#i should sleep ajsjs
generaltrashshecox · 8 months
Late night thoughts ajaj don't mind the verb tense change ajsj
Damien up due to his insomnia and just busyness getting a midnight snack trying his best not to wake his sleeping partner. He leans against the counter eating whatever snack he got and just thinking. Deep in thought he doesn't notice the presence behind him before arms are wrapped around his waist and he yelps. A deep familiar chuckle rings through his ears and he scowls heart now pounding. He elbows Anthony.
"You scared the shit out of me," he says hand pressed to his beating chest. Anthony says nothing just pressing kisses against his neck. He tries to stand strong, push him off but it's not long before he's melting head tilting to the other side giving the man more access. Anthony presses against him and he gasps having an idea of why the man woke up in the first place.
"The bed was empty so I looked for you only to find you out here looking like a snack," he says lightly chuckling at his little joke. His hands start to run up and down Damien's nude torso forgoing the shirt tonight.
"Shut up," Damien says cheeks flushed even from the dumb compliment cause it was from him. Anthony grinds against him and he lets out a surprise whine cheeks getting even hotter.
"I don't know why you hold back we're the only ones here," Anthony says before flipping him. "Actually... Let's change the scenery a bit." He pulled him until he was pressed against the dining table gently helping him to sit on it. "That's where a fine meal should be," he said before kissing him. It was cheesy so much so Damien couldn't help the way his heart fluttered all the same. He wrapped his arms around Anthony's neck and kissed back with just as much enthusiasm when Anthony pulled back.
"A meal like this should be savoured," he said with a smirk before grabbing his leg. Damien looked at him questionably until he leaned in and softly kissed his ankle. Oh. Warmth flooded through him not just south sticking in his chest gumming up his works as the rest went to his cheeks. He nipped at the skin there before continuing kissing his calf, Damien's pajama pants now riding up to his thigh. "Magnificent, marvelous, beautiful." Damien wanted to hide away from all the praise trying to pull his leg away but Anthony held tightly.
"Anthony," he whined covering his face with his hands.
"What is it, angel?" he asked gently as his lips continued their way up Damien's leg. It was too much way too much he didn't deserve it. He just shook his head nervously shuffling on the table.
"I-I can't-" he said not able to articulate what he wanted to say brain fuzzy and mouth not cooperating.
"Ah, but you can baby. You take what I give you all the time this isn't any different. Now sit back and let me take care of you."
I don't know I probably will continue but ajjsn
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shezoomer · 2 years
hello little angels you're all wonderful 💜💜💜💜
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ateezcity · 4 years
almost there
pairing - Jaehyun x fem oc Maia
warnings - angst but not too much, enemies to lovers trope, slight cursing (vv slight), a bit cliche ajsjs and fluff.
a/n - please don't hate me this is the first fic I've ever written and it was a very last minute thing for my two best friends (ly guys but LOOK WHAT you made me do). And yes I might be able to write better but 2 days will only give this so🤷🏻‍♀️
word count - 4.6k
Neither of them could hear the other but both would surely have reeled if they knew they said the same thing at the same time.
They glared at each other from each of the farthest corners of the lecture hall, praying, for many reasons, that they had heard wrong.
“Excuse me.”
Maia looked up to see the blonde sitting in front of her call out to her. His name started with J too she thought but she wasn’t sure.
“Hi um hi my name is Jacob and I’m the third person part of your team for the uh final project that Sir Michael just assigned but aha um you knew that cause well you heard him too and- wait sorry I’ll stop now,” he broke off sheepishly all the while rubbing the back of his neck.
Maia let out a small laugh and released a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
“Hi, it’s okay. I’m Maia.”
“Of course I know who you are you always sit here.”
“Oh gosh I’m so sorry for not knowing your name all this time,” she replied hastily, “but I’m glad we’re in this group together. It will help me get over my social awkwardness more and maybe we’ll end up good friends, who knows.”
“Same here. I would like that,” he said with a slight smile.
“So,” he continued, “shouldn’t we go over to meet our other teammate?” Jacob hesitated before he looked down and said, “I don’t want to go alone he seems too intimidating and not to be rude or anything but also mean.”
