#i should probably call these something like letters to sera idk
peace-coast-island · 7 years
#ChoicesCreates: "That was fun, let's do it again sometime!"
Title: Sillage (The Royal Romance) Summary: Sillage - the scent that lingers in air, the trail left in water, the impression made in space after something or someone has been and gone. Enid Zuberi (MC) recalls some of the fun times she had with her friend Sera and wishes they had more time together. Companion to Quaintrelle and Mizpah.
@hollyashton @zigisbisexual
Earlier today I passed by the old playground across what used to be Angel’s Bakery. Remember how we’d hang out there after school on Fridays? You’d order cronuts, I’d get cream puffs, and Ollie would have waffles. On days when we didn’t have a lot of homework on the weekend we stayed until five and hung out on the playground. I wonder if I can find the tree we carved our names on. That is, if I can remember where it is.
Now the playground and bakery looks like something out of an old black and white movie. It’s sort of a strange way to put it, I know. When I stepped into the playground, it was like I was in another world. Not something to explore though, it felt kind of sad, as in that place was in its own bubble. never to be disturbed by the outside. What once felt so familiar and warm now feels foreign and almost hostile. The worst part is, when I tried to picture us running around in the playground, all I could see is the rusted playground equipment covered in dirt and leaves, making creaking noises when the wind blew.
Not to mention across the street there’s no longer a trace of Angel’s Bakery but instead a boarded up building that looks like it’s going to fall apart any minute. This part of the street is basically dead. There’s no one, nothing around here for blocks and blocks, only emptiness.
Why didn’t we ever come back? Maybe we did one last time, I probably forgot. Did we know that the bakery and other businesses over there were closing? What ever happened to “One more time, for old time’s sake?”. Looking back, maybe we could have done something special when we found out. But instead we let it be forgotten and carried on with our lives.
There’s no use in trying to retrieve memories that are lost to time, we know how hard and painful that is. But still, it hurts to forget something that once meant a lot. I’m afraid of waking up one day and not remembering things like the sound of your voice or how graceful you look in the wind when you’re sailing. Hell, I can’t even remember when was the last time we were there before it became abandoned. Was it after our sixth grade graduation? Earlier? Later?
When did we get so old, Sera?
I spent the weekend in Eden Villa visiting Ollie and helping Deedee move into her dorm. Hard to believe that it’s her last year at Eagle University. She’s been so busy lately that it seems like forever since we last saw each other. So it was a nice surprise when she called me and Ollie up.
After decorating her dorm, we had lunch at Villa Downtown Cafe. I thought the place looked familiar. The wall was decorated with all kinds of clocks, and then I saw one that caught my eye. It looked like a diorama except as a clock. Soft sandy yellows and browns mixed with beachy and ocean blues. In the shadows stood silhouettes of a sail and three small figures waving to the horizon. From the top hung small birds that swayed gently. The way the clock was integrated into the scenery was done only in a way that Sera Castiglioni could do it. Then I knew why that cafe seemed so familiar.
Five years ago, we visited that cafe, back when Ollie was starting Harvard. It was during Labor Day weekend and we wanted to surprise Ollie and celebrate his first week of college. At your suggestion we took a train to Eden to meet up with you. The first place we stopped by was Villa Downtown, a timeless cafe, kinda funny since the walls are full of clocks. I don’t remember much about the cafe but we had a great time around the villa. You always make a great tour guide, showing off all kinds of places and keeping us on our feet. Walking around Eden just doesn’t feel the same without you.
When I walked in the cafe for the first time, I was taken back by all the clocks decorating the walls. Who knew that clocks can be designed in so many ways? While we were waiting for our food I noticed a flyer for a clock designing contest. Ollie and I were surprised to find out that the cafe had did something like this every year and shocked that you didn’t think you were good enough to enter. It took a lot of poking and prodding but I finally convinced you to enter the contest. Told ya you’d win!
