antitopias · 5 years
so, i’m back and i wanted to give krp a try again, anyone?
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antitopias · 8 years
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antitopias · 8 years
ooc note: It’s hell week aka finals hence, inactive but will do the replies after this week because *drum rolls* christmas break! Also, [mun and muse are] available on aim antitopia_s for random interactions! Also, someone do a star wars/star trek au with me.
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antitopias · 8 years
BROTP Starters:
“How many times do I have to tell you not to knock? Get in here loser.”
“No it’s not okay! I will beat their asses for hurting you!”
“What do you mean no more checkers?”
“Oh just make yourself at home why don’t ya!”
“Do you need a hug?”
“Can we just stay home and watch sad movies and eat ice cream?”
“You are the biggest loser I know and that’s why we’re friends.”
“Is that my sweater that’s been missing for a month?!”
“Are you crazier then usual or is it just me?”
“Get back here and love me!”
“I’m not okay…I just…want a hug right now.”
“Can you not?!?”
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antitopias · 8 years
( @635mph )
He isn't able to save his black trousers from the dollop of mayonnaise that escaped the confines of his sandwich. Time practically slows down as the creamy sauce descends through the space between his ironed uniform and its tasty home of brown bread. He curses and chews another mouthful of food as he attempts to retrieve the tissues from the backseat of the car with one arm.
Fantastic. Hideki murmurs almost hatefully as he rubs the tissue into the fabric against his upper thigh. The attempt cleans most of the mayonnaise from his pants, but the area is still noticeably moist. He sighs and bites into his sandwich again with one hand hovering beneath it, weary of additional strays.
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antitopias · 8 years
reblog this if you want a LONG (or short) anonymous message saying what they think of you.
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antitopias · 8 years
Will be reviving this muse of mine (to develop his character more) since I miss roleplaying and writing in general also, to take a breather -- to escape from reality for a while. If anyone wants a starter/plot/pre-established plot feel free to like the post; looking for anyone who wants to interact with him, please reblog and spread the word, thank you. 
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antitopias · 9 years
as much as i want spontaneous interactions, i want pre-established relationships too ( preferably someone who’ll break hideki from his collective shell ) and au verses like kiseiju, get backers, sao, ao no exorcist, no game no life, breaking bad, ahs, criminal minds and a whole lot more. so like this post and i will pop in your ask box ( or you could leave your aim here ) for some plotting!
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antitopias · 9 years
Make them cry
“I never loved you.”
“You’re the reason they’re dead!”
“It’s all your fault!”
“Who could ever love you…?”
“You’re so stupid. So weak.”
“Just go away. I don’t want you here.”
Blackmail them
“Who would’ve thought a sweet thing like you would have such a secret?”
“I’ll tell everyone. Scream so loud the country will hear.”
“I have a friend with a radio station, you know. Broadcast it all over the city.”
“If you want this back, you’ll do whatever I say!”
“Be a good little slave, you don’t want your secret out, do you?”
“I know everything. I can ruin you.”
“Beg me, and I might consider keeping my mouth shut.”
Interrogate them
“Sing, birdie.”
“I know exactly how to make you talk.”
“You know some fascinating things, don’t you?”
“I’ll use your greatest weaknesses against you, and you know I know them all.”
“I have means of extracting information from you.”
“I might play with you a little longer after you’ve talked. You’re too cute.”
“You’re tough. But I’ll break you.”
Yell at them
“You idiot! You dumbass! You- you fucking moron!”
“You’re absolutely useless, aren’t you?!”
“What the fuck have you done this time!”
“You don’t care about anyone but yourself!”
“You’re not human! You’re a monster!”
“You’re a disgusting little rat!”
“You’ve fucked up for the last time!”
Physically hurt them
“What, can’t take a punch?”
“I’ll kill you!”
“It’s only a scratch, asshole!”
“Don’t move, or I’ll shoot you!”
“I’ll slit your damn throat!”
“Kiss my shoes or I’ll stomp your head in half.”
“I didn’t mean to draw blood, but oh well.”
“That’s going to bruise.”
Torture my character sentence meme
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antitopias · 9 years
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                                 I   want to  see the  splendor of  people’s  souls.                                  I want  to check  and see if it really  is precious.                                  However, when humans base their lives around                                  Sybil’s  Oracle,   without ever   consulting   their                                  own   wills,    do  they  really hold    any    value?
d a t a b a s e l o a d i n g . . . c. coefficient 0 0 0 0
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antitopias · 9 years
i major in philosophy but i understand what you wrote more than what my professor was blabbering about, so cheers to that!!
thank you but sobs, those are dumb posts, dont trust them. orz i’m sure you’ll get what your prof. is saying, good luck! ; u ;
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antitopias · 9 years
k-sung said: 
/takes senpai label and slaps it on your forehead. YOU’RE ADORABLE. if you ever need someone intense and violent im your rper
senpai sta hp, im melting....,,,.., *intense melting*
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antitopias · 9 years
Hover over the links for a brief description!