“You got that right,” Maia muttered under her breath though quickly and out loud she said,” He’s not too bad don’t worry, though I wouldn’t want to go alone either. Come on let’s go over.” She figured they had to make the best of things considering this was a part of their finals and had 40% weightage.
As she turned to gather her belongings she heard Jacob. “You were saying?” as he indicated someone leaving in a flurry, with a tilt of his head. Maia gaped as she just caught a glimpse of Jaehyun practically running out the door.
“Great,” she uttered as she plopped back into her seat. “He just proved how much of an asshole he is.”
“Maybe we can catch him at lunch and ask him to speak to us privately. He would be forced to give in not wanting to prolong the questioning stares of others.”
“That’s a good idea although I’m not sure how long I, or for that matter either of us, can go before spewing curses left and right.”
As they came out into the corridor, Jacob seemed to be taking in her words and when he finally replied he said, “ I’m guessing you guys have a history and this won’t be the first meeting would it?”
Maybe it was the way Jacob talked so innocently but Maia shaking with laughter replied, “You guessed right. But more than history it was just him going from us trying to get to know each other because of mutual good friends, to him unnecessarily becoming hostile towards me? Just one day out of the blue? You better believe I wouldn’t back down and so here we are.”
“Ah oh.”
“Anyways I’m sorry but for the sake of everything I’m not going to let him ruin this so don’t worry about it and just let it float...slowly....out of your mind...and into that trashcan rightttt over there.”
The only reply was Jacob’s laughter ringing throughout the corridor.
Maia and Jacob proved to work amazingly well and they had somehow made Jaehyun agree to spend 2 hours every day on the project (except weekends) all the while alternating between Jacob and Maia’s homes.
All Jaehyun could do was watch. Watch as those two joined forces to make him do his part. Watch as Maia’s beaming smile when he sighed and said okay, was quickly replaced by a resting face as she realised what she had done. He had screwed up his face as if in annoyance so it made sense. He knew all of this was his fault yet he didn’t dare give in. So he didn’t. But he always watched. Even today. He watched as she declared how she was about to die of hunger and was going to go buy some snacks. He watched as Jacob jumped up to go with her and playfully linked his arms with her. He watched their excited selves skipping and grinning to the door, only pausing to grab the money and to tell Jaehyun they would be back in a few minutes. At that moment all Jaehyun wanted to do was push Jacob against the wall and tell him to keep his hands to himself. He caught himself before he actually could knowing fully well Jacob had done nothing wrong and he was a good kid. Better than him at least. Much better. So he just watched as the door closed behind them.
It was finally Saturday.
Maia slept in and would have slept longer than twelve had it not been for the doorbell ringing. Running her hands through her tangled hair and looking down at her pyjamas and cropped hoodie, she opened the door hoping it was no one important. The sunlight glinted off her visitor’s chiselled jaw and in the next second she found herself slamming the door shut again. Suddenly Maia found her breathing had become laboured. “Wait why do I care if he sees me like this…” she thought, “I don’t right?”
With a low whatever she finally opened the door back again and was well surprised, to say the least, to see a flustered Jaehyun. Since when was this man ever flustered?
“So what brings you by to my humble abode today Jack Frost?”
“I- wait first why do you always call me that?”
“What? Jack Frost? Why should I tell you hm,” she replied with a click of her tongue. “Anyways get back to answering my question.”
“I well, um thought I could come by and work on the project.”
“Why? We agreed to keep our weekends free. Why on earth would you of all people want to work on your day off.”
He hesitated.
“I just thought it would help get us a good head start. Just please let me work on it.” He said something else under his breath but she didn’t catch it. He seemed agitated so she let it go and finally let him in.
“Okay go ahead. But I’m not helping you though I need to catch up on sleep. Also, why didn’t you go to Jacob’s?”
“Just because…”
“Hm ok,” she replied turning away.
Maia tried and truly she did to go back to sleep. However, knowing that the Jung Jaehyun was alone downstairs did not help. At all. More than anything it made things worse. She felt like screaming because she had no idea as to what was going on with her right now. She let out her frustration by screaming into her pillow, praying it was muffled enough. She ended up showering, putting on a fresh pair of pyjamas and a hoodie and tiptoeing back downstairs. She found Jaehyun sitting on the table with his laptop out and his back to the door. The table was already a mess from the stuff they were using for the project. She went up behind him bending down to his ear and said, “Whatcha doing Frost?”
