sleepy Evelyn, though they both glanced up whenMay entered the room. “May! Come meet Evelyn,” Daisy called quietly, waving herover.
May paused for a moment in the doorway, then wordlesslymoved to perch on the couch beside Jemma, gazing down at Evelyn. “You can holdher, if you’d like,” Jemma offered, “she just tends to cry if she’s this tiredand isn’t being held by me or Fitz.” Still, she carefully passed Evelyn over,who began to work herself up for a good cry almost instantly.
However, then May adjusted her hold, and Evelyn simplystopped, blinking slowly up at her. Then, she seemed to decide that she wasperfectly content, and settled right in.
Giving a surprised little laugh, Jemma admitted, “Well, that’scertainly a first; you’re a natural, May.” In acknowledgment, May simply gave aslight smile, gently rocking Evelyn back and forth and watching as she closedher little eyes and gave into sleep. It was quiet for a moment, then she said, “Ican take her back if she’s too heavy, otherwise you may be here for awhile.”
“She’s fine,” May replied lowly, shaking her head.
There was another beat of silence, then Daisy asked Jemma, “Whydon’t we help go set the table?”
“Alright,” Jemma agreed easily. As she stood up to followDaisy out of the room, she reminded May, “If you need anything, I’ll be rightdown the hall.”
After May had nodded in understanding and the two had leftthe room, Daisy said suddenly, “That doesn’t prove anything.”
“What doesn’t?” Jemma asked in confusion, glancing back overher shoulder toward the common room as though that would somehow make itclearer.
“That May’s like…the baby whisperer,” she elaborated. “Like…Evelynstill loves me too and would totally want to live with me if you guys died, right?”
Jemma rolled her eyes fondly, giving a little shake of herhead as she teasingly placated her, “YesDaisy, if Fitz and I died, living with you would be our three month olddaughter’s first choice.”
“Good,” Daisy replied, grinning, and with anotherexaggerated roll of her eyes, Jemma elbowed her lightly in the ribs.
It wasn’t long after that they were all sitting down toThanksgiving dinner at the large table that had been set up in the base’s newdining hall. Throughout the meal, a happily cooing Evelyn found herself as thecenter of attention, constantly passed around the table – though no one reallyseemed about to argue when May took sole possession of her. She held her forthe rest of the meal, not even flinching when a curious Evelyn stuck a hand inher mashed potatoes and make a mess that had both Fitz and Jemma blushing andstumbling out apologies – she simply wiped it up and carried on eating herdinner.
At the end of the night, after they’d all sat aroundcatching up and laughing over all memories, May finally handed a half-asleepEvelyn to Fitz. She gave them both a nod as she said, “She’s wonderful. You’revery fortunate to have her.”
“We know,” Jemma replied warmly, managing to catch May’shand to give it a brief squeeze. “You’re welcome to see her whenever you’dlike, you know.”
“Thank you.” Though May’s lips only quirked up the tiniestbit, Jemma could tell just how much it truly meant to her.  
As they then said goodnight to the room at large, Daisyhurried over to pop a little kiss on the top of Evelyn’s head, whispering, “Ilove you most.”
Fitz lifted one of Evelyn’s arms, having her give a littlewave as he called once more, “Good night.”
“And Happy Thanksgiving,” Jemma added.
As the others bid them good night, Fitz readjusted his gripon Evelyn, her head lolling against his shoulder, then they headed back totheir room. While Fitz put on his pajamas, Jemma changed Evelyn’s diaper. Shethen handed her off to Fitz to put down for the night while she got dressed aswell; after the past couple of months, the teamwork was practically routine.
When they could finally climb into bed, Jemma automatically curledup against Fitz and said thoughtfully as her gaze landed on the crib, “Youknow, we really should try to visit more.”
“Yeah,” Fitz agreed with a nod, “I mean, Evie seemed toreally love meeting everyone – almost as much as everyone loved meeting her. Itreally was great to see.”
She laughed softly, slinging an arm across his waist and restingher cheek on his chest as she murmured, “Yes, well, they are as good as her family, if you’ll remember.”
He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pressing a kiss toher forehead. “Oh, I remember; they make it a bit difficult to forget, don’tthey?”
Burying her face in his chest to hide the amused quirk ofher lips, Jemma groaned, “Ugh Fitz.”
“Don’t ‘ugh Fitz’ me, you know I’m right.” The smirk in hisvoice was obvious. “Every single one of them has been a right pain in the ass atleast once over the years.”
Levering herself up onto her elbow, Jemma arched an amusedeyebrow at him through the darkness of the room. “Well of course – that’s howyou know they’re family. You’re a constant pain in my ass and I married you, so it must be true.” She pecked his lipsonce, then settled back in against his chest.
“Wait –”
“Go to sleep, Fitz.”
There was a beat, then he grumbled, “Fine.”
“And Fitz?”
“Even though you’re a pain my ass, I love you.”
He let out a quiet laugh, then murmured, “I love you too,Jem.”
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