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|| The Basics ||
Name: Hideki Ito / Yuki Nickname(s): None Age: 25  Species: Human
|| Personal ||
Morality (Bold One Per Section): Lawful / Neutral / Chaotic ||| Good / Gray / Evil ( hideki's real morality is chaotic neutral ) Religious Belief: Agnosticism Sins: Lust / Greed / Gluttony / Sloth / Pride / Envy / Wrath  Virtues: Chastity / Charity / Temperance / Diligence / Humility / Kindness / Patience / Justice Primary Goals In Life: To destroy the Sybil System and to stop the Sybil Co. from branching to one country to another. Languages Known: Fluent in three languages: Japanese, Korean & English. Has an advance knowledge ( but not fluent ) in Greek and Latin language. Secrets: He's starting to see things - now that he moved in s. korea -  in a different light. He feels like everyone he knows ( and even those whom he doesn ) is validating his existence ( still in-denial though ). Quirks: He flips pages of a book near him when thinking. Savvies: Martial arts, painting, narrative and charming his way in to see people's splendour ( manipulating ).
|| Physical ||
Build: Slender / Scrawny / Bony / Fit / Athletic / Herculean / Babyfat / Pudgy / Obese / Other Height: 186 cm Weight: 65 kg. Scars/Birthmarks: Has a small birthmark shaped like an apple on the left side of his lower back. Abilities/Powers: None.  Restrictions: Despite being skilled at martial arts, he gets tired easily. 
|| Favorites ||
Favorite Food: Tofu & Ramen. Favorite Drink: Earl Grey Tea. Favorite Pizza Topping: Sausage. Favorite Color: White. Favorite Music Genre: It varies. Favorite Book Genre: Dystopia & Tragedy. Favorite Movie Genre: Rarely watches movies but probably Dystopia or something mind-boggling. Favorite Season: Autumn. Favorite Butt Type: None. Favorite Swear Word: None. Favorite Scent: -- Favorite Quote:  ”To live is not merely to breathe; it is to act”  ——- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
"Boss" Theme Music: None. Bottom or Top: -- Loud Burper Or Soft Burper: Soft. Sings In The Shower: Yes / No - but he hums to the songs he likes. Likes Bad Puns: Yes / No
Their Opinion On The Mun: 
" She should stop herself from being so lazy and start developing me. *taps fingers impatiently* ” 
Tagged by: xaphun Tag people!: too lazy to tag anyone lol.
Meet The Muse
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antitopias · 9 years
( if the working day at behavioral analysis unit starts with mad fingers against computer keyboards and the electric beeps of fax machines and printers - around the shrill calls of telephones and the sharp slam of case files thrown onto rosewood desk. working day at the university are very much different, everyone seems so calm and collected [students, not included], a little chit chat there but no hostility was present at the faculty room. )
" You cannot step on the same river twice, the world is flux. "
( what better way to start the lecture than to quote heraclitus, the students were now attentively listening. philosophy isn't as bad and boring as they think it was, they figured out that much. and when that thought reached him, a smile began to paint its way on hideki's lips - charming is probably a word to describe their tall professor - they were starting to appreciate it. ) 
that's what heraclitus said, another philosopher who came up with a solution about local motion or change. the quote itself is very explanatory so let me just give an example.
remember the hair example on parmenides? let's change it to the latter's perspective; you've cut your hair and dyed it but it's still a hair, yes? however, the hair before you've cut it isn't the same as the current one thus, it changed. he's actually the one who quoted that --
" The only permanent is change. "
and that's actually about it. of course, the two philosophers had their own points but there were errors on their solution so let's discuss their errors before we proceed to aristotle.
errors of the two philosophers's solution:
parmenides - reduced being into an absolute unicity.
does anyone knows what absolute unicity means? [ ... ] alright then, i'll explain everything so you can be dismissed early and so that you can review for our short exam next meeting. 
( he heard a series of groans and whines which is understandable. maybe some of them had an idea but no one really knew how to put it into words so they let the professor do what he does best; talking and explaining all this complicated quotes. )
if change is an illusion then what you're sitting at is not a chair but a fruit. why? the chair is made out of wood and obviously, the wood is from a tree but what's a tree if there's no seed right? and where does a seed come from? a fruit therefore, what you're sitting on is a fruit. 
same goes to us, we're not human because how are humans made? from the egg and sperm cell right? so that means, we are a very large egg cells and sperm cells.
( the crowd laughed as he let out a faint chuckle, it wasn't really funny but since his students thought it was, might as well let out a chuckle of his own before proceeding. )
he's merging everything into one. he denied nature, the what-ness of things.
heraclitus - making becoming as the sole reality.
the latter one did exactly the same, he denied nature as well. he's reducing being of what is becoming.
if things are constantly changing then the moment i took another step i'm different then, i'm not the same professor before i took that step; who are we if we're constantly changing? you can't even say we're human if every second we're evolving into something different or someone else. 
( they were muttering, discussing on how the professor has a point and to think that both of the philosophers' solution made sense; seeing that everyone is done copying the lecture, hideki assigned someone to erase the writings on the board - the boy was mumbling to himself that he should just present his lessons on a powerpoint presentation instead, hideki didn't need to answer but in a sense he's a technophobe, that's why. )
next meeting, we'll finish aristotle's solution first then we'll have a short exam about it. research about aristotle's solution about local motion so you can answer to my questions. you're all dismissed -- have a good day everyone.
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antitopias · 9 years
Send me a…
— 〆 for a childhood story — ღ for a drabble about a romance/their love life — ⌆ for a story about their family/home life — € for a bad memory that still haunts them — ✢ for a good memory that makes them smile
Send me a name/place/event or situation from my character’s past and they will just talk about that one thing.
Peek into my character's past!
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antitopias · 9 years
e-books or books?
books of course, e-books lacks character. physical books are more than the words they contain. they are also tools to stimulate your senses and adjust your thinking. i think it may be a sort of mental tuning, it’s the feeling of the paper against my fingers that familiar smell of pulp and glue, the momentary stimulation to my brain when i turn each page. these sensations regulate and focus my brain, they make it work better.
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antitopias · 9 years
one of the worst thing you could possibly do to a being is to ignore his existence and that's exactly what the system did to us criminally asymptomatic.
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