To say Jaehyun jumped out of his skin would be an understatement. She didn’t think she was being too quiet when approaching him but Jaehyun hadn’t heard her. He let out a loud “What the fuck!” before falling from his chair. To no one’s surprise, Maia collapsed into uncontrollable laughter. Jaehyun was about to tell her to stop but realised he had never heard her laugh like this. Maia stopped and bit her lip from laughing, unable to read his expression. Seemed like awe but on Jaehyun’s face? Surely no.
“Um sorry? I didn’t realise you didn’t hear me come in. You wanna get up now or are you going to work down there?”
“Uh yea no I’m getting up just announce yourself or something before coming gosh.”
“Aw did I scare the big baby?”
“No you didn’t- yes, of course, you did loser I didn’t fall for fun or for you to call me a baby,” he retorted getting up. He turned away before adding under his breath, “Though I wouldn’t mind being called that by you.”
“What was that huh? I didn’t quite catch that.”
“Nothing,” he said quickly.
“No no, tell me. It didn’t seem like nothing hm. Go on,” she kept insisting going over to him and putting her face inches from his. Jaehyun took a sharp intake of breath as their glowing eyes met but a split second later he spat out the words “nothing” again.
“Fine. Are you done now? I need to leave.” Maia had had it with his bullshit attitude.
“What you’re going to leave dressed like that?’ he said smugly. His eyes travelled over her and Maia shuddered.
“Yea sure you have a problem with that?”
Jaehyun began gathering up his stuff and began to head for the door but stopped beside Maia and bent down, whispering, “Not a problem to me sweet cheeks.”
Maia didn’t even have time to register what had just happened before Jaehyun was out the door but she could bet he had a grin plastered on his face. What the heck was wrong with this boy?
The rest of the days working on their project went by without significant hitches and Jaehyun never did or say anything to acknowledge what happened that day. Maia stayed puzzled and a little flustered for a short while but went back to her usual self. Somehow it felt like it was only yesterday they had gotten the project assignment and now here it was. D-day. There was a presentation included and the amount of anxiety and stress Maia and Jacob had gone through was astronomical. Mainly because Jaehyun was going to cover that. None of them could remember how they agreed to that. Fortunately, Jaehyun carried it out smoothly or as close as he could to doing that. Now they just had to wait a week for their grades.
As the three of them left the lecture hall, Jacob turned to both of them stopping them in their tracks.
“Okay, I have a proposition for you both. What do you say we take a trip to the amusement park as a celebration? I feel like I haven’t gone out to have fun in ages,” he whined.
“I’m in!” Maia replied jumping up and down.
They turned towards Jaehyun in expectation. Even though he was annoying they had come to bear him and his mood swings. He was fun and nice when he wanted to be, which was rare but existed. Just then his friends called out to him to hurry up. He started towards them but not before letting out a soft, “sure see you two.”
Maia and Jacob faced each other with mouths gaping open. This was going to be fun.
All three of them looked up to the entrance of the amusement park which almost seemed to reach the sky.
“Let’s get to it shall we!” an overexcited Jacob exclaimed.
“Looks like he really hasn’t been anywhere fun in long,” Jaehyun let out with a slight chuckle.
Maia stole a glance at him and a smile crept up to her face. “Yeah looks like it.”
The next second Jacob was dragging them both everywhere inside and the three finally let themselves relax, explore and let go. They finally sat down to rest awhile and fill up their starving selves after three hours of running about and trying rides. They each got cotton candy, hotdogs and popcorn.
While laughing at Jacob wolfing down his food trying to eat everything at the same time, Jaehyun pulled his hand out towards Maia and in a swift motion snatched the top of her cotton candy.
“Oh Woah mister no you don't,” she cried out as she reached over to snatch it back.
Jaehyun was quick though and he pulled his hand further back and out of reach. Maia was determined to get it back though and reached towards it without noticing her hand was on his thigh to balance herself. Jaehyun noticed it though and instantly dropped the cotton candy as he held his breath in.