Ollie, Deedee, and I visited the beach, the film museum, and saw a show at the theater. Eden has changed so much since that visit five years ago. On our way to the beach we passed by the art museum, which was one of your favorite places in the world. I almost didn’t recognize it until Ollie pointed it out. From the outside, the museum has doubled in size. I can’t imagine how the inside looks but I bet it’s amazing. I think you mentioned that there was talk about renovating the place.
The beach was nice. It was a bit cloudy and cold so we didn’t go in the water. I took a walk and picked up some shells. I still have the ones from our last outing in my seashell box. It’s been a long time since I added to my collection. From what I can remember, not a lot has changed about the beach.
While going through my seashell box, I found a sand dollar necklace you made for me when Ollie and I visited. On our last night at Eden we spent the night at the beach where we built a fire and watched the stars. You bought your guitar and we sang a bunch of songs. After that you led us to your favorite diving spot, where earth meets sky, as you put it. We danced until dawn before heading back to the train station.
Before hopping on the train you said, “That was fun, let’s do it again sometime!”  Your words never left my mind since I got off the train. Then I saw the necklace and everything came flooding back to me. We never did a follow up to that adventure, did we?
Even after two years things like this still gets to me.
Guess who has two thumbs and nine bandaged fingers? For the past two days I made over fifty plushies for the Children’s Hospital Summer Fair. Not bad for someone who hasn’t sewn anything for a while. They’re nothing like your masterpieces but then what good would it be if I copied yours? I’m pretty happy with how mine turned out and they were a hit with the kids. By the end of the day, forty-nine of them were sold. I’m keeping the last one as a souvenir.
The fair was pretty fun, I had a great time helping out. I’ll admit that I wasn’t sure if I wanted to participate or not. I know I said that I’d keep the tradition going after you were gone but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. And then the year after that a lot of things were going on that summer so I lost track of time. Now here I am two years later, back at the park hosting games and selling plushies.
While I was making plushies, all I could think about was you. Remember how much fun we had cutting up fuzzy socks, filling them up with stuffing, and sewing on details? Doing it alone was actually kind of fun, it’s been a while since I had a day to myself. Working double shifts is not my favorite thing but hey, you do what you gotta do. At least I’m getting paid, plus extra days off so it’s a win-lose thing. There’s something about art that’s so fascinating. Turning something like a sock into a cute kitten or puppy, it always amazes me. I guess that’s why I always look up to you a lot, Sera, because you are an artist. I never realized I forgot how much I enjoyed making these little plushies. Or how a child’s eyes lights up when they get to take one home.
While I was at the booth, I saw one little girl that reminded me of you. She was full of energy and a natural leader. For an eight year old she was beyond her years, walking around with her younger siblings and making sure that no one felt left you. She asked her mom for some money so she could buy five plushies, two for her brother and sister, one for a boy in a wheelchair who lost his leg from cancer, and one for a girl who’s going into isolation soon to prepare for a bone marrow transplant. Jenny was her name, a lymphoma patient and a true trooper. She spent a few weeks in the hospital for an infection and now she’s back home and in remission. The day of the fair was the first time she went out since she was admitted. You always said the sunshine sped up your recovery, I bet Jenny’s the same too.
I’ll never forget how the little boy and girl looked when Jenny surprised them with a plushie. With a simple gesture like that, Jenny brightened up their day. Remember how you’d do the same when we volunteered? You’d see a kid sitting alone watching everyone else run around, wishing that they could do the same, and you’d come with a plushie and play with them, bringing a smile on their weary faces. I guess part of the reason why I didn’t want to participate was because I knew I wouldn’t be able to cheer someone up like that. You always had a way with people, Sera, the way your optimism can make the best out of the bleak. I was afraid because I couldn’t fill in your shoes. Then I met Jenny and I realized that there was no point in trying to follow your footsteps because you always ran barefoot in all directions. You’re one of a kind, Sera, and there will never be anyone like you. So it’s about time I stop trying to fill in the gaps with what ifs and if onlys.
