#i sold off my lifespan for 10000 yen a year
TOP 10 MANGA OF 2022 GO!!!
a few days late but better late than never 😅😅😅
10) I sold off my lifespan for 10,000 yen a year - 9/10
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9) genkaku picasso - 10/10
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8) prophecy - 9/10
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7) to my dearest self with malice aforethought - 9/10
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6) summer time rendering - 8/10
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5) happy! - 10/10
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4) sengoku youko - 10/10
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3) ping pong - 10/10
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2) ichigeki - 10/10
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1) the fable - 10/10
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honourable mentions (no particular order):
nura: rise of the yokai clan, eden: it's an endless world!, boy's abyss, drifting net cafe, that time I got reincarnated as yamcha, about the movement of the earth, die wergelder, all fujimoto one shots, the ihon series, PTSD radio, as the gods say, semi eternal happy end, walking cat: a cat's eye view of the zombie apocalypse, insomniacs after school, go with the clouds north by northwest, the witch & the beast, hotel, gosu, yongbi the invincible and genshiken
PS: I started a manga podcast last year where I've spoken on all of my top 10 (except summer time render & to my dearest self with malice aforethought... didn't finish them in time 😔) in rambles# 2, 7, 10, 11, 9, 10, 9 & 10 respectively so you can check those for more detail
though I would appreciate the listens, understandably some folks may not care for podcasts (+ I'm very amateurish and rough around the edges) and so I have some accompanying writeups you can find in my #writeup tags where you can see summaries and so.
and finally, if you don't care about none of that and just wanna see cool panels, frames, gifs n shit I run an animanga aesthetics blog
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haise-tan · 7 years
I sold off my lifespan; for 10000 yen a year.
Three Days of Happiness is a novel by Sugaru Miaki, also known as Fafoo. It’s a rewritten version of the story originally posted to 2ch.
If you haven’t read the original story, the premise revolves around a shop where one can sell away the remaining years of their life and the consequences of doing so.
credits to novelupdates for this brief and tact summary.
so, starting, this is novel or should i say manga [adapted version] is very unique in its own way, it's only 15 chapters with an extra short [16 now] in total, it's slowly paced and took it times to establish the mood and perspective of the main character especially the main focal point of the story "buying and selling lifespan, time and health" where we were given the glimpse of the possibility if it should exist and the morals of putting value into one's life, dealing with loneliness and death and many more - but what i want to discuss here is the underlying depression and hopelessness of all the characters in the story, that i, personally relate to.
Kusunoki Miyagi Himeno
i won't go further into their traits and who they really are as i might spoil some important plot points in the novel and manga version of the story but moving on, all of them live in the "real" world, covered by their own plights and the inescapable burden of living.
_"The parents let them shoulder all the blame" _- Brand New, The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgtkPKZ2OPk
living, as per their [the characters] viewpoints show, goes two ways, it goes in your favor or not, or you could add some factors, you're born into this world with expectations and own self-interpreted value along with your parents expectations, it too, goes two ways, it goes well or not. Be positive or not, be resilient or weak, possess the grit or not, to dream or not and mostly, the ability to achieve those dreams or not.
"Himeno and I were misaligned on a more fundamental level, like flowers trying to bloom in the wrong season"
it goes to say that your place here in this world happens for a reason and that there's inherent value to it, like money i should say, and with living also goes an analogy, a flower that blooms then withers then dies both plucked and unplucked, Depression is another focal point in the characters personality. Their existence is just a heap of mistakes, tragedy, and falling-outs - along with their warped and twisted view of the world, that there's this thing called living and there's another called dying, choose. the sense of having to hope and hate that someone, the only one who understands you, the irrational decisions made because of their temperament. their loneliness and plight, their dreams, being built or trampled upon by the world. the characters are just empty shells waiting for something good to happen.
now, i wrote this because this novel hit me personally, like a person punching you in a gut, it brought out my worst memory suffering depression and personally, my own plight and hopelessness, either way this novel didn't "made me think" but it "made me feel" those emotions, those dark and negative ones, those hopeless and harsh views of the world and people around you, and like an analogy, "a flower that bloomed in season but withered out too early yet unplucked". it didn't make me change my mind but rather it reminded me, that there might be "something good" that may happen in the future.
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