“The hell Jung Jaehyun you just wasted good cotton candy,” Maia pouted but it didn't take her long to realise what she was doing or rather what position she was in. Her face hovering inches from Jaehyun’s and her hand on his thigh.
“Oh fuck,” was all she said before she jumped back to her seat.
Jacob looked up just to see beet red faces of his two companions and how they both excused themselves at the same time. The two glanced at each other before taking off in different directions.
Maia, oh poor Maia, her heart was hammering in her chest and she had no idea if it was because she was attracted to Jaehyun or just embarrassed. She ran the scene through her head again as she leaned against a wall, dark shadows dancing on her face. Then she realised what she was doing and shook her head attempting to somehow get rid of that memory. It didn't work. What a surprise. Maia knew though she needed to get a hold of herself and what she felt towards Jaehyun. How exactly did she feel?
Not too far off Jaehyun too was leaning against a wall but the difference was he knew why his heart was threatening to jump out of his chest. He had liked Maia ever since they had first been introduced. A month later, however, one of their mutual friends closer to him, had sat him down and told him to not get close to Maia. He had spewed all sorts of stuff about her and her family, how she was just nice to people to get them to do things for her and how she broke friendships. Practically nonsense. Jaehyun being a loyal and innocent boy then believed his friend and tried to be nasty and rude to get her to stay away when ignoring hadn't worked. After two whole years in university, he finally got exposed to her real side. That and the friend who had told him all that shit was expelled. He learnt the hard way to not be too trusting. It was still hard for him to lose that attitude towards Maia but he was trying. This project. It had done wonders. He had woken up one day his first thought being about Maia and he realised he had started to fall for her. She never noticed but he used to spare her glances anytime he could. Every little thing she did was embedded so deep in his mind it would hurt physically and mentally if they were to be removed somehow. But all he had done was watch.
They returned after quite a while, only for Jaehyun to say he was leaving first as he had to be somewhere. Jacob’s protests died on his lips as the crowd engulfed Jaehyun. It was only the two of them left and Jacob was just very very confused. Before he could say something though Maia got up first and said they should continue with their dinner plan.
Jaehyun was face down on the bed when he heard a ping! It was a notification of a post by Maia. Obviously, he had post notifications on for her. It was a picture of her and Jacob at the place they had decided to go for dinner. What caught his eye next was that he was tagged in the caption with a “missing Jack Frost.” Huh. He put in a heart but debated it for a solid five minutes before hitting backspace. Unfortunately or fortunately, it wasn’t the backspace key that he pressed but the send key. Almost immediately he received a like on it from none other than Maia. The colour that had drained from his face was slowly replaced by a crimson red creeping up. Suffice to say Jaehyun did not sleep at all that night.
The month of finals came and went and no one could catch two of the top graders, Maia and Jacob, who had become the best of friends, out of the library except for eating and sleeping breaks. Sometimes Jaehyun joined them too but little conversation was made. When they were finally done they slept for two days straight and Jaehyun was slightly worried when he couldn’t contact either of them. Cobie and Maia had gotten used to Jaehyun like this and had just labelled him as shy though Maia still sometimes thought he was an ass. They made a plan to hang out and just chill. The location they chose was Maia’s place. Again. They were obsessed with her house it seemed like. They watched movies, threw popcorn at each other, ordered takeout and made Jaehyun laugh more than he ever had with them. Maia caught herself staring at Jaehyun whenever he let out a laugh or even when the corners of his lips turned up. Jaehyun knew she was watching him but he didn’t want her not to so he didn’t acknowledge it. Once their eyes accidentally met for a bit too long and suddenly both of them were having a coughing fit. Jacob sometimes thought they were telepathic or something. At around eleven pm Jacob got a call to get back home. Jaehyun offered to stay back and help clean up. It was mostly done in silence when Maia broke it by asking him, “Why are you always acting so differently?”
Jaehyun was taken aback, to say the least, and only let out a, “huh?”
“I mean you look like you have fun when you are with us but then you catch yourself like you shouldn’t? Why?”
“I don’t do that.”