Sorry for taking so long to do this. I could go on thinking about that summer three years ago, wondering if we could have known that it was going to be our last time making plushies together. But there’s no point in regretting the things we didn’t have time to do, or else we’d be wasting even more time! At the end of the fair three years ago, a nurse asked us if we were coming back next year to do it again. We both excitedly said yes. But we never did.
Three years later, Jenny went up to me and asked if I was volunteering again next year. I smiled and told her I’ll be back next summer with more plushies, which made her and the other kids very happy.
And I’ll hold myself to that promise - it’s right here in writing!
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diamondcitydarlin · 6 years
okay been thinking about how I would’ve written a more general Varric romance into DA:I, which was the original goal of my story here but it became more specific to him and my character so here’s how I would’ve set it up for anyone, had I been given the honor of doing so. Which never would’ve happened. But my husband now works in the video game industry SO YOU NEVER KNOW. HMU EA or Bioware or whoever handles that now. Anyway here’s my pitch, PART 1 (I haven’t planned the rest out yet, bear with me):
1. Flirt options, obviously, just after the first cutscene convo at Haven. To these Varric will generally humor the Inquisitor and flirt back because at the earliest point it’s harmless fun. Maybe some dialogue like,
Inquisitor: Do you always leave your chest exposed during battle? Seems dangerous. 
Varric: Sure. You see it, kinda hard to contain, so I don’t bother.
Inquisitor: Oh, I’m not complaining, just making sure what’s eye candy for the rest of us isn’t a death sentence for you.
Varric: I’ve come this far, haven’t I? Gaze to your heart’s content, my ego feeds on it. 
And/or maybe when he mentions he’s written a romance series;
Inquisitor: So...bodice-ripper, smut pieces, then? 
Varric: Not all of it, but yeah, you could say things get a little heated in parts. 
Inquisitor: Do you...write from experience? 
Varric: Well, you know what they say, write what you know...which I rarely do, but when it comes to heaving bosoms and all of that it seems only appropriate. 
Inquisitor: I’ll definitely have to give Swords and Shields a try then.  
Varric: Try one of my better sellers before you do. Not saying the writing is much better, but I’d rather have Hard in Hightown be the first impression. 
Maybe more, but you get the idea. The flirting is just kind of fun and easy at that point, but I’m thinking things should ramp up a bit at Skyhold if the player is keen to pursue. I think at this point there’d be a dialogue option during the first encounter at Skyhold, maybe something like;
Inquisitor: I’m glad we all made it out of there in one piece...you especially. 
Varric: Why me especially? I’m probably the most useless addition to this rag-tag band of misfits. 
Inquisitor: I enjoy your company./You make me laugh, that’s just as important as anything else./ (backing out) Yeah...now that I think about it, maybe you’re right. 
Varric: -laughs- I’m glad to hear someone does./ -teasing- Why not try a court jester then?/ Whoa...didn’t need to own that so quickly. I’m an extra pair of hands with a good crossbow, let’s not forget. 
Inquisitor: (continuing the laugh dialogue option) I can get you a jingly hat if it makes you feel more at home.
Varric: (continuing the laugh dialogue option) It might. I’m gonna hold you to that. 
Varric continues to deflect with humor a bit at this point, but I think there’ll still be flirtation options in the meanwhile, like maybe at his greeting of, “Did you need something or did you just come to admire the Dwarf?” which might only be accessible if you had been flirting successfully with him to this point the Inquisitor could have the option to say, “Maybe a little bit of both.” 
Things more or less stay as they are until the ‘Well, Shit’ quest pops up along with the infamous Bianca. An Inquisitor that has been pursuing to this point could get some extra dialogue options in the course of things. I’m thinking especially at the end where something could be said in the cut scene like,
Inquisitor: You deserve better, Varric. 
Varric: Do I though? 
Inquisitor: I think so. And I don’t speak just out of personal interest. 
Varric:....shit. That makes things a lot more complicated. Maybe not a bad complicated, but...I don’t know. I guess I thought we were joking around, if I knew it was more than that for you-...
Inquisitor: Isn’t it for you? We’ve been through a lot together already.
Varric: I’m not saying it isn’t. There’s no bluff to call here, I like you...okay, I like you a lot, but shit’s complicated. You’ve got the end of the world to think about and I’m obviously a mess. Bianca and I have been going around in these circles forever, I wouldn’t really know how to put a stop to it. I’m still not sure I want to. But yes, since you’re asking, the feeling is probably mutual. I just don’t know what’s the right thing to do here. 
Inquisitor: Maybe you’ll have to make a choice. A difficult one, but we’re all doing that, aren’t we? /  If it really is the end of the world then we only have today. Maybe we should make the most of it instead of thinking so hard about a future that may or may not come. / (backing out) You’re probably right, there’s too much in the way. 
Varric: (to the first two choices) Yeah...it’s tough to admit, but you’re right. / If it’s any consolation, I am sorry. If things were different...well, who knows? I’m glad you understand and, for what it’s worth, I really enjoy being your friend. Maybe, at least for now, that’s enough. 
Varric: (to the first two choices) Listen, I have a lot to think about right now, but...I’ll try not to keep you waiting too long for an answer. 
So, some time goes by. Things would be set up so that ‘Well, Shit’ would happen before the Winter Palace quest, so if the first two dialogue options were chosen and the romance not shut down, in true love-interest fashion Varric would join you on the balcony after everything, after Morrigan sashays away. Dialogue could go something like this;
Varric: Some party, huh? I was almost glad for the venatori, that shit I can handle. 
There would be options here to deflect with other subjects, like about the Inquisitor’s choices, etc, but I’ll just follow through with the positive romance stuff here
Inquisitor: Are we...going to have the talk? 
Varric: -sighs- Yeah. I said I wouldn’t keep you waiting, hopefully it wasn’t too long. I...wrote Bianca. Not so much because I’m convinced I deserve better, but after the shit at Valammar...I don’t know. I can’t risk Inquisition secrets and Thedas’ security and your time for her. Not if I’m going to be here for the foreseeable future. 
Inquisitor: I appreciate that. Any...other reason? 
Varric: -coughs out a nervous laugh- I’m not...really good at this sort of thing. Maybe that’s why my romance serials bombed so hard. You know how I feel, I just...don’t know about jumping from one thing into another so fast. 
Inquisitor: So, you’re asking for space and time to figure it out? 
Varric: We only have so much of that...but yeah, if I can be so selfish. Maybe we can just take things slow and see where it goes? 
You’ll have the option here of course to be like ‘that doesn’t work for me’ and put an end to it, but as I’m writing the positive stuff,
Inquisitor: Slow and steady...works for me./ Whatever you need, I’ll go at your pace. 
Varric: Glad to hear it. I do really want to see where this goes. 
He’ll then look back at the ballroom and get an idea, to which he’ll offer,
Varric: A dance seems as good a start as any, and since we’re here...
Inquisitor: I’d like that. / I’m not much of a dancer, but since you’re the one offering...
Varric: Let’s uh...let’s keep it out here though. I’ve been trying to make myself scarce from the Merchants Guild.
(Player and Varric come together for a dance)
Inquisitor: I think you’re afraid you’ll make a fool of yourself in front of the Orlesians. 
Varric:...there is that. 
Some more time will pass, The Wicked Grace game will be slated to come after the Winter Palace quest (tho not much farther in the future since the main plot accelerates pretty quickly). Maybe just to be cute in the meantime your traveling group might occasionally tease you about what’s going on with you and Varric, idk something like that. Anyway, he invites you to a game of Wicked Grace and the whole cut scene there is basically the same until the end, after everyone leaves and you get some extra dialogue options;
Varric: The night’s still young, we could try to play another round, or...
Inquisitor: Or...?
Varric: I...don’t know how to suggest it tactfully, but I figure since we’re exploring this whole thing, and if you’re keen...maybe we could spend some time together, just you and me?