“Yes, you do. Don’t deny it. Look if you don’t want to explain that’s fine but I still think we deserve to know. I can’t believe I’m saying this but, we like you and we’re your friends. Let us in.”
“I- “ he broke off and hesitated before finally snapping,” I can’t just drop it.”
“Okay fine but this is exactly what I was saying. You start getting bitchy when we just try to be helpful or nice.”
“Well excuse me if I’m not always acting like a perfect goody-two-shoes like you,” he spat out.
“What’s your deal, Jung?” Maia lashed out as she strode over to him.
“Oh, wouldn’t you like to know, pretty face,” he sneered.
Maia was fuming. Her expression hardened and she bit out the words,” get out.”
“I said get out. And stay the fuck out.”
Plastering a smile on his face he responded with a, “My pleasure.”
It had only been a few minutes since Jaehyun had left and Maia was still frozen in place. It was getting harder to breathe but she finally calmed down. It had now been twenty minutes and something else overtook Maia suddenly. Worry. Half of her was still raging but the other half was begging her to see the fact that he might be hurting or just misunderstood. She pulled out her phone to give Jacob a call. He picked up on the second ring and immediately asked if everything was okay.
“Yea. I think so. Actually no I don’t think so. More than me though its Jaehyun. We, um fought. And screamed at each other. I told him to leave and he smiled but it was scary. Like he was possessed or something. I don’t know like his actions and intentions were conflicting. Just call him and check on him I guess.”
“Yea okay definitely I’ll call you back.”
“Thanks, Cobie you’re the best.”
“I know,” and he hung up.
Maia let out a long sigh and flopped down on the couch. What in the world was happening. She couldn’t wrap her mind around it. She soon got Jacob’s caller ID flashing on her phone and she hastily picked up.
“Maia,” he started and she immediately knew there wasn’t going to be good news.
“He’s not picking up. I called him five times and on the sixth try his phone was powered off.”
Just then she heard her doorbell ring. She checked the time. It was just a few minutes after midnight.
“Jacob are you outside?”
“Um no? Should I be?”
“I’ll call you back.”
Maia walked over to the door and faltered a bit before opening it. Standing in front of her was the same man she had seen almost an hour ago. She took a step back and almost fell.
Jaehyun’s jaw tightened. It was like he was mustering up all his strength to open his mouth and say it all out. Let out everything he had hidden from everyone. For some reason though, he wanted to tell her everything the most. Still, even now, he could just watch. He stared at her as if trying to memorize her face. Every line, every curve, the way her nose was slightly scrunched up in confusion but her eyes, they were glowing. Neither spoke for a while, the tension around them evident. Then Maia spoke.
“Are you okay?”
That was all it took. The corners of his eyes crinkled and he looked heavenward. He was fighting back the tears but they raced down his cheeks. Maia’s throat tightened and she felt her heart shatter. Without thinking she reached out in a brisk movement and pulled him in. Jaehyun felt her arms around him as his body wracked with an onslaught of sobs. He let her. It had been too long. Too hard. It was time to let go.
Maia gradually led him over to the couch in the living room when he had gained some control over himself. He wouldn’t look in her eyes. He stared at the wall. The unforgiving walls the same as everywhere. He was always alone when he stared at them like that. Except today. Beside him, he had an anchor. Someone who he had wished for so long to be beside him like today. Maia couldn’t take it anymore. She took his face in her hand and turned it towards her.
“Can you speak now?”
He took a moment to just bore his eyes through hers. As if somehow he could tell her everything telepathically. He wasn’t sure if he could move his lips. And then he felt Maia’s hand on his own rubbing small circles. And he spoke.
He told her everything.
Maia knew her eyes glistened with tears as Jaehyun kept speaking and as she registered his words, but she willed herself to not let them fall. He had ended up with no one to connect with. He was living with burdens in his heart. He poured out every single emotion he had held onto. His family breaking apart, almost to the point of disowning him and cutting down everything. He had learnt to watch only because speaking would lead to consequences that always had him on his knees.
Maia had finally made him want to risk everything. He finished with a breath of relief and wondered when the last time was when he felt so...light.