The Inquisitor can then suggest they go ahead with another game OR they can get DOWN TO BUSINESS. The latter of which is what I will write;
Inquisitor: Are you sure...? It’s a big step. 
Varric: Yeah. We trust each other, don’t we? Some big steps will have to be taken eventually if we’re going to feel our way through this. 
Inquisitor: (seductively) Then what are we waiting for? I’ll meet you in my quarters. / LAST ONE TO MY QUARTERS IS A ROTTEN EGG. (zooms off)
(cue scene of drunk Sera under the table before cutting to sexy tiems, etc)
Scene will open on Varric and Inquisitor having a heated make out in front of the fire in their room. THEDAS LOVE THEME PLAYS BECAUSE OF COURSE. 
Varric: (breaking away for a second) If I’d known it’d be this good I would’ve been kissing you first thing at the Temple. I kinda wanted to, after you pointed out Bianca. I always hope my bow will be the first thing people notice about me. 
Inquisitor: Is that what you think I noticed first? Not, y’know...this chest? 
Varric: I give, it’s hard to miss.
(MORE KISSING EEE...before he breaks away again)
Varric: I have to be honest for a second though...after this, I don’t know if I can go back to how things were. I understand that now. I’m in too deep with you. This can’t just be a one-off.
Again, the player will have a chance to back out at this point, but if they go ahead this will be the definitive relationship moment. 
Inquisitor: I don’t intend for it to be. 
Varric: Good...then we’re on the same page.  
Varric rolls on top of the Inquisitor as make out increases and the sound of clothes shuffling can be heard, but close up fade-out on the fire unfortunately because this isn’t a PR0N GAME OK.
Player wakes up the next morning to find Varric writing letters or doing some kind of work at the nearby desk. 
Inquisitor: I’m not that boring, am I? / I have something more exciting than ink and quill over here, if you’re interested. / What, no breakfast?
Varric: (looking up from his work) -teasing- When you’re asleep? Yeah, maybe a little, unless you want me to just stare creepily at you and wait for you to stir. / You know I am. / Joke’s on you, I already sent down for it. Just wasn’t sure when you were going to get your ass up. 
He comes over to join the Inquisitor on the makeshift bed/pile of blankets in front of the fire. Inquisitor sits up and they share a lingering kiss. 
Inquisitor: Did you mean what you said last night? 
Varric: I wouldn’t say something like that for shits and giggles. I know it puts everything in fast motion, maybe faster than we planned, but...with you, it’s different. I’m willing to dive into this head first. 
Inquisitor: I’ll try to make it worth the risk then. 
(They kiss some more until a foreign cough interrupts them. The advisors are there because I find that trope way too funny. Cullen has his eyes covered lmao)
Leiliana: (hiding her amusement from the stairwell) Apologies, we should have knocked. 
Inquisitor: Ideally. 
Josephine: (uncomfortable) Perhaps we should come back later...?
Varric: Well, you can go or you can stay, but I don’t think we were planning to stop, so-
(Josephine ushers the other two quickly back towards the staircase) 
Josephine: Yes, yes, later then! Knocking in future, will make a note of that. 
(Amused, Varric and Inquisitor continue to kiss and maybe suggestion of something MORE before fade-out)
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captainderyn · 7 years
Tucdela as a Companion
A follow up to the Tucdela Banter I did yesterday (Should I do this for Ru just for the hell of it?)
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Inquisitor’s Name: Tucdela Lavellan
Alternate Name?: (name they have as Companion, if different from Inquisitor name) (Same)
Race, Class, & Specialization: Dalish elf, rogue, archer
Varric’s Nickname for them: Arrow/Dalish (prior to Bull’s chargers coming into the picture)
Default Tarot Card: It shows the silhouette of Tucdela shooting her bow, from the back of one of the Dalish horses, surrounded by green/foliage. 
How they are recruited: If the Inquisitor is Dalish: The Inquisitor will receive a war table operation letter from Tucdela Lavellan, expressing concern over their wellbeing and the wish to meet in the Hinterlands. 
If the Inquisitor isn’t Dalish there will be an alert from Leliana stating that there is an elf searching around the Hinterlands for the Herald of Andraste, asking about their cause and that they should probably check her out. 
Should the Inquisitor choose to meet her they will find her fending off some of the rogue bandits playing on travelers. The Inquisitor will be given the option to stay out of it or join the fight. 
If the Inquisitor joins: They will fight alongside Tucdela, which will transition to a cutscene where she jumps from the tree she had taken the higher ground in to shoot from and she greets the Inquisitor either with a Lavellan specific greeting (”Aneth ara, it’s wonderful to see your face again! You have much to explain.”) or another greeting; (”Thanks for the help, I assume your the one they call the Herald of Andraste?”). She’ll go over to her fallen mount, taken down by the bandits and mutter a brief farewell before returning to the Inquisitor and explaining that:
a) The Clan has been worried about Lavellan’s well being and sent her to at least see how s/he is, not trusting the letters entirely. She then explains that she wishes to join the Inquisition to help because since the rifts opened she’s already lost her best friend and many friends to demons and raiders.
b) She’s heard whispers of a force able to stop the Rift and wants to join the Inquisition to help bring the rifts and demons to an end for the above reasons. 
The Inquisitor can choose to accept or reject her offer--should she be rejected she’s visibly displeased and asks if she can at least return with them to get another mount, or else the journey is going to be long on foot. The Inquisitor can either amend their decision and let her join, agree to let her find a mount, or turn her away again. 
If the Inquisitor stays out of the fight:
Much the same as above, with differing opening dialogues. 
(Should the Inquisitor be Lavellan): “Fenhendris have my skills awed you so much that you can’t raise a hand to help? You’ve seen me shoot a bow before, no need to let me struggle.”
(If not Lavellan): “Fenhendris, thanks for the help (sarcastically). I’d think the Herald of Andraste would be a little free-er with their aid.”
Where they are in Skyhold: Tucdela can be found outside the stables, standing by one of the stalls with a big, black stallion (Spook!) in it or wandering around the stable area. 
Things they Generally Approve of: Helping people, inquiring about her history/the Dalish, sarcastic comments directed towards enemies, justice for those who have committed wrongs. 
Things they Generally Disapprove of: Derogatory comments towards elves, killing innocents, agreeing with slavery/subjugation of individuals, allowing those who have committed awful crimes (like that guy from Adamant idk his name) to walk free. 
Mages, Templars, Other?: (do they side with templars, mages, or don’t give a shit? maybe a mix? explain if you want)
While there is no big drop in approval if the PC sides with the Templars a dialogue tree will open up where Tucdela demands to know the  PC’s reasoning for punishing the mages by choosing the Templars and why they chose them. Should the PC choose an option that suggests mages are lesser beings there will be a small approval drop, though some approval can be regained if the PC chooses an option that states the Templars were the more tactically sound choice. 
Friends in the Inquisition: Tucdela becomes close with Dorian, Varric, and Sera and have some pretty funny banter should they all be in the party at the same time. Tucdela also becomes close with Josephine and Cullen, with mentions being made in the ambient comments of the War Room. 
Romanceable?: Tucdela can be romanced by any race/gender, though initiating her as a human is harder. Special dialogue options open up if a human Inquisitor inquires about the Dalish and some negative options result in a large approval drop. Her romance is sweet and sincere with the attack on Clan Lavellan causing her personal conflict. Her romance will not be locked in until her approval is high enough. 
Should the Inquisitor choose not to initiate a romance with her she grows closer with Cullen (as long as Cullen isn’t romanced) and there is some banter if she’s in the party with Varric or Sera and some comments at the war table that suggest she and Cullen get together. 
Small side mission: Buried History
Tucdela will ask the Inquisitor if they can travel to the Exalted Plains to find some lost texts and artifacts from the last Exalted March on the Dalish to send back to her clan since she has the means and resources to search for these things through the Inquisition. 