He had turned away at some point staring at his fidgeting hands and Maia didn’t dare interrupt in any way. He looked back to her then. He found her with glinting eyes and a reassuring smile. He had never wanted to keep someone so close to him more than her, then.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly.
It was then that Maia let out everything that she herself had been holding in.
“Don’t you dare say that. I don’t want to hear you say that. You have nothing to be sorry for. Well except for all those times you were mean as hell but I was too and I’m sorry for that too.”
“Then...Thank you.”
“Always. Do you understand? I will always be here okay. I- okay I’m just going to go for it. I want you to know I’ll be here for you not out of pity but because I want to be. Because you make me want to. Probably not the best time to say this but I think I’m falling for you Jung Jaehyun,” she ended in hushed tones.
It was too quiet and too still. Jaehyun heard it as clear as day. Maia watched as his eyebrows rose and his eyes looked deep into hers to see the truth. He saw it. The same look he had often seen in the mirror these past few days. It was there now too. Maia saw it. She understood. But Jaehyun felt the need to say it out loud.
“I already have fallen for you.”
And all he did was lean in to attach his lips to her’s. It was quick and instant. But it was all and everything. As he pulled back their eyes met and the sparks in them didn’t help much. So this time Maia leaned and their lips fused as if they were the last pieces of a puzzle just waiting to be finally met. Both determined to make it last as long as they could, Jaehyun pulled Maia close by her waist and Maia, in turn, deepened it by putting one hand on his neck and running the other through his messy hair. They pulled back gasping for air but their foreheads still touching. While Maia bit her bottom lip, Jaehyun’s lips curved up into a smile. He made their lips meet again, just a peck and she felt his lips turn upwards into a smile against hers. Their hearts were barely in control but Jaehyun laid his head in the crook of her neck, breathing her in and holding her close. They stayed like that for a while until the easy silence was broken by the ring of Maia’s phone. They pulled away as Maia reached over and answered it.
“Hi Cobie yea, sorry I got distracted. Listen, he’s okay. He texted me so we don’t have to worry. Yea okay see you in class. Byeee.”
“You were worried huh?” she heard Jaehyun tease with a slight smirk on his face.
She smacked his arm and he exclaimed as if it hurt more than it actually had.
“Oh shut up Frost. I just declared my love for you and you’re teasing me about worrying? Nice. What about you huh why did you come back may I ask? Had you forgotten something?”
“Yes. You,” he said with a straight face.
Oh, Maia tried but the red still crept up her face. Jaehyun was no less, however, as she noticed his ears turn scarlet.
They both ended up giggling and then laughing.
They were in each other’s arms, Jaehyun not wanting to let go after getting to her finally. The movie was almost about to end so Jaehyun finally asked the lingering question in his mind.
“Why do you call me Jack Frost?”
“Huh?” Maia responded as she looked up at him breaking her concentration.
“You know. You’ve always called me Jack Frost and you still do. Why?”
“Quite the dumb one arent you?” Maia teased.
“Excuse me are you talking about yourself?” he replied in mock offence.
“Well if you must know. I used to call you that because you always came off as cold and frosty but it stuck so I still call you that but maybe the meaning has altered a bit now.”
“Oh really? How so?” His smile was smug but his eyes gleamed with adoration.
She grinned before saying,” You’re still a bit cold and frosty but just how I like it. You’re my Jack Frost.”
#first fic oh god #i hope i dont die of embrassment #jung jaehyun #nct #nct imagines #nct au #jaehyun au #jaehyun fluff #jaehyun angst #enemies to lovers #cringe maybe
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cloudystevie · 4 years
Hey baby how are you? I just woke up, I should be getting ready but I’m sitting on the ground and doing nothing lol I think I’m completely hopeless now 😩 anyway uuuh you know how I say you’re my little piece of art? And then you just decided to post a picture of your face? And like? You’re so fucking pretty? On top of being a wonderful human being? Can you leave something for the rest of us, please? We already don’t stand a chance 🥺
it be like that sometimes ajsjs im good, tired but good! how did u sleep bae?? BYEEE im really not yall hype me up too much aksjjs i assure u i am not pretty bruhajjsjs i havent seen u but i know ur super pretty and i am nothung compared to ur beauty.
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