This activates a two-part war table mission--Fact Checking (verifying the legitimacy of the history before sending false artifacts/documents to the Dalish) and History for Clan Lavellan (sending the information off to her clan.)
Having Tucdela in the party when finding these relics triggers unique comments on her history and grants large approval gains. Simply returning them to her gives a smaller approval gain. 
Companion quest: Journies for the Departed
Should the Inquisitor’s approval be high enough for Tucdela’s personal quest to trigger they will find her outside the stables, clutching a letter in hand. She informs the Inquisitor that she ’s received word that her brother was killed in the latest attack on Clan Lavellan. She says she wants to travel to Var Bellanaris to give her brother and best friend that she lost to perform the ancient burial rites (exactly what I wrote about in Telanadas) and wants the Inquisitor to accompany her (as a friend, love interest, or as protection depending on the approval rating/dialogue options taken.).
The Inquisitor can put up a stink about going or refuse, resulting in a loss in approval. Should the Inquisitor agree a cutscene will trigger that puts them riding into Val Bellanaris. The Inquisitor and Tucdela will go through the rites, with options to inquire further and help her (giving small approval boosts), or to stand by and watch, or actively be an ass (resulting in approval losses). There’s a flirt option that allows the Inquisitor to put an arm around her and pull her close when the rite is finished. 
As they prepare to leave some Freemen Raiders, seeing action in the burial grounds and looking for more valuable loot from any new or disturbed graves come in, prepared to take. Tucdela throws herself in front of them, standing between them and the sites, with their freshly planted trees and valuable, hand-carved staves buried beneath the dirt and pleads with the Inquisitor to help her defend it. 
If the Inquisitor Helps: Tucdela greatly approves. Together they fight off the bandits, with the fight breaking into a supplementary cutscene where she takes down the lead Raider and then pivots to go make sure the sites remained unscathed. The Inquisitor is given the option to ask why she was so concerned with preserving them and she just shakes her head and answers, trembling that losing this would be like losing them all over again, like everything she did, every honor she laid there would be stripped away for only the sake of some coin. 
Back at Skyhold if the Inquisitor speaks to her again they will find themselves in the gardens, where Tucdela will thank the Inquisitor for helping her in this matter and that she can’t think of any way to repay them. Three options are a kindly acknowledgment, a scathing remark that sure, no problem but she better not ask something like that again, or a flirt reminding her that s/he’d always be there for her. 
If the Inquisitor Refuses: Tucdela greatly disproves. She’ll attack the bandits on her own with a vicious intensity until she’s pushed aside, the Raiders moving to ransack what they can, throwing aside the saplings planted and causing destruction. The Inquisitor is given the choice to either pull Tucdela--who’s struggling to escape their firm grip and shouting for the attackers to stop--away and retreat or stay and remind Tucdela that that is what the Dalish culture is worth, resulting in an even greater approval loss. (there’s always got to be that one asshole. Don’t hurt my elf bby please). 
If approval is low enough  Tucdela will automatically leave the Inquisition upon returning to Skyhold on the grounds that she has no reason to be there under a liar and tyrant. If approval is high enough she remains, though she’s furious and cold towards the Inquisitor for the remainder of the game (consider her hardened, like what you can do to the dao crew.). A very small amount of approval can be regained if the Inquisitor chooses the option to lie and say that it was too dangerous to stay, though overall the gain is insignificant. If the Inquisitor is locked into a romance with her and tries to choose a flirt option saying that they had no choice and that she should forgive them for doing their job they’ll be rebuffed and pushed away. She’ll terminate the romance there without a way to reopen the route. 
Tarot card change
If the sites at Var Bellanaris were protected: 
Tucdela’s card shows her standing, bathed in golden+green dapples light holding her bow in one hand and two saplings with their branches stretching upwards towards the light source. 
If the sites at Var Bellanaris were destroyed:
Tucdela’s card turns to a red-scheme, with her bent on her knees, clutching broken saplings to her chest with one hand while the other rests over her broken bow. 
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